Beginner's Guide to Parsing in XIV [Final Fantasy 14]

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 201

  • @enikata7349
    @enikata7349 Год назад +66

    It was something that annoyed me with WoW in that some people were obsessed with damage output. The raiding guild I was in would use it to bench players who didn't cut it, so I was benched a lot. When I asked how I could get better they just said "get better gear" but how can I get better gear if I can't do the raids?? And when I did raid the better gear when to the core members anyhow! Put me off raiding and dungeons too though there is another reason for that. Duties and raiding in ffxiv has brought that fun back.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +8

      brutal, i empathize w/ that bs for sure. wow had a LOT of weird barriers to entry for undergeared / fresh characters, and while FFXIV's loot system is far from perfect, i'm glad it's at least more accessible and, in a way, less meaningful than wow's.
      at the end of the day, it's your sub, and you should just enjoy whatever content you like in FF :D most people do NOT savage/ultimate raid, and even among those that do, plenty of groups don't care about parsing at all

    • @enikata7349
      @enikata7349 Год назад +5

      @@specstreTV Yeah I don't do savage. The friend who got me into it is trying to push me to savage and beyond but it's not what I want. I play for good story, fun runs and getting cool glams :)

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +4

      @@enikata7349 that's awesome and totally fair, play the game how you want! :D your fun doesn't have to match anyone else's, and the game has plenty to do for story and glam :)

    • @deltaoalice9281
      @deltaoalice9281 Год назад +1

      I felt like a lot of players will use WoW as an example for this, but there is actually a difference between players checking DPS in FFXIV than in WoW.
      Contrary to belief, most people expect players to do the minimum damage to clear. Huge difference from expecting massive damage, which is cool and all but that is never really the main focus. That is to say, you are doing basically what the top players are doing week 1 with basically minimum possible gear (this is assuming the hardest fight of the tier, the amount required is also significantly lower than that for the first few floors). If you know what you are doing, you basically completely demolish the damage requirement even without BiS. The reality is, if you are gatekept, it is almost 100% odds it isn't gear at all, but jarring issues in your gameplay.
      In fact, what people often look for in players are consistency. If you are improving over the weeks or are always doing stuff without messing up mechanics, you are usually sought after even though you aren't a top player. FFXIV rewards consistency more than damage greeding, because consistency often leads to higher average dps numbers.
      Parsing culture (aka actually going for highest possible damage and not just a clear) is quite limited to some of the higher end players, who want to seek to push the most out of their gear.

    • @brofourtwenty2143
      @brofourtwenty2143 6 месяцев назад

      How else would they see who is good and who is noob? Your whole comment is just screaming 'get good' 🤣 and also, in wow you just have to be fun as a person and even if your damage is lower they tend to keep you in rotation. If you never contribute anything in raid chat or run, its likely you will get benched. Moral support is also a support 😅

  • @SakuraShuuichi
    @SakuraShuuichi Год назад +15

    one thing you should note about the numbered scores is that it is a rating against other players and does not take gear scores into account. an example of how this can be discouraging without taking that into consideration is that players who have multiple full clears and have fully optimized their gear at the highest ilvl will take a majority as the content ages. The other thing to take into account is the more popular your job is the more parses you will be competing with, like currently there are very few parses for some jobs like mch so it may be easier to get a higher score and a a ton of parses for jobs like dnc so it may be more difficult to get a higher score.
    TL;DR your don't let a low score discourage you, especially if you are new to raiding.

  • @v0lk719
    @v0lk719 Год назад +30

    I really appreciate your video on the subject, and it helped me clear a lot of doubts about it, however you yourself stated that many static raid groups check the logs to measure other players and that's EXACTLY what square is trying to avoid, that is the seed that poisoned the well in WoW, as soon as its starts to be asked of players the damaged is done, although I DO appreciate the use of the tool for self improvement, what would be the best of both worlds would be a first party Damage tracker in which you can only track/see your own performance.

    • @angelsoflolz
      @angelsoflolz Год назад

      Measuring other players is, like with a tool, done badly but also at times for good reasons. First party solo tracker would still be pulled by measuring tools and put onto a site where your performance is tracked, it'd just be harder than using act.

    • @vroomzoom4206
      @vroomzoom4206 Год назад

      There's no issue with raid teams wanting people around the same performance level as they are.

  • @emmacy5572
    @emmacy5572 Год назад +10

    Just discovered what parse was and when you said other people could upload stuff for you I ran straight to website to see if anyone had done it for me! Huge shock to find someone had uploaded one

  • @LensMusicBox
    @LensMusicBox Год назад +5

    I've only played Ffxiv for a year, so I'm still discovering a LOT of new things(for me) about xiv. I also had no idea what pars(sp?) was until now.
    I don't think I'm ready for high end content but it's still nice to know so I can look back on this video when the time comes! Tyvm 😊

  • @truesoprano2152
    @truesoprano2152 Год назад +2

    Watching this is extremely validating for me, so thank you. As someone newer to the game I always wanna improve and I think that parsing is a great tool for that, but most of the time I just see people using parses as an excuse to bully people. I've been extremely apprehensive about raiding ever since someone posted my logs in a discord server without my permission, and a few people who have never even played with me just told me that I'm not good enough for savage because I parsed like a 10 on my first clears (which I now know is because I was sacrificing uptime to be safe on mechanics and NOT because I don't know my rotation, but these people didn't care). Watching videos like this encourages me to try raiding again someday, since from my experience the community tends to be incredibly hostile towards people new to savage content (which is strange because a lot of people are overly nice to sprouts).

  • @TheChozenOneTV
    @TheChozenOneTV Год назад +27

    You’re videos are really well edited and informative! As a new player trying to get into raiding I appreciate this, subbed!

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +2

      Thank you so much, that kind of compliment means a lot! :D
      Hope you’re enjoying the game! ❤️

    • @muggle40yearold
      @muggle40yearold Год назад


  • @Mann42
    @Mann42 Год назад +8

    I've been parsing since I got into high end content, and it along with the analysis site helped me become a much better player and make me feel like I'm really pulling my weight in Savage content. As I pick up and learn new classes, it helps me understand whether I'm getting the rotation right and how effective I'm being, and gives me the tools to improve. I could not imagine doing high end content without it, as it provides validation and guidance about whether I'm performing my rotation well, in turn increasing my confidence and allowing me to focus on mechanics more.
    On the flip side, I avoid judging others for their numbers and will only comment on/share it with friends who ask or who I know are cool with knowing. I play with some PS5 players who always ask for logs afterwards since they can't personally parse, and I'm always happy to share. The one time I remember mentioning it to a random member was someone in a Party Finder group who was worried he wasn't doing well on DPS after an enrage, so I looked and he was doing great, so I just replied "You're doing great, just keep doing what you're doing".

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +2

      Pretty much the way I see it! Totally agree that it’s useful for personal growth (obviously), but yeah-some people just don’t care about that stuff and are content to play the game for other reasons, which is valid. In 99% of the game’s content, it doesn’t matter, so I definitely keep a “live and let live” perspective on it!

  • @willowm.8444
    @willowm.8444 Год назад +50

    parsing has way too much of a negative connotation around it, more people should be open minded about this topic while being friendly towards others. its not a competition against each other, its a great tool for personal growth! this is a very good video, thank u!!

    • @NotTheWheel
      @NotTheWheel Год назад +14

      Parsing if you use FFLogs now currently in private is perfect for personal growth. If it was ever an open and allowed thing you could us that others were allowed to look at - it wouldn't be. You obviously know how it works in WoW, Right?
      Well it was never intentionally as toxic as it is now.
      As a WoW Raider you're looking for right Class/race/spec you check that box, then ilvl Item Level checks out, and you check their logs. Logs are good you're in. Everybody wants the smoothest possible run there's nothing wrong with wanting to play with the most competent players.
      But even in FF for example I'm sure you've heard about this recent development where people were not getting invites based on not having max ilvl week or so into the patch which it wasn't even possible to be that maxed out at the start. Well now imagine if you didn't have logs or had slightly less logs than other people... Well then you're definitely not going in.
      And smoothest run possible become "I'm not inviting anybody below a 95 parse" or 97... Some people might want 99s or 100.
      How does somebody get into a pug now? You're not even allowed to start.
      I won't even bring up how some people watch top Raid teams clear content by class stacking with Warrior/Paladin, A dancer, maybe a reaper and a ton of summoners. You already got folk who believe Healers should just flat out be removed. Because of high end play showing that it's possible to clear content without them. And who could blame them? People think playing Healer is boring (healer main I don't) we got no dps rotation and even if we did have a dps rotation we'd still be out putting less damage than everyone else.
      Add in the fact there's not much for healers to heal in high end content since everything either one shots or two shots you due if you don't do the mechanic properly... people have started making legitimate arguments healers aren't necessary. Some serious Raid groups you'll find already will only run one healer anyways.
      ANYWAYS tl;dr fflogs private good. fflogs public bad.

    • @godhand2018
      @godhand2018 Год назад +9

      I said it on another comment already, logs are great for improving your gameplay but public uploading and parsing is all about flexing. Not that that's a bad thing necessarily I do it myself but people saying it's just for improving is biggest cope. Like I said trying for high dps to flex a good parse isn't bad, there is very few raids where it can actually lead to problems (people padding on uwu adds for example) but people acting like it's all for the sake of improvement always makes me laugh.

    • @Kataxu
      @Kataxu Год назад +4

      @@godhand2018 For some people it may be for improvement, but yeah there are *other* people who go through leveling roulette every day, watching people's numbers, and just screaming to themselves while not allowed to say anything. yeah I think its better that way.

    • @pixelcatcher123
      @pixelcatcher123 Год назад

      trust me me and my boys playing all on playstation so no one can parse and we cleared it anyway

    • @zipzap8937
      @zipzap8937 Год назад

      I feel like much of this stigma is from people who don't even use it in the proper way suggested by this video. They're worried about a theoretical problem that virtually never happens (because you'll be banned) that they experience in another game. Unfortunately they will still complain about the thing which they are ignorant of.

  • @TheChozenOneTV
    @TheChozenOneTV Год назад +1

    I had to come back to this video! Again such a good video! Since watching this I've cleared p9s-p11s and have even gone from a grey to a green parse on some fights (still need some improvement) but the tools you've shared have really helped me not only get into savage and clear but also improve as well! Thank you!

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      glad it helped! :) great job on the prog!

  • @MrSpiderspider12
    @MrSpiderspider12 Год назад +12

    Another youtuber said the safest solution of the parsing controversy is
    What it means is a tool that makes able to see ONLY YOUR progress, not anyone else

    • @belphegor_dev
      @belphegor_dev 10 месяцев назад

      BS. There's already a setting in ACT that does this, and even then what's the point.

  • @28cappuccino21
    @28cappuccino21 Год назад +1

    another video with excellent editing and music! and the giant ast hat looks so awesome on a lala! looking forward to the next video
    also 126th!

  • @friendlyfyre
    @friendlyfyre Год назад +3

    Can i just say..what a refreshing video this is. The editing is *chef's kiss*

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      Thank you so much! :D Means a lot!

  • @starscorpia4005
    @starscorpia4005 Год назад +5

    Thanks for informing me on the opt out feature, i think ff logs should be opt in only but eh, at least opting out is easy

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      I get that, but yes! It's pretty painless. FF Logs used to have a way in settings, I swear, but I couldn't find it again. The Lodestone method for sure works though! :D

  • @DeadEye935
    @DeadEye935 Год назад +4

    I think damage numbers are all fine and good, but imo the best way to learn to get better is looking up resources for your job, and finding people that can play your job well and seeing what they do.
    FFlogs and xivanalysis have been useful in spotting rotational errors, but that's only because I already know what the rotational should be. When you know what burst windows are supposed to look like, then its pretty easy to figure out on your own where your mistakes are. Personally, having ACT installed just made me obsessed over my damage in a pretty negative way, and honestly distracted me or made me feel like I needed to take pointless risks. Why not lose a gcd to make a mechanic safer when you know you're gonna beat the dps check? I don't need a website yelling at me for trying to make reclears smooth.

  • @hammsuke3981
    @hammsuke3981 Год назад +2

    I keep hearing ppl against fflogs, they think it makes u instantly clear raids? No, if u're bad, u still bad. Unless if u try to improve from the given logs

  • @emmacatte
    @emmacatte Год назад +9

    I disagree with statics using logs for recruitment as I've seen way too many statics treat people horribly for their parses even when promoting themselves to be a casual one. Its hard enough to get parses when no one will take you because you don't have parses and then there's those expecting people to have pink and purple parses to even join them. I'd say based on experience and what is seen in pf a lot that statics who use parsing as a way to get in are the "you need 10 years of experience for this entry level job" of ff

    • @enyaliosares4301
      @enyaliosares4301 Год назад +2

      Aaaand you’re wrong. Because your logs tell a story. That story is easy to read, and your best logs do not tell the whole story. As soon as you can see trends that flogs yields, then yes, you can use it for recruitment

    • @emmacatte
      @emmacatte Год назад +7

      @@enyaliosares4301 almost as if you didn't read the whole post :)

    • @enyaliosares4301
      @enyaliosares4301 Год назад +1

      @@emmacatte I have read it. And a blanket statement of “I disagree with statics using logs to recruit” is dumb.

    • @emmacatte
      @emmacatte Год назад +6

      @@enyaliosares4301 how are you going to call it a banquet statement when I literally pointed out what cases they are.

    • @avvercus1234
      @avvercus1234 Год назад +1

      I'm gonna preface this by saying that if you are rude to someone about this, you're in the wrong. There's no need to be toxic about it, just skip over someone and tell them no politely and move on. There are all levels of skill and time commitment, not everyone can or wants to be a high level player.
      Logs can tell you if someone you are potentially going to recruit is a good fit. If you want to clear fast and clean, you don't want a hibitual grey parser. I cannot tell you how many tiers took literal months to clear because we had 1 or 2 people that just weren't keeping up.
      There is nothing wrong with having low parses and clearing slowly. If one is lower parser, they should find a group of players at their skill level and make their way through things slowly. That's the best way to learn anyway. If one can't find a static because the """casual""" statics recruiting are refusing them, then they can always make their own. Or simply grind their way through PF.
      On the flip side, 6 or 7 other people shouldn't have be held back by 1 or 2 people when they are trying to clear a tier in under a month. You literally cannot do it if 1 or 2 people aren't performing well, you have to wait for gear. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to recruit someone that is going to hold the rest of the static back.
      You do not need good parses to get a group that can get you good parses. As long as you get a few clears, have some tome gear at the very least, and don't make any personal mistakes, your logs should be blue at the very least. I started the current tier 2 weeks ago in minimal ilvl gear. Most people have BiS or at least some gear at this point, and I still got a 30 in every fight on my first clear with sloppy, entirely unoptimized damage through party finder.

  • @dreamllusion8390
    @dreamllusion8390 Год назад +8

    I understand perfectly the self improvement part, but oh boy since I parse only greens (casual raider) I have oh so much trouble finding a static or finding static members (for a casual group). Ppl are relying way to much on logs to the point that newcomers for recruitment purposes that can only play in a static environment have trouble havein even the slightest opportunity to inprove... blue parsing shouldn't be the standard for a casual standpoint...

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +1

      I can agree that it’s silly when casual/supposedly newcomer-friendly statics get too strict with their recruitment metrics. I’m sorry you’ve experienced that! Green is not terrible though, and I’m sure you can find a decent, like-minded group out there. I assume so, but have you shopped around on the XIV Recruiter Discord?

    • @dreamllusion8390
      @dreamllusion8390 Год назад +1

      @@specstreTV I did not know about this discord! So far I am relying on the balance discord and pf, so I'll go give it a try.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +2

      @@dreamllusion8390 Awesome, definitely worth it! Tons of groups looking for people there. :D

  • @Revonlieke
    @Revonlieke Год назад +6

    My question;
    If a console player can clear virtually anything the game offers.
    Whats is the point?

    • @haydennarumi
      @haydennarumi Год назад +6

      As said in the video, personal improvement, its a great tool for that.

    • @treebush
      @treebush Год назад

      What does console players have to do with anything? As a matter of fact Controller players have an advantage of kbm for movement and better hotbar layout for specific jobs…

    • @Revonlieke
      @Revonlieke Год назад +1

      @@treebush He mentioned console players in the video.

    • @Revonlieke
      @Revonlieke Год назад +2

      @@haydennarumi But see, here's the issue I see;
      Your personal improvement is all fine and dandy. I fully support that, but it 100% should be a solo thing. The moment you have other people in the party, hindering your performance, however slight it may be, it brings forth the negative aspects of such competitiveness. You start to get annoyed at your friends for not keeping up with you, you take risks no-one would in normal situations and you lose the most important part of why you loved to play the game in the first place.
      We have seen this in ANY game that has even the slightest amount of competitiveness attached to it. Be it fighting games, FPS game, heck people start arguing during a game of ping-pong.
      It's the same sort of thing that happens when you want to improve as a content creator on youtube. You SHOULD focus on improving your quality on videos, but the moment you start to look at analytics, metrics and what kind of video might make the most revenue; you lose the most important part why you started to make videos in the first place.
      While it is true that such plug-ins are helpful to pinpoint your mistakes, but over use it and you WILL start to hate your own performance and at worst dish that frustration out to others

    • @TehTamponTerrorizer
      @TehTamponTerrorizer Год назад +3

      @@Revonlieke the problem with your issue is you're assuming it can only happen when parsing. i used to be on ps4 back in Stormblood when i started raiding. no parsing, and i always hated people hindering my performance. the only difference now is i can see my damage.
      as for the point, well i hate being carried in games. i wanna know my contribution. its that simple.

  • @Tailionis
    @Tailionis Год назад +1

    I wish you could like twice. One for a good easy to understand video and one for being a Lalafell

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      I'll take the 1 like very happily! :D

  • @tical2399
    @tical2399 Год назад +1

    Just found out about hiding the logs and went and did it. I don't raid or give a fuck about epeen dps numbers. I had no idea i had parses out there. Glad to have em blocked now.

    • @verdantmischief7092
      @verdantmischief7092 Год назад +1

      My dude no one is saving your logs if you don't even raid LMAO

  • @tokiri5680
    @tokiri5680 Год назад +3

    Somewhat helpful, but also overall maybe not enough informative.
    So I'll add these here.
    Don't focus on the % except you do want to have big dick numbers.
    for recruitment, it is indeed necessary to have a somewhat reasonable number if you want to get into a "proper group". It doesn't need to be perfect, but at least blue is a something reasonable and understandable goal to aim for in the future. It can be somewhat seen as like a portfolio for a job interview (Yes xiv is a game, but High End raiding is a content that majority of these players want to take somewhat seriously). And for the recruiter, the more important part is not particularly the number, but clear dates and if looked in depth with the given tools, behavior and damage control (an example if a tank reacts to smth to salvage a wipe and etc.)
    the first clear parse usually should never matter, a clear is a clear. Don't grieve a party or static at the very first clear, this is where progression takes the upper most priority.
    Saying fflog breeds toxicity into the community is not entierly true as it is two sides on the same coin.
    It is toxic to judge ppl negativly of their numbers but it is just as toxic to discourage it and blame the software for causing this behavior. These tools are somewhat necessary for high end raiding to see if certain players are underperformimg for a skill level that they might not be ready for. Different static want different skill level, and fflog and ACT is a tool that assisst them to do it better, just like Gshade is a tool to make better pictures.
    Last but not least the leaderboard is in my opinion an extra layer of gameplay for replayability. Some ppl don't enjoy reclearing a content over and over again without a real purpose (for example they dont like the glam or are already BiS) so having FFLogs leaderboard is something to let them strife and optimize for to get a result in the end. Just like speedrunning a videogame for dozens of time just for a better result.

  • @justdave5098
    @justdave5098 Год назад +9

    I'm glad you said it's all about self improvement. Good tips, thanks!

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +3

      Appreciated! It definitely is-competition with past self is my favorite part of parsing!

  • @YukiNami
    @YukiNami Год назад +1

    As much as I appreciate learning about how this works and what it's supposed to do. I have been around friends who uses parsers that actively trashtalks every single party member with how bad they are performing, that in turn made me overly cautious and decidedly stop running high-end raids in PFs.
    And, I guess I get the short-end of the stick getting the toxic ones most of the time.

  • @barrymacdonald3439
    @barrymacdonald3439 Год назад +1

    As a sprout right now this video is very interesting I may look more into this as I'm guessing parses won't matter till max level rotation is available but still I'm glade there is a way to check overall performance and see how I can become a future grey parser then work my way up from there 🤣

    • @belphegor_dev
      @belphegor_dev 10 месяцев назад

      Parses matter no matter what level you are.

  • @FinalQueue007
    @FinalQueue007 Год назад

    Tempted to download it now, only thing stopping me was the potential of a ban.

  • @Bankai90
    @Bankai90 Год назад +2

    People who do savage should always have ACT up if they're new to raiding. There's no way someone who never used act or has seen his own logs, has the slightest clue of how his dps is.
    I was new with Endwalker. Thought I got my rota down. Just to see after feeling very confident in my skills that I parsed a solid 2.
    Downloaded ACT. Got some guidance of top loggers. Spend a bit training and watching top loggers play. Ended up in high 80-90's in savage and 99+ on ex.
    The difference is just insane. Within 2weeks I could parse higher by hitting 1,2,3 with focus on uptime than by doing my full rota which I thought I'm doing so well.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +3

      Super good anecdote and pretty much hits the heart of the issue-I think almost EVERY now-decent player had a similar experience of sucking at one point, it's hard not to when you're new and totally directionless. Getting some actual numbers in your hand is eye-opening, and it feels so good to see yourself improving from there.

  • @selesiars420
    @selesiars420 Год назад

    great video,
    most of this i knew already tho, warcraftlogs also existed XD.
    A perspective from an Ex-Wow raid leader:
    the fight replay button at 0.5 speed is AMAZING to hunt for group coordination mishaps with positioning and looking for new tactics, kinda-fun to do in a rount-table post-raid (i did it with the other raid council, as 20 people looking over the same shared window is kinda overkill, but 8 people looking at the same discord would be just enough)
    especially when you personally fail a knockback mechanic and get yeeted off to narnia and you turn it into a meme that your gf said her parents arn't home.
    (Legion, Aggramar mythic, blood Death knight went weeeeee off to narnia, would have grabed the log/upload but they gone)
    this tool can be used to bulli people, so keep it light hearted.
    Also good to know is that FFLogs/Warcraftlogs clean out their logs whenever a expansion is over, so you cannot find your logs or parses from when you pugged Alexander in 2016 anymore. unless you specifically re-upload them.
    sprout to raider ff-life update: the FC static is being real slow to get off the ground and most people progging P8S and even casual raiding groups seem to decline to experience (i get it tho, re-progging is tough, and 1/8th of your raid team being new changes a lot, not like slapping on a new dps in a 20 man raid team where personal responsibility is lower)
    I did get 2 offers to come join for next tier, but that's aparently like a solid 6 months away

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      Nice to see you here, glad you enjoyed! :D
      Very fair about Warcraft Logs, though I've noticed a few odd differences over the years despite obviously being nearly identical. Logs DO get archived on FF Logs, but they don't get totally deleted-I still have all my stuff from Shadowbringers up on there!
      Great point on the fight replay, I really do love that feature-even if I'm recording on OBS (which is generally handy for fight review), I'll often go to FF Logs and watch the replay to see where a mechanic went wrong. Such a good tool, but getting into it here would feel like a little much for people BRAND NEW to ACT/parsing.
      For your update: sorry to hear that! We're in a weird spot-the tier is getting a LITTLE old, but not so old that the "next wave" of clearers has come through. The next tier won't be until 6.4 since 6.3 is an Ultimate patch and will have a new fight there, but with the release of the next 24 man coming in 6.3 as well, there will probably be a new tide of sprout raiders interested in clearing Abyssos.
      I hope you guys can fill those last few slots before then, though!

    • @selesiars420
      @selesiars420 Год назад +1

      @@specstreTV it was absolutely not for new player, but I love drooling over log analysis. and the replay functionality is real handy if you as a group want to improve together.
      for once I wasn't on the oooh-side of raid tools, felt nice.
      maybe, I hope so. it's also when the alliance raid starts dropping augmentation upgrades, I don't know how that would mess with the scene.
      recently I've been enjoying white mage quite a bit, did an extreme in pf with it.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      @@selesiars420 That’s still cool you learned about the tool back in WoW because it definitely gets use in FF! :D
      The ally raid augments aren’t a big deal-they’re pretty much just a catch up mechanic, so it won’t SERIOUSLY change anything.
      That’s awesome you’ve been into WHM! It’s still my go-to for prog a lot of the time because it’s just old reliable. Not too flashy, but tons of good tools and decent damage.
      I really hope the FC static picks up soon! Been happy to hear about your journey through the game, and would be a bummer if it fizzled at all because of this stuff. I’ve heard an unusually high number of stories about groups struggling to fill or players struggling to find groups in my comments, which I didn’t expect.
      I think I asked you on another video, but how far are you guys casting the net out? Are you just trying to recruit through PF or your server, or have you posted ads in the recruiting discords? I always find the discords a better route myself and usually fill statics (or find them) pretty easily, but that just might be because I have past exp.

    • @selesiars420
      @selesiars420 Год назад

      @specstre discords and in-fc.
      i laid out 'the master plan' (TM) on how we'd go from all green AF to seasoned raiding veterans. it's an extrapolation of my solo plans:
      the thing i posted (i'm on EU-Light if someone might be interested)
      in recent days/weeks quite a few of us have reached the endgame step and finished our Endwalker MSQ's.
      With a bit more of us right now I'm intending to form/maintain a Casual oriented Static
      As we don't have any experience with the big endgame boy content, what does this friendly static intend to do:
      We start out with the current raid tier (normal, just to have fun together mostly, and get the routine in, as this technically can be duty-found) and some of the older Extreme trials:
      endwalker spoiler's trial names, DUH
      * Zodiark's Fall
      * Hydaelyn's Call
      * Endsinger's Aria
      Once we conquered these as our first foray into Endgame content I'm intending to swap out the older extreme trials for the newer ones:
      endwalker 6.25 spoiler
      * Storm's Crown (Extreme)
      * Faux hollow's Containment bay S1T7 (Unreal)
      and if/when we master those would I hope to progress on Current Savage Raids
      Specific Raid/content times will need to be set depending on people's schedules, once we got most of a team we'll align calendars.
      Current plan is to do stuff together twice a week, in two blocks of 3 hours

  • @LarisseMontrose
    @LarisseMontrose Год назад +2

    Idk. If it was truly private I'd agree that it's mostly for personal improvement, but it's not. Like it or not people are using it to exclude others. You even say so here.
    That's not harmless behavior.

    • @kellevichy
      @kellevichy Год назад +1

      People have the right to raid with who they want to raid with. You aren't obligated to someone else's time; that's entitlement.

    • @LarisseMontrose
      @LarisseMontrose Год назад

      @@kellevichy Not really entitlement. If you're actively excluding people based on what an addon says you can be reported for that.

  • @Tamipriest
    @Tamipriest Год назад +1

    what else can i do when someone uploads a parse of myself to ff logs ? i dont want to be on there and i dont want to do anything with that parse stuff

    • @TheJoU50
      @TheJoU50 Год назад

      log on into your lodestone and under the profile section, add the text "fflogs-hidden". Save and done. You can look up this method and you'll get a bunch of results in.

  • @zirilan3398
    @zirilan3398 Год назад

    If you run current content often enough you will get logs If you want it or not. I have not uploaded a single run myself and I still have logged runs for almost every content I did that was current.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      True enough! I definitely think the majority of (PC) raiders use it, and most people like to upload if they did even half-decently. Like you said, if you run high end content enough, it’ll happen.

  • @NotTheWheel
    @NotTheWheel Год назад +8

    I don't really understand why people care about how much damage they do or why people feel it necessary to improve this function of their character. I always thought damage rotations were straight forward enough that you do them in a certain order over and over resetting from opener to gap fillers in sequence with the fight.

    • @zacharyboston9095
      @zacharyboston9095 Год назад +4

      It's basically to have fun and push the limits of what's possible. Like he said in the video, a clear is a clear, and if you are ok with that great. Some people just like to push the limits of what's possible, kinda like speedrunners.

    • @ganjaweedchief1510
      @ganjaweedchief1510 Год назад

      i think it's maybe easier to consider it in the sense of running a mile. to some people, just being able to do it in under ten minutes is great! to others, they want to get down under six minutes. both can clear content, but one is just wants to do it as perfectly as possible. both are perfectly viable ways to play!

    • @qamarqammar7629
      @qamarqammar7629 Год назад +1

      If you're doing your rotation and clearing content you're doing fine. I am an ex-Mythic raider (WoW) and every guild I ran in uploaded parses. I can't remember one time in 5 years anybody ever looked at any of these logs. Or referred to them in any way (positive or negative) except to say oh pretty numbers, nice parse. Or if you had one of those you know the type they might make some snarky comment. We had a raid leader who wanted us to run our parses through one of those parse analysis programs, but nobody did. People parse because for them it's a fun part of the game. You don't need it to have fun. Carry on :).

    • @NotTheWheel
      @NotTheWheel Год назад

      @@zacharyboston9095 Don't get me wrong I understand that but... like why do the Limits need to be pushed exactly? What does it prove or effect? That's the part I don't understand is the psychology of it. I suppose you could say "Why do anything?" which is true... just doesn't feel like the right answer for something like DPS meters. I just don't understand why it matters. I can wrap my head around wanting to become a top speedrunner, or improving your body with exercise or your mind through education... but DPS parsing feels less tangible to me. Like you're being too meta in a video game where you've turned it less about the content and more about an invisible pinball machine score that only you can see... It just.. iunno.. To each their own obviously. I hope this doesn't come off as rude or anything I just don't get it.

    • @Jeycht
      @Jeycht Год назад

      @@NotTheWheel You can understand the pov of a speedrunner but not a parser? I mean. The guy who speedrun is the only one who can see it and improve his timer, doing it less for the content and more for the number, most of the time rng. Until he upload it (or stream it). Same goes for the parser.

  • @Arkansym
    @Arkansym Год назад

    I want to parse so I can- yknow. GET BETTER AT THE GAME. But I'm way too scared to because it comes with such a heavy penalty, and even if I never talk about it, there's the possibility someone finds out anyway. Square has toxic game design for that reason, but I'm just hoping I can get a parser in my static to help me improve who's not scared of the risks.

  • @Gonglor
    @Gonglor Год назад +6

    My first savage tier was Asphodelos and I went through the entire thing not knowing what parsing even was, but I thought I was pretty decent at my job.
    Little did I know I was a gray gamer across the board.
    I'm a pf hobo anyways so it matters little who sees them, but I have to admit fflogs was instrumental in me striving to get good at the game and to stop being dead weight in my parties.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +2

      Totally get that-I remember being over the moon about my first blue, and again it's because it showed growth. Even if you're just PFing, the personal sense of accomplishment is super real!

    • @deltaoalice9281
      @deltaoalice9281 Год назад

      Note that dancer parses is quite a doozy, since your end result is very dependent on your dance partner. Assuming Dancer played perfect, the dancer can either be a blue (60-70+) if they dance partnered a grey dps or a pink (99) with another top player.
      That being said, grey usually means you are late to a tier (aka you already had a gear disadvantage), or you have issues with your rotation.

  • @ArChalypz
    @ArChalypz Год назад +3

    Never cared too much for it tbh. I have a friend who is/was heavy into raiding and whenever we did PF raids i sometimes ask on how i did. I'm aware of my own skill limitations and the way that i play certain jobs and still make the same dumb mistakes. That or i'm just getting old 💀But i'm fine getting clears with whatever parse color i get and improve from there.

  • @hkoizumi3134
    @hkoizumi3134 Год назад

    My excuse to use ACT is I have been playing since the launch of ARR and I have beaten everything from Savage to Extreme in timely manner. I am at a point where I need more to my gameplay. Seeing how I do and improving myself is what keeping me motivated to play. Because let's be real, after playing for almost 10 years, you'd begin to see a pattern and that newbie excitement faded away years ago.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +1

      I absolutely get this-I'm a pretty midcore player, but especially once a fight is on farm and solved, the novelty is gone. At that point, challenging myself to parse it better BECOMES the fight, and keeps me way more interested/tuned in than I would be otherwise.

  • @anotherxyz
    @anotherxyz Месяц назад

    I’m a grey/green parser. I have been spending hours getting to blue and dang it’s rough. Gotta keep trying to get there though thanks for the vid.

  • @justsomerandoman
    @justsomerandoman Год назад

    Nice taste in the Tactics Ogre ost

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      One of my favorite games! Loved LUCT back in the day and been loving Reborn.

  • @vagrant2863
    @vagrant2863 Месяц назад

    Life stolen by Tactics Ogre Reborn? Holy based Batman!

  • @swagadalic
    @swagadalic Год назад

    great vid thanks!

  • @ArcsOfficial
    @ArcsOfficial Год назад

    can you make an ACT quick guide on how to make it look like yours?

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      I haven't done too much to it, that's one of the default skins that comes with ACT called kagerou! :) it should just come with your ACT, and it's been awhile so i don't remember off the top of my head, but any install guide should tell you where to select skins.

  • @SuperMikeKaos
    @SuperMikeKaos Год назад

    I really think square should give us a tool for our own personal numbers, I game primary on a ps5 so…. HOWEVER and more importantly me and the wife neeeeed to know, on your astrologin getup with the wellkin hat what coat are you wearing??? It’s been driving us nuts! Thank you if you read this!!! :) :)

  • @MrNnaie
    @MrNnaie Год назад +2

    Good Video but I would edit out any footage that you have showing the parser to your character name in the videos. You can get suspended if you get reported and see that your client is using it along with your character name. Better be safe than sorry. Example in 1:41 of the video.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +1

      Probably fair, and in most of my videos now I'm more careful about it, but here it felt worth running the risk-I semi-censored names and whatnot, so tracking it to my specific character would at least require a BIT of legwork, though if there's a will there's a way, ofc. Thank you for the concern! :D

  • @IBeJaMz
    @IBeJaMz Год назад

    I never understood the nerd talk parse etc but now I think I do

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      glad the video cleared some of the terminology up for you :D

  • @ecchidragon8038
    @ecchidragon8038 Год назад

    What's the name of that christmas-y hat? I'm really digging it, and I don't think I've seen it before. 😍

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +1

      Possibly the white beret, if you mean the one in the intro? 😅

    • @ecchidragon8038
      @ecchidragon8038 Год назад

      @@specstreTV lol, nah... I'm pretty sure it was red - Though maybe I should have mentioned that to avoid confusion in the first place. 😅

    • @mekabare
      @mekabare Год назад

      @@ecchidragon8038 the "White Beret" is the item name, it can be dyed

  • @phongnguyen-hn2sl
    @phongnguyen-hn2sl Год назад

    You might not know it but administrators also uses DPS as well to keep track of players that they find suspicious. Their DPS is legal but player's DPS are prohibited by the administrators. The only way players can use DPS is hacking the FF14 database, which is illegal. DPS are designed by administrators to keep track of players that they think are cheating. If players has DPS, it means someone in the FF14 admin are doing something they are not suppose to.

  • @edgarlarios4718
    @edgarlarios4718 Год назад +2

    "This is hypothetical" and "This helped me improve"... 🧐🤥

  • @futeman2
    @futeman2 Год назад +1

    Question why put video use act on RUclips?

  • @speleothem4682
    @speleothem4682 Год назад

    Late but what was that coat you used with your scholar gloves

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      I think it's the Lvl 60 scholar coat, too! Rest of the set is mixed and matched from elsewhere, but pretty sure the coat's paired with the mittens.

  • @uberlaughingman
    @uberlaughingman Год назад

    did you say "pug content"? I thought I was the only one who still referred to them as 'pugs'. cheers

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      there are dozens of us left!

  • @nasch3391
    @nasch3391 Год назад +2

    If u did HW raid especially fucking living liquid and manipulator you will need ACT so bad, well there was no fflogs during that time since it was established during Midas savage.
    I think ACT is required especially doing super hard dps check, but since they tuned it to crafted gear after the gordias incident the ACT become less required. And then it will go back to the player do they want to know how they perform? Do they do a good job? Do they being a dead weight? Do they do enough dps? Do they the reason the team cannot beat dps check? Because i think its fair to the X player to know if they are the problem, if 1 guy hinder the progression the other 7 shouldnt be the one to try more harder while the 1 guy still doesnt realise it at all.

    • @nasch3391
      @nasch3391 Год назад

      and its all become possible because of ACT

  • @LunGreenStar
    @LunGreenStar Год назад

    The thumbnail makes me very sad, I don't wanna see a sad lala with those words next to it :(

  • @engot
    @engot Год назад +1

    What is the hat with goggles he is wearing in the intro?

    • @kachcat
      @kachcat Год назад +1

      Its either the Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Cap or the AR-Caean Cap, available for everyone except Monk, Samurai, Ninja, and casters.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +2

      @kachcat Nailed it! Love that hat :D

  • @LEWIS1992
    @LEWIS1992 Год назад +1

    An important point that is NEVER discussed is that parsing gives PC players a MASSIVE advantage over PS4/PS5 players.
    All 3rd-party apps need to be banned to keep a level playing field.

  • @bransonchic678
    @bransonchic678 Год назад

    Lol, i do not parse myself my stance is that if you parse use it to improve youraelf and not to be mean to others

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +1

      Totally fair stance! :D Nursing is an awesome profession, btw!

  • @electricdoor
    @electricdoor Год назад +3

    Look, we can talk about ideals all day long, but at the end of the day we've seen what human nature and its oft-insidious biases do when information like this is available in other games. Other commenters are right that problems like gatekeeping & griefing would exist without the logs, but at least there would be a wide margin for error in those opinions with the ignorance that comes from the absence of logs. At least I could say "They don't know what they're talking about" and enjoy my clear all the same.
    Still, the cat's out of the bag now. The least SE can do is keep this stuff illegal to curtail would-be jerks from trying to ruin others' experiences of the game because they pulled more DPS on a boss that died regardless of anyone's lack of performance. Your implication that it's sometimes right to keep something illegal but lightly-criminalized is valuable here, especially when it comes to other mods. But, attempting to give FFXIV DPS meters more air time and paint them as anything less than giving a toddler a grenade is irresponsible, regardless of the infinitesimal good they do for a small, niche group of players.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +4

      Personally, I've always loved racing against my PBs in games like Mario Kart or any sort of speedrun really, so I see parsing as kind of in that spirit. I'm a pretty midcore player myself, but I love the little competitive grindstone of weeding out bad habits in my gameplay and trying to get fights down just a little faster / cleaner over time.
      You're absolutely right that there are some nasty people who do nasty things with parses, but in my experience, those people would probably be pretty insufferable anyways-they're usually the ones who spend 95% of a fight zoomed in on other people's mistakes while cluelessly making their own.
      I can't speak with any real confidence/data about how small or niche the "healthy" parsing community may or may not be, but in my experience playing in MANY statics since Eden's Gate and on, it's overwhelmingly been as I just described: people parsed just trying to improve. You may have a totally different experience than that and that's 100% valid, but from my position, I DO think that since Pandora's Box is open, we may as well make some productive use of it.

  • @little4000
    @little4000 Год назад +3

    If it is really only about self improvement then why is it opt-out instead of opt-in? Or at least private by default? Why does it allow people to upload and view others performance for "self improvement" before they even know a online database like that even exists? An average to compare to would be enough for people to judge their own performance. It seems clear that ff logs wants to be used for more toxic things.

    • @Jeycht
      @Jeycht Год назад

      It should indeed be private by default until the chara is claim (hopefully by the owner). An average would be useless to know how far you can still push it. It doesn't "want" to be used for toxic things. But you "can" use it that way. If you are a toxic player. Let's be honest, that guy will be toxic anyway, parse or not. It just gonna back up what he think is right or not for him.
      tldr The person is toxic, not the tool.

    • @little4000
      @little4000 Год назад +2

      @@Jeycht If the tool does not want to be toxic then why is not private by default already? The people behind this tool know for sure how it can be used. I think we should pressure them a lot more instead of making excuses for it.

    • @Jeycht
      @Jeycht Год назад +1

      @@little4000 Let's be honest here. Playing since 2013 and I'm still waiting for someone else to call me out for being bad. Same for people I know. I don't say it never happen. But it's so rare than the inconvenient of making it private is more than the actual utility of it.
      If someone want to be toxic, it's gonna be right when that happen and not after, when the log is on, hours later when it's "too late" to be toxic. (except if the guy is a real stalker and gonna call the poor guy hours or day later for fun)
      The log being private or not isn't the problem. It's when it's live, with the actual parser running while in instance.
      Again, toxicity can still happen after too if someone check your log before you join a party ... again, the guy have to be a jerk from the start to have it happening. If that ever happen you simply gonna be refuse before you actually join the group, that atleast make you avoid a waste of time. When that happen the guy is usually not that great itself anyway and want a good guy to push the dps he is lacking.
      You can still propose it on the website if that bother you that much and try to open a discussion about it in a form and shape so that they can have the feedback from people.
      I personally don't care much about it. I have parse uploaded, not from me, that are super bad, nobody never said a thing about it. I still think someone have to dig deep for it to find someone who is actually that toxic to the point it's a real problem.

    • @godhand2018
      @godhand2018 Год назад +2

      @@little4000 But like nobody cares about your parses even when they are public... the only time you will ever be asked to show logs is when you apply to semi hardcore or hardcore static. Nobody kicks people from pugs because they looked up their parses and nobody ever talks about it in game because they don't wanna get banned. Saying it's all about self improvement is a cope tho I'll give you that, using logs to improve is good and it works but the actual parses have always been about flexing and will always be.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      I pretty much agree with @Jeycht and @godhand2018 here. I HEAR about toxic parsing far, far more than I ever see it, and I've done a good share of raiding in both statics and PF. I'm not saying it doesn't exist or that I've never seen toxicity period, but overwhelmingly my experience has been neutral-no one really talks about it at all, in voice or text or otherwise. It's just expected that everyone's parsing and the only times I can recall damage being brought up were when DPS checks were being failed, and usually due to deaths more than rotational failures.
      Typically, in those instances, it's pretty obvious if there's a "problem person" because they're the one on the floor most often, so ACT doesn't even really play a part in it. After that, it's just a matter of seeing what mechanic they're struggling with, getting it sorted one way or the other, and then moving on and hopefully clearing.
      PS - I don't disagree about the private by default, it's not a bad idea, but I also think it's probably not a miracle solution. If someone out there IS toxic about parses, they're probably just kind of a difficult person period and they will find other things to bark about.

  • @asdsad17
    @asdsad17 Год назад +1

    if you can't kill stone sky sea dummy, you're 100% can't kill the real thing.
    you will need some geared players to pad the dps check.

    • @treebush
      @treebush Год назад

      Can or can’t?

    • @timbrady1176
      @timbrady1176 Год назад +1

      The stone sky sea dummy is not reliable across the board. It is overtuned for some classes and undertuned for others. Its a cool idea and still a nice starting point

  • @wafwrap
    @wafwrap Год назад +3

    Typical propaganda of advertising the good of parsing, advocating public to do what’s illegal according to TOS. 😢
    Still, why would I stress myself with these numbers? Does doing my rotations provide me food in the table and pay for my taxes. It’s adding toxicity imo, knowing you’re playing the game to enjoy and have fun. 😌

    • @ganjaweedchief1510
      @ganjaweedchief1510 Год назад

      but what if people enjoy trying to get better at the game and like to parse to measure their own milestones? i treat it like my own high score, i want to beat my record each time because it's fun, how's that toxic

    • @wafwrap
      @wafwrap Год назад

      @@ganjaweedchief1510 nothing wrong being overachiever. If you enjoy those numbers for your satisfaction, go for it.

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 Год назад

      @@ganjaweedchief1510 when you apply that to others and when it boost your ego.

  • @YandaoChyan
    @YandaoChyan Год назад

    he said "math-debate"... hehehe

  • @JohnAlterat
    @JohnAlterat Год назад

    so the corruption named "parsing/dps" in this game too. Very sad to hear that. Making tactic well - this is the only one main reason that should be important in pve not numbers of your dps or hps. Why the ..players step in this sh..t again and again.

  • @SeldimSeen1
    @SeldimSeen1 Год назад +3

    I avoid parsing at all cost.🤣

  • @Cleindori
    @Cleindori Год назад +1

    My fflogs is private BECAUSE I'm stuck on console at the mercy of rando uploads and have no control over it :/ Rarely a flawless run gets uploaded

    • @qamarqammar7629
      @qamarqammar7629 Год назад +2

      FFlogs should be private by default.

    • @Cleindori
      @Cleindori Год назад

      it was actually an opt-in option in my case to private it via the lodestone, it might have been changed recently?

    • @qamarqammar7629
      @qamarqammar7629 Год назад +2

      @@Cleindori I think it is still opt-in. But I think it would make console players feel a little less at the mercy of others if logs were default private. And why not? People who log will probably know how to turn them on :).

    • @TehTamponTerrorizer
      @TehTamponTerrorizer Год назад +2

      logs barely matter unless you're applying to a hardcore or semi-hardcore group, and even then, good recruiters will be able to separate bad PF runs from good runs. they'd be mostly looking for consistency anyway.
      hiding logs is like a red flag. and personally as someone who has recruited people for a casual group, i'd rather see grey logs than hidden ones. at least the grey logs cleared.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +1

      I think it's of course up to you and I totally sympathize with the absolute lack of agency. I do think there's still value in having public logs, even if they're imperfect (most people's are), since it shows some progress and what you've cleared.
      Maybe time to force a PC friend to get into parsing and drag them everywhere. >:D

  • @fnerXVI
    @fnerXVI Год назад

    I cannot confirm nor deny the allegations that I may or may not be using XIVanalysis in order to improve my gameplay. I can confirm, though, that I have a pet simian with a calculator sitting on my desk when I do hard content in the game.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      Sounds like a talented little friend :)

  • @jamierose9095
    @jamierose9095 Год назад +1

    Parsing is a pox on FFXIV and only exists for shitting on players with grey parse.

  • @mizzy655
    @mizzy655 Год назад

    It's not about improvement though is it. It's an excuse to be a nasty asshole to people that either don't want to use it, or can't use it if they on console or aren't playing the game to celebrate topping an E-Peen leaderboard every week. Because I can tell you what the only times iv seen parsers used or people talking like this and using all sorts of excuses to justify it it means that you are part of the problem! If you can't see that well that's too bad!

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад

      XIV’s a very diverse game, plenty of people play it for different reasons. :)
      No one should feel forced to use a parser of course, and for 98% of the game’s content there really is no need to worry about it. But if someone is interested in Savage/Ulti, ACT and XIVanalysis are invaluable tools for cleaning up your rotation and figuring out ways to improve at your job.
      People are dicks everywhere sadly, and they don’t need tools to be nasty. The default enmity list can single out underperforming DPS with no need for third party tools.

  • @ganjaweedchief1510
    @ganjaweedchief1510 Год назад +3


    • @GhostBoyX18
      @GhostBoyX18 Год назад

      you smell so bad i wanted to be first and now i am simply third.

    • @ganjaweedchief1510
      @ganjaweedchief1510 Год назад

      @@GhostBoyX18 You fool. You idiot. You imbecile. You buffoon, you baboon, you loon. You thought that I wouldn't be first? On a specstre video? You, a measly third getter, has the audacity to talk to me, the man who got first? I commented first on this video. Do you understand what that makes me? A winner. And if you can understand that, then you must also understand that you're a loser. Pathetic. A roach. Disgusting and vile. Don't reply to me again.

  • @ahorseofcourse7283
    @ahorseofcourse7283 Год назад +5

    Yeah, no, this shit doesn't need to be in FFXIV. A clear is a clear, period, and if you choose your static based on numbers rather whether you vibe with them then you need to get your ass back to World of Warcraft.
    Recruiting based on parses excludes players who can otherwise do the content but don't get good numbers and console players.

    • @Bankai90
      @Bankai90 Год назад +3

      If someone can't parse to average at anything(like ex trials or so) clearing is pretty much impossible. Sitting on the 2nd or 3rd savage raid for 3+months isn't fun for anyone unless you go with such a intention into a static and you really don't mind.
      I lost 3 months of my life till I understood that some people just don't want to improve, and won't do anything to do so either. 3 statics, miserable people.

    • @specstreTV
      @specstreTV  Год назад +1

      It's definitely a slippery slope and I totally get this stance. I also think it's kind of inevitable that someone would MAKE a parser for the game though, as we're going on like 15+ years of it being "standard" in "high-end" MMO stuff. There's a real cultural element to it at this point. I do think it's totally unnecessary for 95% of all FFXIV content, but unfortunately like @PlayaAlbi said, the reality is the dev team designs some pretty tight DPS checks (which is not inherently a bad thing, since it rewards job mastery to clear).
      On the other hand, if someone starts splitting hairs complaining about the difference between 11000 DPS and 10950 and blocks you from joining a static, yes, that's obviously absurd. The system is inherently kind of flawed because it's JUST percentile, not "thresholds," so if everyone was playing theoretically perfect, then 0s and 100s would still exist but the gap would be laughably insignificant. That's not our current reality though, so I understand why people look at parses when recruiting for more serious/veteran statics.
      Though as a last note, if someone demands logs for a "sprout-friendly" or new/casual static, that's kind of absurd too, agreed.

    • @TehTamponTerrorizer
      @TehTamponTerrorizer Год назад +1

      what a dumb argument lol
      how about you get people who you "vibe with" that are also good at the game?
      being good at the game and being a nice person to be around aren't mutually exclusive.

    • @ahorseofcourse7283
      @ahorseofcourse7283 Год назад +3

      @@TehTamponTerrorizer You ever play WoW? Parsing turns even mediocre players into insufferable pricks, demanding unrealistic performance and giving them "justification" to treat newer players like garbage.
      FFXIV was designed with the explicit intention of avoiding that situation. Parsing is unnecessary; a clear is a clear, period. If it makes you a better player, then you have an unreasonable advantage players who won't or can't do it. If it doesn't make you a better player, then it has no use beyond something to lord over others and is a potential (and likely) source of strife in addition to being against the TOS.

    • @ahorseofcourse7283
      @ahorseofcourse7283 Год назад +2

      @@specstreTV Tight DPS checks don't need parsers. Either you clear it or you don't, and if the addon/website somehow aids in that, then you have an unequal advantage over those who can't or won't. And if it doesn't provide an advantage, then you're tacitly approving of something that adds friction and a source of toxicity for no reason other than the pleasure of seeing different colored numbers on a website and breaking the TOS to do so.
      The answer is clear and unambiguous; this stuff doesn't need to be in FFXIV. Let it stay quarantined in WoW with the rest of the contaminants.

  • @medivh1035
    @medivh1035 Год назад

    I just hired 7 raiders and cleared uwu as ast, and l did less damage than lb, lol.

    • @kellevichy
      @kellevichy Год назад +2

      That's not a flex; that's flat out awful ( and cringe ). Contribute or don't raid. A carry is hardly a clear.

    • @verdantmischief7092
      @verdantmischief7092 Год назад +1

      @@kellevichy you are absolutely right

  • @chad63
    @chad63 Год назад

    just dont install these tools noobs and play the GAME

  • @oliverurbanik9647
    @oliverurbanik9647 Год назад +2

    I would suggest to take down this video.. its kinda advertisment for third party tools for Final Fantasy 14. Reported.