On the Sublimation of Life Quality

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • *On the Sublimation of Life Quality*
    The theory of cosmic holography tells us that each of us possesses divine, demonic, Buddhist, celestial, demonic, human, ghostly, and animal natures. As the saying goes, "A grain of sand contains a world, and a leaf reflects a bodhi." The transformation from animal nature to human nature, from human nature to celestial and Buddhist nature, and from celestial and Buddhist nature to divine nature is called the sublimation of life quality.
    I want to discuss how to elevate from human nature to celestial nature. How can we achieve this transformation?
    Understanding the difference between human and celestial nature provides a clear direction and goal. I have written hundreds of articles on how to elevate from human nature to celestial nature, which you can refer to. In this article, I will repeat and add some points.
    **First**, you must move out of traditional production and living modes and enter a new mode of production and living. Otherwise, all efforts will likely fail. For example, achieving "own nothing but possess everything" is impossible in traditional living modes. Once you own nothing, you might starve. Only by entering a new production and living mode can you not only avoid starvation but also possess everything. Living in traditional modes and expecting to elevate your life's quality through cultivation is like trying to lift yourself into the sky by pulling your hair-it is impossible. Any cultivation within traditional modes is like a "blind man lighting a lamp-it is futile" and self-deceptive.
    **The sublimation of life requires consistent effort in small details**. Slogans are useless. Reading all the classics is useless. Writing millions of words of theoretical articles is useless. Building numerous churches, temples, or Taoist temples is useless. Helping countless people or saving many lives is useless. Following many masters is useless. Receiving praise from many people is useless. Donating to many charitable organizations is useless. Inventing and creating many beneficial high-tech products is useless. Accumulating wealth or becoming a high-ranking official to benefit the people is useless. These only prove one's merits but not the sublimation of human nature into celestial nature.
    You must become what you want to be. If you want to be a cabbage, you must become a cabbage. If you want to be the sun, you must become the sun.
    Here are some examples of small details to illustrate this point:
    - If you usually live in a villa and one day live in a thatched hut with straw instead of a mattress, how do you feel? If you feel uncomfortable and unhappy, your life quality is still human nature, not celestial nature. If you find it interesting and fun, and feel happy, you have no human nature left and possess celestial nature.
    - If you usually eat gourmet food and one day eat boiled cabbage and potatoes without any salt, and find it hard to swallow, it shows you only have human nature. If you still enjoy the food and feel grateful, you have transcended human nature and possess celestial nature.
    - If you find your beloved person playing and making love with someone else of the same gender and feel jealous, angry, or furious, your life nature is human. If you sincerely bless them and feel joy, your life nature is celestial.
    - If you are deceived by someone you trust, and your money is gone, and you feel angry and want to curse, hit, or even kill the deceiver, you have human nature. If you remain indifferent and even feel pity for the deceiver, wishing them well, you have celestial nature.
    - If someone trusts you unconditionally and you secretly do things behind their back, you are human, not celestial. Even if no one knows you betrayed their trust, your life quality has not elevated.
    - If you flatter and praise someone for your benefit but secretly curse them, and often act against their will, you still have human nature.
    These examples are just a few among thousands. They illustrate that the quality of a person's life is reflected in countless small details. If you do not meet the standards in these details, no amount of slogans will help. Pretending to be flawless might deceive people and gods, but it will not elevate your life's quality, and you will not reach heaven.
    February 23, 2023

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