3D backgrounds deliver more deep, atmosphere and volume to the scene. On the other hand, 2D backgrounds have more details. But this statement only related to the old-gen consoles, modern 3D fightings have shocking amount of details. In conclusion, 2D backgrounds have obvious oldschool vibe while 3D backgrounds are more contemp and technological.
A modern remake (ps3-onwards) could replicate the details of 2d bg's very nicely. Even those super detailed stages of older Kofs. In a way, it's sad that it never happen. But then again, Snk is very poor in 3d skills, so the characters in 3d would have looked very bad. They did look bad even on the ps4...
That was an amazing way to use the 3d inside a 2d game without making it worst. Amazing result, unfortunately nobody try no more to do that kind of mix, but only 3d.
It actually looks like the original Neo-geo backgrounds and blends with the sprites well unlike Capcom vs SNK 2 for instance where it’s very pixelated sprites on top of razor sharp higher-res backgrounds
Muchas gracias por esta comparación. No sabía que el KOF 98 tuvo una versión con los fondos en 3D. Además, es un juego que le tengo mucho cariño ya que el escenario de España es la Alhambra de Granada, que es en mi ciudad natal 😎.
@@cybermx8896 Lo pregunto porque antiguamente era frecuente diferencias entre regiones de un mismo juego, personajes, música, gráficos, etc... Muchas gracias por la información, tú si sabes de vídeo juegos, jaja 😆👍
I love how the original 2D stages are colorful, detailed, and full of personality, but the 3D makeover they received makes them look even better than they already do.
The DC versions are too blocky for me.I like how they didn't try to make exact copies of the 2D backgrounds on the PS2 version and instead they changed things a bit.
I'm a DC fan , but I don't like the KOF 98 DC version. The 3D backgrounds look "fake" and we don't have the choice to switch back to 2D backgrounds... I think the 2D backgrounds are more "alive" and more integrated with the characters
Si es verdad :)... Mientras que en el área del barco, el fondo 3D parece estar hecho de caricatura igual que el resto de los personajes y encaja perfectamente bien, en el área donde pelean con un basquetbolista y en donde se ven unos autos con unas banderas ondulantes, pues se nota que esos autos están hechos en con polígonos, lo que desentona con el área en general.
O 3D é bom no que diz respeito a profundidade, pois fica mais realista você andar e as "camadas" ficarem trocando de perspectiva, por outo lado, muitos modelos 3D não ficarão tão caprichados quanto seus antecessores de sprite, fora que o 3D não combina muito com os bonecos de pixel . Portanto, não desmerecendo a tentativa de atualizar esse grande clássico de luta, fico com os LINDOS e caprichados cenários em pixel ARTE, sem falar na ost da intro, que também prefiro a original do arcade/Neo Geo !!! P.S: Esse é de longe o MELHOR King of Fighters que eu tive a FELICIDADE de jogar ainda nos fliperamas do bairro, lá no inicio dos anos 2000 !!! VLW Marota, obrigado por mais essa comparação, abraço !!!
Alguns cenários da versão 3D ficaram meio "azulados", bem esquisitos, mas no geral ficaram bem bonitos, mesmo eu ainda preferindo a versão original. Seria legal uma comparação desse estilo também com o KOF 99 (Normal vs Evolution) Dreamcast ou/vs PS2..
@@eltonlima6879 Verdade. Eu estava me referindo ao KOF 99 Evolution; mas bem bem lembrado por você, também tem o Dream Match 1999(que é o 98 do Dreamcast)...seriam boas comprações também.
I kept my CRT years after I had my first PC until it started to flicker and fade. It was a Micron. While flat monitors have gotten far better especially with gaming monitors CRT is still are awesome to behold. Especially for retro gaming which is what I do most of the time.
O melhor KOF de todos, já achava a 98 o melhor de todos, com as adições desta versão ficou insuperável. Prefiro o 2D, sempre achei que o cenário 3D não fica natural em relação aos personagens.
Mesmo a outra versão tendo o fundo em 3D eu fico com a Versão do The King of Fighters '98 2D, onde acho muito mais plausível e mais atraente o bom e velho 2D de qualidade!
Alguns jogos são perfeitos no 2D, pelos motivos que todos conhecem. Nos anos 90, tinha bons profissionais que trabalhavam com 2d. E tem jogos que são melhores no 3d... Mas eu tenho mais carinho pelo 2d, pelo processo envolvido na criação das sprites, cada desenho é uma arte única. Na sprite poligonal 3d, eu gosto quando é jogo de corrida, temos fidelidade com o modelo do carro.
da uma olhada no que o john chermond e o felipev8 diz sobre.É bom mas tem o aspecto da animação e o recorte dos sprites que no 2d puro disfarça mas no 3d cai no vale da estranheza
Verdades difíceis de engolir: 1 - KOF é melhor que Street Fighter 2 - Consoles caseiros só foram bons até a Sexta Geração de consoles. 3 - Os melhores jogos eram os de fliperama.
Faz uma comparação dessa Kof 98 UM com os cenários 3d VS a 98 do DreamCast...sabemos q a 98 UM é uma versão mais completa mas seria legal essa comparação...
Does somebody know why there are two versions of these games? It's the same with KOF 02 UM. They ported only the 2D versions to Steam, I had a ps2 japanese burned copy of both of these games back in the day and realized years after purchasing them in Steam that the 3D graphics were nowhere to be found.
I also realized the lack of 3d scenarios recently while playing on xbox360. The removal of 3d stuff is probably to make the port easier. I guess that even if pc/xbox360 can easily handle the 3d stuff, their removal should still make it easier somehow to make their ports happen.
sinceramente eu nunca tinha visto essa versão 2D do KOF 98 UM do PS2. .. eu sempre joguei a versão 3D do game. Por acaso ela é outra ISO ou alguma configuração dentro do OPTIONS ?
2D é muito mais bonito e limpo,esse 3D disfarçado parece recortes em frente ao layer 2D logo não fica legal em movimento e da um aspecto totalmente artificial
meh, the 3D in the first level has the teammates floating over the scene, they do not look connected to the background at all and slide across the stage as it moves. the 2D however they look grounded and actually in the scene. That coupled with more detail in the 2D scene, i have to give it to 2D winning this one.
Quase todos, saiu uma em uma coletâneas pro ocidente, mas a melhor versão é essa de baixo: -The King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match (NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 10) Você além do The King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match que é o Remake do jogo, tem a opção de escolher a versão original de Neo Geo. E tem a versão The King of Fighters ’99 - Dream Match, mas essa é exclusiva de Dreamcast, e também tem cenários em 3D.
Até daria pra fazer um bom trabalho de reproduzir com competência os mesmos detalhes dos cenários 2d, até de cenários mais detalhados como os de Kofs anteriores. Agora não daria no ps2, na minha opinião. No ps3 ou ps4, sim.
@@carlosaugusto9821 Exatamente !! antigamente o pessoal não tinha muito recurso e FAZIA incríveis, hoje temos os recursos e não conseguimos sequer copiar com perfeição o que já foi feito....Perdemos o fator "capricho".
Desde o dreamcast fico impressionado como conseguiram reproduzir os cenários desenhados. No 94 rebout o cenário dos atletas tinha virado uma arena circular que a cada vez que os lutadores fizessem o desvio pro fundo eles davam um passo lateral e o cenário girava e tinha como dar uma volta completa. Queria que tivessem feito isso nessas versões do 98 com esses novos detalhes
This isn't from any compilation, this is a standalone re-imagining of KoF 98, with stuff the developers wanted to include in the original game, but couldn't, like the expanded roster. This game would eventually find it's way to arcades in Japan (with NESica, along with 2002 UM), and in China, where it runs not on Taito Type X hardware, but on PGM2 hardware. THhe Chinese version was added to MAME awhile back, and is quite playable too, and seems quite nice, though neither Taito Type X, nor PGM 2 have the 3D stages, nor remixed music.
O interessante a se notar é que embora sejam em 3D, os gráficos ainda estão em baixa resolução, ao contrário do 2002 e do NeoWave que estão em alta resolução no PS2
There isn't much difference in the 3D backgrounds, nor is there much to really emphasize the fact that it's 3D. Marvel vs. Capcom did a much, much better job in making use of 3D. In reality, the backgrounds are still fixed at angle, so for all we know, it's just rendered billboards.
All the objects are clearly 3d and not 2D billboards. It's pretty obvious by looking at buildings or vehicles. As for MVC2, unfortunately the sprites are so low res they clash against the 3D backgrounds. CVS2 did it a bit better but still not great.
na boa, preferi o modo 2D... dá uma sensação melhor. O 3D é massa, sempre é legal, mas o andar do cenário dos carros parados, um pouco que os lutadores andam o carro vira muito, sei la.... não ficou legal.
Loved the KOF series but I hated the fact they never really upgraded the sprites from 94 up until 2003? The backgrounds were updated 3D etc moved in 3d etc but the sprites remained unchanged. I hated that. With capcom you can see even sprites were redrawn for the street fighter ii multiple times but KOF remained the same.
What are you talking about? Every year there were new animations or there was change of sprites from scratch in the character models. On the other hand after the Alpha series Capcom reused the exactly same sprites in the future SF Alpha games. The same happened with the VS games (XMvsSF, MvsC and so on)
Different production styles. In reality Snk made much bigger efforts than Capcom in upgrading their 2d works... but that stopped around the mid and late 90s. In the whole Fatal Fury history - from the early to late 90s, and 8 main releases - there were only 3 instances of sprite recycling in the direct sequel. Art of Fighting changed sprites in all 3 releases from the early to mid 90s. Samurai Shodown changed sprites, and drastically, from 1 to 3, no recycling until then. Kof came with a brand new 2d art style unseen in those 3 franchises, and it got sprite updates from 94 to 96, with no recycling in those sequels. Only after the mid 90s, KOF and SS resorted to recycling. Now Capcom used to make one game, and lots of updates in the following years with no graphic change. In the entire 90's they only made new sprite work to a Sf sequel THREE times: Sf2 (from Sf1), Sfa, which ended up recycled insanely even beyond the 90s, and Sf3. And in Marvel? ZERO changes from 94 to 00. And Darkstalkers? ZERO changes from 94 to 98. When the situation is presented clearly and in details, it's easy to see how there's absolutely nothing supporting rationally a different way of looking at both companies regarding the matter in question. That is only motivated by ignorance of the two companies' history (and i must be frank: not rarely the case of a fanboy who doesnt appreciate Snk enough to even try inform himself about basic history info). And the way Capcom did their "lazy job" along the 90's, in an intermittent way, naturally didnt stand out as much as Snk's production style, that used to update their game at every release (mostly) but then burned out, stopped and started only recycle sprites after 1996. It's easy to focus on that event to pick on Snk. And ignore conveniently that Capcom never made any 2d upgrading work after SF3, in 97. That was a major issue in fg history: the 2d fg industry was approaching a decadent stage and there was less motivation for brand new big 2d efforts. It was a miracle that MOTW was even made in 99, actually. And Capcom didnt do any new big 2d effort with their own franchises around those years... they worked on Jojo and that's it. Everything else was recycled: recycled Marvel release, recycled Sfa release, recycled Sf3 release, recycled Sf3 release.
Prefiro o gráfico 3D gráfico 2D deve funcionar melhor numa máquina de fliperama Nesse Kof fica estranho en 3d talvez se ajustar as bordas ou refazer um pouco o game dá certo
The 3D staged one had a problem tho, they cannot coordinate teammate position correctly, it was worthy of work of art but i prefer the 2D stage, handdrawing at its finest, static and more realistic.
Hola amigo podrías hacer una comparación del apartado Neo Geo mode de kof 98 um vs el kof 98 original del arcade en su nivel 8 expert y ver sus diferencias...gracias saludos ✌🏼.
3D backgrounds deliver more deep, atmosphere and volume to the scene. On the other hand, 2D backgrounds have more details. But this statement only related to the old-gen consoles, modern 3D fightings have shocking amount of details. In conclusion, 2D backgrounds have obvious oldschool vibe while 3D backgrounds are more contemp and technological.
A modern remake (ps3-onwards) could replicate the details of 2d bg's very nicely. Even those super detailed stages of older Kofs. In a way, it's sad that it never happen. But then again, Snk is very poor in 3d skills, so the characters in 3d would have looked very bad. They did look bad even on the ps4...
That was an amazing way to use the 3d inside a 2d game without making it worst.
Amazing result, unfortunately nobody try no more to do that kind of mix, but only 3d.
More stuff animated in the background on the 2d version
I had no idea any other version of the game had 3D backgrounds besides Dreamcast. Thank you for the comparison!
I'm suprised on how majestically 3d was used
It actually looks like the original Neo-geo backgrounds and blends with the sprites well unlike Capcom vs SNK 2 for instance where it’s very pixelated sprites on top of razor sharp higher-res backgrounds
Muchas gracias por esta comparación. No sabía que el KOF 98 tuvo una versión con los fondos en 3D. Además, es un juego que le tengo mucho cariño ya que el escenario de España es la Alhambra de Granada, que es en mi ciudad natal 😎.
Hola, cuál es la versión 3D? La japonesa, la americana o la PAL?... 🤔... o sin importar la región cada juego trae la opción 2D y 3D?... 🤔
@@alexdominguezleiva2102 El disco trae las 2 versiones ja ja ja ja.
Lo pregunto porque antiguamente era frecuente diferencias entre regiones de un mismo juego, personajes, música, gráficos, etc...
Muchas gracias por la información, tú si sabes de vídeo juegos, jaja
@@alexdominguezleiva2102 Las 3 son lo mismo.
@@cybermx8896 también lo tiene las versiones para PS4 y Xbox One?
I love how the original 2D stages are colorful, detailed, and full of personality, but the 3D makeover they received makes them look even better than they already do.
2D is the nostalgic one, but 3D is the cool one!
2d blends better and has much more detail.
I still believe KOF 98 is the best KOF game. I feel like the series got bland afterwards although 2002 was pretty great itself
13 and 14 were very good as well
@@bumblerinteractive1554 they weren't that's just you're perspective i may wrong considering i never played those two yet
@@__safeguard2154 what...
@@bumblerinteractive1554 i haven't played thpse two yet
Me too the series flopped after the Orochi saga
I always loved the 3D backgrounds, but mine is on Dreamcast.
Only those hard-offs on the Neo-Geo boards would find an issue with it. Heh heh
The 3D backgrounds seem different in here. They made it more realized in this version because I hated how Omega Rugal's level looked on DC
The DC versions are too blocky for me.I like how they didn't try to make exact copies of the 2D backgrounds on the PS2 version and instead they changed things a bit.
I'm a DC fan , but I don't like the KOF 98 DC version. The 3D backgrounds look "fake" and we don't have the choice to switch back to 2D backgrounds... I think the 2D backgrounds are more "alive" and more integrated with the characters
For me, the 2d looks more natural. The 3D is beautiful, but also strange
Si es verdad :)... Mientras que en el área del barco, el fondo 3D parece estar hecho de caricatura igual que el resto de los personajes y encaja perfectamente bien, en el área donde pelean con un basquetbolista y en donde se ven unos autos con unas banderas ondulantes, pues se nota que esos autos están hechos en con polígonos, lo que desentona con el área en general.
They did a good job in 3D cause here It don't clash with the sprites. Looks natural. Of course the 2D is very cool too.
Great job giving us this superb content. As always.
PlayStation 2 wins...
PlayStation 2 wins
Ps2 got more performance, but playstation 2 got more details 🤣🤣
This is the comment I was looking for
2d backgrounds look better to me due the more vivid colors.
it doesnt have water reflection though
Jogo até hoje no PS2 no Tubo a 240p, lindo demais!
I use 2D Background with OST and 3D Background with AST :)
O 3D é bom no que diz respeito a profundidade, pois fica mais realista você andar e as "camadas" ficarem trocando de perspectiva, por outo lado, muitos modelos 3D não ficarão tão caprichados quanto seus antecessores de sprite, fora que o 3D não combina muito com os bonecos de pixel . Portanto, não desmerecendo a tentativa de atualizar esse grande clássico de luta, fico com os LINDOS e caprichados cenários em pixel ARTE, sem falar na ost da intro, que também prefiro a original do arcade/Neo Geo !!! P.S: Esse é de longe o MELHOR King of Fighters que eu tive a FELICIDADE de jogar ainda nos fliperamas do bairro, lá no inicio dos anos 2000 !!! VLW Marota, obrigado por mais essa comparação, abraço !!!
Alguns cenários da versão 3D ficaram meio "azulados", bem esquisitos, mas no geral ficaram bem bonitos, mesmo eu ainda preferindo a versão original. Seria legal uma comparação desse estilo também com o KOF 99 (Normal vs Evolution) Dreamcast ou/vs PS2..
Bem lembrado o Kof normal vs Dream Match1999 do Dreamcast! Na "minha" opinião os cenários mais bonitos ainda são da versão do Dreamcast.
@@eltonlima6879 Verdade. Eu estava me referindo ao KOF 99 Evolution; mas bem bem lembrado por você, também tem o Dream Match 1999(que é o 98 do Dreamcast)...seriam boas comprações também.
--> lo único que veo distinto es el fondo del vídeo juego...
Como há o sistema de clima alternado, normalmente alguns stages são azulados devido ao horário do dia, creio.
Love this game! So happy that kof 2002 um is finally coming to the PS4 either next month or early next year. Hopefully, kof xi will be next.🤞🏼
CRT Wins.
Both look amazing when played on a classic RGB CRT.
I kept my CRT years after I had my first PC until it started to flicker and fade. It was a Micron. While flat monitors have gotten far better especially with gaming monitors CRT is still are awesome to behold. Especially for retro gaming which is what I do most of the time.
Wow, I didn't know there were 2 versions of KOF 98 on the PS2.
There wasn’t it was just an option to play 2d or 3d on the ps2 version
@@stevesteve0521 ohh I see. Thanks.
O melhor KOF de todos, já achava a 98 o melhor de todos, com as adições desta versão ficou insuperável.
Prefiro o 2D, sempre achei que o cenário 3D não fica natural em relação aos personagens.
SNK should add the 3D stages to 2002 UM and '98 UM for the Steam Versions, but sadly that never will happen...
Can't have games on Steam being over 4GB now, especially fighting games based off of older properties.
They are both very beautiful! 2D is an art in itself, but 3D gives it a good touch of modernity as it has been implemented very wisely.
Mesmo a outra versão tendo o fundo em 3D eu fico com a Versão do The King of Fighters '98 2D, onde acho muito mais plausível e mais atraente o bom e velho 2D de qualidade!
Alguns jogos são perfeitos no 2D, pelos motivos que todos conhecem.
Nos anos 90, tinha bons profissionais que trabalhavam com 2d.
E tem jogos que são melhores no 3d... Mas eu tenho mais carinho pelo 2d, pelo processo envolvido na criação das sprites, cada desenho é uma arte única.
Na sprite poligonal 3d, eu gosto quando é jogo de corrida, temos fidelidade com o modelo do carro.
Unpopular opinion, I preferred the fatal fury games over the KOF games and wish they hadn’t stopped at mark of wolves
A versão com os cenários em 3D supera e muito o original, beeeeem mais bonito
Os efeitos de transparência são muito bons.
da uma olhada no que o john chermond e o felipev8 diz sobre.É bom mas tem o aspecto da animação e o recorte dos sprites que no 2d puro disfarça mas no 3d cai no vale da estranheza
3D wins 👍👍👍
What is that song that always plays in the beginning of these videos? It's catchy
Great comparison! I love both!
Verdades difíceis de engolir:
1 - KOF é melhor que Street Fighter
2 - Consoles caseiros só foram bons até a Sexta Geração de consoles.
3 - Os melhores jogos eram os de fliperama.
Never really understood why certain releases of this game, like the steam port remove the option for 3D backgrounds
The Steam version was based on the XBLA version, which had to stay under a specific data size by the time of its release on Xbox Marketplace.
@@X2011racer fair
Faz uma comparação dessa Kof 98 UM com os cenários 3d VS a 98 do DreamCast...sabemos q a 98 UM é uma versão mais completa mas seria legal essa comparação...
Does somebody know why there are two versions of these games? It's the same with KOF 02 UM. They ported only the 2D versions to Steam, I had a ps2 japanese burned copy of both of these games back in the day and realized years after purchasing them in Steam that the 3D graphics were nowhere to be found.
I also realized the lack of 3d scenarios recently while playing on xbox360. The removal of 3d stuff is probably to make the port easier. I guess that even if pc/xbox360 can easily handle the 3d stuff, their removal should still make it easier somehow to make their ports happen.
I also confirmed that my ps2 game have much more variations of the same scenarios than the 360 version
I would like the comparison between the kof 98 um of ps2 that is in 3d and the kof dream match 1999 of sega dreamcast
Me too. Impressed me with how much they mastered making 3D look 2D in this game.
2d version is the very Nostalgic.
3d version reminded us that those were still good games.
sinceramente eu nunca tinha visto essa versão 2D do KOF 98 UM do PS2. .. eu sempre joguei a versão 3D do game. Por acaso ela é outra ISO ou alguma configuração dentro do OPTIONS ?
Também quero saber mano sera que ê outro jogo?
@@cabulosofive8243 ... um tempo depois.. botei pra rodar o Jogo.. e percebi que tem a opção de 2D e 3D lá dentro do OPTIONS da mesma ISO. 🙂
@@wendelmatozo8846 vlw mano, vou olhar aqui ,tmj 👍
Y como se ven los escenarios de orochi y goeniz?
Esses são 2 jogos separados ou é o mesmo jogo com a opção de escolher os backgrounds de 2 e 3d?
Existe a opção dentro do mesmo jogo.
@@M.Eufratez em que lugar mano?
in 3d background the crowd slips over the floor. that's weird
2D quite consistent, 3d some very nice, some so so.
2D é muito mais bonito e limpo,esse 3D disfarçado parece recortes em frente ao layer 2D logo não fica legal em movimento e da um aspecto totalmente artificial
meh, the 3D in the first level has the teammates floating over the scene, they do not look connected to the background at all and slide across the stage as it moves. the 2D however they look grounded and actually in the scene. That coupled with more detail in the 2D scene, i have to give it to 2D winning this one.
Não entendi, saíram dois TKOF98 para PS2?
É o mesmo jogo (KOF98UM) com a opção de mudar os cenários de fundo de 2D para 3D e vice-versa.
KOF 98 UM for PS2 has both games version, the regular one in 2D and the 3D ver., plus kof94, 95, 96, 97
Que legal eu não joguei esse game na época do PS2, bem interessante, obrigado pelo esclarecimento! Abraços
Quase todos, saiu uma em uma coletâneas pro ocidente, mas a melhor versão é essa de baixo:
-The King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match
(NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 10)
Você além do The King of Fighters '98 - Ultimate Match que é o Remake do jogo, tem a opção de escolher a versão original de Neo Geo.
E tem a versão The King of Fighters ’99 - Dream Match, mas essa é exclusiva de Dreamcast, e também tem cenários em 3D.
Só um cenário mostrou albums vantagem em set 3D: o do Rio na China. Os demais, o 2D são mais bonitos.
@d is better. doesn't make it look off. The 3d makes 16bit sprites stand out in a ugly way. It isn't the capcom vs snk series where they did it right.
Is this gexactly on emulator??? I don't see any background glitches or missing textures on the 3D???
PS2 version had the option to choose the background to be 3d or 2d?
The dreamcast version used 3D also
A beleza 2D é suprema.
Até daria pra fazer um bom trabalho de reproduzir com competência os mesmos detalhes dos cenários 2d, até de cenários mais detalhados como os de Kofs anteriores. Agora não daria no ps2, na minha opinião. No ps3 ou ps4, sim.
@@carlosaugusto9821 Exatamente !! antigamente o pessoal não tinha muito recurso e FAZIA incríveis, hoje temos os recursos e não conseguimos sequer copiar com perfeição o que já foi feito....Perdemos o fator "capricho".
Una pregunta: ¿Porque los finales de ambas versiones son algo diferentes?
Cual es 1 y cual es el otro es la kof 98 y la otra es kof ultimach?
Desde o dreamcast fico impressionado como conseguiram reproduzir os cenários desenhados. No 94 rebout o cenário dos atletas tinha virado uma arena circular que a cada vez que os lutadores fizessem o desvio pro fundo eles davam um passo lateral e o cenário girava e tinha como dar uma volta completa. Queria que tivessem feito isso nessas versões do 98 com esses novos detalhes
Is there a way to know which version you’re buying if I’m out looking to purchase this? Or is this on the same disc?
Damn, the first stage on both were nice.
Acho que não é 3D, é apenas um paralax de camadas 2D, mas ficou muito bom.
Samba de amigo Dreamcast vs wii please
Sometimes you have to lose some rounds to see all of the variants. We never saw all of the Korea variants, for instance.
Is there a choice in background? I have this anthology for ps2.
This isn't from any compilation, this is a standalone re-imagining of KoF 98, with stuff the developers wanted to include in the original game, but couldn't, like the expanded roster. This game would eventually find it's way to arcades in Japan (with NESica, along with 2002 UM), and in China, where it runs not on Taito Type X hardware, but on PGM2 hardware. THhe Chinese version was added to MAME awhile back, and is quite playable too, and seems quite nice, though neither Taito Type X, nor PGM 2 have the 3D stages, nor remixed music.
O interessante a se notar é que embora sejam em 3D, os gráficos ainda estão em baixa resolução, ao contrário do 2002 e do NeoWave que estão em alta resolução no PS2
Estes gráficos 3D tem na versão da Steam?
Playstation 2 version only
3D背景的部份是拿當年 DC版KOF1999 的背景來用,也算是資源回收了!
2D wins
ambos modos tienen su encanto, pero el modo 3D es mucho mejor que la versión de Dreamcast
How we change the 2d/3D mode please?
It's in the games main option menu.
I feel snk did more for console rather than pc. In the dreamcast, kof 99 was the first with 3D background.
So the 2d was the Japanese release and 3D American?
No, both regions games, minus the blood found in the Japanese version, are the exact same.
I never know..ryu and ken are in king of fighters
They are not in kof bro
There isn't much difference in the 3D backgrounds, nor is there much to really emphasize the fact that it's 3D. Marvel vs. Capcom did a much, much better job in making use of 3D.
In reality, the backgrounds are still fixed at angle, so for all we know, it's just rendered billboards.
You do super jumps and stay in the air longer in MvC so that's why. Then again MVC 2 and 3 was designed with that in mind from the start
All the objects are clearly 3d and not 2D billboards. It's pretty obvious by looking at buildings or vehicles.
As for MVC2, unfortunately the sprites are so low res they clash against the 3D backgrounds. CVS2 did it a bit better but still not great.
na boa, preferi o modo 2D... dá uma sensação melhor.
O 3D é massa, sempre é legal, mas o andar do cenário dos carros parados, um pouco que os lutadores andam o carro vira muito, sei la.... não ficou legal.
3D is beautiful
Doesn't the 3D make it run slower?
Nope, runs at the same speed.
Loved the KOF series but I hated the fact they never really upgraded the sprites from 94 up until 2003? The backgrounds were updated 3D etc moved in 3d etc but the sprites remained unchanged. I hated that. With capcom you can see even sprites were redrawn for the street fighter ii multiple times but KOF remained the same.
What are you talking about? Every year there were new animations or there was change of sprites from scratch in the character models.
On the other hand after the Alpha series Capcom reused the exactly same sprites in the future SF Alpha games. The same happened with the VS games (XMvsSF, MvsC and so on)
Different production styles. In reality Snk made much bigger efforts than Capcom in upgrading their 2d works... but that stopped around the mid and late 90s. In the whole Fatal Fury history - from the early to late 90s, and 8 main releases - there were only 3 instances of sprite recycling in the direct sequel. Art of Fighting changed sprites in all 3 releases from the early to mid 90s. Samurai Shodown changed sprites, and drastically, from 1 to 3, no recycling until then. Kof came with a brand new 2d art style unseen in those 3 franchises, and it got sprite updates from 94 to 96, with no recycling in those sequels. Only after the mid 90s, KOF and SS resorted to recycling.
Now Capcom used to make one game, and lots of updates in the following years with no graphic change. In the entire 90's they only made new sprite work to a Sf sequel THREE times: Sf2 (from Sf1), Sfa, which ended up recycled insanely even beyond the 90s, and Sf3. And in Marvel? ZERO changes from 94 to 00. And Darkstalkers? ZERO changes from 94 to 98.
When the situation is presented clearly and in details, it's easy to see how there's absolutely nothing supporting rationally a different way of looking at both companies regarding the matter in question. That is only motivated by ignorance of the two companies' history (and i must be frank: not rarely the case of a fanboy who doesnt appreciate Snk enough to even try inform himself about basic history info). And the way Capcom did their "lazy job" along the 90's, in an intermittent way, naturally didnt stand out as much as Snk's production style, that used to update their game at every release (mostly) but then burned out, stopped and started only recycle sprites after 1996. It's easy to focus on that event to pick on Snk. And ignore conveniently that Capcom never made any 2d upgrading work after SF3, in 97.
That was a major issue in fg history: the 2d fg industry was approaching a decadent stage and there was less motivation for brand new big 2d efforts. It was a miracle that MOTW was even made in 99, actually. And Capcom didnt do any new big 2d effort with their own franchises around those years... they worked on Jojo and that's it. Everything else was recycled: recycled Marvel release, recycled Sfa release, recycled Sf3 release, recycled Sf3 release.
2D > 3D 😎
Honestly dont see the difference. They both look 2D
I prefer 2d, fits better with the characters
O FPS ficou bem estável né.
O senário em sí é questão de gosto mesmo.
Devo ter jogado a versão 3d sem perceber os detalhes.
Play station 2 vs play station 2
Prefiro o original ,é claro !! Muito mais top ..
Its the same game 🤣
Playstarion 2 gana!!!!!!!!! el disco trae las 2 versiones 2d y 3D ja ja ja.
Dose it Matters?
Ps2 vs ps2 i still don't get it.
If its the same game, same hardware how is one 2d and the other 3d
Both are the same, but he switches the background settings. The game has that option.
Caramba meu, tenho esse no pc mais nao reparei se é 3d, a versão do PS2 ficou boa demais em 3d.
97 forever
Both are good
I never know...ps 2 and playstation 2 are not same..
OPは かっこいいね
un juego totalmente el mejor que aunmarca pauta
É gritante como o 2D é muito mais bonito.
Prefiro o gráfico 3D gráfico 2D deve funcionar melhor numa máquina de fliperama
Nesse Kof fica estranho en 3d talvez se ajustar as bordas ou refazer um pouco o game dá certo
Original wins ♥️ pixel forever
2d any day
The 3D staged one had a problem tho, they cannot coordinate teammate position correctly, it was worthy of work of art but i prefer the 2D stage, handdrawing at its finest, static and more realistic.
Hola amigo podrías hacer una comparación del apartado Neo Geo mode de kof 98 um vs el kof 98 original del arcade en su nivel 8 expert y ver sus diferencias...gracias saludos ✌🏼.
2D wins for me.
2D looks better to me