@@computercrazies they aren't hurting for money,thats what he's saying! Trump isn't fighting for 70% of the people who.voted for him and those are the poor white populous! But for some weird crazy way they think he is. Or maybe they don't. As long as he continues his assult on everyone non white and contiues his white supremacist banter ams ideals they are fine.. I say that because that's the only benefit I cann see... Dave says he working for him because he's a millionaire and those are truly the only people Trump's disgrace of the democracy benefits...
@Design & more doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out nor a person with eyesight to see it. Especially Nancy "Both Sides of the Fence"Pelosi....
The Democrats are looting,Rioting,killing in portland and Ted Wheeler wont let Trump help.Keep voting Democrat and watch Pelosi keep getting her hair done with no mask even though those are here laws.Wake up!
shain edge PLEASE get over the lies. What will happen to that mother when tax breaks expire. Or better how is that trickle-down policy gonna work with her employer decides to move a jobs overseas to make more money, since they now pay a lower tax rate than average citizen.
VM JM: Blame the democrats. They are the ONLY reason the tax breaks are not permanent. Republicans tried to make them permanent. In fact a republican asked Bernie for support in making them permanent. You can guess how far that went.
*My girlfriend's dad says the same thing.* _He's most definitely in the top 1 percent of the income bracket and says the tax money is added profits and will be distributed to his shareholders. The factory workers will get zip._ He's a Trump fan. Shame, shame..
If he does win it’s not because of the votes yes because United States period Want him there cause he talk nonsense that gives you people the courage and everyone else to go around and act like y’all above everyone else that’s the only reason why 90% of y’all want him to win it has nothing to do with making America great again it has to do with Keeping minorities maintained and that’s what you’re all about good luck maintaining us
+Tykira, You're absolutely right. They want Trump to fail so badly they don't care if that failure causes pain & suffering of our own people. Just so long as they can witness Trump fail is all that matters to them, and those people are the scourge of society (and I use the term **people** loosely).
2017 I received the largest bonus in 35 years, got the largest refund ever. 2018 I received the largest bonus in 36 years, and got the 2nd largest refund ever. You may be funny Dave but you is wrong.
All I know is this, during 8 years of Obama my 401k was stagnant. In 3 years of Trump it tripled. And now its even above where it was prior to the Rona
but according to the left we are the rich people. Our decision to save rather than drive fancy cars and live it up but choose to save for a healthier retirement are supposed to be punished because we are privileged despite me being Mexican.
Not only was my 401k stagnant also during the Obama years but the price they charged for maintenance to maintain your 401k was phenomenal they were hit me up for almost $2,000 every 6 months just go in to look at it to yes still there.
I started a trucking company at 22, now I have a freight brokerage with 2 agents and 2 auto haulers on the road. Closing in on 500k gross this year! I never thought it was possible before Donald Trump. My family lost everything in the Obama era, now I'm building it back!
Reduced unemployment? The lowest rates for blacks ever! As usual, it takes a White person to make black lives better. If it wasn't for Whites, blacks would still be living in mud huts and scratching the dirt with sharp sticks. FACT
@Les Williamson That is why the Dems are afraid of Trump, since he encourages all people to make things happen for themselves, instead of sitting down waiting for hand outs. Notice the Dems constantly push the free money temptation, which is a false promise for votes?
Trump is the first president that is engaging the black community (look it up). The dems are the party of the KKK (look it up) they also target black communities with abortion clinics (look it up). The dems have harnessed the black vote for their own gain and have destroyed communities as opposed to helping them (again..look it up)
Wilisarus and what did he lie about? It’s proven other leaders have been lying about their numbers. Nashville mayor lying to keep bars shut? Trump tried to keep people from losing their minds thinking it was the Black Plague. Which it isn’t. 99% survival rate. People committing suicide and getting tagged as a covid death... sorry but we are all getting played
Paul Ashton I’ll never forget Dave’s monologue on SNL that night. I thought it was brilliant. “I’m going to give Trump a chance”....If only the really vocal liberals had done the same. I think they would literally rather die than to name ONE good thing Trump’s done since taking office. Even a broken clock is right twice a day...ya know? It’s sad
America has been drunk, and still is. It will be sober again, one day, yes one day because lots of people deeply care about this country and the constitution.
By the time America gets sober, this nation might be beyond saving. And that's really sad because although America is not/was not perfect, it was a great force for good regardless and that moral authority has been significant diminished.
Lotta brain cells being killed right now. So many, we may never recover. If they don't "sober up" were going to have an even more dismal future than was already predicted
lynn Anathema Hi Lynn, happy holidays. I agree with what you're saying, but to be sober we have to wake up. I think too long we've had blindfolds on because we never anticipate the worst because we already think what we're dealing with IS the worst. We just have to keep our minds open and away from ignorance.
@@computercrazies When Obama became the President after that minorities started abuse whites for the enslavement and talking garbage about them and said that whites have only stolen things and never made anything on their own. Obviously that is not true but pretty much because of that abuse that white people got. Many of the White people became idiots and liberals. Kept on talking about diversity and other ridiculous things like that with the minorities and being White is embarrassing. And the ones who love being White and proud of what they are lead Trump to won the election.
Uncle Ruckus so you’re an immigrant? You have no place speaking on what they want. Nationalism (white supremacy) is a thing of the past and you will never resurrect it no matter where you go.
@@AC-eg5uu I'm an army veteran and former first responder. I'm a black American if you want to be technical. I believe in coming to States the right way not through back door. I would expect same treatment if I was coming to Europe or South Korea. Enter the country legally and the rest sorts it's self out
I didn't laugh not once. It's not even a little bit funny bc I'm a woman of colour who's spent my entire life being told to fix my attitude realizing that what they meant is that THEY are allowed to have the attitude but NOT I.
Dicky Jones Don’t listen to liberals, watch the actions of your party. They’re telling you exactly how they feel about you based on the vote they cast.
Tell the whole story. Simply for saying he was going to give Trump a chance, Chappelle recieved hate mail, and had bookings canceled. He actually had to come out and 'clarify' that he doesn't actually support Trump.
@@3wolfsdown702 nope, good try but mom passed on 7 years now. Maybe it's because of your mom! See that's what happens when you talk about stuff you don't know nothing about.
Stop trying to score brownie points for Rump by trying to be a spokesperson for blacks. Obama started the prosperity and most of them have low paying jobs that are insufficient for their needs. Rump supporters always to to put blacks in it to glorify the dumb con man. I don't know about anybody else but I have been employed since before and after I reached adulthood long before Obama or the dumb man. The majority of us have been holding down jobs and what the statistics are not telling you is that most of these jobs you credit Rump for are not even full time jobs. Speak for yourselves - you do not speak for blacks.
"The best social program is a job." President Reagan Unemployment rate 3.8% Workforce participation rate increasing for the first time since the Bush administration. We can't all be on disability or collecting some sort of government check. More people need to get out of the wagon and help pull the wagon.
Tincup…..Sorry to hear your mind has been indoctrinated and told what to think, not how to think. "Facts are stubborn things." Reagan. Maybe you should get out of the wagon and pull it with the rest of us...……………...
@@Snowcrest289 you are correct, facts are stubborn things so you should check them using independent sources and not biased news stations or whatever. And I have already built some serious muscle from all the wagon pulling.....but nice try. ☺
www.BLS.gov Bureau of Labor Statistics (not a news source, the actual compiler of the stats.) Facts are stubborn things. What is it with you Regressives that makes you unable to accept an actual fact??………….It must be that hyper-active Amygdala (emotional center of the brain) combined with an underdeveloped Cerebral Cortex (the logic/reasoning center of the brain). It's a shame to have to go through life unable to use logic and facts. What a loser.
@@Snowcrest289 I should'nt have to explain this, but yes that is the rate. Now please use your facts to explain why it is so low......facts not feelings and let's see if you are willing to follow the breadcrumbs where ever they may lead. I could simply tell you but you need to see for yourself. Remember, facts not feelings.
Some people are such followers. I was enlisted for almost 12 years w 4 tours....heavy combat 5 times. Me and my bro's stuck together and made it through. We roll back to the real wors and see haterad, racism and complete garbage. Im ashamed of the people that reside in a country that I love and fought so hard for.
Really, getting out of the country and doing a tour would really help everyone's perspective. But we cant ignore that Putin is paying millions to Facebook to generate hatred and division, and Rupert Murdoch is making billions off Hannity's 24/7 hatred and division. There is no financial profit or TV ratings in civility. Ari Melber is 100x more civil and intelligent than Hannity yet probably only makes 1/10 the profit that Hannity does.
@@pn2543 Yeah, the media environment rewards hype and drama. We have to remember that what we see on TV/ internet is not reality, it is a select millionth of reality, selected for it's ability to generate clicks. People are better than we seem lol
What wars were you in? And what was the reason for that war? I’m proud of the farmers who fought for our freedom back in 1776. My son was in Afghanistan,and I asked myself, why is my son really there? Political BS. Funny thing is my son told me is those people want what we want, food, clothing, home, happiness, better life for their children.
That's for sure, yet snl tends to ignore their "material" in favor of only focusing on President Trump. Lorne Michaels has given Alec Baldwin the only acting work he's had the last two years. If it weren't for snl you wouldn't see anything of alec AT ALL!!
+Allst Gar Yeah I saw him make that claim last week. Of course, it's one thing to say it but altogether different to actually DO IT, which is something he would never even try to begin with...lol
Late-night comedy, along with journalism, and along with music...are just completely DEAD in this country. None of these people, except Dave Chappelle, have ever been funny and no one cares about their misguided opinions. Entertainment and politics should always remain two separate worlds. The entertainers who have openly expressed their hatred towards the president have cut their fan base to a third. Good day.
you say nobody cares but what about all those people who cares about their "misguided" opinions? and the entertainers who have "cut their fan base to a third" like stephen colbert is bigger than he has ever been. seems you have some misguided opinions of your own.
Colbert was more than funny at the white house correspondent's dinner for President Bush. But yeah his stuff on Trump is meh. Why nobody's funny in political comedy today is because they all are doing the same joke over and over. (Chappelle excepted)
why dont the celebrities move to another country if its so bad in america? or better yet why dont all the democrat celebrities and superstars fund the construction of reliable and affordable housing for the thousands of homeless people in portland, seattle, san fransisco, los angeles... oh youre going to move to republican governed texas instead... oh ok we see you.
If I'm honest I didn't care who was elected... What I do care about is that our President conducts himself a little better than he has and don't lie sooo much... The reality is comedians are gonna call it like they see it... Dave was the fairest of the comedians, as far as it being said he's a racist, that has always been his style of comedy black and white, he's not racist he just see things from a black perspective.
I disagree just an opinion piece that plasters dave chapelle all over it, see Dave sees those people as poor but in reality they are upper class, retired or christian, so the worst thing about that joke it works better for the democratic party, poor people are fooled into thinking rich people are fighting for them, republicans dont have to lie to keep their constituents just be silent which the democrats end up doing anyways because being silent always gets you more money, silence is the sound of money talking
Dave Joyce it makes sense though the tax cut is actually good for upper class which trickles down to the lower class yeah the middle class takes the hit which is the majority of America but hey at least they dont have to lie about their intentions unlike the democratic party is all lies
Not Tryn... Good story! Yep, good stuffs...Wow, you are delusional, and you scare me. "One cash filled plane after another" HaHaha, that is just insane! I wonder if you really believe that.
John what a joke. Most people are working 2 jobs just to get by. But hey unemployment is low. People that work at Walmart 20 hrs a week count as employed. But tell me how do you make a living or support you family from wages and hrs like that. Plus no benefits. While Walmart makes billions a year. Don’t be fooled
Thank God trump passed laws to help African Americans get jobs! Can someone tells me what trump did to help the black community? Because what i have seen is a trend line where as the economy improved, all communities got more jobs.
@@thecounselorace621 wrong. Im Latinos and im better off now than I was in 2015-16. No one had a problem with Pre Trump. No claims of racism, ever. Nothing at all. The second he won the election CNN MSNBC liberals and the rest of the fake news and Democrats started campaigning. Their first and only go to, their last bullet, claimed Trump a racist. Trump will win, we will keep the Senate and flip the House of imbiciles back to sanity.
It was never a dog pile the way it is today. Go back and find Kimmel or Fallon talking about political current events and getting into twitter wars with politicians in the days before Trump. It never happened.
I don't ever remember watching late night TV and seeing so much political stuff, but when you elect a Twitter troll who has the mind of a child then that is what you get.
Lets all cry like children because we didn't get our way... A democrat has been in office 16 out of 24 years and what has got better? Nothing. Lets face it. Obama was voted in for historical president. Dave even admitted it. They would vote R kelly OJ simpson of flava flav in just because he is black which is ironic because that is racist..the very thing the left accuses the right of.
I cant get over how refreshing it was to watch this clip, for the simple fact yall stayed completely neutral the entire time. You only said , "this took place on.." And then just showed the clips , amazing job, we need more of this. Let people draw their own conclusions instead of telling them how to think. Cause at this point , the people have such little trust in the media , that suggested thinking bias reporting doesnt work anymore , its starting to have the opposite desired effect. Again, great job here.
Now if you look back on this and you look at Trump's accomplishments and things he's done for the African American community I would say he's done a pretty good job so far.
Dave just shut down a reporter from PBS on the different treatment of our ppl. and their's when it came to the treatment of opioid and the treatment of crack i the BLACK communities ,,,,he wasn't ready .....WELL SAID DAVE CHAPPELLE...RESPECT.
Yes I was in Times Square on election night... never seen thousands of people in such a condensed area not saying anything with the complete look of utter shock on their face. People were crying in the subway. It was a crazy night
Why do the people that are put in position to influence how we think, act and feel want Trump gone??? That’s a question I’d love to hear the answer to.
Dave said, " we the historically disenfranchised demand he give us a chance"; lowest unemployment rate in recorded history... There ya go sir, make it happen.
Really? Because I don't recall there being near as many jobs available during Obama's two terms. I'm not a huge trump supporter but its hard to overlook all the economic growth that's came about over the last few years.
@@haydenbelcher6328 www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/mar/01/did-trump-inherit-mess-8-charts-show-otherwise/ I wouldn't lie and I can show black unemployment numbers started dropping under Obama also. It's gotten the highest under trump but that's thanks to Obama.
@@haydenbelcher6328 www.factcheck.org/2018/01/trump-takes-undue-credit-black-unemployment/ here's black unemployment...it's been dropping for the past 7 years. Obama wasn't great but he doesn't get the credit he deserves.
@Nick Ahhh 1. Obama created 10 million jobs in his 8 years. 2. Trump didn't bring back 'millions of jobs' to these rustbelt areas, most job creation is happening in big cities and suburbs. Coal mines and other industries are still losing jobs.
Joey Mathew . What do you think “disenfranchised” means politically, Joey? No cheating by looking the word up. Since you can’t spell the term, I’m betting that you have no idea of what it means. A disenfranchised person is someone who either is not allowed to vote under law, is strongly discouraged from voting, via explicit or implicit threats or intimidation, inconvenient poll locations, limited poll hours, poll taxes, poll exams, or other forms of inconvenience or duress, or is made to feel that voting will have little to no positive effect on him or herself or his or her community. Now, how, precisely, has Trump been beneficial to society’s disenfranchised?
@@blindlemon9 Since you have a handle on the definition, perhaps you could list, specifically, who among us are currently disenfranchised. Illegal aliens don't count.
DC is a genius! One of the best stand up ever. Truly underrated--a ray of light. He reminds me al Ali. Both having special ways of touching both whites and blacks.
People don't understand Trump has a warchess the Midwest states the states with hardly any black people who voted that's how he won. Scary part is the same people in the rural white Midwest will carry him to be reelected in 2020 ,
Sometimes people in comedy! That used to be realy original! and funny with their own edge ! Not like most ! Had no format ! Off the hip ! Now turned to copy! Others who spread Polosies agendas ! Nothing original lost their edge ! Only Trump hatred should be Boie Cotted ! That's not a great comedian that's a fools practice ! Act like every comedian On the Tube!Same subjects same jokes ! No more original style! Nothing fresh and exciting ! Boring same old version crap ! Every single color day or night! Sad state of Lost personality!
Can’t wait to see the late show “comedy” skits when he wins again in 2020. I mean the DNC already blocked Tulsi who is the most likable candidate and they won’t let Bernie have a chance
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee (President Donald J. Trump) shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee (President Donald J. Trump) in judgment thou shalt condemn "IN JESUS' HOLY NAME"..................AMEN!
So true.Everyone under President Donald Trump is doing better and many are really doing very well.Anyone who wants a job can get one.Good times for our country.👨🏿💼🤔🔥🇺🇸
To all the lefty freaks... the liberals are playing u and you’re too stupid to realize. It really is hard to see the truth after you’re brainwashed so terribly isn’t it.
If he was truly fighting for you then wouldn't it be counterintuitive to hate and call him a racist?!? Wouldn't you want him in office?🤨 Media gots you ppl all kinds of fooled on real racism huh😂😭😂
The old saying rings as true as ever. *"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."*
Green Reaper Nah,most just don't want to admit they were. They'll die right literally.
Mister Perez That's true too.
So true, the media does it every single day with their fake news.
Tera Tokomi With all due respect. I have found that people who parrot "fake news" usually are willfully stupid. Please choose another term.
Green Reaper and people who don't or at least are not suspicious are easily decieved...
I love Dave Chappell. He just tells the truth and puts a comedic spin on it. He says what people would like to say.
Man, if he gave me the chance, I would wrap my lips around Dave Chapelle's big black mic and give him the best mic sucking he ever had!
James Hamrick i would too, you can tell he wouldnt be against it
No he dont
@@jameshamrick7553 wow there is something wrong with you?
@@nose4428 why doesnt he? Have you seen his new stand-up? Everything We cant say. Yes he does
“You. Are. Poor. He’s fighting for me!” 😆 sooo true
@@vids595 There are two types of Republicans , the rich ones and the stupid ones.
Jimmy Ray kmsl👎🏾👎🏾
Aaron they most definitely for big profits
@@computercrazies they aren't hurting for money,thats what he's saying! Trump isn't fighting for 70% of the people who.voted for him and those are the poor white populous! But for some weird crazy way they think he is. Or maybe they don't. As long as he continues his assult on everyone non white and contiues his white supremacist banter ams ideals they are fine.. I say that because that's the only benefit I cann see... Dave says he working for him because he's a millionaire and those are truly the only people Trump's disgrace of the democracy benefits...
@Design & more doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out nor a person with eyesight to see it. Especially Nancy "Both Sides of the Fence"Pelosi....
I’m middle class, making more money then I ever have and just bought a house because interest rates are so low. Voting for him worked for me.
I'm still waiting for all those 'celebrities' who swore they would move to another country if Trump won to fulfill their promise...
It's fight or flight....better to stay and fight to get him out of office than leave and abandon our country.
He isn't going anywhere!
The Democrats are looting,Rioting,killing in portland and Ted Wheeler wont let Trump help.Keep voting Democrat and watch Pelosi keep getting her hair done with no mask even though those are here laws.Wake up!
C’mon man Mylie. You should be gone by now!
I'm waiting as well.
There’s a reason why Dave Chappelle is one of the greatest comedians of all time. He’s funny and tells the truth.
Sounds like a racist ... making fun of poor people to me ....
Morons mix metaphors......
@@dibblydooda7604 The fact that you think poor people are a 'race' is a dead giveaway, broski
@@shmackbunz1917 I think 'ol Dibbly is making fun of you. The fact that you don't even get it makes it funny. Get it?
Dave's comedy is pure genius.
I agree,he's great :D
I'm glad to see him back doing stand up,we need his unique brand of comedy,especially nowadays when people need a good laugh
watch Gorge Bush reads My Pet Goat. you will be jaw dropped
Dave chappelle is a wash up just trying to kick start his career again..
alf beef u mad
Cee Montana he's my favorite
You are poor, he’s fighting for me 💀🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭that joke took me out
Good line. "My friend, you - are - poor. He's fighting for me!"
DarkIron Spartacat the best
Even though it's not true
You mean like how a unmarried woman with two kids making $27,000 a year will be getting an additional $1,800 back?
shain edge PLEASE get over the lies. What will happen to that mother when tax breaks expire. Or better how is that trickle-down policy gonna work with her employer decides to move a jobs overseas to make more money, since they now pay a lower tax rate than average citizen.
VM JM: Blame the democrats. They are the ONLY reason the tax breaks are not permanent. Republicans tried to make them permanent. In fact a republican asked Bernie for support in making them permanent. You can guess how far that went.
The man is comical brilliance. Without even trying.
s Hill Your comment sounds smart, but its not. Comedy is about making it seem natural. Thats what he does.
Department of Date - your comment nearly repeats exactly what I wrote. But you totally missed the point. SMH. Stop trying so hard son.
Department of Date - notice I wrote comical and not comedic. There is the implied difference.
Professional comedians do a LOT of work prior to the show. It's their talent to make it seem off the cuff.
If only that were true but his TEAM of writers is deep!!
*My girlfriend's dad says the same thing.* _He's most definitely in the top 1 percent of the income bracket and says the tax money is added profits and will be distributed to his shareholders. The factory workers will get zip._ He's a Trump fan. Shame, shame..
Dicky Jones .....Tough guy, lol.
Are we over compensating for something Dicky? 😂
He’s gonna win 2020 even bigger
If Trump wins then we know America has truly lost it's mind and has decided to commit suicide.
If he does win it’s not because of the votes yes because United States period Want him there cause he talk nonsense that gives you people the courage and everyone else to go around and act like y’all above everyone else that’s the only reason why 90% of y’all want him to win it has nothing to do with making America great again it has to do with Keeping minorities maintained and that’s what you’re all about good luck maintaining us
1:03 Above ground pool !
Dave brought me here .
Sticks and stones
Brilliant just brilliant 👌
that joke went over my head. is an above ground pool a sign of low class?
@@nmarbletoe8210 no, but classifying anything that S. Bee said as "brilliant" is...
@@seancloverlawn2758 yea i'm not down with shaming the above-ground, it's not our fault we can't swim below grade.
@@nmarbletoe8210 It means poor people buy above ground pools. They are NOT wealthy enough to have a below ground pool with all the trimmings.
So many people here are bitter and want this country to fail out of spite.
Budd E Forgot to turn off your caps button 😂
🤣sorry for yelling😂
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+Tykira, You're absolutely right. They want Trump to fail so badly they don't care if that failure causes pain & suffering of our own people. Just so long as they can witness Trump fail is all that matters to them, and those people are the scourge of society (and I use the term **people** loosely).
2017 I received the largest bonus in 35 years, got the largest refund ever. 2018 I received the largest bonus in 36 years, and got the 2nd largest refund ever. You may be funny Dave but you is wrong.
All I know is this, during 8 years of Obama my 401k was stagnant. In 3 years of Trump it tripled. And now its even above where it was prior to the Rona
but according to the left we are the rich people. Our decision to save rather than drive fancy cars and live it up but choose to save for a healthier retirement are supposed to be punished because we are privileged despite me being Mexican.
Not only was my 401k stagnant also during the Obama years but the price they charged for maintenance to maintain your 401k was phenomenal they were hit me up for almost $2,000 every 6 months just go in to look at it to yes still there.
I started a trucking company at 22, now I have a freight brokerage with 2 agents and 2 auto haulers on the road. Closing in on 500k gross this year! I never thought it was possible before Donald Trump. My family lost everything in the Obama era, now I'm building it back!
@Gary Golan You're funny
They didn't just vote for him they voted against her
Yeah and who are you voting for in 2020 or have you ever voted I know who I'm voting for again and I'm willing to bet 1000 bucks that Trump wins Again
I have voted in everyone since I turned 18 and who I voted for since you asked Trump
Yet she got more votes... Go figure
Beth Miner, We live in a Republic, not a democracy!
It is nice how kind, tolerant, open-minded, respectful, and dignified Trump's opponents have been since his election victory. LOL
We learned well from Mr. T.
@BUZZFEEDER_70 only facts clown
Stanton wat
@@williamharris2335 r/whoosh
Because that's how white nationalist racist should be treated, we shouldn't be open minded to Nazis
Dave Chappelle. Is very politically savvy. Listen to him. He's sharp!
and 50 cent and west can you see the pattern after dave said it
he did try to backtrack but he said it
@@sko1beer he was right at the time. Give em a chance
I have other joke:
Trump 2020 🇺🇸
Pence 2024-2032
And Candace Owens 2032-2040
Antonio Rincon you got that right thats a joke
I like it
Got my vote
I'll vote for that.🇺🇸🇺🇸👍🏻👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸
And look at the reduced unemployment numbers for minorities. I'd say he gave minorities and all Americans a great chance.
Reduced unemployment? The lowest rates for blacks ever! As usual, it takes a White person to make black lives better. If it wasn't for Whites, blacks would still be living in mud huts and scratching the dirt with sharp sticks. FACT
@Les Williamson That is why the Dems are afraid of Trump, since he encourages all people to make things happen for themselves, instead of sitting down waiting for hand outs. Notice the Dems constantly push the free money temptation, which is a false promise for votes?
Dave Chapelle is a genius, his jokes are always on point.
Not really
Without a doubt unless you are one of the dumb fks he's talking about.
Trump is the first president that is engaging the black community (look it up). The dems are the party of the KKK (look it up) they also target black communities with abortion clinics (look it up). The dems have harnessed the black vote for their own gain and have destroyed communities as opposed to helping them (again..look it up)
@@LandCruisin nice snobbery..nice left wing bullying
It's Oct 5, 2019 and David Chapelle's words still resonate.
brainchild 🤦🏽♂️😩 So Sad..
They resonate even harder now.
What world do you all live in....I was thinking in 2019 it is the opposite of what Chapelle predicted.
@@TG-jf5kh If you're rich, Trump will fight for you. If you're not, he won't.
@@roxyshow123 I'm not rich and most aren't rich but he's fighting for everyone not just the super small 1% amount of people.
How y’all feelin about Trump getting rid of the gag order on pharmacy’s so they can help people save money on their prescriptions
What, lol?
Idk,I’m still dealing with the fact he literally lied about the virus for months
Wilisarus like how the cdc adjusted their numbers and deaths by only covid dropped to 9,000-10,000
Wilisarus and what did he lie about? It’s proven other leaders have been lying about their numbers. Nashville mayor lying to keep bars shut? Trump tried to keep people from losing their minds thinking it was the Black Plague. Which it isn’t. 99% survival rate. People committing suicide and getting tagged as a covid death... sorry but we are all getting played
@@willb586 Trump isn`t the one telling lies. Keep believing democrat terrorists!
Dave is a deep person with more than himself on his mind. great vid!
Paul Ashton I’ll never forget Dave’s monologue on SNL that night. I thought it was brilliant. “I’m going to give Trump a chance”....If only the really vocal liberals had done the same. I think they would literally rather die than to name ONE good thing Trump’s done since taking office. Even a broken clock is right twice a day...ya know? It’s sad
More...Like... A....Clown
@@valeriegaddy8833 Nah, he is a genius!
Tanya Robinson you know he took that statement back right (?)
@@biesman5 you sayen Dave Chappell is the genius right? Not trump. If you say trump your a fking moron
Quote "if trump is elected I will move to Canada" still waiting
Same lol remember when they said it's as bad as 9/11
Lots of Republicans said they’d move if Obama won again in 2012. It’s a common saying.
Please do
I vote for a blacker canada
LOL Y’all said that in 08 and ‘12 why y’all not leave
America has been drunk, and still is. It will be sober again, one day, yes one day because lots of people deeply care about this country and the constitution.
By the time America gets sober, this nation might be beyond saving. And that's really sad because although America is not/was not perfect, it was a great force for good regardless and that moral authority has been significant diminished.
Lotta brain cells being killed right now. So many, we may never recover. If they don't "sober up" were going to have an even more dismal future than was already predicted
It was drunk when it voted a man in twice simply because of the color of his skin... it's sober now
lynn Anathema Hi Lynn, happy holidays. I agree with what you're saying, but to be sober we have to wake up. I think too long we've had blindfolds on because we never anticipate the worst because we already think what we're dealing with IS the worst. We just have to keep our minds open and away from ignorance.
Media showcases Chappelle in his greatness saying he'd give Trump a chance and then showcase how they never did themselves.....
I love how everyone pretends like this country was never divided lol
Computer Crazies white people are who voted in Obama . So you are highly mistaken
Democrats have become the anti American party of hatred, racism, and daily violence.
@@computercrazies When Obama became the President after that minorities started abuse
whites for the enslavement and talking garbage about them and said that whites have only stolen things and never made anything on their own. Obviously that is not true but pretty much because of that abuse that white people got. Many of the White people became idiots and liberals. Kept on talking about diversity and other ridiculous things like that with the minorities and being White is embarrassing. And the ones who love being White and proud of what they are lead Trump to won the election.
Funniest part of this was the news caster taking about thinking. lol
I'm still going to support Dave Chappelle he keeps it real plain and simple
@Mike Puff - So I guess that means you will be rejecting your socialized medicine, or are you just another hypocritical right wing moron?
Uncle Ruckus who are real Canadians?
Uncle Ruckus so you’re an immigrant? You have no place speaking on what they want. Nationalism (white supremacy) is a thing of the past and you will never resurrect it no matter where you go.
@@AC-eg5uu I'm an army veteran and former first responder. I'm a black American if you want to be technical. I believe in coming to States the right way not through back door. I would expect same treatment if I was coming to Europe or South Korea. Enter the country legally and the rest sorts it's self out
Uncle Ruckus what ideals do you feel you have lost?
"You are poor. He's fighting for me!" 😆 🤣
It's funny cuz it's true lol
erick scherzinger It has to be funny to keep from being sad.
it’s not funny cuz it’s true too
erick scherzinger
It’s funny because it’s true. Until you realize how sad it is.
I didn't laugh not once. It's not even a little bit funny bc I'm a woman of colour who's spent my entire life being told to fix my attitude realizing that what they meant is that THEY are allowed to have the attitude but NOT I.
Dicky Jones
Don’t listen to liberals, watch the actions of your party. They’re telling you exactly how they feel about you based on the vote they cast.
Melissa Mcarthy doing Sean Spicer was the funniest thing I saw this year 😁😁
Hahaha she was epic
AttilatheThrilla you must have a really fun life
Almost as hilarious as obama doing president and Michelle doing female.
When have the comedians been unbiased to the conservative viewpoint since Johnny Carson? Never. It’s all left, all the time. Trump 2020!
Tell the whole story. Simply for saying he was going to give Trump a chance, Chappelle recieved hate mail, and had bookings canceled. He actually had to come out and 'clarify' that he doesn't actually support Trump.
Dave Chappelle is the BEST!! A TRUE LEGEND!!
Yeah but we didn't need this election to know that Dave Chappelle's racist
Dorian Payne Chappelle is a racist??? Since when??? And racist against who???
How about battle of the sexes. Whys it got to be white
Tatina Dunlock He is not as cool as White Men
Lowest unemployment numbers for black people in 17 years since Trump came into office. These are the latest labor statistics.
How’d he do that so quickly?
Stephen Colbert had a seat on that infamous Lolita express...
Yep yep. Most of them are those type of riders!
The smugness, the lies, the hypocrisy - all guaranteeing Trump 4 more years. Thanks guys 👍👍❤
Who was it that destroyed Herman Cain in 2012 and Ben Carson in 2016? The media, that's who!
Why didnt Kimmel keep his promis and move to Canada?
Because he's making too much money under Trump's presidency. They bash America but would never really want to leave. If we could only be so lucky.
Because your mama still here
@@3wolfsdown702 nope, good try but mom passed on 7 years now. Maybe it's because of your mom! See that's what happens when you talk about stuff you don't know nothing about.
@@indyoutsider you probably a liar like your Trump
A room full of black people...and Bradley Cooper. lol
It's funny because BET actually aired the special and Bradley Cooper was the only one that didn't seem to notice he stood out a bit.
Black People like him what?
Alex Avery you sound bothered by that 😂😂
MegaVIDEOPOWER MegaVIDEOPOWER I know I'm one of them. It's a funny joke lol
Donovan Shannon where did you get that idea? I'm black and Bradley cooper fan. I don't get how I sound bothered lol wha???
Late night political shows masquerading as comedy shows. Always has been.
Not when Carson was around
Late night tv shows I can't watch anymore. It's a shame I used to enjoy it but they are all too political.
2016 African-American unemployment rate was 8.4% according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics. As of May 2019 is at 4.9% according to BLS.
Stop trying to score brownie points for Rump by trying to be a spokesperson for blacks. Obama started the prosperity and most of them have low paying jobs that are insufficient for their needs. Rump supporters always to to put blacks in it to glorify the dumb con man. I don't know about anybody else but I have been employed since before and after I reached adulthood long before Obama or the dumb man. The majority of us have been holding down jobs and what the statistics are not telling you is that most of these jobs you credit Rump for are not even full time jobs. Speak for yourselves - you do not speak for blacks.
"The best social program is a job." President Reagan
Unemployment rate 3.8% Workforce participation rate increasing for the first time since the Bush administration. We can't all be on disability or collecting some sort of government check. More people need to get out of the wagon and help pull the wagon.
Snowcrest sorry but that all has been debunked, you gotta keep up.......
Tincup…..Sorry to hear your mind has been indoctrinated and told what to think, not how to think. "Facts are stubborn things." Reagan. Maybe you should get out of the wagon and pull it with the rest of us...……………...
@@Snowcrest289 you are correct, facts are stubborn things so you should check them using independent sources and not biased news stations or whatever. And I have already built some serious muscle from all the wagon pulling.....but nice try. ☺
www.BLS.gov Bureau of Labor Statistics (not a news source, the actual compiler of the stats.) Facts are stubborn things.
What is it with you Regressives that makes you unable to accept an actual fact??………….It must be that hyper-active Amygdala (emotional center of the brain) combined with an underdeveloped Cerebral Cortex (the logic/reasoning center of the brain). It's a shame to have to go through life unable to use logic and facts. What a loser.
@@Snowcrest289 I should'nt have to explain this, but yes that is the rate. Now please use your facts to explain why it is so low......facts not feelings and let's see if you are willing to follow the breadcrumbs where ever they may lead. I could simply tell you but you need to see for yourself. Remember, facts not feelings.
Some people are such followers. I was enlisted for almost 12 years w 4 tours....heavy combat 5 times. Me and my bro's stuck together and made it through. We roll back to the real wors and see haterad, racism and complete garbage. Im ashamed of the people that reside in a country that I love and fought so hard for.
Really, getting out of the country and doing a tour would really help everyone's perspective. But we cant ignore that Putin is paying millions to Facebook to generate hatred and division, and Rupert Murdoch is making billions off Hannity's 24/7 hatred and division. There is no financial profit or TV ratings in civility. Ari Melber is 100x more civil and intelligent than Hannity yet probably only makes 1/10 the profit that Hannity does.
@@pn2543 Yeah, the media environment rewards hype and drama. We have to remember that what we see on TV/ internet is not reality, it is a select millionth of reality, selected for it's ability to generate clicks.
People are better than we seem lol
What wars were you in? And what was the reason for that war? I’m proud of the farmers who fought for our freedom back in 1776. My son was in Afghanistan,and I asked myself, why is my son really there? Political BS. Funny thing is my son told me is those people want what we want, food, clothing, home, happiness, better life for their children.
They not laughing anymore now that their ratings have tanked lol
I find Samantha B to be annoying. At some point they cease to be comedians and just become propagandists.
what? keep dreaming Trumpturd
Blind trumpturds here again huh
@WinGate Mose so fauxy news isnt propaganda 🥱
Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson and Elija Cummings have given SNL enough material for years.
That's for sure, yet snl tends to ignore their "material" in favor of only focusing on President Trump. Lorne Michaels has given Alec Baldwin the only acting work he's had the last two years. If it weren't for snl you wouldn't see anything of alec AT ALL!!
Mike Hawk
Agreed. I find it comical that Alec Baldwin now thinks that if he ran for president, against Trump in 2020, that he would win hands down.
+Allst Gar Yeah I saw him make that claim last week. Of course, it's one thing to say it but altogether different to actually DO IT, which is something he would never even try to begin with...lol
And who do they spend the majority of their time deriding? LOL
Every politician ever has given SNL enough material for years!
Late-night comedy, along with journalism, and along with music...are just completely DEAD in this country. None of these people, except Dave Chappelle, have ever been funny and no one cares about their misguided opinions. Entertainment and politics should always remain two separate worlds. The entertainers who have openly expressed their hatred towards the president have cut their fan base to a third. Good day.
you say nobody cares but what about all those people who cares about their "misguided" opinions? and the entertainers who have "cut their fan base to a third" like stephen colbert is bigger than he has ever been. seems you have some misguided opinions of your own.
No u didn’t think he was funny he is worth 60 million how much are u worth
King of Beards, You stated that so brilliantly. Love it!!
Colbert was more than funny at the white house correspondent's dinner for President Bush. But yeah his stuff on Trump is meh. Why nobody's funny in political comedy today is because they all are doing the same joke over and over. (Chappelle excepted)
Every so-called comedian today needs to learn a thing or two from Johnny Carson. He skewered all politicians. No one was off limits.
curiousela1 57% of Americans pay 0 taxes. The top 10% of Americans pay 80% of all taxes. What's the problem?
Wait have any of them move to Canada , please move to Mexico lol
They all promised they would
why dont the celebrities move to another country if its so bad in america?
or better yet why dont all the democrat celebrities and superstars fund the construction of reliable and affordable housing for the thousands of homeless people in portland, seattle, san fransisco, los angeles... oh youre going to move to republican governed texas instead... oh ok we see you.
Heard Mexico is bangin
@Tattletalered Hermès 22 somehow think theres more to it then that😂
I HATE when people say this. Many of us Canadians do not want your crazy leftist morons. Keep them to yourselves!
Love you Dave!!! You're keeping it real !
belkis castillo Is he?
belkis castillo
VanillaNice lol how cute
Keeping it real...lol..more like being a puppet.
knight Ryder not everyone sees the change though. Stay woke
If I'm honest I didn't care who was elected... What I do care about is that our President conducts himself a little better than he has and don't lie sooo much... The reality is comedians are gonna call it like they see it... Dave was the fairest of the comedians, as far as it being said he's a racist, that has always been his style of comedy black and white, he's not racist he just see things from a black perspective.
"Education and hard work are the levers to uplift a people." ~ W. E. B. Du Bois
sit n spin-- Mattel toys
"Late Night Neutrality."
Phew, those were the days.
Oh man that was such a great segment, good choice for the ending.
+ZERO U I'll be sure to remember that during my colonoscopy.
I disagree just an opinion piece that plasters dave chapelle all over it, see Dave sees those people as poor but in reality they are upper class, retired or christian, so the worst thing about that joke it works better for the democratic party, poor people are fooled into thinking rich people are fighting for them, republicans dont have to lie to keep their constituents just be silent which the democrats end up doing anyways because being silent always gets you more money, silence is the sound of money talking
Yeah. I don't want the tax cut Trump gave me. He can keep it - the jerk - letting me keep more of my money.
Dave Joyce it makes sense though the tax cut is actually good for upper class which trickles down to the lower class yeah the middle class takes the hit which is the majority of America but hey at least they dont have to lie about their intentions unlike the democratic party is all lies
Not Tryn...
Good story! Yep, good stuffs...Wow, you are delusional, and you scare me. "One cash filled plane after another" HaHaha, that is just insane! I wonder if you really believe that.
"You are poor...he's fighting for me" 😂😂😂😂😂
I met Dave in 2005ish we talked for probably 10 minutes. A true down to earth person. A real highlight. I also met Jim Bruer that night as well.
Wow I'd really like to meet you since you're an almost borderline maybe one o these days might meet someone who is awesome kinda guy
Does it make you think? Historical lows of black unemployment. What am I thinking... the press don't think...
John what a joke. Most people are working 2 jobs just to get by. But hey unemployment is low. People that work at Walmart 20 hrs a week count as employed. But tell me how do you make a living or support you family from wages and hrs like that. Plus no benefits. While Walmart makes billions a year. Don’t be fooled
Thank God trump passed laws to help African Americans get jobs! Can someone tells me what trump did to help the black community? Because what i have seen is a trend line where as the economy improved, all communities got more jobs.
@@dlawson688 they can't tell you anything just spewing talking points from the Trump is the best at everything machine.
John gtfo that’s alll you racist lames say trump and his racist cult does not care anything about blacks
dlawson688 clown a lot of us already had jobs before hitler took office leave black ppl alone supremacist
Dave Chappelle is a legend
BeamingSplendor The real Dave was, not this pos.
thses Nutz exactly the " real dave"""" this guy isnt right
That's right .
If you're getting your news from comedians, its fairly safe to say ' The jokes on you .'
Politicians and newscasters weren't allowed to talk truthfully, so comedians had to step up.
@@nmarbletoe8210 yes ,you live in bizzarro world . Thanks for your contribution ..
Dave tried to tell everyone
Dave Chappelle is realer than every young male in hip hop. ALL OF THEM
what. Whats this gotta do w hiphop
this is like the "2 minutes of hate" in 1984, but actuall 24 hours a day in 99% of the channels
Trump supporters who always vote against their own best interests are truly foolish..
@@madlion9060 like that
You are being just a tad hyperbolic, aren't you?
Yours is the absolute best take on what's been going on since Trump took office. Mind if I use your material. It's perfect.
J. R.
I wonder why! 🙄
I think he's looking at Trump differently now. Blacks for Trump 2020!
That was what his hidden message was. "He's fighting for me" meaning for Blacks.
@@kishitendou5492 he could have meant rich, but I think your right.
I bet there's more blacks not for Trump, than there are blacks for Trump.
We need to give congress a thorough house cleaning!
The Senate is the worst racist senate in history
Na, Congress is fine. It's the house that needs cleansing.
@@thecounselorace621 wrong. Im Latinos and im better off now than I was in 2015-16. No one had a problem with Pre Trump. No claims of racism, ever. Nothing at all. The second he won the election CNN MSNBC liberals and the rest of the fake news and Democrats started campaigning. Their first and only go to, their last bullet, claimed Trump a racist. Trump will win, we will keep the Senate and flip the House of imbiciles back to sanity.
Hey, just wait til November 2020😎
"Broke from tradition of late night neutrality"? Are you kidding me?
It was never a dog pile the way it is today. Go back and find Kimmel or Fallon talking about political current events and getting into twitter wars with politicians in the days before Trump. It never happened.
I agree, I thought that was the best joke in this video.
I don't ever remember watching late night TV and seeing so much political stuff, but when you elect a Twitter troll who has the mind of a child then that is what you get.
It was nuetral.
chjaka it's an oligarchy. Popular vote means zilch. Electoral vote always determines the Presidency. Meaning Govt votes in govt.
lmao God bless our comedy's love y'all for keeping us laughing when we feel like crying and cursing.
Lets all cry like children because we didn't get our way... A democrat has been in office 16 out of 24 years and what has got better? Nothing. Lets face it. Obama was voted in for historical president. Dave even admitted it. They would vote R kelly OJ simpson of flava flav in just because he is black which is ironic because that is racist..the very thing the left accuses the right of.
the joke is on us all
its a joke but hopefullly all the morons have enought sense to know its true.
The joke is on poor people. Not the rich people.
alark contrast ever got a check from a poor person? No? Oh, ok.
Broken record time: The Electorial College needs to be trashed!!"
Michael chapter 13 bankruptcy is paid for by the poor for the rich
I cant get over how refreshing it was to watch this clip, for the simple fact yall stayed completely neutral the entire time. You only said , "this took place on.." And then just showed the clips , amazing job, we need more of this. Let people draw their own conclusions instead of telling them how to think. Cause at this point , the people have such little trust in the media , that suggested thinking bias reporting doesnt work anymore , its starting to have the opposite desired effect. Again, great job here.
Brilliant dave is one of the best. I think the best of this generation. Thanks for this.
He was the best until he was bullied by the left and went soft and stupid.
Now if you look back on this and you look at Trump's accomplishments and things he's done for the African American community I would say he's done a pretty good job so far.
So what we need to know is WHY are the movie people going after Trump.....Do they have something to hide?
And that last piece of stand up, No one understood he just called the whole audience poor
love Dave Chappelle
love Donald Trump
TRUMP 2020
Dave just shut down a reporter from PBS on the different treatment of our ppl. and their's when it came to the treatment of opioid and the treatment of crack i the BLACK communities ,,,,he wasn't ready .....WELL SAID DAVE CHAPPELLE...RESPECT.
Yes I was in Times Square on election night... never seen thousands of people in such a condensed area not saying anything with the complete look of utter shock on their face. People were crying in the subway. It was a crazy night
It was a WONDERFUL night!
Yes it was . Such a lovely sight
Why do the people that are put in position to influence how we think, act and feel want Trump gone??? That’s a question I’d love to hear the answer to.
Search AVANGARD hypersupersonic weapons
American culture convulsed...... you mean American Media convulsed...? Yeah, that sounds better.
American culture Voted
9 minutes of padding to show Dave chappelle's zinger. He's still got it.
Nice to see Mr. Chappelle turning to politics ..maybe the Democrats will let him run in 2020
Dave said, " we the historically disenfranchised demand he give us a chance"; lowest unemployment rate in recorded history... There ya go sir, make it happen.
That started under Obama including lowering black unemployment but trump said it was fake news and took all the credit...shame.
Really? Because I don't recall there being near as many jobs available during Obama's two terms. I'm not a huge trump supporter but its hard to overlook all the economic growth that's came about over the last few years.
@@haydenbelcher6328 www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/mar/01/did-trump-inherit-mess-8-charts-show-otherwise/ I wouldn't lie and I can show black unemployment numbers started dropping under Obama also. It's gotten the highest under trump but that's thanks to Obama.
@@haydenbelcher6328 www.factcheck.org/2018/01/trump-takes-undue-credit-black-unemployment/ here's black unemployment...it's been dropping for the past 7 years. Obama wasn't great but he doesn't get the credit he deserves.
Dave asked Trump to give the disenfranchised a chance but the Democrats for 4 years tried to get him kick out.
"you are poor, he's fighting for me" nuff said
@Nick Ahhh 1. Obama created 10 million jobs in his 8 years.
2. Trump didn't bring back 'millions of jobs' to these rustbelt areas, most job creation is happening in big cities and suburbs. Coal mines and other industries are still losing jobs.
some body Obama lost many many jobs ..... a joblessness never seen before in this country
@@beefstew4698 you're completely delusional. He created 10 million jobs in 8 years after the George Bush recession.
some body Whatever you say.
@@beefstew4698 hes right. Obama created many jobs
For the disinfranchized I think Trump has done a lot to benefit them.
Joey Mathew . What do you think “disenfranchised” means politically, Joey? No cheating by looking the word up. Since you can’t spell the term, I’m betting that you have no idea of what it means. A disenfranchised person is someone who either is not allowed to vote under law, is strongly discouraged from voting, via explicit or implicit threats or intimidation, inconvenient poll locations, limited poll hours, poll taxes, poll exams, or other forms of inconvenience or duress, or is made to feel that voting will have little to no positive effect on him or herself or his or her community. Now, how, precisely, has Trump been beneficial to society’s disenfranchised?
@@blindlemon9 Since you have a handle on the definition, perhaps you could list, specifically, who among us are currently disenfranchised. Illegal aliens don't count.
DC is a genius! One of the best stand up ever. Truly underrated--a ray of light. He reminds me al Ali. Both having special ways of touching both whites and blacks.
Why did you have to bring race into this? It was going so well until that.
Drain the swamp and Hollywood!!
One thing to be poor, but to be dumb on top of that is well....good for trump
Jesus Cintron He does love the uneducated and boy do they love him.
Jesus Cintron iii
Voting against their own interests and mistakenly calling it common sense
No critical thinking skills only paranoia and conspiracy theories lmfao SAD!
Jesus Cintron Do you realize Trump won the white college educated vote and did better with hispanics than Romney? Let that sink in dumbshit.
Dave probably loves him now since Trump said he doesn't care about legal weed
People don't understand Trump has a warchess the Midwest states the states with hardly any black people who voted that's how he won. Scary part is the same people in the rural white Midwest will carry him to be reelected in 2020 ,
Rich people can get weed anything
@@alexrobinson6002 he actually won most of the counties in new York, Florida e.t.c. he just did not win the major cities.
"whew ... Comedy doesn't just make us laugh. It makes us think."
Uh, that part wasn't comedy.
He actually said "thick" at 5:43, which in the case of the "progressives" is spot on.
Sometimes people in comedy! That used to be realy original! and funny with their own edge ! Not like most ! Had no format ! Off the hip !
Now turned to copy! Others who spread Polosies agendas ! Nothing original lost their edge ! Only Trump hatred should be Boie Cotted ! That's not a great comedian that's a fools practice ! Act like every comedian
On the Tube!Same subjects same jokes !
No more original style! Nothing fresh and exciting ! Boring same old version crap ! Every single color day or night!
Sad state of Lost personality!
He was talking about his entire monologue lmao talk about thick in the head.
that overground pool joke is brilliant
Can’t wait to see the late show “comedy” skits when he wins again in 2020. I mean the DNC already blocked Tulsi who is the most likable candidate and they won’t let Bernie have a chance
Good luck with that
He will win.
@Petrus Delassio ..wow, you need to be a comedian
You are delusional. Tulsi is not a " likeable candidate ".
@@dsggr6743 you need to by a clue
If Trump is fighting for men like Chappelle then there is a glimmer of hope.
He's talking about money not race.
PLEASE Vote in November.
The blue wave is coming
Yes vote slaves
Dr. Richard Head red, red, red !!!
Getting closer now 10-2-18. We've gained much since your post
That appearance on SNL was just brilliant, Dave is the only comedian (currently) that makes me have uncontrolled laughter. Shumar is a close second.
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee (President Donald J. Trump)
shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee
(President Donald J. Trump) in judgment thou shalt condemn
"IN JESUS' HOLY NAME"..................AMEN!
Almost 2 years since this video... amazing how great it’s been for ALL Americans.
So true.Everyone under President Donald Trump is doing better and many are really doing very well.Anyone who wants a job can get one.Good times for our country.👨🏿💼🤔🔥🇺🇸
What utter b.s.
Jamey Craig Trump 2020! Best economy, job market, and stock market in decades!
T Electronix It’s grrrrrrrrreeeeeaaaat!
To all the lefty freaks... the liberals are playing u and you’re too stupid to realize. It really is hard to see the truth after you’re brainwashed so terribly isn’t it.
The tax cut did help us.....Chip was funded
If he was truly fighting for you then wouldn't it be counterintuitive to hate and call him a racist?!?
Wouldn't you want him in office?🤨
Media gots you ppl all kinds of fooled on real racism huh😂😭😂