Take it easy with the Italian stuff. I know a guy who you may know over here. LOL. The credits at the end are Portuguese, so Portugal or Brazil..................Not the bringers of the best food on the planet. Viva Italia!!! Buona fortuna a te
Very nicely filmed and edited, and of course the playing was very nice and solid as well. I just wish I could have heard the cymbals a little more clearly in the mix to hear the particular qualities of each cymbal. And I did like the touch at the end where you just had the drumming track for a couple of seconds which did give a little bit more clear listen to a couple of your cymbals. Thank you, and very nice job overall.
That Tamborine kick was absolutely glorious! Killer work!
Great job playing and the Saluda cymbals sound fantastic!
The guy looks real awkward playing drums
So many questions. How the hell does he get behind that set?
Why the focus on his hair?
Is he Italian?
Take it easy with the Italian stuff. I know a guy who you may know over here. LOL. The credits at the end are Portuguese, so Portugal or Brazil..................Not the bringers of the best food on the planet. Viva Italia!!! Buona fortuna a te
I think he just stood still and they built the set around him while he got his hair ready.
Nicely done!
🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 Killing it, De Repetto
Great video!! The editing is brilliant and so is the player
Very nicely filmed and edited, and of course the playing was very nice and solid as well. I just wish I could have heard the cymbals a little more clearly in the mix to hear the particular qualities of each cymbal. And I did like the touch at the end where you just had the drumming track for a couple of seconds which did give a little bit more clear listen to a couple of your cymbals. Thank you, and very nice job overall.
Next video please take away the fan blowing through the hair and the hair flips.
weird looking dude