It’s worth noting the 2018 iPad is compatible with the Apple Pencil, you don’t have to spend the extra for the iPad Pro, unless you want the bigger screen
I haven't tried writing on the pro, but I do have the new 2018 iPad and I can say that I love writing on it. Further I have not experienced any input delay or other issues. So I would say you definitely don't need the pro.
Yes i got on this video just because of the 2018 ipad's notetaking ability. And yes the air gap and the 60Hz display, make the writing a bit artificial, but from what i gather, once you get accustomed to it, you dont feel the lag in normal note taking. Pro is better option for Artists for sure.
I watched a true comparison between iPad 2018 n iPad Pro from Ali Abdaal, an Oxford Human Medicine student. And the conclusion is that its pretty much the same experience. If u r an artist u should go for the iPad Pro. But for notetaking, there is no need.
I was wondering whether I should save up for an ipad pro or rocket book and this video has consoled me and my decision is final... I`m spending my money on food.
I love the frixion pen but I stopped using it, because the refill seems pretty expensive. So if I am bound to it I don't know if the Rocketbook makes sense from a pricey point of view. I mean you could say that there are less dead trees, but I have no idea how much effect the creation of friction pencils has. But man... i loved to write with them.
I just know the Frixion is what you get when you buy the RocketBook. They depend on it's heat transformation to 'erase' the ink on the page. There are probably other 'erase by heating up' pens out there.
my life and productivity has changed dramatically since I use my iPad for note-taking 👏✨ I personally use notability that allows you to record audio as you take notes and cross references the moment you wrote something down to what was being said in that moment, very handy for meetings.
I 100% agree. I am doing my pre-med requirements and since I started using the IPad Pro, I am more efficient, everything is organize and the ability to insert a textbook picture right below my note is amazing. Such much more that I can mention but I am not being sponsor so we’ll leave it at that.
Why don’t you get notebook without rings and some of those capillary pen like stabilo 88? From all of the pens I’ve ever used they are the best, almost don’t leak
The experience when actually taking the notes is less important to me than the value of the notes. Paper feels better to write on but the ability to search notes, always have every note with you, link or embed media, record audio linked to the written note in real time, tag organize, collaborate, and share notes makes paper seem obsolete.
there's a thing called folder but yeah it depends on your preference. I still use paper notebook and im like a year and a half before I graduate. Paying for an iPad just for 3 semesters left is a no for me. 😂
I’m coming at this from a perspective of a uni student. While I agree writing with a normal notebook gives a better writing experience, there are a lot of things about the iPad Pro and using it for note taking that make it exponentially better for me than a normal notebook. I suppose I should preface this by saying a lot of these things are also true of the new 2018 budget iPad, but I purchased my iPad Pro about seven months before that came out (and tbh I wouldn’t have bought the budget model even if it was out when I went looking for something). The first thing I find is better with the iPad Pro than with a traditional paper notebook is editing notes. This is actually is the reason I went out an bought the iPad Pro. I wanted a way to write notes that I could go back and edit or add onto and with the iPad Pro, I can use the lasso tool and move notes around to make more space and I can add pages to my notes so I can further elaborate if I get new information later on. This girl I use to study Latin with had a notebook where she wrote down all the grammar and patterns but it was very disorganized. When studying a language, the way you learn it is kind of gradual and you learn about all the parts of speech at once and build up later on. The way you have to learn a language doesn’t lend well to having an organized notebook of rules separated by part of speech and what not like she was trying to have. As such, since I pulled on Latin as my second major, I decided to get something where I could have it organized even if I had to add on later. So I went out and bought the iPad Pro. The next thing about the iPad Pro I found really useful is not having to carry a bunch of notebooks around. Now, I only took the normal five class course load that makes me a full time student, but I carried around more notebooks than five on a daily basis. This was because sometimes I ended up filling up a notebook for a class so I needed a second one. I also carried around a miscellaneous notebook for just random things to jot down. And I would also take some notebooks from previous classes I had taken semesters before in case I wanted to reference something else (though I rarely ended up having the right notebooks on me for these situations). On top of that I had my textbooks and usually a Ancient Greek play or epic because I pulled on Classics (focusing in Latin) as my second major and I needed it for class. I carried around so much stuff that I actually ended up breaking the display (but not the screen) on my macbook air because there was too much pressure on it in my backpack from all this stuff. Now that I have the iPad, I don’t carry around any notebooks and I put all the textbooks I can onto it as well. This means I only need to take my iPad, Apple pencil, a folder with loose paper in case I need it for a test, and a normal pencil and pen to my classes. This is good for the health of my spine as well as my next laptop (I’d prefer to just buy a new laptop rather than spend $500 to fix the screen on a laptop my family purchased back in 2014 and I was given back in 2016) when I eventually go out and get it. I kind of touched on this in the last paragraph, but the next thing I’d like to mention is having access to all my past notes everywhere. Like I mentioned, I use to carry around notebooks from classes I had already passed because I sometimes referenced old things. Often times I would still would not have the right notebook on me because I wouldn’t have anticipated which one I would need properly and I can’t be expected to carry around every single notebook I’ve filled since starting Uni. I can’t lug around like 35 notebooks everywhere. With the iPad Pro, I have access to all my notebooks. I’ve also scanned old notebooks into my iPad Pro so now I have access to all my notes anywhere. I also have iCloud sharing turned on in the apps I use for note taking so I can even access these old notes on my phone if I’m out with friends and just want to bring something up. It’s fantastic. The next thing I like is how you can make digital notecards on the iPad Pro. I am studying Classics: Latin as my second major and because my second major is a language based major, I have a lot of vocab I need to study. I have made notecards in the past, but I always lose them, end up using some as bookmarks, or have them become illegible because they keep rubbing up against each other and the graphite smears. With the iPad Pro, it took me a long time to find a notecard app I liked, but I finally found one in something called “Flashcards.” It lets you make separate decks which I make based on what chapter of my textbook the vocab word appeared in and it lets you have combined stacks made of multiple decks which lets me study all my latin vocab at once. I also don’t have to worry about losing the flaschards, using them as bookmarks, or having them become illegible. It works perfectly for me. And while I’m on the topic of something I use to lose when it was physical (and because I couldn’t figure out where to put it) I’ll mention here something with notebooks. Because I heavily used my notebooks so much in order to reference things semesters later, pages and covers would often fall out. Like with flashcards, notebook pages are something I don’t have to worry about losing on the iPad Pro. The iPad Pro has also helped me keep on top of my journal. I have several physical journals - all of which are about a quarter way to halfway full. None are completely full. This is because I get busy sometimes and I don’t get home until late so I don’t write in my journal which stays at home. This compounds and eventually I need to start a new journal because I’m in a completely different place and playing catch-up would be too lengthy of a process to get to the day I’m actually writing the entries from. With the iPad, I have it with me almost everywhere. I can write my journal at any time so it is more likely to get done. On top of that, if I ever miss a few days, I can still write the entry for the day I’m at on a new notebook in goodnotes (the app I do my journal on since there are no journal apps that take advantage of the Apple Pencil), play catch up with the main journal, and then combine them when it’s ready. This has really helped me keep a consistent journal that gets written in and doesn’t have massive time gaps in. I mentioned earlier that I keep textbooks on the iPad Pro. I should probably have a paragraph dedicated to this topic as well. Now that I have the iPad Pro, I don’t have to carry heavy textbooks everywhere. I can get a digital copy of the textbooks and that will suffice. Now, I don’t use the digital copies one can buy at the book store for certain textbooks because those are often ripoffs. Instead, I use primarily three apps for books. I use Apple books (iBooks currently, but I’m running the public beta of iOS 12 so it’s called Apple Books on my iPad Pro now) for books like the Aenied, Illiad, or any non-textbook book because I like the way Apple Books is set up and how easy it is to buy books on it. I use the kindle app for most of my textbooks that I can get digitally as well as some novels. The kindle library has more variety than Apple Books - especially in the way of textbooks, but buying things is a pain since you can’t purchase using the kindle App or the Amazon App. You have to go to safari and use the amazon website to buy the books instead. I hate buying things this way. The last app I use is the Play Books App which I only use for textbooks. If I can’t find a textbook on the kindle app, then I turn to google books because they are working on getting digital copies of basically every book. This works fine, but a lot of versions of the textbooks here are outdated. This is usually fine but does cause some issues occasionally in my Latin class where someone else uses the digital copy of the book (I use the digital copy when I’m at uni following along and I use the physical copy when I’m at home doing my homework). Three are three versions of the “second edition” of my textbook and occasionally some practice problems are different between the two. This doesn’t happen a lot, but it does happen so the guy who only has the digital copy in my class will end up having a sentence completely different from what the newer second edition says. This is fine and the professor is okay with it (possibly this is because the professor’s copy of the textbook is the an even earlier version of the second edition than the digital one so he often has the same thing as the guy using the digital and sometimes has something different than the digital and the new version of the second edition the rest of the class has). Anyway, to get back on track, the iPad Pro just makes it so I don’t have to carry around a ton of heavy textbooks. Digital versions are also usually cheaper than physical copies so this iPad Pro is starting to pay for itself because of that. Anyway, those are a bunch of ways the iPad Pro has made my experience at uni easier. In the end, writing on paper feels nicer, but given all the benefits I get from using the iPad Pro and now since I slapped a screen protector on it that makes it feel more like writing on paper, using the iPad Pro for note taking is vastly better for me than using a physical notebook.
@mk Or don't read it, mate. There's plenty of other short comments. Why pick a long one and idiotically hope that he types a shorter version of it? It's not his problem your attention span is equivalent to that of a 5 year old's ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
For me, a person who commutes a lot, carrying a 2018 iPad with OneNote is definitely better than lugging around a bunch of notebooks. Plus, it’s not as costly as the pro, supports the Pencil, and split screen! Just love the fact that OneNote is very compatible with the Pencil.
Hey Mate , I need a little help here I'm thinking of buying the 2018 iPad , I'm studying medicine and I create music and I need GarageBand and stuff to record instruments and I am thinking of making fair notes in a digital format so that I can protect them for the next 3 years so iPad seems like a great choice for me , but I listen to a lot of music on physical format , I buy CDs so is there any Kind of CD player that is compatible with the iPad cause then I won't go for a laptop.
@@AshokSingh-bc1zl No there is a solution I experienced this problem but you coukd by the apple usb superdrive and a usb (female) to lightning cable and plug the usb into the usb (f) to lightning and plug the lightning cable into the iPad only problem is that the Apple USB superdrive is £79.99
Hey Thomas, I am a huge fan of your work. Personally, I would love to experiment the ipad pro because it looks very cool with all of those features but that doesn't mean I don't like to write in real paper. I think you can benefit from both experiences and have the best of the two worlds, it really depends of what you want. About you thomas, all I can say is that you are an inspiration for me: - you know how to code - you created a blog, a podcast and a youtube channel - you wrote an e-book - you play the guitar - you practice skateboarding - you know how to cook - you have knowledge in money management (the next mr. Money mustache) - you're a public speaker - you read a lot of books - you have a college degree - you make exercise - you are very productive in everything and still have time to play videogames (I hope you give Sonic Mania a try 😉) I'm struggling a little with time management and other things but you have inspired me to be better every single day. Thank you
If you don't like the feel of writing on the iPad with an Apple Pencil, you can try getting a screen protector that increases the friction while writing. While this does not perfectly recreate the feel of writing with pen and paper, it gets close, and it might be close enough to make you switch to the iPad and Apple Pencil for all your note-taking needs.
I started using Notability (an app for the iPad) a year ago, and I must say, it is absolutely worth it. I like that it uses an “infinite paper” style, in which you just scroll down without having to go the next page ever.
To me the Rocketbook adds an obstacle to efficiency. Especially if you take many notes (like most students do), The Rocketbook implies an extra step in your every day workflow. In order for you notes to be on the cloud you have to scan them. And for most students, the flexibility of having your notes, books and textbooks all into a device that you can carry around is by far the best bet.
I love this man. Many improvements in my academic and career fields just because of watching his videos. He makes me better student. Many many thanks brother.
Solid video. Apples Notes allow you to take notes and markup, but not as well as Noteshelf 2. My personal favorite is OneNote, which i feel is more typing focused (which I prefer) with the ability to mark up as needed (I.e. drawing figures)
Like wise. It’s a cheaper alternative to evernote (considering it’s free unless you decide to buy the office version for your PC) and generally has everything I need.
I love OneNote too. My only biggest problem with it is infinite page or whatever they call it. I wish they have an option just to set it as A4 I believe?
Dude yes. I really wish Evernote would incorporate some of their solid features. I use both but Evernote has years more of my work than OneNote which I just started using.
I've been using my Surface Pro 4 for several years, through college and now when I'm studying for the GMAT. I LOVE it. Microsoft Onenote blends in seamlessly, I never run out of paper for a chapter because the page is infinitely long (makes organization very easy), I can import my professor's lecture and write on and around it, I have every kind of writing tool available in every color, the pen has an eraser on the back like a normal pen.... I can't say enough good things about it. Also when I'm having a bad day I love writing out a rant and just deleting it. Also I don't need like 5 notebooks. Also pen magnetically sticks to the side of the computer. I think my absolute favorite feature is importing powerpoints for notes. No more printing it out and trying to find enough space for my notes, or rewriting the slides in my notes, or just wasting paper in general. Microsoft has really perfected writing, Apple is being...Apple about it.
Nice Video! Although you could've have portrayed a few more advantages of the paper notebook. Maybe it is obvious but I do think that writing on paper has a huge impact on the learning experience.
I've used the surface pro for a couple of years now, and I absolutely love it. The writing experience is better on pen and paper, but being able to organize everything in OneNote changes everything. I never really used my notes from my notebooks for anything unless I specifically researched something for a project. However, I never really used my class notes to practice for tests or while writing papers. This changed with the Surface Pro, and I can't imagine academic life without it. I usually use paper when I won't use more than one page just because I like writing on it more and organisation doesn't really matter.
I'm trying to do all my notes in the iPad Pro, i find myself being more productive that way bc i can sync the notes and read on my phone while i'm on the go. Also my room is a bit small and the pile of paper from university takes a lot of space.
I'm using iPad pro with the Apple Pencil for almost 2 years. everything I need from pens notebooks and highlighters are on one light device !. I use pen and paper on exams only :)
I just bought the 2020 iPad Pro because I hate writing with paper. I have hyperhidrosis meaning I sweat excessively through my hands in particular and there is very little I can do about it. This results in my pages getting damp and crinkled, and the worst part is that I always end up smudging the notes I just wrote above. I can’t wait for my iPad to be delivered because I’m a student who takes loads of notes for biology and chemistry.
To me, it's like eBooks vs physical books. One is the easier and more advanced option, but nothing beats the touch, the feel, and the smell of real books!
As a school drop-out I began taking notes on paper when I went back to school. It's amazing how fast I learned, perhaps because I'm a very visual person and think in pictures rather than words.
You should really try a Surface Pro and compare the two. I ditched paper notes completely three years ago and went full on Surface Pro + OneNote. The iPad sounds good but it can't replace a laptop. And that's the point of a Surface Pro.
Have you been able to compare the writing experience between the two? I haven't gotten a chance to try the Surface Pro yet, but I've read that the Apple Pencil just works better for writing and drawing. Though I will agree that the iPad definitely doesn't replace a laptop yet.
I have personally tried the surface book and got the ipad pro recently. Although i really really like the surface pen for graphic design purposes and using it with adobe illustrator and photoshop. I can't personally use the surface pen too long for actual writing as it seems that i need to apply more pressure to write compared with the apple pencil. However, this is mainly for my writing purposes. I am doing a Physics MSc and i tend to write really really fast equations or when i am solving some problems and having that extra resistance slows me down. I mostly prefer the ipad pro now. I honestly cannot live without it "i gone digital with my notes and used the galaxy note pro 12.2 for a few years before getting the ipad recently", going through so many papers doing Tensor calculations T_T was breaking my heart because i threw away alot of papers.
I currently own the latest surface pro, and I have owned three generation of the surface pen; the latest version of the pen has about the same actuation force as the apple pencil [which for me is super important]. If I were to compare the differences between surface pen and apple pencil: the apple pencil feels more like writing on glass and the surface pen has more friction [especially with the high friction pen tip]. The apple pencil tips seem more durable too. I use my surface pro exclusively for school notes [engineering].
I honestly feel surface pro is less reliable ,than the iPad :( ( soft reset, laggy one notes ect..... or maybe I just have defective sp4). I do agree, it does replace a laptop without a doubt, and note taking is soo much better. Especially when it comes to power points lectures
I agree with you, as I had a surface pro 3 before [3 resets a day usually] but the new surface pro has been extremely reliable. Counter point: keyboard on the ipad and stand is so much worse than surface. Full disclosure : I still use a macbook pro as my primary computer.
A combination is good depending on what the notes are for. If you’re unorganised with paperwork like myself, the iPad Pro made a massive difference. It’s great for projects and essays (which I prefer doing by hand with the Apple Pencil as thoughts flow better) and it was so helpful typing in lectures to keep up without my handwriting going to poop.
Slap a "paper-like" screen protector on your ipad and your "paper writing experience" argument is gone :P 1. I hated the Rocketbook after a few days of heavy writing and constant erasing. The ink from the Frixion pens doesn't dry right away and smears. This highlighters are garbage. Biggest waste of money ever. 2. I'm a heavy journal writer. After using GoodNotes 5 is AMAZING. I don't have to waste ink printing pictures to put in my journal anymore. I go through several journals a year (roughly 1 a month); unless youre using a binder, it's not so easy to organize your notebook without running out of space eventually, or having to annotate the thing to know where you've marked stuff down. I'm sorry, but after having m ipad & apple pencil for a few days, there is NO way I'm switching back to analog journaling.
Sold at 4:00...👌🏽 That little feature alone was why I used a notebook in class and then typed it up on my laptop. This feature with the split screen is a game changer. Noteshelf 2 I will give it a shot when school starts again.
I love my iPad Pro 11! In split screen I can have GoodNotes open and my textbook. I can cut and paste my questions, tables, graphs etc into my notes. It didn’t take long to fall in love with the 2nd gen pencil! Yes the combination is expensive but I don’t regret it!
The ipad+apple pencil just outcompetes pencil and paper almost completely (in the context of school). I misspell words or mess up writing all the time and looking back at it now, I am questioning myself as to why I did not make the switch much earlier. I also had professors where they had students copy notes but the information was all over the place and the ipad with the drag and drop feature just eliminates that pet peeve of mine. It is immaculate
Ipad has made my college experience excellent just because I can have my lecture notes with my own notes at the same place (without printing out every single slide or having notes and lectures slides separated). Gonna continue using it for grad!
iPad Pro is REALLY good for minmapping. There are a lot of apps, and the split-screen feature helps when mapping a book, slides, research or either write in 2 methods
People think the iPad Pro & Apple Pencil is overpriced - but it's basically a notebook that lasts a lifetime and a pen that lasts a lifetime. Over the years you'll end up spending £100 on pens, probably more. And the iPad obviously does a lot more than just being a notebook. Writing on the iPad is a really good experience, and it gives me the best of both worlds - writing physically, but also being able to sync notes across all my devices. (As someone with ADHD who loses _everything_ this is a life saver!) No ugly scribbling out, no having to carry 50 different pens for different colours, just one iPad and one Pencil - and that's it! I have to admit I wouldn't spend £100 (I was hasty to get mine for £89 with student discount) but if you think about it, this is a pen that will last up to a lifetime, no ink, no replacement. It allows for much neater notes than with physical pen and paper, and it's also a really nice experience writing with it. Would recommend it for any student!!
I use a laptop with a graphics tablet, most of my notes are typed or screenshots of PowerPoints from the lecture slides. The writing is automatically neat, pictures can be done in a flash and not having to organise paper stuff is really convenient too
I’m really glad you did a video on this. I’ve been looking at other RUclipsrs’ videos about this but when I saw you made one, it became the definitive answer for me.
bought the iPad Pro the day it came out and I have been using it ever since to take notes for my classes. I use notability and I absolutely love being able to back up my notes, having access to them on my phone if I don't happen to have my iPad, being able to make format changes on the fly. It has changed my academic life.
I have a Surface Pro 4 and have used it to take notes for a few months now. The writing experience is better on the iPad Pro, as the pen tip is more accurate and so it feels as accurate as writing on paper. The main difference is in its features. I may switch to the iPad Pro but continue to use Microsoft OneNote because, while the iPad Pro is not as flexible as a computer that runs Windows, it is great at doing one or two tasks and doing them well.
You should try Liquidtext for pdf editing/ mindmapping..... it's kinda expensive but it's honestly soooo good for people doing any kind of academic research. I've only had the chance to utilize it for a recent project i had and i had like hundreds of articles and being able to connect information about a certain topic from different articles and having your own thought processes as a mind map or by writing notes and having all of that linked to a piece of text in any article so you can go back and read it any time. it was an AMAZING experience for me and made the research process way less stressful!
Download the app from the app store (it's free to download but the useful features are locked until you buy it), then choose to unlock the premium feature and you will definitely see an option to get a student discount (unfortauntly, i don't have a screen shot from the app, but just try to buy the premium features and it will give you option for the student discount somewhere on the screen), then they will ask you to verify that you're a student by taking a picture of your student ID card, take the picture and you will get a 10$ discount. I think after discount it's 19.99$.
Having been given a Parker Fountain pen for my 30th birthday the other year. I’ve recently started writing more and I can honestly say that traditional methods win hands down, although it comes with a huge downside with regards to the environment. I love the idea of Rocket book though. Thanks for introducing me to this!
I'm an aerospace engineering student and I've used the iPad Pro to take notes for a year now. I use it to annotate lecture slides, copy text from etextbooks and add them to my lecture notes, screenshot diagrams and add em to my notes/homework, and it's nice to have all of my notes on Google Drive like Thomas said. It's also easier to edit my notes as opposed to on paper because I can move what I wrote around and my backpack is 10x lighter than it was. My only concerns are that it feels a lot more slippery than normal pen on paper, and it used to be a little awkward when I had to do an assignment on my computer and wrote on my iPad at the same time, but I got over these.
OneNote is amaaazing!!! It’s freee and it doesn’t limit you no ads and all that distracting things and has a lot of the notability and Evernote features
PobiWan Kenobica thank you! Shall check this out for sure. I have a very old Nexus 9 and want an upgrade that allows me to highlight and take notes on screen 😃
I use a Lenovo Yoga 720 and a Wacom Bamboo pencil. I just wanted a powerful laptop with long battery, slim-and-light but with digitalization technology (writing stuff). The pencil is now buggy, but thanks to the worst OS ever designed (even worse than Vista), Windows 10. Still, I can write with it. And for idiots like me who are very messy at organising things, taking notes on a PC is surely awesome. But... I don't like OneNote very much. Too heavy and can be buggy.
I purchased the 9.7 inch iPad 2018 for this semester I have been using it for just over a month and can say I love it. I used notability as my prime notetaking app for lectures and class notes as I like the scrolling. However, I have started to explore using Goodnotes 4 as a place to write summaries as it is one page to a screen which better restricts your page size. The main reason I bought this as I was typing all my notes but I missed handwriting and didn't want to lose the digitized notes. It's definitely a worthwhile investment as it reduces the number of things I have carry and increases my productivity as I can take it anywhere because of its size.
I have a Surface Pro and would love to know if someone knows a great note-taking app/program on windows? For annotating, pdf's: scientific articles, i use Drawboard PDF. And it's amazing! I used Mendeley before, but the customisation and smoothness of Drawboard is great. Oh and it zooms particularly well too. I recommend it if you read/annotate on a PC.
Shocker that a gay would point that out. It would be nice to watch one RUclips video that features an attractive man where a gay dude isn't drooling all over him in the comments. Jees...
@@slappymcslapster8845 lol..... people of every sexuality have 'drooled over' attractive people in the comments. Idk about you but I see people commenting on the attractiveness of people in videos of the opposite sex way more often than of the same sex. I wonder if you're angry at op because of his 'drooling', or because of his sexuality?
Great video. I love writing on paper and I buy a lot of different sized notebooks but I rarely write in them! Just can't resist, it's like first love, you never really get over! BTW wait until you try surface pro with it's awesome pen, one note and drawboard!
Does anyone know a good app for: -Sharing between 4-6 family members for home / business but also simultaneously for personal only. -Taking and sharing notes between phones, computer stations, and iPads in the kitchen -For tracking calendar events, products purchased, appliances, like home HVAC, etc, their repair history, warranties, serial numbers, instructions, maintenance schedules, etc. -For tracking shopping lists of food that are updated on all devices, expiration dates, use trends, macro and micro nutrients, even coupons. -Sharing reading and watching lists. Any ideas fellas? Thanks!
Love how this dead tree problem is being fought by purchasing iPads. For sure plundering all corners of the globe for the plastics, lithium and other precious materials will certainly make me feel better about my environmental impact. But it's okay, I mean eventually I'll have saved money if I use my iPad for long enough, right?!? ...oh wait, the battery ain't worth sh!t and the screen's cracked from dropping my bag last friday night. Probs cheaper just to buy another one than fix it. You're welcome globe.
As someone who works in the publishing industry the annotations within PDFs is very interesting to me, at the moment we print everything and then annotate. But the price is a huge factor
It's been a while since I got the Pro and compared lots of note-taking apps, so I could be wrong here - but I think the reason I skipped Notability was the lack of a good Evernote auto-sync feature. Until recently, Evernote has been the place where I keep ALL my notes. So I wanted an app that would act as, essentially, a handwriting tool for Evernote. Noteshelf 2 does that really well.
While I still prefer the writing experience on paper, my iPad Pro has vastly improved my organization and preparedness in graduate school. I ALWAYS have the right notebook with me for every class or meeting I attend and if my Apple pencil is out of juice, it only takes minutes for it to charge up. I use Goodnotes as my primary note-taking app (excellent options for exporting, easy to share notes as PDFs, easy to import powerpoint slides), and I use Mendeley for organizing academic papers on both my laptop and iPad. As a geology student, I can also use it for mapping or for annotating photos of outcrops in the field (geology is really starting to adopt digital tools). Lastly, it's a stellar teaching tool: I can illustrate challenging 2D and 3D concepts on the fly better than I can on a whiteboard. If you're a grad student... seriously consider investing in one of these.
I ditched paper and went for Samsung Galaxy Note in around 2012 and have not looked back ever since. I've havd a total of five paper books and no more than three paper notebooks these six years. It breaks my heart to see people saying the ipad pro has the best writing experience when they never gave the SG note a chance to the point that Samsung is not producing them that often anymore. You think ipad pro pen gives you the best experience because your mind has accepted already that anything apple is best! And regarding nothing beating real paper experience, it's a matter of learning and adapting. If you keep at it you will realize that digital note taking gives you far more possibilities than real paper. You just need to be able to let go of paper, and it's hard because you grew up with it.
Soheil Ghafurian if Samsung were to make their own version of the Surface Book, I would consider it. I have a Surface Pro 4 and I've been using Latex and doing other coding on the side so have to perfectly position my body so that my surface won't fall when I'm doing work on the couch or lap is very uncomfortable and inconvenient. I've played with the Samsung tablets and their pens and love the feeling writing with them. It feels more like writing on paper
Yes, I agree! That unflexible surface stand makes ergonomically unatractive. I don't think a tablet would be that good for doing LaTex though. I still rely on my laptop for that (thinkpad X1 yoga).
Which one did you use? Did you trade it with the ipad pro with a pen or just a regular ipad without a pen? How was your experience with it? What made you switch to the ipad? Because I have an ipad too, but I just don't use it!
I bought the iPad Pro 12,9" at the beginning of the year with the intention to use it as my note taking/textbook reading et overall university-work machine. I have to admit that I did not persevered enough to give a proper judgement. However what I discovered is that you need to have a rock solid set up of the apps and the cloud accounts and steadily set upbefore even talking notes. Lerned that the hard way... I use notabiliy and so far I do like it very much. I'm in the process of getting that whole system ready for the new semester for a new test...
Thomas, In regards to the surface pro, the pen has different levels of pressure. This makes it feel more like a real pen becuase it is thicker than the apple pen and has more friction with the screen which gives it an on-paper feel. The apple pen slides more quickly on screen and doesn't replicate that pen to paper feel you want. But there are pros and cons to both. I bought the surface pro and am typing this comment with it but I lost my pen last year.😢😢😢
Thank you for all the info on Noteshelf 2! No idea it was gonna be a part of this video. I had totally given up on it with my Chromebook 2-in1. Also, thanks for the Rocketbook info.
That's fascinating. One thing to think about is that writing with pen and paper gives bio feedback that is important for fine motor skills. If you have got little ones especially it is WAY better for them to use paper and crayons to color. They will grow stronger and healthier fingers hands and wrists.
It’s worth noting the 2018 iPad is compatible with the Apple Pencil, you don’t have to spend the extra for the iPad Pro, unless you want the bigger screen
I actually didn't know this! Pinning your comment so people can see it :)
I haven't tried writing on the pro, but I do have the new 2018 iPad and I can say that I love writing on it. Further I have not experienced any input delay or other issues. So I would say you definitely don't need the pro.
Yes i got on this video just because of the 2018 ipad's notetaking ability. And yes the air gap and the 60Hz display, make the writing a bit artificial, but from what i gather, once you get accustomed to it, you dont feel the lag in normal note taking. Pro is better option for Artists for sure.
Just to add, I'm fairly certain the refresh rate and processing power of the iPad is far lesser than the Pro, which makes the experience less fun.
I watched a true comparison between iPad 2018 n iPad Pro from Ali Abdaal, an Oxford Human Medicine student. And the conclusion is that its pretty much the same experience. If u r an artist u should go for the iPad Pro. But for notetaking, there is no need.
The best note taking method is not taking any notes and then crying at the end of the semester.
Oh boy, how I wish I was not a master at this method.
Underrated comment.
Why cry? Borrow it from your friends. I have been doing this since school. It is the reason i passed engineering.
Did this in my biology lecture. Catch is I’m a biology major 😂😂😂😤😭
6:02 “Note” is said 11 times in one sentence. Possibly a record, please confirm.
Why doesn’t this have more likes?
Yo ahahahahhah that's mad jesus and you also countin and that rah
Lol 😂
U have way too much free time buddy
I was wondering whether I should save up for an ipad pro or rocket book and this video has consoled me and my decision is final...
I`m spending my money on food.
I heartily support this decision
The best decision.
I love the frixion pen but I stopped using it, because the refill seems pretty expensive. So if I am bound to it I don't know if the Rocketbook makes sense from a pricey point of view. I mean you could say that there are less dead trees, but I have no idea how much effect the creation of friction pencils has. But man... i loved to write with them.
I just know the Frixion is what you get when you buy the RocketBook. They depend on it's heat transformation to 'erase' the ink on the page. There are probably other 'erase by heating up' pens out there.
You sould look up the remakalbe but.foods good too
This kids and their pieces of refined bark will never understand the beauty of the true, original feeling of carving in a good chunk of clay.
Clay?? You damn kids in my day we drew pictures in caves
I like chiseled letters!
Pffft... weaklings. I *memorize.*
I prefer using a fountain pen, you should look into them, THEY ARE THE SMOOTHEST PENS EVER
Ha I used Dinosaur bones with feathers and ink
my life and productivity has changed dramatically since I use my iPad for note-taking 👏✨ I personally use notability that allows you to record audio as you take notes and cross references the moment you wrote something down to what was being said in that moment, very handy for meetings.
can you please confirm if you can do both at the same time? take note and record? and what are the export options? thanks. :)
Gomi!! Estaba mirando los comentario y de repente te veo, me he emocionado y todo. Me encantan tus videos!❤
@@KKOMODO666 saaaaaame
Is it better than traditional note taking on paper? Is it worth the price?
I 100% agree. I am doing my pre-med requirements and since I started using the IPad Pro, I am more efficient, everything is organize and the ability to insert a textbook picture right below my note is amazing. Such much more that I can mention but I am not being sponsor so we’ll leave it at that.
Being left-handed, I prefer the iPad Pro. No notebook rings to deal with, and no ink stains!
Couldn‘t you just Turn your Notebook ?
@@lleftanyelll9936 I wish it were that easy! Those rings are the bane of every lefty's existence.
Why don’t you get notebook without rings and some of those capillary pen like stabilo 88? From all of the pens I’ve ever used they are the best, almost don’t leak
Vic Magnificus That’s easier said than done. Noteshelf is just fine for me.
@@lleftanyelll9936 wish it were that easy. I have to take notes in bound notebooks or singular peices of paper.
I don't even have an iPad Pro, why am I watching this?
I can't even afford it!
To get input on whether you should get one...?
Because you have hope in your heart that one day you buy it
Because your growing awareness on the current state on table note taking technology....
So did I last November... Now I have had an Ipad Pro for the last 6 months.
The experience when actually taking the notes is less important to me than the value of the notes. Paper feels better to write on but the ability to search notes, always have every note with you, link or embed media, record audio linked to the written note in real time, tag organize, collaborate, and share notes makes paper seem obsolete.
You could just take notes on paper and scan them to your device
Pretty sure you could organize the notes the same way you could for digital notes !
there's a thing called folder but yeah it depends on your preference. I still use paper notebook and im like a year and a half before I graduate. Paying for an iPad just for 3 semesters left is a no for me. 😂
I’m coming at this from a perspective of a uni student. While I agree writing with a normal notebook gives a better writing experience, there are a lot of things about the iPad Pro and using it for note taking that make it exponentially better for me than a normal notebook. I suppose I should preface this by saying a lot of these things are also true of the new 2018 budget iPad, but I purchased my iPad Pro about seven months before that came out (and tbh I wouldn’t have bought the budget model even if it was out when I went looking for something).
The first thing I find is better with the iPad Pro than with a traditional paper notebook is editing notes. This is actually is the reason I went out an bought the iPad Pro. I wanted a way to write notes that I could go back and edit or add onto and with the iPad Pro, I can use the lasso tool and move notes around to make more space and I can add pages to my notes so I can further elaborate if I get new information later on. This girl I use to study Latin with had a notebook where she wrote down all the grammar and patterns but it was very disorganized. When studying a language, the way you learn it is kind of gradual and you learn about all the parts of speech at once and build up later on. The way you have to learn a language doesn’t lend well to having an organized notebook of rules separated by part of speech and what not like she was trying to have. As such, since I pulled on Latin as my second major, I decided to get something where I could have it organized even if I had to add on later. So I went out and bought the iPad Pro.
The next thing about the iPad Pro I found really useful is not having to carry a bunch of notebooks around. Now, I only took the normal five class course load that makes me a full time student, but I carried around more notebooks than five on a daily basis. This was because sometimes I ended up filling up a notebook for a class so I needed a second one. I also carried around a miscellaneous notebook for just random things to jot down. And I would also take some notebooks from previous classes I had taken semesters before in case I wanted to reference something else (though I rarely ended up having the right notebooks on me for these situations). On top of that I had my textbooks and usually a Ancient Greek play or epic because I pulled on Classics (focusing in Latin) as my second major and I needed it for class. I carried around so much stuff that I actually ended up breaking the display (but not the screen) on my macbook air because there was too much pressure on it in my backpack from all this stuff. Now that I have the iPad, I don’t carry around any notebooks and I put all the textbooks I can onto it as well. This means I only need to take my iPad, Apple pencil, a folder with loose paper in case I need it for a test, and a normal pencil and pen to my classes. This is good for the health of my spine as well as my next laptop (I’d prefer to just buy a new laptop rather than spend $500 to fix the screen on a laptop my family purchased back in 2014 and I was given back in 2016) when I eventually go out and get it.
I kind of touched on this in the last paragraph, but the next thing I’d like to mention is having access to all my past notes everywhere. Like I mentioned, I use to carry around notebooks from classes I had already passed because I sometimes referenced old things. Often times I would still would not have the right notebook on me because I wouldn’t have anticipated which one I would need properly and I can’t be expected to carry around every single notebook I’ve filled since starting Uni. I can’t lug around like 35 notebooks everywhere. With the iPad Pro, I have access to all my notebooks. I’ve also scanned old notebooks into my iPad Pro so now I have access to all my notes anywhere. I also have iCloud sharing turned on in the apps I use for note taking so I can even access these old notes on my phone if I’m out with friends and just want to bring something up. It’s fantastic.
The next thing I like is how you can make digital notecards on the iPad Pro. I am studying Classics: Latin as my second major and because my second major is a language based major, I have a lot of vocab I need to study. I have made notecards in the past, but I always lose them, end up using some as bookmarks, or have them become illegible because they keep rubbing up against each other and the graphite smears. With the iPad Pro, it took me a long time to find a notecard app I liked, but I finally found one in something called “Flashcards.” It lets you make separate decks which I make based on what chapter of my textbook the vocab word appeared in and it lets you have combined stacks made of multiple decks which lets me study all my latin vocab at once. I also don’t have to worry about losing the flaschards, using them as bookmarks, or having them become illegible. It works perfectly for me. And while I’m on the topic of something I use to lose when it was physical (and because I couldn’t figure out where to put it) I’ll mention here something with notebooks. Because I heavily used my notebooks so much in order to reference things semesters later, pages and covers would often fall out. Like with flashcards, notebook pages are something I don’t have to worry about losing on the iPad Pro.
The iPad Pro has also helped me keep on top of my journal. I have several physical journals - all of which are about a quarter way to halfway full. None are completely full. This is because I get busy sometimes and I don’t get home until late so I don’t write in my journal which stays at home. This compounds and eventually I need to start a new journal because I’m in a completely different place and playing catch-up would be too lengthy of a process to get to the day I’m actually writing the entries from. With the iPad, I have it with me almost everywhere. I can write my journal at any time so it is more likely to get done. On top of that, if I ever miss a few days, I can still write the entry for the day I’m at on a new notebook in goodnotes (the app I do my journal on since there are no journal apps that take advantage of the Apple Pencil), play catch up with the main journal, and then combine them when it’s ready. This has really helped me keep a consistent journal that gets written in and doesn’t have massive time gaps in.
I mentioned earlier that I keep textbooks on the iPad Pro. I should probably have a paragraph dedicated to this topic as well. Now that I have the iPad Pro, I don’t have to carry heavy textbooks everywhere. I can get a digital copy of the textbooks and that will suffice. Now, I don’t use the digital copies one can buy at the book store for certain textbooks because those are often ripoffs. Instead, I use primarily three apps for books. I use Apple books (iBooks currently, but I’m running the public beta of iOS 12 so it’s called Apple Books on my iPad Pro now) for books like the Aenied, Illiad, or any non-textbook book because I like the way Apple Books is set up and how easy it is to buy books on it. I use the kindle app for most of my textbooks that I can get digitally as well as some novels. The kindle library has more variety than Apple Books - especially in the way of textbooks, but buying things is a pain since you can’t purchase using the kindle App or the Amazon App. You have to go to safari and use the amazon website to buy the books instead. I hate buying things this way. The last app I use is the Play Books App which I only use for textbooks. If I can’t find a textbook on the kindle app, then I turn to google books because they are working on getting digital copies of basically every book. This works fine, but a lot of versions of the textbooks here are outdated. This is usually fine but does cause some issues occasionally in my Latin class where someone else uses the digital copy of the book (I use the digital copy when I’m at uni following along and I use the physical copy when I’m at home doing my homework). Three are three versions of the “second edition” of my textbook and occasionally some practice problems are different between the two. This doesn’t happen a lot, but it does happen so the guy who only has the digital copy in my class will end up having a sentence completely different from what the newer second edition says. This is fine and the professor is okay with it (possibly this is because the professor’s copy of the textbook is the an even earlier version of the second edition than the digital one so he often has the same thing as the guy using the digital and sometimes has something different than the digital and the new version of the second edition the rest of the class has). Anyway, to get back on track, the iPad Pro just makes it so I don’t have to carry around a ton of heavy textbooks. Digital versions are also usually cheaper than physical copies so this iPad Pro is starting to pay for itself because of that.
Anyway, those are a bunch of ways the iPad Pro has made my experience at uni easier. In the end, writing on paper feels nicer, but given all the benefits I get from using the iPad Pro and now since I slapped a screen protector on it that makes it feel more like writing on paper, using the iPad Pro for note taking is vastly better for me than using a physical notebook.
To get that toothy writing feel (just like paper), I use Paperlike.
Too long... I gave up lol
Thanks for the advice about the text books. Are there any other apps you use for textbooks?
I don't understand how books in your bag could put pressure on your macbook.
They are supposed to stand vertically, all of them.
@mk Or don't read it, mate. There's plenty of other short comments. Why pick a long one and idiotically hope that he types a shorter version of it? It's not his problem your attention span is equivalent to that of a 5 year old's ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
For me, a person who commutes a lot, carrying a 2018 iPad with OneNote is definitely better than lugging around a bunch of notebooks. Plus, it’s not as costly as the pro, supports the Pencil, and split screen! Just love the fact that OneNote is very compatible with the Pencil.
Hey Mate , I need a little help here I'm thinking of buying the 2018 iPad , I'm studying medicine and I create music and I need GarageBand and stuff to record instruments and I am thinking of making fair notes in a digital format so that I can protect them for the next 3 years so iPad seems like a great choice for me , but I listen to a lot of music on physical format , I buy CDs so is there any Kind of CD player that is compatible with the iPad cause then I won't go for a laptop.
Ashok Singh I don’t think there is any cd players compatible with any iPad
Iderbat Gonchigsumlaa Thanks for the info ! Maybe I'll have to buy a laptop instead.
@@AshokSingh-bc1zl No there is a solution I experienced this problem but you coukd by the apple usb superdrive and a usb (female) to lightning cable and plug the usb into the usb (f) to lightning and plug the lightning cable into the iPad only problem is that the Apple USB superdrive is £79.99
Fehzan Ahmed woah 😂😂 , nah I bought a Mac last month.
0:43 "the mitochondria..." *is the powerhouse of the cell*
Mitochondrion* :(
@@turbocactus44 well....... After all these of learning it..... It had a use here.... :(
@@turbocactus44 no mitochondria is a singular cell and mitochondrion is the plural of mitochondria.
Ben Weeks lmao I was thinking the same thing like oh gosh please don’t say it 🤦🏽♀️😂
The mitochondria .....contains circular DNA that is inherited from the Mother.
Have u tried one of those screen protectors that make the iPad screen feel like paper with the stylus? You should check it out
Hey Thomas, I am a huge fan of your work. Personally, I would love to experiment the ipad pro because it looks very cool with all of those features but that doesn't mean I don't like to write in real paper. I think you can benefit from both experiences and have the best of the two worlds, it really depends of what you want. About you thomas, all I can say is that you are an inspiration for me:
- you know how to code
- you created a blog, a podcast and a youtube channel
- you wrote an e-book
- you play the guitar
- you practice skateboarding
- you know how to cook
- you have knowledge in money management (the next mr. Money mustache)
- you're a public speaker
- you read a lot of books
- you have a college degree
- you make exercise
- you are very productive in everything and still have time to play videogames (I hope you give Sonic Mania a try 😉)
I'm struggling a little with time management and other things but you have inspired me to be better every single day.
Thank you
and handsome...
If you don't like the feel of writing on the iPad with an Apple Pencil, you can try getting a screen protector that increases the friction while writing. While this does not perfectly recreate the feel of writing with pen and paper, it gets close, and it might be close enough to make you switch to the iPad and Apple Pencil for all your note-taking needs.
I started using Notability (an app for the iPad) a year ago, and I must say, it is absolutely worth it. I like that it uses an “infinite paper” style, in which you just scroll down without having to go the next page ever.
To me the Rocketbook adds an obstacle to efficiency. Especially if you take many notes (like most students do), The Rocketbook implies an extra step in your every day workflow. In order for you notes to be on the cloud you have to scan them. And for most students, the flexibility of having your notes, books and textbooks all into a device that you can carry around is by far the best bet.
I love this man. Many improvements in my academic and career fields just because of watching his videos. He makes me better student. Many many thanks brother.
That moment when your notebook runs out of battery: hol up.
Solid video. Apples Notes allow you to take notes and markup, but not as well as Noteshelf 2. My personal favorite is OneNote, which i feel is more typing focused (which I prefer) with the ability to mark up as needed (I.e. drawing figures)
Kevin Jubbal, M.D. hey bro I love your videos.... Love from a first year medical student India🇮🇳
Like wise. It’s a cheaper alternative to evernote (considering it’s free unless you decide to buy the office version for your PC) and generally has everything I need.
I love OneNote too. My only biggest problem with it is infinite page or whatever they call it. I wish they have an option just to set it as A4 I believe?
Dude yes. I really wish Evernote would incorporate some of their solid features. I use both but Evernote has years more of my work than OneNote which I just started using.
I'm saving up for an iPad pro and I'm excited to start using this app when I get it for school :)
I've been using my Surface Pro 4 for several years, through college and now when I'm studying for the GMAT. I LOVE it. Microsoft Onenote blends in seamlessly, I never run out of paper for a chapter because the page is infinitely long (makes organization very easy), I can import my professor's lecture and write on and around it, I have every kind of writing tool available in every color, the pen has an eraser on the back like a normal pen.... I can't say enough good things about it. Also when I'm having a bad day I love writing out a rant and just deleting it. Also I don't need like 5 notebooks. Also pen magnetically sticks to the side of the computer.
I think my absolute favorite feature is importing powerpoints for notes. No more printing it out and trying to find enough space for my notes, or rewriting the slides in my notes, or just wasting paper in general.
Microsoft has really perfected writing, Apple is being...Apple about it.
Nice Video! Although you could've have portrayed a few more advantages of the paper notebook. Maybe it is obvious but I do think that writing on paper has a huge impact on the learning experience.
the lighting in this video is godly.
Apple products: yesterday's technology at tomorrow's prices.
just use paper if you can't afford it
@@mercier300 I can afford it, I just don't buy yesterday's tech at tomorrow's prices.
@@jerrymclellan4711 their cpu game definitely isn't yesterdays tech
@@jerrymclellan4711 you look like from yesterday's generation.....
@@devanshsingh3369 Thank you!
*I will try this, I’m running out of space on my forearm*
I really wanted to like taking notes with iPad. Paper and pen 🖋 just feels natural for me. It is the quickest method as well.
Same here! I’m a nursing student and still need to take notes on paper
call me old but I don't like jotting down on any screen of any devices. I still prefer writing on papers as well.
Hey Thomas! Glad to know that we are your fav for note-taking.
Out of the box, you can just use the Notes app, but it’s not nearly as feature-filled as any third party app.
I've used the surface pro for a couple of years now, and I absolutely love it. The writing experience is better on pen and paper, but being able to organize everything in OneNote changes everything. I never really used my notes from my notebooks for anything unless I specifically researched something for a project. However, I never really used my class notes to practice for tests or while writing papers. This changed with the Surface Pro, and I can't imagine academic life without it. I usually use paper when I won't use more than one page just because I like writing on it more and organisation doesn't really matter.
Nothing beats paper.
Copy and paste
Scissor beats paper
when you wanna mention scissors, BUT OTHERS HAVE BEAT YOU TO IT
I will buy 'nothing' then.
Harlekin Sego Paper? The outdated stuff they had back in 400 AD? It's 2018 now, paper is old crap.
I like the way u explained and no wasting of time directly started with the conclusion which many RUclipsrs don't do 👍
Me: the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
I'm trying to do all my notes in the iPad Pro, i find myself being more productive that way bc i can sync the notes and read on my phone while i'm on the go. Also my room is a bit small and the pile of paper from university takes a lot of space.
I'm using iPad pro with the Apple Pencil for almost 2 years. everything I need from pens notebooks and highlighters are on one light device !. I use pen and paper on exams only :)
I just bought the 2020 iPad Pro because I hate writing with paper. I have hyperhidrosis meaning I sweat excessively through my hands in particular and there is very little I can do about it. This results in my pages getting damp and crinkled, and the worst part is that I always end up smudging the notes I just wrote above. I can’t wait for my iPad to be delivered because I’m a student who takes loads of notes for biology and chemistry.
To me, it's like eBooks vs physical books. One is the easier and more advanced option, but nothing beats the touch, the feel, and the smell of real books!
I have been waiting to hear your opinions on digital notetaking for the longest time. So glad you got around to making it!
Paper for life
Paper writing is an experience free of any distraction and is purely educational
hell yea f those trees
Paul Garcia omg 😂
Paul Garcia why not hemp?
Paper its paper ntn cant compare to it
purely educational?
As a school drop-out I began taking notes on paper when I went back to school. It's amazing how fast I learned, perhaps because I'm a very visual person and think in pictures rather than words.
You should really try a Surface Pro and compare the two. I ditched paper notes completely three years ago and went full on Surface Pro + OneNote. The iPad sounds good but it can't replace a laptop. And that's the point of a Surface Pro.
Have you been able to compare the writing experience between the two? I haven't gotten a chance to try the Surface Pro yet, but I've read that the Apple Pencil just works better for writing and drawing. Though I will agree that the iPad definitely doesn't replace a laptop yet.
I have personally tried the surface book and got the ipad pro recently.
Although i really really like the surface pen for graphic design purposes and using it with adobe illustrator and photoshop. I can't personally use the surface pen too long for actual writing as it seems that i need to apply more pressure to write compared with the apple pencil. However, this is mainly for my writing purposes. I am doing a Physics MSc and i tend to write really really fast equations or when i am solving some problems and having that extra resistance slows me down.
I mostly prefer the ipad pro now. I honestly cannot live without it "i gone digital with my notes and used the galaxy note pro 12.2 for a few years before getting the ipad recently", going through so many papers doing Tensor calculations T_T was breaking my heart because i threw away alot of papers.
I currently own the latest surface pro, and I have owned three generation of the surface pen; the latest version of the pen has about the same actuation force as the apple pencil [which for me is super important].
If I were to compare the differences between surface pen and apple pencil: the apple pencil feels more like writing on glass and the surface pen has more friction [especially with the high friction pen tip]. The apple pencil tips seem more durable too.
I use my surface pro exclusively for school notes [engineering].
I honestly feel surface pro is less reliable ,than the iPad :( ( soft reset, laggy one notes ect..... or maybe I just have defective sp4).
I do agree, it does replace a laptop without a doubt, and note taking is soo much better. Especially when it comes to power points lectures
I agree with you, as I had a surface pro 3 before [3 resets a day usually] but the new surface pro has been extremely reliable. Counter point: keyboard on the ipad and stand is so much worse than surface.
Full disclosure : I still use a macbook pro as my primary computer.
A combination is good depending on what the notes are for. If you’re unorganised with paperwork like myself, the iPad Pro made a massive difference. It’s great for projects and essays (which I prefer doing by hand with the Apple Pencil as thoughts flow better) and it was so helpful typing in lectures to keep up without my handwriting going to poop.
Slap a "paper-like" screen protector on your ipad and your "paper writing experience" argument is gone :P
1. I hated the Rocketbook after a few days of heavy writing and constant erasing. The ink from the Frixion pens doesn't dry right away and smears. This highlighters are garbage. Biggest waste of money ever.
2. I'm a heavy journal writer. After using GoodNotes 5 is AMAZING. I don't have to waste ink printing pictures to put in my journal anymore. I go through several journals a year (roughly 1 a month); unless youre using a binder, it's not so easy to organize your notebook without running out of space eventually, or having to annotate the thing to know where you've marked stuff down. I'm sorry, but after having m ipad & apple pencil for a few days, there is NO way I'm switching back to analog journaling.
Why are you so defensive about your choice of using an iPad? Do you feel guilty for spending close to $1000 on note-taking?
Sold at 4:00...👌🏽
That little feature alone was why I used a notebook in class and then typed it up on my laptop. This feature with the split screen is a game changer. Noteshelf 2 I will give it a shot when school starts again.
3:01 powerhouse of the cell !!!! 😂😂😂
I love my iPad Pro 11!
In split screen I can have GoodNotes open and my textbook. I can cut and paste my questions, tables, graphs etc into my notes.
It didn’t take long to fall in love with the 2nd gen pencil!
Yes the combination is expensive but I don’t regret it!
3:53 🤣😂 the typed notes omg
The ipad+apple pencil just outcompetes pencil and paper almost completely (in the context of school). I misspell words or mess up writing all the time and looking back at it now, I am questioning myself as to why I did not make the switch much earlier. I also had professors where they had students copy notes but the information was all over the place and the ipad with the drag and drop feature just eliminates that pet peeve of mine. It is immaculate
Yesss!!! I'm going to uni next year and I'm looking at stuff like this (and also how to game up there as well ;)
Nathan Rowalnd All the best !!
Ipad has made my college experience excellent just because I can have my lecture notes with my own notes at the same place (without printing out every single slide or having notes and lectures slides separated). Gonna continue using it for grad!
Take note kids
iPad Pro is REALLY good for minmapping. There are a lot of apps, and the split-screen feature helps when mapping a book, slides, research or either write in 2 methods
People think the iPad Pro & Apple Pencil is overpriced - but it's basically a notebook that lasts a lifetime and a pen that lasts a lifetime. Over the years you'll end up spending £100 on pens, probably more. And the iPad obviously does a lot more than just being a notebook.
Writing on the iPad is a really good experience, and it gives me the best of both worlds - writing physically, but also being able to sync notes across all my devices. (As someone with ADHD who loses _everything_ this is a life saver!) No ugly scribbling out, no having to carry 50 different pens for different colours, just one iPad and one Pencil - and that's it!
I have to admit I wouldn't spend £100 (I was hasty to get mine for £89 with student discount) but if you think about it, this is a pen that will last up to a lifetime, no ink, no replacement. It allows for much neater notes than with physical pen and paper, and it's also a really nice experience writing with it. Would recommend it for any student!!
I use a laptop with a graphics tablet, most of my notes are typed or screenshots of PowerPoints from the lecture slides. The writing is automatically neat, pictures can be done in a flash and not having to organise paper stuff is really convenient too
hi, do you mind me asking the name of your laptop?
Paper wins. Every time! : )
Copy and paste
Journal Dude except against scissors... Sorry I had to😂
Paula M. Ha! Indeed! 😎
what about rock?
I’m really glad you did a video on this. I’ve been looking at other RUclipsrs’ videos about this but when I saw you made one, it became the definitive answer for me.
Take a drink every time he says “notebook” 😂
Thanks, I ended up in hospital with alcohol poisoning
bought the iPad Pro the day it came out and I have been using it ever since to take notes for my classes. I use notability and I absolutely love being able to back up my notes, having access to them on my phone if I don't happen to have my iPad, being able to make format changes on the fly. It has changed my academic life.
Who else want to see:
•Any iPad good model vs surface Pro.
•Benefits of using tech in college (maybe oriented in engineering or something).
I have a Surface Pro 4 and have used it to take notes for a few months now. The writing experience is better on the iPad Pro, as the pen tip is more accurate and so it feels as accurate as writing on paper. The main difference is in its features. I may switch to the iPad Pro but continue to use Microsoft OneNote because, while the iPad Pro is not as flexible as a computer that runs Windows, it is great at doing one or two tasks and doing them well.
Looking better everyday man! Keep up the good work !
You should try Liquidtext for pdf editing/ mindmapping.....
it's kinda expensive but it's honestly soooo good for people doing any kind of academic research. I've only had the chance to utilize it for a recent project i had and i had like hundreds of articles and being able to connect information about a certain topic from different articles and having your own thought processes as a mind map or by writing notes and having all of that linked to a piece of text in any article so you can go back and read it any time. it was an AMAZING experience for me and made the research process way less stressful!
Mariem Magdy I agree with this, it’s amazing for projects and evidence based essays. There’s a massive student discount if anyone’s interested!
True, i got it with the student discount. it's good they offer a big discount for students!
how to get a student discount please ?
Download the app from the app store (it's free to download but the useful features are locked until you buy it), then choose to unlock the premium feature and you will definitely see an option to get a student discount (unfortauntly, i don't have a screen shot from the app, but just try to buy the premium features and it will give you option for the student discount somewhere on the screen), then they will ask you to verify that you're a student by taking a picture of your student ID card, take the picture and you will get a 10$ discount. I think after discount it's 19.99$.
thank you so much Miss
Having been given a Parker Fountain pen for my 30th birthday the other year. I’ve recently started writing more and I can honestly say that traditional methods win hands down, although it comes with a huge downside with regards to the environment. I love the idea of Rocket book though. Thanks for introducing me to this!
This was much needed!
I love technology
Me too man. Your comment was the best one haha
I'm an aerospace engineering student and I've used the iPad Pro to take notes for a year now. I use it to annotate lecture slides, copy text from etextbooks and add them to my lecture notes, screenshot diagrams and add em to my notes/homework, and it's nice to have all of my notes on Google Drive like Thomas said. It's also easier to edit my notes as opposed to on paper because I can move what I wrote around and my backpack is 10x lighter than it was. My only concerns are that it feels a lot more slippery than normal pen on paper, and it used to be a little awkward when I had to do an assignment on my computer and wrote on my iPad at the same time, but I got over these.
I love his eyes, they're gorgeous
Thank you Thomas!! Super useful tips 💯
The “Notes” Apple app is great! And native!
OneNote is amaaazing!!! It’s freee and it doesn’t limit you no ads and all that distracting things and has a lot of the notability and Evernote features
Is there an android tablet equivalent of the surface or iPad/apple pencil setup?
PobiWan Kenobica thank you! Shall check this out for sure. I have a very old Nexus 9 and want an upgrade that allows me to highlight and take notes on screen 😃
I use a Lenovo Yoga 720 and a Wacom Bamboo pencil. I just wanted a powerful laptop with long battery, slim-and-light but with digitalization technology (writing stuff).
The pencil is now buggy, but thanks to the worst OS ever designed (even worse than Vista), Windows 10. Still, I can write with it. And for idiots like me who are very messy at organising things, taking notes on a PC is surely awesome. But... I don't like OneNote very much. Too heavy and can be buggy.
Probably galaxy tabs. Large tabs with pen features should do the same.
The Galaxy Tab S4 is coming out this August.
$180 Acer Chromebook convertible with a couple of Android note-taking apps. You can decide later if you want to upgrade to a Bluetooth stylus.
I purchased the 9.7 inch iPad 2018 for this semester I have been using it for just over a month and can say I love it. I used notability as my prime notetaking app for lectures and class notes as I like the scrolling. However, I have started to explore using Goodnotes 4 as a place to write summaries as it is one page to a screen which better restricts your page size. The main reason I bought this as I was typing all my notes but I missed handwriting and didn't want to lose the digitized notes. It's definitely a worthwhile investment as it reduces the number of things I have carry and increases my productivity as I can take it anywhere because of its size.
I have a Surface Pro and would love to know if someone knows a great note-taking app/program on windows?
For annotating, pdf's: scientific articles, i use Drawboard PDF. And it's amazing! I used Mendeley before, but the customisation and smoothness of Drawboard is great. Oh and it zooms particularly well too. I recommend it if you read/annotate on a PC.
I love your attitude @Thomas Frank, really positive and great videos.
He's too attractive... I keep getting distracted by his eyes, instead of listening to him >_
totally agree!
Shocker that a gay would point that out. It would be nice to watch one RUclips video that features an attractive man where a gay dude isn't drooling all over him in the comments. Jees...
Will it help if he wore a bag on his head. Got to watch it again 😆🤣😂😝
@@slappymcslapster8845 lol..... people of every sexuality have 'drooled over' attractive people in the comments. Idk about you but I see people commenting on the attractiveness of people in videos of the opposite sex way more often than of the same sex. I wonder if you're angry at op because of his 'drooling', or because of his sexuality?
Great video. I love writing on paper and I buy a lot of different sized notebooks but I rarely write in them! Just can't resist, it's like first love, you never really get over! BTW wait until you try surface pro with it's awesome pen, one note and drawboard!
I couldn't hear a thing u said! your eyes mesmarised me!!!!
Ditto lol
You can also get a matte screen protector to get a closer to paper writing feeling
1:32 wait, is that a magus of the future???
Beyond the Record I scrolled through all the comments to see if anyone else noticed!!
Your channel is the only place I don't feel bad procrastinating on when I'm on RUclips because I'm always learning something new!!🥊🥊
Does anyone know a good app for:
-Sharing between 4-6 family members for home / business but also simultaneously for personal only.
-Taking and sharing notes between phones, computer stations, and iPads in the kitchen
-For tracking calendar events, products purchased, appliances, like home HVAC, etc, their repair history, warranties, serial numbers, instructions, maintenance schedules, etc.
-For tracking shopping lists of food that are updated on all devices, expiration dates, use trends, macro and micro nutrients, even coupons.
-Sharing reading and watching lists.
Any ideas fellas?
Can use Google Note & login in a shared secondary business exclusive account.
This is fab as usual x
Great video Thomas!
Love how this dead tree problem is being fought by purchasing iPads. For sure plundering all corners of the globe for the plastics, lithium and other precious materials will certainly make me feel better about my environmental impact. But it's okay, I mean eventually I'll have saved money if I use my iPad for long enough, right?!? ...oh wait, the battery ain't worth sh!t and the screen's cracked from dropping my bag last friday night. Probs cheaper just to buy another one than fix it. You're welcome globe.
As someone who works in the publishing industry the annotations within PDFs is very interesting to me, at the moment we print everything and then annotate. But the price is a huge factor
Thomas is extremely good looking!
this is a fact
Oh hello. Stop wasting time in the comments and watch the video.
Load Less stop fishing 🎣 for likes
Hussein Horack shhhh. You're distracting me fron the video. 😥😰😰😰
Jokes on you the video won't load 👉😎👉
This was extremely helpful, thank you :)
Copy and paste. Bam paper is dead.
Also notability is the best i can’t believe you didn’t tried it.
It's been a while since I got the Pro and compared lots of note-taking apps, so I could be wrong here - but I think the reason I skipped Notability was the lack of a good Evernote auto-sync feature. Until recently, Evernote has been the place where I keep ALL my notes. So I wanted an app that would act as, essentially, a handwriting tool for Evernote. Noteshelf 2 does that really well.
what about... scissors and glue?
GoodNotes and OneNote(On a surface) are better
While I still prefer the writing experience on paper, my iPad Pro has vastly improved my organization and preparedness in graduate school. I ALWAYS have the right notebook with me for every class or meeting I attend and if my Apple pencil is out of juice, it only takes minutes for it to charge up. I use Goodnotes as my primary note-taking app (excellent options for exporting, easy to share notes as PDFs, easy to import powerpoint slides), and I use Mendeley for organizing academic papers on both my laptop and iPad. As a geology student, I can also use it for mapping or for annotating photos of outcrops in the field (geology is really starting to adopt digital tools). Lastly, it's a stellar teaching tool: I can illustrate challenging 2D and 3D concepts on the fly better than I can on a whiteboard.
If you're a grad student... seriously consider investing in one of these.
I ditched paper and went for Samsung Galaxy Note in around 2012 and have not looked back ever since. I've havd a total of five paper books and no more than three paper notebooks these six years.
It breaks my heart to see people saying the ipad pro has the best writing experience when they never gave the SG note a chance to the point that Samsung is not producing them that often anymore. You think ipad pro pen gives you the best experience because your mind has accepted already that anything apple is best!
And regarding nothing beating real paper experience, it's a matter of learning and adapting. If you keep at it you will realize that digital note taking gives you far more possibilities than real paper. You just need to be able to let go of paper, and it's hard because you grew up with it.
Soheil Ghafurian if Samsung were to make their own version of the Surface Book, I would consider it. I have a Surface Pro 4 and I've been using Latex and doing other coding on the side so have to perfectly position my body so that my surface won't fall when I'm doing work on the couch or lap is very uncomfortable and inconvenient. I've played with the Samsung tablets and their pens and love the feeling writing with them. It feels more like writing on paper
Soheil Ghafurian i did use the Galaxy Note for close to a year and ended up trading it up for an iPad instead.
Yes, I agree! That unflexible surface stand makes ergonomically unatractive. I don't think a tablet would be that good for doing LaTex though. I still rely on my laptop for that (thinkpad X1 yoga).
Which one did you use? Did you trade it with the ipad pro with a pen or just a regular ipad without a pen? How was your experience with it? What made you switch to the ipad? Because I have an ipad too, but I just don't use it!
Soheil Ghafurian Yeah, those S-Pen deserve more credit. It took the expensive iPad Pro 10.5 to beat it in writing experience.
I bought the iPad Pro 12,9" at the beginning of the year with the intention to use it as my note taking/textbook reading et overall university-work machine. I have to admit that I did not persevered enough to give a proper judgement. However what I discovered is that you need to have a rock solid set up of the apps and the cloud accounts and steadily set upbefore even talking notes. Lerned that the hard way...
I use notabiliy and so far I do like it very much.
I'm in the process of getting that whole system ready for the new semester for a new test...
In regards to the surface pro, the pen has different levels of pressure. This makes it feel more like a real pen becuase it is thicker than the apple pen and has more friction with the screen which gives it an on-paper feel. The apple pen slides more quickly on screen and doesn't replicate that pen to paper feel you want. But there are pros and cons to both. I bought the surface pro and am typing this comment with it but I lost my pen last year.😢😢😢
Thank you for all the info on Noteshelf 2! No idea it was gonna be a part of this video. I had totally given up on it with my Chromebook 2-in1. Also, thanks for the Rocketbook info.
Samsung tab3 is better to write on then Ipad Pro, nice video on the comparison .
no it isn't
Awesome vid :)
As I always say, there are pros and cons to everything.
I personally prefer to combine paper and digital.
Trick Question. The answer is Surface Pro 6 with Surface Pen
That's fascinating. One thing to think about is that writing with pen and paper gives bio feedback that is important for fine motor skills. If you have got little ones especially it is WAY better for them to use paper and crayons to color. They will grow stronger and healthier fingers hands and wrists.