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Hey Drinker, great Video again, as always. I was wondering if you're thinking about doing more of that kind of stuff like "the drinker recommends". These videos are always rly thouthfull and passionit and normly rly good movie tipps in these quarrantine times :/ :)
The worst part is, the people that sacrifice these franchises in the name or whatever seems trendy at the time, will never fully grasp the weight of the damage they've done to pop culture. It's tragic.
Which is why it'll be up to us in the future Tweeter rebuild these franchises or make up new ones in their Stead. That's The Power of fandom and crowdfunding my friend. Never forget that
Oh, they know, which is why they are doing it. What did Orwell say in 1984? Destroy the past, control the future, something like that anyway. I agree with Doomcock, save all the physical media you can.
I remember my Mum actually crying when Tennant regenerated. I distinctly remember Tennant saying "I don't want to go" and my Mum bawling at the telly saying "I don't want you to go either!" Even she's given up on Dr Who.
I can't personally look at that scene and feel the same way about it anymore...now I just sit there thinking "Meh...you're immortal". That line alone resembles the fear of the unknown...Now? What's to be afraid of...lines like that are no longer needed or delivered in the same way because of the immortality. At the same time they tarnished a good portion of the history of Doctor Who. The problem they've caused with the show is catastrophic, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets cancelled indefinitely at some point because of lack of viewership. What they added to the show will just weigh so heavily on the future of all Doctors to follow. I honestly hope they just disregard the entire 13th Doctor and it's storyline.
My mom had watched since the tom baker years and now she says she won't even give the newest seasons a chance. I told he russel t davies is coming back though and she was very excited, hopefully he will turn the show around!
I can't for the life of me understand why people take iconic, beloved shows and hand them over to show runners who aren't fans, don't do the proper research, and are utterly clueless about what the show's loyal fanbase loves about the show.
Because the studios want to push an ideology. The left have captured all the institutions in society. The BBC, Hollywood, Video Game companies etc they are all just branches of the cultural elite who are essentially pushing us into Communism. Conform to the ideological groupthink or be cancelled or censored. It's not about money. Hollywood keep producing insulting turds and losing money but then greenlighting sequels. It's about the MESSAGE.
@@stevenborg102 Basically this, I don't see any business reasoning behind these decisions, like the show is doing awful these days and that could've been solved long ago by giving it to an actual showrunner who knows what they are doing, but nah lets give it to someone who only cares about ideological messages and politics
I'm so sick of creators who can't take even the most basic criticism without throwing a tantrum, yelling "no, you", and doubling down on the generally bad ideas they were criticized for. It's unprofessional and just digs the hole deeper.
I could swear that around 10-20 years ago that meant you were less likely to find work until you got your act together. No one wants to work with someone who is hard to work with.
Impossible OWSALD...Derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler".OSWALD was killed by jack ruby who gave odis burkett a wallet that came to charlie burkett,doctor who aired november 23 a day after JFK INCIDENTJenna ColemanfriendedCharlieBurkett oklahoma oklahoma is said 3 times in the 2005 reboot of Doctor who.The doctor is a promise...promise in hebrew is savah.The 7th doctor (sylvester mccoy)came to OKLAHOMA told charlie burkett who was born september 8th 1985 the year there was a hiatus ...in september 7th 1987 sylvester mccoy becomes the doctor(a day before september 8th my birthdate).Charlie Burkett asked god on easter if he could become doctor who and god answered with a meteor,charlie went insane and thought himself jesus and was committed and lost faith.Charlie saw on EASTER 2021 a meteor in sky.13....the 13th doctor According to the Bible, number 13 can be seen as a number of rebellion. Actually, the first appearance of this number in the Bible is associated with rebellion and we can see it in Genesis 14:4. It is said in the Bible that number 13 is a symbol of all governments that a man has created and that Satan has inspired....charlie burkett MUST become 14...The number 14 represents deliverance or salvation and is used twenty-two times in the Bible. The term "14th" is found 24 times in scriptures. The fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover, when God delivered the firstborn of Israel from death. Some 430 years earlier, on the night of the 14th day of the first month, God made two covenant promises to Abraham - one of the physical seed, Isaac, and his descendants, and one of the spiritual seed, Jesus Christ, and the sons of God who would come through Him, who would shine like the stars of heaven (Matthew 13:43). On the day portion of the 14th, God confirmed the promises with a special covenant sacrifice. "After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.' But Abram said, 'Lord GOD, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?' . . . "And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 'This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.' Then He brought him outside and said, 'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.' And He said to him, 'So shall your descendants be'" (Genesis 15:1 - 2, 4 - 5, NKJV).
Did you know David Tennant was always a huge huge Who fan who dreamed of becoming the doctor and supposedly only became an actor because he wanted to achieve that dream one day, that passion really showed
Peter Capaldi's a fan too but they weren't fortunate enough to catch lightning in a bottle twice. On paper, Peter Capaldi should have been even better than David Tennant. He's old enough to have watched William Hartnell's entire era and had the best written character arc the Doctor has been given with Christopher Ecclestone. In practice, Peter Capaldi missed the mark by trying too hard to be dark, cool and edgy whilst failing to balance it out with any charm, humour or charisma.
What poetic beauty expressed in that meta version of the Doctor's regeneration process! (Incubating in his audience, through inspiring example. He builds his own future by sharing the best he has to offer.)
@SteveyTheEx-Eevee Hell no. And even if I was, politics has nothing to do with this. If a joke doesn't land, it doesn't matter what the context is, especially since humour is one of the most subjective things on the planet.
So I'm an American, I discovered Doctor Who probably like most of us did, on the internet around the time that Matt Smith had taken over. So I watched the series from Eccleston's Doctor and I fell in love. The show made me emotional, it had beautiful writing, beyond talented actors, and what it lacked in budget and grandeur it more than made up for with heart and investment. I got caught up, then I worked my way up from Hartnell. Pertwee was the first of the classic Doctors that resonated with me, and that love for Classic Who only swelled with Tom Baker, who is still one of my favorite actors in the role. I fell hard in love with that show. I went to conventions specifically to meet cast members, I wore the costumes, I had the merch (and even paid the stupidly high import costs to get it), I quoted the show, I lived and breathed Doctor Who. Capaldi was when my love started to wane, but I tried my best to keep invested, because I adored him as the Doctor and love him as an actor. But my god, when Whittaker took over, I couldn't stand it. The writing was awful, the supporting cast was awful, the scenarios were awful. I disliked Moffat's bullshit vaguery and pointless mystery, but his stuff looked like a complete masterclass compared to Chibnall's utter disregard for the franchise. I still have all of my Doctor Who stuff, and I still love the show, watching it when friends throw the good series' on the TV, but too many bad experiences made me hate the whole production.
Hang on to the good stuff. I was genuinely afraid that the Timeless Child vandalism would retroactively destroy my enjoyment of the series' entire history, as in a sense that's what it was intended to do. I watched Terror of the Zygons over Christmas, and found new aspects to enjoy that I hadn't picked up on the first time round. I've been watching a lot of new (well, to me at least) Troughton - era stories and rewatching some of Pertwee's. And I can enjoy it without reservation because it comes with the knowledge that when these stories were made, NONE of the woke wankery that's been inflicted on us over the last few years was ever conceivable, let alone intended. It's an unrepresentative aberration in the scale of the show's overall history and one day the real Doctor Who shall come back, yes, it shall come back. Until then...
A great post that is clearly heartfelt. I grew up with the show, collected the early books, and went to the 1975 Dr. Who exhibition in Blackpool; and frankly have never liked 'NuWho' from Eccleston onwards but I always respected the fans' love of it and appreciated that the canon was respected. So despite my lack of any emotional investment in NuWho I've been pretty devastated to see what Chibnall and the BBC has done. It's sickening. It is cultural vandalism of the worst order and should be a genuine crime.
I know you are an American, because you start a post with "so", imitating Buzzfeed writers and others who start articles with "so" to make it look like the reader just stumbled onto an ongoing conversation the hack has with his loyal readers. Wow, I wanna be a part of this! - the new reader should think. The same writers who use "more about that soon" to make people keep reading, even when there is no "more about that," or it's just some unimportant comment not worth pointing out in advance.
@@KeldorDAntrell At least you're a fan who admits NuWho wasn't for them, which is perfectly fair enough. I've come across a few who will slag the show up to 2017 if Chibnall's era is criticised and claim the current era is the only decent one as it most resembles 80's Who. But watching the 5th Doctor now, there's no contest. Peter Davison isn't the most compelling actors to portray the Doctor but it still doesn't make me cringe like the current era does.
When Jonathan Frakes was cast to play Commander Riker in Star Trek TNG, he admitted that he had known nothing about Star Trek at this point. So he went into a video store and binged watched all the episodes of TOS to get a grasp of what he is supposed to do. Only then he realized what tall order he had to fulfill.
Same did director of "Wrath of Khan" - and when Patrick Stweart was asked about stepping into cpt. Kirk's shoes, he said something to effect that Bill still fills cpt. Kirk's shoes quite admirably and he must make new pair for himself. You should also see intereview with Rick Bermann about ending of ENT series - where he explains why he initially thought it was great idea to 'crash land' series in this way (when needed), he still thinks there is some merit, but he agrees and understands that fans have right to feel differently and that he's sorry about how actors felt. He politely stood his ground, giving floor to other opinions. Those were the days....
@@piotrd.4850 He has a point. Coming up with ideas unencumbered by the pre-existing lore is a good way to bring a fresh wind into a franchise. However, I would do it for brain-storming and then do my research afterwards to see which ideas would fit into the universe and which don't. Or you may still keep some ideas and concept but adapt them to fit. And at the very least you should look if a similar ideas has been done before in the franchise.
@@rhettorical Good point about 'creative continuity', where nowadays with the media mega-corps, instead it often feels more like a 'product' and 'done by committee'.
@@wjzav1971 Not debating that ... however, one has to balance challenging preconceptions vs. risk of doing something wildly contradicting established cannon. As you mention, it helps when writers have "Series Bible" what is possible and how and perhaps some constraints. I can't verify veracity of statements, but apparently one of ST series even had dossiers and psychological portraits of characters for use in run of the mill situations.
Remember how well River Song was introduced? A character being added a full season before she was fully relevant? I felt like her path in the story was quite planned and well thought out, having her die the first episode she appeared in as well as keeping true to her future legacy a full season before it happens? Eric Carmen : "Those days are done"
The awful thing is that the show adressed these issues previously, in a brilliant way! Remember when martha and the doctor went to shakesperean times and they constantly made remarks about how racist everyone is? And martha beats the shit ouf of one of them? Wtf. That was good. Do more of that not this shit
@@alexrainbow1882 it’s because these people trying to shove overly woke shit down our throats truly believe that they are treading new ground, that they are making the first ever strong female or poc character in the history of the show, blatantly ignoring the fact that in MOST cases, The Doctor’s female companion’s often were the driving force of a situation, or gave him the strength or hope needed to carry on
Another example was how well Missy was written and the character so brilliantly inhabited by Michelle Gomez. It's not a female Doctor that is the problem, it is the quality of the writing and performance.
The funny thing is that RTD had her as a one-off and didn’t want her expanded on as it would kill the mystery, same with “the Doctor’s Daughter” They jury-rigged and showhorned River into it after he left
Matt Smith had never really seen the show, so once cast he enthusiastically watched a handful of new and classic stories given to him by Moffat, and from loving Tomb of the Cybermen, he worked with the showrunner to adopt a distinctly Troughton style approach to the character in terms of both performance and character writing. Jodie, on the other hand, proudly admitted to David Tennent, that she couldn’t finish a single episode from before her time. To me that really says it all.
The Irony is...In any normal job you would get kicked out of the office with Jodies approach"So young man,have you ever worked as an electritian and can you vaguely imagine what work in my company would be like?" "No sir,im proud to say i do not give a fuck about what you do because i can do it better anyway"
@@NashmanNash And that's without the additional element of hers which, in your example, would be like: "I'm gonna be the best electrician of you all, because I'M the only one that's not inherently morally wrong!" Like, she proudly saw Doctor Who through 2017 as more-or-less Immoral, and that was why she was happy to take the role.
@@NashmanNash Why does this RUclipsr here never talk about Gamfreak? That just makes me sad. Pokemon resembles Doctor Who and Star Trek so much, so i think he should not dont do it cause its a Game.
This comment had me interested, so I decided to look this one up. While your comment isnt incorrect, you either wilfully or accidentally ripped it out of context and make it seem like she was proud to never have watched the show. This isn't the case. When she was cast and told the producers she never watched Doctor Who before, they (Chibnall at least) explicitely told her NOT to watch the show because they wanted her to develop her own mannerisms, instead of copying previous incarnations of the Doctor. And she followed that. I havent seen the show with her. I dont know if she was good or bad. But to make it sound like she was proud to be unaware/uninformed of the show when she was instructed not to look it up, thats quite an unfair jab at her.
@@michelvanderlinden8363 Bad decision by the producers (Chibnall), then. Simply watching a small list of the better episodes from each doctor that came before her (what, say... four- six hours' worth of research on your character's backstory?) and being advised that she still has to bring her own take to the role should have helped her. Simply understanding the role she's taking, and that every single actor before her has been loved in their rendition of the role would have given her ways to sympathize with the audience and sell an idea every Doctor before her did: "yes, I'm a new Doctor... But I am still the Doctor." I mean, it's not like Time Lords being able to change genders during regeneration is a new concept... Missy had a good run of it, and we also saw other time lords do that, too.
You mean like that chick in that really shitty Doom movie you can get from walmart for like 5 bucks who told the boys they needed to step aside and let the girls handle things?
@@DrakeKnight99 Thats a perfect example but with the crap doom movie the problem was more when Doom game fans complained that the film was nothing like the game and was just a lazy unreasearched mess riding off the back of the game's success, the lead actress and director unable to deny it spat back that all Doom fans are losers.
Well, no matter how many times it has to be said, this is exactly why mainstream media is dying. People are fed up with tuning into activism rather than entertainment.
You know what I love the most about "Women Empowerment Fantasies?" I remember back in College how unrelenting, staunchy, Feminist Groups would still complain about how their favorite media franchises still toxically represented everything that is wrong with the Patriarchal Society they're forced to exist in. The idea comes from the fact how even if the character is exactly met to their hyper specific and completely unreasonable standards they then complain how Hollywood is somehow using their trademarked and incredibly vague definition of beauty and masterful editing tricks as a means of counter oppression saying how heros need to look a certain way instead of how they want them to look which is more like them. The jokes you hear all the time about how "why isn't X representing a Feminist Group, an LGBTQ organization, is Non-White and identifies both its gender and sexuality under a number of different attention grabbing terminologies all carefully reviewed by Tumblr's minority fringe groups." The reason they do this is because deep down these people are angry how nothing appeals to them and even when they try to appeal to them its too late because they then get angry for trying to take away their one stupid reason for being angry. Its like that one webcomic where the person doesn't want a solution to his problem he just wants to be mad. Its living evidence that humanity is not only getting dumber but we've conditioned ourselves to where we're so comfortable that we have to create 1st world justifications to find dumb trivial shit to argue about that a non compromised society would never take even so much as a second to even bring up casually in conversation.
I genuinely wonder how soon it'll be until someone puts out something that is unapologetically 90s. "Yeah, my show has hot babes with big tits and manly men with muscles who shoot guns and you know what? It's awesome. Cancel me if you can, suckers." Instant success, the industry thanks god and tv goes back to being good.
@@rockerknight25 Literally Rick and Morty because Dan Harmon doesn't give a flying fuck about Cancel Culture. Whenever its brought up in the shows its only as a segway for Rick to just shit all over it.
@Logan Botill That's the problem. The narrative that was pushed was "if you make it diverse it will intrinsically be good." Well, we see that diversity on its own isn't enough, you still need talent and skill. The secondary narrative of cultural appropriation makes things difficult as well. If a talented creator wants to make something involving another culture but isn't the right color it gets shouted down. Shouldn't we celebrate bringing that culture to more people? "No, you're just exploiting it." Wellp, everyone stay in your corners I guess, fuck cultural exchange.
Here’s the thing with political messages… DW has always had social/political undertones in its writing. The Slitheen were introduced in a 9/11 referential episode, the Daleks are about as unsubtle of a Nazi Germany allegory as it gets and the Time Lords themselves were a pastiche of (then) modern bureaucracy. As Jay Exci put it, those older stories were “commentary wearing the skin of a fun sci-fi romp” where as Chibnall era is full of “sci-fi romps wearing the skin of deep political commentary.” Politics in DW has always been there, but its always been delivered in a way that engages those who just want the sci if stories, as well as those who want to look deeper. Chibnall political narratives are just “hey isn’t racism baddd?? Hey isn’t global warming badddd??” Those things engage neither the watchers who want the fun sci-if nor those who enjoy the pastiches and deeper messages.
That's one of the main problems with people when they say "DW has always been woke stfu". The political messages were very subtle whilst the newer seasons are just lectures
Agreed. It's like sex in cinema or TV. If it's done correctly and necessary for the story, then great. If not, then you're just watching porn. Political messages are important but they need to be secondary or complimentary to the story, not in spite of the story. Else, I'd just watch CNN or Fox News 24/7
Why does everyone in modern media have to be gay? I couldn't care less about what people do in the bedroom... and I don't see how their sexuality is relevant to ANYTHING. It's 2022, we know gay people exist, so what who cares?
I think the difference is that the Nazi Daleks weren't _just_ supposed to be an allegory for "really bad bigoted people" like they would be today though. The Daleks were made into a very threatening and terrifying enemy from this little corner of space where an endless war drove both sides insane until they chose to become mutated soldiers capable of nothing but destruction and hatred. They're not just evil, they're horrifying. The Nazi element is played up not for political reasons but because it adds to how villainous they are. If they made Nazi aliens now, they would be represented as pushovers oppressing other people because of their insecurities or because they're secretly gay and don't want to come out. This is because they don't want to use the image of Nazis to represent total evil, they want to use the image of Nazis to draw a comparison between people they don't like (assertive, masculine men who are old, religious and/or white) and totally evil people. They also don't want their precious female heroes to have any actual struggle because to imply a woman is weaker than a man is blasphemy against feminism. As you said too, they also tried to tell deeper messages with the Daleks than just "Nazi bad". When Tom Baker had to make the fateful decision whether or not to blow up the Daleks and change history, that was a deep moment that got people to question whether it was right or wrong to kill the Daleks if the fear of them had produced alliances and friendships. Modern entertainment doesn't want people to think about both sides of an argument because that's risky and people on the right side of the political spectrum tend to be less inclined to loudly complain about subliminal messaging in their entertainment as opposed to left-wing people. Easier to please the squeakiest wheel than to ever play devil's advocate.
Britta: "Wait, was there a female Inspector [Spacetime]?" Abed: "Yes, and everyone hates her. Not because they're sexist. Because she sucks." -Community, Season 4, Episode 3 "Conventions of Space and Time" (aired on February 21, 2013)
Matt Smith had never seen Doctor Who before landing the role, either. The difference was that he always showed the utmost respect for it whenever talking about it, and upon landing the role he immediately did his homework, binging the entire Hartnell and Troughton run and select "fan favourite" episodes from the other Doctors. He also clearly relished playing the character. Compare and contrast that with Jodie Whitaker, whose first remarks after getting the role were "Well, Doctor Oo's alwase bin a verreh sexist shoa, 'asn't it..." 🤦♂️🤮
@@derrickcrawford1081 The only reason mediocre Mandalorian is popular because of how shitty the sequels were. If Mandalorian would've come out before Rogue One, it'd be a disaster. So I wouldn't say they "figured" anything out, its just if you randomly throw a bunch of rocks with closed eyes - one of them might hit the edge of the target.
Funny because manager's usual argument to hire based on racial diversity: "More 'diverse' team results in employees thinking differently, outside the box thus increasing the overall creativity of the team." (Even if job requires little creativity, just raw experience)
Diverse writers doesn't mean writers with diverse ideas. It means writers who are all of different ethnic minorities who all hate white people. Funny how diversity has gone full circle back to racism...
@@whocaresguy the part about the diversity of populations doesnt fit the rest of your argument. in a diverse country the problem isnt that there are diverse groups of people, but that there are diverse socio-economic circumstances that are correlated to which ethnic group people are from. its easier to control those populations because its easy to play them out against each other based on these socio-economic differences that people relate automatically to ethnic differences, because there is a strong correlation between them. sunnis and shiites in iraq for example. kurds in turkey. non-white people in western europe. etc. with a group of writers, the problem is not that their ethnic group is correlated to their socio-economic group. the problem is that they are selected based on their appearances instead of based on their qualities.
Star Wars, Star Trek, Terminator, Dr. Who, Marvel, Charlie's Angel, Ghost Buster, Picard ... How many more must fall... Edit: Wow. Well, it's been one year and, boy did this list keep growing. He-man, Cowboy Beebop, FUCKING MATRIX had to come back just to get woke enough to die on arrival...Almost the entirety of the American comic book industry, G4 TV, Tom n Jerry, West Side Story, Space Jam... Guess ill be back Next year Boys.
Not too passive-aggressive. Nah, not at all. Ever notice the similarities between leftists & aggressors in an abusive relationship? Gaslighting, victim-blaming, “if you don’t like it, it’s your fault”, it’s all there. One one level, I could almost forgive them these traits, nauseating & contrary to life as they are, as simply what one must expect from a weak, failed @b0rtion of a species such as this. Except that when called out, rather than think “Oh, that doesn’t work, I’d better cut this shit out or think of something else that might work before my head ends up on a stick”, they add two more carbs & NOS to their metaphorical 66 Bonneville & floor it. That gets the Roman Emperor Thumbs Down from this girl, every time.
Exactly. People - including the guy in this video - are complaining the show now sucks because of its diversity (as if Doctor Who wasn't about diversity all along). That isn't the reason. The show might be bad now because of its writing. They could put freaking Christian Bale as the Doctor and have an all white, male cast for these last few seasons, it would still not be great.
@@DemienC. it's not a remake, it was a prequel. With dumber characters and it kills part of the mystery of the monster. And the BBC, with its ratings and ad revenue plummeting, has increased the amount of money they will be taking from tax payers. I mean, TV here in the states sucks, but at least I don't have to pay for it if I don't want it.
Impossible OWSALD...Derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler".OSWALD was killed by jack ruby who gave odis burkett a wallet that came to charlie burkett,doctor who aired november 23 a day after JFK INCIDENTJenna ColemanfriendedCharlieBurkett oklahoma oklahoma is said 3 times in the 2005 reboot of Doctor who.The doctor is a promise...promise in hebrew is savah.The 7th doctor (sylvester mccoy)came to OKLAHOMA told charlie burkett who was born september 8th 1985 the year there was a hiatus ...in september 7th 1987 sylvester mccoy becomes the doctor(a day before september 8th my birthdate).Charlie Burkett asked god on easter if he could become doctor who and god answered with a meteor,charlie went insane and thought himself jesus and was committed and lost faith.Charlie saw on EASTER 2021 a meteor in sky.13....the 13th doctor According to the Bible, number 13 can be seen as a number of rebellion. Actually, the first appearance of this number in the Bible is associated with rebellion and we can see it in Genesis 14:4. It is said in the Bible that number 13 is a symbol of all governments that a man has created and that Satan has inspired....charlie burkett MUST become 14...The number 14 represents deliverance or salvation and is used twenty-two times in the Bible. The term "14th" is found 24 times in scriptures. The fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover, when God delivered the firstborn of Israel from death. Some 430 years earlier, on the night of the 14th day of the first month, God made two covenant promises to Abraham - one of the physical seed, Isaac, and his descendants, and one of the spiritual seed, Jesus Christ, and the sons of God who would come through Him, who would shine like the stars of heaven (Matthew 13:43). On the day portion of the 14th, God confirmed the promises with a special covenant sacrifice. "After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.' But Abram said, 'Lord GOD, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?' . . . "And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 'This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.' Then He brought him outside and said, 'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.' And He said to him, 'So shall your descendants be'" (Genesis 15:1 - 2, 4 - 5, NKJV).
My husband said something interesting to me when we found out Jodi would be the next Doctor. He said that the Doctor is one of his greatest role models in fiction. A man who uses his cleverness and knowledge to stop conflict and keep the peace, rarely resorting to violence unless necessary, and a man who wasn't afraid to show his feelings or that he cared about those around him (or whole planets and species lol). There aren't many other male characters like that in fiction, and it's sad that 'over inclusion' has done away with that. I love seeing women in powerful roles, it's awesome. But when it's done just for the sake of saying "LoOk, A wOmAn iS StRoNg?? SeE We'Re WoKe!!" it's really annoying and does the opposite of what writers think.
@jaxxsun oh man I feel the same. How terrible the last season was and how poor the 7th season was. Such a change from the previous seasons. It almost like they literally couldn’t be bothered.
@@whocaresguy I hated when they have done to almost every character. I hated how they treated Jon as a piece of shit. He saved the world and for this, he gets in prison and exiled. Fuck that.
I grew up with David Tennet and Matt Smith. Fell in love with it. Peter capaldi was enjoyable and he kept his standards. Then for some reason. My childhood and respect disappeared after 3 episodes. How much I would pay to go back.
@@dawne5139 But he had some of the better episodes and speeches of NuWho. Case in point The Doctor Falls, World enough and Time, and the Zygon Inversion.
You know they could've used the daughter form David Tennant season to "continue" the legacy a female doctor that would actually make since in my opinion.
It's telling that every major companion in recent memory was a stronger female character than the first female doctor. Martha Jones, Dona Noble, Rose Tyler, even Jenny for her one episode role shined brighter than Ms. Whitaker's Doctor.
I've loved this show since I was four years old, having began with Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor - he'll always be one of my favourite portrayals, I don't think anyone can fully replicate the role he took for the show after Christopher Eccleston's regeneration, the one who pretty much revived the show initially. Up until Capaldi's first series, the show was great and what could be called consistent unlike nowadays - but I do have to say that after going back, Capaldi's doctor is probably my favourite portrayal of the New Who show, because he had so much passion and work done with what he was given - the ship was sinking and a lot of the creative ideas had already been used up - 12s last series was probably one of the best in terms of consistency, and other than that it was graced with episodes like Face The Raven, Heaven Sent, and Hell Bent, which were all very well written and acted out - Heaven Sent probably being the best of the new series, because it's focused on something new, Grief and it's impact on th Doctor - though my personal bias towards that episode is because I'd lost quite a few important people around that time. Anyway, after his emotional regeneration they made it as if everything 12 done was pointless; as if it never happened, just to have the more diverse person to take the role more and "innovate" it by adding pointless political views that nobody that watches the show wants to reflect on, because watching something like Doctor Who is like getting away from politics and senseless media, it always had been, I'd rather be watching the Daleks argue than having gender politics shoved down my throat all in the name of "white man bad diverse woman good" they've ruined the show for me, and a lot of other people, and I think it's moreso refreshing that this awful era and it's fat "superfan" writer are finally being kicked out the door for Russell T Davies and whoever is chosen next for the role.
For me Doctor Who is like a family business passed down from generation to generation. In the right hands, it can endure the worst of times. However pass down the business to someone with an agenda other than business, and that business will fail, no matter how loyal you costumers are. Let's hope the "Under new management" sign works.
It's not just the fact it's rubbish, it's the total dump on the lore to completely rewrite the show's history that really gets me. At least with Star Wars they can just sort of ignore the sequel trilogy. Writing a rubbish follow on is one thing, but going back to the start and rewriting the origins of the show to claim it for their own just feels sick and twisted to me. Also, Community called it with Inspector Spacetime. What a Minerva
They actually did do something like that with Star Wars. There used to be hundred of novels, comics, video games, and other pieces of media that expanded on the Star Wars universe, but when Kathleen Kennedy took over, all of that was shoved into the corner and labelled "Star Wars Legends", never to be touched again... until they got desperate and started pulling some of that out to shoe horn into their new abomination.
@@addisonwelsh I saw that as more Disney just totally clearing the decks for whatever they put out, rather than explicitly to put woke garbage in there. I was sad to lose the Darth Plagueis novel and the like having read it though. Thankfully they haven't gone in and replaced the in world ancient canon yet as far as I know, although that's a big Yet. For all I know Kennedy could be devising some awful garbage about how the force was brought into being by the horrible oppressive Jedi grinding up stunning and brave primordial Reys in a vat and electrocuting it. Or something worse that's not basically a rip off of Doom Eternal, but woke.
Capaldi's era had atrocious writing lmao, love how ppl like you insist on rewriting history. Capaldi had the ratings tank long before Jodie, the show fell out of the mainstream and all his seasons are seen as crap outside of the diehard Capaldaddies I see on here
@VivaSuga The difference between Capaldi and the post 2017 pretenders was that he was a character actor and although the scripts were far from perfect he carried every line and delivered them with impeccable performances! You can't blame him for the atrocious writing. You can, however, realise that his portrayal was terrific!
American here. Watched Tom Baker reruns as a kid growing up in the 80's. Hit the ground running again years later with Eccleston, and became a massive Whovian. I endured Capaldi. Great actor, but by this point the writing and stories had kind of gone to shit, and the PC nature of the show had really started to come to the forefront. Tennant and Smith are where it's at. Have not watched one minute of this current farce. Dr. Who is dead to me. I'll always look back fondly on the good years, but, unless there's a radical reboot in a few years which rejunivates the series in a positive way, I'm done. Still, I'll always have my TARDIS cookie bowl, lol!
5:30: Yes. Indeed. Absolutely. Big miss out. Compare this to documentarys about the 10.Doctor!! That actor? He cried when he got the Role. His Story is literally a Story of Hard Work and never giving up leading to actual Success; no kidding: Check it out and inform yourself.
I gave up during Capaldi. It was the episode where the moon turned out to be a giant egg that did it for me. I don't regard what we have now as Doctor Who. It's a bad parody.
How Jodi handled the criticism of her being cast is such a contrast to how Henry Cavill handled it when he was set to play The Witcher; she responded by calling the fans all sorts of "isms" and "istaphobes" while he simply said that fans were passionate about their subject, entitled to their opinion and that he hoped to do the role justice. Crass vs Class.
Makes you wonder if Whitaker knew she'd not be good as the Doctor, and Cavill knew he'd absolutely slay it as Geralt. It's almost like he didn't need to blame the audience and throw out all these terms because he knew he'd be good.
Daniel Craig on the Bond backlash 2005 " I know a this franchise means a lot to a lot of people all I can say is go see the film if you don't like it or my performance there's not much I can do" . Witless 2018 " To all you mysoginist, sexist dinosaurs we don't want you or need you . Little girls & boys now have a real role model to look up to". I don't like Craig as Bond but he has more class and humility in his little toenail that Witless has in her entire body
"The show was always under the view of a white male gaze." says the feminist to an audience comprised almost exclusively of women who watch the show to fangirl over the accented main protagonist.
I've always seen the doctor as a-sexual myself. Just because he happened to be in the form of a male, there was never any real sexualization by the doctor of anyone on the show, at least in the older series.
Yeah. Old Doctor Who was a fun fantasy for us women, the idea of being whisked away by some dashing man in a time machine, to go on grand adventures and maybe even save the universe. Modern Doctor Who is like being lectured by a white privileged soccer mom about how racism is bad. Wow much fun. No offense but us girls need our quality fluff too. The way they twist our every piece of entertainment into a patronizing lecture eventually is frankly frustrating and exhausting.
I thought a female leading role in a show like Doctor Who would allow some very interesting story topics and fresh new ideas. After all, when it came to most shows we still cherish to this day, we love and connect with the story that worked to bring the fans together, so a good way on expanding a story like Doctor Who without making even more complicated (if intriguing) lore, was to change something about the very character of the Doctor. They did it eleven times before, so this time shouldn't be much different, right? No, no it was bad, sure enough as soon as the first episode of "MODERN" Doctor Who appeared on the screen, I saw a show that didn't care about fans, or story, or character, or even legacy. To me the show was little more than an arrogant attempt to try and capture the magic that brought Doctor Who fans together, while completely missing what bound us together in the first place.
To be fair, Drinker, Doctor Who's always had one foot in the real world when it comes to political, social and cultural issues - the difference is there was a lightness of touch in terms of how these themes grew organically from the stories being told. Whether it was environmentalism in The Green Death or racism in Remembrance of the Daleks, you weren't beaten over the head with it because the creative teams credited the audience with some intelligence to pick through the problem for ourselves. Chibnall's crew, however, *never* extend that trust to us. They *tell* us what to think instead of posing the question and allowing the drama to create the conflict. If anything, it's dumbing down that killed the show, not just heavy-handed identity politics.
Well said. In the story with the Aztecs (William Hartnell) The school teacher character is mistaken for a goddess. She decides that she will try to use this to change their culture for the better, maybe it was get rid of human sacrifices. The Doctor lets her know that it is not possible. I don't think that you would find that kind of wisdom in the stories that get pushed today.
Woah... it's almost as if you belong to that group of degenerates that thinks they are able to come to their own conclusions... you have been reported to the Ministry of Truth AND the Ministry of Justice.
Once upon a time, I thought such a thing was hypocritical. That one should at least watch a show before going all out in supporting criticism of it. The hours spent on supergirl, the crisis on infinite earths crossover, and doctor who have taught me that it’s not worth it. I will never get that time back. And while I actually liked...well, didn’t hate Picard, I have no intentions of running to watch discovery or lower decks. The entertainment industry needs to get its act together, because the list of things I’m willing to spend money on is starting to save me a lot of money.
@@firebladetenn6633 Oh,the later episodes of Lower Decks are actually decent for that they are,a show that does not take itself seriously but still shows some love and attention to the source material here and there And it allowed Riker to be in his youth once again for a short scene with all the advantages animation gives in over the top character portrayal..And one gets to see the USS Titan^^
@@TheSuperappelflap And massive drops in views and purchases but for some reason, it never deters them. Like Marvel: Dangerhair: I hate superheroes. They're part of the male fantasy and that's bad because men shouldn't be allowed to have fun. Marvel: Perfect! You're hired!
The thing that annoys me most with Doctor Who and Star Trek, especially, is the real lack of appreciation for long time fans who literally kept the shows alive during a decade of inactivity. Trek, especially, could have been a minor show that lasted three seasons and was forgotten. Doctor Who could have been mainly known as the cheap effects show starring the guy with the scarf in most people's minds. Part of the problem is they now mine the past for everything, so the people running the shows don't remember how unusual it really is to maintain popularity across decades and generations. Home video and streaming have made it so nothing ever goes away, so you can't tell what people truly miss. They've done the worst thing you can do to any property. They made people stop caring.
When "the message" is the only factor, the most important thing... And is presented as simplistically and as heavy-handedly as possible... What you get is propaganda not art.
@@countschnitzel8903 Right. There are plenty of excellent shows and movies with social messages. The key is to wrap the message in entertainment, not attempt to wrap entertainment inside a message. In a lot of cases, the messages have gotten more simplistic, as well. Take Blazing Saddles where the townspeople actually become more accepting because its in their interest. Look at All In The Family where despite his flaws, Archie was a hard working man supporting his family and Meathead, the spokesman for the creator was something of a freeloader.
You nailed it Drinker , it’s all about “checking boxes”. The movies and shows today are viewed as nothing more than vehicles to that end by the individuals making them . Great channel, thanks !! 🇺🇸
That's when entertainment becomes propaganda. The story and characters come second to the message and agenda. And if you decide to not tow this line, you get called out for it.
@Mungo McGhee I'm absolutely serious they said if you don't have 40% minorities in minor roles or 30% in major roles and certain other things such as LGBT representation in your movie you will not be considered for Oscars. So it went from just give people a chance, which is equality, to you must do this. Which means that a lot of movies in the past that won would not even have been nominated.
Oh my God I just thought that said Chris “Chinballs” and was trying to figure out if it was a jab that he had chin balls, before rereading it again -_-
It's not just the writers agenda. Some globalists if not all of them support hiring sjw writers so they can mix the masses without friction, everyone sucking it equally, sounds familiar to communism.
But then people stop watching it altogether, accomplishing absolutely nothing but wasting everyone's time and millions of dollars that could have gone to something that's actually useful. Like, a Not-Being-Moronic Machine, or something.
as a youtuber called sovietwomble said in a video essay: Evangelist Alienation. when you turn the very core of your fanbase against you, YOUR customers, the only people who will sing praise to your product, against yourself because of what you done to their product/entertainment. admittedly, he used that term to describe video games, but it can be used in this instance aswell.
I actually went into watching her version of the Doctor not being aware of any of the drama or politics surrounding the show, as I usually don't spend any time being concerned with most of that kind of stuff. I actually don't mind her as an actor either. However even I quickly grew more and more disappointed with both the show as a whole as well as her, both in the role and as an actress, the more I watch and the more I found out about her approach to the role. I was really rooting for her too, because I thought the idea of having a female doctor actually had huge potential, and I didn't really see it as a problem canonically. I mean, it's a show about a regenerating alien with two hearts that lives for hundreds of years and travels in time and space; being a female isn't exactly the most bizarre thing the show has attempted. But I can't help but be let down. The obvious pandering and preaching of the narratives just reeks of political agenda, and that has never been what the show was about. It just baffles me how they don't see that they're actually making things worse, for everyone, by doing what they're doing. I don't get it. It's a level of apparent delusion that I can't really get my head 'round. What's worse is that I fear they think they just haven't gone far enough in this direction, too, so it's likely only going to get worse if it keeps going.
My wife's and my own exact thoughts and feelings. We loved watching Doctor Who and were looking forward to what a female lead might bring to the role. After one season of being preached at with little-to-none of the deep writing or thought-provoking sci-fi one had come to expect, we were done... That they suddenly jumped to having three companions also made the show seemed unfocused, too. I felt it detracted from the intense interpersonal relationship The Doctor usually develops with the single companion, which was a big part of the show.
Meh I completely dislike the idea of that character specifically becoming female. At least for me i grew up on doctor who (though i was born in 2008). I think he's an amazing role model for young and growing boys. I would be perfectly fine with a spin off show that starred a female time lord, not gonna lie I would probably watch it and if the story was good i would enjoy it. I would also think it would be awesome for young and growing woman to have their female role model in the same universe, heck maybe there could even be crossovers between the two shows. Making the original doctor a woman wasn't the way to go for me.
What I liked most about the show are the scary beginnings when it is not yet revealed what kind of monster or weird setting the protagonists are facing, the play with cause and effect in time travel, the doctor finding a solution with minimal tools, plus the main characters and settings being funny in some bizarre/dark way. The writing for 13 sadly did not include any of these :( Also all the modern doctors before were dressed in a stylish way (from classy to minimal) why would jodies doctor wear such odd clothing?
@@Trekcicity It's not having multiple companions that's an issue. There were many eras like that in the original series, with beloved characters. The original run had Ian, Barbara, and granddaughter Susan; during Troughton's era there was Jamie with others--Ben & Polly, Victoria, or Zoe; then later in the 80s they had multiple companions again such as Tegan, Nyssa, and Adric/Turlough. And all throughout the mid/late 70s there was K-9, the android dog companion alongside the regular companions. So it can and does work (when writers and actors know what they're doing.)
The next doctor needs to be in bed and all of a sudden wake up and be like “wow that was a bad dream thank god none of that was real” and just erase everything Jodie Whitaker’s doctor did and set the story back to its status quo
Yes, it would work as it perfectly did in Dungeons'n'Dragons sessions: something went terribly wrong. Master said: "Here it comes a dragon and destroys everything." I am waiting for this dragon and and a awakening from this venomous nightmare.
@@AMV_KINGDOM_mv Why does this RUclipsr here never talk about Gamfreak? That just makes me sad. Pokemon resembles Doctor Who and Star Trek so much, so i think he should not dont do it cause its a Game.
i really dont hate the star trek show as much as drinker does though. sure theres a bunch of female and non-white actors in it which is quite a difference from having only old white dudes on screen like in TOS. but i dont hate the lead actress and since the end of the parallell universe plot at the end of season 1 which was admittedly pretty bad, it has improved a lot imo. they should cut down on her monologue time though.
meh, for once I don't think the problem with current trek is diversity. Star trek has always been kinda woke and pretty diverse. I mean in ds9 there was only one white male in the main cast , and this show was amazing
@@grandkhan9261 Woke doesn't adequately describe this show; it beats you over the head with it. Lots of crying and hugging. It's a massive sensitivity training session. I never noticed the absence of white male actors in DS9 because the stories were pretty good, but with STD it's a case of spotting the next message the writers want to beat you up with.
@@Sergeant_Fury yeah, and the crying becomes repetitive after a few episodes lol. what does annoy me is that now in season 3, they wrote out more than half of the straight male characters, ash tyler/voq, lorca, pike. and they introduced some kind of lgbtq or asexual thing in their place, along with one new straight male main character who gets significant screentime. the starfleet admiral and other supporting characters are straight male to give you the impression that its balanced but actually about half of the current main characters is something other than straight which if my math is correct is about 20x too much representation. so im starting to get to the point where its too much wokeness and diversity for me in the gender and sex aspect. im generally pretty quickly annoyed by it, but really in seasons 1 and 2 i didnt mind the wokeness levels too much. it was just the really bad alternate universe plot arc in 2nd half of 1st season. i kinda get the impression that drinker hated the show simply because of the fact it has a black female lead and a bad plot arc in S1.
When the black lady who appears in a single pair of episodes as a side character has more believable dr. Who attitude THAN THE ACTUAL ONE, you know there's a problem.
"ALL" these other replies..... I can't find even one remotely sexist one. Besides I think more then half the viewers that stopped watching would have rather had Jo Martin as the doctor, it was never about the gender it was about not picking the best person for the role. The real sexism in this all was on the doctor who facebook page where everyone that said they didn't like the episode where told they are just "crying manbaby's" and the swj crowd all chimed in to tell us they where there to "soak up the fragile male tears"
@@freya3789 The sexism is giving the role to a woman because she is a woman. That meant male actors we excluded because they were male. Isn't that sexism, or is it only sexism when "Women most affected"? I wouldn't have been bothered who got the gig if they had screen tested 20 people of any age, race, sex, and picked the best one to carry the show forward. They didn't. They picked a woman because "You know, it's about time this misogyny was ended, Duh" and because she is an SJW mouth piece. And that is why the show has died on its arse...
Well there a story about the Doctor origin so yeah the show title doesn't even work with him anymore, they really kill the Doctor Who since the character has a story about him, and no longer a mistery.
@Jack Stucki I agree completely, I think his seasons with Clara were meh but once Bill came it I was out. However if you want to talk about the doctor as a man who regrets, yet childish to the core. A constant contrast with a man who could turn an army around at the mention of his name yet also a man who never eats pears cause they make his chin wet. I think capaldi takes it. Also yes I’m a nerd, no I’m not trying to start a argument I just love capaldi as the doctor lmao
Me and my sister both got into Doctor Who in the Tennet days. We loved it, and binged it for a long time. By the time the 12th doctor was regenerated we lost all interest. So sad to see a unique and imaginative show be slowly bled to death and then put out of its misery with a sledgehammer.
You must watch the original series. I started watching with Matt Smith's first season, and at the time I thought the modern Doctor Who was the best show ever. After going back and seeing the classic series some years later, it's just so much better.
All the Doctor's memories of their childhood, his parents and running through the fields on Gallifrey, talking to the hermit on the mountain, hiding from Berusa. All that dumped upon by a few lines of Chibnall's script saying nope, you're adopted and not even Gallifreyan. Yet after 19+years in space prison its "Hiya fam!" and back to being whacky. Where's the damage, where's the rage, where's the character growth?
Character growth in a woke story? What shit have you been smoking mate because it must be some very good shit to think that SJWs can even write character growth into their stories.
Growth implies that the would write flaws into their character in the first place. But with SJW characters there are only flaws in the world around them, they think it's offensive to write a flaw in a character (I think)
It’s temporary good news, Chinballs is still around and he’s gonna go even harder with the virtue signaling. I’m not even a fan either but this is like if Rian Johnson was president of Lucasfilms instead of Kathleen.
When I was a kid, growing up with Ecclestone, Tennant (and to a lesser extent) Matt Smith, Doctor Who provided me with an escape from every day life. It captured my imagination and it was exciting. Occasionally, there were values and politics embedded within the stories, but they were subtle - not enough for you to outright notice on your first viewing, but enough to make you subconsciously think about it. The first episode of the reboot. Shop-window dummies. Everyone has seen them and the audience can relate to them being creepy and how terrifying it would be if it actually happened. The entire audience. Thirteen's 'woke' stories aren't relatable enough to enough people. Whittaker's portrayal of the most intelligent being in the universe seems to convey the exact opposite. There isn't enough darkness in the character. Look at the best scenes of 9, 10 and 11. Most of them are during dark moments, where the actor can truly come out and play another personality you don't normally see in the character. Meanwhile, Thirteen raises her voice and it's just a chihuahua yapping away. No real consequence to aggression from her. Whilst I have no issue with a female playing the Doctor, the general truth is that it is far easier for men to be more intimidating and aggressive when shouting than females because biologically, that's how we're all wired up to be (not saying there isn't any exceptions and that this should be taken as fact at all, it's a generalisation and nothing more). I feel that when the doctor conveys aggression, historically it's created by passion or true hatred to the subject, such as when 9 speaks to the Dalek's on Satellite 5/The Game Station. With 13, it's usually always triggered by something obviously representing modern day issues. Doctor Who shouldn't be a platform to deliver overly politicised messages to children or adults for that matter, but given that it is primarily a children's show, let them have their childhood. Let them run away with the Doctor on an adventure and let their imagination run wild, as mine did when I watched Doctor Who. Let it be just good fun and entertainment. It doesn't need to be any more than that, because that's what should be for.
When I once told my Dad the way Jodie's Doctor began a conversation with others, with the whole perch head at odd angle and say "Yeah sorry", his response was "Sounds like she's talking to children." I don't own any of Jodie's tenure on Blu-ray because the episodes just don't stand up to repeat viewings. Some episodes I watched all the way through, some I never bothered to watch on original airing while others I stopped 5 minutes in.
Right. I don't blame the actress for anything other then agreeing to follow the script, and for being a women simply for pandering and not for story purposes, but i think there could be a good female doctor. The black doctor at the end was a good character for what little we saw, and I would die to see Betty White doctor but the writing was pandering and garbage.
From what I have gathered from every Whovian I have met in recent years, they all will tell you that the show mysteriously ended the second the 12th Doctor regenerated. They’ll tell you he was the last one and there is nothing more after that. I find that speaks volumes for the quality of this thing the BBC tries to tell you is Doctor Who.
I like to interpret the 12th Doctor saying, "Doctor, I release you" (or whatever the exact words were) as him relinquishing the title he took on as he goes to his final rest, knowing the universe is in good hands thanks to the legacy of companions he has left behind (the last 2 even being like the Doctor, traveling through space and time with a companion). In his delirium from his injuries, he thought he could regenerate again, but he did not, and before losing consciousness he hallucinated a face vaguely resembling that of his daughter clone, Jenny. The End.
It ended after Matt Smith, there hasn't been a 12th yet. When you have to get the previous doctor to tell the public to give the new one a chance, it means the new one is garbage
To this day I'm still amazed by how Capaldi carried the show entirely by himself out of pure acting talent and love for the show despite the terrible writing and garbage narratives.
True...but equally, Heaven Sent is an utter masterpiece of an episode for me, almost up there with Blink. The sheer enormity of the scale of what he endured hits you like a truck when it’s unveiled. It’s a masterpiece and Capaldi is an absolute star.
I genuinely disagree with you. Capaldi brought us some of the best episodes in the whole series (Heaven Sent and others). And the Doctor's character arc was arguably the best. You all belove David's Doctor and say he's the best, and while it was certainly good, he had almost no development in the whole 3 series besides 'I miss Rose' or 'GOD I MISS ROSE'. Only in series 4 special he kind of twisted and showed a double morality, but nothing really to call development. The 12th Doctor was born as a grumpy, distanct and sociopath old man who was so afraid to make bonds with people because of his fear of losing them again (thanks to Amy and Rory) he didn't even like hugs for most of his run. Series 8 was him being grumpy and showing that fear. In series 9 he began to accept a bond with Clara, and then he loses her, making him go rampage and turn into the hybrid. In series 10, 12th is fully developed and becomes a kind teacher, someone who can teach on his experience and knows the pain of loss. No more grumpyness. He then meets Bill, but finally loses her. In The Doctor Falls he can't stop the cybermen, he lost Bill, and thought Missy turned evil again. He was ultimately defeated, and no matter how hard he tried he kept losing people. He then refuses to regenerate, until he meets the brigadier, whose father together with Testimony reminds him of how many lives he's saved. Dude, seriously, no matter how you look at it, that's simply brilliant character writing. And even Matt Smith, being the closest to have Capaldi's development, is still far from it. The show wasn't as 'run from here to there' as with David and Matt, but we got other things in exchange. You must simply learn to appreciate them. I wish I could say the same about 13th though. She is simply terrible, has no character arc and the stories are dreadful.
Totally disagree. Capaldi had amazing writing- sure, he had some bad episodes, but are we forgetting that series 1 and 2 had more duds than the whole of Capaldi's run
My mother, who is a very liberal, “woke” individual who was excited for a female Doctor (I knew from the get-go it was going to be shit) couldn’t even stomach Jodi for more than a few episodes. Chibnall is a caricature of a joke at this point.
5:30: Absolutely. Big miss out. Compare this to documentarys about the 10.Doctor!! That actor? He cried when he got the Role. His Story is literally a Story of Hard Work and never giving up leading to actual Success; no kidding: Check it out and inform yourself.
Bro I’m further to the left than a liberal but I knew when I saw Jodi it was going to be shit I maybe very on the left but I’m not a fuckin snowflake that pushes “diversity” to pay for racism and sexism
@@TheBermudaMan because a loud minority of woke people consists of feminazis (ie. women who hide under the guise of feminism to push for women’s domination), black supremacists, etc, people who get offended at the slightest joke, some of the minority sound like they were taken straight from 1984. the majority is actually pretty chill, it’s just the minority making all the noise. you can get offended at anything if you’re trying to be. and trying to getting offended on the internet is like stepping on dogshit in real life instead of going around it.
I mean you can’t blame them, it’s not like there are other female characters in Doctor Who that are good, except maybe Romana, and Donna, and Rose, and Amy, and Kate Stewart, and FUCKING RIVER SONG
Which one of those was the Evil Doctor ? REMEMBER, Jodie is NOT the 1st female Doctor, That evil one with black hair took over his body a few times and is connected to him, Which makes her the very first FEMALE Doctor who long before Jodie turdface came along
I was kinda curious on how they would bring 13 in, what traits she would have, what personality she'd show etc. After four episodes, I was ready to quit watching, but kept going for three more because I really wanted the show to stay great and I hoped, they manage to make it interesting again somehow. But I was disappointed. Worse, I got bored! I did the only sane thing and jumped into my little 'TARDIS' and rewatched the good stuff, at least those, who were still available (Sadly some of the Hartwell season are lost). It is really sad to say, that my favourite 13 is the one in Dr. House, not Dr. Who.
“What Chris wanted to do is reflect the world we live in today” is he brain dead? The show is about saving the planet from various races of aliens from other planets, galaxies and even other universes. As if people want to watch it to reflect average life. Also the fact that she wouldn’t do an accent is actually funny. David tenant is Scottish and put on a (really good) British accent for the entire time that he was in the role, which was a lot longer than Jodie Whittaker’s run.
Also mentioned in another comment, women made up a significant portion of the show's audience. Who wouldn't want to watch a show about being whisked away by a charming man in a magic box to go see the universe? But now you don't have the charming man or the universe to see in the show.
Last time I looked Scotland is part of Britain unless the Ginger midget has her way, you mean Tennant put on a mock English accent which wasn't from anywhere really as no one speaks like that would have preferred if he had just stayed Scottish
I truly hope that no one in Hollywood gets the bright idea of remastering Rod Serling's Twilight Zone into something that pushes a woke agenda. [ I recently binged for four straight days on Decades TV of the entire Twilight Zone series and damn near every one of the episodes still has a lesson that I think people can learn from even to this day - my favorites are The Fever, The Midnight Sun, Nick of Time, The Shelter, The Obsolete Man, just to name a few. ]
Jordan Peele tried his hand at making a new TZ but it failed on account that he's a racist prick. It was so bad that even the usual shills couldn't defend it. Every episode was basically 'white man evil.'
It's okay to pander a minority. But good writing, entertainment and good portraying of the characters should still be the number one preoccupation. That was not the case here.
As a huge doctor who fan who watched all seasons of the reboots, I just have to say that this doctor was SO INCREDIBLY BORING that I could not finish episode 2 and just left it
I watched the first season of Whitaker's run, and was bored to tears. Watched the first few episodes of her second season, and was equally bored to tears; and this is coming from someone who's watched Doctor Who since Jon Pertwee played the role. 😊😊 The last time I said I didn't like Doctor Who was when Colin Baker (number 6) played the role; and even he managed to redeem himself in my eyes when Trial Of A Timelord came about. 🤔🤔
Notice how there was far less controversy about the Mistress. That’s because Missy was clearly the result of someone having an idea for a character who happened to be female, whereas 13 was the result of someone wanting a female main character.
@@EternalEmperorofZakuul I get you, because I too feel Timelords shouldn't and don't change gender when they regenerate. However, with the Master, I give more leeway since he's been doing anything and everything to cheat death since his inception. In the 70s he was a charred corpse, and in the 80s he stole someone else's body to prolong his life. I don't know what he did to become Missy, but it's entirely within his character to have done it if out of necessity to survive. My issue with Missy is not being a woman but how they made her character change into a "good guy" or a BFF of the Doctor. That was stupid. The Master and the Doctor are static characters, and polar opposites. Missy started out strong her first year, but her last year Moffat totally screwed up the character.
I don’t care if Jodie leaves. As long as Chibnall is still writing, we can’t expect the show to get better. Personally, if I were to choose a head writer, I’d go for Neil Gaiman, but he’s busy with other shows.
@@trentreynolds6293 I wouldn’t say “ruin”… yet. Honestly, I still have hope if only because I like Neil and his work and he seems happy with live action Sandman, but after seeing how different most of the cast looks, I can’t help but be nervous. I’ll wait till I see a trailer.
The critics are pressured to pander to the shouting. Audience can just say what they felt and think. I mean, the dream would be critics who critique the media they supposedly know so well, but apparently I don't know how anything works...
@@Eagles_Eye Hell, maybe that's the *true* motivation of the Daleks all along. They're actually benevolent, so when they saw what the doctor would become, they decided to try to save him from that fate.
That or just somehow bring back Missy. She was fucking fun. I'd watch a season of her going on about her jolly holidays and fucking up everything for lulz.
“If you don’t like the garbage we serve up, you are the problem” Said the people who own the garbage trucks, bins, and landfills. Man I’m glad to be a problem.
When Ian McKellen was cast for Gandalf in LotR, he had never read the books. What did he do ? He read the whole trilogy and immersed himself in the Tolkienverse so well that by the time he was shooting the movie, he was running around the set with a book to make sure everything was as faithful as it could be to the source material. THAT is commitment to a role. I've never even watched Doctor Who and I find this actress' thought process to be completely insulting to the fans and to the whole material. How on Earth can you hope to portray a role well if you will not even care to learn about it ? You just can't wing it... That's just plain sad.
Man, I'm NOT opposed to a woman being the "Doctor". The show has consistently held that the form of the Doctor is irrelevant. But the SUBSTANCE of the Doctor is another matter.
It's not as much in the doctor's character to be male as it is in 007's, for instance. That said, the fact that the genderlessness retcon is incongruous with all of his previous choices for regenerations is a little weird, so one can understand the reflexive suspicion, however organically one can rationalise it.
@@Hoganply I know right? Like, if anything, The Doctor's an alien from a culture that's incredibly far removed from humanity, so perceiving him as him is just us backwards earth yokels looking at him through a flawed lens that cannot truly grasp the sheer manliness that comes from blowing up a planet (this is a joke) and the doctor having better things to do than argue about cultural trivia when there are planets to save. So the whole chibnail female doc storylines felt rather petty by comparison.
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Are you going to do a review of Cobra Kai's season 3?
I ordered your newest book to add to my collection of youtube creator books
Cobra Kai is back!
I hear she's quitting soon anyway, but not before a final series. I'm surprised she lasted this long.
Hey Drinker,
great Video again, as always.
I was wondering if you're thinking about doing more of that kind of stuff like "the drinker recommends".
These videos are always rly thouthfull and passionit and normly rly good movie tipps in these quarrantine times :/
I was half expecting David Tennant to say “I don’t want to go” after the signature “Go away now” 😂
Didn't think you'd be a doctor who fan
Holy shit, Brandon Herrera watches the Drinker!
That, or he’s a Drinker fan.
Now this is a crossover I wasn't expecting. Brandon may have found a match for the role of "drinking buddy"
Glad to see you here. Sorry it couldn't have been under better circumstances.
BBC logic seems to be that the only reason it sucks is because the fans don't like it. If they get rid of all the fans, problem solved.
If only all business failures could be explained away so easily. "The customers suck, boss!" 🙄
@@nicotoscani1707 That's okay, TV is a waste of time anyway.
I think actual BBC logic is: "Make whatever the American telecoms will give us good publicity for."
I die on the inside hearing even this idea.
@@Iron-Bridge It's the problem with government run anything. They feel their customers create nothing but problems for them.
The worst part is, the people that sacrifice these franchises in the name or whatever seems trendy at the time, will never fully grasp the weight of the damage they've done to pop culture. It's tragic.
Which is why it'll be up to us in the future Tweeter rebuild these franchises or make up new ones in their Stead.
That's The Power of fandom and crowdfunding my friend.
Never forget that
Oh, they know, which is why they are doing it. What did Orwell say in 1984? Destroy the past, control the future, something like that anyway. I agree with Doomcock, save all the physical media you can.
There is a special place in Hell for these iconoclasts.
They can fully grasp it easily - they're 'fixing' it after all.
In wanting to follow and be pop culture, the ultimately destroyed it.
I remember my Mum actually crying when Tennant regenerated. I distinctly remember Tennant saying "I don't want to go" and my Mum bawling at the telly saying "I don't want you to go either!"
Even she's given up on Dr Who.
Tennant was always my FAVE. Matt Smith will have my
I can't personally look at that scene and feel the same way about it anymore...now I just sit there thinking "Meh...you're immortal". That line alone resembles the fear of the unknown...Now? What's to be afraid of...lines like that are no longer needed or delivered in the same way because of the immortality. At the same time they tarnished a good portion of the history of Doctor Who.
The problem they've caused with the show is catastrophic, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets cancelled indefinitely at some point because of lack of viewership. What they added to the show will just weigh so heavily on the future of all Doctors to follow.
I honestly hope they just disregard the entire 13th Doctor and it's storyline.
I miss when the actor playing the doctor actually gave a shit about the show
My mom had watched since the tom baker years and now she says she won't even give the newest seasons a chance. I told he russel t davies is coming back though and she was very excited, hopefully he will turn the show around!
I just finished series 10 special, I cried hearing Peter's last words. I hope I can enjoy the next few series despite the issues
I can't for the life of me understand why people take iconic, beloved shows and hand them over to show runners who aren't fans, don't do the proper research, and are utterly clueless about what the show's loyal fanbase loves about the show.
Because the studios want to push an ideology. The left have captured all the institutions in society. The BBC, Hollywood, Video Game companies etc they are all just branches of the cultural elite who are essentially pushing us into Communism. Conform to the ideological groupthink or be cancelled or censored. It's not about money. Hollywood keep producing insulting turds and losing money but then greenlighting sequels. It's about the MESSAGE.
@@stevenborg102 yes.
@@stevenborg102 Basically this, I don't see any business reasoning behind these decisions, like the show is doing awful these days and that could've been solved long ago by giving it to an actual showrunner who knows what they are doing, but nah lets give it to someone who only cares about ideological messages and politics
Well put
@@levente20000 well put
I'm so sick of creators who can't take even the most basic criticism without throwing a tantrum, yelling "no, you", and doubling down on the generally bad ideas they were criticized for. It's unprofessional and just digs the hole deeper.
I could swear that around 10-20 years ago that meant you were less likely to find work until you got your act together. No one wants to work with someone who is hard to work with.
In a time where most people's argument in a debate is "lmao shut up", it is unfortunately to be expected.
@@nishanthsurendran7721 Yep it's a sad fact that the only way for those people to agrue back is to shut down the conversation.
Impossible OWSALD...Derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler".OSWALD was killed by jack ruby who gave odis burkett a wallet that came to charlie burkett,doctor who aired november 23 a day after JFK INCIDENTJenna ColemanfriendedCharlieBurkett oklahoma oklahoma is said 3 times in the 2005 reboot of Doctor who.The doctor is a promise...promise in hebrew is savah.The 7th doctor (sylvester mccoy)came to OKLAHOMA told charlie burkett who was born september 8th 1985 the year there was a hiatus ...in september 7th 1987 sylvester mccoy becomes the doctor(a day before september 8th my birthdate).Charlie Burkett asked god on easter if he could become doctor who and god answered with a meteor,charlie went insane and thought himself jesus and was committed and lost faith.Charlie saw on EASTER 2021 a meteor in sky.13....the 13th doctor According to the Bible, number 13 can be seen as a number of rebellion. Actually, the first appearance of this number in the Bible is associated with rebellion and we can see it in Genesis 14:4. It is said in the Bible that number 13 is a symbol of all governments that a man has created and that Satan has inspired....charlie burkett MUST become 14...The number 14 represents deliverance or salvation and is used twenty-two times in the Bible. The term "14th" is found 24 times in scriptures.
The fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover, when God delivered the firstborn of Israel from death. Some 430 years earlier, on the night of the 14th day of the first month, God made two covenant promises to Abraham - one of the physical seed, Isaac, and his descendants, and one of the spiritual seed, Jesus Christ, and the sons of God who would come through Him, who would shine like the stars of heaven (Matthew 13:43). On the day portion of the 14th, God confirmed the promises with a special covenant sacrifice.
"After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.' But Abram said, 'Lord GOD, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?' . . .
"And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 'This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.' Then He brought him outside and said, 'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.' And He said to him, 'So shall your descendants be'" (Genesis 15:1 - 2, 4 - 5, NKJV).
Like RWBY’s lead writer Miles Luna.
They destroy your heroes, knowing they cannot create their own
It's called Critical Theory: don't produce, just destroy.
Critical race theory
Like identity politics and gender studies
All made by a specific group
Of very whitehating persons...
Did you know David Tennant was always a huge huge Who fan who dreamed of becoming the doctor and supposedly only became an actor because he wanted to achieve that dream one day, that passion really showed
Peter Capaldi's a fan too but they weren't fortunate enough to catch lightning in a bottle twice. On paper, Peter Capaldi should have been even better than David Tennant. He's old enough to have watched William Hartnell's entire era and had the best written character arc the Doctor has been given with Christopher Ecclestone. In practice, Peter Capaldi missed the mark by trying too hard to be dark, cool and edgy whilst failing to balance it out with any charm, humour or charisma.
What poetic beauty expressed in that meta version of the Doctor's regeneration process! (Incubating in his audience, through inspiring example. He builds his own future by sharing the best he has to offer.)
@SteveyTheEx-Eevee You find the Doctor calling his wife "this thing" charming?
@SteveyTheEx-EeveeWell then, we have VERY different views on charm, humour and charisma.
@SteveyTheEx-Eevee Hell no. And even if I was, politics has nothing to do with this. If a joke doesn't land, it doesn't matter what the context is, especially since humour is one of the most subjective things on the planet.
So I'm an American, I discovered Doctor Who probably like most of us did, on the internet around the time that Matt Smith had taken over. So I watched the series from Eccleston's Doctor and I fell in love. The show made me emotional, it had beautiful writing, beyond talented actors, and what it lacked in budget and grandeur it more than made up for with heart and investment. I got caught up, then I worked my way up from Hartnell. Pertwee was the first of the classic Doctors that resonated with me, and that love for Classic Who only swelled with Tom Baker, who is still one of my favorite actors in the role. I fell hard in love with that show. I went to conventions specifically to meet cast members, I wore the costumes, I had the merch (and even paid the stupidly high import costs to get it), I quoted the show, I lived and breathed Doctor Who. Capaldi was when my love started to wane, but I tried my best to keep invested, because I adored him as the Doctor and love him as an actor. But my god, when Whittaker took over, I couldn't stand it. The writing was awful, the supporting cast was awful, the scenarios were awful. I disliked Moffat's bullshit vaguery and pointless mystery, but his stuff looked like a complete masterclass compared to Chibnall's utter disregard for the franchise. I still have all of my Doctor Who stuff, and I still love the show, watching it when friends throw the good series' on the TV, but too many bad experiences made me hate the whole production.
Hang on to the good stuff. I was genuinely afraid that the Timeless Child vandalism would retroactively destroy my enjoyment of the series' entire history, as in a sense that's what it was intended to do. I watched Terror of the Zygons over Christmas, and found new aspects to enjoy that I hadn't picked up on the first time round. I've been watching a lot of new (well, to me at least) Troughton - era stories and rewatching some of Pertwee's. And I can enjoy it without reservation because it comes with the knowledge that when these stories were made, NONE of the woke wankery that's been inflicted on us over the last few years was ever conceivable, let alone intended.
It's an unrepresentative aberration in the scale of the show's overall history and one day the real Doctor Who shall come back, yes, it shall come back. Until then...
A great post that is clearly heartfelt. I grew up with the show, collected the early books, and went to the 1975 Dr. Who exhibition in Blackpool; and frankly have never liked 'NuWho' from Eccleston onwards but I always respected the fans' love of it and appreciated that the canon was respected. So despite my lack of any emotional investment in NuWho I've been pretty devastated to see what Chibnall and the BBC has done. It's sickening. It is cultural vandalism of the worst order and should be a genuine crime.
I know you are an American, because you start a post with "so", imitating Buzzfeed writers and others who start articles with "so" to make it look like the reader just stumbled onto an ongoing conversation the hack has with his loyal readers. Wow, I wanna be a part of this! - the new reader should think. The same writers who use "more about that soon" to make people keep reading, even when there is no "more about that," or it's just some unimportant comment not worth pointing out in advance.
@@KeldorDAntrell At least you're a fan who admits NuWho wasn't for them, which is perfectly fair enough. I've come across a few who will slag the show up to 2017 if Chibnall's era is criticised and claim the current era is the only decent one as it most resembles 80's Who. But watching the 5th Doctor now, there's no contest. Peter Davison isn't the most compelling actors to portray the Doctor but it still doesn't make me cringe like the current era does.
When Jonathan Frakes was cast to play Commander Riker in Star Trek TNG, he admitted that he had known nothing about Star Trek at this point. So he went into a video store and binged watched all the episodes of TOS to get a grasp of what he is supposed to do.
Only then he realized what tall order he had to fulfill.
Same did director of "Wrath of Khan" - and when Patrick Stweart was asked about stepping into cpt. Kirk's shoes, he said something to effect that Bill still fills cpt. Kirk's shoes quite admirably and he must make new pair for himself. You should also see intereview with Rick Bermann about ending of ENT series - where he explains why he initially thought it was great idea to 'crash land' series in this way (when needed), he still thinks there is some merit, but he agrees and understands that fans have right to feel differently and that he's sorry about how actors felt. He politely stood his ground, giving floor to other opinions.
Those were the days....
@@piotrd.4850 He has a point. Coming up with ideas unencumbered by the pre-existing lore is a good way to bring a fresh wind into a franchise.
However, I would do it for brain-storming and then do my research afterwards to see which ideas would fit into the universe and which don't. Or you may still keep some ideas and concept but adapt them to fit. And at the very least you should look if a similar ideas has been done before in the franchise.
Also helps that TNG was headed up by the guy who created it and directors and writers who wanted to maintain his vision.
@@rhettorical Good point about 'creative continuity', where nowadays with the media mega-corps, instead it often feels more like a 'product' and 'done by committee'.
@@wjzav1971 Not debating that ... however, one has to balance challenging preconceptions vs. risk of doing something wildly contradicting established cannon. As you mention, it helps when writers have "Series Bible" what is possible and how and perhaps some constraints. I can't verify veracity of statements, but apparently one of ST series even had dossiers and psychological portraits of characters for use in run of the mill situations.
Man I miss Dr Who. The Tennant and Smith years were just so good.
I really enjoyed Capaldi's performance too but with a few exceptions the writing just couldn't hold up.
People keep cutting out our Boi Christopher Eccleston, he was a legendary doctor
dinosaurs on a spaceship was the best episode ever and shall go down in cinimatic history as the best science fiction story besides the phantom menace
I agree, Capaldi did a good job too, sadly by season 10 everything started going downhill really fast.
Capaldi was awesome he deserved so much better.
Remember how well River Song was introduced? A character being added a full season before she was fully relevant? I felt like her path in the story was quite planned and well thought out, having her die the first episode she appeared in as well as keeping true to her future legacy a full season before it happens?
Eric Carmen : "Those days are done"
The awful thing is that the show adressed these issues previously, in a brilliant way! Remember when martha and the doctor went to shakesperean times and they constantly made remarks about how racist everyone is? And martha beats the shit ouf of one of them? Wtf. That was good. Do more of that not this shit
@@alexrainbow1882 it’s because these people trying to shove overly woke shit down our throats truly believe that they are treading new ground, that they are making the first ever strong female or poc character in the history of the show, blatantly ignoring the fact that in MOST cases, The Doctor’s female companion’s often were the driving force of a situation, or gave him the strength or hope needed to carry on
Another example was how well Missy was written and the character so brilliantly inhabited by Michelle Gomez. It's not a female Doctor that is the problem, it is the quality of the writing and performance.
The funny thing is that RTD had her as a one-off and didn’t want her expanded on as it would kill the mystery, same with “the Doctor’s Daughter”
They jury-rigged and showhorned River into it after he left
@@gideonmele1556 nope Moffat created her. he made the two river episodes with Tennant and decided he wanted her in the future
Matt Smith had never really seen the show, so once cast he enthusiastically watched a handful of new and classic stories given to him by Moffat, and from loving Tomb of the Cybermen, he worked with the showrunner to adopt a distinctly Troughton style approach to the character in terms of both performance and character writing. Jodie, on the other hand, proudly admitted to David Tennent, that she couldn’t finish a single episode from before her time. To me that really says it all.
The Irony is...In any normal job you would get kicked out of the office with Jodies approach"So young man,have you ever worked as an electritian and can you vaguely imagine what work in my company would be like?"
"No sir,im proud to say i do not give a fuck about what you do because i can do it better anyway"
@@NashmanNash And that's without the additional element of hers which, in your example, would be like: "I'm gonna be the best electrician of you all, because I'M the only one that's not inherently morally wrong!" Like, she proudly saw Doctor Who through 2017 as more-or-less Immoral, and that was why she was happy to take the role.
@@NashmanNash Why does this RUclipsr here
never talk about Gamfreak?
That just makes me sad.
Pokemon resembles Doctor Who and Star Trek so much,
so i think he should not dont do it cause its a Game.
This comment had me interested, so I decided to look this one up.
While your comment isnt incorrect, you either wilfully or accidentally ripped it out of context and make it seem like she was proud to never have watched the show. This isn't the case. When she was cast and told the producers she never watched Doctor Who before, they (Chibnall at least) explicitely told her NOT to watch the show because they wanted her to develop her own mannerisms, instead of copying previous incarnations of the Doctor. And she followed that.
I havent seen the show with her. I dont know if she was good or bad. But to make it sound like she was proud to be unaware/uninformed of the show when she was instructed not to look it up, thats quite an unfair jab at her.
@@michelvanderlinden8363 Bad decision by the producers (Chibnall), then. Simply watching a small list of the better episodes from each doctor that came before her (what, say... four- six hours' worth of research on your character's backstory?) and being advised that she still has to bring her own take to the role should have helped her.
Simply understanding the role she's taking, and that every single actor before her has been loved in their rendition of the role would have given her ways to sympathize with the audience and sell an idea every Doctor before her did: "yes, I'm a new Doctor... But I am still the Doctor."
I mean, it's not like Time Lords being able to change genders during regeneration is a new concept... Missy had a good run of it, and we also saw other time lords do that, too.
pro tip: when someone hires you...don't insult everyone who was there before you. It's a nasty attitude. Don't be a Jodie Whittaker.
The thing with this narrative is, like most virtue signallers, she might not have even meant to, she's just ideologically possessed.
@@Hoganply you could say that about everything women say. or men. that guy didnt mean to do the suicide bombing, he was just ideologically possessed.
You mean like that chick in that really shitty Doom movie you can get from walmart for like 5 bucks who told the boys they needed to step aside and let the girls handle things?
@@DrakeKnight99 Thats a perfect example but with the crap doom movie the problem was more when Doom game fans complained that the film was nothing like the game and was just a lazy unreasearched mess riding off the back of the game's success, the lead actress and director unable to deny it spat back that all Doom fans are losers.
We are Jodie Whittaker. Whittakking everything you love and replacing it with a fist full of dog shit and piss.
Well, no matter how many times it has to be said, this is exactly why mainstream media is dying. People are fed up with tuning into activism rather than entertainment.
You know what I love the most about "Women Empowerment Fantasies?" I remember back in College how unrelenting, staunchy, Feminist Groups would still complain about how their favorite media franchises still toxically represented everything that is wrong with the Patriarchal Society they're forced to exist in. The idea comes from the fact how even if the character is exactly met to their hyper specific and completely unreasonable standards they then complain how Hollywood is somehow using their trademarked and incredibly vague definition of beauty and masterful editing tricks as a means of counter oppression saying how heros need to look a certain way instead of how they want them to look which is more like them.
The jokes you hear all the time about how "why isn't X representing a Feminist Group, an LGBTQ organization, is Non-White and identifies both its gender and sexuality under a number of different attention grabbing terminologies all carefully reviewed by Tumblr's minority fringe groups."
The reason they do this is because deep down these people are angry how nothing appeals to them and even when they try to appeal to them its too late because they then get angry for trying to take away their one stupid reason for being angry. Its like that one webcomic where the person doesn't want a solution to his problem he just wants to be mad. Its living evidence that humanity is not only getting dumber but we've conditioned ourselves to where we're so comfortable that we have to create 1st world justifications to find dumb trivial shit to argue about that a non compromised society would never take even so much as a second to even bring up casually in conversation.
I genuinely wonder how soon it'll be until someone puts out something that is unapologetically 90s.
"Yeah, my show has hot babes with big tits and manly men with muscles who shoot guns and you know what? It's awesome. Cancel me if you can, suckers." Instant success, the industry thanks god and tv goes back to being good.
@@rockerknight25 Literally Rick and Morty because Dan Harmon doesn't give a flying fuck about Cancel Culture. Whenever its brought up in the shows its only as a segway for Rick to just shit all over it.
@Logan Botill
That's the problem. The narrative that was pushed was "if you make it diverse it will intrinsically be good." Well, we see that diversity on its own isn't enough, you still need talent and skill.
The secondary narrative of cultural appropriation makes things difficult as well. If a talented creator wants to make something involving another culture but isn't the right color it gets shouted down. Shouldn't we celebrate bringing that culture to more people? "No, you're just exploiting it." Wellp, everyone stay in your corners I guess, fuck cultural exchange.
It stems from Chinese influence in academia, you think it's bad in the media? Well academia is 10x worse.
Here’s the thing with political messages… DW has always had social/political undertones in its writing. The Slitheen were introduced in a 9/11 referential episode, the Daleks are about as unsubtle of a Nazi Germany allegory as it gets and the Time Lords themselves were a pastiche of (then) modern bureaucracy. As Jay Exci put it, those older stories were “commentary wearing the skin of a fun sci-fi romp” where as Chibnall era is full of “sci-fi romps wearing the skin of deep political commentary.”
Politics in DW has always been there, but its always been delivered in a way that engages those who just want the sci if stories, as well as those who want to look deeper. Chibnall political narratives are just “hey isn’t racism baddd?? Hey isn’t global warming badddd??” Those things engage neither the watchers who want the fun sci-if nor those who enjoy the pastiches and deeper messages.
That's one of the main problems with people when they say "DW has always been woke stfu". The political messages were very subtle whilst the newer seasons are just lectures
Agreed. It's like sex in cinema or TV. If it's done correctly and necessary for the story, then great. If not, then you're just watching porn. Political messages are important but they need to be secondary or complimentary to the story, not in spite of the story. Else, I'd just watch CNN or Fox News 24/7
Why does everyone in modern media have to be gay? I couldn't care less about what people do in the bedroom... and I don't see how their sexuality is relevant to ANYTHING.
It's 2022, we know gay people exist, so what who cares?
I think the difference is that the Nazi Daleks weren't _just_ supposed to be an allegory for "really bad bigoted people" like they would be today though. The Daleks were made into a very threatening and terrifying enemy from this little corner of space where an endless war drove both sides insane until they chose to become mutated soldiers capable of nothing but destruction and hatred. They're not just evil, they're horrifying. The Nazi element is played up not for political reasons but because it adds to how villainous they are.
If they made Nazi aliens now, they would be represented as pushovers oppressing other people because of their insecurities or because they're secretly gay and don't want to come out. This is because they don't want to use the image of Nazis to represent total evil, they want to use the image of Nazis to draw a comparison between people they don't like (assertive, masculine men who are old, religious and/or white) and totally evil people. They also don't want their precious female heroes to have any actual struggle because to imply a woman is weaker than a man is blasphemy against feminism.
As you said too, they also tried to tell deeper messages with the Daleks than just "Nazi bad". When Tom Baker had to make the fateful decision whether or not to blow up the Daleks and change history, that was a deep moment that got people to question whether it was right or wrong to kill the Daleks if the fear of them had produced alliances and friendships. Modern entertainment doesn't want people to think about both sides of an argument because that's risky and people on the right side of the political spectrum tend to be less inclined to loudly complain about subliminal messaging in their entertainment as opposed to left-wing people. Easier to please the squeakiest wheel than to ever play devil's advocate.
The handful of Tennant clips shows so much more emoting than in all of Jodie’s run as a whole. Funny that.
Um buddy there emotions are practically the same jesus christ
I saw the same thing! Jodi looks like a 2x4 in a wig.
It’s not the same show. Can’t even put it into words. Show has been absolutely destroyed.
@@doctorwhoscpblitzkrieg770 nice try Jodie
@@mrbouncelol whatever
Britta: "Wait, was there a female Inspector [Spacetime]?"
Abed: "Yes, and everyone hates her. Not because they're sexist. Because she sucks."
-Community, Season 4, Episode 3 "Conventions of Space and Time" (aired on February 21, 2013)
They should hire Dan Harmon as the new Doctor Who showrunner.
And that came from the gas leak the year
@@randocalrissian1980 you mean A WITCH! GET HIM!!!!
Quick, hand me the quantum spanner to fix this situation!
Remember when Antiques Roadshow got more viewers than the recent Doctor Who season finale?
Because at least that collection of old, broken things has some entertainment value left in it.
@@SuperLloyd84 Daaaaaaaaaaammnnn
That's old news. The recent new year's special lost to a news broadcast, true story😂
@@sophrenia Even better. What was the story?
You're underrating Antiques Roadshow tbf. That show gets referenced in all kinds of movies and other shows, it's a global phenomenon in its own right.
Matt Smith had never seen Doctor Who before landing the role, either. The difference was that he always showed the utmost respect for it whenever talking about it, and upon landing the role he immediately did his homework, binging the entire Hartnell and Troughton run and select "fan favourite" episodes from the other Doctors. He also clearly relished playing the character.
Compare and contrast that with Jodie Whitaker, whose first remarks after getting the role were "Well, Doctor Oo's alwase bin a verreh sexist shoa, 'asn't it..." 🤦♂️🤮
And they're gonna learn nothing from it, they're gonna quintuple down on this.
I mean, we figured Lucasfilm would've learned their lesson by now.
@@ironcladnomad5639 I mean they sort of did in the Mandalorian
Remember when the toxic media tried to blame Soylo on white male leads? I have a feeling it's about to be white women's turn to be the scapegoat.
@@derrickcrawford1081 The only reason mediocre Mandalorian is popular because of how shitty the sequels were. If Mandalorian would've come out before Rogue One, it'd be a disaster. So I wouldn't say they "figured" anything out, its just if you randomly throw a bunch of rocks with closed eyes - one of them might hit the edge of the target.
If at first, you don't succeed, fuck the haters! They're the problem! Not you!
We have a diverse team of writers.
.. Who all think alike..... So we have writers.
The problem is where they divert from each other is only at the part that won't matter when writing a story
Funny because manager's usual argument to hire based on racial diversity: "More 'diverse' team results in employees thinking differently, outside the box thus increasing the overall creativity of the team." (Even if job requires little creativity, just raw experience)
Diverse writers doesn't mean writers with diverse ideas. It means writers who are all of different ethnic minorities who all hate white people.
Funny how diversity has gone full circle back to racism...
They all think alike and make decisions based on skin color, racists.
@@whocaresguy the part about the diversity of populations doesnt fit the rest of your argument. in a diverse country the problem isnt that there are diverse groups of people, but that there are diverse socio-economic circumstances that are correlated to which ethnic group people are from. its easier to control those populations because its easy to play them out against each other based on these socio-economic differences that people relate automatically to ethnic differences, because there is a strong correlation between them. sunnis and shiites in iraq for example. kurds in turkey. non-white people in western europe. etc.
with a group of writers, the problem is not that their ethnic group is correlated to their socio-economic group. the problem is that they are selected based on their appearances instead of based on their qualities.
Star Wars, Star Trek, Terminator, Dr. Who, Marvel, Charlie's Angel, Ghost Buster, Picard ... How many more must fall...
Edit: Wow. Well, it's been one year and, boy did this list keep growing. He-man, Cowboy Beebop, FUCKING MATRIX had to come back just to get woke enough to die on arrival...Almost the entirety of the American comic book industry, G4 TV, Tom n Jerry, West Side Story, Space Jam... Guess ill be back Next year Boys.
Lord of the Rings is next in line for the guillotine
The Mandalorian has been a decent enough counter offensive for the first
@@drakonidesthevigilant5155 but doesn't the Tolkien estate protect the franchise for these kinds of things?
@@taumag and this is why crowdfunding is a thing in the first place
Our favorite movies and comics being destroyed is just one branch of the attack on western culture.
"If you don't like the shit we are serving, it is your problem" perfect description of the show
Not too passive-aggressive. Nah, not at all.
Ever notice the similarities between leftists & aggressors in an abusive relationship? Gaslighting, victim-blaming, “if you don’t like it, it’s your fault”, it’s all there. One one level, I could almost forgive them these traits, nauseating & contrary to life as they are, as simply what one must expect from a weak, failed @b0rtion of a species such as this. Except that when called out, rather than think “Oh, that doesn’t work, I’d better cut this shit out or think of something else that might work before my head ends up on a stick”, they add two more carbs & NOS to their metaphorical 66 Bonneville & floor it. That gets the Roman Emperor Thumbs Down from this girl, every time.
Bad writing is just bad writing, regardless of what it stands for.
It's not bad writing. It's intentional.
Cultural Marxism. They also own our banks and govs........coincidence?
@@tiergeist2639 "I think not!"
@@tiergeist2639 ok but it is pretty bad writing regardless
Exactly. People - including the guy in this video - are complaining the show now sucks because of its diversity (as if Doctor Who wasn't about diversity all along). That isn't the reason. The show might be bad now because of its writing. They could put freaking Christian Bale as the Doctor and have an all white, male cast for these last few seasons, it would still not be great.
@@jesusdaidiotice That's true.
“The beatings will continue, until morale improves.”
- The BBC
Nice pic. At The Thing hasn't been ruined yet
@@XxPunxunite Not by "wokeness", but by 2011 Thing remake (or should it be called re-re-make?)
@@DemienC. it's not a remake, it was a prequel. With dumber characters and it kills part of the mystery of the monster.
And the BBC, with its ratings and ad revenue plummeting, has increased the amount of money they will be taking from tax payers. I mean, TV here in the states sucks, but at least I don't have to pay for it if I don't want it.
@@disbeafakename167 the original characters for the thing weren't really that dumb. At least, they certainly didn't come off that way for me anyway
@@Gogglesofkrome he was talking about the thing(2011) not John carpenters the thing
The founders said 12 doctors. We should have listened.
Impossible OWSALD...Derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler".OSWALD was killed by jack ruby who gave odis burkett a wallet that came to charlie burkett,doctor who aired november 23 a day after JFK INCIDENTJenna ColemanfriendedCharlieBurkett oklahoma oklahoma is said 3 times in the 2005 reboot of Doctor who.The doctor is a promise...promise in hebrew is savah.The 7th doctor (sylvester mccoy)came to OKLAHOMA told charlie burkett who was born september 8th 1985 the year there was a hiatus ...in september 7th 1987 sylvester mccoy becomes the doctor(a day before september 8th my birthdate).Charlie Burkett asked god on easter if he could become doctor who and god answered with a meteor,charlie went insane and thought himself jesus and was committed and lost faith.Charlie saw on EASTER 2021 a meteor in sky.13....the 13th doctor According to the Bible, number 13 can be seen as a number of rebellion. Actually, the first appearance of this number in the Bible is associated with rebellion and we can see it in Genesis 14:4. It is said in the Bible that number 13 is a symbol of all governments that a man has created and that Satan has inspired....charlie burkett MUST become 14...The number 14 represents deliverance or salvation and is used twenty-two times in the Bible. The term "14th" is found 24 times in scriptures.
The fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover, when God delivered the firstborn of Israel from death. Some 430 years earlier, on the night of the 14th day of the first month, God made two covenant promises to Abraham - one of the physical seed, Isaac, and his descendants, and one of the spiritual seed, Jesus Christ, and the sons of God who would come through Him, who would shine like the stars of heaven (Matthew 13:43). On the day portion of the 14th, God confirmed the promises with a special covenant sacrifice.
"After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.' But Abram said, 'Lord GOD, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?' . . .
"And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 'This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.' Then He brought him outside and said, 'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.' And He said to him, 'So shall your descendants be'" (Genesis 15:1 - 2, 4 - 5, NKJV).
@@clone63742 bro are you okay
@@RickyHGV bot
@@clone63742 bot, get him
*12 regenerations, But I get your point
I m pretty sure that 13th season would basically call her the nobody again and say she didnt matter
My husband said something interesting to me when we found out Jodi would be the next Doctor. He said that the Doctor is one of his greatest role models in fiction. A man who uses his cleverness and knowledge to stop conflict and keep the peace, rarely resorting to violence unless necessary, and a man who wasn't afraid to show his feelings or that he cared about those around him (or whole planets and species lol). There aren't many other male characters like that in fiction, and it's sad that 'over inclusion' has done away with that. I love seeing women in powerful roles, it's awesome. But when it's done just for the sake of saying "LoOk, A wOmAn iS StRoNg?? SeE We'Re WoKe!!" it's really annoying and does the opposite of what writers think.
@Mr7Reality Not to mention the strong female companions that the Doctor would often surround himself with.
They are coming for Jesus next. Mark my words.
@@CorePathway that’s the progression from doctor who to Jesus? lol.
good view. never thought of that.
And they take away badass female characters like Cara Dune played by Gina Carano.
Doctor Who needs a 2-3 year break, minimum. Bringing in a whole new team and starting again from scratch like in 2005.
Yeah but considering the show is still owned by the ultra woke Progressive BBC I wouldn't hold my breath
Sadly, I think it needs to be longer...
I don't think any break is needed at all except a break from Chibnall and his whole sorry era. The last few years under Moffat look like platinum now.
It also needs to have the careers of all the show runner, the writing team and the actors to all be destroyed.
It needs a decade hiatus and erasing these seasons from cannon.
Just like Star Wars and Game of Thrones, I ignore the last bit.
game of thrones had nothing to do with political correctness. The writers just did not care anymore and wanted to be done with it.
@jaxxsun oh man I feel the same. How terrible the last season was and how poor the 7th season was. Such a change from the previous seasons. It almost like they literally couldn’t be bothered.
@@darthboogaloo4263 It's because GRR Martin was too lazy to write more books.
@@whocaresguy I hated when they have done to almost every character. I hated how they treated Jon as a piece of shit. He saved the world and for this, he gets in prison and exiled. Fuck that.
Honestly fuck the sequel trilogy
I grew up with David Tennet and Matt Smith. Fell in love with it. Peter capaldi was enjoyable and he kept his standards. Then for some reason. My childhood and respect disappeared after 3 episodes. How much I would pay to go back.
Peter Capaldi was depressing as hell.
@@dawne5139 But he had some of the better episodes and speeches of NuWho. Case in point The Doctor Falls, World enough and Time, and the Zygon Inversion.
@@quantummuffin1895 I dm one of the few who doesn't hate Hell Bent with a passion
@@quantummuffin1895 I rlly liked hell bent lol
@@dawne5139 probably because of Series 8
You know they could've used the daughter form David Tennant season to "continue" the legacy a female doctor that would actually make since in my opinion.
it would be cool to see her again but a takeover wouldn’t work
@@Josh-zw8kiThey could have done a spin-off with her
“ ...that’s the real legacy of the 13th doctor, A scorched earth, abandoned and mocked by everyone.”
So.... Skaro.
Lets just say shes the valeyard and it was a evil parallel universe.
@@Cpt.Str4ng3 tick tick, squeak squeak, there's something on your back.
@@Octopetala What a Noble answer.
Ouch! Felt that right in my 2nd heart!
I heard somewhere that as a kid Peter Capaldi wrote so much fan mail to the BBC during Dr. Who's original run that they eventually asked him to stop.
awww lol, I'm very happy he got to live the seemingly impossible dream of becoming a future Doctor, same goes to David Tennant 😊.
So that's why they casted him...
Man, I loved Capaldi. Sure, the scripts were lackluster, but he shined through and shown that he was the Doctor.
It's telling that every major companion in recent memory was a stronger female character than the first female doctor.
Martha Jones, Dona Noble, Rose Tyler, even Jenny for her one episode role shined brighter than Ms. Whitaker's Doctor.
Martha, Donna, Amy, Clara and many of the companions from Classic Who were stronger than 13.
And never forget River
@@swatmajor1 true
Sara Jane Smith's Adventures was better female Doctor Who show than the actual female Doctor Who.
I've loved this show since I was four years old, having began with Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor - he'll always be one of my favourite portrayals, I don't think anyone can fully replicate the role he took for the show after Christopher Eccleston's regeneration, the one who pretty much revived the show initially. Up until Capaldi's first series, the show was great and what could be called consistent unlike nowadays - but I do have to say that after going back, Capaldi's doctor is probably my favourite portrayal of the New Who show, because he had so much passion and work done with what he was given - the ship was sinking and a lot of the creative ideas had already been used up - 12s last series was probably one of the best in terms of consistency, and other than that it was graced with episodes like Face The Raven, Heaven Sent, and Hell Bent, which were all very well written and acted out - Heaven Sent probably being the best of the new series, because it's focused on something new, Grief and it's impact on th Doctor - though my personal bias towards that episode is because I'd lost quite a few important people around that time. Anyway, after his emotional regeneration they made it as if everything 12 done was pointless; as if it never happened, just to have the more diverse person to take the role more and "innovate" it by adding pointless political views that nobody that watches the show wants to reflect on, because watching something like Doctor Who is like getting away from politics and senseless media, it always had been, I'd rather be watching the Daleks argue than having gender politics shoved down my throat all in the name of "white man bad diverse woman good" they've ruined the show for me, and a lot of other people, and I think it's moreso refreshing that this awful era and it's fat "superfan" writer are finally being kicked out the door for Russell T Davies and whoever is chosen next for the role.
They didn't make the first female Doctor a ginger.
It was only natural they fail.
We know the doctor has a soul
Get Karen Gillan back!!!!
I approve this message.
And why have there been no fat actors to play the role? This is unacceptable!
Why hasnt there been a thai doctor or mexican?
For me Doctor Who is like a family business passed down from generation to generation. In the right hands, it can endure the worst of times. However pass down the business to someone with an agenda other than business, and that business will fail, no matter how loyal you costumers are. Let's hope the "Under new management" sign works.
It's not just the fact it's rubbish, it's the total dump on the lore to completely rewrite the show's history that really gets me. At least with Star Wars they can just sort of ignore the sequel trilogy. Writing a rubbish follow on is one thing, but going back to the start and rewriting the origins of the show to claim it for their own just feels sick and twisted to me.
Also, Community called it with Inspector Spacetime. What a Minerva
They actually did do something like that with Star Wars. There used to be hundred of novels, comics, video games, and other pieces of media that expanded on the Star Wars universe, but when Kathleen Kennedy took over, all of that was shoved into the corner and labelled "Star Wars Legends", never to be touched again... until they got desperate and started pulling some of that out to shoe horn into their new abomination.
@@addisonwelsh I saw that as more Disney just totally clearing the decks for whatever they put out, rather than explicitly to put woke garbage in there. I was sad to lose the Darth Plagueis novel and the like having read it though.
Thankfully they haven't gone in and replaced the in world ancient canon yet as far as I know, although that's a big Yet. For all I know Kennedy could be devising some awful garbage about how the force was brought into being by the horrible oppressive Jedi grinding up stunning and brave primordial Reys in a vat and electrocuting it. Or something worse that's not basically a rip off of Doom Eternal, but woke.
It's almost as if the writers and producers don't like us and enjoy doing whatever they think will upset us.
@@HenryAshman the high republic seems to be about, and I quote, “the control of the force”.
@@HenryAshman you lost nothing, just realise that 7-9 are fanfic
Yep, Dr Who 1963 to 2017. Let's just agree it finished with Capaldi. A quality actor and a wonderful portrayal from him. Enough said.
What are you talking about. It did
It ended for me after the Husbands of River Song. Hell it even had a “The End” card
Capaldi's era had atrocious writing lmao, love how ppl like you insist on rewriting history. Capaldi had the ratings tank long before Jodie, the show fell out of the mainstream and all his seasons are seen as crap outside of the diehard Capaldaddies I see on here
@VivaSuga good for you buddy. 👍 pee pee poo poo.
@VivaSuga The difference between Capaldi and the post 2017 pretenders was that he was a character actor and although the scripts were far from perfect he carried every line and delivered them with impeccable performances! You can't blame him for the atrocious writing. You can, however, realise that his portrayal was terrific!
I have to say, after loving Dr. Who for years, I have given up. I have ceased to even keep up with how bad it's doing. I'm just done.
American here. Watched Tom Baker reruns as a kid growing up in the 80's. Hit the ground running again years later with Eccleston, and became a massive Whovian. I endured Capaldi. Great actor, but by this point the writing and stories had kind of gone to shit, and the PC nature of the show had really started to come to the forefront. Tennant and Smith are where it's at. Have not watched one minute of this current farce. Dr. Who is dead to me. I'll always look back fondly on the good years, but, unless there's a radical reboot in a few years which rejunivates the series in a positive way, I'm done. Still, I'll always have my TARDIS cookie bowl, lol!
5:30: Yes.
Big miss out.
Compare this to documentarys about the 10.Doctor!!
That actor? He cried when he got the Role.
His Story is literally a Story of Hard Work and never giving up
leading to actual Success; no kidding: Check it out and inform yourself.
Doctor Who is dead. Female who ruined it and I'll never watch it again
I gave up during Capaldi. It was the episode where the moon turned out to be a giant egg that did it for me. I don't regard what we have now as Doctor Who. It's a bad parody.
@@WillCamx Indeed!
But why should that mean you dont try Sci-Fi anymore, right?!
So; may i give you some epic recommendations?
How Jodi handled the criticism of her being cast is such a contrast to how Henry Cavill handled it when he was set to play The Witcher; she responded by calling the fans all sorts of "isms" and "istaphobes" while he simply said that fans were passionate about their subject, entitled to their opinion and that he hoped to do the role justice.
Crass vs Class.
Makes you wonder if Whitaker knew she'd not be good as the Doctor, and Cavill knew he'd absolutely slay it as Geralt. It's almost like he didn't need to blame the audience and throw out all these terms because he knew he'd be good.
Daniel Craig on the Bond backlash 2005 " I know a this franchise means a lot to a lot of people all I can say is go see the film if you don't like it or my performance there's not much I can do" .
Witless 2018 " To all you mysoginist, sexist dinosaurs we don't want you or need you . Little girls & boys now have a real role model to look up to".
I don't like Craig as Bond but he has more class and humility in his little toenail that Witless has in her entire body
Good point . That’s why Henry did it justice
"The show was always under the view of a white male gaze." says the feminist to an audience comprised almost exclusively of women who watch the show to fangirl over the accented main protagonist.
Funny you should mention that, the only people I know that actually watch Dr who consistently, are women.
I've always seen the doctor as a-sexual myself. Just because he happened to be in the form of a male, there was never any real sexualization by the doctor of anyone on the show, at least in the older series.
Yeah. Old Doctor Who was a fun fantasy for us women, the idea of being whisked away by some dashing man in a time machine, to go on grand adventures and maybe even save the universe. Modern Doctor Who is like being lectured by a white privileged soccer mom about how racism is bad. Wow much fun. No offense but us girls need our quality fluff too. The way they twist our every piece of entertainment into a patronizing lecture eventually is frankly frustrating and exhausting.
@@billybatson8657 Wrong. The first Doctor fell in love with a Aztec woman. The interest was there it was just more subtle bck in the day.
@@billybatson8657 The doctor had sex with cleopatra, Elizibeth the first. And two doctors ran a train on River Song.
I thought a female leading role in a show like Doctor Who would allow some very interesting story topics and fresh new ideas. After all, when it came to most shows we still cherish to this day, we love and connect with the story that worked to bring the fans together, so a good way on expanding a story like Doctor Who without making even more complicated (if intriguing) lore, was to change something about the very character of the Doctor. They did it eleven times before, so this time shouldn't be much different, right? No, no it was bad, sure enough as soon as the first episode of "MODERN" Doctor Who appeared on the screen, I saw a show that didn't care about fans, or story, or character, or even legacy. To me the show was little more than an arrogant attempt to try and capture the magic that brought Doctor Who fans together, while completely missing what bound us together in the first place.
To be fair, Drinker, Doctor Who's always had one foot in the real world when it comes to political, social and cultural issues - the difference is there was a lightness of touch in terms of how these themes grew organically from the stories being told. Whether it was environmentalism in The Green Death or racism in Remembrance of the Daleks, you weren't beaten over the head with it because the creative teams credited the audience with some intelligence to pick through the problem for ourselves. Chibnall's crew, however, *never* extend that trust to us. They *tell* us what to think instead of posing the question and allowing the drama to create the conflict. If anything, it's dumbing down that killed the show, not just heavy-handed identity politics.
Well said.
In the story with the Aztecs (William Hartnell) The school teacher character is mistaken for a goddess. She decides that she will try to use this to change their culture for the better, maybe it was get rid of human sacrifices. The Doctor lets her know that it is not possible. I don't think that you would find that kind of wisdom in the stories that get pushed today.
Woah... it's almost as if you belong to that group of degenerates that thinks they are able to come to their own conclusions... you have been reported to the Ministry of Truth AND the Ministry of Justice.
Rememberance of the Daleks is so fucking good. Love that story.
This statement can be copy pasted to all of the other woke media too such as Star Trek
Speaking about Doctor Who on RUclips gets more views than the show it's self.
just like videos about star wars spinoffs get more views than the movie itself. hopefully the studio execs will get the memo
Once upon a time, I thought such a thing was hypocritical. That one should at least watch a show before going all out in supporting criticism of it. The hours spent on supergirl, the crisis on infinite earths crossover, and doctor who have taught me that it’s not worth it. I will never get that time back. And while I actually liked...well, didn’t hate Picard, I have no intentions of running to watch discovery or lower decks. The entertainment industry needs to get its act together, because the list of things I’m willing to spend money on is starting to save me a lot of money.
@@firebladetenn6633 Oh,the later episodes of Lower Decks are actually decent for that they are,a show that does not take itself seriously but still shows some love and attention to the source material here and there
And it allowed Riker to be in his youth once again for a short scene with all the advantages animation gives in over the top character portrayal..And one gets to see the USS Titan^^
"Know who we should hire to run our franchise? The people who hate it!" - Corporations
it gets them a lot of publicity
@@TheSuperappelflap And massive drops in views and purchases but for some reason, it never deters them. Like Marvel:
Dangerhair: I hate superheroes. They're part of the male fantasy and that's bad because men shouldn't be allowed to have fun.
Marvel: Perfect! You're hired!
BBC is the government not a private corporation.
@@micahwalton7389 What does BBC stand for?
@@slashbash1347 If i remember corectly it stands for British Brodcasting Corporation. and sorry for the english
"I don't get her, you don't get me" fine by literally everyone, chibnall.
The thing that annoys me most with Doctor Who and Star Trek, especially, is the real lack of appreciation for long time fans who literally kept the shows alive during a decade of inactivity. Trek, especially, could have been a minor show that lasted three seasons and was forgotten. Doctor Who could have been mainly known as the cheap effects show starring the guy with the scarf in most people's minds.
Part of the problem is they now mine the past for everything, so the people running the shows don't remember how unusual it really is to maintain popularity across decades and generations. Home video and streaming have made it so nothing ever goes away, so you can't tell what people truly miss.
They've done the worst thing you can do to any property. They made people stop caring.
Best comment.
When "the message" is the only factor, the most important thing... And is presented as simplistically and as heavy-handedly as possible... What you get is propaganda not art.
@@countschnitzel8903 Right. There are plenty of excellent shows and movies with social messages. The key is to wrap the message in entertainment, not attempt to wrap entertainment inside a message.
In a lot of cases, the messages have gotten more simplistic, as well. Take Blazing Saddles where the townspeople actually become more accepting because its in their interest. Look at All In The Family where despite his flaws, Archie was a hard working man supporting his family and Meathead, the spokesman for the creator was something of a freeloader.
She will be remembered as the doctor of the series that shouldn’t be cannon.
“The sequel trilogy of doctor who” shall we say
Community predicted it 😔
That's most renditions of remakes these days...
Capadi didn't regenerate he died alone in the tardis 💀😭
Can We Just Uncanon All of Chibnalls shit!!!
You nailed it Drinker , it’s all about “checking boxes”. The movies and shows today are viewed as nothing more than vehicles to that end by the individuals making them .
Great channel, thanks !!
If I might add aren't these so-called checkboxes actually sexist and racist
That's when entertainment becomes propaganda. The story and characters come second to the message and agenda. And if you decide to not tow this line, you get called out for it.
Yeah Hollywood has literally said if you don't check certain boxes your movie will not be nominated for any Oscars.
@Mungo McGhee I'm absolutely serious they said if you don't have 40% minorities in minor roles or 30% in major roles and certain other things such as LGBT representation in your movie you will not be considered for Oscars. So it went from just give people a chance, which is equality, to you must do this. Which means that a lot of movies in the past that won would not even have been nominated.
Good thing I don't watch movies or shows that are based on checking boxes.
i dont think peter capaldi could ever be topped by anyone he just simply was amazing
I want an episode thats just an entire pisstake of jodie whittackers and chris chibnalls time on doctor who
I want them to erase it all from the cannon
@Freedom Club - if only
Is his name Chris Chinballs?
Oh my God I just thought that said Chris “Chinballs” and was trying to figure out if it was a jab that he had chin balls, before rereading it again -_-
Problem is the show writers are proud of their mediocrity and forced agenda and think any criticism is just haters
And taxpayer dollars are funding this bollocks
Neil Druckmann wants to know your location.
We have a name for that in the communications biz: cognitive dissonance. Fun times!
It's not just the writers agenda. Some globalists if not all of them support hiring sjw writers so they can mix the masses without friction, everyone sucking it equally, sounds familiar to communism.
But then people stop watching it altogether, accomplishing absolutely nothing but wasting everyone's time and millions of dollars that could have gone to something that's actually useful. Like, a Not-Being-Moronic Machine, or something.
as a youtuber called sovietwomble said in a video essay: Evangelist Alienation. when you turn the very core of your fanbase against you, YOUR customers, the only people who will sing praise to your product, against yourself because of what you done to their product/entertainment.
admittedly, he used that term to describe video games, but it can be used in this instance aswell.
He hit deep, I had star wars flashbacks when he said that.
Wait which video is this?
@@navalends8968 this was his video essay on DayZ mod, part 1
@@munaus-3345 Thanks my dude.
Sovietwomble is a hilarious RUclipsr, but he can be deep and meaningful as well. Love his range!
I actually went into watching her version of the Doctor not being aware of any of the drama or politics surrounding the show, as I usually don't spend any time being concerned with most of that kind of stuff. I actually don't mind her as an actor either. However even I quickly grew more and more disappointed with both the show as a whole as well as her, both in the role and as an actress, the more I watch and the more I found out about her approach to the role.
I was really rooting for her too, because I thought the idea of having a female doctor actually had huge potential, and I didn't really see it as a problem canonically. I mean, it's a show about a regenerating alien with two hearts that lives for hundreds of years and travels in time and space; being a female isn't exactly the most bizarre thing the show has attempted. But I can't help but be let down. The obvious pandering and preaching of the narratives just reeks of political agenda, and that has never been what the show was about.
It just baffles me how they don't see that they're actually making things worse, for everyone, by doing what they're doing. I don't get it. It's a level of apparent delusion that I can't really get my head 'round. What's worse is that I fear they think they just haven't gone far enough in this direction, too, so it's likely only going to get worse if it keeps going.
My wife's and my own exact thoughts and feelings. We loved watching Doctor Who and were looking forward to what a female lead might bring to the role. After one season of being preached at with little-to-none of the deep writing or thought-provoking sci-fi one had come to expect, we were done... That they suddenly jumped to having three companions also made the show seemed unfocused, too. I felt it detracted from the intense interpersonal relationship The Doctor usually develops with the single companion, which was a big part of the show.
In the hands of the right writer/s and show runners the 13th Doctor could've been epic...
Meh I completely dislike the idea of that character specifically becoming female. At least for me i grew up on doctor who (though i was born in 2008). I think he's an amazing role model for young and growing boys. I would be perfectly fine with a spin off show that starred a female time lord, not gonna lie I would probably watch it and if the story was good i would enjoy it. I would also think it would be awesome for young and growing woman to have their female role model in the same universe, heck maybe there could even be crossovers between the two shows. Making the original doctor a woman wasn't the way to go for me.
What I liked most about the show are the scary beginnings when it is not yet revealed what kind of monster or weird setting the protagonists are facing, the play with cause and effect in time travel, the doctor finding a solution with minimal tools, plus the main characters and settings being funny in some bizarre/dark way. The writing for 13 sadly did not include any of these :( Also all the modern doctors before were dressed in a stylish way (from classy to minimal) why would jodies doctor wear such odd clothing?
@@Trekcicity It's not having multiple companions that's an issue. There were many eras like that in the original series, with beloved characters. The original run had Ian, Barbara, and granddaughter Susan; during Troughton's era there was Jamie with others--Ben & Polly, Victoria, or Zoe; then later in the 80s they had multiple companions again such as Tegan, Nyssa, and Adric/Turlough. And all throughout the mid/late 70s there was K-9, the android dog companion alongside the regular companions.
So it can and does work (when writers and actors know what they're doing.)
The next doctor needs to be in bed and all of a sudden wake up and be like “wow that was a bad dream thank god none of that was real” and just erase everything Jodie Whitaker’s doctor did and set the story back to its status quo
Damn he said deus ex machina the whole 13th doctor
Yes, it would work as it perfectly did in Dungeons'n'Dragons sessions: something went terribly wrong. Master said: "Here it comes a dragon and destroys everything."
I am waiting for this dragon and and a awakening from this venomous nightmare.
@@AMV_KINGDOM_mv Why does this RUclipsr here
never talk about Gamfreak?
That just makes me sad.
Pokemon resembles Doctor Who and Star Trek so much,
so i think he should not dont do it cause its a Game.
Just have it be Capaldi again. Jodie never happened, just another three years of Capaldi.
Glad I am not the only one that came up with that idea of Jodie Whittaker's Doctor being a bad dream.
It's Doctor Who Cares and Star Trek: Diversity.
i really dont hate the star trek show as much as drinker does though. sure theres a bunch of female and non-white actors in it which is quite a difference from having only old white dudes on screen like in TOS. but i dont hate the lead actress and since the end of the parallell universe plot at the end of season 1 which was admittedly pretty bad, it has improved a lot imo. they should cut down on her monologue time though.
meh, for once I don't think the problem with current trek is diversity. Star trek has always been kinda woke and pretty diverse. I mean in ds9 there was only one white male in the main cast , and this show was amazing
@@TheSuperappelflap She does bang on, doesn't she.
@@grandkhan9261 Woke doesn't adequately describe this show; it beats you over the head with it. Lots of crying and hugging. It's a massive sensitivity training session. I never noticed the absence of white male actors in DS9 because the stories were pretty good, but with STD it's a case of spotting the next message the writers want to beat you up with.
@@Sergeant_Fury yeah, and the crying becomes repetitive after a few episodes lol.
what does annoy me is that now in season 3, they wrote out more than half of the straight male characters, ash tyler/voq, lorca, pike. and they introduced some kind of lgbtq or asexual thing in their place, along with one new straight male main character who gets significant screentime. the starfleet admiral and other supporting characters are straight male to give you the impression that its balanced but actually about half of the current main characters is something other than straight which if my math is correct is about 20x too much representation. so im starting to get to the point where its too much wokeness and diversity for me in the gender and sex aspect.
im generally pretty quickly annoyed by it, but really in seasons 1 and 2 i didnt mind the wokeness levels too much. it was just the really bad alternate universe plot arc in 2nd half of 1st season. i kinda get the impression that drinker hated the show simply because of the fact it has a black female lead and a bad plot arc in S1.
When the black lady who appears in a single pair of episodes as a side character has more believable dr. Who attitude THAN THE ACTUAL ONE, you know there's a problem.
All these other replies stink of sexism, but this one I actually agree with.
"ALL" these other replies..... I can't find even one remotely sexist one. Besides I think more then half the viewers that stopped watching would have rather had Jo Martin as the doctor, it was never about the gender it was about not picking the best person for the role.
The real sexism in this all was on the doctor who facebook page where everyone that said they didn't like the episode where told they are just "crying manbaby's" and the swj crowd all chimed in to tell us they where there to "soak up the fragile male tears"
Oh you mean black River Song
@@freya3789 The sexism is giving the role to a woman because she is a woman. That meant male actors we excluded because they were male. Isn't that sexism, or is it only sexism when "Women most affected"?
I wouldn't have been bothered who got the gig if they had screen tested 20 people of any age, race, sex, and picked the best one to carry the show forward. They didn't. They picked a woman because "You know, it's about time this misogyny was ended, Duh" and because she is an SJW mouth piece.
And that is why the show has died on its arse...
@@freya3789 That's rather ironic.
Nothing like listening to an angry Scotsman, about the angry top of what Dr. Who has become. You earned a sub.
Doctor who is dead...and became the dr who.cares show
Well where do we go now.
What do we do?
@@derrickcrawford1081 Accept it's primarily a show for children and move on?
It's Nurse Who now.
Nurse Why
Well there a story about the Doctor origin so yeah the show title doesn't even work with him anymore, they really kill the Doctor Who since the character has a story about him, and no longer a mistery.
They were right everyone, 13 is an unlucky number.
I can see a Friday the 13th being made with a female Jason called Jodie vorhees with what’s happening to characters now
erm there are 14 doctors...
@@zcsays8382 the war doctor didn't consider himself as a doctor as he was incarnated not to help people but to fight a war.
but i doo
@@samdoyle2417 Dude don't give them ideas!
Capaldi was one of the best and most underrated doctors.
5:30: Yes.
Big miss out.
Compare this to documentarys about the 10.Doctor!!
That actor? He cried when he got the Role.
Matt Smith is my favourite.
For me he was the perfect doctor yet his writing and stories were so meh for a while
@Jack Stucki I agree completely, I think his seasons with Clara were meh but once Bill came it I was out. However if you want to talk about the doctor as a man who regrets, yet childish to the core. A constant contrast with a man who could turn an army around at the mention of his name yet also a man who never eats pears cause they make his chin wet. I think capaldi takes it. Also yes I’m a nerd, no I’m not trying to start a argument I just love capaldi as the doctor lmao
Anything he does is brilliant.
Me and my sister both got into Doctor Who in the Tennet days. We loved it, and binged it for a long time. By the time the 12th doctor was regenerated we lost all interest.
So sad to see a unique and imaginative show be slowly bled to death and then put out of its misery with a sledgehammer.
You must watch the original series. I started watching with Matt Smith's first season, and at the time I thought the modern Doctor Who was the best show ever. After going back and seeing the classic series some years later, it's just so much better.
All the Doctor's memories of their childhood, his parents and running through the fields on Gallifrey, talking to the hermit on the mountain, hiding from Berusa. All that dumped upon by a few lines of Chibnall's script saying nope, you're adopted and not even Gallifreyan. Yet after 19+years in space prison its "Hiya fam!" and back to being whacky. Where's the damage, where's the rage, where's the character growth?
Character growth in a woke story? What shit have you been smoking mate because it must be some very good shit to think that SJWs can even write character growth into their stories.
Growth implies that the would write flaws into their character in the first place. But with SJW characters there are only flaws in the world around them, they think it's offensive to write a flaw in a character (I think)
To be fair, Thirteenth being "dark" comes across as angsty and edgy. So, we're just left to pick which poison to ingest.
Im not even a doctor who fan, but this feels like good news.
It’s not, it’s like getting rid of a symptom not the disease
It’s temporary good news, Chinballs is still around and he’s gonna go even harder with the virtue signaling.
I’m not even a fan either but this is like if Rian Johnson was president of Lucasfilms instead of Kathleen.
I am a fan and it is good news
@@RogueFox2185 they're both as shit
Oh they definitely are but at least Kathleen doesn’t try to put herself front and centre of everything, unlike Chinballs himself.
When I was a kid, growing up with Ecclestone, Tennant (and to a lesser extent) Matt Smith, Doctor Who provided me with an escape from every day life. It captured my imagination and it was exciting. Occasionally, there were values and politics embedded within the stories, but they were subtle - not enough for you to outright notice on your first viewing, but enough to make you subconsciously think about it.
The first episode of the reboot. Shop-window dummies. Everyone has seen them and the audience can relate to them being creepy and how terrifying it would be if it actually happened. The entire audience.
Thirteen's 'woke' stories aren't relatable enough to enough people. Whittaker's portrayal of the most intelligent being in the universe seems to convey the exact opposite.
There isn't enough darkness in the character. Look at the best scenes of 9, 10 and 11. Most of them are during dark moments, where the actor can truly come out and play another personality you don't normally see in the character. Meanwhile, Thirteen raises her voice and it's just a chihuahua yapping away. No real consequence to aggression from her. Whilst I have no issue with a female playing the Doctor, the general truth is that it is far easier for men to be more intimidating and aggressive when shouting than females because biologically, that's how we're all wired up to be (not saying there isn't any exceptions and that this should be taken as fact at all, it's a generalisation and nothing more). I feel that when the doctor conveys aggression, historically it's created by passion or true hatred to the subject, such as when 9 speaks to the Dalek's on Satellite 5/The Game Station. With 13, it's usually always triggered by something obviously representing modern day issues.
Doctor Who shouldn't be a platform to deliver overly politicised messages to children or adults for that matter, but given that it is primarily a children's show, let them have their childhood. Let them run away with the Doctor on an adventure and let their imagination run wild, as mine did when I watched Doctor Who. Let it be just good fun and entertainment. It doesn't need to be any more than that, because that's what should be for.
Matt Smith could switch from goofy to an absolutely terrifying force to be reckoned with!
Tennant owned it
I must be showing my age when I say the best Doctor who was Tom Baker followed by John Pertwee as a close second.
Just gotta find the right cast. Bobbie from The Expanse is a force to behold.
When I once told my Dad the way Jodie's Doctor began a conversation with others, with the whole perch head at odd angle and say "Yeah sorry", his response was "Sounds like she's talking to children."
I don't own any of Jodie's tenure on Blu-ray because the episodes just don't stand up to repeat viewings. Some episodes I watched all the way through, some I never bothered to watch on original airing while others I stopped 5 minutes in.
You watched all the episodes? You've got more of a stomach than I. I tried watching 1 or 2 episodes and forced myself to stick till the end.
@@UnchainedEruption I didn't watch all episodes. Many I skipped on purpose and some I only caught a glimpse of maybe last few seconds.
The crazy thing is that the River Song character was great - just what a female Dr Who could have been... with a decent writing and directing team.
Someone who you can barely understand, but when you do, they make total sense? Sounds about right for a being that old, knowledgeable and capable.
I feel the same way about Melissa Gomez who played The Master. She would have made a great first female Dr Who.
Right. I don't blame the actress for anything other then agreeing to follow the script, and for being a women simply for pandering and not for story purposes, but i think there could be a good female doctor. The black doctor at the end was a good character for what little we saw, and I would die to see Betty White doctor but the writing was pandering and garbage.
Yes, yes, yes! River Song was the best example of a smart woman and what a female Dr Who should have been like.
From what I have gathered from every Whovian I have met in recent years, they all will tell you that the show mysteriously ended the second the 12th Doctor regenerated. They’ll tell you he was the last one and there is nothing more after that. I find that speaks volumes for the quality of this thing the BBC tries to tell you is Doctor Who.
I like to interpret the 12th Doctor saying, "Doctor, I release you" (or whatever the exact words were) as him relinquishing the title he took on as he goes to his final rest, knowing the universe is in good hands thanks to the legacy of companions he has left behind (the last 2 even being like the Doctor, traveling through space and time with a companion). In his delirium from his injuries, he thought he could regenerate again, but he did not, and before losing consciousness he hallucinated a face vaguely resembling that of his daughter clone, Jenny. The End.
Yep. The final doctor met the first doctor in a Christmas special, then died. Going full circle. Perfect ending
It ended after Matt Smith, there hasn't been a 12th yet. When you have to get the previous doctor to tell the public to give the new one a chance, it means the new one is garbage
If you’ve only read the books, the 13th doesn’t exist
@@TheNightman. brah imagine trying to imply the 12th wasn’t a good doctor. Fucking knob
To this day I'm still amazed by how Capaldi carried the show entirely by himself out of pure acting talent and love for the show despite the terrible writing and garbage narratives.
True...but equally, Heaven Sent is an utter masterpiece of an episode for me, almost up there with Blink. The sheer enormity of the scale of what he endured hits you like a truck when it’s unveiled. It’s a masterpiece and Capaldi is an absolute star.
I genuinely disagree with you. Capaldi brought us some of the best episodes in the whole series (Heaven Sent and others). And the Doctor's character arc was arguably the best. You all belove David's Doctor and say he's the best, and while it was certainly good, he had almost no development in the whole 3 series besides 'I miss Rose' or 'GOD I MISS ROSE'. Only in series 4 special he kind of twisted and showed a double morality, but nothing really to call development. The 12th Doctor was born as a grumpy, distanct and sociopath old man who was so afraid to make bonds with people because of his fear of losing them again (thanks to Amy and Rory) he didn't even like hugs for most of his run. Series 8 was him being grumpy and showing that fear. In series 9 he began to accept a bond with Clara, and then he loses her, making him go rampage and turn into the hybrid. In series 10, 12th is fully developed and becomes a kind teacher, someone who can teach on his experience and knows the pain of loss. No more grumpyness. He then meets Bill, but finally loses her. In The Doctor Falls he can't stop the cybermen, he lost Bill, and thought Missy turned evil again. He was ultimately defeated, and no matter how hard he tried he kept losing people. He then refuses to regenerate, until he meets the brigadier, whose father together with Testimony reminds him of how many lives he's saved. Dude, seriously, no matter how you look at it, that's simply brilliant character writing. And even Matt Smith, being the closest to have Capaldi's development, is still far from it. The show wasn't as 'run from here to there' as with David and Matt, but we got other things in exchange. You must simply learn to appreciate them. I wish I could say the same about 13th though. She is simply terrible, has no character arc and the stories are dreadful.
Totally disagree. Capaldi had amazing writing- sure, he had some bad episodes, but are we forgetting that series 1 and 2 had more duds than the whole of Capaldi's run
@@Danielviomusic who are you disagreeing with? Capaldi is outstanding and my favourite doctor.
@@mrc2662 the original poster.
I really liked Capaldi as doctor Who, much more that Matt Smith. I always imagined the female Doctor as someone like Missy. She was great
My mother, who is a very liberal, “woke” individual who was excited for a female Doctor (I knew from the get-go it was going to be shit) couldn’t even stomach Jodi for more than a few episodes. Chibnall is a caricature of a joke at this point.
Big miss out.
Compare this to documentarys about the 10.Doctor!!
That actor? He cried when he got the Role.
His Story is literally a Story of Hard Work and never giving up
leading to actual Success; no kidding: Check it out and inform yourself.
Bro I’m further to the left than a liberal but I knew when I saw Jodi it was going to be shit I maybe very on the left but I’m not a fuckin snowflake that pushes “diversity” to pay for racism and sexism
@@toxicmurdererr7597 Keep going further left and you might end up on the right lol.
How exactly did "woke" become such a negative label?
@@TheBermudaMan because a loud minority of woke people consists of feminazis (ie. women who hide under the guise of feminism to push for women’s domination), black supremacists, etc, people who get offended at the slightest joke, some of the minority sound like they were taken straight from 1984. the majority is actually pretty chill, it’s just the minority making all the noise.
you can get offended at anything if you’re trying to be.
and trying to getting offended on the internet is like stepping on dogshit in real life instead of going around it.
Fans have a right to reject the unacceptable.
As far as I'm concerned, there is no 13th Doctor.
Agreed... Doctor Who ended with "Twice Upon A Time" where the first Doctor met the last Doctor... a fitting end to an iconic show really...
@@andiparker3733 agreed... thats where my DVD and bluray collection ends and I fear it won't pick up again accept for the classic re-releases
I mean you can’t blame them, it’s not like there are other female characters in Doctor Who that are good, except maybe Romana, and Donna, and Rose, and Amy, and Kate Stewart, and FUCKING RIVER SONG
But to be fair, Clara is so awful, she basically negates all of them.
@@oliverbehegan I adore Missy. I think her character and writing was kinda terrible and I still loved her because the actress did such a fantastic job
Master was the best.
Which one of those was the Evil Doctor ? REMEMBER, Jodie is NOT the 1st female Doctor, That evil one with black hair took over his body a few times and is connected to him, Which makes her the very first FEMALE Doctor who long before Jodie turdface came along
I was kinda curious on how they would bring 13 in, what traits she would have, what personality she'd show etc. After four episodes, I was ready to quit watching, but kept going for three more because I really wanted the show to stay great and I hoped, they manage to make it interesting again somehow. But I was disappointed. Worse, I got bored! I did the only sane thing and jumped into my little 'TARDIS' and rewatched the good stuff, at least those, who were still available (Sadly some of the Hartwell season are lost).
It is really sad to say, that my favourite 13 is the one in Dr. House, not Dr. Who.
Whitaker: I AM The Doctor!
Viewers: no you're not.
Doctor .......................WHO?
“What Chris wanted to do is reflect the world we live in today” is he brain dead? The show is about saving the planet from various races of aliens from other planets, galaxies and even other universes. As if people want to watch it to reflect average life.
Also the fact that she wouldn’t do an accent is actually funny. David tenant is Scottish and put on a (really good) British accent for the entire time that he was in the role, which was a lot longer than Jodie Whittaker’s run.
Also mentioned in another comment, women made up a significant portion of the show's audience. Who wouldn't want to watch a show about being whisked away by a charming man in a magic box to go see the universe? But now you don't have the charming man or the universe to see in the show.
@@areadenial2343 Yep.
Last time I looked Scotland is part of Britain unless the Ginger midget has her way, you mean Tennant put on a mock English accent which wasn't from anywhere really as no one speaks like that would have preferred if he had just stayed Scottish
'Persuading Chris Chibnall to stay' ensures there's no real change.
“How does it feel to live long enough to watch all your favorite franchises go down in flames?”
Merchandise to commemorate Jodi's tenure: a Tardis with a crescent moon carved into the door
@@zazoom4907 hahaha, i was going to say exactly that!
I think she had a Christmas ornament 🤷♂️
Ouch! 🤣
Big brain comment
"Played by nobody's favourite actress, Jodie Whittaker." Holy shit, the Drinker got no chill lmao
But is he wrong?
@@deadturret4049 Definitely not
1:28 She's got a serious Brie Larson "Is that, like, a personal attack?" face going on.
I refuse to let my 9 year old watch anything after Capaldi. His favourite, Dr Pertwee.
I truly hope that no one in Hollywood gets the bright idea of remastering Rod Serling's Twilight Zone into something that pushes a woke agenda.
[ I recently binged for four straight days on Decades TV of the entire Twilight Zone series and damn near every one of the episodes still has a lesson that I think people can learn from even to this day - my favorites are The Fever, The Midnight Sun, Nick of Time, The Shelter, The Obsolete Man, just to name a few. ]
They already have, there’s been several attempts to recreate the magic of the original.
I hear the noise of a monkeys paw being invoked.
@Anglosaurus Rex It should be questioned. As White LIES have persisted for centuries. Be mad!
Jordan Peele tried his hand at making a new TZ but it failed on account that he's a racist prick.
It was so bad that even the usual shills couldn't defend it.
Every episode was basically 'white man evil.'
Rod Sterling was the father of Black Mirror
They wanted to pander a minority, ended up losing the majority.
Kinda doubt they gained the minority either
A fun fact about minorities: They enjoy well written quality entertainment just like the rest of us.
It's okay to pander a minority.
But good writing, entertainment and good portraying of the characters should still be the number one preoccupation.
That was not the case here.
@@RomainDelmaire Precisely.
yep, straight from the sjw agenda playbook.
and loss of revenue doesnt seem to matter.
pander to the 1%
insult the 99%
As a huge doctor who fan who watched all seasons of the reboots, I just have to say that this doctor was SO INCREDIBLY BORING that I could not finish episode 2 and just left it
I watched the first season of Whitaker's run, and was bored to tears. Watched the first few episodes of her second season, and was equally bored to tears; and this is coming from someone who's watched Doctor Who since Jon Pertwee played the role. 😊😊
The last time I said I didn't like Doctor Who was when Colin Baker (number 6) played the role; and even he managed to redeem himself in my eyes when Trial Of A Timelord came about. 🤔🤔
Lmao you managed to watch an episode and a half with her?I couldn't get past first one and jumped the boat
It's the first time I've ever fallen asleep while watching any piece of media, and they had to do it to my favourite childhood show.
Same with my dad lol
@@EyeInTheSky982 Which reminds me: Anything with the Valeyard yet?
Notice how there was far less controversy about the Mistress. That’s because Missy was clearly the result of someone having an idea for a character who happened to be female, whereas 13 was the result of someone wanting a female main character.
She was a great actress
I still refuse to acknowledge her as the master
@@EternalEmperorofZakuul Clearly the Master himself agreed with you.
Missy was great.
@@EternalEmperorofZakuul I get you, because I too feel Timelords shouldn't and don't change gender when they regenerate. However, with the Master, I give more leeway since he's been doing anything and everything to cheat death since his inception. In the 70s he was a charred corpse, and in the 80s he stole someone else's body to prolong his life. I don't know what he did to become Missy, but it's entirely within his character to have done it if out of necessity to survive.
My issue with Missy is not being a woman but how they made her character change into a "good guy" or a BFF of the Doctor. That was stupid. The Master and the Doctor are static characters, and polar opposites. Missy started out strong her first year, but her last year Moffat totally screwed up the character.
@@UnchainedEruption Missy would have been best as his daughter
I don’t care if Jodie leaves.
As long as Chibnall is still writing, we can’t expect the show to get better.
Personally, if I were to choose a head writer, I’d go for Neil Gaiman, but he’s busy with other shows.
Chibnall’s leaving? Thank god
agreed the show needs a reset the last show scrapped
Shhh, Neil is busy ruining sandman atm
@@trentreynolds6293 I wouldn’t say “ruin”… yet.
Honestly, I still have hope if only because I like Neil and his work and he seems happy with live action Sandman,
but after seeing how different most of the cast looks, I can’t help but be nervous.
I’ll wait till I see a trailer.
100% tomato rating yet 16% of people like it. Talk about critic / casual viewer divide.
Read the critic reviews. They say insipid things like "we're finally getting representation" or whatever.
Critics are just shills.
The critics are pressured to pander to the shouting. Audience can just say what they felt and think.
I mean, the dream would be critics who critique the media they supposedly know so well, but apparently I don't know how anything works...
Talk about getting paid and getting not paid to review a POS
Technically what TCD showed was a Rotten Tomatoes review score of a special.
Jodie’s doctor makes me wish that the Daleks would win.
@@Eagles_Eye Hell, maybe that's the *true* motivation of the Daleks all along. They're actually benevolent, so when they saw what the doctor would become, they decided to try to save him from that fate.
That or just somehow bring back Missy. She was fucking fun. I'd watch a season of her going on about her jolly holidays and fucking up everything for lulz.
David Tennant and Russel T. Davies returning to Doctor Who is one of the best things happened in the whole franchise ever
Posts that didn't age well
I even hate how the TARDIS and Sonic Screw driver looks. There’s not one thing that I have enjoyed during Chibnal’s/Jodie’s run.
i like Jodie's coat and braces...
I read that as "Chinballs" .
@@RealWolfmanDan I rather call him Shitnal or Shitballs
Graham was great
@@Gibblitt You’re right. I do love Bradley Walsh but I do hate how they tried to ridicule him more as though he’s irrelevant.
“If you don’t like the garbage we serve up, you are the problem”
Said the people who own the garbage trucks, bins, and landfills. Man I’m glad to be a problem.
They through garbage at me, I take my cesspit and fill a cannon with it.
*threw *rubbish *rubbish lorries
I hope in the next series Peter Capaldi just wakes up and it was all just a bad dream
@Azkrathon true but anything to retcon the timeless children
@@sycaccino8533 I HOPE the timelss children gets retconed and botched from existance.
@@windghost2 True
Ah, give it the Dallas treatment. I'm all for it.
When Ian McKellen was cast for Gandalf in LotR, he had never read the books. What did he do ? He read the whole trilogy and immersed himself in the Tolkienverse so well that by the time he was shooting the movie, he was running around the set with a book to make sure everything was as faithful as it could be to the source material. THAT is commitment to a role.
I've never even watched Doctor Who and I find this actress' thought process to be completely insulting to the fans and to the whole material. How on Earth can you hope to portray a role well if you will not even care to learn about it ? You just can't wing it...
That's just plain sad.
Man, I'm NOT opposed to a woman being the "Doctor". The show has consistently held that the form of the Doctor is irrelevant. But the SUBSTANCE of the Doctor is another matter.
It's not as much in the doctor's character to be male as it is in 007's, for instance. That said, the fact that the genderlessness retcon is incongruous with all of his previous choices for regenerations is a little weird, so one can understand the reflexive suspicion, however organically one can rationalise it.
@@Hoganply I know right? Like, if anything, The Doctor's an alien from a culture that's incredibly far removed from humanity, so perceiving him as him is just us backwards earth yokels looking at him through a flawed lens that cannot truly grasp the sheer manliness that comes from blowing up a planet (this is a joke) and the doctor having better things to do than argue about cultural trivia when there are planets to save. So the whole chibnail female doc storylines felt rather petty by comparison.
“Instead they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory”
"I don't want to go."
-David Tennant
TheCrimsonFuckr He should’ve stayed