Tremendous quality of debate. Absolutely no dumbing down. This is the problem today: economic problems are extremely complex and require a lot of expertise, imagination and intelligence even to understand. There's no such thing as a quick fix. Populist politicians and their supporters be warned!
I`m not a native English speaker, and I absolutely love the way people used to speak on TV in the old times.
Tremendous quality of debate. Absolutely no dumbing down. This is the problem today: economic problems are extremely complex and require a lot of expertise, imagination and intelligence even to understand. There's no such thing as a quick fix. Populist politicians and their supporters be warned!
What a Labour giant! I miss Denis Healey, Best Defence Secretary this country had in comparison to the jokes we have in parliament now
Well respectable debate. Not the shouting of today.
Funny and reasonable.
Bran Gould became a Labour MP and government minister. No left wig bias here. How things have changed.
9:50 this view is one of the most dated. imagine any government trying to establish an incomes policy today?