That scream. It's like deeper then your ❤️. It's like something ripping and tearing away trying to open up and escape from your chest except it's trying to tear away from the depths of your soul. It's a scream you recognize as your voice but barely recognize as yourself.
I lost my 3 year old son in an automobile accident where I held him afterwards, I’m still recovering from brain trauma and extensive seizures as I already had epilepsy. This song is how I feel. Thank you. I love you Dean Lawrence, mommy will be with you as soon as possible. You are always safe and loved.
Wow never in my 24 years of existence have I found a song that is exactly me . This is it I felt this on so many levels brang tears to my eyes . Wow dude .
Josh if your an Empath you pick up on others you sense life and feel everything so when this song played you felt a connection because you have your own gifts inside that you don't tell the world about 😑 We sense things we feel more then others . You don't hold in all there pain learn to release it too the universe. ❤
I can't take this feeling Hurts too much from inside And I don't know why Something ain't right If I never wake up Then maybe I'll be alright I don't wanna cry I'm trying to fight I can't take this feeling Hurts too much from inside And I don't know why Something ain't right If I never wake up Then maybe I'll be alright I don't wanna cry I'm trying to fight Lately, I don't even really know myself Push away anybody that would help Tried to be the person I was But there ain't nothin' left, I'm goin' through hell Feel dead inside, I'm just goin' through the motions So petrified of showin' true emotions I'll do anything to numb the pain Watch chapters while my own life's bein' stolen It's like people see straight through me Friends who once knew me These dark thoughts consume me Runnin' from all of my battles I'm such a coward I don't know how I'm copin' Maybe I'm just overthinkin' everything Maybe this is all stuck inside my head This all pushin' me over the brink Sometimes think I'd be better off dead I can't take this feeling Hurts too much from inside And I don't know why Something ain't right If I never wake up Then maybe I'll be alright I don't wanna cry I'm trying to fight It's like I'm a visitor in my own skin I can try to fight it but I'll never win And I can't see straight, liquor in my veins I'm dyin' in pain Hide it all behind the mask of a smile Stayin' busy only helps for awhile I wish that I could love myself I'm so lost, I'm so lost I can't take this feeling Hurts too much from inside And I don't know why Something ain't right! If I never wake up Then maybe I'll be alright I don't wanna cry I'm trying to fight
My fiancé was murdered almost a year ago. I just found this song, and wow it speaks to me! The depression comes in waves and songs like these give me some sort of comfort. Thank you and keep it coming. You gained a new fan today.
It's been said, severe depression is living in a body that fights to survive and with a mind that longs to die. What does one do when the very world you live in is your prison? What does one do when hope is nothing more than a poison in your veins? Thank you Ollie for the message and reminder even tho in my tiny dark world, I am not truly alone. Thank you for sharing the parts of your story in your music and choosing to share it with all of us. I don't know how I would get through each day without your music, please dont ever stop and for the love of God somebody please get this man a record contract.
I may be surrounded by friends but no matter what i feel alone and ive been close to taking my own life a few times and idk how im still here bc the world would be better off without me
Can you deal with the pain? Are you willing to let those emotions make you suffer? You're the one in control. Are you going to let it control you or are you going to control it? That's your fine line between life and death. Only you can choose which path to follow. Choose wisely.
It's not only can you deal with the pain.. can you end it knowing that everyone around you really does care about you, and your just lost inside yourself wanting to feel truly loved after everything being ripped away from you. Not loved by family and friends but the one who can truly understand you and accept you for the who you are, even your fucked up mind. I feel it.. just wanting someone to come home to each night who is happy to see you because you truly make there day better, but they have no idea that you need them more than they will ever know.. They are the reason you want to get back up in the morning and keep moving forward in life and going to work. They make you feel more alive than you have ever felt before, they get you higher than any drug you have ever taken just by being in their presence. Im still making my way there, but it is possible. never give up hope. Everyone is broken in their own way, even if they wont admit it.. I was in a mental abusive relationship for 7 years and never knew it wanted to kill myself multiple times after she left but it's really not worth it in the end. You will find someone who makes you feel like your life is worth living. dont chase anyone, just go through the motions everyday untill they come along because when you meet them you will know just from how they make you feel being around them and how they treat you. 🤙
After 5 years of dating and 8 months of marriage I thought it was my fault because I didn't fight to keep her. When in reality through out our relationship She was the one that would always leave when we got an arguments, she would accuse me of cheating and flirting when I didn't and wasn't, A waitress or clerk would talk to me and that was it, I never flirted, then I would have to beg and cry for her to come back. Our last fight before we got married the words that came out of her mouth were "pack your shit and get the fuck out"(breakupwords). Because she thought I cheated, it was a dance with a friend's friend at a wedding while I was waiting to dance with herthe bride for the dollar dance, She had no problem with me dancing with the bride. This all could have been avoided if she came to the wedding After the birthday party, that she was invited to also. We broke up for 2 weeks still talked Which I then started talking to my friend's friend "dance partner". My ex was begging for me to give her another chance, So I broke it off with Friends friend. Her and I started dating again she wanted to get married so we rush the marriage for Halloween of 2020. That lasted 8 months because she Continuously accuse me of cheating with dance partner and other females and then she would not drop it So it's start more fights Every time. Every little thing she would use for leverage use for leverage saying I broke her heart i betrayed her yadiyada. She said she needed time an space I gave her time in space. Come to find out couple months down the road she's in a full blown relationship While we're still married with somebody else but her and I are still talking trying to work things out. I beat myself up for not fighting to keep her. I started looking up quotes and memes the one that helped me the best and hopefully it helps you. IF A PERSON LOVES YOU, THEY WON'T LEAVE YOU. THERE CAN BE A MILLION REASONS TELLING THEM TO LEAVE, THEY ONLY NEED ONE TO STAY. You are better off without them, you can do better. Break-ups are hard it's tough it sucks, There's always someone better We just gotta find them. I know it's 3 years down the road but this may help somebody else that hears this song. Never know you might look back at it and see it. Peace bro
while listening to this. i said i wish i was normal. my daughter replied "you are normal mom, we're all human" whoever is listening to this song, stay positive. things will get better
This pretty much sums up this entire year for me, but my Depression is getting a lot worse. I feel so paralyzed, empty. Loneliness and Depression is the most volatile mix ever. I don't remember a time in my life in which i haven't been Depressed, this feels so fucking miserable. Endure and survive, but it's so pointless, meaningless.. Trying to fight but my cries and screams all fall on literal deaf ears. NO ONE CARES, this i truly know, i've known a long time ago. Hell i don't even know what the point is in writing this but if others read this and too suffer through Depression i'm sorry.. I wouldn't wish this disease, this vile toxic on even the worse of people. Thank You Ollie for this, i can't help but to feel so alone but music like this is what truly matters because it genuinely helps. I hope you make it big one day, i've listened to your other song Stuck and again it resonates so much.
Mike55690 Ik how u feel and when people say u have it all u don’t have to worry about anything I just wanna punch them just because I don’t struggle with food or a home doesn’t mean I don’t struggle mentaly
I'm a song write , and I just started listening to Ollie's music about a week ago by listening NF and I wish I could put my emotions into my songs again like Ollie's, right now my songs are pretty messed up because I feel empty, alone. My dreams (nightmares)feel more real then anything in my life and it make me believe things I shouldnt belive or it brings back the memories I got rid of (not like horrible kind of memories, I've never been abuse or anything like that but in my dreams I have and the feel real than anything). I got bullied my whole life as a kid and people talk bad about me, saying rude comments but I came to myself a few years ago before I suddenly got anxiety, I told myself that no one else opinions matter besides mine and as long I'm myself thats matter to me. I experienced depression my whole life up until recently I just felt empty and I started to have really bad anxiety a couple of years ago but no one is the only one going through things, there are many people. Ollie's songs i can relate to along with a couple other people. Well I don't know what I'm really saying but I thought I should just tell this and hope other people who need to hear this, hear this.
Was listening to my playlist while sleeping, and I woke up to Ollie screaming "something ain't right" which is eerie to me because that's how I've been feeling for a while . I've had this song on repeat ever since.
I found this song right before I was leaving for my sixth time going into a psychiatric hospital. I was exhausted, beat, and thought I lost. I got sober by going through rehab and thought that would stop my inner struggles, but they were louder than ever since I couldn’t numb them anymore. I do believe this song saved my life. Trog
Song kills me every time. Me and my brother were listening to this smoking a joint talking about life right before he passed away. I miss you brother LLD 🕊.
Stop living as dead.. And always moan this and that.. Put your ass up and do something worthy.. Its easy to sit and waste life by moaning and complaining stuff
You're my favorite artist of all time! All you're songs hit me on a personal level because I've been there, and every time you put out a song it's exactly like what I'm going through
I come back to this song everyday and can’t help but feel it’s stopping my suicide or the last song I’ll listen to before I end this pain I’ve brought upon my life
Wtf I'm being blown away. I just found your music, but it came at the right moment in my life. Thank you. It helps to know others have been in the same place
I often feel attracted and personally connected to emotional music, but mostly for a verse or 2. This song just describes everything I went through and what I'm still trying to heal myself from. It helps a lot hearing your music and reading the comments. We should not be afraid of showing our weaknesses, since that's what makes us stronger. Making mistakes and going through tough times only helps us in the future. We, who have suffered, are stronger than anyone else.Don't let people tell you otherwise, you are here with us and you are among the strongest of us all. We love you. Thank you for your music to let us connect, Ollie.
Me. Hit me in my feels. Thank you Ollie for singing about real things we go through, thoughts we have, and feelings we feel. Love all of your music. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your music.
Tbh tonight has been one of my darkest nights so far. I've cried so much an I feel like I've failed this week, this song literally describes me rn, I'm literally alone crying in my room with music a notepad and a half cried through role of toilet paper cuz I don't want anyone to see me rn I have a bf and life's better with him it's just this week is like I was just punched in the face with all of the depression my mind could muster up I feel so freaking alone This song helps tbh Cuz I've gone through so much shit and I freaking hate it Sry for the long rant ik most of u will just scroll past this I'm just in a really low spot rn with no one, tryna hide it And no one is listening........
You ain't alone in these comment sections, whoever watches this video has shit going on their mind so you can talk to us. Even if your boyfriend is a great person, he might not understand what you feel, or he might. But if you feel alone, I can talk iyw :) Take care
@@youngmac6777 thank you and things did get a lot better now I mainly get stressed when too much stuff comes up at one time an stuff like that but I've gotten closer to my bf and I don't have to deal with a lot that I was dealing with before I still get depressed and shit sometimes but it's not as bad as it used to be and I've grown as a person tbh
This song is everything to me it's like he wrote it just for me. I've been going through so much and I don't know how to express myself but this song speaks for me.
Love Ollie. This is the kind of rap music we need to hear more of. Real life shit. Shit that people feel and are secretly going through. I suffer from multiple disorders and you have no idea how much I hate waking up knowing that I’m yet fighting another battle with myself all while being a single mother, homeschooling my kids, going to college and working. I recently just had a hysterectomy and my emotions have been all over the place. I have been listening to Ollie’s songs on repeat. I just lay in bed with my buds in, close my eyes and just try to lose myself in the music.
This song is sooo me. It's hard to explain to ppl. I image most of you feel the same. Only thing I can say is to keep trying! After 10 years of feeling like this I know how hard it is. Just keep your head up and do the best that you can for yourself!
To those; who believe them being mentally ill and suicidal: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (Read More...) Ecclesiastes 7:17 - Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? Psalms 34:17-20 - The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. (Read More...) 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (Read More...) Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Read More...) 1 Corinthians 6:20 - For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 3:17 - If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Psalms 13:2-4 - How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? (Read More...) Psalms 147:3 - He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. John 12:25 - He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Romans 10:13 - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. John 10:28 - And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. After all, we all were lied about LIFE AND LIVING. So why should we die before our times? For lies? Is it not knowledge that truly keep us safe? And no, we are not Conspirators We are whose who expose the evil doers royals and freemasons. Psalms 26:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked. Job 8:20 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers: James 1:22 | View whole chapter | See verse in context But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Romans 2:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Jeremiah 26:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context If so be they will hearken, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do unto them because of the evil of their doings. Psalms 101:8 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I will early destroy all the wicked of the land; that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the LORD. Ezekiel 7:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Thus saith the Lord GOD; An evil, an only evil, behold, is come. Romans 12:17 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. James 4:4 - Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 1 John 3:13 - Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 1 John 2:15 - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 5:19 - And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. 1 John 2:1-29 - My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: (Read More...) James 1:27 - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 4:1-17 - From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? (Read More...) Ephesians 5:11 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I'm in tears. This song describes the daily battle inside my mind. I'm so close to giving up. The pain the depression the anxiety the paranoia it never stops.
Stay alive even tho the hadest parts is taking the next breathe to stay, when it'd be so easy to just say fuck it... Lately, I don't even really know myself Push away anybody that would help Tried to be the person I was But there ain't nothin' left, I'm goin' through hell Feel dead inside, I'm just goin' through the motions So petrified of showin' true emotions I'll do anything to numb the pain While my own life's bein' stolen It's like people see straight through me Friends who once knew me These dark thoughts consume me Runnin' from all of my battles I'm such a coward I don't know how I'm copin' Maybe I'm just overthinkin' everything Maybe this is all stuck inside my head This all pushin' me over the brink Sometimes think I'd be better off dead
it's the way that i still listen to this song every time when these thoughts creep up and singing with the song helps me get through it every single time.
this is how this song made me feel... "Focus, direction and control in the pursuit of dreams is guidance for happiness. anything else is a waste of your time. Happiness is a feeling the same as sadness. it is a perspective of drowning under the weight of the world or being the Dreamer as the omnipresence of existence to those dreams. "
@@G-kray dude genuinely I understand dealing with the fact I most likely have a split personality disorder because of the shit I've been through so I get it
Damn.. it breaks me to see just how many truly roam in this seemingly endless Abyss of suffering and pain. How many that also sought their end.. humanity is so deeply disconnected with itself, I wonder if we will ever bridge the divide.. all I can say is.. I'm sorry that you experienced this pain, but I'm glad you're still here..🖤
This track helps me on a regular. Not my typical style of jams, but this one found me when I needed it most. This one connects on many different levels for me.
Me too this is 3 day that im repeating it for whole day it gets me better and more productive and gives motivation to keep it up and not giving up even though im messed up thank you ollie for this masterpiece 🙏🏻❤
I have been in this dark place. If anyone can resonate with this in this moment just plz hold on… don’t let go. I swear to you that this feeling will soon pass because you are so with it. I promise you that. You are worth it.
I can tell and relate to what you went through Ollie. Keep up the amazing work! Amazing song! One of the most realest song I've listened to that I felt through my spine!! 💯🙏
"It's like I'm a visitor in my own skin I can try to fight it but I'll never win And I can't see straight, liquor in my veins I'm dyin' in pain" Hits different in 2022...
Ollie was there fpor me when I was repetitively oding on fentanyl. Shortly afterwards i finally had enough. I just passed my first year dope free and fell head first into a bottle of booze. I've been fucked up for 2 straight weeks and its only getting worse and all i can think is "i can't handle another full on relapse" so as much as i hate it.. im calling my old sponser in the morning and asking hi to go to church with me even though it makes my skin crawl. Thanks for being with me all those lonely nights ollie
Hope you're doing better. Sending you a hug and positive vibes. It hurts but we will.all make it. Believe in yourself. You can do it. You are worth it. ❤️ 🌻
This represents everything I feel, I have lost someone close to me recently. It can be hard to find the right words, this says it perfectly. Thank you, god bless. 😢🫂🫂🩵
I've been there and struggled many years with these thoughts. I still have a hard time confronting them, but I know I am okay to now compared to the beginning. I am on a path now to heal, and to help heal others. Your song means a lot.
Woke up this morning so depressed…body hurts, mind is playing games with me….the feeling of scared for no reason is a feeling I don’t wish on my worse enemies. I’ve been going through this depression for 7 years now. One day I will overcome this. One day.
I found your music about a year ago at my lowest point & your lyrics felt as if you were saying everything I was experiencing. Sending out a huge Thank You man. Much appreciated
Going through the dark night of the soul an these words fit it perfectly ....when your lost between knowing what you only ever known an tryna change think you knew what depression felt like till u awaken to your true emotions inside an it's so painful you dont no how to consume it all nothing you use to cope works anymore an all you got is to feel it no Angel's will allow you to give up on ur life so al u have left is to change .....
Whoever reads this your not alone. I've felt pain so severe I didn't know how to feel anything else. I'll be honest life sucks sometimes.. maybe even a lot but regardless someone out there loves you dearly and if you say "no not me" well then I love you. Keep your head up and fight, never give up, and keep pushing. Happiness and love is waiting for you on the other side. I believe in you.
That's just the just of it but there is more and none one new I have high ique and learn as mush and about all of everything so I could adapt mostly it was watch and do as ur told so listing mindingbut never hear compliant with disorders and trauma it is a struggle all my life even picking out a candy bar
This song pierces my soul... fucken drug addiction man, 2 weeks strong almost. Too many ods and broken heart, I was Damn near overdosing everyday at my worst time just recently. This fucken man right here OLLIE and my father God helped me push thru 🙏😪 when I realized I rather listen to one of Ollie's than to go relapsed I realized he was that magical artist for me. And I read the comments and realize alot of ppl probably feel similar/same so yeah you out here saving lives and don't even know it Ollie... 💯
I always come back to this music whenever I'm struggling. I don't like listening to happy songs when I'm sad, and I don't even know if I can call this sadness, it's just a numbness. I try to hide it, try to be someone's else, try to pretend but that only made me hide my emotions so deep that I'm so numb now,, I can't face my problems as real problems they aren't important to me and never important enough to speak, I can't accept the fact that I deserve to speak up because people suffer more than me. Yes, I know I should talk, I know shouldn't compare my problems to others, I know, I know because that's what I say to so many ppl out there but my brain can't accept that for myself. And now here I am, facing and knowing the path I should follow but still lost, numb, a prisoner from myself and from my own mind. It's amazing how such a racional person can be trapped by herself and by her mind.
Listening to this song share how so many just like me feel the exact same way, alone and lost. But I gotta remind myself I'm not alone... just maybe knowing I'm not alone in these feelings will help me get through it..
Thank you for doing this. You're baring your soul, and we need more artists to do this. Life isn't easy, yet so many people pretend it is. Being so transparent allows others to know they're not alone. We all go through it, but there is hope and healing.You will reach so many 🙏❤🙏❤
I’ll do anything to numb the pain.. I felt it ollie never fails to touch my soul your music truly has helped me through some of the darkest battles in my life and I’m still battling and probably always will thank you for your music 🖤
your music its amazing how deep it hit right in people soul man I've been through that myself. thank you for creating something like this and trying to make people aware that they are not alone in this world and everything is possible to overcome even if think other way
when he screamed “something ain’t right” I felt that
Inside totally when your deep it's deep . Feeling Numb then bam 😕 Song say it all
We all felt that 😏
I came to this video to see if anyone else felt that, and this is the first comment i see. Noice
That scream. It's like deeper then your ❤️. It's like something ripping and tearing away trying to open up and escape from your chest except it's trying to tear away from the depths of your soul. It's a scream you recognize as your voice but barely recognize as yourself.
I lost my 3 year old son in an automobile accident where I held him afterwards, I’m still recovering from brain trauma and extensive seizures as I already had epilepsy. This song is how I feel. Thank you. I love you Dean Lawrence, mommy will be with you as soon as possible. You are always safe and loved.
Rest in Paradise
I'm crying while reading this, God bless you and your loved ones. I don't even know you but I want to give you a hug. May he rest in peace.
I lost a son too so I understand ypur pain n im so sorry
Mam you are doing a great job, may your son rest in eternal peace and paradise with the lord himself. Peace upon you mam, peace be upon you. Amen.
Wow never in my 24 years of existence have I found a song that is exactly me . This is it I felt this on so many levels brang tears to my eyes . Wow dude .
I'm a grandma mid 50s. ..I feel the same about this jam....
It gets better. .trust. .mad love 💙💗💙
I feel he literally reached into my soul and made a song on what he found , that’s how I relate to this :(
@@joshuagervais7737 💜💙💜
Josh if your an Empath you pick up on others you sense life and feel everything so when this song played you felt a connection because you have your own gifts inside that you don't tell the world about 😑 We sense things we feel more then others . You don't hold in all there pain learn to release it too the universe. ❤
When he screamed " SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT" I felt that hard.
Sounded like machine gun Kelly when he did that
I can't take this feeling
Hurts too much from inside
And I don't know why
Something ain't right
If I never wake up
Then maybe I'll be alright
I don't wanna cry
I'm trying to fight
I can't take this feeling
Hurts too much from inside
And I don't know why
Something ain't right
If I never wake up
Then maybe I'll be alright
I don't wanna cry
I'm trying to fight
Lately, I don't even really know myself
Push away anybody that would help
Tried to be the person I was
But there ain't nothin' left, I'm goin' through hell
Feel dead inside, I'm just goin' through the motions
So petrified of showin' true emotions
I'll do anything to numb the pain
Watch chapters while my own life's bein' stolen
It's like people see straight through me
Friends who once knew me
These dark thoughts consume me
Runnin' from all of my battles
I'm such a coward
I don't know how I'm copin'
Maybe I'm just overthinkin' everything
Maybe this is all stuck inside my head
This all pushin' me over the brink
Sometimes think I'd be better off dead
I can't take this feeling
Hurts too much from inside
And I don't know why
Something ain't right
If I never wake up
Then maybe I'll be alright
I don't wanna cry
I'm trying to fight
It's like I'm a visitor in my own skin
I can try to fight it but I'll never win
And I can't see straight, liquor in my veins
I'm dyin' in pain
Hide it all behind the mask of a smile
Stayin' busy only helps for awhile
I wish that I could love myself
I'm so lost, I'm so lost
I can't take this feeling
Hurts too much from inside
And I don't know why
Something ain't right!
If I never wake up
Then maybe I'll be alright
I don't wanna cry
I'm trying to fight
Hey thank your for the lyrics
Justfell in lovewith this guys music my mom passed away today we were so close im so lost n i also battle a herion addiction,,,life sucks atm...
Gotta bump this comment up
Thanks for the lyrics
My fiancé was murdered almost a year ago. I just found this song, and wow it speaks to me! The depression comes in waves and songs like these give me some sort of comfort. Thank you and keep it coming. You gained a new fan today.
It's been said, severe depression is living in a body that fights to survive and with a mind that longs to die. What does one do when the very world you live in is your prison? What does one do when hope is nothing more than a poison in your veins? Thank you Ollie for the message and reminder even tho in my tiny dark world, I am not truly alone. Thank you for sharing the parts of your story in your music and choosing to share it with all of us. I don't know how I would get through each day without your music, please dont ever stop and for the love of God somebody please get this man a record contract.
I may be surrounded by friends but no matter what i feel alone and ive been close to taking my own life a few times and idk how im still here bc the world would be better off without me
Can you deal with the pain? Are you willing to let those emotions make you suffer? You're the one in control. Are you going to let it control you or are you going to control it? That's your fine line between life and death. Only you can choose which path to follow. Choose wisely.
It's not only can you deal with the pain.. can you end it knowing that everyone around you really does care about you, and your just lost inside yourself wanting to feel truly loved after everything being ripped away from you. Not loved by family and friends but the one who can truly understand you and accept you for the who you are, even your fucked up mind. I feel it.. just wanting someone to come home to each night who is happy to see you because you truly make there day better, but they have no idea that you need them more than they will ever know.. They are the reason you want to get back up in the morning and keep moving forward in life and going to work. They make you feel more alive than you have ever felt before, they get you higher than any drug you have ever taken just by being in their presence. Im still making my way there, but it is possible. never give up hope. Everyone is broken in their own way, even if they wont admit it.. I was in a mental abusive relationship for 7 years and never knew it wanted to kill myself multiple times after she left but it's really not worth it in the end. You will find someone who makes you feel like your life is worth living. dont chase anyone, just go through the motions everyday untill they come along because when you meet them you will know just from how they make you feel being around them and how they treat you. 🤙
Try listen to Powfu
After 5 years of dating and 8 months of marriage I thought it was my fault because I didn't fight to keep her. When in reality through out our relationship She was the one that would always leave when we got an arguments, she would accuse me of cheating and flirting when I didn't and wasn't, A waitress or clerk would talk to me and that was it, I never flirted, then I would have to beg and cry for her to come back. Our last fight before we got married the words that came out of her mouth were "pack your shit and get the fuck out"(breakupwords). Because she thought I cheated, it was a dance with a friend's friend at a wedding while I was waiting to dance with herthe bride for the dollar dance, She had no problem with me dancing with the bride. This all could have been avoided if she came to the wedding After the birthday party, that she was invited to also. We broke up for 2 weeks still talked Which I then started talking to my friend's friend "dance partner". My ex was begging for me to give her another chance, So I broke it off with Friends friend. Her and I started dating again she wanted to get married so we rush the marriage for Halloween of 2020. That lasted 8 months because she Continuously accuse me of cheating with dance partner and other females and then she would not drop it So it's start more fights Every time. Every little thing she would use for leverage use for leverage saying I broke her heart i betrayed her yadiyada. She said she needed time an space I gave her time in space. Come to find out couple months down the road she's in a full blown relationship While we're still married with somebody else but her and I are still talking trying to work things out. I beat myself up for not fighting to keep her. I started looking up quotes and memes the one that helped me the best and hopefully it helps you.
You are better off without them, you can do better. Break-ups are hard it's tough it sucks, There's always someone better We just gotta find them. I know it's 3 years down the road but this may help somebody else that hears this song. Never know you might look back at it and see it. Peace bro
while listening to this. i said i wish i was normal. my daughter replied "you are normal mom, we're all human" whoever is listening to this song, stay positive. things will get better
Kids will bring you right back to reality, so innocent.
Anyone here before 1 million views?
Amazing work dude!!
One day my friend, one day
Lol yeah everyone
I listened to this the week it came out.
I felt every word nothing to say but truly wishing who ever is suffering will get better with gods well amen .
numb the pain 😭
This pretty much sums up this entire year for me, but my Depression is getting a lot worse. I feel so paralyzed, empty.
Loneliness and Depression is the most volatile mix ever. I don't remember a time in my life in which i haven't been Depressed, this feels so fucking miserable. Endure and survive, but it's so pointless, meaningless.. Trying to fight but my cries and screams all fall on literal deaf ears.
NO ONE CARES, this i truly know, i've known a long time ago. Hell i don't even know what the point is in writing this but if others read this and too suffer through Depression i'm sorry.. I wouldn't wish this disease, this vile toxic on even the worse of people.
Thank You Ollie for this, i can't help but to feel so alone but music like this is what truly matters because it genuinely helps. I hope you make it big one day, i've listened to your other song Stuck and again it resonates so much.
Mike55690 Ik how u feel and when people say u have it all u don’t have to worry about anything I just wanna punch them just because I don’t struggle with food or a home doesn’t mean I don’t struggle mentaly
You're not alone. And it's TRUE people see right through you. They see me as a happy going person but on the inside I've been dead for a long time.
How are you doing?
I'm a song write , and I just started listening to Ollie's music about a week ago by listening NF and I wish I could put my emotions into my songs again like Ollie's, right now my songs are pretty messed up because I feel empty, alone. My dreams (nightmares)feel more real then anything in my life and it make me believe things I shouldnt belive or it brings back the memories I got rid of (not like horrible kind of memories, I've never been abuse or anything like that but in my dreams I have and the feel real than anything). I got bullied my whole life as a kid and people talk bad about me, saying rude comments but I came to myself a few years ago before I suddenly got anxiety, I told myself that no one else opinions matter besides mine and as long I'm myself thats matter to me. I experienced depression my whole life up until recently I just felt empty and I started to have really bad anxiety a couple of years ago but no one is the only one going through things, there are many people. Ollie's songs i can relate to along with a couple other people. Well I don't know what I'm really saying but I thought I should just tell this and hope other people who need to hear this, hear this.
I care..I'm glad you are here with me
Was listening to my playlist while sleeping, and I woke up to Ollie screaming "something ain't right" which is eerie to me because that's how I've been feeling for a while . I've had this song on repeat ever since.
This song is how I've been feeling for awhile now. KEEP MAKING MUSIC! You have helped me learn I'm not alone and helps me keep going.
Whenever I feel suicidal or depression hits, I always go to this song.. music always help me from self harm..
Same here .. what would life be without music
music sometimes can save our lives.❤
Me too buddy it saves my mood everytime i hear it because its real song ❤
I found this song right before I was leaving for my sixth time going into a psychiatric hospital. I was exhausted, beat, and thought I lost. I got sober by going through rehab and thought that would stop my inner struggles, but they were louder than ever since I couldn’t numb them anymore. I do believe this song saved my life.
Song kills me every time. Me and my brother were listening to this smoking a joint talking about life right before he passed away. I miss you brother LLD 🕊.
That one sequence towards the end before he screamed something ain’t right where you could just hear the wind was amazing. Love you Ollie
If I don’t wake up tomorrow, I’ll be 100% fine with it
don't say that bud, speak positivity into your life not negativity. use that, you'll see a change
Stop living as dead.. And always moan this and that.. Put your ass up and do something worthy.. Its easy to sit and waste life by moaning and complaining stuff
It's Crazy How Much I Can Relate To This Song. Thanks For Sharing This With Us Ollie!!! Something Ain't Right!!! Damn That Gives Me Goosebumps!!
You're my favorite artist of all time! All you're songs hit me on a personal level because I've been there, and every time you put out a song it's exactly like what I'm going through
I love you
I come back to this song everyday and can’t help but feel it’s stopping my suicide or the last song I’ll listen to before I end this pain I’ve brought upon my life
I hope you still going ive fought for years though Noone would ever realize it. Tho
Wtf I'm being blown away. I just found your music, but it came at the right moment in my life. Thank you. It helps to know others have been in the same place
I often feel attracted and personally connected to emotional music, but mostly for a verse or 2. This song just describes everything I went through and what I'm still trying to heal myself from. It helps a lot hearing your music and reading the comments. We should not be afraid of showing our weaknesses, since that's what makes us stronger. Making mistakes and going through tough times only helps us in the future. We, who have suffered, are stronger than anyone else.Don't let people tell you otherwise, you are here with us and you are among the strongest of us all. We love you. Thank you for your music to let us connect, Ollie.
Me. Hit me in my feels. Thank you Ollie for singing about real things we go through, thoughts we have, and feelings we feel.
Love all of your music. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your music.
Tbh tonight has been one of my darkest nights so far. I've cried so much an I feel like I've failed this week, this song literally describes me rn, I'm literally alone crying in my room with music a notepad and a half cried through role of toilet paper cuz I don't want anyone to see me rn
I have a bf and life's better with him it's just this week is like I was just punched in the face with all of the depression my mind could muster up
I feel so freaking alone
This song helps tbh
Cuz I've gone through so much shit and I freaking hate it
Sry for the long rant ik most of u will just scroll past this
I'm just in a really low spot rn with no one, tryna hide it
And no one is listening........
I hope things are better ❤
You ain't alone in these comment sections, whoever watches this video has shit going on their mind so you can talk to us. Even if your boyfriend is a great person, he might not understand what you feel, or he might. But if you feel alone, I can talk iyw :)
Take care
@@youngmac6777 thank you and things did get a lot better now I mainly get stressed when too much stuff comes up at one time an stuff like that but I've gotten closer to my bf and I don't have to deal with a lot that I was dealing with before I still get depressed and shit sometimes but it's not as bad as it used to be and I've grown as a person tbh
@@purplehavocarts5090 good on ya, things do get better, I hope they'll get better for me. Anyway, I'm happy for you :)
@@youngmac6777 thank you and I hope everything gets better for you soon
Im currently crying my eyes out on the toilet. Thanks.
This song is everything to me it's like he wrote it just for me. I've been going through so much and I don't know how to express myself but this song speaks for me.
Love Ollie. This is the kind of rap music we need to hear more of. Real life shit. Shit that people feel and are secretly going through. I suffer from multiple disorders and you have no idea how much I hate waking up knowing that I’m yet fighting another battle with myself all while being a single mother, homeschooling my kids, going to college and working. I recently just had a hysterectomy and my emotions have been all over the place. I have been listening to Ollie’s songs on repeat. I just lay in bed with my buds in, close my eyes and just try to lose myself in the music.
This song is sooo me. It's hard to explain to ppl. I image most of you feel the same. Only thing I can say is to keep trying! After 10 years of feeling like this I know how hard it is. Just keep your head up and do the best that you can for yourself!
"id do anything to numb the pain" ~ollie
i love your songs sm.
My mind is blown everytime I realize this isn’t specifically about ptsd, it’s so dead on.
I had to wait 40 years to hear someone else say exactly how I feel inside. Wow THANK U. REALLY!!
The way the video expresses the feelings. Damn.
this song is my life
This song is so emotional...
Brazil brazil it's here
Listening good music.
This song sends chills down my spine and I feel this in a very deep level
To those; who believe them being mentally ill and suicidal:
1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (Read More...)
Ecclesiastes 7:17 - Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?
Psalms 34:17-20 - The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. (Read More...)
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (Read More...)
Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Read More...)
1 Corinthians 6:20 - For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
1 Corinthians 3:17 - If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Psalms 13:2-4 - How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? (Read More...)
Psalms 147:3 - He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
John 12:25 - He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
2 Corinthians 12:9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Romans 10:13 - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
John 10:28 - And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
After all, we all were lied about LIFE AND LIVING. So why should we die before our times? For lies? Is it not knowledge that truly keep us safe?
And no, we are not
We are whose who expose the evil doers royals and freemasons.
Psalms 26:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.
Job 8:20 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers:
James 1:22 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
Romans 2:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
Jeremiah 26:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
If so be they will hearken, and turn every man from his evil way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose to do unto them because of the evil of their doings.
Psalms 101:8 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
I will early destroy all the wicked of the land; that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the LORD.
Ezekiel 7:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Thus saith the Lord GOD; An evil, an only evil, behold, is come.
Romans 12:17 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
James 4:4 - Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
1 John 3:13 - Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
1 John 2:15 - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 5:19 - And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
1 John 2:1-29 - My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: (Read More...)
James 1:27 - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
James 4:1-17 - From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? (Read More...)
Ephesians 5:11 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I'm in tears. This song describes the daily battle inside my mind. I'm so close to giving up. The pain the depression the anxiety the paranoia it never stops.
Stay alive even tho the hadest parts is taking the next breathe to stay, when it'd be so easy to just say fuck it...
Lately, I don't even really know myself
Push away anybody that would help
Tried to be the person I was
But there ain't nothin' left, I'm goin' through hell
Feel dead inside, I'm just goin' through the motions
So petrified of showin' true emotions
I'll do anything to numb the pain
While my own life's bein' stolen
It's like people see straight through me
Friends who once knew me
These dark thoughts consume me
Runnin' from all of my battles
I'm such a coward
I don't know how I'm copin'
Maybe I'm just overthinkin' everything
Maybe this is all stuck inside my head
This all pushin' me over the brink
Sometimes think I'd be better off dead
I listen to this song and "its not me it's you" every day
"SOMETHING AIN'T RIGHT" This song is a gift to all who listen. Thankyou ✨
I love all your songs
This just explained how I’m feeling better than I could ever describe it.
This song actually all your songs get me through every day explains every thing I can't I love how music has such a big impact.
it's the way that i still listen to this song every time when these thoughts creep up and singing with the song helps me get through it every single time.
love this
I literally just started watching you last week. Its great to know you have good taste in music
Ayy vurb!
@@Flawless_Sins .....I
I feel this so just isn't for everyone....
This song and the way it's sang is a lifeline between myself and the next
amazing.thank you for all you do.
This helps when I don't know how to explain things or when I can't speak...I cant thank you enough man👌...
song explains everything bro we cant say and express what we go trough its hard stay strong my friend 😇😎
the inspiration from your music is incredible mate
Sin criticar por favor
this is how this song made me feel...
"Focus, direction and control in the pursuit of dreams is guidance for happiness. anything else is a waste of your time. Happiness is a feeling the same as sadness. it is a perspective of drowning under the weight of the world or being the Dreamer as the omnipresence of existence to those dreams. "
Anyone reading this hope 🙏 you get threw anything your going threw, keep your head up and stay strong 💪
The part when he screams makes me cry, I wish i could scream right now.
This depression way too much weight on my shoulders.
Who's stopping you? Let the shit out..
@@finleyfletcher4534 3 years later, still alive haha, but still depressed and way more hopeless
@@G-kray dude genuinely I understand dealing with the fact I most likely have a split personality disorder because of the shit I've been through so I get it
This dude should’ve hit it big already. I relate big time. Keep it coming Ollie. Your shit is dope. There is so many people in the same boat.
Can't wait.. I love this song
Damn.. it breaks me to see just how many truly roam in this seemingly endless Abyss of suffering and pain. How many that also sought their end.. humanity is so deeply disconnected with itself, I wonder if we will ever bridge the divide.. all I can say is.. I'm sorry that you experienced this pain, but I'm glad you're still here..🖤
This track helps me on a regular. Not my typical style of jams, but this one found me when I needed it most. This one connects on many different levels for me.
Me too this is 3 day that im repeating it for whole day it gets me better and more productive and gives motivation to keep it up and not giving up even though im messed up thank you ollie for this masterpiece 🙏🏻❤
I have been in this dark place. If anyone can resonate with this in this moment just plz hold on… don’t let go. I swear to you that this feeling will soon pass because you are so with it. I promise you that. You are worth it.
I can tell and relate to what you went through Ollie. Keep up the amazing work! Amazing song! One of the most realest song I've listened to that I felt through my spine!! 💯🙏
My favorite part of your songs: all the ways you find to hit the beat at the exact moment my heart drops..
"It's like I'm a visitor in my own skin
I can try to fight it but I'll never win
And I can't see straight, liquor in my veins
I'm dyin' in pain" Hits different in 2022...
Ollie was there fpor me when I was repetitively oding on fentanyl. Shortly afterwards i finally had enough. I just passed my first year dope free and fell head first into a bottle of booze. I've been fucked up for 2 straight weeks and its only getting worse and all i can think is "i can't handle another full on relapse" so as much as i hate it.. im calling my old sponser in the morning and asking hi to go to church with me even though it makes my skin crawl.
Thanks for being with me all those lonely nights ollie
Hope you're doing better. Sending you a hug and positive vibes. It hurts but we will.all make it. Believe in yourself. You can do it. You are worth it. ❤️ 🌻
-2 years later, If you're still watching this you're a legend.
I've had this on repeat for hrs now...damn dude😖 life...
This represents everything I feel, I have lost someone close to me recently. It can be hard to find the right words, this says it perfectly. Thank you, god bless. 😢🫂🫂🩵
I've been there and struggled many years with these thoughts.
I still have a hard time confronting them, but I know I am okay to now compared to the beginning.
I am on a path now to heal, and to help heal others.
Your song means a lot.
Just found your music on Spotify and I'm Hooked.
Ollie and NF music is all I play.
My Parents : You’re just trying to get our attention
Everyone else : something must’ve been wrong with you
Music : Are you ok sweetie 🎶
😭😭😭😭 it's definitely me..
Woke up this morning so depressed…body hurts, mind is playing games with me….the feeling of scared for no reason is a feeling I don’t wish on my worse enemies. I’ve been going through this depression for 7 years now. One day I will overcome this. One day.
Your lyrics are honest. Your sound is smooth. Your style is unique. Talent
I found your music about a year ago at my lowest point & your lyrics felt as if you were saying everything I was experiencing. Sending out a huge Thank You man. Much appreciated
I identified so much with your songs 👍💙
“It’s like people see right through me.” I love you Ollie.
Another banger, much underrated artist
Going through the dark night of the soul an these words fit it perfectly ....when your lost between knowing what you only ever known an tryna change think you knew what depression felt like till u awaken to your true emotions inside an it's so painful you dont no how to consume it all nothing you use to cope works anymore an all you got is to feel it no Angel's will allow you to give up on ur life so al u have left is to change .....
ollie much loxe back from germany it was great to hang out with you and luke
This song has gotten me through a lot of my darkest nights. I dont think i would have been here if it werent for music numbing the pain.
I don't know why I waited so long to listen to this, I knew I should've clicked as soon as I saw it, this song is fuckin great:')
Whoever reads this your not alone. I've felt pain so severe I didn't know how to feel anything else. I'll be honest life sucks sometimes.. maybe even a lot but regardless someone out there loves you dearly and if you say "no not me" well then I love you. Keep your head up and fight, never give up, and keep pushing. Happiness and love is waiting for you on the other side. I believe in you.
Sometimes you just don't want to be the person you are, you just want everything to go away and it just fucking sucks.
Currently going through this.. thank you for blessing us with your music ollie... im sobbing like a baby rn.🥹😭
Life's so much... Anxiety attacks are getting worse.. I'm reaching out for help though.. ❤
Damn man this shit deep af ..idk i got PTSD an this song hits home bro🤘 appreciate you ollie man..i think only the damaged ppl will feel this shit
fell this
I have ptsd too.
Wishing you healing, love and light❤
Ptsd tramma paranoidskits with multiple personality disorder with homicidal tenedantsys sociopath borderline
That's just the just of it but there is more and none one new I have high ique and learn as mush and about all of everything so I could adapt mostly it was watch and do as ur told so listing mindingbut never hear compliant with disorders and trauma it is a struggle all my life even picking out a candy bar
This is officially my favorite song. You aren't alone.
This is me man thanks for doing this song 💯😢 I appreciate you
This song pierces my soul... fucken drug addiction man, 2 weeks strong almost. Too many ods and broken heart, I was Damn near overdosing everyday at my worst time just recently. This fucken man right here OLLIE and my father God helped me push thru 🙏😪 when I realized I rather listen to one of Ollie's than to go relapsed I realized he was that magical artist for me. And I read the comments and realize alot of ppl probably feel similar/same so yeah you out here saving lives and don't even know it Ollie... 💯
All of your music is 🔥🔥🔥
Alwayz on point how he changes up his voice with every vibe of each song...
Yeah 🙌🙌🙌🙌
I always come back to this music whenever I'm struggling. I don't like listening to happy songs when I'm sad, and I don't even know if I can call this sadness, it's just a numbness. I try to hide it, try to be someone's else, try to pretend but that only made me hide my emotions so deep that I'm so numb now,, I can't face my problems as real problems they aren't important to me and never important enough to speak, I can't accept the fact that I deserve to speak up because people suffer more than me. Yes, I know I should talk, I know shouldn't compare my problems to others, I know, I know because that's what I say to so many ppl out there but my brain can't accept that for myself. And now here I am, facing and knowing the path I should follow but still lost, numb, a prisoner from myself and from my own mind. It's amazing how such a racional person can be trapped by herself and by her mind.
I love this song and the music video will just add to that
Listening to this song share how so many just like me feel the exact same way, alone and lost. But I gotta remind myself I'm not alone... just maybe knowing I'm not alone in these feelings will help me get through it..
Thank you for doing this. You're baring your soul, and we need more artists to do this. Life isn't easy, yet so many people pretend it is. Being so transparent allows others to know they're not alone. We all go through it, but there is hope and healing.You will reach so many 🙏❤🙏❤
I’ll do anything to numb the pain.. I felt it ollie never fails to touch my soul your music truly has helped me through some of the darkest battles in my life and I’m still battling and probably always will thank you for your music 🖤
I wish there were more songs like this.
your music its amazing how deep it hit right in people soul man I've been through that myself. thank you for creating something like this and trying to make people aware that they are not alone in this world and everything is possible to overcome even if think other way
Love his music always, hit's me in all different ways .this is Good vibes
@3:19 that pain in his voice screaming “something ain’t right” hit me in the heart & scattered it.💔
I’m fighting this fight, everyday.