I'm a South African lady not boere but black n I feel d farmers concerns n pain as much as I'm a woman who also recognises all the senseless killing of women n children in this country as painfully as it is why do u make it a boere plight cos I'm black n feel hurt nomatter d different skin colour but one blood n heart we r south Africans let's all join hands, unite n fight d injustice brought to us by this government for better future...,EFF and ANC r just political parties let's voice out together in one accord ... senseless killings of farmers,women n children MUST STOP together we can do more not in corruption but in fighting together
I agree 100%. We should all unite and fight the evil in this country. All these brutal killings should be stopped and the only way to do this is by uniting no matter what the skin colour. We should stand together.
Boer are the one killing school children and liken to baboons. Please also address the disrespect that farm worker endure on daily basis from this racist boere.
You could be there or pray for the boers. It starts here. We need to stand together about all things. This is just a beginning. It is a plight of all however the boers are getting the brunt of it and have absolutely no government support of real value. They dont feel their lives matter. Support them and they will continue to feed us and help us grow stronger together. Appreciate your love and understanding more than you know...keep praying God will do Miracles. Today is a day of prayer for me. God bless.
Van Mossebaai... Ouens ons is baie trots op julle almal en dankie dat julle opgestaan het. Ons is hier en reg om inteval waar ook al. Tiaan jy is n yster man!
May God Our Heavenly Father Lift all the Farmers up so that they will never strike their foot on any stone but be protect by Gods Worrier Angels .. Amen Lord Amen for victory to day ...
Its amazing that the generation of Apartheid know God when it comes to them being confronted,but their forefathers did not pray when they were killing our own African black people lol lol,Was God there during that time?
@@buyanimhlongo2414 many whites did not want apartheid in that time.... But the government that they had interduce it to south Africa... Apartheid should never have happend.... But God does protect his Children, he did in the past and always will... If you speak hate you are not a child of God but speak of love and peace and be just you are I child of the living God Jesus..... God will be there for his children black white, yelow brown or green if you are his child he will protect you
@@superbok4517 mooi gese! The demons need to pack up and leave because we ARE South Africans irrespective of the colour of our skins and we belong to ONE race - the HUMAN race and we SERVE THE ONE Almighty Living GOD!
Buyani ..maby the people you are talking about ...they did not pray.. but I do...and we do.I pray for my family not to be brutaly murderd because they never harmed anyone only helped and loved people of all races...not all whites that lived back then was part of that. and so manny history stories gets so twisted ...just like then and just like now and just like in the future there wil be good and bad hearted people .some live for war some live for piece...who wil be in the advantage?...Some races are racial some are not... but innocent people ceeps on paying for other peoples actions who does not deserve it..thats not justice... and who wil stop putting more links on the chane. Let this generation pay for past generations actions some say ..yes then what will the future generations have to pay for ?..if you ask where was God...then ask God and read His book if your looking for awnsers because people all have their own opinions but not all opinions are right. Why do poeple want to live in the past.
@@danellepretorius8370 then let’s forget that white farmers have been killed ,let’s stop talking about ,and all focus on maintaining peace ✌️,because you white people keep telling us about their own who have been killed,we will also bring those of ours who were killed.If we do forget let’s forget everything including what happened few weeks ago because it’s in the past .
And the many black families who’s husband’s, dad’s, son’s and brothers that were brutally murdered at the hands of the Apartheid oppressor... the same white farmers- so voetsek please
Apartheid is already finished, the people who began apartheid is already deceased(most of them maybe, i dont know) but yeah... And "happy", you dont know anything about apartheid so please keep your mouth shut. If you dont have something nice to say please dont comment... And by the way, our farmers today shall not be punished bcause of what others did!
Ons is n volk van leiers en dit trek ons uit mekaar uit. Dit gaan n moerse Man vat om ons klomp manne in die bek te ruk en in lyn te kry. Maar die dag as daardie Man leiding vat wil ek nie aan die ontvang kant wees nie. Here stuur ons n leier wat God en familie bo als sit en sy volk beskerm soos sy eie huis. Ons het iemand nodig met rooi grond in sy are, God se liefde in sy hart, en n volk aan sy regterhand.
As ń engils man met ń boere hart ek is so trots op julle dat julle boere het opgestaan - dit sal its beteken vir die vyand dat julle gaan nie ń “easy pushover” wees - baie trots op julle manne - baie baie trots dankie
Mooi so boere wees rustig en ondersteun vir die doel warvoor jule gekom het Ignoreer daardie dronk mense in rooi hulle het gun respect vir ander mense wat rou
Bid mense, bid vir ons mense dat God in elkeen se hart mag werk daar dat hulle Jesus se liefde onthou aan selfs sy vyande 😢 Ek weet EFF sê die lelikste dinge oor ons ek kyk die nuus en is in trane. Maar onthou Jesus, onthou ons God vir wie ons Lief is ❤ Hy kyk wat maak julle vandag.
Tiaan jy is 'n yster. Dankie. Wil net se dat dit Vader JaHWeh-Shua se hand wat daar was om te keer dat daar nie 'n fonkie ontlont is nie. Nou wil ek vandag 'n ding se: Ek is nou moeg, siek en sat vir hierdie klomp lamsakke wat die hele tyd rassime en apartheid bly skree en aanroep tot verveelens toe en dit sluit sommer leraars in. (Predikante, Pastore ens.) Gaan lees en bestudeer julle bybels soos julle veronderstel is om te doen en vind uit wat Vader JaHWeH-Shua van ons verwag. Hierdie klein Boere Volkie aan die suid punt van afrika. Mense julle tart ons Hemelse Vader. Kry die Volk by een onder Sy Naam. Op die oomblik is daar teveel kapteins wat sy eie beul wil blaas en hulle vergeet die Elohim om hom te nader oor hulle besluite en ly die Volk in verwoesting. Seen Groete. Amen.
I am proud of our precious farmers who have shown clearly who the cause of this countries problem is, Julia's malema who is busy stoking the fire and celebrating murderers.
Ek bid Die Allerhoogste is vandag saam met een en elkeen wat vandag saamstaan teen die 'euwels' wat ons boere en mense selfs in die stede so probeer uitmoor en verwoes. Ek bid die bloed van ons Verlosser en Leidsman, JESUS oor ons land en sy goeie mense! Laat dit wees soos in die tyd wat Jerigo geval het, dat die Heilige Gees ons sal lei, om reg op te tree en al ons geloof op Ons Abba Vader te plaas. Die ware God wen hierdie slag, net soos toe Hy ons gered het op Gelofte dag! hemelvader, gee U asseblief self vandag U engele opdrag, om ons weer te help! Dankie, Vader. Dankie, Jesus. Dankie Heilige gees.
Ek gee glad nie om, om Engelse subtitles by te voeg nie. Maar, dit blyk asof die funksie nie beskikbaar op die kanaal is nie. Ek waardeer die Afrikaans, maar dit is waar dat die buiteland in spanning sit en wag om te hoor wat aangaan.
May God be with every BOER. May God protect you in every way. May God make you strong and give you the courage to carry on and feed our nation. We need you, we need EVERY BOER!!! My support and prayer be with you
You must get to a wider audience so may i suggest you have some English now and again to let those of us who do not speak Afrikaans and support your mission understand. I do not mean to be disrespectful but...we all need to know the situation. God bless and good luck.
Ek is daar in gees. Dankie vir die wat staan vir die wat nie meer kan nie. Dis tyd om as volk moet besef ons het nie meer n keuse nie. God bly by julle.
Ons bid vir al die boere en vir ons land, ons weet dat die Here is by hulle vandag, en ons staan by almal van Suid Afrika, laat daar vrede wees vir almal swart en wit. Amen.
I think it is absolutely terrible that farmers are being attacked on their farms. It is very upsetting. I wish you guys all of the very best and I wish you peace. Sterkte.
Ek is baie lief vir my boerevolk. EN my hart breek dat die Afrikaner so swaar moet kry. Maar hulle groot probleem is dat hulle saak met ons Hemelse Vader nie reg is nie. Dit sluit in die predikante en die Christen teologie. Ons Vader is die Vader van die Israeliet(Yisrael /Hebreers) Exo 5:3. En ons Messias was 'n Israeliet/Jood/Yahudim(Mt27:37). Ons Vader verander nie(Mal 3:6) en Sy Woord verander nie(Dt 4:2), Sy Verbond of die Woorde uit Sy mond verander nie(Ps 89:34). Ons mag nie Sy naam tot niet bring nie(Exo 20:7), nie Sy Sabbat verander nie (Exo 20:8-11)en nie by sit of weg neem vand Sy Woord nie. Wat het die kerk gedoen? Sy Naam tot niet gebring, deur nie Sy Heilige Hebreerse Naam meer te gebruik nie maar te verander na Here/Lord, wat Ba'al in Hebreers is. So wanneer jy bid tot die Here, dan roep jy die naam van Ba'al. Dit lei tot die breek van die eerste 3 gebooie. Sy Naam is YHWH(יהוה) uitgespreek as Yahuah. Isa 42:8 “I am יהוה, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols. Ons Messias het dieselfde Naam as die Vader Yahuah. Isa 47:4 Our Redeemer, יהוה of hosts is His Name, the Set-apart One of Yisra’ěl. Want Hy en die Vader is EEN(Joh 10:30). Hy het in ons Vader se Naam gekom Joh 5:43). Toe ons Messias Yahuah aarde toe gekom het, het Sy Naam "Yahuah Red" geword, wat Yahusha(יהושע) in Hebreers is: Mat 1:21 “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name יהושע for He shall save His people from their sins.” Deur Hom Jesus ('n Griekse Naam wat "hail Zues beteken") of Here te noem. Bring jy alle eer aan Satan. Ons Messias is nie Grieks nie, Sy Naam kan nie Jesus wees nie, die letter "J" het nie bestaan meer as 500 jaar gelede nie en ons Messias was 2 000 jaar gelede op aarde. Die Sabbat dag was nooit geskuif na Sondag nie. En Die 7de dag Sabbat bly: Heb 4:9 So there remains a Sabbath-keeping for the people of Elohim. As jy Sondag rus, dan rus jy op die dag van die son-aanbidder. EN verbreek jy die 4de gebod. Maw, as christen verbreek jy elke gebod wat op die Heilge Vader en ons Messias van toepassing is. So die konklusie is dat ons, die kinders van Yahuah Sy gebooie moet onderhou: Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the entire matter: Fear Elohim and guard His commands, for this applies to all mankind! Wat die Afrikaner nie doen nie. En omdat julle dit nie doen nie, val julle onder 'n vloek: Deu 11:26 See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: Deu 11:27 the blessing, when you obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I command you today; Deu 11:28 and the curse, if you do not obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other mighty ones which you have not known. Maar as julle Sy Woord onderhou, dan val julle weer onder die sambreel van Sy beskerming: Deu 5:29 Oh, that they had such a heart in them, to fear Me and to guard all My commands always, so that it might be well with them and with their children forever! Waarom het die voortrekkers by bloed rivier oorwinning gekry? Want hulle verbond met Yahuah was geseel met die ooreenkoms dat die oorwinning herdenk sou word soos 'n Sabbat dag tot eer van Sy Heilige Naam. En beide die vereistes kom van Yahuah se 10 gebooie wat die kerk nie meer onderhou nie.
Dis tyd dat ons mense moet saam staan hoeveel hart seer is in baie huise ons kinders se lewe word kort geknip ons ouers word geryp ook dood gemaak. Kinders word sonder pa's groot oor hier die sinne lose moorte dink aan elke 1 daar
Ek sien die boodskappe op die kartonborde van die vyand (presies wat ek verwag het), ongelukkig lyk dit nie goed nie - vyand verstaan net een taal.....
Groot probleem ons kan nie saamstaan nie teveel wil hulle eie beuels blaas dis hoekom n mens in k@kstraat vasgepen is. Mens gaan nerens kom om hardegat en windgat te wees nie leer om nederig tewees en mekaar te aanvaar wat dieselfde stront deurmaak as jy almal wil die bose dinge oorwin maar daar gaan niks oorwinning wees solank as wat mense dwarstrek en nie kan saamwerk en saamstaan nie. My voorstel is dit: indien weer n byeenkoms reel maak vooraf kontak met al die organisasies en mense wat dieselfde voelling het oor n saak en asseblief tog moet nie stry onder mekaar nie vind oplossings en werk saam want nie een gaan aleen alles kan beter maak nie. Dalk is dit wat julle aanhoudend gewys raak. Julle wil se julle is gelowig maar julle kan nie saamwerk darom gebeer die dinge soos dit gebeer. Klim af van julle troontjies en begin werk aan dit wat saak maak as iemand verskil doen ondersoek warom dit so is saamwerk saamstaan dan sal dinge koers vat
Boere vroue het kaalvoet oor die Drakensberge getrek om ‘n beter toekoms te skep vir hulle kinders. Hulle het babas gehad langs die pad en aangehou op geloof en ‘n drang vir vrede.
Weet een ding! Met die slag van BLOEDRIVIER het die BOERE met OOTMOET EN BELOFTES VOOR GOD GELÊ . God het gehoor HY HET SY ENGELE GESTUUR OM DIE OORLOG VIR DIE 487 BOERE TEEN 10 000 ZOELOES TE OORWIN. Hy sal dit vir julle ook doen!
This is not right . God created every human being in His image. I’m not a White person however too many Afrikaners are being brutally murdered . It is really sad. The only thing we as South Africans can do is to pray for God’s intervention. As Christians we have to start praying for this brutality to stop. Please use English subtitles for everyone to understand.
U want us to support the idea... But u speak in ur language. So we understand niks. . So u need to normalize ur speech.. Stretch it out so we can actually give url support... Coz url are majority.. Url need us to back url... So next time be universal.
Black people used to sing during apartheid, singing is not killing ,When white people were killing blacks back then we sang ,everyday black South African are faced with problems sing,In funerals we sing everywhere we sing,If you saw a black police singing with EFF members its because he understands that music is not a gun,singing together with his own black brothers is not a crime,Funny enough White people like you do not understand the meaning of chatting so we are not surprised because you are white,let our brothers sing this is our country and through music we heal and Unite.
You don't even know the meaning of Toy toying because you are white,stay White and stop spreading lies,SAPS clapping with EFF has nothing to do with violence ,they do so because they are black and fully understand the meaning of our own music.
Jesus is a black man. Revelation 1: "13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters." Don't know about you, but this describes a black man. You are not the chosen ones, black people are. Do your own research...humble yourselves whilst there is still time.
"Dit was mense wat op 'n stadium 'n streep in die grond trek" Nou watse fokken streep het julle getrek? Julle het buite die dorp gestaan en niks doen nie.
@@bittereinder4594 Prys die Here vir die ou tannie wat gebid met intercessors dwarsdeur die land. Jy ingesluit kyk en sien wat GOD besig is om te doen. Ons volk staan bymekaar en onse Here Jesus maak mense hande oop so ook reën. Mag jy die HERE se hand sien in al die dinge wat gebeur.
I'm a South African lady not boere but black n I feel d farmers concerns n pain as much as I'm a woman who also recognises all the senseless killing of women n children in this country as painfully as it is why do u make it a boere plight cos I'm black n feel hurt nomatter d different skin colour but one blood n heart we r south Africans let's all join hands, unite n fight d injustice brought to us by this government for better future...,EFF and ANC r just political parties let's voice out together in one accord ... senseless killings of farmers,women n children MUST STOP together we can do more not in corruption but in fighting together
I agree 100%. We should all unite and fight the evil in this country. All these brutal killings should be stopped and the only way to do this is by uniting no matter what the skin colour. We should stand together.
Boer are the one killing school children and liken to baboons. Please also address the disrespect that farm worker endure on daily basis from this racist boere.
@@pitsonamane5356 please go to SAPS with details to report the murders.
You could be there or pray for the boers. It starts here. We need to stand together about all things. This is just a beginning. It is a plight of all however the boers are getting the brunt of it and have absolutely no government support of real value. They dont feel their lives matter. Support them and they will continue to feed us and help us grow stronger together. Appreciate your love and understanding more than you know...keep praying God will do Miracles. Today is a day of prayer for me. God bless.
@@cotton3912 I will like to see boere reporting one another to the SAPS.
Wish you all the best . I’m an Indian Muslim person that loves boer music and I think you have a beautiful culture. May god be with you all
Van Mossebaai... Ouens ons is baie trots op julle almal en dankie dat julle opgestaan het. Ons is hier en reg om inteval waar ook al. Tiaan jy is n yster man!
God bless us all that we may unite as one and not be divided by those who seek to gain attention by creating tensions and hatred
May God Our Heavenly Father Lift all the Farmers up so that they will never strike their foot on any stone but be protect by Gods Worrier Angels .. Amen Lord Amen for victory to
day ...
Its amazing that the generation of Apartheid know God when it comes to them being confronted,but their forefathers did not pray when they were killing our own African black people lol lol,Was God there during that time?
@@buyanimhlongo2414 many whites did not want apartheid in that time.... But the government that they had interduce it to south Africa... Apartheid should never have happend.... But God does protect his Children, he did in the past and always will... If you speak hate you are not a child of God but speak of love and peace and be just you are I child of the living God Jesus..... God will be there for his children black white, yelow brown or green if you are his child he will protect you
@@superbok4517 mooi gese! The demons need to pack up and leave because we ARE South Africans irrespective of the colour of our skins and we belong to ONE race - the HUMAN race and we SERVE THE ONE Almighty Living GOD!
Buyani ..maby the people you are talking about ...they did not pray.. but I do...and we do.I pray for my family not to be brutaly murderd because they never harmed anyone only helped and loved people of all races...not all whites that lived back then was part of that. and so manny history stories gets so twisted ...just like then and just like now and just like in the future there wil be good and bad hearted people .some live for war some live for piece...who wil be in the advantage?...Some races are racial some are not... but innocent people ceeps on paying for other peoples actions who does not deserve it..thats not justice... and who wil stop putting more links on the chane. Let this generation pay for past generations actions some say ..yes then what will the future generations have to pay for ?..if you ask where was God...then ask God and read His book if your looking for awnsers because people all have their own opinions but not all opinions are right. Why do poeple want to live in the past.
@@danellepretorius8370 then let’s forget that white farmers have been killed ,let’s stop talking about ,and all focus on maintaining peace ✌️,because you white people keep telling us about their own who have been killed,we will also bring those of ours who were killed.If we do forget let’s forget everything including what happened few weeks ago because it’s in the past .
God be with the Farmers this day.
And the many black families who’s husband’s, dad’s, son’s and brothers that were brutally murdered at the hands of the Apartheid oppressor... the same white farmers- so voetsek please
@@happy123buthelezi4 So you can also voetsek Happy
@@Galaxy-ho2pk stop jumping on the band wagon... and just take a seat.
Apartheid is already finished, the people who began apartheid is already deceased(most of them maybe, i dont know) but yeah... And "happy", you dont know anything about apartheid so please keep your mouth shut. If you dont have something nice to say please dont comment... And by the way, our farmers today shall not be punished bcause of what others did!
@@happy123buthelezi4 Why don't you take the backseat already 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ons is n volk van leiers en dit trek ons uit mekaar uit. Dit gaan n moerse Man vat om ons klomp manne in die bek te ruk en in lyn te kry. Maar die dag as daardie Man leiding vat wil ek nie aan die ontvang kant wees nie. Here stuur ons n leier wat God en familie bo als sit en sy volk beskerm soos sy eie huis. Ons het iemand nodig met rooi grond in sy are, God se liefde in sy hart, en n volk aan sy regterhand.
As ń engils man met ń boere hart ek is so trots op julle dat julle boere het opgestaan - dit sal its beteken vir die vyand dat julle gaan nie ń “easy pushover” wees - baie trots op julle manne - baie baie trots dankie
God Bless you from the UK
Ek is trots op almal daar. Ek is dankbaar dat julle daar is vir ons wat konnie daar ge-wees het nie.
Love and support from the souties!
Mooi so boere wees rustig en ondersteun vir die doel warvoor jule gekom het
Ignoreer daardie dronk mense in rooi hulle het gun respect vir ander mense wat rou
Bid mense, bid vir ons mense dat God in elkeen se hart mag werk daar dat hulle Jesus se liefde onthou aan selfs sy vyande 😢
Ek weet EFF sê die lelikste dinge oor ons ek kyk die nuus en is in trane. Maar onthou Jesus, onthou ons God vir wie ons Lief is ❤ Hy kyk wat maak julle vandag.
Tiaan jy is 'n yster. Dankie. Wil net se dat dit Vader JaHWeh-Shua se hand wat daar was om te keer dat daar nie 'n fonkie ontlont is nie. Nou wil ek vandag 'n ding se: Ek is nou moeg, siek en sat vir hierdie klomp lamsakke wat die hele tyd rassime en apartheid bly skree en aanroep tot verveelens toe en dit sluit sommer leraars in. (Predikante, Pastore ens.) Gaan lees en bestudeer julle bybels soos julle veronderstel is om te doen en vind uit wat Vader JaHWeH-Shua van ons verwag. Hierdie klein Boere Volkie aan die suid punt van afrika. Mense julle tart ons Hemelse Vader. Kry die Volk by een onder Sy Naam. Op die oomblik is daar teveel kapteins wat sy eie beul wil blaas en hulle vergeet die Elohim om hom te nader oor hulle besluite en ly die Volk in verwoesting. Seen Groete. Amen.
God seën ons volkie.
I am proud of our precious farmers who have shown clearly who the cause of this countries problem is, Julia's malema who is busy stoking the fire and celebrating murderers.
And being supported by eNCA and the likes .... this is proper media - Good Job Beoremedia for showing and telling the truth.
Ek bid Die Allerhoogste is vandag saam met een en elkeen wat vandag saamstaan teen die 'euwels' wat ons boere en mense selfs in die stede so probeer uitmoor en verwoes. Ek bid die bloed van ons Verlosser en Leidsman, JESUS oor ons land en sy goeie mense! Laat dit wees soos in die tyd wat Jerigo geval het, dat die Heilige Gees ons sal lei, om reg op te tree en al ons geloof op Ons Abba Vader te plaas. Die ware God wen hierdie slag, net soos toe Hy ons gered het op Gelofte dag! hemelvader, gee U asseblief self vandag U engele opdrag, om ons weer te help! Dankie, Vader. Dankie, Jesus. Dankie Heilige gees.
Amen uit Namibia. Laat God Sy Gees Lei en be waar.
❤️🙏❤️ from Texas 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Tiaan is a good man..he's also right.
So trots op elke boer wat vandag daar staan! Ons bid vir julle.
Ek is saam met jou op daai een, hulle is nie alleen nie God is met hulle
Wat daar staan en karaoke sing en boereworsrolle vreet.
"Hulle dans daar, met hulle gebarste haakskene, in Boere Bloed..." Epic comment!
Great thoughts Tiaan . May our Lord and Heavenly Father be with the family and loved ones of the deceased young farmer
We wish well going forward.
Laat God se wil geskied. Amen 🙏🏻🤗
Ek gee glad nie om, om Engelse subtitles by te voeg nie. Maar, dit blyk asof die funksie nie beskikbaar op die kanaal is nie. Ek waardeer die Afrikaans, maar dit is waar dat die buiteland in spanning sit en wag om te hoor wat aangaan.
May God be with every BOER. May God protect you in every way. May God make you strong and give you the courage to carry on and feed our nation. We need you, we need EVERY BOER!!!
My support and prayer be with you
Hallo julle, my hart en gebede is met julle. Sterkte aan almal. Mag God ons versterk in die tye.
Go boere go. God be with you. Be safe 🙏
Ons bid vir julle. Liefde van VSA.
You must get to a wider audience so may i suggest you have some English now and again to let those of us who do not speak Afrikaans and support your mission understand. I do not mean to be disrespectful but...we all need to know the situation. God bless and good luck.
Tiaan nou op enca begin stir lekker braai
Dankie Tian wardeer jou opregte woorde🙏
Tiaan jou doring, Ek lug ook my spreekwoordelike hoed 5:07 vir al die brawe voue en kinders. Sterkte en veiligheid.
Kan julle n biekie in engels praat so dat die internasionale media kan verstaan
Ek ken Engelse boere wat net so boer en Afrikaans soos ek is.
Ek is daar in gees. Dankie vir die wat staan vir die wat nie meer kan nie. Dis tyd om as volk moet besef ons het nie meer n keuse nie. God bly by julle.
Hi kan julle vir ons n update gee waar is julle
Ek is dankbaar as ons volk vir eens ons lewe saam kan begin staan.
Ons bid vir al die boere en vir ons land, ons weet dat die Here is by hulle vandag, en ons staan by almal van Suid Afrika, laat daar vrede wees vir almal swart en wit. Amen.
Al is ek nog in London en kom oor n’ maand terug huis toe is my hart by julle 👨🏻🌾👩🏻🌾
Julle Is Die Boere Volk Se Trots 👍🏻🙏🏻
The boer so humble and peaceful.while other shout and go on why why why
Dankie Tiaan vir jou boodskap
Ander parallel: Ossewaens vs Bakkies. Julle moet dit reg parkeer,,,,'
Ons is ook boere in Cullinan distrik en ons verstaan absoluut wat jy sê. Die diewe het verlede week by ons ook 20 skaap ooie
God bless you Boer Media.
Yster yster yster ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Great message. I support the fair and just cause of the boere
I think it is absolutely terrible that farmers are being attacked on their farms. It is very upsetting. I wish you guys all of the very best and I wish you peace. Sterkte.
Ek is baie lief vir my boerevolk. EN my hart breek dat die Afrikaner so swaar moet kry.
Maar hulle groot probleem is dat hulle saak met ons Hemelse Vader nie reg is nie. Dit sluit in die predikante en die Christen teologie.
Ons Vader is die Vader van die Israeliet(Yisrael /Hebreers) Exo 5:3. En ons Messias was 'n Israeliet/Jood/Yahudim(Mt27:37).
Ons Vader verander nie(Mal 3:6) en Sy Woord verander nie(Dt 4:2), Sy Verbond of die Woorde uit Sy mond verander nie(Ps 89:34). Ons mag nie Sy naam tot niet bring nie(Exo 20:7), nie Sy Sabbat verander nie (Exo 20:8-11)en nie by sit of weg neem vand Sy Woord nie.
Wat het die kerk gedoen? Sy Naam tot niet gebring, deur nie Sy Heilige Hebreerse Naam meer te gebruik nie maar te verander na Here/Lord, wat Ba'al in Hebreers is.
So wanneer jy bid tot die Here, dan roep jy die naam van Ba'al. Dit lei tot die breek van die eerste 3 gebooie.
Sy Naam is YHWH(יהוה) uitgespreek as Yahuah. Isa 42:8 “I am יהוה, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.
Ons Messias het dieselfde Naam as die Vader Yahuah. Isa 47:4 Our Redeemer, יהוה of hosts is His Name, the Set-apart One of Yisra’ěl.
Want Hy en die Vader is EEN(Joh 10:30). Hy het in ons Vader se Naam gekom Joh 5:43). Toe ons Messias Yahuah aarde toe gekom het, het Sy Naam "Yahuah Red" geword, wat Yahusha(יהושע) in Hebreers is:
Mat 1:21 “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name יהושע for He shall save His people from their sins.”
Deur Hom Jesus ('n Griekse Naam wat "hail Zues beteken") of Here te noem. Bring jy alle eer aan Satan. Ons Messias is nie Grieks nie, Sy Naam kan nie Jesus wees nie, die letter "J" het nie bestaan meer as 500 jaar gelede nie en ons Messias was 2 000 jaar gelede op aarde.
Die Sabbat dag was nooit geskuif na Sondag nie. En Die 7de dag Sabbat bly: Heb 4:9 So there remains a Sabbath-keeping for the people of Elohim.
As jy Sondag rus, dan rus jy op die dag van die son-aanbidder. EN verbreek jy die 4de gebod.
Maw, as christen verbreek jy elke gebod wat op die Heilge Vader en ons Messias van toepassing is.
So die konklusie is dat ons, die kinders van Yahuah Sy gebooie moet onderhou: Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the entire matter: Fear Elohim and guard His commands, for this applies to all mankind!
Wat die Afrikaner nie doen nie. En omdat julle dit nie doen nie, val julle onder 'n vloek:
Deu 11:26 See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse:
Deu 11:27 the blessing, when you obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I command you today;
Deu 11:28 and the curse, if you do not obey the commands of יהוה your Elohim, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other mighty ones which you have not known.
Maar as julle Sy Woord onderhou, dan val julle weer onder die sambreel van Sy beskerming:
Deu 5:29 Oh, that they had such a heart in them, to fear Me and to guard all My commands always, so that it might be well with them and with their children forever!
Waarom het die voortrekkers by bloed rivier oorwinning gekry? Want hulle verbond met Yahuah was geseel met die ooreenkoms dat die oorwinning herdenk sou word soos 'n Sabbat dag tot eer van Sy Heilige Naam.
En beide die vereistes kom van Yahuah se 10 gebooie wat die kerk nie meer onderhou nie.
een dag is nie genoeg nie asb maak meer ek is nie daar en wil daar wees
God Eerste. Tweede en derde God is with you don't be sucker punched into a drunken shootings
May God protect all the farmers!we won't survive without u guys.please be strong God will help u!
Dis tyd dat ons mense moet saam staan hoeveel hart seer is in baie huise ons kinders se lewe word kort geknip ons ouers word geryp ook dood gemaak. Kinders word sonder pa's groot oor hier die sinne lose moorte dink aan elke 1 daar
Woorde wat n ons baie trots maak. Ons is agter julle
Don't worry about it
Eff is going to provoke you farmers but you are the for a reason don't mind them
Farmers.....be paitiant your time will come.
Dis onse mense!!😁
Moenie omkyk nie - ons is by julle!!
Gebars te pote masensens🤭😂 cracked heels 🤭
Sterkte julle. Dink aan julle heeltyd. Dankie!!
Ek sien die boodskappe op die kartonborde van die vyand (presies wat ek verwag het), ongelukkig lyk dit nie goed nie - vyand verstaan net een taal.....
Een Drag maak Mag!Ek is by Julle in Gees.☺🙏🌻
.......gesteel. Ons harte bloei vir ons land se boere en mense
Groot probleem ons kan nie saamstaan nie teveel wil hulle eie beuels blaas dis hoekom n mens in k@kstraat vasgepen is. Mens gaan nerens kom om hardegat en windgat te wees nie leer om nederig tewees en mekaar te aanvaar wat dieselfde stront deurmaak as jy almal wil die bose dinge oorwin maar daar gaan niks oorwinning wees solank as wat mense dwarstrek en nie kan saamwerk en saamstaan nie. My voorstel is dit: indien weer n byeenkoms reel maak vooraf kontak met al die organisasies en mense wat dieselfde voelling het oor n saak en asseblief tog moet nie stry onder mekaar nie vind oplossings en werk saam want nie een gaan aleen alles kan beter maak nie. Dalk is dit wat julle aanhoudend gewys raak. Julle wil se julle is gelowig maar julle kan nie saamwerk darom gebeer die dinge soos dit gebeer. Klim af van julle troontjies en begin werk aan dit wat saak maak as iemand verskil doen ondersoek warom dit so is saamwerk saamstaan dan sal dinge koers vat
Tiaan julle moet asb julle he's Doen om engelse subtitles in the sit asb asb so veel mense vra Dan gaan die soort boodskappe baie verder gaan,,
Here help ons boere asb amen
why is steve hofmeyr sitting at home he is a supposed to be a leader
Better that he stays there lol. They asked all the emotional and angry farmers to stay at home
Jammer as ek ni daar kon wees nie, ek wens regtig ek kon kom, mar ek bid vir julle almal wat daar is en dat julle veilig is
subtitles please
Ek wil saam met jou stap vir n beter SA. 💜👍
Dankie Tiaan
Die man is n leier.
All we see on this enca news is the eff so boring and they got nothing to do with it
the eff has publicly aken responibility for most of the farm murders, they are the reason for this all
Dankie Tiaan julle moet sterk staan
Wens ek kon dit maak
Ek stem ver julle✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾
kom ons mense staan saam , ongelukig gaan hierdie seker in n siviele oorlog uitbreek , maar boere ek staan saam die boere. 18 en reg om te veg
Boere vroue het kaalvoet oor die Drakensberge getrek om ‘n beter toekoms te skep vir hulle kinders. Hulle het babas gehad langs die pad en aangehou op geloof en ‘n drang vir vrede.
Weet een ding! Met die slag van BLOEDRIVIER het die BOERE met OOTMOET EN BELOFTES VOOR GOD GELÊ . God het gehoor HY HET SY ENGELE GESTUUR OM DIE OORLOG VIR DIE 487 BOERE TEEN 10 000 ZOELOES TE OORWIN. Hy sal dit vir julle ook doen!
Ons staan saam teen plaas moorde. Hou moed . Manne bid tot God ons skeper
..dans daar met gebarste pote in boere bloed.
Ek weet nie of ek wil lag of huil oor daai stelling nie.
Mag die Here Julie beskerm in hierdie dag die Engele is klaar daar Staan julle staan die mure gaan Val vandag is die draaipunt vir SA
This is not right . God created every human being in His image. I’m not a White person however too many Afrikaners are being brutally murdered . It is really sad. The only thing we as South Africans can do is to pray for God’s intervention. As Christians we have to start praying for this brutality to stop. Please use English subtitles for everyone to understand.
U want us to support the idea... But u speak in ur language. So we understand niks.
. So u need to normalize ur speech.. Stretch it out so we can actually give url support... Coz url are majority.. Url need us to back url... So next time be universal.
I watched saps clapping and chanting with EFF in Senekal toy toying right now
The international community needs to see videos of that.
@@dhaninel7902 International Community could not see the dead bodies of black people back then lol lol lol ,Why must they see anything now?
Stop spreading lies.
Black people used to sing during apartheid, singing is not killing ,When white people were killing blacks back then we sang ,everyday black South African are faced with problems sing,In funerals we sing everywhere we sing,If you saw a black police singing with EFF members its because he understands that music is not a gun,singing together with his own black brothers is not a crime,Funny enough White people like you do not understand the meaning of chatting so we are not surprised because you are white,let our brothers sing this is our country and through music we heal and Unite.
You don't even know the meaning of Toy toying because you are white,stay White and stop spreading lies,SAPS clapping with EFF has nothing to do with violence ,they do so because they are black and fully understand the meaning of our own music.
As ons net kan saamstem/saamstaan en saambid.
Jesus is a black man. Revelation 1: "13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters."
Don't know about you, but this describes a black man. You are not the chosen ones, black people are. Do your own research...humble yourselves whilst there is still time.
Ons staan saam van Australia
Lets face it we are all affected by crime.lets blame apartheid 👍
Gebarste pote? Sjoe, diere het pote, nie mense nie. Dis sulke comments Tiaan wat ons Afrikaners so gehaat maak. Ons moet ook ons houding regkry asb.
Ronel, as jy deur die bloed van n ander loop sonder gewete, dan het jy pote
politically un-savvy
"Dit was mense wat op 'n stadium 'n streep in die grond trek" Nou watse fokken streep het julle getrek? Julle het buite die dorp gestaan en niks doen nie.
Keer tot die HERE jou vloeke maak ons volk net soos die vyand!
@@elizabethmmbetsdewaal1138 Alweer 'n fokken ou tannie. Is ek wat vloek vergelykbaar met die lokasie moordenaars en verkragters? Jys 'n malletjie man.
@@bittereinder4594 Prys die Here vir die ou tannie wat gebid met intercessors dwarsdeur die land. Jy ingesluit kyk en sien wat GOD besig is om te doen. Ons volk staan bymekaar en onse Here Jesus maak mense hande oop so ook reën. Mag jy die HERE se hand sien in al die dinge wat gebeur.
Jip, boere kan nie saam staan nie!
Dis die groot probleem.