So happy to see these pastors speaking about social justice issues and how they relate to the gospel. The Black pastors in my city are mute on those issues. It is very hurtful and discouraging. Especially at a time when there are so many anti Blackness policies and activities taking place.
1:14:50 .. Sir!! I have felt this and it breaks my heart Why do we consistently think “ their” way is better. You must look far and wide for gospel music to reflect us not a carbon copy of contemporary spaces. One place we equal is with God, I just think we don’t actually believe that or we’d be ourselves.. authentically who we were created to be .. proudly! Thank You all!! This is so helpful
This is a blessing. The problem today is people are calling themselves, instead of God calling them. Everyone wants to be a part of the five fold, we have a lot of so called leaders and declining followers. On the one hand you have, preachers taking parts of the Bible and misinterpreting it, then saying the holy spirit " said or spoke to them". Down right evil things are taking place in the body of Christ all in the name of Jesus. Some controversial issues that is not being discussed in the church are Christmas, Adultery, tithes, Divorce, Abuse ( domestic violence) and mental illness. The sad part is on these subjects no one is willing to have a discussion. Yet we wonder why there is a great falling away... maybe because some Ministers use the word to beat people over the head all the while condemning and judging.
Excellent forum. It is encouraging to see and hear us address the dichotomy within the black church and to acknowledge how we the church can help and hurt. Continue to push and pull us to a better place. God bless you all.
I appreciate this conversation put on by The Jude 3 Project. Absolutely refreshing to hear from these men of the faith. I was able to take away something from all of them and hopefully help others, as well as the congregation I serve in the process. Many blessings
Hello, Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
We must be careful not to move from faith too knowledge! Jeremiah 9:23-24 This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.
This was great but I thought there is only one gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ: life, death, resurrection and second coming. Someone help me out.
There is only one gospel, but the question I think they are raising is the various definitions that some may adhere to versus others. A great example is 'the gospel Europeans gave to slaves to keep them obedient to them' or 'the gospel slaves interpreted for themselves to keep their sanity'. I can appreciate them wanting to answer the questions or clarity to their answers by making sure they were understanding the meaning of the subject matter. Hope that makes sense.
Yes and no! One Gospel taught by Jesus and His 12 Apostles. But Paul had a different gospel he taught and claimed Jesus taught Him and He alone. But it wasn’t the Gospel Jesus taught when He was here in the flesh. Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Jesus is not my strongest spirit, but I came up in a Christian household so I respect him. I do feel like when I'm in the black church that is still my family...
The bridging the gap is Jesus Christ through prayer, amen Mr. McCray. We’re to focus on ways to help make disciples, God’s will for followers though the leading of the Holy Spirit in His word. Jesus is the High Priest, it’s important to be Christ minded not theologian centered replacing the Holy Spirit with a Theology Degree.
Hello, Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
We speak of the Church as if it is an independent entity of its own. As we know Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand, (Mathew 12:22-28). Peter declared Judgement begins at the house of God. We are divided, as the Church because we have forgotten one essential element of our foundation as "THEE CHURCH" which is found in Ephesians 4:5 and that is one Lord, one faith and one baptism and that being the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's revelation is supposed to be our COMMON DENOMINATOR as the Church. He is our unifier and His revelation of scripture will ultimately be what unifies the Church in love. Too many of us as men and leaders of the Church have REPLACED Holy Ghost revelation with "OUR" hermeneutics and exegesis of scripture because too many of us still try to make scripture conform to our desires, will and lifestyles instead of allowing the one who wrote the scripture, (2 Timothy 3:16), the Holy Spirit, give us a UNIFIED understanding of the scriptures and sincerely strive to live up to the understanding "HE" and ONLY "HE" can give us. It does not take DEGREES to DIE in the Spirit, just a heart transformed by the receiving of the revelation of God's love. It's that DYING that allows man to humbly open his heart to the receiving of the Spirit's revelation and understanding of scripture. I believe one should get as much education and knowledge as they can in their lifetime but often times we have allowed much learning from man made institutions to replace DYING to Holy Ghost revelation with indoctrinations,, ideologies and opinions of men. This is why the word religion gets such a bad rap, because religion like sacrifice CAN always possess an element of man's will, ideologies, desires, indoctrinations etc. May we never think ones Anointing is QUALIFIED in God's heart and eyes by the amount of education and degrees he possesses as so many of us have pridefully determined. For knowledge puffeth up but charity edifieth, (1 Corinthians 8:1). So simply put for this discussion and I say simply because the depth of this discussion may not help the listeners arrive at the simplicity of the answer; so simply put, when the Church comes back to humbling ourselves to receiving the full revelation of the Holy Spirit and we will because Christ is not coming back for a divided Church but a glorious one without spot or wrinkle and division is a spot and a wrinkle, then and ONLY then will the Church be unified in love and agreement in scripture. May we the Church always remember, the Holy Spirit does not have to give us an interpretation of the Word, HE "IS" THE WORD!. So HE will and has to do is give us a revelation of the Word for all of our understanding. (1 Corinthians 4:5). Love everybody..AMEN..SELAH!
If you enjoyed this panel, maybe you will find below interesting too, if you don’t already know it: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Division! Division! Division! Either the bible is real or not. Either God love all people and died for all or not. Listening to this panel helps me to further see why the world is so messed up. Love God, Love People! Period! I am sick of people trying to intellectualize the Gospel. There are hateful people in every corner of the earth! Do everything in love, that is where the power is! Beware of false teachers!
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
FINALLY SOME REAL BROTHERS from the church speaking on REAL ISSUES....about why our churches speak the different so called gospels , wether it be watered down , taking from the wrong sources or the what's in now gospel.... the theology of the institution that you studied at does play a role in what you preach... the church wants to be invited to sit down with the OPPRESSOR .... change the gospel that fits a certain group of peoples lifestyles .....their are many problems , one step at a time but the issues need to be addressed..... Go to church and leave your brain at home , not a part of 🤔🤔🤔.... Dr. E. Dewey Smith ...a lot of great points in this video... Dr. Frank Thomas .....Scholar program connected to the church and go out and teach two classes to a non ceminary trained person in your community ...... Bryan Lorits said we don't allow the young people to grow....close the social and economics gaps... Dr. Walter McCray..... if your message is not good news to the poor , lifting the oppressed etc. Jubilee every 50 yrs set folks free .. pay off debts ,land be restored , family reunion... the poor man's hope and holiday....DEEP passover , etc....🤔🤔🤔turns everything on it's head ....etc. " I don't want to opress no one with my gospel " GREAT VIDEO.....
Amen! Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
I celebrate Dr Frank Thomas for advocating for fiscal creativity and economic mobility when addressing the issue of offsetting tuition cost for educating communities of color. (Selah)
I agree. Will you consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
I loved this discussion. Sometimes we need clarification by logic explanation. We can’t shout through every service . Lack of knowledge comes from lack acceptance. Accepting God’s plan for his son and for the world is deeper than an “ sha-ba-ba” , touch your neighbor and turn around . Ministry vs Mission ... Destiny vs Direction
Amen I agree. Also consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
My question to the panel ~ what would be the first step to returning back to the basics … preaching the GOSPEL and not the Multiple Gospel. Secondly, who’s willing to remove all of the Commercialism that is currently in the church and get back to Worshipping in Spirit and Truth. I await and look forward to your response (s). Thank you 🙏🏽
Being an intellectual is good but I have sat under some scholarly reverend's. Who has studied at some of the greatest Universities and are in these Fraternities and Sororities, and were very Nasty and obnoxious. I thank God I am filled with the Holy spirit and deeply rooted in Christ, because I stayed around to let God do what He had to do within me, but I watched others from the community leave because of the disconnect. Very sad they didn't feel the brotherly & sisterly love you read about in the bible. I only agree with what the Dr. Said about education to help answer deep questioning. The church must put Christ first because we are starting to feel cold like the World
We do not need deep spiritual education and men loving to use big words to try and explain what they think God's word means. The teacher and Spirit of Truth is the Holy Spirit. Gospel in Greek means good news. The good news is Jesus. The Apostle Paul said: I know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified. Sounds like the Good News. The bible and the gospel is not complicated and it's men that make it so. The bible tells us the scripture is not for personal interpretation. Men need to keep the main thing-the main thing= Jesus Christ. Christianity centers around a person ( Jesus). Christian means " Christlike ones". The bible says we are Ambassadors for Christ. All the rest of men opinions are vanity/ his own thoughts and imagination. Stick to the bible and the great teacher, the Holy Spirit of God. Be Blessed.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Dr. Lisa, please research Dr. Mark Ellis here in Baton Rouge. I believe this ministry would provide refreshing perspective and demonstration of Christian service to showing Jesus to people. I love Jude3. Please check out united christian faith ministries
Hello, Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
“Christ is not divided” The Bible says, what then are denominations? God says that denominations are the work of man’s flesh, and the righteous one has not founded any of them. We must repent of seeking our own lives and believe what Paul the apostle and all the apostles believed, saying, “I no longer live but Christ Jesus lives inside of me.” God has commanded us to agree on every teaching, The Holy Spirit brings us to agreement if we submit to him and to one another. Does the father disagree with the son? Why then do denominations disagree ? They are in error.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
I don't understand any of this. I don't understand the reason. I don't understand the point. "Different gospel", I hate that language. There is only one gospel, and if your "gospel" does not align with that of the gospel of Jesus Christ, then one must repent and get with the program.I don't see where Paul preached a different gospel? He preached the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. He preached "by grace alone, faith alone, in Christ alone". He preached about sin. He preached about hope. He preached about the old covenant. He preached about the new covenant. He preached Jesus. I honestly think we MISS THE MARK when we associate "gospel" with culture. Black, white, brown, yellow. The gospel is not different per race or ethnic group. Black preaching. White preaching. JUST PREACH THE GOSPEL! It sets people free because at the center of the gospel is Jesus Christ. Not a black man. Not a white man. Just Jesus. I can't stand ministries that are dedicated and centered around black people in the same way I can't stand any ministry dedicated and centered around white people. Degrees in black theology. Degrees in the black church. Degrees in black black black black black black black. Why? What for? What is the point? I am not against being educated about culture, but you do not have to dedicate your life to black everything.
This was interesting about the different gospels that there are, when interestingly, the Bible sees its message as one gospel for all people, at all time, and in every context. I wonder if all these variant forms of gospel aren’t just pieces of the whole, sort of like the parable about the five blind guys and the elephant. The one touching the ear had a vastly different interpretation of what he had, from the one with the trunk. Likewise the one with the tail, and the one with leg, and so on. (I didn’t do the parable justice, but I hope you got the point). The idea is they were all right, but only partially. Only the man who could see the whole elephant was able to render perfect judgment of the situation. This is sort of how it is with the “my gospel Vs. your gospel, and maybe we’ll meet in the middle” approach. Paul’s gospel was only different from Peter’s in the sense that Peter preached to Jews - people who knew the law. Paul was called to preach to lawless pagans who had a different starting point of reference. Hence, the need for a special contextualized approach. But it was the same Christo- centric good news about the kingdom of God - not a different gospel. If only it were possible to approach Scripture simply respecting its authority to define us, rather than us interpreting it thru our ethnic and cultural biases. (This applies to both Black and White Evangelicals), then maybe we could all agree on what the gospel is. And in fact i believe it is possible if we adopt a kingdom perspective, as taught by Jesus. Therein is righteousness/justice, peace, Joy, and love. Therein race, sex, and class become subject to our Christian identity and we all see ourselves as one family - God’s family (Gal. 3:27-28; Eph. 2:14-18). Didn’t mean to preach. Sorry 😞
Not really. Romans 2:16 & 16:25, Galatians1:11-12 Paul taught his own gospel and admits this. And it is clear that his usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Paul definitely taught a different gospel from what Jesus taught His 12 Apostles. Paul called himself into ministry and did not qualify to be an Apostle. Acts1:20-26.
Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
I cannot understand why this continuous debate about Paul vs Jesus’s gospels is still so prevalent. There is only one Gospel of Christ. Who gave Paul the gospel? Christ. I don’t see a contradiction. So what’s the debate? If we want to discuss application of the gospel in different cultural social environments etc then we will see differences. But these are not different gospels. I thought that the writers of the gospel were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write one story. For me to say there are several gospels would make the Holy Spirit schizophrenic and the Holy Trinity would implode.
Hello, I want you to consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Hello, Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Great topic of discussion, I however don't think we will ever come to a conclusion of what the gospel is according to doctrine and beliefs. Of course we should follow the scriptures and the teachings of Jesus but when denomnations are embedded in us and taught throughout history, we tend to lean on the gospel as we know as the true and only gospel.....
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Well Paul gave the pattern of who could be a pastor....And many are unqualified according to scriptures,but yet they are still in positions...Again, I am confused?
Sirgregory Thornton I surmised that slavery would come about in this conversation. I have heard this conversation too many times, but I would dare not say that it is timeless.
@@MrsRoberts247 Hey, what's up. I believe it is a well-timed and needed conversation because of the current trend that I see amongst black believers. I believe many black Christians are struggling with and wrestling with how to live out the Christian faith in today's society. What were your expectations of slavery in this conversation?
Hello, Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Don’t complicate things with your natural knowledge, it’s simple 1 Gospel 1God OneSpirit, 1 Body, If anyone teaches a different Gospel let him be Cursed
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
@@queendove6376 there are not two Gospels, all scripture is inspired by God , yes the law is still in affect or else what would Jesus be saving man from? But the born again man is no longer under law he has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus through the perfect sacrifice the lamb of God , Romans 8:1 therefore there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ
@@josejacinto8126 There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and another taught by Paul. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastors. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
I don’t think they were referring to the fact that Jesus paid the price for our debt of sin they were emphasizing that everyone has differences in how they received that message and what exactly they were and are continually being saved from. It did however come out in a suspicious way.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
@@Gnarmarmilla You have to repent for having a different perspective on life? The police kill unarmed black men. No repentance! Do you like the police perspective on that your black life don't matter?
Jesus have Paul his ministry mission when he said I am rescuing you from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’
I love this topic of discussion, but the academic calmness in which you approach this subject of White American Evangelical Christian Nationalism and the damage it has, is, and will continue to do, especially in regards race, and in particular toward Af-Ams, unless Jesus Himself steps in and intervenes, will keep on making mockery of John 13:34,35 and Gal. 3:28, while further crippling the spreading of the Gospel in an America where the unsaved see nothing but hypocrisy. All I can say is thank God He has assured us that the gates of Hell shall never prevail against us, that as many as He loves He chastens (which I believe we are in now), and as sure as it is prohesied there is coming The Rapture of a Church without spot or blemish! I'm a 71 y.o. Christian Af-am who has been saved for 42 years, and I can tell you I've had nothing that has tested the foundation on which my house of faith is built like these past 4+ years ... I find absolutely nada soothing one iota about this sad state of the Body of Christ in America ... Talk about Laodicea! I identify as Christian first, and as Af-Am second, because what you lead with as your apex identity is what you will filter your every life experience through, as opposed to being an Af-Am first and a Christian second, by which I'd be filtering my Christianity through my Af-Am disadvantaged life experience ... The former makes me forgiving, the latter would leave me vengeful, though I readily admit the George Floyd incident had me reeling as to which identity was foremost for a while ... So much so as one night when agonizing in prayer, I cried our, "Lord, what is wrong with America"? ... The answer I got back was "White Christianity". Throughout American history we've had a predominance of White Christians who filter their Christianity through their life experience of privilege, instead of Christian Whites who'd filter their privilege through their Christianity ... The former leaves them selfish, while the latter would make them benevolent ... It's what made White Christians to be just fine with participating in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, Plantation slavery, and Jim Crow in the past, and segregation, discrimination, and out of mind marginalization even toward their fellow Christian Af-Am siblings still at present. For a minute my feelings towards my White Evangelical Christian brothers and sisters has been strained, but I know ours is not a battle of flesh and blood, not even when it's fellow saints acting out of character ... I had to constantly for a while ask our Lord's forgiveness for the "evil for evil" racial feelings my "old man" was kicking up in me ... But praise God through lots of prayer, and in power and might of Holy Spirit, I'm back on track in love and prayer for "ALL" those within our family of Jesus Christ! I really appreciate your even broaching this subject, it's a much needed addressing of such an insidiously serious satanic infiltration of the Body of Christ portion here in America! What I'd still really like to see more of though, is Black Pastors addressing racist White Evangelical Nationalistic Pastors and Christianity about the fact that they are in essence proclaiming another Gospel when they can justify their mal treatment of any of their fellow Christian siblings because of race ... Lord knows I've tried with the AG and COGIC in eliminating this racial gap, but to no avail.
Critiquing religion. Looking at the progress of religion or should i say the decline of religion in society. It seem when the focus was on faith the church was more successful. When follower waited on the spirit. We were able to win 5000 to the body of christ, because of faith. Today we wait on academic degrees, and can't seem to tie our own shoes, or the shoes of other. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 KJV
Hey Lisa I want to commend you for the Jude 3 project I did not know anything about it until the past year or so. I have been watching many of your videos after becoming a subscriber. But I must say that it is interesting that many of the doctors and seminary teachers you have on as guest do not know believe/ know the Bible. One memorable episode in particular with Dr. Howard John Wesley who was clearly speaking heresy and many other panelist who reject, deny, neitherr believe the bible. I'm not a person who would comment on videos but after seeing the last talk about Paul's sexual ethics, I burned on the inside and I could not help it. It was obvious that NONE of the panelists believed nor understood the word of God... and seemed to be bitter by the way. I will say upfront, I do not have the theological degrees but I do sit at the feet of Jesus and hear his words. I have watched many of your videos so I'm hoping that you will give me the time of day and give me your feedback on this. Why is it that these Professors/ Doctors etc. you bring on Reject clear teachings of the bible?thank you for your time?
Hello, Consider the following: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
There is only one gospel! Any adjective that doesn't evolve CHRIST, grace, or kingdom. Is not the gospel at all. Romans 1:16-17 AMP [16] I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [in Christ as Savior], to the Jew first and also to the Greek. [17] For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed in a way that awakens more faith]. As it is written and forever remains written, “The just and upright shall live by faith.”
I don’t remember reading in the Bible where there is a white church and black church! That type of talk just furthers the division of the body of believers. Galatians 3:26-29 I’m just saying!🙏🏽🤷🏾♂️
Use the definition for Gospel from the greek. that settles it. Use the Biblical framework and language whether white, black, or any other color or culture. noe of us should "invent" our own Gospel.
Sam Shutt trust that Jesus Christ was crucified for bad people and repent of sin and we will see that the English word “gospel” is from the old English word, “Godspell” which means “good message,” which is the same as the Greek word “Euangelion”
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
I'm a black man,who is saved and loves the Word of God...I'm just floored that soo many black theolgians are looking through these perspectives of white supremacy and blackness and social liberation or social justice.....When Jesus saved the saints there is no longer jew, gentile,male nor female...Also, you won't find instructions for the church to be involved in social justice or , societal liberation as this society sees it...That is a distraction to the biblical gospel... .
Yeah, I’m, surprised (that I’m just now finding out that many black theologians fall into this camp) and disappointed that this is taking place. As I continue to try and be fair, objective, attentive and discerning, I can’t help but think satan is at play here to some degree.
If your gospel has a color, a denomination, political ,a social class---it is 'another gospel;. Beware!!1 isn't that what Jude 3 is all about? I listened to people who are not free in Christ Jesus.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
This is error when men tell you it's okay to live sinfully because everyone struggles. No all struggles are not sin when did struggles become defined by sin? This is what King Felix said to Paul sometimes much study without REVELATION equals error. The Holy Spirit is not producing all this confusion.
Hello, Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
@@queendove6376 for all your writing you show how deceived you are. Paul NEVER claimed anything of the sort that is a lie of satan that is being perpetrated against Christ's Church. I will also add being done so with your help. There is nothing in Paul's writings that anyone can prove such allegations. Because GOD through Christ chose him Acts 9:15-16 spells this all out. You need to repent for even repeating this lie.
@@darrialfleming8548 I have nothing to repent for. Truth needs no ones permission to be told. What I shared with you is all right in the Bible. Jesus acknowledges that there is a time for the Spirit to reveal things to His people and some things we might not be ready for. Are you ready? All the evidence is there in the word and it is on you to receive it or not. If you disagree , I’m okay with that. But I know it’s the truth. We have to seek our own soul salvation and I can only tell you what I know. If you are really interested in the truth and the overwhelming evidence (from the Bible) as to what I have shared. Study to show though self approved. A workman need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. Again, If you are interested check out the following: Book called - “Paul and Jesus” by author James Talbots Website: Google: JESUS WORDS ONLY by Douglas J. Del Tondo - it’s s Book you can read from your Kindle/Amazon Book: Questioning Paul Google: False ApostlesOr False Apostle Paul Google is growing everyday. More people are getting the Revelation and coming forth. Acts 1:20-26 - The Words qualifications to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ and you will see Paul did not qualify because he was not there. Who are you going to believe. Don’t love Paul more than you love God. I know this information is new to you and it’s hard for you to believe and accept. But it is all true and Paul will confirm it to you as well as Jesus and the 12 Apostles chosen by God. The real question is are you ready for it?
@@queendove6376 all you have stated is opinionated and false. Thank you I'm not so crippled I need Google for everything. The scriptures themselves are enough. So I yield to your desire to believe such a lie. Yet as I've shown scripture doesn't say it so???? You can insert the rest. Lastly Peter I Pray you find no fault in him as well. Admonished Paul in his second letter stating clearly that Paul was beloved and should be received. He goes on to say that those that don't understand him ( Paul) are westling and having trouble with other scripture. You will find this in the third chapter.
@@queendove6376 oh yeah the qualifications of being an Apostle is to Born of GOD and chosen. I myself have been called as such a one. But your lack of the Spirit and trust in men ( like Talbot) you have willingly been led astray.
Hello I was listening to several of your podcast and as informative as they are there is still an issue. That issue is that it is still one sided. Now I am a pastor (Experiencing God’s Word Center of Hope) We are Bible Christians of whom realize that we are indeed Hebrew of the Southern Kingdom of Israel. Most of your panelists are bringing hermeneutics and an exegesis view of preaching when I strongly disagree with those points of view. Please consider having an intellectual that is still privy to their identity as Israel the true priest to all the seeds of Adam.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
GOD has not commanded anyone to have a Degree or PHD to preach The Gospel , As JESUS CHRIST said THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is upon me HE SENT me to preach ....etc Nicodemus Dr , did not know what is born again and here come A Man without degree or PHD but full of HOLYSPIRIT explaining to DR Nicodemus what is mean be born again School does not make preacher , GOD makes Preacher . Please invite Apostle GINO JENNINGS
Antoine Depadoux Edzoa - Mbede It was a rhetorical question. I know who he is . I’m saying “ HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE” There are other called men of God who is preaching the infallible word of God.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
I enjoyed this panel. I agreed with many of their thoughts and opinions. However, many people do not believe there were two gospels. They believe there is one and both are true. There is only one Gospel taught by Jesus to His 12 chosen Apostles. But Paul taught a gospel different from what Jesus and the 12 Apostles taught. These Gospels were not the same and Paul acknowledges this (Romans 2:16; 16:25 - Galatians 1:11-12). Paul refers to his message as “my gospel”, and it is clear that his usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. I do not agree that Peter had his own gospel. Peter preached the same Gospel he had been taught by Jesus to teach. He was to preach it to the Gentiles and Jews too. Paul wanted him (Peter) to relinquish his call that God had given him to preach to the Gentiles. Which Peter did not do, since God never relieved him of. Paul called himself to teaching/preaching to the Gentiles.
Paul’s mission was to preach to the Gentiles, when you look at who they were, their beliefs, and much more, you can better understand his gospel. The Apostles’ mission was go ye therefore and teach all nations. The question is are there still “Gentiles”? Probably so, which is why the countries he visited, especially the church of Corinth had so many issues. The Jews didn’t even fool with Paul during this time. He always preached and taught Jesus!!! It’s just his mission given by Jesus was to the Gentiles. Paul’s ministry was given to him by Jesus: rescuing you from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’
@@AHSongbird27 I don’t believe that God called him for the Gentiles. Peter was called for them. But Paul clearly confessed that there was no Gentiles or Jews in Christ. I understand what you are trying to say but I just don’t agree that God called Paul. I know that is what Paul says and I know that’s what it says in the book of Acts. But it’s too many contradictions and Paul denying things that Acts says he did and Paul says those things did not happen. I just believe in one teaching. And that’s Jesus teachings and the teachings He gave to the Apostles. Paul did not agree with Jesus’s or His Apostles teachings. That is why he (Paul) did not get along with them. They taught two different things. And Jesus clearly state “those who obey My teachings are My disciples”.
I guess I''m on a different Wave Length because I'm not Feeling / Believing / Accepting / Understanding / Endorsing any of this. I'm hearing there's a Different Gospel ? I'm hearing that if someone is struggling with Gay Issues they still can be in the Ministry ? I'm hearing that your experience shapes your Gospel ? I'm hearing that it's racism on the White Side but Not on the Black Side ? I'm hearing that there's a Progressive Revelation meaning that the Bible is NOT ENOUGH ? There's so much more, but to me EVERYTHING THAT I JUST QUOTED IS "ANTI-SCRIPTURE". It doesn't matter how many Degrees that you have or how eloquent you are, you can't Call yourself a Preacher / Christian and endorse those things, it just flies in the face of THE BIBLE. RACISM AND FALSE DOCTRINE, IS WHAT THIS PANEL IS "ALL ABOUT"
@@richardthomas6364 Everything has a backstory brother even the Bible! Until you realize you don't know what you don't know, what you know will always be limited and shaded with ignorance.
@@nathanking3482 Well if you feel like that about the Bible, there's no use of continuing this conversation,, because I'm just crazy enough to believe that the Bible is All we Need Jhn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Jhn 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. According to Jesus, he said that THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE According to Jesus, he said that THY WORD(BIBLE) IS TRUTH So according to these 2 scriptures, the Bible is Truth, if not then we can never know it, if not we are still in our Sins, if not we CANNOT MAKE IT TO HEAVEN
@@richardthomas6364 i wouldn't say you are crazy because that absolves you of your responsibility to Study to show yourself approved and that my friend goes beyond your Bible because the search for truth would lead you to history too. I would call you "ignorant" and willfully ignorant which is evil!
45,000 different sectors of Christianity globally. Let me repeat. 45,000 different interpretations of Christianity globally. Of course there is division. I always wonder why we give so much credence to Paul who has never seen Jesus over Peter and the disciples who were hanging with Jesus. We make Paul JESUS JUNIOR. 😂
Paul was sent to the Gentiles. That's why most Gentiles glean from Paul because he was hand picked by JESUS for that very thing. He seen the resurrected JESUS which was a requirement to be an apostle. He breaks down the gospel of grace vs the law and how we as Gentiles are to live out our faith. Also he wrote most of the new testament. Peter has 2 epistles.
"Do you need seminary to do ministry?" I did not hear a straight answer. I heard a lot of strawman arguments. The real answer is No! You do not need seminary to do ministry Seminary is not a requirement for ministry! I myself love to study and learn. It troubles my soul when people chose remain ignorant. When people lie and create a standard that God himself did not set that standard it is heresy. If your actions is to get people to do what you feel is right then just say that, but stop with the false representation of your opinion as God standard.
Well seminary is really good if you want to learn more about the details and deeper parts of the bible. Seminary also helps when you have people who are astute on their beliefs and are trying to talk you down or disprove or twist what the bible says. Many things that God has shown me in his word wasn't only for me. I have to share so others can know.
@@anthonywilliams852 I know the Holy Spirit is a better teacher then seminary, and the Holy Spirit teaches without the traditions of men and all of its corrupt beliefs. The Spirit teaches you what to study and how to study. The Holy Spirit informs us how to communicate on any level to any person. Our society trust more in man made systems and not the power of God. These man made systems that claim to make better preacher are actually destroying organize religion and people are leaving this foolishness that has no power and no belief in God.
The Best preachers I ever heard were the men who choose to answer the call and follow Christ no seminary, and they built ministries from the ground up.
Ten minutes in on what is the Gospel and no biblical definition. There is one Gospel all other forms are accursed-Galatians 1. An old country preacher would have answered this easily. But today the Rev. Dr. DR. intellectualizes everything. No plainess of speech. No direct biblical reference to the question. No corrective word to the false gospel messages only acceptance of views. Speaking to The Divided Mind of the Church, it is on full display here with a simple question on what is the Gospel. Enough.
The bible says the scripture/the word of God is of no private interpretation. They have left God and are engaging in vain thoughts that are man taught. They need the Spirit of God, who is the great teacher. What we see hear is Flesh on Display. Read the bible for yourself and ask the Spirit of God to help you understand what you you have read. Leave it to the ones with all the degrees to make the scriptures complicated. Be Blessed. God wants us to know his truths.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
@@queendove6376 Thanks for your reply. But you are incorrect, One Lord, One Faith (Yeshua's Faith), One Baptism (Holy Spirit Baptism). You are wrestling with the scriptures as stated by Peter concerning Paul. The Apostles and Paul were together on the Gospel.
@@gttaylor6275 No ma’am. I’m sorry you have not been informed but the Gospels and Paul letters are clear and confirm this truth. I pray that you will go back and study the Bible. Truth is truth and it needs no ones permission to be told. Thx
@@queendove6376 The just shall live by faith. Everybody saved the same way. Apostles and Paul agreed as read in Acts 15 at the Jerusalem Council. How was David the King saved that would be by faith even after adultery and murder. Thief on the cross saved by faith. I am saved by faith of Jesus Christ. If you are saved it is by faith,there is no other way. One Faith, One Lord, One Baptism.
Something ungodly and apostate with this panel. Nothing about God, they are no different than the worldly leaders. They desire the same things the world does and neglect holiness and the reconciliation offered at the cross of Christ.
There was 2 Gospels. One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive. Consider this: Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law. When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down. Is Paul the Savior? NO Is Paul the Way? NO Is Paul the Truth? NO Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake. They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price. This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught. When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER! Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag. These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man. Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him. If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues. Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says. The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS. As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance. Wow! What a deception. Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW! (Revelation 20:7-10). Dispensation teachings ignores this. Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born. Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him. Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving. God Bless!
Paul is affirmed in both Acts and in Peters Epistle, as an apostle and that his writing are inspired. You are pushing division and hatred. Paul affirms that man can only be saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul taught that we have liberty in Christ not to do as we please but to be slaves unto righteousness.
@@JohnMarchione-y2p No my friend. You don’t want to be a slave, nobodies! Where the Spirit of God is there is liberty. I do not hate Paul or no one else. I’m just loving you by telling you the truth, yet you accuse me of hatred. I dislike the confusion and deception Paul has caused, but I still love him and it broke my heart when I learnt he was a false teacher and false apostle. I know this information is new to you, shocking and it’s hard for you to believe and accept. But truth does not need no ones permission to be told. All the evidence is there in the word and it is on you to receive it or not. If you disagree , I’m okay with that. But I know it’s the truth. We have to seek our own soul salvation and I can only tell you what I know. If you are really interested in the truth and the overwhelming evidence as to what I have shared, check out the following: Book called - “Paul and Jesus” by author James Talbots Website: Google: JESUS WORDS ONLY by Douglas J. Del Tondo - it’s s Book you can read from your Kindle/Amazon Book: Questioning Paul Google: False ApostlesOr False Apostle Paul Google is growing everyday. More people are getting the Revelation and coming forth. If you are not convince then ok. I’m not hear to force anything on you. The choice is yours.
@@queendove6376 Repent is what you should do. You are one who has bought into division and falsehood. Like the ppl in this video, you think you can find God intellectually, but we cannot. One must be born again (John 3). You failed to answer my question, What of Luke and Peter? Luke writes half if not more of the Acts about Paul's missionary journeys. Peter says in 2 Peter 3:15-17, that Paul's writings are Scripture. Peter also warns of ppl like you in that passage, " the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do other Scriptures." You who use the Scriptures to promote your own intellect, repent for all of Scriptures promote God's wisdom. Do not seek your own salvation but that which was preached by Jesus, then by Peter, Paul, John, and the other apostles, that is that the Son took ours sins on the cross and died according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
@@JohnMarchione-y2p As a man think in his heart is he and the abundance of the heart, he speaks. Did you research my references? Of course not, you are afraid of the truth. I know it’s scary to believe after all these years, you have been tricked, Bamboozled and you depend on Paul’s gospel to teach. It’s not too late for you to repent and allow God Spirit to teach you. Deception is real. What, did you think the wolf in sheep clothing was going to be obvious? No! No! That’s why it’s called deception. Only God can not be deceived. He is all knowing. Not you, not me, only HE. The enemy is very cunning! But if you listened to Gods Word and you get a true relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit will be your teacher and not man and He will reveal to you what I’m sharing with you. It’s has always been there in the Bible. You just didn’t understand He was talking about your favorite person PAUL. Don’t get mad at me for telling you the truth about your best guy. Again. I can’t force you to believe and receive. The choice is yours. Malcom X, didn’t heed to his wife’s help, she tried to warn him, that’s what women do. We try to HELP you.
So happy to see these pastors speaking about social justice issues and how they relate to the gospel. The Black pastors in my city are mute on those issues. It is very hurtful and discouraging. Especially at a time when there are so many anti Blackness policies and activities taking place.
Dr Dewey hit the nail on the head Jesus has to be the center of attraction. That’s it. Deliverance and being led by the Holy Spirit.
1:14:50 .. Sir!! I have felt this and it breaks my heart Why do we consistently think “ their” way is better. You must look far and wide for gospel music to reflect us not a carbon copy of contemporary spaces. One place we equal is with God, I just think we don’t actually believe that or we’d be ourselves.. authentically who we were created to be .. proudly! Thank You all!! This is so helpful
This is a blessing. The problem today is people are calling themselves, instead of God calling them. Everyone wants to be a part of the five fold, we have a lot of so called leaders and declining followers. On the one hand you have, preachers taking parts of the Bible and misinterpreting it, then saying the holy spirit " said or spoke to them". Down right evil things are taking place in the body of Christ all in the name of Jesus. Some controversial issues that is not being discussed in the church are Christmas, Adultery, tithes, Divorce, Abuse ( domestic violence) and mental illness. The sad part is on these subjects no one is willing to have a discussion. Yet we wonder why there is a great falling away... maybe because some Ministers use the word to beat people over the head all the while condemning and judging.
Dr. Thomas is the man. His answers and the gentleman next to him were SPOT ON.
Dr Walter McCray is his name and he is phenomenal and authentic
Wow wow wow! What wisdom, depth and thought provoking panel
These questions are really well crafted and thought out. Coupled with this elite panel, this is super insightful, helpful, and informative...
Jesus is the Gospel.
Excellent forum. It is encouraging to see and hear us address the dichotomy within the black church and to acknowledge how we the church can help and hurt. Continue to push and pull us to a better place. God bless you all.
Great session and super inputs by the panel. Really loved it.
One of the best panel discussions I’ve seen. I found and find these discussions helpful.
Holiness is right
I appreciate this conversation put on by The Jude 3 Project. Absolutely refreshing to hear from these men of the faith. I was able to take away something from all of them and hopefully help others, as well as the congregation I serve in the process. Many blessings
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Great conversation. We need more biblically sound conversations instead of motivation based preaching.
This panel discussion was excellent - insightful, relevant and timely!
Gosh yes!!!
We must be careful not to move from faith too knowledge! Jeremiah 9:23-24 This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches
but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.
There was no boasting being done here. Only a thoughtful and challenging conversation.
This was great but I thought there is only one gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ: life, death, resurrection and second coming. Someone help me out.
There is only one gospel, but the question I think they are raising is the various definitions that some may adhere to versus others. A great example is 'the gospel Europeans gave to slaves to keep them obedient to them' or 'the gospel slaves interpreted for themselves to keep their sanity'. I can appreciate them wanting to answer the questions or clarity to their answers by making sure they were understanding the meaning of the subject matter. Hope that makes sense.
Yes and no!
One Gospel taught by Jesus and His 12 Apostles.
But Paul had a different gospel he taught and claimed Jesus taught Him and He alone. But it wasn’t the Gospel Jesus taught when He was here in the flesh.
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Jesus is not my strongest spirit, but I came up in a Christian household so I respect him. I do feel like when I'm in the black church that is still my family...
The bridging the gap is Jesus Christ through prayer, amen Mr. McCray. We’re to focus on ways to help make disciples, God’s will for followers though the leading of the Holy Spirit in His word. Jesus is the High Priest, it’s important to be Christ minded not theologian centered replacing the Holy Spirit with a Theology Degree.
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Very good!!! Young preacher get that education n please SERVE FIRST!@
We speak of the Church as if it is an independent entity of its own. As we know Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand, (Mathew 12:22-28). Peter declared Judgement begins at the house of God. We are divided, as the Church because we have forgotten one essential element of our foundation as "THEE CHURCH" which is found in Ephesians 4:5 and that is one Lord, one faith and one baptism and that being the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's revelation is supposed to be our COMMON DENOMINATOR as the Church. He is our unifier and His revelation of scripture will ultimately be what unifies the Church in love. Too many of us as men and leaders of the Church have REPLACED Holy Ghost revelation with "OUR" hermeneutics and exegesis of scripture because too many of us still try to make scripture conform to our desires, will and lifestyles instead of allowing the one who wrote the scripture, (2 Timothy 3:16), the Holy Spirit, give us a UNIFIED understanding of the scriptures and sincerely strive to live up to the understanding "HE" and ONLY "HE" can give us. It does not take DEGREES to DIE in the Spirit, just a heart transformed by the receiving of the revelation of God's love. It's that DYING that allows man to humbly open his heart to the receiving of the Spirit's revelation and understanding of scripture. I believe one should get as much education and knowledge as they can in their lifetime but often times we have allowed much learning from man made institutions to replace DYING to Holy Ghost revelation with indoctrinations,, ideologies and opinions of men. This is why the word religion gets such a bad rap, because religion like sacrifice CAN always possess an element of man's will, ideologies, desires, indoctrinations etc. May we never think ones Anointing is QUALIFIED in God's heart and eyes by the amount of education and degrees he possesses as so many of us have pridefully determined. For knowledge puffeth up but charity edifieth, (1 Corinthians 8:1). So simply put for this discussion and I say simply because the depth of this discussion may not help the listeners arrive at the simplicity of the answer; so simply put, when the Church comes back to humbling ourselves to receiving the full revelation of the Holy Spirit and we will because Christ is not coming back for a divided Church but a glorious one without spot or wrinkle and division is a spot and a wrinkle, then and ONLY then will the Church be unified in love and agreement in scripture. May we the Church always remember, the Holy Spirit does not have to give us an interpretation of the Word, HE "IS" THE WORD!. So HE will and has to do is give us a revelation of the Word for all of our understanding. (1 Corinthians 4:5). Love everybody..AMEN..SELAH!
I can't stop watching this conversation ! Thank you it's really good !
If you enjoyed this panel, maybe you will find below interesting too, if you don’t already know it:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
@@queendove6376 You posted a very long post but didn’t show any contradictions.
Division! Division! Division! Either the bible is real or not. Either God love all people and died for all or not.
Listening to this panel helps me to further see why the world is so messed up.
Love God, Love People! Period! I am sick of people trying to intellectualize the Gospel.
There are hateful people in every corner of the earth! Do everything in love, that is where the power is!
Beware of false teachers!
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
FINALLY SOME REAL BROTHERS from the church speaking on REAL ISSUES....about why our churches speak the different so called gospels , wether it be watered down , taking from the wrong sources or the what's in now gospel.... the theology of the institution that you studied at does play a role in what you preach... the church wants to be invited to sit down with the OPPRESSOR ....
change the gospel that fits a certain group of peoples lifestyles
.....their are many problems , one step at a time but the issues need to be addressed..... Go to church and leave your brain at home , not a part of 🤔🤔🤔....
Dr. E. Dewey Smith ...a lot of great points in this video...
Dr. Frank Thomas .....Scholar program connected to the church and go out and teach two classes to a non ceminary trained person in your community ......
Bryan Lorits said we don't allow the young people to grow....close the social and economics gaps...
Dr. Walter McCray..... if your message is not good news to the poor , lifting the oppressed etc. Jubilee every 50 yrs set folks free .. pay off debts ,land be restored , family reunion... the poor man's hope and holiday....DEEP
passover , etc....🤔🤔🤔turns everything on it's head ....etc.
" I don't want to opress no one with my gospel "
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
I celebrate Dr Frank Thomas for advocating for fiscal creativity and economic mobility when addressing the issue of offsetting tuition cost for educating communities of color. (Selah)
This is a great dialogue and it push you to study!!
this panel is powerful!
I agree. Will you consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Very interesting 🔥❤️
I loved this discussion. Sometimes we need clarification by logic explanation. We can’t shout through every service .
Lack of knowledge comes from lack acceptance. Accepting God’s plan for his son and for the world is deeper than an “ sha-ba-ba” , touch your neighbor and turn around .
Ministry vs Mission ... Destiny vs Direction
Amen I agree.
Also consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
This was so good
My question to the panel ~ what would be the first step to returning back to the basics … preaching the GOSPEL and not the Multiple Gospel.
Secondly, who’s willing to remove all of the Commercialism that is currently in the church and get back to Worshipping in Spirit and Truth.
I await and look forward to your response (s). Thank you 🙏🏽
Being an intellectual is good but I have sat under some scholarly reverend's. Who has studied at some of the greatest Universities and are in these Fraternities and Sororities, and were very Nasty and obnoxious. I thank God I am filled with the Holy spirit and deeply rooted in Christ, because I stayed around to let God do what He had to do within me, but I watched others from the community leave because of the disconnect. Very sad they didn't feel the brotherly & sisterly love you read about in the bible. I only agree with what the Dr. Said about education to help answer deep questioning. The church must put Christ first because we are starting to feel cold like the World
We do not need deep spiritual education and men loving to use big words to try and explain what they think God's word means. The teacher and Spirit of Truth is the Holy Spirit. Gospel in Greek means good news. The good news is Jesus. The Apostle Paul said: I know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified. Sounds like the Good News. The bible and the gospel is not complicated and it's men that make it so. The bible tells us the scripture is not for personal interpretation. Men need to keep the main thing-the main thing= Jesus Christ. Christianity centers around a person ( Jesus). Christian means " Christlike ones". The bible says we are Ambassadors for Christ. All the rest of men opinions are vanity/ his own thoughts and imagination. Stick to the bible and the great teacher, the Holy Spirit of God. Be Blessed.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
@@queendove6376 Romans 6:23. Nobody put Paul teachings over Christ.
So glad your doing this Ms. Fields!!
Dr. Lisa, please research Dr. Mark Ellis here in Baton Rouge. I believe this ministry would provide refreshing perspective and demonstration of Christian service to showing Jesus to people. I love Jude3. Please check out united christian faith ministries
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
“Christ is not divided” The Bible says, what then are denominations?
God says that denominations are the work of man’s flesh, and the righteous one has not founded any of them.
We must repent of seeking our own lives and believe what Paul the apostle and all the apostles believed, saying, “I no longer live but Christ Jesus lives inside of me.”
God has commanded us to agree on every teaching, The Holy Spirit brings us to agreement if we submit to him and to one another. Does the father disagree with the son?
Why then do denominations disagree ? They are in error.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
I enjoy the discussion but what we all have to remember Gods word dose not change. We just stick with Gods word. Not what we said but what God’s says.
I don't understand any of this. I don't understand the reason. I don't understand the point.
"Different gospel", I hate that language. There is only one gospel, and if your "gospel" does not align with that of the gospel of Jesus Christ, then one must repent and get with the program.I don't see where Paul preached a different gospel? He preached the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. He preached "by grace alone, faith alone, in Christ alone". He preached about sin. He preached about hope. He preached about the old covenant. He preached about the new covenant. He preached Jesus.
I honestly think we MISS THE MARK when we associate "gospel" with culture. Black, white, brown, yellow. The gospel is not different per race or ethnic group. Black preaching. White preaching. JUST PREACH THE GOSPEL! It sets people free because at the center of the gospel is Jesus Christ. Not a black man. Not a white man. Just Jesus. I can't stand ministries that are dedicated and centered around black people in the same way I can't stand any ministry dedicated and centered around white people. Degrees in black theology. Degrees in the black church. Degrees in black black black black black black black. Why? What for? What is the point? I am not against being educated about culture, but you do not have to dedicate your life to black everything.
This was interesting about the different gospels that there are, when interestingly, the Bible sees its message as one gospel for all people, at all time, and in every context. I wonder if all these variant forms of gospel aren’t just pieces of the whole, sort of like the parable about the five blind guys and the elephant. The one touching the ear had a vastly different interpretation of what he had, from the one with the trunk. Likewise the one with the tail, and the one with leg, and so on. (I didn’t do the parable justice, but I hope you got the point). The idea is they were all right, but only partially. Only the man who could see the whole elephant was able to render perfect judgment of the situation.
This is sort of how it is with the “my gospel Vs. your gospel, and maybe we’ll meet in the middle” approach. Paul’s gospel was only different from Peter’s in the sense that Peter preached to Jews - people who knew the law. Paul was called to preach to lawless pagans who had a different starting point of reference. Hence, the need for a special contextualized approach. But it was the same Christo- centric good news about the kingdom of God - not a different gospel.
If only it were possible to approach Scripture simply respecting its authority to define us, rather than us interpreting it thru our ethnic and cultural biases. (This applies to both Black and White Evangelicals), then maybe we could all agree on what the gospel is. And in fact i believe it is possible if we adopt a kingdom perspective, as taught by Jesus. Therein is righteousness/justice, peace, Joy, and love. Therein race, sex, and class become subject to our Christian identity and we all see ourselves as one family - God’s family (Gal. 3:27-28; Eph. 2:14-18). Didn’t mean to preach. Sorry 😞
Not really.
Romans 2:16 & 16:25, Galatians1:11-12 Paul taught his own gospel and admits this. And it is clear that his usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Paul definitely taught a different gospel from what Jesus taught His 12 Apostles.
Paul called himself into ministry and did not qualify to be an Apostle. Acts1:20-26.
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Great thoughts! We have to be Christ and His Kingdom minded! We are all family! Blessings from Switzerland 🙏🏼
I cannot understand why this continuous debate about Paul vs Jesus’s gospels is still so prevalent. There is only one Gospel of Christ. Who gave Paul the gospel? Christ. I don’t see a contradiction. So what’s the debate? If we want to discuss application of the gospel in different cultural social environments etc then we will see differences. But these are not different gospels. I thought that the writers of the gospel were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write one story. For me to say there are several gospels would make the Holy Spirit schizophrenic and the Holy Trinity would implode.
En lighting and necessary conversations please keep it up.
Bryan L. is such a blessing biblical balance .
Hello, I want you to consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
The best discussion so far. Great Panel.
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
I would like to know What does preparation or education look like for a minister?
Great topic of discussion, I however don't think we will ever come to a conclusion of what the gospel is according to doctrine and beliefs. Of course we should follow the scriptures and the teachings of Jesus but when denomnations are embedded in us and taught throughout history, we tend to lean on the gospel as we know as the true and only gospel.....
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Well Paul gave the pattern of who could be a pastor....And many are unqualified according to scriptures,but yet they are still in positions...Again, I am confused?
Yes engagement 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
This is good! A very timely conversation.
Sirgregory Thornton I surmised that slavery would come about in this conversation. I have heard this conversation too many times, but I would dare not say that it is timeless.
@@MrsRoberts247 Hey, what's up. I believe it is a well-timed and needed conversation because of the current trend that I see amongst black believers. I believe many black Christians are struggling with and wrestling with how to live out the Christian faith in today's society. What were your expectations of slavery in this conversation?
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Don’t complicate things with your natural knowledge, it’s simple 1 Gospel 1God OneSpirit, 1 Body, If anyone teaches a different Gospel let him be Cursed
That's what the bible tells us as Christians.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
@@queendove6376 there are not two Gospels, all scripture is inspired by God , yes the law is still in affect or else what would Jesus be saving man from? But the born again man is no longer under law he has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus through the perfect sacrifice the lamb of God , Romans 8:1 therefore there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and another taught by Paul. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing.
Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastors.
The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
@@josejacinto8126 And that right there is what the Hebrew Israelites don't understand. If you live by the law, you shall be judged by the law. Period
According to the scriptures,there is ONE DEFINITIVE GOSPEL...What are these people talking about?????
I don’t think they were referring to the fact that Jesus paid the price for our debt of sin they were emphasizing that everyone has differences in how they received that message and what exactly they were and are continually being saved from. It did however come out in a suspicious way.
I love the backdrop (and the conversation of course). Could you tell me where I could purchase something similar?
All these so call credentials, and they still don’t understand the gospel. There is ONE gospel, not multiple gospels. Galatians 1:6-9
orean brown amen.
Let us pray for all these men to repent of their divisions and of their pride. Amen
I noticed that too :(. Let's keep them in prayer.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
You have to repent for having a different perspective on life? The police kill unarmed black men. No repentance! Do you like the police perspective on that your black life don't matter?
Jesus have Paul his ministry mission when he said I am rescuing you from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’
I love this topic of discussion, but the
academic calmness in which you approach this subject of White American Evangelical Christian Nationalism and the damage it has, is, and will continue to do, especially in regards race, and in particular toward Af-Ams, unless Jesus Himself steps in and intervenes, will keep on making mockery of John 13:34,35 and Gal. 3:28, while further crippling the spreading of the Gospel in an America where the unsaved see nothing but hypocrisy.
All I can say is thank God He has assured us that the gates of Hell shall never prevail against us, that as many as He loves He chastens (which I believe we are in now), and as sure as it is prohesied there is coming The Rapture of a Church without spot or blemish!
I'm a 71 y.o. Christian Af-am who has been saved for 42 years, and I can tell you I've had nothing that has tested the foundation on which my house of faith is built like these past 4+ years ... I find absolutely nada soothing one iota about this sad state of the Body of Christ in America ... Talk about Laodicea!
I identify as Christian first, and as Af-Am second, because what you lead with as your apex identity is what you will filter your every life experience through, as opposed to being an Af-Am first and a Christian second, by which I'd be filtering my Christianity through my Af-Am disadvantaged life experience ... The former makes me forgiving, the latter would leave me vengeful, though I readily admit the George Floyd incident had me reeling as to which identity was foremost for a while ... So much so as one night when agonizing in prayer, I cried our, "Lord, what is wrong with America"? ... The answer I got back was "White Christianity".
Throughout American history we've had a predominance of White Christians who filter their Christianity through their life experience of privilege, instead of Christian Whites who'd filter their privilege through their Christianity ... The former leaves them selfish, while the latter would make them benevolent ... It's what made White Christians to be just fine with participating in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, Plantation slavery, and Jim Crow in the past, and segregation, discrimination, and out of mind marginalization even toward their fellow Christian Af-Am siblings still at present.
For a minute my feelings towards my White Evangelical Christian brothers and sisters has been strained, but I know ours is not a battle of flesh and blood, not even when it's fellow saints acting out of character ... I had to constantly for a while ask our Lord's forgiveness for the "evil for evil" racial feelings my "old man" was kicking up in me ... But praise God through lots of prayer, and in power and might of Holy Spirit, I'm back on track in love and prayer for "ALL" those within our family of Jesus Christ!
I really appreciate your even broaching this subject, it's a much needed addressing of such an insidiously serious satanic infiltration of the Body of Christ portion here in America!
What I'd still really like to see more of though, is Black Pastors addressing racist White Evangelical Nationalistic Pastors and Christianity about the fact that they are in essence proclaiming another Gospel when they can justify their mal treatment of any of their fellow Christian siblings because of race ... Lord knows I've tried with the AG and COGIC in eliminating this racial gap, but to no avail.
Critiquing religion. Looking at the progress of religion or should i say the decline of religion in society.
It seem when the focus was on faith the church was more successful. When follower waited on the spirit. We were able to win 5000 to the body of christ, because of faith. Today we wait on academic degrees, and can't seem to tie our own shoes, or the shoes of other.
2 Timothy 3:1-7
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:1-7 KJV
Hey Lisa I want to commend you for the Jude 3 project I did not know anything about it until the past year or so. I have been watching many of your videos after becoming a subscriber. But I must say that it is interesting that many of the doctors and seminary teachers you have on as guest do not know believe/ know the Bible. One memorable episode in particular with Dr. Howard John Wesley who was clearly speaking heresy and many other panelist who reject, deny, neitherr believe the bible. I'm not a person who would comment on videos but after seeing the last talk about Paul's sexual ethics, I burned on the inside and I could not help it. It was obvious that NONE of the panelists believed nor understood the word of God... and seemed to be bitter by the way. I will say upfront, I do not have the theological degrees but I do sit at the feet of Jesus and hear his words. I have watched many of your videos so I'm hoping that you will give me the time of day and give me your feedback on this. Why is it that these Professors/ Doctors etc. you bring on Reject clear teachings of the bible?thank you for your time?
Consider the following:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Isaiah 60: 18
There is only one gospel! Any adjective that doesn't evolve CHRIST, grace, or kingdom. Is not the gospel at all.
Romans 1:16-17 AMP
[16] I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [in Christ as Savior], to the Jew first and also to the Greek. [17] For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed in a way that awakens more faith]. As it is written and forever remains written, “The just and upright shall live by faith.”
I don't think reparation was a good term to use for the congregation to help finance ministers to study.
I don’t remember reading in the Bible where there is a white church and black church! That type of talk just furthers the division of the body of believers. Galatians 3:26-29 I’m just saying!🙏🏽🤷🏾♂️
Use the definition for Gospel from the greek. that settles it. Use the Biblical framework and language whether white, black, or any other color or culture. noe of us should "invent" our own Gospel.
Sam Shutt trust that Jesus Christ was crucified for bad people and repent of sin and we will see that the English word “gospel” is from the old English word, “Godspell” which means “good message,” which is the same as the Greek word “Euangelion”
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
I'm a black man,who is saved and loves the Word of God...I'm just floored that soo many black theolgians are looking through these perspectives of white supremacy and blackness and social liberation or social justice.....When Jesus saved the saints there is no longer jew, gentile,male nor female...Also, you won't find instructions for the church to be involved in social justice or , societal liberation as this society sees it...That is a distraction to the biblical gospel...
Yeah, I’m, surprised (that I’m just now finding out that many black theologians fall into this camp) and disappointed that this is taking place. As I continue to try and be fair, objective, attentive and discerning, I can’t help but think satan is at play here to some degree.
is your allegiance to the color of your skin or is your allegiance to cannot serve two masters
If your gospel has a color, a denomination, political ,a social class---it is 'another gospel;.
Beware!!1 isn't that what Jude 3 is all about?
I listened to people who are not free in Christ Jesus.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
This is error when men tell you it's okay to live sinfully because everyone struggles. No all struggles are not sin when did struggles become defined by sin? This is what King Felix said to Paul sometimes much study without REVELATION equals error. The Holy Spirit is not producing all this confusion.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
@@queendove6376 for all your writing you show how deceived you are. Paul NEVER claimed anything of the sort that is a lie of satan that is being perpetrated against Christ's Church. I will also add being done so with your help. There is nothing in Paul's writings that anyone can prove such allegations. Because GOD through Christ chose him Acts 9:15-16 spells this all out. You need to repent for even repeating this lie.
I have nothing to repent for.
Truth needs no ones permission to be told.
What I shared with you is all right in the Bible.
Jesus acknowledges that there is a time for the Spirit to reveal things to His people and some things we might not be ready for. Are you ready?
All the evidence is there in the word and it is on you to receive it or not.
If you disagree , I’m okay with that. But I know it’s the truth.
We have to seek our own soul salvation and I can only tell you what I know.
If you are really interested in the truth and the overwhelming evidence (from the Bible) as to what I have shared.
Study to show though self approved. A workman need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.
Again, If you are interested check out the following:
Book called - “Paul and Jesus” by author James Talbots
Google: JESUS WORDS ONLY by Douglas J. Del Tondo - it’s s Book you can read from your Kindle/Amazon
Book: Questioning Paul
False ApostlesOr
False Apostle Paul
Google is growing everyday. More people are getting the Revelation and coming forth.
Acts 1:20-26 - The Words qualifications to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ and you will see Paul did not qualify because he was not there.
Who are you going to believe.
Don’t love Paul more than you love God.
I know this information is new to you and it’s hard for you to believe and accept.
But it is all true and Paul will confirm it to you as well as Jesus and the 12 Apostles chosen by God.
The real question is are you ready for it?
@@queendove6376 all you have stated is opinionated and false. Thank you I'm not so crippled I need Google for everything. The scriptures themselves are enough. So I yield to your desire to believe such a lie. Yet as I've shown scripture doesn't say it so???? You can insert the rest. Lastly Peter I Pray you find no fault in him as well. Admonished Paul in his second letter stating clearly that Paul was beloved and should be received. He goes on to say that those that don't understand him ( Paul) are westling and having trouble with other scripture. You will find this in the third chapter.
@@queendove6376 oh yeah the qualifications of being an Apostle is to Born of GOD and chosen. I myself have been called as such a one. But your lack of the Spirit and trust in men ( like Talbot) you have willingly been led astray.
Hello I was listening to several of your podcast and as informative as they are there is still an issue. That issue is that it is still one sided. Now I am a pastor (Experiencing God’s Word Center of Hope) We are Bible Christians of whom realize that we are indeed Hebrew of the Southern Kingdom of Israel. Most of your panelists are bringing hermeneutics and an exegesis view of preaching when I strongly disagree with those points of view. Please consider having an intellectual that is still privy to their identity as Israel the true priest to all the seeds of Adam.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
GOD has not commanded anyone to have a Degree or PHD to preach The Gospel ,
As JESUS CHRIST said THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD is upon me HE SENT me to preach ....etc
Nicodemus Dr , did not know what is born again and here come A Man without degree or PHD but full of HOLYSPIRIT explaining to DR Nicodemus what is mean be born again
School does not make preacher , GOD makes Preacher .
Please invite Apostle GINO JENNINGS
Bo Stephens So you saying EVERY PASTOR in the United States and it has been proven he’s the ONLY APOSTLE?
So nobody else can carry the mantle ?
@Ms. Tamicka Graham, Apostles Gino Jennings is a Truth man of GOD because he tells it as it is in the Scriptures
Antoine Depadoux Edzoa - Mbede
It was a rhetorical question. I know who he is . I’m saying “ HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE”
There are other called men of God who is preaching the infallible word of God.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
I enjoyed this panel.
I agreed with many of their thoughts and opinions. However, many people do not believe there were two gospels. They believe there is one and both are true.
There is only one Gospel taught by Jesus to His 12 chosen Apostles.
But Paul taught a gospel different from what Jesus and the 12 Apostles taught.
These Gospels were not the same and Paul acknowledges this (Romans 2:16; 16:25 - Galatians 1:11-12).
Paul refers to his message as “my gospel”, and it is clear that his usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
I do not agree that Peter had his own gospel. Peter preached the same Gospel he had been taught by Jesus to teach. He was to preach it to the Gentiles and Jews too.
Paul wanted him (Peter) to relinquish his call that God had given him to preach to the Gentiles. Which Peter did not do, since God never relieved him of. Paul called himself to teaching/preaching to the Gentiles.
Paul’s mission was to preach to the Gentiles, when you look at who they were, their beliefs, and much more, you can better understand his gospel. The Apostles’ mission was go ye therefore and teach all nations. The question is are there still “Gentiles”? Probably so, which is why the countries he visited, especially the church of Corinth had so many issues. The Jews didn’t even fool with Paul during this time. He always preached and taught Jesus!!! It’s just his mission given by Jesus was to the Gentiles. Paul’s ministry was given to him by Jesus: rescuing you from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.’
I don’t believe that God called him for the Gentiles. Peter was called for them. But Paul clearly confessed that there was no Gentiles or Jews in Christ.
I understand what you are trying to say but I just don’t agree that God called Paul. I know that is what Paul says and I know that’s what it says in the book of Acts. But it’s too many contradictions and Paul denying things that Acts says he did and Paul says those things did not happen.
I just believe in one teaching. And that’s Jesus teachings and the teachings He gave to the Apostles. Paul did not agree with Jesus’s or His Apostles teachings. That is why he (Paul) did not get along with them. They taught two different things.
And Jesus clearly state “those who obey My teachings are My disciples”.
Why would you preach what you don't believe? That's hypocrisy...
I guess I''m on a different Wave Length because I'm not Feeling / Believing / Accepting / Understanding / Endorsing any of this.
I'm hearing there's a Different Gospel ? I'm hearing that if someone is struggling with Gay Issues they still can be in the Ministry ? I'm hearing that your experience shapes your Gospel ? I'm hearing that it's racism on the White Side but Not on the Black Side ? I'm hearing that there's a Progressive Revelation meaning that the Bible is NOT ENOUGH ?
There's so much more, but to me EVERYTHING THAT I JUST QUOTED IS "ANTI-SCRIPTURE". It doesn't matter how many Degrees that you have or how eloquent you are, you can't Call yourself a Preacher / Christian and endorse those things, it just flies in the face of THE BIBLE.
and what do you use as a standard for your opinion other than your opinion and Bible along?
@@nathanking3482 There is No Opinion when it comes to the Scriptures, it's just Bible Alone
@@richardthomas6364 Everything has a backstory brother even the Bible! Until you realize you don't know what you don't know, what you know will always be limited and shaded with ignorance.
@@nathanking3482 Well if you feel like that about the Bible, there's no use of continuing this conversation,, because I'm just crazy enough to believe that the Bible is All we Need
Jhn 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Jhn 17:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
According to Jesus, he said that THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE
According to Jesus, he said that THY WORD(BIBLE) IS TRUTH
So according to these 2 scriptures, the Bible is Truth, if not then we can never know it, if not we are still in our Sins, if not we CANNOT MAKE IT TO HEAVEN
@@richardthomas6364 i wouldn't say you are crazy because that absolves you of your responsibility to Study to show yourself approved and that my friend goes beyond your Bible because the search for truth would lead you to history too. I would call you "ignorant" and willfully ignorant which is evil!
45,000 different sectors of Christianity globally. Let me repeat. 45,000 different interpretations of Christianity globally. Of course there is division. I always wonder why we give so much credence to Paul who has never seen Jesus over Peter and the disciples who were hanging with Jesus. We make Paul JESUS JUNIOR. 😂
Paul was sent to the Gentiles. That's why most Gentiles glean from Paul because he was hand picked by JESUS for that very thing. He seen the resurrected JESUS which was a requirement to be an apostle. He breaks down the gospel of grace vs the law and how we as Gentiles are to live out our faith. Also he wrote most of the new testament. Peter has 2 epistles.
This is such a sad sad day. Panel pedalling ethnic hatred as some sort of noble thing and virtue.
"Do you need seminary to do ministry?"
I did not hear a straight answer. I heard a lot of strawman arguments.
The real answer is No! You do not need seminary to do ministry Seminary is not a requirement for ministry!
I myself love to study and learn. It troubles my soul when people chose remain ignorant. When people lie and create a standard that God himself did not set that standard it is heresy. If your actions is to get people to do what you feel is right then just say that, but stop with the false representation of your opinion as God standard.
Well seminary is really good if you want to learn more about the details and deeper parts of the bible. Seminary also helps when you have people who are astute on their beliefs and are trying to talk you down or disprove or twist what the bible says. Many things that God has shown me in his word wasn't only for me. I have to share so others can know.
I know the Holy Spirit is a better teacher then seminary, and the Holy Spirit teaches without the traditions of men and all of its corrupt beliefs. The Spirit teaches you what to study and how to study. The Holy Spirit informs us how to communicate on any level to any person. Our society trust more in man made systems and not the power of God. These man made systems that claim to make better preacher are actually destroying organize religion and people are leaving this foolishness that has no power and no belief in God.
The Best preachers I ever heard were the men who choose to answer the call and follow Christ no seminary, and they built ministries from the ground up.
Ten minutes in on what is the Gospel and no biblical definition. There is one Gospel all other forms are accursed-Galatians 1.
An old country preacher would have answered this easily. But today the Rev. Dr. DR. intellectualizes everything. No plainess of speech. No direct biblical reference to the question. No corrective word to the false gospel messages only acceptance of views.
Speaking to The Divided Mind of the Church, it is on full display here with a simple question on what is the Gospel. Enough.
The bible says the scripture/the word of God is of no private interpretation. They have left God and are engaging in vain thoughts that are man taught. They need the Spirit of God, who is the great teacher. What we see hear is Flesh on Display. Read the bible for yourself and ask the Spirit of
God to help you understand what you you have read. Leave it to the ones with all the degrees to make the scriptures complicated. Be Blessed. God wants us to know his truths.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
@@queendove6376 Thanks for your reply. But you are incorrect, One Lord, One Faith (Yeshua's Faith), One Baptism (Holy Spirit Baptism).
You are wrestling with the scriptures as stated by Peter concerning Paul.
The Apostles and Paul were together on the Gospel.
No ma’am. I’m sorry you have not been informed but the Gospels and Paul letters are clear and confirm this truth.
I pray that you will go back and study the Bible.
Truth is truth and it needs no ones permission to be told.
@@queendove6376 The just shall live by faith. Everybody saved the same way.
Apostles and Paul agreed as read in Acts 15 at the Jerusalem Council.
How was David the King saved that would be by faith even after adultery and murder.
Thief on the cross saved by faith.
I am saved by faith of Jesus Christ.
If you are saved it is by faith,there is no other way. One Faith, One Lord, One Baptism.
Venting frustration
Something ungodly and apostate with this panel. Nothing about God, they are no different than the worldly leaders. They desire the same things the world does and neglect holiness and the reconciliation offered at the cross of Christ.
There was 2 Gospels.
One from Jesus taught to His 12 Apostles and Paul with his own. Roman’s 2:16 & Galatians 1:11-12. This Paul admits and it is clear that Paul’s usage is Proprietary and Exclusive.
Consider this:
Many Christians believe that Pauls teachings replaced Jesus teachings. So much so that they will listen to the teachings of Paul over what Jesus says. They see Paul’s ’ conflicting statements with Jesus as addressing the era of Grace and Jesus teachings, as the old under Law.
When you correct Christians who are more obedient to Paul than Jesus, they will hate you and argue you down.
Is Paul the Savior? NO
Is Paul the Way? NO
Is Paul the Truth? NO
Yet everything Paul says and do, they believe and follow him. Big mistake.
They love Paul’s teachings because his teachings tells you Jesus is okay with you sinning, not repenting, just say you sorry and take no accountability, because you are under grace. Yay! Live in sin, Jesus died so you can live it up. Party over here. No penalty for it, because Jesus paid the price.
This awful teaching is widely applied in varying degrees to a lot of our Lord’s teachings, emasculating the message of the Gospels which Jesus taught.
When did Jesus changed His teachings? NEVER!
Any teachings that tell you to ignore Jesus’ words should raise an immediate red flag.
These are Paul’s teachings because the Devil is using him to deceive you in Jesus Name. He, like many Ministers of the Gospel are wolves in sheep clothing. Stop looking for an external Savior in man/pastor. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you, IF you trust who is on the inside of you. Your inner man.
Many Christians have been taught that Jesus teachings are obsolete and no longer exist (called dispensationalism) and since Paul told them Jesus teachings have been changed to a new teaching called Grace, (Which is not true). They believe him.
If we continue to take this route and discard Jesus teachings, we have a legitimized barrier, however well intentioned, against listening any longer to Jesus on salvation issues.
Jesus’ words on how to be saved and have eternal life no longer interest us unless, it agrees with what Paul is saying, instead of Paul agreeing with Jesus says.
The conflict is resolved elegantly (but its deceiving) because (they say) Paul and Jesus conflict for good reasons: they are talking to different people who are subject to different covenants. These different covenants are described as different DISPENSATIONS.
As a result Jesus’ words are deprived of any ongoing relevance.
Wow! What a deception.
Yet, to the contrary, Jesus said “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away”. (Matthew 24:35) Jesus said His Word/Teachings are still valid NOW!
(Revelation 20:7-10).
Dispensation teachings ignores this.
Law was not abolished at the cross. No new teachings were taught after the cross. Only Paul’s delusional teachings and deception was born.
Why do you think he didn’t teach this when Jesus was alive? Because Jesus would have rebuked him.
Obey the teachings that Jesus came here to teach. Listen to HIS Apostles the ones Jesus chose to teach you the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE giving.
God Bless!
Paul is affirmed in both Acts and in Peters Epistle, as an apostle and that his writing are inspired. You are pushing division and hatred. Paul affirms that man can only be saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul taught that we have liberty in Christ not to do as we please but to be slaves unto righteousness.
No my friend. You don’t want to be a slave, nobodies!
Where the Spirit of God is there is liberty.
I do not hate Paul or no one else. I’m just loving you by telling you the truth, yet you accuse me of hatred.
I dislike the confusion and deception Paul has caused, but I still love him and it broke my heart when I learnt he was a false teacher and false apostle.
I know this information is new to you, shocking and it’s hard for you to believe and accept.
But truth does not need no ones permission to be told.
All the evidence is there in the word and it is on you to receive it or not.
If you disagree , I’m okay with that. But I know it’s the truth.
We have to seek our own soul salvation and I can only tell you what I know.
If you are really interested in the truth and the overwhelming evidence as to what I have shared, check out the following:
Book called - “Paul and Jesus” by author James Talbots
Google: JESUS WORDS ONLY by Douglas J. Del Tondo - it’s s Book you can read from your Kindle/Amazon
Book: Questioning Paul
False ApostlesOr
False Apostle Paul
Google is growing everyday. More people are getting the Revelation and coming forth.
If you are not convince then ok.
I’m not hear to force anything on you. The choice is yours.
@@queendove6376 Repent is what you should do. You are one who has bought into division and falsehood. Like the ppl in this video, you think you can find God intellectually, but we cannot. One must be born again (John 3).
You failed to answer my question, What of Luke and Peter? Luke writes half if not more of the Acts about Paul's missionary journeys. Peter says in 2 Peter 3:15-17, that Paul's writings are Scripture. Peter also warns of ppl like you in that passage, " the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do other Scriptures." You who use the Scriptures to promote your own intellect, repent for all of Scriptures promote God's wisdom.
Do not seek your own salvation but that which was preached by Jesus, then by Peter, Paul, John, and the other apostles, that is that the Son took ours sins on the cross and died according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
As a man think in his heart is he and the abundance of the heart, he speaks.
Did you research my references?
Of course not, you are afraid of the truth. I know it’s scary to believe after all these years, you have been tricked, Bamboozled and you depend on Paul’s gospel to teach.
It’s not too late for you to repent and allow God Spirit to teach you.
Deception is real. What, did you think the wolf in sheep clothing was going to be obvious? No! No! That’s why it’s called deception. Only God can not be deceived. He is all knowing. Not you, not me, only HE.
The enemy is very cunning!
But if you listened to Gods Word and you get a true relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit will be your teacher and not man and He will reveal to you what I’m sharing with you. It’s has always been there in the Bible. You just didn’t understand He was talking about your favorite person PAUL.
Don’t get mad at me for telling you the truth about your best guy.
Again. I can’t force you to believe and receive. The choice is yours. Malcom X, didn’t heed to his wife’s help, she tried to warn him, that’s what women do. We try to HELP you.
What!? Lol
👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎enough said