Greetings. I have a bit rusty tank of an oldtimer car. The capacity is 12 Gallons and it has 3 baffles inside it. 1) is it possible to use the sealer on rusty tank? I won't be able to remove the rust mechanically since it's inside the tank. 2) Could you please recommend the required amount of degreaser, metal prep and tank sealer for this tank? 3) Do you have any distributors / retailers of POR15 in Europe? Thank you
Can you use POR 15 ON A plastic fuel tanks
Said the exact same thing “ damn that’s heavier than I expected “ lmao
Awesome video. Thanks. Do you leave it capped or vented for the 96 hours?
No, don't cap the fuel tank when you are done. You want airflow for it to completely cure before reassembly and installation.
Greetings. I have a bit rusty tank of an oldtimer car. The capacity is 12 Gallons and it has 3 baffles inside it. 1) is it possible to use the sealer on rusty tank? I won't be able to remove the rust mechanically since it's inside the tank. 2) Could you please recommend the required amount of degreaser, metal prep and tank sealer for this tank? 3) Do you have any distributors / retailers of POR15 in Europe? Thank you
Please contact for information and assistance with your project. They will be able to give you more info.
EBay sell it
Seems a lot of work n time too
Wait lol 😅 why not just put plastic liners in fuel tanks with a metal outer shell no more rust