And he died because 2 guys were bored to watch him. Poor guy had a goal in life and ambition. He wanted to survive for his family and keep op living. And he died because people were bored
Why can't we all agree that war is an awful thing, with terrible people on both sides. Not every Japanese soldier was an evil, atrocity committing killer. Not every American was a gun-totting hero, either. Both had their good people and their awful people.
@ It funny that you just pretend that black slavery doesn't exist and how you treated foreign people in your country back in the past like racism. When Chinese came to America, American gave the chinese a hard labour job but less paid salary, treated them like shit. Calling them yellow aliens. Don't you think that some country also do bad things. I am chinese and i know what Japan did to our culture and people, it was terrible and disgusting. But let not forget of how american also treated our culture and people, nothing but ounce of dogshit they gave us.
@@danumargon1449 Yeah... America also did a lot of atrocities in its colonial past in my country.... Ordered the massacre of all villagers old enough to carry a bolo in a certain village in Samar during the Philippine American War... So yeah, people are people = good and evil.
Hate leads to more hate. Had the ending scene been a real scenario, you've just encouraged the enemy to to fight to the death and take no prisoners. If you get captured, you've essentially just killed yourself because of your past actions.
I asked a WWII veteran in the 1980s if they were taught any of the Japanese language before they were sent to fight the Japanese. He said: No, we were just taught how to shoot them.
This movie was unbias, unlike a lot of war movies (ie. Saving Private Ryan) It shows the war atrocities committed by both the Japanese and Americans. Also shows that not all soldiers were immoral killers. A lot of soldiers did not want to fight,nor kill. Many of them had to kill because they did not want to be killed. It is true. War brings out the evils of mankind. War is terrible.
Will Y Are you shitting me? What about the scene on Saving Private Ryan where they killed those two surrendering soldiers? Or when they butchered a whole trench of retreating German soldiers.
Lol, have you watched the film? There is a scene where they kill Germans saying we surrender but you know, this is a bad example because that was in the midst of the Landing bloody chaos and it's easy to say "we surrender" when you're caught. I only have two words "Steamboat Willie", basically the only German we get to know is revealed at the end to be a piece of sh..., Upham wanted to spare his life and at the end, he killed Captain Miller, the very man who decided to let him go. So yes, SPR doesn't hold a candle to "Iwo Jima"... I mean, are we really comparing Spielberg to Eastwood when it comes to characterization. That said, Clint Eastwood did treat Iraqi like Spielberg treated Nazis in "American Sniper". But "Letters of Iwo Jima" is a true masterpiece.
And this Is why you don't kill pows. Any japanese soldier that had ideas of surrendering will not after seeing what happens if you do surrender. That is one or more enemy soldiers that could have been taken out of the fight. That's at least one more rifle pointing at a US Marine.
Kevin Warren if they were still guarding them they would have been killed by the patrol and the japanese men would be killed for desertion. It just wasn’t going to work out, and japanese prisoners were so rare anyways it didn’t effect much.
The whole fucking point of this scene, and much of this movie, is to establish that there's no "good side" or "bad side" in war... just good guys and bad guys on both sides.
Glad to see people are still arguing about something that happened 70 years ago... War crimes were committed by both sides. Japanese soldier killed and raped Chinese and Americans slaughtered Japaneses innocents with Nuke. Both sides have no different and no one deserves to die.
福岡市民チャンネル/Fukuokasimin Channel I wouldn’t say American war criminals are considered heroes. Only men who followed the rules of war to achieve victory are looked up to. However, it’s undeniable that my country often doesn’t acknowledge its atrocities as much as it should.
@@artloverivy Japan is a lovely place even if some were evil it didnt mean all of them were besides their art is very amazing and i love it their language is pretty their culture Beautiful we cant blame them for what their great grandfathers did the people there now had nothing to do with it
No the nuke was necessary it saved more lives than lost . Every Japanese people were willing to die for their country and kill every American they can to the last teeth . From all ages . The atom bombs saved a lot of American lives . Many soldiers were killed just taking small islands . Imagine homeland Japan .
@@joshuaamos8356 Necessary... yes.. but at the same time, all those innocent lives dead. It's a tough call, even if you can justify the bombs, Innocent people, women, children, pets died and even lives have been affected. Yes I do agree that the alternative, a full scale invasion, would've costed even more lives. And although it was the "best" option, it involves ending innocent people, that's the point. It's a tragedy they can't escape, that they had no say. The Emperor even tried to surrender before the second bomb hit, but military fanatics tried the process because they don't want to surrender.. those bastards.. But yeah, there's no win-win situation. It's either this bad thing or this bad thing. War is a fool's game and there are people who died that never even wanted to play the game in the first place. Also one last thing, not EVERY Japanese person was willing to die and eager to kill any American they see like rabid dogs. Not my family, they just want peace.
What's even more sad is that his past, he tried saving a dog but couldn't then gets beaten up by the officer that was with him, before that, according to the officer that beat him down, said Shimizu can't even fight the Soviets and then was sent to Iwo Jima, they basically treated him like shit. Honestly, I felt bad for him. His story I think is more sad than Saigo's.
It’s even more said to learn about how the Japanese forced tens of thousands of pows to march through the jungle to a pow camp that killed one in every five inmates
@@P42081 I'm pretty sure Shimuzu himself wasn't compliant with the Death March's perpetrators. Justifying his murder with an event that he didn't partake in is shit logic bro
As an entire global civilization, we rarely get the opportunity to fight for actual freedom anymore. All our currently conflicts are over real estate and resources. We have veterans in the world who could still teach us the lessons they learned from this War while they are living. However, those with influence choose not to if doing so means lining their pockets with the wealth of countries they may plunder. Prisoners of War can be found among the dead and the remaining who live on.
No one in our unit would have ever permitted the torture of P.O.W's, nor the killing of unarmed prisoners who had surrendered. I even once shared a beer with a North Vietnamese prisoner during the Battle of Dak To (1969) and on another occasion I provided a pack of cigarettes to some NVA prisoners who were on a work detail.
C96 mauser I totally agree with your statement, just like with germans, Russians, north koreans, Chinese and Japanese. In war they are your enemy and you kill your enemy
When you give a psychopath a gun and unform, this happens. And 23 years later, you get the My Lai massacre. I know this is just a movie, but I totally feel for the GI in the back who had that, "What the fuck?" look on his face.
American soldiers in the Pacific had killed countless number of Japanese that had surrendered or attempted to surrender. Not only dishonor deterred the Japanese not to surrender but also the fear that they would be killed in the end if they surrender.
On the other hand, an American soldier is less likely to capture a Japanese soldier if there's a chance that they're only faking surrender before they kill their captors.
I think Letters from Iwo Jima and Flag of our fathers are one and the same the Japanese were acting in Letters from Iwo Jima the Americans in Flag of our father. They are two movies in one.
@@shawnofdanaukota3843 But shimizu never believed in such..he was forced out of will..he never engaged in any evil..he just happened to be at the oppsoite side
Its good with a movie that for once not just show the enemies of the allied troops as monsters, and the sllied troops as virtus heroes fighting pure evil. In this movie the enemies of the allied troops are shown as real human beings, and the allied troops are shown doing war crimes. This is indeed extremely rare in movies. But refreshing when it happens, that its not just propaganda , more unbiased and realistic.
ツK̶0̶S̶3̶R̶A̶ D̶A̶ S̶0̶L̶D̶1̶3̶ツ That’s not how justice should be dispensed. No one should have to pay for the actions of others, even if they’re from the same country.
Sad thing is Marines rarely took prisoners especially in the Pacific, But overall in war there is no completely good side vs evil side just two side fighting for their lives doing what been ordered
@@Convexhull210 We can't see war as black and white dude. It's more of a blend of gray, with some actions by both that dictate a clear sense of morality
Agree, but put yourself in his boots. You seen your buddies die, probably hoping island to island, and the absolute savagery of the Japanese. Tell me you wouldn't do the same.
This did not happen in real life (I googled it) But something very similar happened on tarawa and basically this movie is just trying to show that the enemies we see are just as bad as the men we see as allies the scene was just trying to show both sides arent good. Edit: but yes in the movie this scene was heartbraking as he only transfered over and thought he was safe until they both got shot
my grandpa butchered 30 to 40 Japanese POWs once- it fucked him up psychologically for the rest of his life- but to be fair, Japanese soldiers butchered millions of innocent people in the most horrific ways possible that was an awful war
The US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not Iwo Jima. There are absolutely no reliable sources that claim the bombing killed half of a million people. The land that the Japanese conquered before the war as acquired in the most brutal manner in Asian history. To call it "theirs" and to claim that they were protecting it is just ignorant and wrong. Research what you talk about, or you look like an idiot.
Not that I have anything against your grandfather's service, but the fact that many members of the Japanese army were cruel does not make it fair at all for your grandfather to kill POWs who may not be responsible for such actions. It's understandable as to why he would take that initiative, but it's only justified through paranoia/hatred.
AMereSpectator People are still dying from effect of the bombs radiation. 250,000-300,000 combined died in the first 6months alone. Speaking of brutal how do you think that east Asia was taken by colonials euro/americans??? And how was north america taken again??? peaceful transition??? The only IDIOT here is you, i suggest you get off your ass and get educated.
I haven't seen the film, but read one US Marine was captured and the Japanese soldiers tortured him before killing him. I'm so pleased I didn't exist back then.
I doubt anyone is going to be reading this after a couple of years this video has been out but can’t we just agree that both sides did terrible things to one another. I’m not veteran so maybe I don’t have the right to speak and I can agree on that, but this is purely my own opinion on this matter. I know about the atrocities the Japanese did to many people, the Chinese, Americans, Koreans etc... The same can be said about Americans history and even today. But you have to agree that not everyone was evil, there were genuinely some really good people who did not have any other choice but to serve. I watched the movie and I felt bad for the guy who got killed here, he genuinely a good person, not evil like other Japanese soldiers portrayed in the film. As for the American who killed him, it just makes me sad that some would kill unarmed prisoners like that. Again the same can be said for the Japanese who killed unarmed prisoners and civilians. Neither side is not guilty for acts like this. I can understand some people’s views, but you have to also see that not everyone was bad, some were good people that ultimately did not have a choice but to serve. This goes for a lot of the wars America has fought in and arguably every war in Human history. If anyone is reading this, thank you for taking the time to read it
Well, I did read this a few years after you posted, so even in doubt, maybe sometimes doubts are wrong. But I agree with you, there are good and bad people. Some good people become bad because they are forced to. It's not about which country we come from or what our countrymen did, individually people are different. No side is ever clean. What gets people arguing is the complexity and overall nature of war. And some people will get too caught up on the crimes on the destruction that they will forget humanity and progress. If I was in war, truthfully I will NOT know what I'll become. Maybe I'll remain good, maybe war will make me become bad, maybe I'll live, maybe I'll die, the truth is I don't know. But I don't wish for anymore war.
guys stop justifying a war crime by saying someone else did something worse. if youre fighting a ruthless enemy you have to be better than them, otherwise theres no reason to fight them
The killing of POWs usually happens when the captor lacks the sufficient means to actually monitor prisoners. This was often the case in the first world war. Offensive units just didn't have the time or manpower to handle prisoners.
ok..but you would do the same, if you were trained , tortured and brain-washed in an extreme negative way like the japanese soliders. They were trained, almost to death at sometimes, to show no mercy to the enemy and to love only the japanese. The iwo jima battle had different soldiers (mostly recruited during the war) so they were regular people who just wanted to live a good life. Your literally comparing apples and oranges
No, you don’t do that! You don’t kill prisoners of war who surrender, no matter what! You may give them a minimum of food, warm and I housing but you don’t just shoot them for no reason. If you do these sort of things you bring yourself down to their level.
Technically, shooting surrendering Japanese POWs isn't a war crime since Japan isn't a signatory to the Geneva Convention. Also since they do not enforce it among their ranks in terms of treating Allied POWs. Therefore The Allies aren't obliged really obliged to give them quarter unless for the purpose of gathering intelligence or show of mercy (whatever the case) What people forget is that the for the Geneva Convention/Rules of Engagement is a two way thing. A great example is Allied POWs in Germany and German POWs in Allied lands.
by the geneva convention every allied bomber crew would be a high level war criminal, sooooo, nobody cared in the end. Also the allies accused the germans of bombing civilians at nuremberg trails, but let the charges drop because it was kind of hypocracy ^^ Also the germans were accused of waging a war of aggression......when you think what happened directly after WW2 that is a bit redicioulus... also the baltics and fuinland would argue the was some soviet agression ^^
The Germans did NOT treat allied POWS by the Geneva Convention / rules . That was a myth created so people would have tolerated a German miltary existing during the Cold War .
People make this a US vs Japan issue over who treated their prisoners worse. I'm looking at it as a human being. I couldn't bring myself to kill anyone that way regardless of what they did. Then again I've never experienced the emotions that these men did or saw what they saw. The world is cold...
I love how people are quick to criticize Americans for different things but don't ever mention anything about the atrocities committed by the Japanese. There are way too many people with double standards.
I have seen alot of american ww2 films..and ALL OF THEM portray japanese or germans as evil monsters from mars trying to anhiliate man kind...truth is im just tired of watching that...and this movie is a breath of fresh air..this film is not about what coutry is good or bad.,.the film is about which humans are good or bad
Trust me I know that's not the case. My grandpa was a POW under the Germans and was treated pretty well. I've read books and seen documentaries about how the Japanese treated POWs and civilians of other countries. Most of them were treated absolutely horribly.
caduncan07 so you are saying that these two POW who surrender was justified because due to the extent of the whole Japanese military that treated our POW is reasonable. Its people like you that the world is spawned as it is today. That why you aren't in the services
It's no use Colin trying to argue with Mills he's obviously never picked up a book in his life. He's just going off of what his daddy or grand daddy told him. And he is just sadly just like some other of my other countrymen ..... brainwashed.
right on man. I respect the Japanese in ww2 who did surrender, but i can't blame the marines for shooting there prisoners. some up the pacific war "no Prisoners No Quarter."
"No Prisoner, No Quarter" is some fucked up logic dude. That's literally what both the Nazis and the Soviets held to against one another, we need to be better than that
I understand seeing the humanity in enemy soldiers, but damn it am I glad the Marines took Iwo Jima and did their part to end the war. Never really cared about "Letters".
It's just too much Hollywood, too balanced in a sense, if you would watch the POW scene in Band of Brothers at the end of the crossroads chapter, it's just like that..first shoot, then talk
ya i i got that. also the fuck dude. and ya i know that the US troops did some bad stuff to. but nothing compared to what the Japanese did on Bataan, Naking, guam, wake, ect. I know war is bad. i believe he did feel bad after the war. but during the war the shit he saw every where that effected him to.
+TheInsatiableViper you know what fucked me up? is when the Japanese soldiers killed thousands of US prisoners in the Bataan death march, BRUTALLY. worse than this guy who killed 2 Japanese prisoners. look up Bataan death march.
not really, the japanese didnt have their hands up in the air when they were getting nuked. Instead, they were planning operation cherry blossom at night.
if you think about it, it's even more messed up why the 2nd guy got shot
he basically got drafted because he didn't manage to kill a dog.
let that be a lesson, always kill the dog
@Denver Britto I guess so...
@Jack the Gestapo
Yes he was part of the kempeitai but had to serve on Iwo Jima as punishment
And he died because 2 guys were bored to watch him. Poor guy had a goal in life and ambition. He wanted to survive for his family and keep op living. And he died because people were bored
@@kc_h7h That’s what dehumanisation does : /
Why can't we all agree that war is an awful thing, with terrible people on both sides. Not every Japanese soldier was an evil, atrocity committing killer. Not every American was a gun-totting hero, either. Both had their good people and their awful people.
@ Says the American...You might wanna look your country's past and the present.
Danum Argon you’re blind
@ It funny that you just pretend that black slavery doesn't exist and how you treated foreign people in your country back in the past like racism. When Chinese came to America, American gave the chinese a hard labour job but less paid salary, treated them like shit. Calling them yellow aliens. Don't you think that some country also do bad things.
I am chinese and i know what Japan did to our culture and people, it was terrible and disgusting. But let not forget of how american also treated our culture and people, nothing but ounce of dogshit they gave us.
Easy Rambo
@@danumargon1449 Yeah... America also did a lot of atrocities in its colonial past in my country.... Ordered the massacre of all villagers old enough to carry a bolo in a certain village in Samar during the Philippine American War... So yeah, people are people = good and evil.
2:00 you can see the fear in his eyes
I love how this movie shows that there were pieces of shit on both sides.
Hate leads to more hate. Had the ending scene been a real scenario, you've just encouraged the enemy to to fight to the death and take no prisoners. If you get captured, you've essentially just killed yourself because of your past actions.
I think too
US troops took prisoners, but not everyone that surrendered stayed alive for very long. You might not like that thought, but its fact not fiction.
T 21199 So now you’re an expert on what this kind of battle makes people do!
I don't think he claimed to be an expert. At the same time, you don't know who he is so he could very well be one.
I asked a WWII veteran in the 1980s if they were taught any of the Japanese language before they were sent to fight the Japanese. He said: No, we were just taught how to shoot them.
+Suzette DuPont that's because they're marines, and marines were trained to kill.
@Willy Ersd Japanese pulled shit all the time acting like the were giveing up then pulling a pin on a nade or pulling a pistol
What did you expect? To have tea time with the enemy?
Saigo finding out about Shimizus fate in a combination with the music made me cry.
This movie was unbias, unlike a lot of war movies (ie. Saving Private Ryan) It shows the war atrocities committed by both the Japanese and Americans. Also shows that not all soldiers were immoral killers. A lot of soldiers did not want to fight,nor kill. Many of them had to kill because they did not want to be killed. It is true. War brings out the evils of mankind. War is terrible.
Congrats to Clint Eastwood.
Will Y Are you shitting me? What about the scene on Saving Private Ryan where they killed those two surrendering soldiers? Or when they butchered a whole trench of retreating German soldiers.
Lol, have you watched the film? There is a scene where they kill Germans saying we surrender but you know, this is a bad example because that was in the midst of the Landing bloody chaos and it's easy to say "we surrender" when you're caught. I only have two words "Steamboat Willie", basically the only German we get to know is revealed at the end to be a piece of sh..., Upham wanted to spare his life and at the end, he killed Captain Miller, the very man who decided to let him go. So yes, SPR doesn't hold a candle to "Iwo Jima"... I mean, are we really comparing Spielberg to Eastwood when it comes to characterization. That said, Clint Eastwood did treat Iraqi like Spielberg treated Nazis in "American Sniper". But "Letters of Iwo Jima" is a true masterpiece.
Did u even watch saving private Ryan or did u just pull an example out ur ass
Everyone who replied to his comment needs to learn how to read... HE SAID "UNLIKE"... READ.
And this Is why you don't kill pows. Any japanese soldier that had ideas of surrendering will not after seeing what happens if you do surrender. That is one or more enemy soldiers that could have been taken out of the fight. That's at least one more rifle pointing at a US Marine.
Kevin Warren if they were still guarding them they would have been killed by the patrol and the japanese men would be killed for desertion. It just wasn’t going to work out, and japanese prisoners were so rare anyways it didn’t effect much.
Former Government Human #4937 Geneva convention intensified
Easy for you to say. You're not a marine battling them.
The Japanese deserved whatever they got during ww2. The awful things they did to civilians and soldiers alike, it’s unspeakable
@Jarrod Yuki About nanjing is a fictional story
The whole fucking point of this scene, and much of this movie, is to establish that there's no "good side" or "bad side" in war... just good guys and bad guys on both sides.
Give me a fucking break. Just admit the Japanese were in the wrong on this one. XD
Anyone doubting the accuracy of this depiction has never spoken to a WW2 vet who served!
Glad to see people are still arguing about something that happened 70 years ago... War crimes were committed by both sides. Japanese soldier killed and raped Chinese and Americans slaughtered Japaneses innocents with Nuke. Both sides have no different and no one deserves to die.
Japanese war criminals were sentenced to death.
American war criminals have become heroes.
福岡市民チャンネル/Fukuokasimin Channel I wouldn’t say American war criminals are considered heroes. Only men who followed the rules of war to achieve victory are looked up to. However, it’s undeniable that my country often doesn’t acknowledge its atrocities as much as it should.
@@artloverivy Japan is a lovely place even if some were evil it didnt mean all of them were besides their art is very amazing and i love it their language is pretty their culture Beautiful we cant blame them for what their great grandfathers did the people there now had nothing to do with it
No the nuke was necessary it saved more lives than lost . Every Japanese people were willing to die for their country and kill every American they can to the last teeth . From all ages . The atom bombs saved a lot of American lives . Many soldiers were killed just taking small islands . Imagine homeland Japan .
@@joshuaamos8356 Necessary... yes.. but at the same time, all those innocent lives dead.
It's a tough call, even if you can justify the bombs, Innocent people, women, children, pets died and even lives have been affected.
Yes I do agree that the alternative, a full scale invasion, would've costed even more lives. And although it was the "best" option, it involves ending innocent people, that's the point. It's a tragedy they can't escape, that they had no say.
The Emperor even tried to surrender before the second bomb hit, but military fanatics tried the process because they don't want to surrender.. those bastards..
But yeah, there's no win-win situation. It's either this bad thing or this bad thing. War is a fool's game and there are people who died that never even wanted to play the game in the first place.
Also one last thing, not EVERY Japanese person was willing to die and eager to kill any American they see like rabid dogs. Not my family, they just want peace.
Killing POWs was a mutual thing during the island campaigns, neither side took any quarter.
But it was policy for japan to TORTURE their POWs.
No other side tortured POWs as frequently and with as much brutality than the japanese did.
Absolutely based.
Those 2 dead prisoners just means 2 more dead marines tortured and hacked to death by Japanese, just more fuel to the fire.
dude, war brings out the worst in all of us, and this movie portrays perfectly that there was good and evil on both sides.
larllarfleton Those soldier are between good and bad theyre all the same
@@sealt6993just like other soldiers in every country 🤔
It is just so sad how a surrendered Japanese soldier died as a POW.
What's even more sad is that his past, he tried saving a dog but couldn't then gets beaten up by the officer that was with him, before that, according to the officer that beat him down, said Shimizu can't even fight the Soviets and then was sent to Iwo Jima, they basically treated him like shit. Honestly, I felt bad for him. His story I think is more sad than Saigo's.
It’s even more said to learn about how the Japanese forced tens of thousands of pows to march through the jungle to a pow camp that killed one in every five inmates
@@P42081 Yep, the Bataan Death March. Another horrible event.
@@P42081 I'm pretty sure Shimuzu himself wasn't compliant with the Death March's perpetrators. Justifying his murder with an event that he didn't partake in is shit logic bro
Well tbf people like them faked surrender and then attack the marines with hidden bayonets and grenades
That kid had no american blood in his hands but an american soldier took his life
How shamful
He was a soldier who knew the risk and he got what he deserved for his cowardice
Wraths Reign your the type of fucker who has never served in a battle and deserves to shut the fuck up boy
Wraths Reign Knew what risk? Many soldiers were drafted to war with no choice.
That’s war!
A lot of Japanese killed them selves with grenades when captured by Americans
As an entire global civilization, we rarely get the opportunity to fight for actual freedom anymore. All our currently conflicts are over real estate and resources. We have veterans in the world who could still teach us the lessons they learned from this War while they are living. However, those with influence choose not to if doing so means lining their pockets with the wealth of countries they may plunder. Prisoners of War can be found among the dead and the remaining who live on.
No one in our unit would have ever permitted the torture of P.O.W's, nor the killing of unarmed prisoners who had surrendered. I even once shared a beer with a North Vietnamese prisoner during the Battle of Dak To (1969) and on another occasion I provided a pack of cigarettes to some NVA prisoners who were on a work detail.
But you know different man different action soo
Only good NVA was a dead NVA according to my old man who was a recon marine
C96 mauser I totally agree with your statement, just like with germans, Russians, north koreans, Chinese and Japanese. In war they are your enemy and you kill your enemy
Isnt it because they surrendered in groups, surrendering alone is what kinds gets you killed.
@@markauditor7873 This. No matter who you were, surrendering to anyone ALONE was a bad idea.
R.I.P. Shimizu
only Clint Eastwood can make these kind of movies. respect from india
Don't forget Oliver Stone
Compare this brilliant scene with that unrealistic scene with the prisoner in 'Saving Private Ryan'.
When you give a psychopath a gun and unform, this happens. And 23 years later, you get the My Lai massacre.
I know this is just a movie, but I totally feel for the GI in the back who had that, "What the fuck?" look on his face.
Yeah, My Lai was a terrible thing. So was the murder of thousands of South Vietnamese by Viet Cong, in Hue during Tet. What is your point?
American soldiers in the Pacific had killed countless number of Japanese that had surrendered or attempted to surrender. Not only dishonor deterred the Japanese not to surrender but also the fear that they would be killed in the end if they surrender.
On the other hand, an American soldier is less likely to capture a Japanese soldier if there's a chance that they're only faking surrender before they kill their captors.
@@anzack2551 true
I think Letters from Iwo Jima and Flag of our fathers are one and the same the Japanese were acting in Letters from Iwo Jima the Americans in Flag of our father. They are two movies in one.
Both were directed by Clint Eastwood and are in essence the same movie
Such a sad scene
Not to me monsters like them who abused their Bushido garbage with genocide gets what is coming to them.
@@shawnofdanaukota3843 But shimizu never believed in such..he was forced out of will..he never engaged in any evil..he just happened to be at the oppsoite side
Its good with a movie that for once not just show the enemies of the allied troops as monsters, and the sllied troops as virtus heroes fighting pure evil. In this movie the enemies of the allied troops are shown as real human beings, and the allied troops are shown doing war crimes. This is indeed extremely rare in movies. But refreshing when it happens, that its not just propaganda , more unbiased and realistic.
Is War, there is no good or bad. Just the killer instinct of a human being free.
Sad that some people on both side don't play the rules and everybody have to resort to killing prisoners or suicide...
yep, both sides did that- even my own grandfather did that- well, i hope we can all be friends and never do such things again
you are correct. But there is one problem.
That is the fact that war crimes of winning countries have not been tried.
They were supposed to watch over the prisoners, not shoot them.
They're both shit. War is hell.
ツK̶0̶S̶3̶R̶A̶ D̶A̶ S̶0̶L̶D̶1̶3̶ツ That’s not how justice should be dispensed. No one should have to pay for the actions of others, even if they’re from the same country.
soldiers like this are just disgrace this isn't just killing someone in war this is cold blooded murder
Sad thing is Marines rarely took prisoners especially in the Pacific, But overall in war there is no completely good side vs evil side just two side fighting for their lives doing what been ordered
Sorry not true. There is a good side and an evil side
@@Convexhull210 We can't see war as black and white dude. It's more of a blend of gray, with some actions by both that dictate a clear sense of morality
Supposedly, I’m guessing that marine had Pearl Harbor on his mind when he did that
Killing defenseless prisoners? A shameful display!
Agree, but put yourself in his boots. You seen your buddies die, probably hoping island to island, and the absolute savagery of the Japanese. Tell me you wouldn't do the same.
@@detroitandclevelandfan5503 Both sides did wrong
@@thedarkroom6416 Not saying I condone it, just saying why he did it. Read my comment more carefully next time, bud.
@@detroitandclevelandfan5503 Your trying to justify War crimes lol
@@detroitandclevelandfan5503 it just sounds like justifying it
This did not happen in real life (I googled it)
But something very similar happened on tarawa and basically this movie is just trying to show that the enemies we see are just as bad as the men we see as allies the scene was just trying to show both sides arent good.
Edit: but yes in the movie this scene was heartbraking as he only transfered over and thought he was safe until they both got shot
It could have happened and nobody reported it.
@@salvatorepace3071 Unlikely
"This did not happen in real life (I googled it)" very trustworthy way of finding out if it did happen or not
Unbelievably sad.
I’m a Chinese Canadian, i don’t understand what u saying but I clicked the “like” button for my Japanese born friend.
my grandpa butchered 30 to 40 Japanese POWs once- it fucked him up psychologically for the rest of his life-
but to be fair, Japanese soldiers butchered millions of innocent people in the most horrific ways possible
that was an awful war
The US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not Iwo Jima. There are absolutely no reliable sources that claim the bombing killed half of a million people. The land that the Japanese conquered before the war as acquired in the most brutal manner in Asian history. To call it "theirs" and to claim that they were protecting it is just ignorant and wrong. Research what you talk about, or you look like an idiot.
Not that I have anything against your grandfather's service, but the fact that many members of the Japanese army were cruel does not make it fair at all for your grandfather to kill POWs who may not be responsible for such actions. It's understandable as to why he would take that initiative, but it's only justified through paranoia/hatred.
AMereSpectator People are still dying from effect of the bombs radiation. 250,000-300,000 combined died in the first 6months alone. Speaking of brutal how do you think that east Asia was taken by colonials euro/americans??? And how was north america taken again??? peaceful transition??? The only IDIOT here is you, i suggest you get off your ass and get educated.
America alone has killed more people in the world than any other country.
War is a winner is a hero and a loser is a villain.
This is very sad.
2:06 what a brave soldier,killing unarmed soldiers.
You would have done the same thing, if you were in their shoes
Same but i would have scalp them like a Comanche.
I haven't seen the film, but read one US Marine was captured and the Japanese soldiers tortured him before killing him. I'm so pleased I didn't exist back then.
I doubt anyone is going to be reading this after a couple of years this video has been out but can’t we just agree that both sides did terrible things to one another. I’m not veteran so maybe I don’t have the right to speak and I can agree on that, but this is purely my own opinion on this matter. I know about the atrocities the Japanese did to many people, the Chinese, Americans, Koreans etc... The same can be said about Americans history and even today. But you have to agree that not everyone was evil, there were genuinely some really good people who did not have any other choice but to serve. I watched the movie and I felt bad for the guy who got killed here, he genuinely a good person, not evil like other Japanese soldiers portrayed in the film. As for the American who killed him, it just makes me sad that some would kill unarmed prisoners like that. Again the same can be said for the Japanese who killed unarmed prisoners and civilians. Neither side is not guilty for acts like this. I can understand some people’s views, but you have to also see that not everyone was bad, some were good people that ultimately did not have a choice but to serve. This goes for a lot of the wars America has fought in and arguably every war in Human history. If anyone is reading this, thank you for taking the time to read it
Well, I did read this a few years after you posted, so even in doubt, maybe sometimes doubts are wrong. But I agree with you, there are good and bad people. Some good people become bad because they are forced to. It's not about which country we come from or what our countrymen did, individually people are different. No side is ever clean.
What gets people arguing is the complexity and overall nature of war. And some people will get too caught up on the crimes on the destruction that they will forget humanity and progress.
If I was in war, truthfully I will NOT know what I'll become. Maybe I'll remain good, maybe war will make me become bad, maybe I'll live, maybe I'll die, the truth is I don't know. But I don't wish for anymore war.
guys stop justifying a war crime by saying someone else did something worse. if youre fighting a ruthless enemy you have to be better than them, otherwise theres no reason to fight them
Subtitles if you didn't see them :)
You should read the books, then watch the movie.
Man this scene made me so angry when they murdered those POW's.
You should clarify data, and sources of information, if you want to say so.
The killing of POWs usually happens when the captor lacks the sufficient means to actually monitor prisoners. This was often the case in the first world war. Offensive units just didn't have the time or manpower to handle prisoners.
ok..but you would do the same, if you were trained , tortured and brain-washed in an extreme negative way like the japanese soliders. They were trained, almost to death at sometimes, to show no mercy to the enemy and to love only the japanese. The iwo jima battle had different soldiers (mostly recruited during the war) so they were regular people who just wanted to live a good life. Your literally comparing apples and oranges
you have to be better than your enemy. if youre just as bad as your enemy, there is no reason to fight them.
No, you don’t do that! You don’t kill prisoners of war who surrender, no matter what! You may give them a minimum of food, warm and I housing but you don’t just shoot them for no reason. If you do these sort of things you bring yourself down to their level.
Technically, shooting surrendering Japanese POWs isn't a war crime since Japan isn't a signatory to the Geneva Convention. Also since they do not enforce it among their ranks in terms of treating Allied POWs. Therefore The Allies aren't obliged really obliged to give them quarter unless for the purpose of gathering intelligence or show of mercy (whatever the case)
What people forget is that the for the Geneva Convention/Rules of Engagement is a two way thing. A great example is Allied POWs in Germany and German POWs in Allied lands.
by the geneva convention every allied bomber crew would be a high level war criminal, sooooo, nobody cared in the end.
Also the allies accused the germans of bombing civilians at nuremberg trails, but let the charges drop because it was kind of hypocracy ^^
Also the germans were accused of waging a war of aggression......when you think what happened directly after WW2 that is a bit redicioulus... also the baltics and fuinland would argue the was some soviet agression ^^
Similarly.shooting surrendering American POWs isn't a war crime since Japan isn't a signatory to the Geneva Convention.
The Germans did NOT treat allied POWS by the Geneva Convention / rules . That was a myth created so people would have tolerated a German miltary existing during the Cold War .
@@noobster4779 So what's your excuse for the Germans comitting the Holocaust ?
People make this a US vs Japan issue over who treated their prisoners worse. I'm looking at it as a human being. I couldn't bring myself to kill anyone that way regardless of what they did. Then again I've never experienced the emotions that these men did or saw what they saw. The world is cold...
I'm glad you've not experienced them and hope you never will. Personally I'm a 3 tour vet. Most folks have no idea.
It’s too dark, can’t see it that well
I'm not going to lie. Seeing this scene as a kid gave me a deep hatred for Americans. But war creates monsters from good men.
"Only we kill our deserters"
I love how people are quick to criticize Americans for different things but don't ever mention anything about the atrocities committed by the Japanese. There are way too many people with double standards.
I have seen alot of american ww2 films..and ALL OF THEM portray japanese or germans as evil monsters from mars trying to anhiliate man kind...truth is im just tired of watching that...and this movie is a breath of fresh air..this film is not about what coutry is good or bad.,.the film is about which humans are good or bad
Trust me I know that's not the case. My grandpa was a POW under the Germans and was treated pretty well. I've read books and seen documentaries about how the Japanese treated POWs and civilians of other countries. Most of them were treated absolutely horribly.
caduncan07 so you are saying that these two POW who surrender was justified because due to the extent of the whole Japanese military that treated our POW is reasonable. Its people like you that the world is spawned as it is today. That why you aren't in the services
perfect your comment. do your my words.
greetings from Brazil
It doesn't help if they didn't bother to enforce that rule.
It's no use Colin trying to argue with Mills he's obviously never picked up a book in his life. He's just going off of what his daddy or grand daddy told him. And he is just sadly just like some other of my other countrymen ..... brainwashed.
haha i know there are plenty bs out there. there are a few good ones though
砂漠最強の怪物ディアブロス亜種 戦争は男性を怒らせる。 メイト!
Tony Montana どういう意味ですか?
If it was 2 Germans executing a prisoner then you all would get offended and flag the video.......
right on man. I respect the Japanese in ww2 who did surrender, but i can't blame the marines for shooting there prisoners. some up the pacific war "no Prisoners No Quarter."
"No Prisoner, No Quarter" is some fucked up logic dude. That's literally what both the Nazis and the Soviets held to against one another, we need to be better than that
That is a fucking war crime
There is no winners in war only losers
i know it isn't, but do you seriously believe that every single japanese soldier was a suicidal maniac?
that's why Japan would never surrender.
I understand seeing the humanity in enemy soldiers, but damn it am I glad the Marines took Iwo Jima and did their part to end the war. Never really cared about "Letters".
you probably have never seen this movie. not all of the japanese people were crazy murderers you know.
Just read about what they did.
Wow sad ....
no Quorder given or taken
If the roles were reversed the Japanese would have cut of the limbs of POW's before shooting them.
Last I heard Japan weren't signatories to the Geneva convention. So shouldn't that wave their POW right privileges as well?
That is correct.. and I am a American but shooting a unarmed man even if it's your enemy still isn't right
dishonor ,never surrender he is imperial soldier ,only death honourable is in charge banzai
It's just too much Hollywood, too balanced in a sense, if you would watch the POW scene in Band of Brothers at the end of the crossroads chapter, it's just like that..first shoot, then talk
ya i i got that. also the fuck dude. and ya i know that the US troops did some bad stuff to. but nothing compared to what the Japanese did on Bataan, Naking, guam, wake, ect. I know war is bad. i believe he did feel bad after the war. but during the war the shit he saw every where that effected him to.
ikr? people forget what happened between china and japan
what does that have to do with anything that had happened
enogh! Mills117
Try not starting war.
This scene fucked me up
+TheInsatiableViper you know what fucked me up? is when the Japanese soldiers killed thousands of US prisoners in the Bataan death march, BRUTALLY. worse than this guy who killed 2 Japanese prisoners. look up Bataan death march.
ElectroWolf and you know what fucked me up ? Hiroshima and Nagasaki...not soldiers but innocent fucking lives ! and that too for fucking generations
english please
Yes they do dumb stuff, we dont youre right
You should do a little better reasearch first. In war the victors makes write the rule book.
I it is too sad
they kille shimizu
2:00 - 2:12 is a pretty accurate representation of America nuking Japan.
not really, the japanese didnt have their hands up in the air when they were getting nuked. Instead, they were planning operation cherry blossom at night.
haha ok man
Marines didn't take prisoners.
John Kwon
John Kwon yes, thats documented too- its probably more a factor than "honor" is