CrossFit is Not For Everyone

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 159

  • @uthpastorbrad
    @uthpastorbrad Год назад +44

    I’ve “been doing CrossFit” for almost 3 years but really I’ve been saying for 1 year because that’s when I started following their recommendation on nutrition. I’ve lost almost 75lbs and feel better than I have in a very long time. I say all the time if you just come and do the WOD but your nutrition sucks, you’re not doing CrossFit.

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +8

      I know I’ve seen you pop up on the comments before often, but this is the best comment ever.

  • @kiffe22
    @kiffe22 Год назад +3

    You really have a talent for going on 12min tangents where 11 minutes in I'm still thinking "where is he going with this?!". That being said , most of the time, you manage to reel me back in in the end

  • @patrickfujimoto1608
    @patrickfujimoto1608 Год назад +3

    The clock brings fear to the workout and the fear and pushing through the fear and pain is what builds the mental strength. For me, the nutrition, the workouts, the clock are all what makes Crossfit what it is, but true Crossfit demands that at least a few times a week you are gong to show up and give maximal effort, regardless of how scared you are or the consequences. This is what makes it so special and hooks us. The level of total commitment it requires and the feeling you get once you break through that barrier. Every day is a new mountain to climb.

  • @lamberto79
    @lamberto79 Год назад +8

    I do not personally partake in CrossFit but I enjoy watching it and plan to go into a box one day and give it a go. But these videos always peak my interest. Keep it up Hiller!

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +3

      Awesome. I’ll be waiting for the day 🫡

    • @joeyperes
      @joeyperes Год назад +1

      Don’t wait, do it! Your interest is there, walking thru the door is the hardest part. When you do, you’ll regret you didn’t sooner! Good luck!!

  • @lad9732
    @lad9732 Год назад +8

    I think it’s a matter of framing. Crossfit is for everyone in the sense that anyone who shows up and follows the methodology at their own pace is a Crossfitter. The gatekeepy thing is telling someone who’s balancing other responsibilities in their life that the effort they put in is not enough because they dont count their macros or know their Fran time. They’ll agree that they are not Crossfit athletes, but if they are not doing crossfit 3x a week when they show up at the box, what are they doing? It doesn’t mean u have to reward people just for showing up, but u also cant expect them to feel welcome and included when you tell them they are not doing Crossfit because they aren’t committed enough.
    The difference with catholic school is that religion is imposed on u as a kid (usually) and only later u get to decide whether u believe in it or not as a teenager/adult. Most people show up at CrossFit affiliates as adults and have a history with sports, food and belief so when we talk about inclusion, we mean that we want these guys to feel like they can participate and improve on the sport and its a long term thing, instead of a “join the cult to look ripped and be awesome by following these 12 steps”. Crossfit can be a lifestyle, but should it be? Is that how u would define a crossfitter?
    Again, framing and definitions. But also, what approach would benefit the brand and community in the long term?

    • @colemyers7250
      @colemyers7250 Год назад +2

      I am surprised Andrew hasn't responded to your comment here. This is what I came here to say. I think it's odd to suggest someone isn't a cross fitter if they go do CrossFit multiple times a week, but don't count their macros. That is entirely gatekeepy. I doubt any CrossFit gym is going to tell their clients they aren't cross fitters unless they do x, y, and z. Rather, I imagine most CrossFit gyms feel they are merely a gateway (san gatekeeper) to getting people on a healthier journey in life. It's highly likely folks will start to question their nutrition, sleep quality, etc. after they join a CrossFit gym (at least from my persona experience). Andrew's take is at odds with the reality of CrossFit in that sense.

    • @lad9732
      @lad9732 Год назад

      @@colemyers7250 i think he’s probably busy and it’s ok. I think Andrew, Sevan and this particular subset of crossfit fans are scared that the meaning of being a Crossfit will become watered down for the sake of inclusion. They love the affiliates and have mentioned countlessly how much the brand owes to them but does not give them the attention they deserve. However, they don’t want to neglect that X factor that awakens when they take their weekly crossfit classes more seriously. I just think they are forgetting that every person who’s fallen in love with crossfit has had a different journey and is not fully available at every moment of their life to be a fitness enthusiast. Sometimes fitness is showing up and not sitting on the couch after a long day at the office because right now, that’s the best you can do. It’s not ideal by any means but we cannot tell this person “well sorry, not good enough for us”.

  • @TheMetalstepp
    @TheMetalstepp Год назад +4

    This is the take I didnt know I needed. I always thought it was weird that we were dumbing everything down to include everyone, to the point where the guys/gals who are trying hard in workouts at their box are considered the "crazy" ones.
    I respect that we can provide a service for everyday folks to participate in physical activity in a great environment with great people, but i also feel some type of way when they say "im a CrossFitter". But I also feel that it would be unfair, given the circumstance, to exclude them from the community if theyre not eating correctly or pushing their workouts.

  • @predictivestrength
    @predictivestrength Год назад +13

    Thou shalt be drenched in sweat, gasping for breath. Amen.

  • @chrisgilesinaustralia
    @chrisgilesinaustralia Год назад +25

    For the algorithm

  • @jeramygirard
    @jeramygirard Год назад +10

    Holy shit, I'm a Hiller fan, a scholar of religion, Clergy, and someone who identifies as a crossfitter. This is my arena. However, I can use you're Catholic example to prove the counterpoint. Vatican 2 changed the Mass from Latin to English. Why? So that more people could participate, find meaning, and belonging during the Mass. Catholicism changed. In order to be more available to the masses (pun sort of intended). It's ok for CrossFit to change in the pursuit of changing more people's lives.
    What you're describing is what I'll call CrossFit Fundamentalism. Fundamentalism draws strict lines of what is and is not important, has a preference for an unchanging interpretation, and wants to have distinction between who is included vs. not. Here's the thing. Religious fundamentalists (including family members) have been telling me for decades that I'm 'not a real Christian' because I didn't fit their definition; you as a CrossFit fundamentalist are saying I'm not a real CrossFitter because of how I de-prioritize nutrition. I'm still a crossfitter.

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +5

      This is cool! I’m curious the major things that were changed along with the language in the Catholic Church?

    • @martinloftus6625
      @martinloftus6625 Год назад +1

      I was an altar boy when that change was made. I liked it but others in my Irish catholic family disagreed vehemently. It was very controversial for some.

    • @JavierAcosta-fd4rd
      @JavierAcosta-fd4rd Год назад

      You haven't proven anything. Nothing you've said establishes that CrossFit's changing to be "more available to the masses" is a good thing. You haven't even proven Vatican 2 was a good thing for Catholicism. You've just assumed it. If I recall correctly, it was highly controversial then and still is to some extent today. And changes in a variety of Christian denominations, made in the name of being more inclusive, have been a disaster I'd claim, to the point there are many clergy in a variety of churches no longer really expousing Christianity at all. It's worse than that. The embrace of all sorts of LBGTQ perversions is a direct attack on God himself, conducted from the pulpits of mainline protestant churches. All of this happening at the same time church attendance is dramatically dropping is just a coincidence, I'm sure. Right? No, it's not. People don't seek religion for a malleable, inclusive, socially-approved, believe-whatever-you-want, it's only about love, way of life.

    • @bmartin91797
      @bmartin91797 Год назад +2

      The Mass was significantly changed apart from even just the language. References to “sacrifice” were removed and there were movements for the laity to “make things what they want”. Say what you want, but the state of the Church has certainly gotten worse in terms of fundamental beliefs like the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and belief in the reality of sin

  • @mhill2468
    @mhill2468 Год назад +3

    8:45 They did change the Bible and the religion, Constantine forced Rome to adopt Christianity which their holy day was the seventh day of the week according to the Old Testament and the book of Genesis. (Sabbath, god created earth in six days and rested on the seventh and thus was holy), but saw the people were resistant since ppl were already pagans who held the first day of the week as holy (Sunday… for worshipping the sun, Day of the Sun, Sun’s Day, Sunday, for the sun… pagan’s most important god figure). So Constantine forced the Christian religion to change their holy day from the seventh day to the first day. Rome changed their name for the first day to Domingo… meaning “day of our lord” is Latin. All to be more inclusive. The seven days of the week were named after the seven lights in the sky that aren’t stars, Sunday (sun), Monday (moon), Tuesday (Mars), Wes (Mercury), Thurs (Jupiter), Fri (Venus), Sat (Saturn).Early civilization thought those lights were gods, and called them wanderers because they seemed to wander independent of the hundreds of stars fixed in place. The word planet means “wanderer”. The whole origin of the calendar year, months, weeks, days, etc. are rooted in real astronomy and math. Religions just adopted stories over it. Interesting stuff to look into. Anyways, thanks for attending my Ted Talk.

  • @LIH1978
    @LIH1978 Год назад +4

    It’s mind blowing how every single clip of Greg talking has some TED talk level genius points. Is there a library of his talks somewhere?

  • @Hybrid_Strength
    @Hybrid_Strength Год назад +3

    I feel like CrossFit coupled with walking is the cheat code. Walking is amazing for digesting food and low back pain. High intensity and low intensity a hybrid.

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +1

      Greg Doucette has entered the chat

  • @brandonfowler6013
    @brandonfowler6013 Год назад +2

    Really like the Catholic and Bible analogy Andrew. It doesn’t matter what you think the Bible says, it only matters what it actually says. There are many that try make the Bible for their lifestyle so they can justify the way they live. EVEN religions now interpreting the Bible in a way that fits their members.
    That’s why there must be a clear definition of a Crossfitter and even movement standards that DO NOT change. Great talk Hiller!

  • @JuanaLove6931
    @JuanaLove6931 Год назад +3

    I walked in a bar. I brought up crossfit. 1 dude "said what is crossfit?" Bartender immediately responded, " I think it's a lifestyle. I was surprised to hear that. Maybe it is, a community, in my opinion it's a commitment to being the best you can be. Helping others also by supporting their heath journey. Physical health breads mental health. That's HUGE. Anyone that wants to get healthy and be their best is it. Everyone doesn't want that and that's their choice.
    "JUST DO IT!" It saved my life ❤

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад

      JUST DO IT!!! I like the “it’s a lifestyle” but maybe it’s whatever you want it to be, as long as it betters your life. Which I believe it always does

  • @davidboyle9732
    @davidboyle9732 Год назад

    is street workout the same similar or different than crossfit? thanks!

  • @martinloftus6625
    @martinloftus6625 Год назад +3

    I recently reminded my running partner that we, Andrew Hiller and the majority of people viewing and commenting on this video, have abnormal relationships with exercise and fitness. We are outliers. Exercise is not for everyone. Some people avoid it at all costs. There should be a place in the gym for everyone from those healing a disease to those preventing them. Maybe that's why we don't all go to the same place. Some are happy with or need machines. I prefer a field and some other gear. There is room for all. Just not one room.

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад

      I do think that anyone can fit the mold. But there is a mold to be fit into

  • @Geogaddii
    @Geogaddii Год назад +1

    1) CrossFit is a methodology not a religion. As an academic, any methodology is always worth critiquing and reiterating.
    2) The Bible went through many iterations throughout history, why do you think the one we all read is called “The King James Bible”? Why do you think there’s a New and Old Testament?
    3) I saw another commenter say that your interpretation of CrossFit is fundamentalist and I thought that was fantastic. I fear it’s this very fundamentalism that leads to the average joe thinking that CrossFit is a religious cult. You have the introduction of new language, controlling of eating, following the guidance of only one individual, it fits the BITE model for defining cults.
    4) Just curious about how you’re interpreting “100 Words” as “being aware of what you eat”. Vegans are very conscious of what they eat, but they don’t follow “100 Words”. Are they or are they not CrossFitters?

  • @TheOriginalSteveMiller
    @TheOriginalSteveMiller Год назад +4

    There must be a certain willingness to suffer. So many want zero part of suffering.

  • @relaxationstation7B
    @relaxationstation7B Год назад

    Really love the message here. Thank you!

  • @JimmyAlbrecht
    @JimmyAlbrecht Год назад

    So True. I may not be 100% or be able to hit every weight I want to on a given day. When I do show up, I'll put it whatever effort I have that day, and try to beat that clock. The only out I allow myself is injury or extreme sickness (fever, etc.). The discipline from showing up 6x a week even when I don't want to and maintaining a good diet has carried over into other aspects of my life.

  • @dylanboudreaux9916
    @dylanboudreaux9916 Год назад +6

    I’m a blend. Drank the kool-aid hardcore for years. Now I do a little bit of everything and I do NOT stress a clock 70% of the time.. but my nutrition is on point. Guess I ain’t a crossfitter 😜

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +1

      Well it sounds like the clock plays a role SOMETIMES

    • @dylanboudreaux9916
      @dylanboudreaux9916 Год назад

      @@hillerfit you are correct my friend. Love your channel. Keep it up brother 🤘🏼🤘🏼

  • @castrodc12
    @castrodc12 Год назад +1

    I wish I understood anything Glassman said so I could also be enlightened

  • @freakied0550
    @freakied0550 Год назад +4

    *tells the internet not to be a dick*
    Bold strategy Cotton 😂

  • @apathyfern6487
    @apathyfern6487 Год назад

    Favorite Hiller video so far!

  • @Guapovstheworld
    @Guapovstheworld Год назад +1

    Am I insane that anyone/ everything isn't new? I've been saying that for years and just assumed I picked it up at my L1 or L2

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +1

      Nope it’s been around. Just not echoed

  • @JamieoftheNorth
    @JamieoftheNorth Год назад

    If RUclips allowed me to respond with gifs, I would post one of thousands of people standing up and applauding loudly.

  • @morimo11
    @morimo11 Год назад +4

    If you don’t convert freeway signs into meters and think how long it would take to run are you even a crossfitter?
    Ooh 3/4 mile to my exit, that’s 3 400’s. 6 min.

    • @raejoy87
      @raejoy87 Год назад +1

      Lived in Europe & totally did this minus having to do the conversion 😂 🤓

    • @morimo11
      @morimo11 Год назад +1

      @@raejoy87 you are a crossfitter my friend

  • @edpayne29
    @edpayne29 Год назад +10

    For Al Gore's rhythm

  • @Dadplod
    @Dadplod Год назад

    The Cop analogy is spot on! I'm here to learn a little about law so I don't get into trouble down the line, not to be a attorney.Flipped...I'm doing CrossFit so the wheels don't fall of when I reach 65 and I can wipe my own butt, not win the Games!

  • @sarahcomardelle
    @sarahcomardelle Год назад

    I appreciate your expansion on the thoughts; however the problem with videos like this is it’s a Crossfitter talking to other Crossfitters about what makes a Crossfitter. I’d like to hear more about CrossFit being for anyone and what that means. When I started I couldn’t do a lunge and could hardly get off the ground from a burpee. Crossfit changed my life! However, the way we talk about it gets interpreted as too intense by the people that need it the most. They don’t understand the nuance of the conversation so this is fine for your channel for Crossfitters. Out in the world the message needs to focus on the “anyone” part.

  • @jackiemilley2805
    @jackiemilley2805 Год назад +1

    If we are going to expand on the catholic analogy here is what i will add: Yet, you can still be a catholic when you break those commandments IF YOU REPENT!! EX: have a glass of wine at a wedding but on Monday you do a harder workout than normal (murph).
    I realized yesterday at the gym that I was truly a crossfitter because I was one of two people at my college gym who was cycling a barbell under a time domain and sweating (the other person was an Olympic lifter).

    • @ramblr5900
      @ramblr5900 Год назад

      yep, Crossfitters sweat alot at the school gym. Metcons will do it!

  • @kenneth1559
    @kenneth1559 Год назад

    “What you eat” doesn’t make you CrossFit. That’s a No Rep! Void for vagueness!
    Still luv your shit keep going

  • @TheHazchic
    @TheHazchic Год назад

    I used to have clients that CF'd like crazy, but didn't eat ENOUGH. CF can be a stressor, so if you aren't managing by recovering, eating well, eating enough, sleeping, pooping, managing other stressors in your life, etc., then it isn't for you. You will probably break.

  • @Coach_nicklowe
    @Coach_nicklowe Год назад

    The best video yet !!

  • @jeremyeatworld807
    @jeremyeatworld807 Год назад

    Damnit dude, this is brilliant! You are entirely NOT off your rocker! Peeps are tripping, and you're trying to pull out the sticks in front of them!!

  • @danielevans4672
    @danielevans4672 Год назад

    When is strict pull ups coming???

  • @raejoy87
    @raejoy87 Год назад +2

    Been trying to incorporate more nutrition into my coaching & goal sessions with members! I need to print a giant CF pyramid - I got my L1 when Reebok was still giving us tees & that pyramid is on the back & I wish we could get more of them made. We love exercise but nutrition is the true key! (To health…& longevity in fitness)

  • @Ktmcg2289
    @Ktmcg2289 Год назад +5

    You're right, we all know the people who try crossfit but cant handle the intensity, discomfort, and fear of failing. They go to f45

  • @dvdjks
    @dvdjks Год назад +1

    I agree with her. By Hiller’s standards, most of my box aren’t CrossFitters. Including me. But who cares? Buncha hunks.

  • @7thlevelrealestate1
    @7thlevelrealestate1 Год назад

    You get it Hiller. Well said.

  • @milostea
    @milostea Год назад +1

    CrossFit is for anyone who is willing to put in the work. However, not everyone is willing to do so.

  • @seansullivan1055
    @seansullivan1055 Год назад +1

    Well done Hiller

  • @meganleewhite
    @meganleewhite Год назад

    Get em 🙌

  • @ftrprez1747
    @ftrprez1747 Год назад

    So specifically Zone diet or not a CrossFitter?

    • @ClockCutter
      @ClockCutter Год назад

      The CrossFit diet prescription in the 100 Words, "Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.", is not the Zone diet. The Zone diet is a specific prescription for how to eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar, particulary, how to portion macros and the frequency of meals. I take myself to follow the former, usually, but not the latter. I don't care to calculate macro ratios or count calories for that matter, and just focus on eating meat, vegetables, and fruit in whatever ratio of macros feels good.

    • @JimmyAlbrecht
      @JimmyAlbrecht Год назад +1

      @@ClockCutter Right. Sometimes I want lots of pasta and might not hit the "optimal" percentage of protein. I don't want that stressing me out haha.

  • @Sam.Valenzuela
    @Sam.Valenzuela Год назад

    8:20 listen to the “clock” from the sevan comments 😂

  • @karmicneurot9829
    @karmicneurot9829 Год назад +1

    "...thou shalt honor thy founder..." yes

  • @jsizzle911
    @jsizzle911 Год назад

    @hiller, I don’t think the two of you are necessarily mutually exclusive. When I started CrossFit, I wasn’t a full “convert” at first, but I would still say that I was doing CrossFit. I had a lot of the elements but overtime I began to incorporate more and more things such as nutrition. I think the inclusivity comes when people and coaches in the class are welcoming to anyone that shows up and gives everyone a chance to drink the Kool-Aid ultimately, though, you are correct to be a true CrossFit are you Gotta be all in

  • @marymissmary
    @marymissmary Год назад +5

    OMG thank you for civil discourse!!

  • @RoosterJaxn
    @RoosterJaxn Год назад


  • @milsdobaggins
    @milsdobaggins Год назад +1

    isn’t anything for anyone but not everyone? Not trying to troll. Serious question.

    • @Geogaddii
      @Geogaddii Год назад +1

      Yes. It’s a vacuous statement that sounds profound.

    • @milsdobaggins
      @milsdobaggins Год назад

      @@Geogaddii haha glad it isn’t just me

  • @jamesclementepjjjvb7331
    @jamesclementepjjjvb7331 Год назад

    AMEN🙏 🙏 🙏

  • @davidavid555
    @davidavid555 Год назад


  • @davidgutierrez4059
    @davidgutierrez4059 Год назад

    Love your videos.

  • @WilAlexander
    @WilAlexander Год назад

    This is more of a conversation of when does someone who does CrossFit become a Crossfitter. Can you be a Crossfitter by showing up to the box, following the clock and pushing themselves most days? If you show up to a mountain, throw on skis and go down the hill - are you not a skier?

    • @JimmyAlbrecht
      @JimmyAlbrecht Год назад

      I play golf sometimes, but I am most certainly not a golfer. I'm terrible and just do it to spend time with friends who enjoy it.

  • @valeriemalenfant
    @valeriemalenfant 11 месяцев назад

    i'm a runner ... every body can run but it's not for everyone .... but why I like running and will never do crossfit is because you can run 100 m or 42.2km and you still can call yourself a runner. Food for thoughts

  • @briankennedy4151
    @briankennedy4151 Год назад

    Commenting because i want other people to see this video

  • @muskegoncrossfit7382
    @muskegoncrossfit7382 Год назад


  • @seinsfrage
    @seinsfrage Год назад +1

    the big c catholic thing tracks so hard. #guilt #shame #selfflagellation #excommunication

  • @RogueCylon
    @RogueCylon Год назад +1

    Never a controversial title. 😂😂

  • @jonathancreech85
    @jonathancreech85 Год назад +2

    You went through how the Ten Commandments point out that we all fall short. We cannot meet the standard God set, and the penalty is death, unless someone pays the price for you. Just like in a court of law, a good judge doesn’t lower the standard. But if someone pays your penalty you can go free. And Jesus did that for you so you don’t have to be pressed by guilt.

  • @ryanmetcalf8483
    @ryanmetcalf8483 10 месяцев назад

    I wish CrossFit would hire you.

  • @richfroningsr4387
    @richfroningsr4387 Год назад

    Random thoughts? I grew up Catholic, but now am non denominational!
    I Love My Lord And Savior!
    That being said?
    I am Constantly Varied Functioning Moving all Day friggin Long but at medium intensity! Ha
    At 60yrs old and seeing younger/ older peeps at the gym moving that typically have a sedentary lifestyle? There is a community!
    CrossFit works!
    And did I mention that I Love My Lord and Savior?! Ha

  • @ClockCutter
    @ClockCutter Год назад +2

    Let us all pray for Kerida. Dear Lord, our sister has a Satanic malignancy in her soul, the demon of inclusivity. May you give her the strength and wisdom to find her way to the Redeemer, Pukie the Clown. Amen.
    Lol. My Chicago born, Polish Catholic mom would not be happy with this playful blasphemy. I'm feeling a tinge of shame.

  • @ramblr5900
    @ramblr5900 Год назад +3

    4th 😢 missed podium

  • @tylerhaley3166
    @tylerhaley3166 Год назад


  • @xystericalnh3182
    @xystericalnh3182 Год назад +4

    What about taking steroids and peds... ?
    Are you a crossfitter if you're on juice?
    How does that affect your vulnerabilities?

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад

      I have no current opinion on this and am open to being swayed. However, I wounded if it matters if you’re open about it

    • @xystericalnh3182
      @xystericalnh3182 Год назад

      @@hillerfit obviously not, since it will definitely skew and give you unrealistic results
      If you put in a 50% effort, on juice, you'll get results equal to 60% effort (or more). Meaning, cheating your own biology.
      + its not really mentioned in the crossfit methodology
      I think that should disqualify you as a crossfitter, if you do any modification to your bodies natural potential.

  • @RobMackay-nb4yn
    @RobMackay-nb4yn Год назад

    Nice discussion. I think you’ve hit on a current trend where people want something to be, but it’s just not true. You want it to be true. It’s just not reality. Like…I run marathons, but don’t run farther than a mile. I’m a vegan but eat meat five days a week. At some point it’s just not true.

  • @tomaberg6370
    @tomaberg6370 Год назад


  • @HusbandFatherPastorCoach
    @HusbandFatherPastorCoach Год назад

    Was Rich not a CrossFitter when he wasn’t counting macros and drinking chocolate milk?

  • @seansullivan1055
    @seansullivan1055 Год назад +1

    It's all about intensity. Which is where the time domain comes into play. It's like people who track their steps. You know I got my 3000 steps in today and they are drinking and coke and eating chips.

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +1

      IMO intensity turns into vulnerability?

    • @seansullivan1055
      @seansullivan1055 Год назад

      @@hillerfit exactly nothing more vulnerable than laying on the floor in a pool of sweat thinking holy poop that sucked but I made it through

  • @J_Wolfe86
    @J_Wolfe86 Год назад

    I agree with you, but I will say: Christianity (use that word loosely) did change to “gain members” over time. Adding pagan holidays and mixing them with Christian ones (Christmas in Dec, Easter, etc..) women pastors and dare I say without being killed…. Acceptance of homosexuality 😬😬😬
    I feel like I need to note that I don’t care what people do in the bedroom or really anything in their lives as long as they don’t infringe on others’ rights.

    • @ClockCutter
      @ClockCutter Год назад +2

      I'm pretty sure that's an argument for maintaining CF orthodoxy, given the plight of Christianity today with all its liberal reforms.

    • @J_Wolfe86
      @J_Wolfe86 Год назад

      @@ClockCutter I don’t disagree, just wanted to point it out.

    • @ClockCutter
      @ClockCutter Год назад +1

      @@J_Wolfe86I understand. I didn't take you to be saying the changes in Christianity were necessarily a good thing.

  • @elizabethbest719
    @elizabethbest719 Год назад

    Any organization with no rules/boundaries/definitions is not an organization. It's literally nothing.

  • @daveborders7312
    @daveborders7312 Год назад +1

    How the 10 commandments are interpreted changes all of the time…thou shalt not kill…seems pretty unambiguous but of course most Christian leaders would say not a sin if in self defense or under an authorization of war etc but that’s not what it says. Rule books, am I right? We all know what a thruster is

    • @edpayne29
      @edpayne29 Год назад

      Thou shalt not murder. Different than killing

    • @daveborders7312
      @daveborders7312 Год назад

      Agreed. Go to 5:27 and #5 on the list is "kill." Your book says "murder?" That goes to the other tricky part of the translations.

    • @bmartin91797
      @bmartin91797 Год назад

      Actually the word for “kill” is better translated “murder” which self defense or accidental manslaughter is not. The rest of Leviticus expounds on this. The Jews weren’t dumb

  • @JCole808
    @JCole808 Год назад +1

    Like for blue's clues

  • @jonathanlane7370
    @jonathanlane7370 Год назад +1

    Call me a sinner. I want legs like…

  • @stephenbenecke7652
    @stephenbenecke7652 Год назад +2

    I see it in the entertainment industry all the time: "If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one." Making something "for everyone" simply comes from greed, since they can then sell it to more people. But in the long run it loses all value. A decade from now, Crossfit might be unrecognizable :(.

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад

      We don’t know that for sure. I think it’s at a tipping point. The message has to become stronger than ever

  • @TanyaMBowers
    @TanyaMBowers Год назад

    Blues Clues!!! …but I digress…

  • @HaydenGoodalll
    @HaydenGoodalll Год назад

    Fucking nailed that one dude!

  • @dustyhayes9569
    @dustyhayes9569 Год назад

    Regardless of what your nutrition is if you come and do the CrossFit workout then you do CrossFit
    To say that if you don’t eat the CrossFit way you don’t do CrossFit is stupid. Even Froning used to eat like crap when he competed in CrossFit. I guess he wasn’t a crossfitter? Do I think it’s important to eat healthy? Of course. And if you look at a lot of the competitive athletes they eat a lot of starch…

  • @stevegaspar
    @stevegaspar Год назад

    I never want to join a group or club tbat wants me as a member...

  • @Greg_Glassman
    @Greg_Glassman Год назад

    I just speak my truth
    I also low Downers Grove. There's a cool board game shop there called Fair Game.

  • @jeffreybirchfield1370
    @jeffreybirchfield1370 Год назад

    Don't belong to a box but follow 2 CrossFit athletes programming. Must be a CrossFitter. #PayHim 🦇

  • @Kent_sykes
    @Kent_sykes Год назад +1


  • @Bern1808
    @Bern1808 Год назад +4

    It has always come across to me that you vibe 100% Catholic. It could be a game recognizes game thing.

    • @hillerfit
      @hillerfit  Год назад +1

      Oh very interesting. You're probably right

  • @ramblr5900
    @ramblr5900 Год назад

    Gameboy…The OG Nintendo switch? Do you coveted this ? 😏

  • @roderikmeijer7916
    @roderikmeijer7916 Год назад

    Evolution is not for everyone..CrossFit performed as a member or professional is also not for everyone…even any random task performed in live is not for everyone..but any task can be scaled and therefor taught and conquered by anyone…somehow this feels religious..mind blown😂😂

  • @parker5225
    @parker5225 Год назад


  • @erica9563
    @erica9563 Год назад

    I'd much rather your definition of crossfit than the "cult" definition that gets thrown around

  • @HeavyLiftHomeGym
    @HeavyLiftHomeGym Год назад +1

    Shirtless is better.

  • @abstractgeniuscomments
    @abstractgeniuscomments Год назад

    Actually, I thinks that bible-thing got changed a few times....🧐

  • @Gratefulmomdoc
    @Gratefulmomdoc Год назад +2

    Great points, if you don’t have a North Star, you won’t go in the right direction. However, I’m a vegan crossfitter. I eat beans, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds but I don’t eat processed garbage . Forgive me Father for I have sinned. 😅

    • @JimmyAlbrecht
      @JimmyAlbrecht Год назад +1

      It's ok I probably eat enough meat for the both of us.

    • @raejoy87
      @raejoy87 Год назад +1

      You & me both, sis 🖤

  • @animalbasedguy9488
    @animalbasedguy9488 Год назад

    Yep, same for people who say they need to change the game workouts/events for viewers who don't know what crossfit is. That's a no. People need to learn what crossfit is not change it to something they already know. You can't compare other sports like elite runners, swimmers, weightlifter to crossfit. Broad time and modal domains, it's not specialization.

  • @swat486
    @swat486 Год назад

    You can’t sleep with your neighbors wife ? Damn it

  • @anyadeering
    @anyadeering Год назад +1

    Wait wait wait first of all this is NOT the direction I saw this going but also…… there is enormous selective interpretation of the Bible, that’s like the entire mo of modern religion. That’s why we’re okay with wearing blended fabric and also not stoning women.

  • @farskygooglification
    @farskygooglification Год назад +1

    When you gonna accept Islam?

  • @pw91686
    @pw91686 Год назад

    He seems drunk honestly 🤔

  • @DavidWied
    @DavidWied Год назад

    Sports is not for everyone, but it is for anyone.

  • @dvdjks
    @dvdjks Год назад

    Not a Catholic, but I see the Catholic Church having way more longevity than the CrossFit methodology. People are going to discover you can’t do it for a lifetime. You’ll break. You’ll see.

    • @JimmyAlbrecht
      @JimmyAlbrecht Год назад +1

      Tell that to the 50+ year old men and women that show up 5 days a week in most CrossFit gyms.

    • @dvdjks
      @dvdjks Год назад

      @@JimmyAlbrecht I don’t accept your premise. They’re aren’t that many 50+ year olds doing CrossFit. Look at the Open numbers. Try setting up a local comp with a 50+ division and see how many sign up. Regardless, NOBODY has been doing Crossfit that long. Keep gorging on that cortisol. It will catch up with you. Argue with me in 10 years.

  • @KKai-oc7fq
    @KKai-oc7fq Год назад
