Oh, Trump, you're so narrow-minded. The DREAM with Coldarra Drake and Maiden of the Lake is Majordomo Executus. 80 damage distributed around the board randomly.
Mike E You forgot Fallen Hero with duplicates and echo of medhiv. You put 6 fallen heroes on board with Maiden of The Lake. Allowing you to deal 140 damage randomly distributed amongst the board.
pedro h I thought that was the Justicars hero power upgrade. The fallen hero power I think just increases the damage dealt by the Hero Power, even increasing the damage a Warlock deals to himself with his hero power. But I didn't actually watch the announcement.
shuvo rahman You don't have to play them all in one turn. If you're playing control you can be rag, keep them both alive until the turn you have ten mana to Hero Power ten times.
Well sound the time I was doing it when it first came out u got up to the sludge Belcher wing. Then gvg came out and I started buying those instead. Mistake tho because I really should have got kelthasad and mad scientist sooner and the gvg packs pulls were really bad.
Crafty Coin Yes? Did you even read what he said? Whenever you use your hero power the effect triggers. For instance on Tournament Medic; Everytime you use your hero power you also restore 2 health.
Justicar trueheart on priest. You now heal for 4 Now play velen, as long as its on the board you heal for 8 now with auchenai soulpriest added, you have a DIE INSECT that you can target
videotroll72 The problem with all of these sorts of combos is that the chance that you manage to get all of these cards and stick them on the board long enough to actually use your hero power is so small it just wont be relevant
I have gotten to do the velen+soulpriest+hero power combo several times. what makes Trueheart so good is that it doesnt need to be on the board for it to work. So now I can do the same sort of combo as before but now I only need auchenai on the board. and If I manage to get velen as well it makes it insane.
What happens if you play priest, use Shadowform and then plays Justicar Trueheart? Does she improve your shadowform hero power further? What if you play another shadowform after playing Justicar?
Issun McGoodmage I think that CAN be possible with some REALLY lucky Pilote Shredders summoning one Fallen Hero(and we know how dissapointing or sick the shredders can be).
Naedox I mostly think that face hunter is so simple and non-skillbased that blizzard may as well destroy its power (raise hp by 10, make Alex set hp to 20), because this way the game is not skillbased but rngbased. (Ofc raising hp isn't the only option, but it came to mind and I find the idea quite interesting
astonnik XIIV I cannot stand the current RNG that is going on. It's basically teaching new players is that if they're lucky, there's no possible way to fail. Which REALLY makes me wonder if Hearthstone is more luck than actual skill
Still watching the video so there may be more cards I'll comment on, but as far as the Skycap'n pirate legendary, he's bad 'right now'. We may see some pretty amazing pirates come out with this set and if a pirate deck could become a thing where most minions you play are pirate, he could be quite good. Let's see where we stand on pirates once we know all the cards.
I come from reddit and I'm so glad I increased the speed. At 1.5x speed there's all upside, still perfectly understandable but I'm not here for an hour
As soon as this comes out I'm gonna climb with face hunter mech Mage and patron because they're still better then this since it requires you getting to ten mana for good value
George the hacker Yah, I am willing to bet a lot of cancerous douches will do the same. There are like maybe 2-3 cards that might work in the current meta decks, and everything else is way too slow. Cancer will continue to rule facestone.
shuvo rahman 10:1 their attempts to make the game more control oriented fails horribly, just like BRM did. The few rush cards they add in will be added to already disgustingly cancerous rush decks and made even more efficient. The problem is that the stat allocation of early game is way too good, and there is NOTHING that will change that outside of insanely OP control tech cards, which they apparently won't add. I mean, their apparent 'solution' to rush this expac is using your hero power, and summoning 3/5 on turn 6! You are dead by then.... Even if you could populate the board full of 3/5's it won't matter, because they will just go face and finish you off! Here is how the meta works! It's all about tempo! You fight for the board for the 1st 4 turns, if you win, you go face and win 70% of the time. The other 30% of the time they pull out a huge combo and beat you.
Actually the meta will change, although I do agree some these car dare very slow but there is effects are davestating and worth running for example caldera drake
I feel like Justicar will only benefit in Handlock decks where you're down on health and you've already burned through your lava golems but still have mountain golems to contend with thus making the free draw pretty useful
Something to consider though trump with Poison Blade is if you have a minion on board and use oil, you essentially can turn this into a very nice weapon. Compared to Assassin's Blade, it is lack for being one mana lower. With oil though, the damage Blade can do (5+6+7=18) can exceed Assassin's Blade (3x4=12 if not buffed). The only question becomes if having one less mana is quick enough.
As someone who has never cared about the meta or ladder, my sole goal is to set up a Cordana Drake, Maiden In the Lake, Majordomo combo. DIE INSECTS!!!!
For reference, GvG added 8 cards to each class, 2 commons, 3 rares, 2 epics, and 1 legendary. Assuming this will be of similar format, lots of class cards we'll get to see soon
For Justicar Trueheart 23:30 - What about the 2/3 games where you don't draw her by turn 6 or the times when you are forced to use your hero power before turn 6 or how using the hero power on turn 7,8,9, and 10 will screw up your mana curve? She's too expensive, but useful, look at all of the odd decks today.
I think the way Inspire is supposed to work is to have multiple inspire minions on the board at once. Then suddenly, your value spirals out of control. The problem is, it's difficult to do that with generally underpowered cards. So I think if there are successful decks that run it, it'll have aggro low cost cards, to start the game, and take the board, and then inspire cards to finish.
Okay, Trump didn't make the comparison but you can basically look at Fallen Hero as another Steamwheedle Sniper for mage. Fallen Hero is a bit better since their effects can stack but otherwise, it's a 2 cost minion with 2 cost minion stats that turns your hero power into a 2 damage targeted nuke. Steamwheedle Sniper isn't 'that' good, so I suspect this guy won't be 'that' good either.
Also, for all those hunters out there: Fallen Hero is secretly your buddy as well. As a two mana card he is a potential shredder pilot if you get him you get to shoot face for more damage SMOrc
21:50 The reason you can't think of any is because anything about the 5 mana slot starts to become tech oriented. Boom, Sylvanas, Various other class and neutral legendaries, anything above 5 mana is going to be something specific to that style of deck. Since most of these are specific, they are going to be stat skewed in favor of doing something special.
here is a cool combo: you play maiden of the lake on turn 4, on turn 5 you coin out justicar trueheart and on turn 6 you play coldarra drake. If you're lucky and you pull this off you can get 4 empowered heropowers.
It's important that you think of the effects from your hero power aswell. It's not just so that a card with inspire costs 2 more mana and that's it. Example: the Silver Hand Regent won't be a 5 mana 4/4 because you also get a guy from your hero power, therefor it would be a 5 mana 5/5 split into 3 minions (witch also will give spawning effects such as a knife jugler's knife)
I don't think you would run quick shot in a lock and load deck, the draw effect from lock and load triggers before the draw from quick shot triggers, so your hand would never be empty. Quick shot would become a frostbolt that doesn't freeze.
18:43 What happens to JArraxus' hero power and raganros' hero power ? Does jarr summon a 12/12 for 2 mana? or Raganros does 16 damage to random target. Hmm I wonder
It does nothing, first of the card said it replaces your starting hero power, so it doesnt effect any non standard hero powers like Inferno or Die Insect. Second of if it cant replace your starting hero power then it does nothing as well, which is what happen when you have any non standard hero power.
Please no.... Hunters would play turn 1 hero ability turn to... That's 4 damage... Now imagine that but with 4 of them (2 deck cards + faceless) thats 10 damage with hero ability... You would be dead in 3 turns
The simple fact that the Inspire mechanic has a sort-of snowball effect with the hero power (the longer they stay on the board), seems to me the meta might slow down a bit. Force opponents to trade (sometimes unfavorably) with your inspire minions or be overwhelmed by their effects.
Imagine the dream... you play thaurrissan as a control warrior on turn 5 (coins), reducing shield slam to 0 mana. You play Justicar on turn 6, and sylvanas on turn 7 (with or without a hero power, if the sylvanas is reduce. Your ennemy is a tempo mage, and play cortanas drake and frostbolt your sylvanas. You shield slam your sylvanas, stealing the drake, and do 5 times your hero power (5x4). You gain 20 armor. Opponent rage. Opponent concede. You go on trolden.
Hey guys, when you use the shaman buffed hero power... do you get to choose from totems like Mana Tide? Or just the Heal one, Spell power 1/1 and taut?
I think for inspire decks to have a chance Lady of the Lake had to be a 4-cost 2/5(or 4) that made your hero power cost 0. Powerful I know, but that's the kind of push that inspire needs to be fast enough.
Lock and load imo won't create control hunter. It'll create mech hunter where you fill your hand with spare parts. Sure it'll be a slower hunter deck because you can play things like toshley, but it'll still be hunter and it'll be mech based, so it'll be fast still
Garrison commander in a shadow form priest deck. 36:04 no love for flame totem which is also amazing? Granted not as good as the two you mentioned, but it's definitely a well above average roll for this card which basically means at least 3/8 are really good. It would basically make it a 3mana 5/2 with a 0/3 pseudo taunt. Then all the other totems are situational so they could be really good depending on if/when you get it. A 1/8 chance to summon a specific totem isn't that bad of odds. 2/8 are always good like you said so it's basically 1/4 for something amazing and 1/6 for something potentially good depending on your board state. I personally think this card is amazing, but my judgement for value isn't great.
I know it's difficult to evaluate these cards given that we were only shown a small percentage of the expansion so far, but I think you should take more into consideration when you look at cards like justicar trueheart. Clearly it isnt a card that is going to be played for its stats, and I dont think there is any deck that would play it for its effect ON ITS OWN. But look at all the other cards already released that revolve around pressing the button: maiden of the lake reduces cost to 1 mana, mages can lay down cards that further empower their hero power, and several cards allow you to cast is more than once per turn. I think when looking at Justicar Trueheart in constructed, you will have to look at how she works in the deck as a whole, because this new inspire mechanic is going to synergize with a majority of cards from this expansion. That being said, only time will tell, cant wait
To make an aggressive card with inspire on it, you could make one with high stats for its mana cost, with: "Can't attack. Inspire: Can attack this turn"
I think Justicar will be great in Priest or Warrior. Healing for 4 each time you hero power is enough to out heal an aggressor's late game attempts to finish you off, and doubling the power is so powerful when considering Auchenai Soulpriest or Warrior's general tanking strategy. I don't think she's worth playing in any other deck though. We'll have to wait and see though.
Funny thing that could happen: say you have nexus champion sarad and coldarra drake. If you hero power and get innervate every time (yes I realize the odds of that are very low but it's possible) you can just ping forever!
do remeber the value of your hero power increases for every inspire you have. a card might not be worth if is on its pown but when your entire board is inspire and your hero power becomes insane
The Problem with cards like Garrison Commander is that for example the rogue doesn't really get any advantage out of it, except you control any cards with the inspire effect
I think justicar is actually pretty good in shaman. Depending on the situation and deck, you have either a small taunt every turn (i am become hogger, destroyer of worlds), or spell power, or situationally get better trades than you would otherwise with the healing totem. And no more 1/1s
This expansion has some really cool artwork. I love some of the color contrasts, some of the cards would look amazing as gold as well. Nexus guys are some of the coolest creatures in Warcraft, they're like electric toilet paper guys and I love them. :3
I have faith that Lowly Squire will work in Face Hunter, given that Hero Power will likely be activated on turn 2/3 (or both) and your curve doesn't go above 3 anyway
I agree, Giants are indeed fun :] They take me back to the days when I played Magic often and the big strong creatures (Wyrms, Giants, Hydras etc) were always some of my favorites! And the Giants def represent that avenue for me, while having some unique and fun mechanics to try to work out and setup :3. I think Frost Giant may end up being my favorite. I think Clockwork Giant may be my least favorite as often my opponents don't hoard their hand, unless they're specifically designed for a big combo (Patron, Oil etc etc) so often it's still a 8-11 mana cost
I'm only 16 minutes into the video but if you haven't watched it yet I suggest watching the video with 1.25 speed. It's not to fast to not be able to understand him and it makes watching the video much easier.
Garrison Commander in control warrior. Justicar Trueheart in a priest deck. Health buffs with soulpriest. Is Totem Golem a sign that the older overload cards will be reworked? Will totem decks be viable now? It'd be nice to have more than one option for shaman. Fallen Hero can be summoned with Piloted Shredder, how does it interact with other hero abilities?
I think because the text on Maiden is "your hero power costs 1" and not 1 less means it doesn't stack to 0 mana hero power. If it did mage could 0 mana fireblast you till you're dead with Drake.
after all the new cards i think the combo is pretty clear and the card u need for the combo is just thaurisson , its still hard to get play thaurisson and lower all the mana cost of the minions u need for the combo
Token paladin will be a deck, everyone, with all these new cards. Taking Muster + Quartermaster to a whole new level, one that every paladin player will probably find really fun when it works.
the justicar trueheart,that replace the hero power with a better one, is it gonig to do that 2 for lord jaraxxus and if yes what will it be summon a 3/2?
24:10 - There are a lot of bad spell cards, but I think a bad spell is quite a bit or at least moderately better when your opponent can't play around it. It's the element of surprise bonus.
one interesting synergy is that if you have a maiden of the lake out and play jarraxus, you will be able to insta summon a dread infernal. Will this probably see any play? No. Does using thaurissan on jarraxus have the same effect, and better? Yes. Still, it's kinda interesting
That's a really avant-garde camera layout. I quite like it.
GunvorPlays I agree.
GunvorPlays and now i know what avant-garde means ^_^
pizza dog Glad to be of service :)
Wow, somehow I watched the whole video but still had to go and look again to understand your comment???? I'm really inattentive.
GunvorPlays I'm to stupid to understand what that means, but have a thumps up anyways, because it sounds good.
Phew it's good to know i'm still the most powerful creature so far with this expansion.
Of course you are, Stoneskin Gargoyle, of course you are.
For some reason, this is going to get likes ^
Stoneskin Gargoyle Roleplayer DansGame
Stoneskin Gargoyle Don't let Wisp hear you speaking such sentiments.
Of course you will be, why else would we buy Naxxramas.
Wow nice Job Jens this looks amazing compared to the stream.
This is so much better than the stream.
Yeah the massive crash and the insane lag
Finley Hobbs and of course there is no twitch's cancer chat
TheAndroiD619 resuming it all, twich sucks?
God I'm so exited to test new types of control Paladin, This is going to be amazing! *Gets turned into chicken*
TaguianBassment I liked this comment, this was a good comment :)
TaguianBassment gets punned by trump "another cool giant (and he is talking about the ice giant when he says that.)"
Beast control hunter. I will never stop trying to get this deck to work.
That's just sad
Beast hunter is quite popular in early ranks (but its aggo)
Person Person I know, but I prefer control to aggro.
Here comes the new Hemet Nesingwary meta :^)
TyranusRex721 A man can dream about the 100% succesful cancer cure. Maybe one day...
Oh, Trump, you're so narrow-minded. The DREAM with Coldarra Drake and Maiden of the Lake is Majordomo Executus. 80 damage distributed around the board randomly.
19 mana combo are as impossible as it gets
Mike E You forgot Fallen Hero with duplicates and echo of medhiv. You put 6 fallen heroes on board with Maiden of The Lake. Allowing you to deal 140 damage randomly distributed amongst the board.
Morgan Jones unfortunately blizzard stated that this mechanics wont work with lord J. or rag
pedro h I thought that was the Justicars hero power upgrade. The fallen hero power I think just increases the damage dealt by the Hero Power, even increasing the damage a Warlock deals to himself with his hero power. But I didn't actually watch the announcement.
shuvo rahman You don't have to play them all in one turn. If you're playing control you can be rag, keep them both alive until the turn you have ten mana to Hero Power ten times.
New expansion coming out and I'm here still trying to finish naxx
Really man your are very slow, naxx has been out for a year you should have gotten naxx months ago,
Well sound the time I was doing it when it first came out u got up to the sludge Belcher wing. Then gvg came out and I started buying those instead. Mistake tho because I really should have got kelthasad and mad scientist sooner and the gvg packs pulls were really bad.
Mega Sabledude I still havent purchased a single wing of BRM.
I decided to buy only the 2nd wing, but I brought all of the BRM wing cuz I like the dragons.
I have 1 BRM and 2 Naxx
What exactly IS inspire and what does it do?
Crafty Coin You'll have to watch this video to find out ruclips.net/video/MYCTISh9tVM/видео.htmlm40s
Crafty Coin It's something that triggers when the hero power is used.
Crafty Coin it triggers whenever you use your heropower :P
so its just an inspire text, no real function?
Crafty Coin Yes? Did you even read what he said? Whenever you use your hero power the effect triggers.
For instance on Tournament Medic; Everytime you use your hero power you also restore 2 health.
This look a lot better on here than on the stream
All these new shaman cards. Thank you Blizzard.
Adlan Raid unless we don't get more
All we now need is solid legendary. That doesn't fuck us up with overloaded or it isn't another Murloc one
shuvo rahman New Shaman legendary summons 6 random totems costs 8 mana and has 10 overload and has 1/2 stat...feeling buffed yet?
So basically you get every totem in the game... Awesome
It's random so...want some healing totems in the house Yo?
Justicar trueheart on priest.
You now heal for 4
Now play velen, as long as its on the board you heal for 8
now with auchenai soulpriest added, you have a DIE INSECT that you can target
videotroll72 The problem with all of these sorts of combos is that the chance that you manage to get all of these cards and stick them on the board long enough to actually use your hero power is so small it just wont be relevant
I have gotten to do the velen+soulpriest+hero power combo several times.
what makes Trueheart so good is that it doesnt need to be on the board for it to work. So now I can do the same sort of combo as before but now I only need auchenai on the board. and If I manage to get velen as well it makes it insane.
videotroll72 add garrison commander to the mix, and you have DIE INSECT that is aimable and you can use it twice....
videotroll72 and even without velen justicar+soulpriest+heal still a pretty good combo (but does shadowform improve from justivar too?)
Sonarico97 no, trump said it only affects the original hero ability so lord j. And rag. Won't work
This video is amazing with 1080p60 HD, that is the greatest value I have gotten from this expansion!
If I get Fallen Hero through a shredder when playing Hunter, does my hero power deal 3 damage? If I've already used justicar, does it deal 4?
***** No, since battlecries aren't activated if it's summoned like that.
Oh crap, lol. I don't know how to read. I only saw Justicar. My bad
MrSockySocks But it isn't a battlecry
MrSockySocks It's not a battle-cry.
More smorc songs are coming out Kappa
What happens if you play priest, use Shadowform and then plays Justicar Trueheart? Does she improve your shadowform hero power further? What if you play another shadowform after playing Justicar?
The Mega Dream:
Coldarra Drake, Justicar, Lady of the Lake, and Fallen Mage, Turn 10, ping for 30 damage.
Possible? Not even close.
Issun McGoodmage Coldarra Drake, Maiden of the Lake and 2x Fallen Hero.
Costs less and is more powerful.
What if you rope though? Its the new patron!
Gebirges (Zockt Games) Yeah but the Justicar can die and her effect will still be useful.
Issun McGoodmage Trolden.
Issun McGoodmage I think that CAN be possible with some REALLY lucky Pilote Shredders summoning one Fallen Hero(and we know how dissapointing or sick the shredders can be).
It took me a while to realize that Justicar Trueheart's ability is a Battlecry. That makes it SO much better than I first thought it was.
Can inspire be activated more than once?
FlyingSkyy yes
FlyingSkyy Of course sunny.
FlyingSkyy Several times each turn if you got the right card out. Imagine, 5 3/5 kodos each turn for ten mana, with no card cost. VALUE!
A thing to note about the 6 Mana Kodorider, it summons a 3/5 WAR Kodo which could mean it has its separate effect, enchancing the cards value.
What exactly are these new cards if Face Hunter is just going to shit on them?
^useless o.O
I'll tell you what they WILL inspire.
Face Hunters.
Naedox I mostly think that face hunter is so simple and non-skillbased that blizzard may as well destroy its power (raise hp by 10, make Alex set hp to 20), because this way the game is not skillbased but rngbased. (Ofc raising hp isn't the only option, but it came to mind and I find the idea quite interesting
astonnik XIIV rip the last bracket
astonnik XIIV I cannot stand the current RNG that is going on. It's basically teaching new players is that if they're lucky, there's no possible way to fail.
Which REALLY makes me wonder if Hearthstone is more luck than actual skill
Oh the Trolden videos that are gonna come out with this expansion!!!! I can't wait
What deck is this?
Its part one of rhe expansion coming out next month
***** Its a joke
DΛRKNESS_ Malygodadin
Deathknight everything.
DΛRKNESS_ Malygos Shaman
Still watching the video so there may be more cards I'll comment on, but as far as the Skycap'n pirate legendary, he's bad 'right now'. We may see some pretty amazing pirates come out with this set and if a pirate deck could become a thing where most minions you play are pirate, he could be quite good. Let's see where we stand on pirates once we know all the cards.
Lock and load enables MIRACLE HUNTER
I come from reddit and I'm so glad I increased the speed. At 1.5x speed there's all upside, still perfectly understandable but I'm not here for an hour
As soon as this comes out I'm gonna climb with face hunter mech Mage and patron because they're still better then this since it requires you getting to ten mana for good value
George the hacker Yah, I am willing to bet a lot of cancerous douches will do the same.
There are like maybe 2-3 cards that might work in the current meta decks, and everything else is way too slow.
Cancer will continue to rule facestone.
shuvo rahman 10:1 their attempts to make the game more control oriented fails horribly, just like BRM did. The few rush cards they add in will be added to already disgustingly cancerous rush decks and made even more efficient.
The problem is that the stat allocation of early game is way too good, and there is NOTHING that will change that outside of insanely OP control tech cards, which they apparently won't add. I mean, their apparent 'solution' to rush this expac is using your hero power, and summoning 3/5 on turn 6! You are dead by then.... Even if you could populate the board full of 3/5's it won't matter, because they will just go face and finish you off!
Here is how the meta works! It's all about tempo! You fight for the board for the 1st 4 turns, if you win, you go face and win 70% of the time. The other 30% of the time they pull out a huge combo and beat you.
Please don't be that guy!
Actually the meta will change, although I do agree some these car dare very slow but there is effects are davestating and worth running for example caldera drake
Lol I my comment is so fucked up coz of spelling correction
Nice! I like how you placed your webcam capture in the AT scene!
_Battlecry: Replace your starting Hero Power with a better one_
Gul'Dan: "lol"
I feel like Justicar will only benefit in Handlock decks where you're down on health and you've already burned through your lava golems but still have mountain golems to contend with thus making the free draw pretty useful
Who else is here to find out who the next Dr. Balance is? Kappa
Gotti. ._.
( ง°ل͜°)ง
***** i already believe that poisoned blade will be trump's new mistake
Justicar Truehearth
41:44 so what would happen if a priest got his hands on that? would it heal two then hit for one? would it heal three? i must know...
Lady of the Lake - new meta Kappa
No wonder you're running for president next year, you know so much about hearthstone.
"Believe me I salivate at the thought of making two guys when I press the button"
Oh Trump, you and your dirty talk~
Something to consider though trump with Poison Blade is if you have a minion on board and use oil, you essentially can turn this into a very nice weapon. Compared to Assassin's Blade, it is lack for being one mana lower. With oil though, the damage Blade can do (5+6+7=18) can exceed Assassin's Blade (3x4=12 if not buffed). The only question becomes if having one less mana is quick enough.
As someone who has never cared about the meta or ladder, my sole goal is to set up a Cordana Drake, Maiden In the Lake, Majordomo combo. DIE INSECTS!!!!
Nate Puterbaugh and the secret you cant die ofcouse, also i commented that combo on nox vid like 2 days ago XD
Drake won't affect rag :\
Anthony Landrum yes it will. the justiceer dude wont drake will ;)
+Mathijs Saccol i hope by now you can look back at this comment and realize the fact that you sounded dumb
king bromigoman why its still valid what i said, you are sounding dumb right now
As a shaman lover, i am so excited for all the awesome new shaman cards!
I'm playing inspire Paladin day 1
Oh Man U just inspire me to play inspire Pala as well
Woodsy2575 Totem shaman here
Woodsy2575 I'm playing face hunter day 1 ( ง°ل͜°)ง ( ง°ل͜°)ง
Feluto shaman represent! Fuck pallies! Shaman FINALLY got some class cards that aren't COMPLETE shit!
Gene Starwind Have you ever heard of a Fire Elemental? Perhaps you've met my friend Whirling Zap-O-Matic?
For reference, GvG added 8 cards to each class, 2 commons, 3 rares, 2 epics, and 1 legendary. Assuming this will be of similar format, lots of class cards we'll get to see soon
So, do you think Majordomo will potentially become viable with this expansion?
The hero power stuff won't work on Rag said Blizzard... Its too OP
Still 90% chance to die so no
OfficialJaffaBair That was only about the Justicar I believe
quillife 16 damage rag op op op
can anyone tell me what time they are releasing grand tournament now it's 4:42 am 24 august at my time zone
Trump salivating at the thought of two guys.
For Justicar Trueheart 23:30 - What about the 2/3 games where you don't draw her by turn 6 or the times when you are forced to use your hero power before turn 6 or how using the hero power on turn 7,8,9, and 10 will screw up your mana curve? She's too expensive, but useful, look at all of the odd decks today.
Well ... Time 2 safe ma Gold
U have roughly 8 days
shuvo rahman it is coming out in august not 8 days
shuvo rahman They didn't say it would be released the 1st of August. For all we know, it could be the 31st.
Isn't going to be like GvG and you get it through card packs?
Bob Johnson And how do you buy packs?
I think the way Inspire is supposed to work is to have multiple inspire minions on the board at once. Then suddenly, your value spirals out of control. The problem is, it's difficult to do that with generally underpowered cards. So I think if there are successful decks that run it, it'll have aggro low cost cards, to start the game, and take the board, and then inspire cards to finish.
Naxx out? PogChamp
Okay, Trump didn't make the comparison but you can basically look at Fallen Hero as another Steamwheedle Sniper for mage. Fallen Hero is a bit better since their effects can stack but otherwise, it's a 2 cost minion with 2 cost minion stats that turns your hero power into a 2 damage targeted nuke. Steamwheedle Sniper isn't 'that' good, so I suspect this guy won't be 'that' good either.
Steam wheedle would be better if huntard had more than one deck type.
Also, for all those hunters out there: Fallen Hero is secretly your buddy as well. As a two mana card he is a potential shredder pilot if you get him you get to shoot face for more damage SMOrc
21:50 The reason you can't think of any is because anything about the 5 mana slot starts to become tech oriented. Boom, Sylvanas, Various other class and neutral legendaries, anything above 5 mana is going to be something specific to that style of deck. Since most of these are specific, they are going to be stat skewed in favor of doing something special.
here is a cool combo:
you play maiden of the lake on turn 4, on turn 5 you coin out justicar trueheart and on turn 6 you play coldarra drake. If you're lucky and you pull this off you can get 4 empowered heropowers.
It's important that you think of the effects from your hero power aswell. It's not just so that a card with inspire costs 2 more mana and that's it. Example: the Silver Hand Regent won't be a 5 mana 4/4 because you also get a guy from your hero power, therefor it would be a 5 mana 5/5 split into 3 minions (witch also will give spawning effects such as a knife jugler's knife)
Justicar, used only in Warrior, Paladin and sometimes Priest. I forgot what the other classes actually had haha.
I don't think you would run quick shot in a lock and load deck, the draw effect from lock and load triggers before the draw from quick shot triggers, so your hand would never be empty. Quick shot would become a frostbolt that doesn't freeze.
18:43 What happens to JArraxus' hero power and raganros' hero power ? Does jarr summon a 12/12 for 2 mana? or Raganros does 16 damage to random target. Hmm I wonder
It does nothing
It does nothing, first of the card said it replaces your starting hero power, so it doesnt effect any non standard hero powers like Inferno or Die Insect. Second of if it cant replace your starting hero power then it does nothing as well, which is what happen when you have any non standard hero power.
17:00 what about jaraxxus's power?And shadow form priest?
An agro inspire card could be like 1 mana 2/1 inspire: deal 2 damage to the enemy hero or maybe like windfury.
Please no.... Hunters would play turn 1 hero ability turn to... That's 4 damage... Now imagine that but with 4 of them (2 deck cards + faceless) thats 10 damage with hero ability... You would be dead in 3 turns
I don't know if you edit these yourself, but the work is unreal.
He has an editor
The simple fact that the Inspire mechanic has a sort-of snowball effect with the hero power (the longer they stay on the board), seems to me the meta might slow down a bit. Force opponents to trade (sometimes unfavorably) with your inspire minions or be overwhelmed by their effects.
i love how you build the face cam in the background :D
Imagine the dream... you play thaurrissan as a control warrior on turn 5 (coins), reducing shield slam to 0 mana. You play Justicar on turn 6, and sylvanas on turn 7 (with or without a hero power, if the sylvanas is reduce. Your ennemy is a tempo mage, and play cortanas drake and frostbolt your sylvanas. You shield slam your sylvanas, stealing the drake, and do 5 times your hero power (5x4). You gain 20 armor. Opponent rage. Opponent concede. You go on trolden.
Hey guys, when you use the shaman buffed hero power... do you get to choose from totems like Mana Tide? Or just the Heal one, Spell power 1/1 and taut?
I think for inspire decks to have a chance Lady of the Lake had to be a 4-cost 2/5(or 4) that made your hero power cost 0. Powerful I know, but that's the kind of push that inspire needs to be fast enough.
Lock and load imo won't create control hunter. It'll create mech hunter where you fill your hand with spare parts. Sure it'll be a slower hunter deck because you can play things like toshley, but it'll still be hunter and it'll be mech based, so it'll be fast still
Garrison commander in a shadow form priest deck.
36:04 no love for flame totem which is also amazing? Granted not as good as the two you mentioned, but it's definitely a well above average roll for this card which basically means at least 3/8 are really good. It would basically make it a 3mana 5/2 with a 0/3 pseudo taunt. Then all the other totems are situational so they could be really good depending on if/when you get it. A 1/8 chance to summon a specific totem isn't that bad of odds. 2/8 are always good like you said so it's basically 1/4 for something amazing and 1/6 for something potentially good depending on your board state. I personally think this card is amazing, but my judgement for value isn't great.
Does someone have the link to that gorgeous background pic?
I know it's difficult to evaluate these cards given that we were only shown a small percentage of the expansion so far, but I think you should take more into consideration when you look at cards like justicar trueheart. Clearly it isnt a card that is going to be played for its stats, and I dont think there is any deck that would play it for its effect ON ITS OWN. But look at all the other cards already released that revolve around pressing the button: maiden of the lake reduces cost to 1 mana, mages can lay down cards that further empower their hero power, and several cards allow you to cast is more than once per turn. I think when looking at Justicar Trueheart in constructed, you will have to look at how she works in the deck as a whole, because this new inspire mechanic is going to synergize with a majority of cards from this expansion. That being said, only time will tell, cant wait
To make an aggressive card with inspire on it, you could make one with high stats for its mana cost, with: "Can't attack. Inspire: Can attack this turn"
Wait, so what happens if you go Justicar on priest after using shadowform? or buffed shadowform?
I frickin love how blunt he is with his review.
I think Justicar will be great in Priest or Warrior. Healing for 4 each time you hero power is enough to out heal an aggressor's late game attempts to finish you off, and doubling the power is so powerful when considering Auchenai Soulpriest or Warrior's general tanking strategy.
I don't think she's worth playing in any other deck though. We'll have to wait and see though.
Funny thing that could happen: say you have nexus champion sarad and coldarra drake. If you hero power and get innervate every time (yes I realize the odds of that are very low but it's possible) you can just ping forever!
do remeber the value of your hero power increases for every inspire you have. a card might not be worth if is on its pown but when your entire board is inspire and your hero power becomes insane
The Problem with cards like Garrison Commander is that for example the rogue doesn't really get any advantage out of it, except you control any cards with the inspire effect
"Frost Giant... 10 mana 8/8, another *cool* giant"
I see what you did there!
I think justicar is actually pretty good in shaman. Depending on the situation and deck, you have either a small taunt every turn (i am become hogger, destroyer of worlds), or spell power, or situationally get better trades than you would otherwise with the healing totem. And no more 1/1s
This expansion has some really cool artwork. I love some of the color contrasts, some of the cards would look amazing as gold as well. Nexus guys are some of the coolest creatures in Warcraft, they're like electric toilet paper guys and I love them. :3
Electric toilet paper lol
Roll Fizzlebeef Do you mean, like, Mana Wyrms?
Or Ethereals?
***** Ethereals ^_^
Shoutout to northernlion
Conor Mesure aww it's amazing how much impact that character made, i still get recognized from that game all this time later. crazy :)
so let me get this straight. the effects of these cards are permanent ? even after the minion with the effect is destroyed ?
***** What is battlecry?
Depends. Some of the inspire cards will lose the effect when they die. Justicar will keep the hero power even after he dies
No, cards with battlecry last forever those that dont last as long as its on the board
I have faith that Lowly Squire will work in Face Hunter, given that Hero Power will likely be activated on turn 2/3 (or both) and your curve doesn't go above 3 anyway
I agree, Giants are indeed fun :] They take me back to the days when I played Magic often and the big strong creatures (Wyrms, Giants, Hydras etc) were always some of my favorites! And the Giants def represent that avenue for me, while having some unique and fun mechanics to try to work out and setup :3. I think Frost Giant may end up being my favorite. I think Clockwork Giant may be my least favorite as often my opponents don't hoard their hand, unless they're specifically designed for a big combo (Patron, Oil etc etc) so often it's still a 8-11 mana cost
I actually like the silver hand regent. It allows you to double the board control you get from your paladin power
I'm only 16 minutes into the video but if you haven't watched it yet I suggest watching the video with 1.25 speed. It's not to fast to not be able to understand him and it makes watching the video much easier.
Where can we watch the July 22nd games he keeps mentioning?!
Garrison Commander in control warrior.
Justicar Trueheart in a priest deck. Health buffs with soulpriest.
Is Totem Golem a sign that the older overload cards will be reworked?
Will totem decks be viable now? It'd be nice to have more than one option for shaman.
Fallen Hero can be summoned with Piloted Shredder, how does it interact with other hero abilities?
I think because the text on Maiden is "your hero power costs 1" and not 1 less means it doesn't stack to 0 mana hero power. If it did mage could 0 mana fireblast you till you're dead with Drake.
what happens if you play majordomo or shadowform and then play justicar trueheart?
after all the new cards i think the combo is pretty clear and the card u need for the combo is just thaurisson , its still hard to get play thaurisson and lower all the mana cost of the minions u need for the combo
Token paladin will be a deck, everyone, with all these new cards. Taking Muster + Quartermaster to a whole new level, one that every paladin player will probably find really fun when it works.
the justicar trueheart,that replace the hero power with a better one, is it gonig to do that 2 for lord jaraxxus and if yes what will it be summon a 3/2?
I can only picture garrison commander in non-hunter agro, where you could have tons of extra mana mid/late game to use.
24:10 - There are a lot of bad spell cards, but I think a bad spell is quite a bit or at least moderately better when your opponent can't play around it. It's the element of surprise bonus.
I think garrison combined with silver hand regent is quite good. Cause 2 mana then 3 then 4 by using hero power twice. Just a thought,
What happens if your in shadow for when you use justice truehart
You go for the ballista shot, maiden of the lake and Coldarra drake turn 10, if they both live, 10x3 damage and you win
Nexus-Champion so far looks like the card to craft. Really good for mid-late game draw. After that maybe Justicar?
Justicar Trueheart + Garrison commander. 8 armor gain per turn is so crazy to think of in a late game control warrior.
QUESTION: Garrisson Commander + Druid/Rogue = Able to attack twice? or for druid just 2/2 and rouge re equip weapon?
Kinda wondering what justicar trueheart and auchenai, along with garrison commander could do...
Does Justicar stack when you use mage duplicate?
about justicar, what about if your ragnaros or jarraxus, what does it do then?
so ready to watch this! *Grabs snacks*
one interesting synergy is that if you have a maiden of the lake out and play jarraxus, you will be able to insta summon a dread infernal. Will this probably see any play? No. Does using thaurissan on jarraxus have the same effect, and better? Yes. Still, it's kinda interesting