The Antifascism of NieR:Automata

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 51

  • @InfernalRamblings
    @InfernalRamblings  2 года назад +18

    So how do we become a “force for life”? My suggestion is to give what time, money, and resources you can to help other people. Our world may currently be trapped in cruel systems of oppression, but we can create kindness for each other. Join a mutual aid organization, volunteer at a local food serve, organize with your fellow laborers and tenants.
    If it sounds like I’m lecturing people, let me just say that this message is primarily for myself. As much as I loved making this video, and would love to hope and pretend that it may have some “impact” on the world, ultimately it’s just entertainment. I watch a lot of similar content and while it may make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it’s meaningless without real world action.
    Right now I’m looking into the best ways to do that, and unfortunately also have a lot of work obligations at the moment. So while I need to get more involved in person, in the meantime I’m contributing $250 to each of the following organizations:
    The Center ( A community resource center for LGBTQ+ folks in my hometown of Orlando, FL.
    Mutual Aid Disaster Relief ( A grassroots disaster relief network based on the principles of solidarity, mutual aid, and autonomous direct action.
    Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières ( MSF offers medical humanitarian assistance to people based solely on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation.
    I’ve deliberately not posted any of my own donation links here - if you were considering it, I ask instead that you put that money toward the mutual aid and direct action effort(s) of your choosing. Thank you.

  • @Bennick323
    @Bennick323 2 года назад +10

    One moment I really appreciated right at beginning that, for me, was one of the more pronounced cracks in the fascist armor, was that moment you recorded where 2B's operator asks her about the weather. I think one of the functions of that scene is to react to how restrictive and anti-human the rules of the fascist state are. I think we all impulsively recoil to some degree from the rejection of the very basic, almost cliche human interaction on display.
    It's only a short while later when you're in the desert, encountering the robots there, that one of them says "nice weather today" or something to that effect. At that point, the discomfort you felt with 2B dismissing her operator means you're forced to find common ground with the force you've come to learn is your enemy.

    • @Laezar1
      @Laezar1 11 месяцев назад +1

      To be fair as an autistic person, being asked about the weather is what makes me recoil in fear =p
      And small talk is something I find uncanny so machine trying to replicate human by doing small talk actually makes me relate to them less.
      Not really going anywhere with that just a thought while reading your comment

    • @Bennick323
      @Bennick323 11 месяцев назад

      @@Laezar1 I too am autistic! Under certain circumstances, I can probably see where you're coming from too. :)

    • @Laezar1
      @Laezar1 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@Bennick323 right?!
      Nice weather we're having uh?

    • @bobsonny
      @bobsonny 11 месяцев назад

      Who had come to see the machines as their enemy by then? Wasn't it obvious that YoRHa weren't the good guys by, like, the first ground mission?

    • @bobsonny
      @bobsonny 11 месяцев назад

      What I mean is, wasn't it obvious to everyone playing that YoRHa was fascist? Hell, everything from their sharp salutes and the "glory to mankind" repetition. It seemed...pretty transparent...

  • @greywitchleila
    @greywitchleila 2 года назад +5

    Awesome work. Just one correction the fashion style is Gothic Lolita, EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita) is a brand name created by Mana (founder bands Malice Mizer and Moi-dix-Mois) for his clothing company Moi-meme-moitie.

  • @Ghdfshhs
    @Ghdfshhs 2 года назад +12

    Comparing the outline depicted in Ur-Fascism to the situation in the US has always been eerily eye opening but things keep slipping further. Fascism is the last dying cry of capitalism and neoliberalism.
    Edit: this was absolutely beautiful, you do great work.

    • @InfernalRamblings
      @InfernalRamblings  2 года назад +3

      It's certainly harrowing living here in Ron DeSantis's Florida, where the anti-intellectualism and stifling of dissent are being done completely out in the open now.
      And thank you! Hoping to have a new (and rather long) video finished in the coming weeks.

  • @Zelenal
    @Zelenal 10 месяцев назад

    This game is just... You spent nearly an hour talking about it and yet it feels like you barely covered it. It's a game that is beyond words. When I first played it some time ago, I thought it was pretty good but nothing too amazing. I got Endings A-D and some of the bad/joke ones. I knew about Ending E. I knew what it entailed. I already had it spoiled for me.
    Despite that, I wasn't prepared. I started to cry once those words of encouragement started coming in and was bawling my eyes out come the aid request. I almost couldn't see the screen through my tears. Even now, watching you talk about Ending E left me crying at how beyond powerful it is. Ending E elevated NieR: Automata from simply being a pretty good game to being one of the greatest works of art to ever exist. All of gaming built up to Ending E and there's absolutely no way it can be surpassed. At least, I can't even begin to image how it would be.
    At the very end, it asks you, the player, to make an actual sacrifice. You're not choosing to sacrifice your character to save the world or whatever. It's not like the first NieR which asks you to sacrifice your save data to save some NPC. The game asks you to make the largest sacrifice a game can ask you to make-- all of your save data-- in order to save some unknown person in some unknown part of the world at some unknown time. You're not sacrificing everything for the sake of some lines of code and collection of polygons. You're sacrificing everything so that someone else can reach their happy ending the same way others sacrificed everything so that you could reach yours.
    That is something that only video games can no. No other work of art can ask the person consuming it to make a sacrifice. No other work of art can let you reach out and save someone. And I'm not even talking about just getting the ending. No, the message it sends can and does resonate far beyond that. Through Ending E, other people, real people, from all around the world are reaching out to you with their feelings, supporting you, bolstering you, reminding you that you are not alone. That there are people who care about you even though they've never met you. Even though they never *will* meet you. That message can, and has, pulled people out of very dark places. I have zero doubt that it has literally saved at least one life.
    Ending E is love. It's total strangers reaching out to you who they've never met with love. It shows us that the road may be long and may be difficult, that it might even seem impossible, but a miracle can occur whenever we come together and help each other. Sacrifices will have to be made. Not everyone will be able to fully enjoy their happy ending. But those sacrifices are worth it so that others can reach their happy ending. You might not get to enjoy it but, without you, no one could. Without you and everyone around you and all of those people you've never met. If we come together, if we refuse to give up, if we refuse to believe that there's no hope, if we refuse to believe that there's no point to this world; we can reach a happy ending.
    Happiness needs to be fought for.

  • @redridinghoodie34
    @redridinghoodie34 10 месяцев назад +1

    this is a fantastic essay, thank you so much for researching and producing it! NieR: Automata is one of my favourite games and as someone who's always thinking about its themes, i really appreciate your analysis of its politics, as they're so central to the narrative. a few things i do want to say: 1) on the topic of populist rhetoric, there is a (weak) argument to be made that machines are seen as inferior beings by YoRHa, as seen by 2B & 9S constantly being shocked that machines could ever be capable of sentience and the contrast between the humanoid android bodies and the "crude" machine bodies (arguably a disability/desirability metaphor if you squint), however i do agree that it's difficult to draw any concrete line of propaganda regarding the fear that androids could "regress" to being machines, so i don't know if this holds any water as political rhetoric; 2) as far as a hierarchy within YoRHa itself, there is something to be said for combat models being valued above non-combat models (in the 11B's Mementos side quest, if you choose to tell 16D that 11B was going to desert YoRHa she tells you that 11B used to abuse her for being a non-combat model), which i would consider as being evidence of social hierarchy, but it's not shown to be systemic so this is debatable. 3) in the Q&A section of the N:A strategy guide from 2017, Taro implies that the gothic lolita fashion choice for the YoRHa uniforms is just because things like appearances have lost all meaning in the Automata setting since it's set way into the future, which i think can be interpreted as a reinforcement of the game's subversion of fascist machismo, i'm not sure if he intended that but i like that interpretation. thank you so much again for making this video, and for reading this comment if you do!

  • @Aerie1405
    @Aerie1405 Год назад +4

    This video is absolutely fucking incredible. Nier Automata is my favorite game of all time, and this video gave me a new perspective on it and I love the game even more now. Thank you for this video, I really hope this channel blows up eventually.

  • @junibuffooni
    @junibuffooni 2 года назад +10

    I reaaaally want to watch this, but I have not finished Nier Automata yet. Love your videos and editing. YT blow this channel up!!

    • @InfernalRamblings
      @InfernalRamblings  2 года назад +3

      Thank you so much for the kind words. Looking forward to your reaction to Automata!

  • @DanielSantosAnalysis
    @DanielSantosAnalysis Год назад +3

    I've seen some dismiss Nier: Automata as being pretentious and that any read of its subtext is pompous fart sniffing. I hate that people are so anti-intellectual and refuse to engage with art on a deeper level, even worse when they belittle others for their efforts to provide a substantive read of a text. Often times I see people throw around "intent" as a way of dismissing these types of analysis, "it's obvious the creators never intended for this, therefore this analysis is a stretch and a waste of time". I think this is a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to analysis a work of art. Regardless of intent, and whether the creators fully intended this message, or it came out of them through pure instinct tethered to something deeper and unconscious, ultimately the work speaks for itself.
    All that being said, I thoroughly resonated with your take on the material and I think this video more than any got to the heart of why the final ending hit so hard and brought me to literal tears. It was the encouragement of unity in the face of fascism.

    • @Laezar1
      @Laezar1 11 месяцев назад

      In this case the intent is definitely there. Nier's origin are in drakengard, and the first drakengard was an overt exploration of what it means for a protagonist to cut through thousands of ennemies like you'd see in a game like dynasty warriors. From the start yoko taro's work was about the self destructive nature of violence and war, explicitly so. And the same is true for nier the themes are pretty clear and explicit there is really not much ambiguity to go off of lol

  • @LadyGoggles
    @LadyGoggles Год назад +2

    this is a phenomenal video. i love seeing different interpretations of games like Nier/Automata, and yours certainly gave me some new things to think about! thanks for making this.

  • @DoctorSwellman
    @DoctorSwellman 2 года назад +14

    What a beautifully crafted essay my friend. Thank you so much for making this and I hope others can see the amazing message that it presents

  • @masculineshiver
    @masculineshiver Год назад +3

    Well researched, well articulated, and well presented. I just finished this game for the first time myself this past month, and I'm currently consuming any Nier media I can get. Excellent job.

  • @LostFutures1
    @LostFutures1 2 года назад +1

    Looks like you jumped onto this way before me! Cant wait to watch as I work

  • @tarstarkas1091
    @tarstarkas1091 2 года назад +5

    Interesting analysis but i would like to point out few things
    First, these are very minore nitpicks
    - machines killed aliens only around 700 years before automata
    - it's anemone not anenome
    Now a for little bigger things
    Yorha was not prolonging the war. Machines did but also not because of the reason you mentioned. I mean it was the reason at the begining but after it became the N2 we know from game more of concept or meta entity its goal became to prolong the war but to gather as much data as possible to evolve even further. And during the game this strive for evilution was N2 main goal. But back to yorha. Yorha's commander has absolute power and she didnt know the full scope of project yorha because she only had access to s level documents and disposal plan document were ss-level classified. So she did really try to win the war because from her perspective humanity was dead (that she knew) and the lie that they are alive was nesecery evil made to keep androids motivated to fight and actually win. Yorha was specifically created as last ditch effort to finally win the war. But later its priorites change a little. A lot of information about how it all began is in project yorha story. I'll talk about it later.
    And last thing is that yorha was not destroyed because it was about to win. Yorha was far away from winning. And commander didnt even k ew how far. They didnt even know that N2 existed. And thought that killing adam&eve weakend the netwrok when in reality it didnt change much. It didnt sabotage itself to not win. It all happened according to project's yorha disposal plan. Basically yorha was supposed to be destroyed at a right time to ensure that noone would ever find out that humanity is extinct and it would ensure that for however long the war would last androids would have their gods worth dying for. A d the right moment is vaguely described in one of the documents in game. Yorha in the begining was just another military organisation but its creator zinnia came up with a plan about the lie but thought it would never work so he almost scrap it. But experimental yorha android number 9 learned about killed zinnia implemented a disposal part and green lighted the project. And the destruction of yorha was part of the project. The whole plan was basically sulf sustaining and after being green lighted noone really controlled it. Noone opened backdoor. It was programmed to open from the beging. Commander is the highest in rank yorha member and she doesnt report to anyone (council of humanity doesnt count because obviously it doesnt exist, and it is also controlled by commander) and yet there are documents that require higher rank to access. It is not known who are the androids that have ss level but the only possibility (though not confirmed) is that high rank androids from army of humanity can access ss level documents and they were overseeing yorha from a distance. Fun fact before commander white was commander of yorha she belonged to army of humanity and army of humanity appointed her to be commander of yorha.

  • @greenspectre2281
    @greenspectre2281 Год назад +1

    Underrated and incredibly well-done video. This video deserves millions of views

  • @LobselErik
    @LobselErik Год назад +1

    I just found your channel on chance and wow am I happy I did, this is probably my favorite video on Automata now, can't wait to check out your other videos

  • @CosmicPotato
    @CosmicPotato Год назад +2

    Wow, this video seriously needs more views. I hope the mysterious RUclips algorithm blesses it soon.

  • @dexanth6316
    @dexanth6316 4 месяца назад

    It's been years since playing the game for me and yet when the ending E music came on it still brought me to (happy) tears. Ending E sits as my most powerful moment ever in over 30 years of gaming.
    Yoko Taro is one of the greatest auteurs working today

    • @dexanth6316
      @dexanth6316 4 месяца назад

      Anyhoo! Loved the video essay and wholly agree with all of it. One mini piece of critical feedback, I think it would have benefitted a bit from more explicitly highlighting the journey of the characters themselves here - I felt like there was a lot of 'see fascism bad because it only leads to death' and accepting that as all the argument needed, rather than connecting it a bit more strongly to 'And death and suffering are bad and we should reject that and fight.'
      You may still be crushed or killed by the fascist system - none of our protagonists make it out alive - but in doing so you may inspire others to carry on the legacy of what you stood for, and eventually even recreate all the good you once saw in the world.
      A2 being the best example of this, where on some level she chooses to die as a way to bring peace/closure to 9S; it's a sacrifice born from love instead of hate, and it paves the way for our support units to finally realize and claim their own hopes for the future.

  • @Furore2323
    @Furore2323 6 месяцев назад +1

    Seen quite a few NA analyses and this is a standout.

  • @Vanguard_dj
    @Vanguard_dj 11 месяцев назад +1

    It is a crime that this video has so few views.

  • @misteryourdad
    @misteryourdad 2 года назад +3

    Holy hell, this is good.

  • @deretti347
    @deretti347 Год назад +1

    Amazing video

  • @Abblehead
    @Abblehead 2 года назад +1

    amazing video my guy, no idea how you have so few subs, but keep making videos like this they are amazing :DDD

    • @InfernalRamblings
      @InfernalRamblings  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for the kind words - I have a new video that is going public tomorrow!

    • @Abblehead
      @Abblehead 2 года назад +1

      @@InfernalRamblings il make sure to check it out!!! :DD

    • @Abblehead
      @Abblehead 2 года назад

      @@InfernalRamblings also ive youve ever thought about makin a discord server or smth, i woud love to join you seem lovely to have sum *discourse* with :D

    • @InfernalRamblings
      @InfernalRamblings  2 года назад +1

      I've got a lot on my plate lately, so I don't see a Discord server in the cards anytime soon. But I'm definitely open to a chat or something along those lines in the near future!

    • @Abblehead
      @Abblehead 2 года назад

      @@InfernalRamblings understandable, i bet those videos take so much effort to make
      if/when you do make a discord server il be the first to join tho :D (an if u wanna chat i have a bunch of socials linked on my profile so ye👉👈)

  • @legendcat8913
    @legendcat8913 3 месяца назад

    Beautiful game excellent analysis and I can’t believe I missed the amnesia side quest!!!!!

  • @michelleg2682
    @michelleg2682 Год назад

    This video is brilliant. I can't believe it doesn't have more views. It's so good. You made such thoughtful points and showed me the game on an even deeper level.

  • @possiblyneil4978
    @possiblyneil4978 Год назад +1

    This has been an excellent video!

  • @RonTheAnarchist
    @RonTheAnarchist Год назад +1

    I'll for sure watch a video about Nier, and I'll for sure watch a video about how fascism is evil. Two great things that taste great together!

  • @Laezar1
    @Laezar1 11 месяцев назад

    8:32 just getting there and the video's going to be good =p
    Saying that cause acknowledging points that don't fit shows intellectual honesty, it's common for videos like that to try and make everything fit what they're trying to argue for even if they have to stretch reality. So yeah, optimistic about the rest of the video lol

  • @Ayacrin
    @Ayacrin Год назад +1

    seems like I don't need to understand facism in my class when you actually taught us what is facism, thank you

  • @CorrosiveFox
    @CorrosiveFox 2 года назад +4

    I thought this video was satire until i saw the length. Honestly feel like I haven't seen such a superficial reduction of nier before. I would advise touching grass and privating this video.

    • @DoctorSwellman
      @DoctorSwellman 2 года назад +23

      You literally could have chosen to write anything else that could have a modicum of constructive criticism, but instead you post "touch grass". You probably didn't even watch the first 5 minutes, let alone the rest of it because no sensible person would come to the conclusion that this is a superficial reduction.
      Terrible comment, and cheers :)

    • @CorrosiveFox
      @CorrosiveFox 2 года назад

      @@DoctorSwellman shit comment for a shit video. I can't help anyone that uses for sophistry for views

    • @lolifico_banzago
      @lolifico_banzago 2 года назад +10

      >Anime pfp
      >"Touch grass"
      Talk about projection

    • @deretti347
      @deretti347 Год назад +1

      what is preventing you to understand the video?