Tata's Business Empire (100 Countries) | Ratan Tata | How big is Tata? | REACTION!!! | Indi Rossi

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @bikihow2408
    @bikihow2408 4 года назад +1024

    On being compared with the richest man of India, TATA's ceo said - "we are not businessmen, we are industrialists"

    • @binoybruno2418
      @binoybruno2418 4 года назад +13


    • @rexxbailey2764
      @rexxbailey2764 4 года назад +14


    • @debarghyachattopadhyay2614
      @debarghyachattopadhyay2614 4 года назад +8

      @@rexxbailey2764 that means a business man will leave a falling business, and the workers eill loose jobs ,an industrialist cares about the development too, when Tata indicom ( telecom) failed the employes were not sacked

    • @nitantpatole
      @nitantpatole 2 года назад

      ++👉 👉

    • @nagunageswararao5nagu557
      @nagunageswararao5nagu557 9 месяцев назад

      Indian🇮🇳 Tata Tatha 🙏

  • @saurabhchand9244
    @saurabhchand9244 4 года назад +881

    He has donated 1500 crores for corona virus treatment in india

    • @jagdishprajapati9574
      @jagdishprajapati9574 4 года назад +27

      196 million dollars

    • @MrAswath
      @MrAswath 4 года назад +7

      @@shoo8873 so what???

    • @beingarya6697
      @beingarya6697 4 года назад +28

      @@shoo8873 500 crore rs. were donated by Ratan Tata,and 1000 crore rs. by Tata Grp.

    • @TonyStark-mk-50
      @TonyStark-mk-50 4 года назад +23

      @@shoo8873 bro Ratan Data Donated 500Cr. (65million $) from his Own Pocket! If u Won't believe Go check it out at first and Tata Group Donated 1000crore (131million$) 🙄

    • @lordchungus1769
      @lordchungus1769 4 года назад +4

      Tata ke share nahi tata group ke owner tata sons hai ratan tata ke bete
      Isliye 1500 crore ratan tata ne hi diya hai maana ja raha hai

  • @saptarshisastri1079
    @saptarshisastri1079 3 года назад +41

    The one rich man with zero haters.
    An Absolute Legend Ratan Tata.

  • @LuNatiCWiLLs28
    @LuNatiCWiLLs28 4 года назад +298

    I know TATA is a very big Company
    I din knew TATA is this much Big World wide.
    Im a big Fan of RATAN TATA (owner), if RATAN stops charities He will be the Richest Man on the planet. He is an angel Among men.

    • @dakshsmy
      @dakshsmy 4 года назад +2

      Ratan means Gem and he is one

  • @RamChandra11111
    @RamChandra11111 4 года назад +301

    We are INDIANS
    No show-off
    Simple living great thinking

    • @manishr856
      @manishr856 4 года назад +9

      lol u talk like ratan tata himself

    • @fanirama
      @fanirama 4 года назад +7

      Quite arrogant comment imo. People who have great living and simple living don't need to shout it out or talk it out and others depend on them and regard them as the greatest and flock to that country....

    • @shivanayak5939
      @shivanayak5939 4 года назад +1

      No show off ....No foam ...Only rock solid from within

    • @Wanboy
      @Wanboy 4 года назад

      @@fanirama i fully respect ur opinion 👍

    • @shribijanhalder191
      @shribijanhalder191 3 года назад +1

      This is Hindustan 🇮🇳🕉️🚩

  • @AbhishekKumar-mh8vw
    @AbhishekKumar-mh8vw 4 года назад +227

    That is TATA for you, my favorite brand and industry, I am so glad indi watched this. 😊

  • @AbhishekSharma-dn8xj
    @AbhishekSharma-dn8xj 4 года назад +272

    Tata group donated Rs. 1500 Crores that's (US $ 197,761,000) for fights against Coronavirus...

    • @ashutoshtikoo2446
      @ashutoshtikoo2446 4 года назад +2

      You got facts right💯💯

    • @absaan5662
      @absaan5662 4 года назад +3

      $19.8 millions 😱😱😳

    • @ArghyadeepPal
      @ArghyadeepPal 4 года назад +9

      @@absaan5662 Nope he's correct, 198 million $ approx..

    • @Sopanhandal
      @Sopanhandal Год назад

      औऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔंऔंंंऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔंऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔंऔशौंंंंऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंंऔऔंऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔंऔंऔंऔऔऔऔंंंंऔऔंऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔंऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔंऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔनौऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔौंंंऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔंऔौौऔऔंऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔँऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔनंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔंंऔंऔौऔऔऔऔौऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौंौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंंंंंंंंंंंंौऔऔऔऔऔौंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔौऔऔंऔऔऔंऔऔौऔौऔऔँऔंंंंौंंौऔऔौंऔौौंऔऔौऔऔऔौऔऔौंंौऔऔऔौऔंऔौऔऔौंंऔऔऔऔऔौौऔऔौऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔनंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔनौशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔंऔौँंंौंऔऔऔौंंौऔौौऔौऔऔौौऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔौऔऔौऔंौऔऔौंंऔऔंौऔौौौंौऔऔंौौऔऔौऔौऔऔौंंऔौऔौंौंंऔौौौऔऔौौौऔौौौौंौऔंौौौँंौँऔौौौौंौौंौंंौौौंंौंंँंौँौंौऔौऔंौौऔौऔऔंौौौंऔऔऔौऔौौौंँौौऔौऔौऔऔऔौंौऔऔौऔऔंऔौौऔऔशौ शशशशश शशशशश शशशशश नवंनंंननंनौऔऔंनशशौशौनंऔनंशौऔनौशशौऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔौऔऔौऔशौऔऔऔऔऔौशंंनौौननौ ननौ औ अन्ननं औंधनंऔशशनौनंऔंऔऔऔऔऔ😊शौऔऔऔऔऔनशौौऔनशंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔ ननौ नौ नन नऔऔंन नननं औऔनंऔ औंध औऔनंऔ और औऔनंऔ औशऔऔऔऔऔ शशशशशनं औऔनंऔनऔनं नन और औऔनंऔ नन औऔनंऔ नन नौ नन नन नोंद नन नन नौ😊औऔऔऔशऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔ औऔनंऔ औऔऔऔ औऔऔऔशऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔ औऔऔऔनौशशौऔऔऔशौनौ😊 शन्ना नऔऔशऔनऔं नन नन नन औरौऔ😅 शशशशशनं शनौऔ नन नौ नंनंऔनंऔऔऔऔऔनौशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔौऔऔौऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंशौऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔ औऔऔऔ शनौऔनं ंश😊 नन औशंऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔनौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔौऔौऔऔऔौऔशऔौऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔनौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔननौऔऔऔऔऔऔ
      औऔऔऔशंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔनौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔशौऔऔऔऔऔऔनशंऔऔऔऔौंंऔऔशंौशौऔऔऔऔौनौंऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔौंऔऔऔंंौंऔंऔौंंऔंऔौऔ औऔऔऔ औौऔऔऔऔऔशऔ औऔऔऔ औऔ औऔऔऔ औऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔऔनौऔऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔौऔऔऔऔौंऔऔऔऔऔ औऔऔऔनं नंंऔऔंंऔंऔनंंऔंंनंऔंंंनंौनंंंनंनंऔँऔंंँंंनंनननननँंंऔऔंनँऔनौनंननंंनंननंननंशनंंनौनननंंऔनंश नौं नौंनंंंंंऔशंनंनंनंंनंनंंंननौ ननौ ओ ननौ नऔंध नौं ं औंध नन औऔनंऔ ंंऔनंननंशशशन नशा ननौंं

  • @mihirjoshi6742
    @mihirjoshi6742 4 года назад +242

    7:31 That guy is one of the masterminds behind the success of TATA empire.
    And I think he is the most down to earth person I have ever heard about.
    Your reaction was awesome👍

    • @Jeevaji14
      @Jeevaji14 4 года назад +10

      He will travel in economic class only, that is so fascinating about him, the legendary man rathan tata

    • @shahrukhshaikh8838
      @shahrukhshaikh8838 4 года назад

      I think most successful business venture have been put forth by JRD as i read in my TCS library.

  • @punitgujral4293
    @punitgujral4293 4 года назад +1633

    Ratan Tata will be world's richest man...but he donates his 60% income to charity...🙂

    • @roushankumargupta7320
      @roushankumargupta7320 4 года назад +77

      Please check the facts.
      No single person is the owner of TATA Group. It is owned by TATA Sons which is itself another company. It has a chairman and generally the chairman of TATA Sons is the chairman of TATA Group.
      And about 66% of the equity capital of Tata Sons is held by philanthropic trusts. Again not by single person.

    • @punitgujral4293
      @punitgujral4293 4 года назад +29

      Did I mention Tata company..in my CMT?...

    • @dhareshpurohit1930
      @dhareshpurohit1930 4 года назад +58

      @@shoo8873 there is a difference between Ratan Tata and Jeff Bezos, Jeff Bezos is the business man and Ratan Tata is the Industrialist.. And this difference is huge...

    • @roushankumargupta7320
      @roushankumargupta7320 4 года назад +46

      Please stop arguments !
      TATA Sons donate
      66% in charity. It is huge possibility that it could have been financially much more big if it would have donated much lessser.
      Maybe it's revenue would have been more than Amazon etc.
      So comparison with others is no way good. It is a company of good will.
      This also doesn't mean the facts must be distorted.
      Friends, talk true and genuine.

    • @AnkitThakur-ei5kr
      @AnkitThakur-ei5kr 4 года назад +23

      Bt tata group ki success k piche
      Ratan Tata hi hn....👍

  • @ranjanjaiswal3654
    @ranjanjaiswal3654 4 года назад +136

    If he wouldn't donated so much then he would be the richest person in the world , loved all your reaction

    • @ranjanjaiswal3654
      @ranjanjaiswal3654 4 года назад +5

      Thanks for the heart indi

    • @ankitmishra6833
      @ankitmishra6833 4 года назад +1

      @@amazingdude9042 bro there is a difference in a year net worth and the over all net worth...fact checking should be done properly

    • @ankitmishra6833
      @ankitmishra6833 4 года назад +2

      @@amazingdude9042 Kha se he aap ....sorry Chutiyon ka koi desh nhi hota he....chutiya sirf chutiya hota he...apki tarah hum puri community ko chutiya nhi keh sakte...sanskar nhi he hmare ese....aur rhi baat kul mulya ki to mene dono ko compare karne ki to baat khi hi nhi he....Ratan Tata trust ko niyantrit karatee hai jo aay aur vyay ka lagabhag 65 pratishat he...Mene sirf tathya ki baat ki th...jo ki shi honi chahiye...kisi ko chota ya bada kehne ke liye nhi. This comment is in Hindi....atleast do some research to know what's written ....Oh sorry you will never, becoz a guy like you believe in stereotyping things you never understand....

    • @ankitmishra6833
      @ankitmishra6833 4 года назад

      @@amazingdude9042 I will take that as a Compliment, atleast we are giving people something to laugh....it is indeed a good exercise, you should try it and better than overestimating yourself with your self proclaimed dreamy thoughts becoz it always end up with Self obsession.....Ahh! I can see that, It reflects from your name....😂Amazing Dude....Self Obsessed. I am sure you must have your self Obsessed photograph as your wallpaper.....Which mode did you used ...Landscape or portrait...Doesn't matter .....I think Beauty plus feature is d one you always look for. Your self obsessions are the only reason behind this kind of stereotypical Behaviour...Bro ...Time is still not passed...Get well soon..

    • @ankitmishra6833
      @ankitmishra6833 4 года назад

      @@amazingdude9042 Who is "us" here..akele he aap.. accha...It seems self obsession is beyond control .. Now, you consider yourself Plural...Stop watching Chota Bheem....Sab usi ki wajah se ho rha he...

  • @ravikakadiya6345
    @ravikakadiya6345 4 года назад +114

    Like the conclusion she made!,
    "So, TATA is enormous, and they own 'stuff' everywhere basically"

    • @IndiRossi
      @IndiRossi  4 года назад +30

      Hey, best I could do! lol

    • @prashantsaurabh2280
      @prashantsaurabh2280 4 года назад +2

      @amazing dude.. You r double kissing the ass if you think that and comment here

    • @pradhansunil2001
      @pradhansunil2001 4 года назад

      @@prashantsaurabh2280 but that is the truth. Its simply business brother.

  • @pankajkthakur8042
    @pankajkthakur8042 4 года назад +26

    This makes me proud . that i am from india.... Even this company is so large.. whenever the matter comes to help people in need.. TATA always steps up for helping people in need...

  • @sumitsarkar5820
    @sumitsarkar5820 4 года назад +7

    Thanks for sharing this Indi. For us TATA is just not a conglomerate it's n emotion for every INDIAN. I feel proud to be a TATA employee.

  • @kadampanchal6361
    @kadampanchal6361 4 года назад +83

    Underwater cables are responsible for the working of internet. Most part of internet is processed by them and not by satellites , And the internet is totally free we are paid for the data just because of the maintenance of those cable worldwide..👍👍👍

  • @shivatrident5391
    @shivatrident5391 4 года назад +5

    My mother received treatment for Cancer from Tata Memorial Hospital in Lower Parel Mumbai, I was frequent visitor to the hospital and I was surprised to receive a pat on my head (I was maybe 11 yrs) from a guy wearing a Tata Cap and said, don't worry, we will take care of your mother. Later I became a doctor and visited TMH for training and I was astonished to find the amount of funds which TMH received for treatment of underprivileged patients, the entire Tata family has always kept welfare before business interests and that's why they have grown not only in economy but also in peoples hearts. And TMH is one very small example, right now, TMH sets the ground rules for treatment of cancer in India and we all follow it officially or unofficially.

  • @mukeshram4947
    @mukeshram4947 4 года назад +136

    we love and mostly respect Tata group and personally Ratan Tata ji 🙏🙏

  • @stayhealthyfit1394
    @stayhealthyfit1394 4 года назад +80

    TATA is our pride..

  • @brockzzz56
    @brockzzz56 4 года назад +54

    When I first heard of Tata and their Charity. I thought they did charity to just keep a good image, as a corporation would do. Then I did my research, I was glad that I was wrong. They were the first to introduce the 8 hour working shift and life insurance for their employees during Jamshedji Tata's time. They do charity because they believe in uplifting the world through their work. I am glad to say that I live in the country where these legendary characters are from.

    • @anhilatorofignorance2584
      @anhilatorofignorance2584 4 года назад

      Tatas Are Industrialist
      They dont stock money lioe capitalists they instead Raise The living standards of common deserving People with that Money
      Its In India
      If Jamsed ji was Born in America
      Then America Could had certainly been a Heaven

  • @satyaraghavendrap8003
    @satyaraghavendrap8003 4 года назад +30

    Amazing 💪 selection Rossiii 🌹🙏
    TATA Business empire is very massive.
    Ratan Tata is a bachelor and dedicated his all efforts in the business.
    A Great Living Legend...He is like a visible God for the humans.
    He said , he can donate whole his property for the welfare of India if needed to save and protect us.
    He deserves a huge respect . Salute to you sir.
    Thank you and Love you forever dear Rossiii 🌹💞😘

  • @payelroychoudhury6293
    @payelroychoudhury6293 4 года назад +14

    I really feel proud to be a part of TATA (working in TCS)

    • @jitendrashah6352
      @jitendrashah6352 4 года назад

      If you really are , then tell the yoyos at customer care to answer all emails within the week or at least an acknowledgement

  • @saurabhchand9244
    @saurabhchand9244 4 года назад +252

    If he doesnt donate 66% of his total profit.. He could be on top of the world's richest man

    • @thehungrybloggerjg9806
      @thehungrybloggerjg9806 4 года назад +3


    • @omkar056
      @omkar056 4 года назад

      @@thehungrybloggerjg9806 False....

    • @omkar056
      @omkar056 4 года назад +5

      Dont spread rumours... check the facts first... Ratan Tata only holds 0.83 % of the whole TATA Group...

    • @ashutoshyadav635
      @ashutoshyadav635 4 года назад +11

      @@omkar056 that's what he is saying brother. Around 60% of the stakes belong to the Ratan Tata Trust which do charitable work like donating 500 cr for COVID-19

    • @omkar056
      @omkar056 4 года назад +11

      @@ashutoshyadav635 Dorabji Tata trust 27.9%
      Ratan Tata Trust 23.6%
      Ratan Tata 0.83%
      TIC 0.086 %
      Rest is Public shares.
      Ratan Tata is the Chairman of TATA group. but there are boards too... It's not that easy to get the hold of the whole stake even if he wants to. Tata Maybe one of the Richest company but Ratan Tata is not the richest person and also that's not his goal to be the richest.

  • @KshitijSpeaks
    @KshitijSpeaks 4 года назад +62

    🇮🇳❤️🇺🇸 and Indi is a pioneer for this friendship. Cheers Indi. 🥊💐❤️

    • @thegreatestofalltime777
      @thegreatestofalltime777 4 года назад +3

      There is a saying, No one is friend in world politics.
      I have trust issue with America/Pentagon.
      Cause I know the history of 1971 war(India-Pakistan) and i learned from the history.
      I also believe in this phrase 'A friend in need is a Friend indeed.' it was USSR(today's Russia) who helped us.
      One is the oldest democracy in the world(America) and one is the largest democracy in the world(India) this the only thing we have in common.
      America wants to sell their weapons to India as India is the largest purchaser of weapons and India wants to be the regional superpower so, we need America's help against China and Pakistan in UN.
      Everyone has their own interests.

  • @sashimishra9254
    @sashimishra9254 4 года назад +57

    Now AIR INDIA was first owned by TATA. Then it was dedicated to the nation by Jamshed tata's will.

    • @jitendrashah6352
      @jitendrashah6352 4 года назад

      ... BUT a widow ( India has always been hampered by them ) made that into her little toy, under some guise... so she and her cronnies can take tickets galore with no accountability

  • @dilipc1426
    @dilipc1426 4 года назад +6

    Proud...TATA from india 🙏

  • @krishanubhattacharya8003
    @krishanubhattacharya8003 4 года назад +9

    Tata's charity work is insane and they have a trust where the revenue goes. Otherwise would have been unparalleled in riches. Tata is an emotion, and now Ratan Tata sir, everyyyone loves him. Btw, love ur reactions mate!

  • @toy014
    @toy014 4 года назад +14

    Tata is the largest employer in the United States and even in many other countries. But the irony is that no one knows about it. The reason is it is one of the most humble company that you will come across where they give away most of what they get to their employees and to the society. Ratan Tata is the most humble man you will ever meet.

    • @Balaji-spain
      @Balaji-spain 4 года назад

      Soumyadeep Dutta we can understand how much they charge for Tata sky packages 🤣

  • @abishekravichandran752
    @abishekravichandran752 4 года назад +7

    Indi was reacting indian movie songs and trailers but today about our India's business empire all over the world.. happy and thank you.

  • @gauravgarg4
    @gauravgarg4 4 года назад +2

    I love that @Indi got so emotional with tears in eyes while learning about Tata's business. Also, people of India have huge respect for Tata's for their uncountable humanitarian work and support whenever our country needed it most.

  • @lvCollectives
    @lvCollectives 4 года назад +10

    All we can say is ‘this is Tata’s empire’🔥

  • @imthehood562
    @imthehood562 4 года назад +2

    2 things that I can't never get enough looking at :-
    1) Your smile.
    2) Your smile.

  • @vinniv9002
    @vinniv9002 4 года назад +3

    We love Rathan Tata forever he is kind person in this world.....God bless him forever.... thank you sir 😊😊❤️😗❤️😗

  • @sumitchand3447
    @sumitchand3447 4 года назад +1

    Ratan tata and anand mahindra are the true indian industrialists that actually do care about there workers and society they came from.... They always gv a helping hand to the people in some way or the other in time of need....
    We love these amazing individuals here....

  • @biryaniguy1744
    @biryaniguy1744 4 года назад +60

    Did you know : Air India & Indian Airlines was gifted to Indian Govt. by the Tata Group
    Also been requesting you to react on the song LIGGI from Ritviz. Please Indi.

    • @shahrukhshaikh8838
      @shahrukhshaikh8838 4 года назад +2

      No they did not gifted it! It was forcefully nationalised! And JRD fought tooth n nail for keeping it!

    • @biryaniguy1744
      @biryaniguy1744 4 года назад

      Shah Rukh Shaikh okay provide us the source. Thank You - it’s never too late to get enlightened by the knowledge

    • @shahrukhshaikh8838
      @shahrukhshaikh8838 4 года назад

      I read this in his biography JEH! Its available in our TCS library. This decision sored very warm relation he shared with India first PM.

    • @biryaniguy1744
      @biryaniguy1744 4 года назад

      Shah Rukh Shaikh help me get the source “any kind of link” please

    • @shahrukhshaikh8838
      @shahrukhshaikh8838 4 года назад

      Plz find link above! Btw where u read it its been gifted?

  • @pkThakur7
    @pkThakur7 2 года назад +2

    For Indian TATA is not a company it's emotion ...❤️

  • @adityarandive8929
    @adityarandive8929 4 года назад +4

    Your reaction was damn cute to watch,the way you were blown away was cutest

  • @shadabhassan6861
    @shadabhassan6861 4 года назад +1

    He is most shiniest gem of india feel proud to say this ...🙏🙏🙏

  • @deep8460
    @deep8460 4 года назад +3

    I'm proud to work with TATA!!

  • @papudash1979
    @papudash1979 4 года назад +2

    In India we say' there is a little bit of tata in every Indian's life. From salt tea to vehicle,steel to communication, everything has a touch of Tata

  • @hvg1105
    @hvg1105 4 года назад +94

    So, indirectly almost 30% of world is depending on Indians😉

    • @steveboy7302
      @steveboy7302 4 года назад +1

      not dependant

    • @thoibimoirangmayum522
      @thoibimoirangmayum522 4 года назад

      chutiyon se bhara desh

    • @krishnach.beshra360
      @krishnach.beshra360 4 года назад +2

      @@thoibimoirangmayum522 konse desh ka hai

    • @niteshkipathshala1347
      @niteshkipathshala1347 4 года назад +1

      @@thoibimoirangmayum522 Pakistan ki gand me mirchi lagi bhayankr wali 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @thoibimoirangmayum522
      @thoibimoirangmayum522 4 года назад

      @@niteshkipathshala1347 pakistan koto katora ki jaroorat he thoda export kardena khush hojayega

  • @ravijedia9857
    @ravijedia9857 4 года назад +1

    _One thing is missing. _*_LAKME_*_ the most popular cosmetic brand in the Indian Subcontinent is also owned by TATA. And TATA donates 66% of its incomes for charity._

  • @daniabraham7704
    @daniabraham7704 4 года назад +3

    Wow Indi .. it's an eye opener video. Being an Indian just today I knew the empire of TATA. Wow. Thanks for the video. I am not a fan of documentaries . Since you have reacted. I watched it and I am amazed. Thank you once again Indi..

  • @manikantanp6257
    @manikantanp6257 4 года назад +1

    This is a great summary of the Tata's.. I atleast get goosebumps the moment I hear the word Tata... They are known for business ethics even today.. one of my fav business tycoon Ratan Tata

  • @MiniOG555
    @MiniOG555 4 года назад +61

    He Will Be The 2nd Richest Person In The World Without Donation.

    • @TonyStark-mk-50
      @TonyStark-mk-50 4 года назад +11

      First Bro! If u sum up Every year What he has already donated He would have Been the richest person on the Earth! Truly love that Person! ❤️ And Ambani a**hol🙄🙄🙄 jus donated 5 cr rupees for Coronavirus Epidemic! Although he I the richest person we officially known in India!

    • @BinogamerX
      @BinogamerX 4 года назад +4

      1st richest person without donation ✌️

    • @shankarpandey5047
      @shankarpandey5047 4 года назад +1

      @@TonyStark-mk-50 ambani donated 500 crores not 5 crore..go and check on their Facebook page

    • @TonyStark-mk-50
      @TonyStark-mk-50 4 года назад

      @Sudarshan ara listen man In My Range I have donated My Max( I don't know u so I don't feel so important to specify u the exact amount)... But As we R talking bout the big Heads like Ambani U should have a Common sense He is Holding A Lump Sum Amount of Money And 5cr in his perspective its nothing... In this time I guess Everyone Expects a Lot from Him and Other Big Head(especially from him bcoz he is the richest man in India) I hope u got my point

    • @TonyStark-mk-50
      @TonyStark-mk-50 4 года назад

      @@shankarpandey5047 check in Google!

  • @srikchava660
    @srikchava660 4 года назад +2

    Tata the Great

  • @priyanshu1022
    @priyanshu1022 4 года назад +4

    Tata donates most of his money think about how many blessings he gets everyday .

  • @smitasharma6072
    @smitasharma6072 4 года назад +1

    Tata is universally admired and respected in India due to a lot of factors......not just for building this huge conglomerate across the world, but because of the ethical manner through which this company operates. I just wished to share what I saw in another video. Tatas were the first company in the world in 1913 to start the policy of an 8 hour work policy stipulation and medical provision for their employees .......imagine they were doing all this in 1913, when no other company had even thought about it. Ford followed suit in the 1930’s I believe.
    Imagine giving up control on all this wealth and handing 66% of his company shares over to charity trusts.......he has donated huge amounts of funds towards getting India out of any perilous situations.... prime example being the Prime Minister’s relief fund for the present Corona crises.....
    Thank you for reacting to this video and wishing you well towards your new project ! 😊❤️

  • @AmanKumar-ho8il
    @AmanKumar-ho8il 4 года назад +3

    Proud to be a tata employee

  • @sidharthajay1128
    @sidharthajay1128 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for the video Indi. 🥰

  • @jivibhaigaming7700
    @jivibhaigaming7700 4 года назад +6

    Tata donates 66% shares to charity “every year”... Or else many market explorers believe Ratan Tata would have been the Richest Man in the world... Kicking ass of Mukesh and jeff😚

  • @dipankarsaikia9479
    @dipankarsaikia9479 4 года назад

    Ratan Tata is an idol to each n every India.. We are thankfull to him.. For employing us, feeding us, curing us, n defending us..

  • @SouradipDubey
    @SouradipDubey 4 года назад +4

    Besically I have been following ur videos last couple of days without subscribing u, but after seeing ur very much interest about Indian film industry, Indian culture and also Indian industries/companies, I m quiet impressed actually.... I am ur new subscriber..🙂.. Keep going, keep rocking ma dr... 👌👌👍❤❤

    • @IndiRossi
      @IndiRossi  4 года назад

      Thanks! I really appreciate that!

    • @SouradipDubey
      @SouradipDubey 4 года назад


  • @satyajitphukon8498
    @satyajitphukon8498 4 года назад +1

    Ratan Tata and The Tata group are Do real GOD things..The Living GOD "RATAN TATA"💚..long live INDIA.

  • @harshabhishek1349
    @harshabhishek1349 4 года назад +3

    Who is seeing this video for Ratan Tata ji....we love u sir..🥰🥰

  • @manogna7334
    @manogna7334 4 года назад +1

    He is not only rich in money also
    He is rich in social work
    and he had a great respect from indians🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @jamesjailogan8811
    @jamesjailogan8811 4 года назад +6

    Hi Indi❤️❤️ Look at You, Your Reaction is Speechless 😂😂😂😂 I Think this Kinda Reaction's People Love it..🤗🤗🤗🤗🥳🥳🥳🥳 Grow Girl Grow👸👸👸👸

  • @Anonymous-pb9yb
    @Anonymous-pb9yb 4 года назад

    My heart is tattooed on my sleeve-This is Mr Ratan Tata,i wish someone like him would lead our nation,selfless,what he's done for our nation will be remembered for all eternities to come,God bless Him.

    • @YOGIC9
      @YOGIC9 4 года назад

      You are right. India needs leaders like Ratan sir.

  • @flying_hippopotamus
    @flying_hippopotamus 4 года назад +3


  • @googleuser5205
    @googleuser5205 3 года назад +1

    I am from India and absolutely love US and You.

  • @kani11able
    @kani11able 4 года назад +8

    I think I'm Unique to the game ' cause of my versatility. 🖤🖤 Supr fun too watch it & 11:41 Strong goals u hav, i pray to lord for more strength towards you.🙏🖤

  • @vickybhangal2100
    @vickybhangal2100 4 года назад +1

    Ratan tata ji is brilliant 👌💥

  • @sedimelo7660
    @sedimelo7660 4 года назад +10

    Without donation 66% of his wealth, he would be the richest in the world.

    • @deepakPanwar-c7r
      @deepakPanwar-c7r 4 года назад +1

      Bill gates ne to 32000 crore donate kiya pichpe saal fir bji wo number 2 in list.
      Riches list me apke dwara own kiye share ki jo vapue us basis pe hota h na ki profit.
      Han agar profit acha h to apke share ki vapue achi ho jayegi

  • @cgiri901
    @cgiri901 4 года назад +2

    TATA is honest business house , AND india is proud of

  • @udaypratap9549
    @udaypratap9549 4 года назад +3

    Your Facial expressions 👌👌

  • @krishnaannapragada7259
    @krishnaannapragada7259 4 года назад

    The best part is, TATA is the most respected and trusted company in India. I am proud to say that I worked in one of the TATA companies.

  • @MahendSingh299
    @MahendSingh299 4 года назад +35


    • @jagdishwarrao4287
      @jagdishwarrao4287 4 года назад +6

      Absolutely correct my dear friend Mahendar Singh.... In fact it's around 1500 Crores ☺👍

    • @shaswatsahay9326
      @shaswatsahay9326 4 года назад +3


    • @Mind_Gamer1
      @Mind_Gamer1 4 года назад +2

      1500 cr

    @PRADEEP007PRADEEP 4 года назад +1

    Ratan Tata the invisible richest man in the world is also the richest man stealing 1.3 billion Indian hearts with his charity and the humanitarian works, more than any Indian ever. The incredible TATA and Awesome Ratan Tata

  • @kumarapurva
    @kumarapurva 4 года назад +7

    next time react on mahindra business empire 🍀🌺🌷🙏

  • @hussain.s5833
    @hussain.s5833 4 года назад +1

    Mr.Tata is our pride and he is the "Iron man"to my country.proud to be an indian

  • @flying_hippopotamus
    @flying_hippopotamus 4 года назад +4

    After tata business empire.....I hope so... Mahindra empire would be da nxt....🍺🍺🍺

  • @krishnavamsi6821
    @krishnavamsi6821 4 года назад +2

    The only man who win the hearts off everyone..simple by looks Rich by heart more than by his property

  • @kbrandforever
    @kbrandforever 4 года назад +4

    Thanks for watch this..

  • @avishekm1985
    @avishekm1985 4 года назад

    TATA has give more to the society to transform it for the betterment of Humanity at large. TATA is a company with passion and a big heart.

  • @saurabhchand9244
    @saurabhchand9244 4 года назад +11

    You missed a big point of 66% of his income

  • @himanshus428
    @himanshus428 4 года назад

    TATA is a company with zero percent haters. Lots of love and blessings for Tata frenchisee.

  • @yuvarajt8432
    @yuvarajt8432 4 года назад +3

    Please react to Mahindra & Mahindra business empire

  • @filmsbyvc
    @filmsbyvc 4 года назад +2

    Feeling proud on being indian right now and Tata's success is just incomparable 🙏🙌🙌

  • @yashgosain6508
    @yashgosain6508 4 года назад +4

    Yes you are the only one who didn't knew that an underwater fibre optic cable network connect South America to North America 😁😋😋😋
    Also don't worry about doing anything big and complicated to bridge India and America just keep doing what you are doing
    India is always watching learning growing improving understanding integrating crafting producing being racist uniting laughing expressing loving and much more.
    Remember we are always watching we are always learning 😁😃😄🤗✌️🙏

    • @IndiRossi
      @IndiRossi  4 года назад +1

      I definitely learned a lot from this!

  • @goodwill2174
    @goodwill2174 4 года назад

    So proud to be a part of Tata group. 🙌 You're so adorable and thoughtful Indi. 🙏😊

  • @smithpereira1601
    @smithpereira1601 4 года назад +6

    React to mahindra's business empire. Its from the same channel. Plz reacttt♥️♥️

  • @bharatkonde2355
    @bharatkonde2355 4 года назад +2

    We Love TATA the brand of INDIA🙏🙏🙏

  • @pushyamitra2300
    @pushyamitra2300 4 года назад +20

    Please react to "mahindra's busineess empire" and "birla's business empire" by the same channel

  • @srijantyagi4855
    @srijantyagi4855 4 года назад +1

    Feels proud to be a part of Tata group !!

  • @sujaysubramani8901
    @sujaysubramani8901 4 года назад +6

    "Don't put all the eggs in one basket"

  • @runakali8865
    @runakali8865 4 года назад

    Tata group not only donated their 60% income in charity but Ratan Tata also made a special corner in Bombay house for the stray dogs also... he is not only a big hearted man but a kind hearted businessman i think.

  • @mukeshram4947
    @mukeshram4947 4 года назад +7

    not just Tata...so may Indian companies has been generating employment in USA almost more than 3lacs

    • @mukeshram4947
      @mukeshram4947 4 года назад

      @@shoo8873 bhai sab Indian companies ki bat kar raha hun in USA

  • @KaushalMannala
    @KaushalMannala 2 месяца назад +1

    Rest in peace ratan tata sir owner of jaguar company and land rover company and tata groups 😢

  • @IAmAnAlbatross...
    @IAmAnAlbatross... 4 года назад +6

    Jaguar is just a small revenge to Ford to show them how the business is done...

  • @RP-xi1ld
    @RP-xi1ld 4 года назад +1

    Others are just richest people on earth but Tata is a emotion 💜☮️ for every Indian🙏🏼

  • @RohitSharma-ui9lp
    @RohitSharma-ui9lp 4 года назад +3

    Watch Mahindra's business empire

  • @gaddamvinay6606
    @gaddamvinay6606 4 года назад +1

    This is the vedio which I was looking for because everyone know only about Ambani but TATA is much more bigger which we cannot even imagine

  • @Lovepreetsingh-uv9il
    @Lovepreetsingh-uv9il 4 года назад +3

    You are soo beautiful 😙😙
    I love this girl

    • @Lovepreetsingh-uv9il
      @Lovepreetsingh-uv9il 4 года назад

      Hi are u single

    • @YOGIC9
      @YOGIC9 4 года назад

      Sorry mam but , this is also the power of INDIAN Youth.

  • @mohankeshari4744
    @mohankeshari4744 4 года назад

    This is my first time that I know about Tata all business over all the world. I am proud to be a part of this business.

  • @harshdave6083
    @harshdave6083 4 года назад +5

    React to world's most expensive house owned by Indian 2 billion $ 👍👍👍love you forever indi 💓💞💓

  • @Ucicivvilbkv
    @Ucicivvilbkv 3 года назад +1

    India is everywhere Indian is everywhere that reason All Indians proud to be a Indian citizen ☺🙏🇮🇳🙏☺

  • @rajshekarsamba4237
    @rajshekarsamba4237 4 года назад +5

    He missed insurance company. Self service stores I.e Star Bazar, arms and weapons production, real estate, aeroplanes engines many many many more

    • @Tradesmart23
      @Tradesmart23 4 года назад

      Don't worry I will inform him :)

  • @sp-wh5ux
    @sp-wh5ux 4 года назад +1

    Yes. We are proud of TATA🙏🙏

  • @ArtOfKollywood
    @ArtOfKollywood 4 года назад +2

    Hey indi please react for robot 2.o trailer a superstar flim

  • @MrSudeepdas
    @MrSudeepdas 4 года назад +1

    Best part of Tata group is that they uplift the local community by improving infrastructure including charitable hospitals, schools, etc. That has been the mantra of their founder J.R. Tata who was the first Indian to get a commercial pilot license in 1929.
    BTW Ratan Tata studied architecture in Cornell and true to his family tradition he had established a fund that offers full ride scholarships to 20 undergraduate Indian students who have been offered admission to his Ivy League alma mater.

  • @athulonne9640
    @athulonne9640 4 года назад +1

    Proud to be an Indian

  • @scotsmanwallace9639
    @scotsmanwallace9639 4 года назад +1

    These are the people who built the very foundation of this country.