William Paul Young: A Look Inside 'The Shack'

  • Опубликовано: 9 мар 2008
  • William Paul Young talks about the breakout success of his novel "The Shack," a book he originally wrote for his children (interview aired on The 700 Club).
    The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) is a multifaceted nonprofit organization that provides programming by cable, broadcast and satellite to approximately 200 countries, with a 24-hour telephone prayer line. CBN's flashship show is "The 700 Club", a daily news / magazine television program that presents a lively mix of information, interviews, and inspiration.
    Keywords: the700club, The 700 Club, CBN News, CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, 700 Club
    Website: www.cbn.com
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Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @Anon-nd1dn
    @Anon-nd1dn 5 лет назад +11

    This book changed my life in the most amazing way! Thank you for this amazing understanding in a way that makes me feel like God is exactly how I’d picture Him to be!

  • @derionnawright
    @derionnawright 7 лет назад +15

    i am speechless and looking at life at 51 with new eyes and heart! thank you!!!!!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад +1

    Amen, my dear brother, Dave. Praise the Lord, it is good to see you speaking the truth on this forum. God bless you!
    Your sister in Christ's love,
    Psalm 136

  • @TheAnnachacko
    @TheAnnachacko 7 лет назад +6

    Dear Reverend Young: Thank you for your story - it takes courage to fly in the face of ridiculous prejudice from these self-styled "holy" men who believe that they have the corner on God.
    My son was kidnapped when he was 3 years old and I found him when he was 26. It took many years and the Almighty pushing at me to come to terms to a loss I thought would never end.
    I hope you are not discouraged by naysayers - the Lord had enough of the same and He brought a message of courage and hope to a weary world. thank you for continuing the same. Sincerely Anna K. Chacko MD COL (ret) USA

    • @emeraldlotusbylori4988
      @emeraldlotusbylori4988 2 года назад +1

      My heart goes out to you. I am sorry for the loss of your child. Sending love, Lori

  • @fonkwoedmond8536
    @fonkwoedmond8536 4 года назад +3

    You nailed it Sir...you're such a blessing to the body of Christ.

  • @proudgma73
    @proudgma73 11 лет назад +4

    After this interview, I learned that The Shack is actually a metaphor for the place where we were hurt and got stuck because we did not know how to forgive those who hurt us "As we forgive those who trespassed against us." And no matter how alone we feel, no matter what we have done or is doing, God is right there if we allow Him to be."Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Rev 3:20

  • @karinlarsen4251
    @karinlarsen4251 7 лет назад +23

    I want to know Paul Young's reaction to his critics.That's how I arrived at this page. I LOVE THE SHACK. I read it 10 years ago - when my husband suddenly died. I had my daughter read it, and yesterday, March 7, my 10 friends and I saw the movie. I didn't see any argument with the Bible. I've studied that voraciously since '92. I saw God reaching out to one of His children in a surprising way. I know God has reached out to heal me, when I was struggling. The Shack is no more than the testimony of one man. I'm so upset listening to RUclips theologians attack the story. I want to run the defense of Paul Young. Didn't God tell us He would pour out understanding in the end times? That's all this is. God - reaching out in love, and eternal mercy. He WILL NOT give up on us. We MUST turn to Him, especially when things don't make sense. If the scripture is the framework of Him. Stories like this are the furnishings. the canvas will never know a limit. The Shack reminds me that God is particularly fond of me.

    • @journeywithjesus
      @journeywithjesus 6 лет назад +1

      I loved this movie too and I especially loved how they portrayed the holy trinity. Also when he spoke of 'Love' and how God is always there with us. As you say I think in this movie God comes in a different way and mostly relatable to Mac in this case.

    • @InnerMittenSignal
      @InnerMittenSignal 5 лет назад

      ​@@journeywithjesus Thank you for both of your comments. I had a dream/vision in which I was literally being chased by Satan personified, around an ornate desk in an office like the one my maternal grandfather used to have (he died in the 60's). He was dressed up like a rich man of the twenties or thirties, with a top hat and everything, like the "Mr Burns" character of the Simpsons, only that cartoon didn't exist yet when I had the vision. He had the strawberry blonde hair and looked like a real man with a "chocolate box" beautiful countenance, but I could feel such evil coming from him that it literally made Beauty Seem Ugly, if that makes any sense. I was terrified of this person and desperately trying to get away. Suddenly a door opened to my right and I realized that the office room was the left half of a bigger room and the right hand half was my other grandfather's simple, country kitchen in Ohio. There was just the pump behind me where they got water for cooking and washing, and in front a towel rack and the back door to the field. I don't know where the right hand door came from, but a bigger man walked through and I briefly glimpsed a side view of Him, before He literally walked right into the same space as mine! The impression was that He was an almost uniform brown, maybe even wearing a brown garment, but lit up, and that is what showed me it was Jesus The King! An extra-ordinary thing happened, we could read each other's thoughts, but I still stayed myself! I looked over at the beautiful man, and realized he no longer seemed scary, but rather extremely pitiful! I was mostly aware of the huge compassion The Lord felt for this poor, mean little being, even though it thought to lash out and harm others. Jesus knew He could keep me safe and death could never hold me. I guess I thought I'd tell this guy that or somehow convince him to be better, so I leaned towards him in pity. The reaction was surprising & I think that's when I thought it must actually be The Devil. He fell backwards so that his top hat fell off and he began to head for the open door in a terrified, distorted crabwalk, in his hurry to get away from Jesus! Then I came to myself, and wondered if this was showing me the moment I met my Saviour in our family church when I was about three or four years old. I knew that The King saw EVERYTHING and I was glad and prayed to Him for my family. I even would say "excuse me" to Him when I burped, lol! I was watching "The Shack" on a RUclips channel called REHOBOTH when all of a sudden it turned into a black screen "this video is not available" and they said there was a copyright claim by LeakID, whoever that is. Perhaps they troll around for YT being the "copyright police". I've had so many false claims on my own videos, I'm wondering how long I can keep my channel, so watch me while you can! (:D They demon-itized me by means of their "machine learning" which really means algorithms secretly programmed to weed out Trump support and pro-active Christianity whenever they can get away with it. Things are going to change, I'm sure, and looking forward to what God is about to do!...

    • @claudialu
      @claudialu 4 года назад +1

      @@InnerMittenSignal I was enjoying your post up until you brought up morally bankrupt politicians who even have the effrontery to mock the death and of course, his followers are blind and deaf to his words, like for example 'I can shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters' - Good riddance.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen, brother. Praise God that there are authentic brethren standing for the truth and defending the one true Gospel of Christ in a world of counterfeits. God bless you.
    "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

  • @suegeorge
    @suegeorge 7 лет назад +10


  • @vivianmadison
    @vivianmadison 8 лет назад +15

    I believe it is only one of about 5 books I ever read in my life in two days, could not put it down unless I had to. Very interesting, frustrating, irritating, moving, agreeing with some of my long time ideas, weird, fun, easy and informative on many levels for me.

  • @arthurlatham2210
    @arthurlatham2210 8 лет назад

    am in the middle of this book and I love this book so much,,he paul young hit the nail on the head for me,,,awesome reading material,,,god is so awesome to bless mr.young in this manner,,this book is truly a blessing for many who will read this bleassing!!!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen, my dear brother Dave. As always you have revealed the truth wisely. Much love to you and your family in our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Your sister in His precious blood, Angela

  • @kennethmcclurkin.4450
    @kennethmcclurkin.4450 7 лет назад +5

    2 Tim 4:1-4...
    I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
    Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long- suffering and doctrine.
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
    And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

    • @susannahwhite7561
      @susannahwhite7561 3 года назад

      Truth! Buy the truth and sell it not; and wisdom and instruction and understanding. Proverbs 23:23

  • @CAIrondad
    @CAIrondad 9 лет назад +21

    Great book!!!! Paul 'gets it'..... this book screams grace and forgiveness and extravagant love and tenderness - exactly what the God of the Universe really is!!!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад +1

    God bless you for always speaking the truth in love, my dear brother. Your faithful stand on the rock of Christ makes my heart rejoice. Soli Deo Gloria!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen and amen, my brother! Praise the Lord for true men of God who gird up their loins and unashamedly preach the truth.

  • @puchililula1
    @puchililula1 10 лет назад +8

    I felt wonderful after reading the book!!! The God in the Bible is a scary God. Elouise, Sarayu, Yeshua and Sofia are now, closer to me, reachable. They understand and love the poor human. My life is happier now, I am ready to forgive from the bottom of my heart, to forgive myself and to forgive who I believe I have to forgive. THANK YOU!!!!!!

    • @dagman85
      @dagman85 7 лет назад +4

      Trust me, that same loving God is in the Bible, too. I'm very glad to hear that you picked up on that part of His nature through this book, but I encourage you to read the Bible through that same lens and how it impacts your impression of the Bible.

  • @charlotteorth6582
    @charlotteorth6582 9 лет назад +3

    After several friends recommended this book to me I made myself slug through it but did not get it at all.

    • @maranathacomelord7115
      @maranathacomelord7115 7 лет назад +1

      I read it twice, very much worth the time. Be sure to see the movie. I can't believe somebody couldn't get it though.

  • @patriciacarrasco
    @patriciacarrasco 13 лет назад +1

    i love this book so much!!! reading it over and over again!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    Amen, PBTarget. Thank you for your loving encouragement, brother.

  • @jenkzkh
    @jenkzkh 8 лет назад +3

    I loved it!!

  • @Efeseni5.11
    @Efeseni5.11 7 лет назад +7

    700 Club, Why didn't you do your homework with "The Shack" before inviting its author ? This is not a book to be promoted by a Christian Television.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    Amen, PBTarget. God bless you for warning the flock about false Brethren who stir up contention and deny the Truth, dear brother. I am your servant in Christ Jesus. Soli Deo Gloria!

  • @lizybordum2254
    @lizybordum2254 10 лет назад

    This was the best for me after many deaths it really helped me believe there is a reason I have lost 9 this book helped w/ my brothers and help before my sisters !

  • @ryanehlis426
    @ryanehlis426 7 лет назад +4

    This book is heracy! Im surprised the 700 club is so undiscerning :(

    • @sergdamian1324
      @sergdamian1324 5 лет назад +2

      The 700 club is heresy itself...

    • @clarklana05
      @clarklana05 5 лет назад

      Serg Dam 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @sixroldan6742
    @sixroldan6742 7 лет назад +6

    Am I the only one annoyed by her whispering "yeah" every 5 seconds as he's talking?

  • @under_Konstruction
    @under_Konstruction 13 лет назад

    i just picked this book up.....cant wait to read it....

  • @YahkiYah_Yisrael
    @YahkiYah_Yisrael 14 лет назад

    What a fantastic story - Paul Young - you are surely spiritual being. Love x

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад +4

    "The Shack, while occasionally getting things right is, in the end, a dangerous piece of fiction. It undermines Scripture and the church, presents at best a mutilated gospel, misrepresents the biblical teachings concerning the Godhead and offers a New Age understanding of God and the universe. This is not a great novel to explain tragedy and pain. It is a misleading work which will confuse many and lead others astray." - Garry Gilley (Southern View Chapel)

  • @mrsoisterfoister5454
    @mrsoisterfoister5454 7 лет назад +1

    My life and heart is changed thank you

  • @beauty8908
    @beauty8908 13 лет назад +1

    i absolutely love this book... its so good.. and when i finished it... i felt a lot better... it really helped me through my spiritual journey

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen, Dave. Praise God for your loving encouragement and wise words. Thank you, it is uplifting to be surrounded by my heavenly family.
    Tragically, the doctrines of demons are spreading like wildfire because many professing Christians do not read the Word of our Lord, are being taught by hirelings and are worldly.
    Let us continue to reprove the works of darkness, teach sound doctrine and pray that our Father will take pity on those who do not have a love fo the truth. Your sister, Angela

  • @lebloro
    @lebloro 12 лет назад

    The Shack became one of my favorite books the first time I read it.I have read it several times since and will read it several more times. I was at a seminar in Victoria BC where you spoke of the who,what,where,how and why-it was fantastic!You also signed the copy of my book which was so special.I can't say enough about the Shack its just that good!

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 14 лет назад

    Thank you my sister. I had to jump in here. All I could do is proclaim the truth. To Him be the glory!! God Bless.

  • @jg1way
    @jg1way 14 лет назад

    The interview was well done. I have stared to read The Shack for the second time. For me the book is about tearing down the walls of religiosity and church legalism, which is so prevalent in America today. The main emphasis should be on God - full of mercy and tenderness and forgiveness for each and everyone one, which is what the story is about.

  • @Xtracexy
    @Xtracexy 13 лет назад

    I loved this book!! It's metaphor and the characters used where totally different than what I am accustomed too, but mid-way thru I could feel the writer's message. My children honored me with this book as a birthday gift. And i have chosen to make this a gift to everyone's birthday I celebrate this year!!!

  • @catalinacampos3718
    @catalinacampos3718 2 года назад

    This is a wonderful way to really seek the lord, it helps to understand how the lord works, it has made an impact in my life!!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Praise God - your words are truth, sister! ALL the glory belongs to our one true and holy God.
    May the Lord bless you and fill you to overflowing with the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of our precious Saviour Jesus Christ.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    I absolutely love this verse. So many people dont even understand, it is describing the New Birth, in Christ, Regeneration. We talked about this in Sunday school yesterday. Truly amazing words. But most people today ascribe New Birth, as just saying a prayer, and walking an isle. We need to to be bold, and speak the truth. Regeneration, is a supernatural work of God, on a sinner, who is dead in his sin. Eph. 2:1

  • @malcia444
    @malcia444 15 лет назад

    Excellent book - kept me turning the pages - Interesting to see and hear the author - he's given us new insight!

  • @777Quanta
    @777Quanta 14 лет назад

    It rattles the little understanding inside the closed minds of people who can't for some reason accept change or different perspectives. I LOVE IT...

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    My husband and I have never been divorced. May God have mercy on this man's soul.

  • @everybodygetsacup7330
    @everybodygetsacup7330 Год назад

    This is book is a master piece nothing short of amazing. if one had struggled to understand spirituality and the concept of God the shack is your answer it will change your life to the better it changed mine in an instant i am a free spiritual being because of that book

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    @YouThoughtYouKnew, thank you, my dear brother. Your courage in the face of the attacks you and Dawn have endured for two years by the hand's of this man is an inspiration. Glory to God! I praise the Lord that he considered us worthy to endure this refining fire and worthy to receive the crucial truth we now know about this dangerous Word of Faith minister. I love you, too, brother. God is indeed faithful.
    Your servant in Christ,

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    I am blessed and humbled by your words, my sister.
    My brothers and sisters, please pray with me:
    Father, we ask that you greatly bless our sister, Valencia Marie, and guide her with all instruction, discernment, wisdom and love. Thank you for stirring up the gifts you have bestowed upon her which glorify your cause and magnify your grace. May she overcome all evil by the power of your holy name: worthy is the lamb. We praise you, our holy and just God, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    Amen Utopiang. Thanks and God bless you as well.

  • @chaddavidroberts
    @chaddavidroberts 13 лет назад

    I'm so very thankful to my mom for passing The Shack onto me.
    It was given to her from a friend after Grandma, her mom, and then Aunt Diane, her sister, passed, within 6 months of each other.
    I have been living in my own Great Sadness for almost 7 years.
    The deaths of those 2 women really hurt. And that was only a year ago. My life seemed to be unraveling, as I have been convincing myself that I too am close to death, even as a healthy 35 year old.
    To put it simply, this book Saved me.Thank U

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    Amen Utopiang. Well said. The psalm I quoted speaks of awe and admiring, but also submissive fear is foundational for all spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    Leaper, I commend you for standing up for Gods word. These people who are embracing the god of the shack are decieved, and need prayer. And when the true word of God is presented, it "offends" them. Keep the faith my brother.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    God bless you, PBTarget, I appreciate your solidarity, brother. I praise the Lord our mighty Defender in whom we can forever trust. When our enemies rise against us we can draw our strength from Matthew 5:11, 44 and 2 Timothy 4:14.
    Amen, we do worship God in spirit and in truth. Christ is the vine, we are the branches and our Father is the gardener. Our fruit will be made manifest to those who are given a love for the truth. And equally, the fruits of false brethren will also revealed.

  • @Officialstephaniealexis
    @Officialstephaniealexis 3 года назад

    Just watched the movie 3 times in 3 days!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    Amen, PBTarget. God bless you.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Thank you for your kind encouragement, dave0mary. Yes, precisely, you certainly do understand the wickedness of the deception. It is difficult to warn a person when they neither see - nor indeed WANT to see - the danger.
    Young is extremely economical with the truth and is as much guilty of omission as he is of blatant heresy.
    God bless you, dave0mary, and keep up the good fight - some WILL receive the truth. Praise the Lord.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    Yes this is true. All we can do, is pray that the Lord, will guide them to see the light, of the true gospel. To Him be the glory!!!

  • @Mokkashe
    @Mokkashe 14 лет назад

    All I know is I would rather hug my God with the grace He has bestowed on me, than read about it. Words mean nothing, if you do not have joy. I will continue to enjoy my loving relationship with God. I wish the blessings and hope of God for ALL of us!

  • @reallivefiction
    @reallivefiction 15 лет назад

    I don't like it when people say "Don't read this book because it goes against religion". It's not about religion, or even truth, if you really want to put it that way. But it is a motivation to become spiritual in your own way, and find some sort of connection or relationship with God. 10/10. I really enjoyed it.

  • @Cmanisthecoolest
    @Cmanisthecoolest 14 лет назад

    this was the best book i have ever read.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    Amen. Praise God! Love you, Kevin.

  • @tkerce21
    @tkerce21 14 лет назад

    This book is so awesome! I hope eventually a movie is made on it!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    No, I haven't read "Foundations of Grace" but I am deeply thankful that you were greatly blessed by it. In these dark days I tend to avoid books other the Lord's Word although John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" is an inspired and blessed book and recommended reading for all Christians (Charles Spurgeon claimed to have read it over 100 times).
    God bless you, too, my brother

  • @xpinklemons
    @xpinklemons 15 лет назад

    i loved this book and i cant wiat til it turns into a movie if it ever does

  • @fruehaufTNT
    @fruehaufTNT 15 лет назад

    I listened to Paul Young in person in AZ two weeks ago and I completely agree with you. One of the coolest things he said was that "God transcends all images!" So much of what upsets some of these critics is the fictional imagery he uses. It is a personal experience revealed through a fiction book. It is a beautiful picture of God's relentless love and mercy toward his children!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    Amen and amen, PBTarget. Soli Deo Gloria!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Indeed, my dear brother, the evidence is before our eyes!
    The Word of the Lord will never pass away but, thankfully, the words of "The Shack" will soon vanish forever. Praise God for those who love His precious saving Word and His doctrine which, when taught correctly, brings redemption to a stony heart.
    "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26)

  • @mralanv
    @mralanv 15 лет назад

    this book moves me to tears it's a masterpiece

  • @LJUK28
    @LJUK28 15 лет назад

    loved it..... 10/10

  • @dave0mary
    @dave0mary 15 лет назад +1

    Thank you - you are an encouragement! I remember when I was searching, I read where Jesus is telling us that many will fall away. I thought then (I was pretty ignorant, Scripturally) how could that be with The Holy Bible being available to us? But here is a perfect example. Ideologies that tell us oppositte of what Scripture teaches. And people eat it up because it paints the picture of a loving God (which He is), but not a just God. God Bless you too Angela! Remember, it's not you they hate.

  • @SJenkinsAlexander
    @SJenkinsAlexander 12 лет назад

    Great book!! I've grown closer to God after having read this book. I've recommeded it to othet friends are buying it and can't wait to read it. I can't puy this book down. What a journey for me. I love it!!! Don't hate!!!!

  • @Gornalwwfc
    @Gornalwwfc 14 лет назад

    spot on comment,totally agree with u..

  • @godsarmy1996
    @godsarmy1996 14 лет назад

    i wanna read that book sooo bad!!

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Indeed, SolideoGloriafella. God bless you.

  • @kryptickmail
    @kryptickmail 13 лет назад

    loved the book -

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    No, I am in Australia but I do wish I could go. Paul Washer is a powerful preacher. God bless him. Yes, Phil Johnson is a courageous and outspoken pastor.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Hi ryank119, your understanding of the dangers of heresy is a testament to your devotion to our Lord and His sacred Word.
    "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first..." 2 Thessalonians 2:3
    God bless you for contending for the true Gospel of Christ. Keep up the good fight - the Lord protect you and fill you to overflowing with His Holy Spirit.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen, Haukman66. I praise God that you are standing firm in the truth and that the Holy Spirit revealed the heresies in "The Shack" to you. Unsound doctrine and Biblical illiteracy is turning many away from the authentic Gospel of Christ.
    The Lord God bless you in Jesus' precious name.

  • @amstrohmeyer05
    @amstrohmeyer05 12 лет назад

    God has touched this man. The shack led me to god when nothong else coild. God bless.

  • @pennylaneproductions
    @pennylaneproductions 15 лет назад

    I read a page in the store. 'God' says He doesn't need to punish sin..sin is punishment enough...that's all I needed to hear!

  • @Gornalwwfc
    @Gornalwwfc 14 лет назад

    without doubt this is the best book i have ever read..if this book can change an opinion or provide a thought or two,then so be it,people who are leaving ignorant comments should read the "here comes da judge" chapter of this book...absolutely totally recommend this book

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen, brother. Amen.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    Amen and amen, digger629. God bless you for speaking the truth in love.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    I agree psk. If I was lost, and someone told me"God loves me", I would tell them, "thats great, I love me too". There would be no need for true repentence. And to leave off the law, and wrath, is like telling a cancer patient, he is just fine, that we love him, and have a wonderful plan for his life.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Hi MamaMackey, I deeply love the Word of God and I am gravely grieved by "The Shack" which despises the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Bickering is petty but revealing the truth with enormous opposition working against you is righteous.
    I pray that the Lord will heal the pain you have suffered in your life and guide you into His loving embrace and away from the false god that Young is leading people to place their trust in.
    God bless you and keep you and yours in Jesus name. Amen.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    You are right, Haukman.
    "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death." (2 Cor 7:10)

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen, Haukman66. Yours is an insightful truth. Universalism is at the core of the issue and it cannot be ignored or denied given the weight of evidence.

  • @Tavlo
    @Tavlo 15 лет назад

    Great point caddop ;-)

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen, psk6565. God bless you for faithfully contending for the one true Gospel.

  • @swampratzozzle
    @swampratzozzle 13 лет назад

    This book undeniably invites people to approach God with trust in his goodness and his intention to nurture, heal and love them. That is in complete alignment with the Word of God. In addition, this book has accomplished this well. Does it really matter if it accurately or inaccurately DESCRIBED him? Anyway, all it was really saying, in essence, was "if God materialized to express himself to you, here is how he might appear" - it's an allegory to make a point.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    Well sorry to hear you cant come. It is in Sept. and Ravi is slated to be there. Really looking forward to it.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    That was great Utopiang. I think it is clear, he was not willing to repent and seek forgiveness. Thanks for the reference. God bless.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    Its not about making you feel good, Ed. Its about forgiveness of sin, holiness, and righteousness. The Gospel is letting people know their state before God, and then letting them know, they have forgiveness, if they Repent and believe. Now that is something to be joyful about!!!

  • @bobjbush
    @bobjbush 14 лет назад

    I just read the book this past week and was touched deeply by it. I long for a relationship with God like was described in the book. For me it is take God out of the box that has been created by religion.

  • @windridr66
    @windridr66 15 лет назад

    Some of you people need to lighten the heck up. He hit the nail on the head about organized religion in my opinion.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 14 лет назад

    Yes, nathaw11, the Bible is fill of great verses ;)
    I live in Melbourne, Australia which is a popular destination. People from the USA particularly enjoy it and many have even relocated their families to our country. I had never heard of the News Boys until you mentioned them.

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 15 лет назад

    Amen to you dave0. It is unbelievable, the lengths people will go to defend a book, that is clearly contrary to the bible. God bless you my friend.

  • @SuperstarNeilC
    @SuperstarNeilC 15 лет назад

    The Shack is my favourite book of All Time

  • @Haukman66
    @Haukman66 14 лет назад

    You know the thing that grieves me, is seeing someone like you putting all your faith, in what society tells you. I would bet that you get most of your info here on the internet. But what you dont realize is you are basing your eternal destiny, on someones theory. I am praying for you my YT debating friend. ; )

  • @bharfarar
    @bharfarar 12 лет назад

    This book was a lifesaver. All my life I was taught about a mean and distant God. After the Shack I at least have hope.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Hi psk6565, God bless you for your astute observation and for your stand for the one true Gospel. You have brought a very important truth to the fore which further exposes Paul Young's error-filled theology.
    Indeed, all Christians are called to follow Christ's example. The Lord bless you for doing so in your walk.

  • @CedarofGod2008
    @CedarofGod2008 15 лет назад

    Amen. Haukman66. Much love to you, my brother, in our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @yarwnna
    @yarwnna 15 лет назад +1

    This book made me love more, read the Word more, enjoy church more and smile more. That isn't evil; that is Spirit. What you are saying is legalistic and the stumbling block. Just ask the Pharisees.