The Bible Contradicting Itself? || I’d Like to Know

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 31

  • @ednisjeanty6748
    @ednisjeanty6748 Год назад +9

    Yes, 60 minute program please!!

    • @moshodi100
      @moshodi100 Год назад +1

      Agreed. 60 minute program.

  • @katebekatuka3447
    @katebekatuka3447 Год назад +9

    It is interesting to note that when God appears on the scene to investigate what Adam and Eve had done, Adam in Genesis 3:12 says “the woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” Here Adam mentions nothing about the snake because he did talk with it nor was he present when Even conversed with it. He also Implying that the only connection through which the fruit reached him was Eve.
    Eve also gives a similar response in verse 13 "Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”"
    Here, Eve's response is a clear indication that she was the only one who had the conversation with the snake by her usage of the pronoun "me" in the phrase "the serpent deceived me, and I ate." If Adam had was there, her response would have been inclusive of him by usage of the word "us."
    The bible and Ellen G White do not contradict each other. Let us all read deeper to be able to understand the word of God.
    Thank you for this program, may God richly bless you.

    • @robertvarnadoe8791
      @robertvarnadoe8791 Год назад


    • @moshodi100
      @moshodi100 Год назад +1

      Excellent, very well made and well reasoned point @katebekatuka3447

    • @mauricethomas7090
      @mauricethomas7090 Год назад

      Are we to believe and follow the Bible? If a person makes a comment that is not in the Bible are we to believe the Bible or the person?

    • @mauricethomas7090
      @mauricethomas7090 Год назад

      The host is taking EGW commentary over the Bible😢😢

    • @Yariel-Abril.30.98
      @Yariel-Abril.30.98 Год назад

      ​@mauricethomas7090 Actually there're people who also believe Adam wasn't there with Eve not because of EGW but because they study the Bible and let the Holy Spirit guide them. These are people from other denomination.
      And by the way, if you notice, pastor Bohr and pastor Salazar used the Bible to interpret itself. They used other passages in the Bible and came to the same conclusions as EGW.
      And no, I'm not defending EGW I'm trying to be impartial and objective. I believe Adam wasn't there, not because of EGW but because that's what the verse and the verses before and after imply. Not to mention that when you actually use your brain to think you come to the conclusion that it would be ridiculous to really expect Adam would just stand there simply watching in silence as Eve was being deceived while he wasn't. If we, men after the fall, protect our wife from much more would Adam have done it if he would have been there. I believe the relationship between Adam and Eve was exactly as Paul, inspired by the same Holy Spirit who inspired Moses in writing Genesis, describes how marriages should be in his letter to the Ephesians chapter 5 verses 22 through 33. Adam was the perfect husband, a type of Christ. I would even say is unbiblical to think otherwise. That's my take on this matter.
      And, you know, this issue is not that important anyways. Adam failed to protect Eve either way.

  • @xboxice2005
    @xboxice2005 Год назад

    Thanks brothers Praise God.

  • @valerieschad8069
    @valerieschad8069 Год назад

    Thank you for your research, this was great!

  • @Jamie-Russell-CME
    @Jamie-Russell-CME Год назад +1

    You could make an object lesson that the woman wandering away from Adam is mankind wandering from God. And God took on the curse for her sake. Because He loves her.

  • @rodneytabo5825
    @rodneytabo5825 Год назад

    Psalms 139. 15,16 human substance was written in the book, God saw human substance is imperfect but taken notice. The book wherein is written is the of remembrance and book.of life but it mucst be validated by the life if every individual whether to remain or erase. It is the purpose of the gospel to be declared to allmen.

  • @periswamaitha484
    @periswamaitha484 Год назад

    What then is the fate of young Children who sleep before having an experience to be baptized? Are there names in the book of life?

  • @suefrench8721
    @suefrench8721 Год назад

    The Bible is an historical story book.

  • @fionamcintosh4814
    @fionamcintosh4814 Год назад +1

    Where is Pastor CA Murray 🤔

  • @Dr.Pepper001
    @Dr.Pepper001 Год назад

    Did Secrets Unsealed ever get moved out to the country?

  • @sheilastanton4673
    @sheilastanton4673 Год назад +1

    I was baptized as a teenager in the Baptist faith. I have not been baptized in the Adventist faith. I am 60 years old and disabled now, I fall alot and wish to be baptized as a Seventh Day Adventist but don't know if I can get in the pool and go down in the water with out falling. Do I have to be baptized in the Adventist faith or is the past baptized good.

    • @samuelk5320
      @samuelk5320 Год назад +1

      Baptizing twice or more is okay if you wish! I don' t know how baptists baptize but if it is by sprinkling like the catholics do, then it is wrong

    • @willemlouis1007
      @willemlouis1007 Год назад +1

      Seventh Day-Adventism has what is called "profession of faith" for someone who prefers to go that route. Especially, for you, with physical conditions, that would be the best alternative.

    • @williamwaterford8114
      @williamwaterford8114 Год назад

      Is not falling a key part of baptism? What are you afraid of? That no one picks you up?

    • @willemlouis1007
      @willemlouis1007 Год назад

      @@williamwaterford8114 You are a fool, aren't you?

    • @humbleservant5889
      @humbleservant5889 Год назад

      Since we do not get baptized for or in the name of Baptist or Seventh-Day Adventist, but in the name of God; your first baptism is valid forever as long as you were baptized in Jesus Christ. If you choose to switch denominations, you do not need to be re-baptized. It would be similar to the believers in the New Testament going from the church at Ephesus to the church at Corinth: they're all believers. I was raised in the Baptist church and later became SDA, but both groups are believers in Jesus that hold to different teachings based on their own interpretations. I see no difference between a Baptist and Seventh-Day Adventist when it comes to true faith in Jesus.

  • @keepsyouincontrol
    @keepsyouincontrol Год назад

    ok, please feel free to clear some things up for me, but i have a problem with this EG White statement pastor reads. From what he is saying, EG White is saying that no one with Sin on their record will be saved. To further what she is saying, unless you ask forgiveness for "ALL" sins upon your judgment day you will be lost. I do not think this is even possible, given we are all sinners and sin daily. there are sins that we all commit that either we have forgotten about or don't even realize. plain and simple, we are born into sin and are sinners. so unless you can breathe a last forgiveness prayer just before you take your last breath...well, then there is no hope, per what she said. Now please don't think that i am saying we should not strive to be sinless. Nor should we not try and follow the Commandments. but that we just can't be sinless and this is where i think the grace of God applies.

    • @FM-ls4vu
      @FM-ls4vu Год назад

      Please do not entertain the thought that we can somehow be saved with sins remaining on record as this is a deception from Satan. Genuine repentance & confession of sin are the conditions by which we are justified or receive forgiveness and so the sins remaining on record is an indication of someone who hasn't genuinely repented of & confessed his or her sins. I'm not sure exactly what you meant by your statement about the application of God's Grace but the truth is that God's Grace does not save us in our sins but rather saves us from our sins (Mathew 1:21). Furthermore, the Grace of God that brings salvation teaches us to deny ungodliness & worldly lusts and to live soberly, righteously & godly in this present world (Titus 2:11-12). The whole point is that only the truly penitent will be saved at the end of the day and so I personally do not see any issue with the EGW quotation.

    • @keepsyouincontrol
      @keepsyouincontrol Год назад

      @@FM-ls4vu The point that I have a hard time seeing which I am trying to point out is the fact that, everyone is a sinner and continually sins. To think of oneself as being sinless I would have to argue is in itself is a sin. We live in a sinful world and are bombarded with things that are sometimes out of our control and we slip up. Should we strive to be sinless sure, no argument there. However, the fact is we all still sin. Are we repentfull and try and live the life Christ set out as an example, You batcha. But let’s pretend for a moment that a person trying not to sin is driving their car and just for a moment they slip up. Now based on this person history and life we could safely say they will be sorry for what they did and at some point, thereafter repent. But let’s say that before they could repent. Bam, they are in a car accident and killed. Per EGW words this person would not be saved as they did not repent of this sin. My point about God grace is the fact in this example that He knows the person would have repented given they had lived longer. Without this Grace, your only option is to live in fear that if you ever slip up you could only have micro seconds to repent. The holly spirt leads in many ways and sometimes its His presents on someone’s heart that leads them to realize they were sinning, in many instances that take time. but again per this quote it sure does not sound like you have any time.

    • @FM-ls4vu
      @FM-ls4vu Год назад +1

      @@keepsyouincontrol I do not wish to inject my words into your comments but the example you've given seems to give indication that you're looking at overcoming sin from the human perspective which is obviously an absolute impossibility & rightly so. However the Bible makes it very clear that we can do ALL things through Christ Jesus Who strengthens us & that includes victory over sin. We don't appear sinless in our own filthy righteousness but through the imputed & imparted righteousness of Christ which He freely gives to all that receive Him. Our duty is to submit to God daily & trust Him by faith that He will judge and save us accordingly because a life in God's hands can never be lost. Let's not try to examine human situations & pass a verdict based on our human judgement which is very poor and short sighted.
      Simply because we live in such a sinful world doesn't mean we shall continue in sin till Jesus comes & ultimately be saved. What would be the point of God's Grace then? The Bible makes it very clear that all sinners will not inherit the kingdom of God and this is what EGW is echoing here. Even though you do not say so directly but your comments seem to suggest that sin is so powerful that God's Grace cannot give us victory over sin. But the truth is that God has always had people that were faithful to Him in every age & He definitely will have a people in these last days that will stay true and faithful to Him.

    • @mauricethomas7090
      @mauricethomas7090 Год назад

      Search the Bible for your answer, I believe 1st and 2nd John. Romans chapter 5, 6 and 7. The Bible is the only inspired, infallible and inerrant word of GOD.