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He's from another stratosphere - a devine breath that brings such exquisite music to our ears. Least we forget , the godly composers of this music must be smiling from above and jumping for joy.
People critiquing once-in-lifetime talent like YunChan’s playing will never not be insane to me. At this level it’s just about preference. Every note he plays is his own choice and his inspired interpretation. If you have your own idea of how they should be played, shouldn’t you be playing your own interpretations yourselves?
...Personne jamais.. aucun pianiste n´a lu ni étudié cette partition... pour lui donner un sens autre que mécanique ou "de bon marché"pour donner figure aux mois de l´année.... Yunchan est bien plus profond.. a plus de clarvoyance sur le parti qu´il pourrait donner de ces morceaux !.... sans forcer le figuratif. Il laisse couler la phrase comme elle vient avec ses inflexions et développements qu Il conduit avec bonheur.... Et Tout devient lumineux, homogène:. Un Tchaikovsky ..suivant sa nature pleine de délicatesse et de savoir-faire dans la vision de son oeuvre...qui n´a rien de commun ni de banal...de facile... J´apprécie beaucoup dans ces mois de l´année..vers le final la pause bien arrêtee avant que ne s´expime la méditation sur ce temps qui passe.. Yunchan s´y inscrit sérieusement...Et à nouveau pause bien arrêtée avant que le final ne conclue ce cycle...avec noblesse et de façon très expressive. Je souhaite que tout un chacun des mélomanes, fasse un comparatif de ces Saisons avec n´importe quelle autre version... et qu ´ensuite .. lui en vienne tout le bonheur que Yunchan nous offre et nous procure par le génial de ses interprétations si soignées... (Merci de m´avoir lu.)
Truly well said. I was surprised and also amazed by that Lim chose Tchaikovsky's The Seasons which I have always loved. His performance here clearly shows how sincerely he approaches music itself with such depth, purity, and nobility.
The seasons 의 이 연주는 정말 꼭 음반으로 나왔으면 좋겠습니다 임윤찬은 쓸쓸함, 처연함, 깊은 슬픔을 표현하는데 소름이 돋을 만큼, 급기야 울어버리고 싶어지게 할 만큼 탁월합니다 나도 몰랐던 내 영혼이 흔들리는 것같고, 그래서 당황스러운 느낌까지 든다고 해야 할까... 반클에서 모차르트 협주곡 22번 2악장을 연주할 당시 그 처연함과 심오한 슬픔의 표현에 큰 충격을 받았었는데, seasons 연주 듣다보면 그런 연주가 어떻게 가능했었는지 조금 알게 됩니다 정말 이 라이브 연주는 반드시 음반으로 나오기를 소원합니다🙏
I think Yuchan Lim's brain possesses neural pathways so configured to allow a left-hand/right-hand relationship distinctly different from most individuals. This relationship creates the perception of there being duo-pianists, playing with uncanny interpretative unity. I think it helps explain the near-orchestral sonorities Mr Lim often creates. (Or maybe it is his memory skills, fine-motor coordination, passion, insight, and work ethic.)
I often revisit this beautiful performance of Yunchan's. His recent album recording of all the Chopin etudes has more than answered the questions raised in this one, as I predicted. I see in Yunchan, with his revisionist approach to his music, his consistently hard work and total lack of hubris, a person with huge musical ability who constantly works at improving it, because even now, as an adolescent, he recognises and embraces the responsibilities that come with that very ability-of sharing the best music he can produce with all who listen to him. In today's world, even without specific or huge talents, many of us could well learn a lesson from this and apply it in our everyday lives..
Hofmann and Cherkassky would cry if they heard this young man.His new found middle voicing s and bass duets in the eb Nocturne had me crying incredulously andHis Eflat Nocturne is the most touching playing I've ever experienced. I cried almost all the way through. Noone recorded since the early 1900's has ever played like this not Sauer,not Rosenthal not Lhevinne not Freidman not Pires' Nocturnes .The sheer incredible emotionality of his playing is so human.Does he play Beethoven late Sonatas? I'm afraid of embarassing myself if I go to his recitals . Unforgettable .I've heard his playing at Chopin comp and stupendous though it is nothing prepared me for the technical feats here and least of all the heart wrenching musicality . The Eb Nocturne as he plays it here will be talked about like Michelangeli and Geiseking's Debussy . I had to listen twice to make sure it was not some emotionality on my part. Can you imagine what his Barcarolle or 3Sonata Largo will be like . My Heart !!!
Wait… that Chopin Nocturne No. 2 was amazing. Unique ornamentation without detracting from the original, in fact, elevating it in so many ways. Just… how???
My first impression of my conditioned with stereotypes mind was -- it was not Tchaikovsky! But after listening several times: It is as Chaikovsky as Chaikovsky will ever get! Vivid, unforgettable, live images. Thank you, Yunchan for this gift! You are always, One and Only!
Baseline: I have been obsessed with this version of Tchaikovsky’s seasons since it appeared on RUclips. But tonight, July 17 and fresh off his Korea tour, Yunchan Lim played this Tchaikovsky with (to me) a heightened sense of Russian idiom. Only June’s Barcarolle sounded the same. Is it a coincidence this happened concurrent with preparing the Mussorgski ‘Pictures’? It’s staggering to see him growing even greater as an artist. It’s one thing to note the two piano cycles were composed within two years of each other. It’s quite another to hear them played on the same program. With remarkable acuity, Yunchan Lim illustrates connections we never had an opportunity to consider. I pray he records this new program so all can compare.
Yunchan Lim has recreated masterfully these Etudes. ¡How many new voices in his interpretation! His technique, playing this glorious music, is beyond words, and beyond everthing I have heard before. His soft and intimate passion is astonishing. He makes the piano sound alive, like no other pianist I can think of. ¿Is he even human? ¿How can this fenomenal pianist evolve to something better as an artist? ¡He is only 19! I think we are witnessing what could be the greatest pianist of the century, and I guess (and hope) there is no limit to his incredible art. Thank you, Yunham. Keep making this world a better place to live. We need you.
I was fortunate enough to see this boy in Amsterdam in person. If you haven't had the chance to sit in the midst of the concert hall and personally listen to this young boy's Tchaikovsky and Chopin, then just stay silent. It wasn't merely an astonishing level... it wasn't music of this world. It was just heavenly sound, and it was a moment of gratitude to the divine that such beautiful music exists in this world. He is a god!
He lets himself be a conduit. Endless hours of consideration about technique, dynamics, speed are behind him and now he is letting the music say what it needs to say. The fury in the revolutionary etude is raw and real. There are many technically stunning musicians but I've only been aware of the ability to stand back and let the music be the star. He has done it. Thank you yoonchun
Deep and stirring musicianship. I've never appreciated The Seasons as I do tonight listening to Yunchan Lim play them in this performance. Heartfelt thanks for posting.
I think that if Yunchan is given the support, time and peace of mind he needs to develop his already amazing repertoire further and to follow new pathways that interest him, he may well become this century's greatest classical pianist.
I was moved by Yunchan's Four Seasons and Chopin Etude. His performance is very beautiful and poetic. He also has a sense of creativity and sincerity in music that has never been found in any pianist. A very precious treasure has appeared in the classical music world. Respect for his dedication to music. I hope he is always healthy and happy.
I feel very same with you. I think music beyond nationality and human race... a little surprised other people who are not Koreans feel same thing. Yunchan has something special.especiallymhis left hand technic is never like any other pianists.exceptional
From the very beginning when he performed in the first round of the The Cliburn preliminaries , I felt a stirring in my heart. When he played Liszt's 12 Transcedental Etudes, he melted my heart. He will be forever recognised as the gift of the 21st century. Not heard in a very long time. Thank you for sharing this with us. The clarity and tone has been remarkable.
Incredible . Horowitz would be stupefied! I have never enjoyed the Seasons of Tchaikovsky before -he makes music out of these trifling ideas and makes me realize he must believe in this music .He didn'trecord them because there weren't already many pianists some extremely well known recorded in them . His imagination and finger strength,technique,detail are out of this world .There is nothinghe cant say . I dont think r.h of op.10 no.2 should be legato but he makes a vivid statement anyway. op.10 no1 shocked me. I make it mu job to hear everyone in this and ...geese . Similar to Argerich's extremely fast accented quarter notes yet it sounds like he is coloring the theme in bass notes . How is thateven possible. Genius of Spirit! No.3 breathes yet it's not really slow it feels lke a unified canvas(very mature )No.4 incredibly exact and yet incredibly fast and secure (he has great wrists and arm support behind each finger !The swells are incredible! a FIRE!!!! charm and grace are lacking in no.5 the left hand is beautiful throughout ,imaginative pedal?How does he do it this way but still lacking charm end has nice effects and last page finally has some charm the octaves sound wrongspirit to heavy for this kind of music .Wow no.6 found new lefthandvoice not sure it's logical then the really low bass does something impossible on Chopin's Erard's and Pleyels ! So Lim has like Freidman(1920'S&30'S PLAYER his own music really he is playing cuz it ain't Chopin .The separation of voices in no.6 is INCREDIBLE .I STARTED CRYING WHEN I REALIZED WHAT HE WAS DOING usually the Music makes us cry but here it washis abilities.HAD TO LISTEN AGAIN .No.7 has grace unlike anyone else playing this .No.8 has cleanest left hand with spots of pedal for left hand melodyHOW IS THAT POSSIBLE 1:03:40and the last page of #8 ? Is this even possible with 2 hands .No.9 special here! I was surprised he didn't get spiky in thestaccato part of no.10. No.11 has thumb melody with melody on pinky too then left hand upper voice accents! I wanted to cry again. Both slow etudes he does THE IMPOSSIBLE and here has charm and color ! No.12 has energy and line threatening to blow up. His lefthand! Incredible. I've heard some incredible Chopin etudes this will stand the test of time -musically its youthful and impetuous ! The encore c#minor Nocturne makes me wonder what his Mazurkas sound like , he made the left hand a statement in itself ,again he makes accents that stand out for color while other pitches ae singing. Phrasing and bass etching in Eb Nocturne made my stomach heave -noone very few have ever made me cry in this very ! Can he mature musically yes. Some ideas seemed wrongheaded but so well executed one defers .
Almost like a curse, his technique is so brillant that some people don’t hear what’s underneath it. Underneath it, is a genius musical mind, born 100 years too late.. Horowitz was dubbed “The Last Romantic”. This genius can now be crowned as “The First Romantic of a New Era”
Completely agree that Horowitz is the correct comparison. I think some of Lim's precocity as an interpretive artist can be credited to careful listening to Horowitz. Or so it seems to me.
Un Tchaikovski poétique et de toute beauté Un artiste Super- Extra béni des Muses... et d´une telle réserve loin de tout showbiz ...Sommes pleis d´émotions à le voir apparaître....
This young man has the drive and insight to draw beauty and meaning out of every note he plays. The result is an extraordinary unique experience in listening to his performances. I have never heard the Tchaikovsky played with such depth of colour and expression as was the playing of the op. 10 of Chopin. What a gift for all of us.
Articulation, respiration, conduite magistrale de la mélodie. C'est la "beauté " à l'état transcendant qui soulève les coeurs et fait déborder l'émotion. Merci, Monsieur.
Bravo! The Tchaikovsky Seasons are not technically difficult, but that only makes this performance more amazing. How can he create such intricate realms and touch the emotions so deeply with these few simple pieces. They are now forever imprinted in a new way.
You cannot call these ‘simple pieces’. Some may be technically not that challenging, but very few pianists have been able to deliver for example ‘August’ like this. Absolutely stunning.
Heard him two days later with same program in Denmark. Can honestly say, that this recording doesn’t do any justice to hpw magical it sounded in the hall..
As a person who has heard Chopin Etudes with more than 10 people and has played almost all of them myself, I have never heard such a unique Chopin Etudes. It's really amazing. Yoon-chan seems to have a soul that has lived at least 200 years old.
But Yunchan accents the first note of each set of semiquavers much better than Seon Jin Cho…. However it’s written on the score… That’s why Yunchan is a little slower, but his left hand’s playing is masterful !
A minor storm of comments was triggered by this terrific version of these two opuses by Yunchan. How absolutely marvellous. I've had many comments directed at me re my response, most positive, some negative and a few way off left field. Some attempts to respond to these seem to be published out of context and thus sound confusing. I shan't attempt to reply further. I'd only add that Yunchan asks more questions of the scores he plays than pretty well all of us will ever think of, and he obviously continues to ask them after his performances, given by their ongoing development. For example follow his Rach 3 and Beethoven 5 performances. I've noted some new tendencies (e.g. more delayed notes, more inner voicing) and most add something positive to the works. But I am not quite sure of some of the questions or the answers he offers us in Nos 1 and 6 of these etudes and since clarity is characteristic of Yunchan, I anticipate that by the next time he performs them this program will be pretty well on the way to where he feels it might/can go. Whatever, it will be different, honest, enthralling and beautiful. How many of us can offer such a gift to our world?
Thank you, Anson Yeung, for making this incredibly gifted musician accessible to the world. And Yunchan, you have brought us beauty and wonder beyond words. Thank you.
I was in Laroque d Antheron for the same program, he was amazing, i don’t have enough words to describe my feeling during this concert.April magistral, barcarolle, autumn song , Christmas waltz adream. GREAT GREAT ARTIST, HE TOUCHES MY HEART AND MY SENSITIVITY.he is dazzling, beaming on stage.He is living for music and music is living in his body and his soul.😮😮😮😮😮🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
THANKS YUNCHAN for this INCREDIBLE performance! Can really feel your heart and soul in EVERY NOTE you play. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and also, hope you can find time to RELAX & enjoy your family & friends in preparation to your upcoming concerts. Your music has been a GIFT to me and to us...been listening to it almost every night since you won the Van Cliburn Competition. I get inspired every time I listen... but I just hope you would think long term. There are still many countries that are still waiting to hear you play in person. So PLEASE take care and HAVE FUN!
The Seasons has been a greatly loved work since I learned it back in the '50s. Technically, and obviously, they are not as challenging as many major suites, but musically they demand an exceptional pianist to illuminate their singular beauty. They shine blindingly here. Juni, for some reason is my favourite and Yunchan plays it here almost the way I always imagined it could sound. One version I have heard of it allows a tiny breath before making the little minor descent from the second ascending scale, which silence actually illuminates it better, but otherwise i loved it, December always makes me want to dance. The Chopin was quite beautiful too, and technically brilliant and different from most interpretations I'd heard of it, but Nos 1 and 6 didn't have quite the answers to Y's questions of them for me. I look forward immensely to hearing the next interpretation of these. The two nocturnes were each flawless and exquisite. Yunchan, thank you so very much. Your music is always a work in progress and for me, it reintroduces old and adds new joy, excitement and pleasure to many works Sadly the mechanics of the piano-pedals that you used here need urgent re-jigging. Steinway???Thankyou to all concerned with this incredibly wonderful gift.
Dear Catherine, as another human being and a fan of Yun Chan, I have read your comments before and appreciate your sincere heart that cares about the beauty of arts. I totally agree and share your sentiments. I think I appreciate his talent more for we live in such technical machinery world and where there's a lot harder for people like Yun Chan to appear. Be happy and healthy as well. It's a great day that we can still listen purity of love of life. ^^
Tchaikovsky The Seasons 00:00 - January 1월 난롯가에서 평안한 위로 한 편에서 밤은 어스름한 어둠을 입었다 난로 안에는 작은 불씨가 꺼지고 작은 촛불이 타버렸다 - 알렉산드르 푸쉬킨 05:45 - February 2월 사육제 곧 활기찬 마슬레니짜에서 성대한 향연이 절정에 오른다 - 표트르 바젬스키 08:30 - March 3월 종달새의 노래 꽃들이 흐드러진 들판, 하늘에는 빛의 물결이 흐르고, 봄의 종달새의 노래는 푸른 심연에 가득하다 - 아폴론 마이코프 11:11 - April 4월 갈란투스 하늘색, 정결한 갈란투스꽃 그 옆엔 투명한 마지막 눈덩이 지나간 고통의 마지막 눈물 그리고 다른 행복의 첫 희망 - 아폴론 마이코프 14:29 - May 5월 백야 이런 아름다운밤! 온세상에 천국의 기쁨이! 내 고향 북방지역에 감사드린다 얼음왕국, 눈과 눈보라의 왕국, 얼마나 깨끗하고 정결한 5월이 날아가는가! - 아파나시 페트 18:35 - June 6월 뱃노래 해변으로 나가자, 거긴 파도가 우리의 다리에 키스할것이다 별들은 비밀스러운 슬픔과 함께 우리 머리 위에서 빛난다 - 알렉세이 플레쉐예프 23:49 - July 7월 풀 베는 사람의 노래 어깨를 들썩여라 팔을 흔들어라! 한낮의 바람이 얼굴에 훅 불어온다! - 알렉세이 콜쵸프 25:34 - August 8월 추수 사람들은 가족끼리 추수를 시작했다 큰 밀을 베어낸다 대량의 무더기 속에 단이 쌓여있고 짐수레에서 밤새 음악이 끽끽거린다 - 알렉세이 콜쵸프 28:48 - September 9월 사냥 빨리, 빨리! 뿔나팔을 불고 있다 사냥개지기들은 사냥차림으로 동이 트기도 전에 말 위에 앉아있다 그레이하운드는 무리를 지어 점프한다 - 푸슈킨 32:02 - October 10월 가을의 노래 가을, 우리의 불쌍한 정원 가득 우수수 떨어진다 노래진 낙엽이 바람과 날아다닌다 - 알렉세이 톨스토이 37:44 - November 11월 트로이카에서 우울하게 길을 보지말아라, 그리고 급하게 트로이카를 쫓지 말아라, 그리고 가슴속 불안함의 쓸쓸함을 빨리 영원히 재워라 - 니콜라이 네크라소프 41:02 - December 12월 크리스마스 주간 크리스마스 이브에 아가씨들은 점을 쳤네 신발을 벗어, 대문 밖으로 던졌네 - 바실리 주콥스키 Chopin 12 Etudes, Op.10 45:59 - No.1 in C major 승리 47:57 - No.2 in A minor 발레리나 49:24 - No.3 in E major 이별의 곡 53:51 - No.4 in C-sharp minor 추격 55:52 - No.5 in G-flat major 흑건 57:39 - No.6 in E-flat minor 고독 1:01:14 - No.7 in C major 마법사 1:02:41 - No.8 in F major 햇빛 1:04:57 - No.9 in F minor 밤여행 1:06:58 - No.10 in A-flat major 제비 1:09:10 - No.11 in E-flat major 평온함 1:11:54 - No.12 in C minor 혁명 Encores: 1:14:47 - Chopin Nocturne in C-sharp minor, Op. Posth. 1:19:27 - Chopin Nocturne in E-flat major, Op.9 nO.2
1:21:34 will pull your heart out !!! I don't care how manytimes you've heard this music. Paderwsky Lives Again but now he plays better than he ever did. This man's Heart&Musicality. I will crawl on my knees to his next recital.There should be a new religion for what is inside this man ! 3 times I've listenedto his Eb Nocturne and each time the mixing of new voices the decrescendo ,the poesie was the most remarkable thing I have ever heard and I've heard every important and unimportant pianist from Harriet Cohen (an angel in the way she plays Bach ) to the incredible Ilana Vered who should be much more talked about !
an excerpt translated of the recent Copenhagen recital review in the Denmark news: “**6 hearts (out of 6): 19-year-old piano phenomenon gave a concert few pianists of any age could deliver** Yunchan Lim had just given a concert, one man at the grand piano, where nothing was missing... The cell phones were out filming him as soon as Lim had removed his hands from the keys, and it was evident that we were with not just the winner of the great American Van Cliburn Piano Competition, *but a new classical star defining a new era.* Lim started with Tchaikovsky's 'Seasons', where each month has its rate. Based on poetic texts by Russian authors, Tchaikovsky has made January melodic. February is a merry carnival, and in autumn the sweetness of melancholy sings, before December ends as a wonderful waltz. The pianist played the music with a perfect balance between romantic expression created with all possible pianistic means, as the great Russian pianists would do, more European moderation and then the perfection, which a generation or two ago talked a lot about the skilled, but too mechanical classic stars from Asia. But as my old friend, who himself a trained pianist, remarked after the concert, the time is different now. *Yunchan Lim belongs in a new era.* He is a musician who gives his audience everything. That he had the maturity to draw us into the music by using faint nuances was superb. And after the break he opened up to what all great pianists have shown themselves with. Namely etudes by Chopin. Chopin's etudes are difficult exercises, but written for concert use, and it was the 12 etudes from Chopin's op. 10 that Lim played. Here there is a demanding focus on the piano's black keys, stormy tempi, difficulties for the ring and little finger and finally Chopin's famous 'Revolution Etude'. Yunchan Lim played it all perfectly, mature, and interesting. He built up a restrained storm. He let a melody shine like a light in the haze, and when at the end he omitted to articulate the characteristic rhythmic figure in the stormy ‘Revolution Etude’ quite obviously, it was only, completely well thought out, so that precisely that desperately rushing forward could be emphasized even more clearly. The pianist had encores for his seasoned Asian fans and his new Danish ilk. But despite his 19 years, he is already a seasoned stage artist, and it required many curtain calls before he played two Chopin nocturnes as a perfect end to an evening *where Yunchan Lim removed any possible doubt that he is one of the stars in the new age.* Not a well-dressed music box. Not a flamboyant pop star for the masses like his colleague Lang Lang, who replaces real music with technical show, but *a mature classical pianist of a new generation who, with his complete combination of emotions, colors, mastery, and perfection, raises the bar for what music can do.* ”
어제는 1월 무한반복, 오늘은 5월 속에 빠져 있어요.. 🙏전곡 올려주셔서 감사해요. 댓글들보면 공감하고 재밌어요. 최애번호 언급 다들 다양합니다ㅎㅎ 피아노 건반 88개로....어떻게 이렇게....감탄만ㅠㅠ 현장에서 듣는 전율은 더 엄청났을 거예요... 적어도 5배 이상일 거라고 생각하면서 듣고 있어요... 그런 부분으로 실황 오픈이 쉬운 결정이 아닐 텐데, 존경하는 윤찬림님.... 마음이 바다 같아서 더 많은 분들이 함께 들을 수 있도록 생각하시는 분....그 마음이 음악으로 다 전달돼요. 감동입니다.🫶
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Le sue interpretazioni sono SUBLIMI,Veramente formidabile.Grande pianista di questo secolo .BRAVISSIMO.
He's from another stratosphere - a devine breath that brings such exquisite music to our ears. Least we forget , the godly composers of this music must be smiling from above and jumping for joy.
People critiquing once-in-lifetime talent like YunChan’s playing will never not be insane to me. At this level it’s just about preference. Every note he plays is his own choice and his inspired interpretation. If you have your own idea of how they should be played, shouldn’t you be playing your own interpretations yourselves?
This is just divine. Yunchan Lim is one of the few pianists who knows the spiritual dimension of sound....
You have the true words ! Thank you !
...Personne jamais.. aucun pianiste n´a lu ni étudié cette partition... pour lui donner un sens autre que mécanique ou "de bon marché"pour donner figure aux mois de l´année....
Yunchan est bien plus profond.. a plus de clarvoyance sur le parti qu´il pourrait donner de ces morceaux !.... sans forcer le figuratif. Il laisse couler la phrase comme elle vient avec ses inflexions et développements qu Il conduit avec bonheur....
Et Tout devient lumineux, homogène:.
Un Tchaikovsky ..suivant sa nature pleine de délicatesse et de savoir-faire dans la vision de son oeuvre...qui n´a rien de commun ni de banal...de facile...
J´apprécie beaucoup dans ces mois de l´année..vers le final la pause bien arrêtee avant que ne s´expime la méditation sur ce temps qui passe.. Yunchan s´y inscrit sérieusement...Et à nouveau pause bien arrêtée avant que le final ne conclue ce cycle...avec noblesse et de façon très expressive.
Je souhaite que tout un chacun des mélomanes, fasse un comparatif de ces Saisons avec n´importe quelle autre version... et qu ´ensuite .. lui en vienne tout le bonheur que Yunchan nous offre et nous procure par le génial de ses interprétations si soignées... (Merci de m´avoir lu.)
Truly well said. I was surprised and also amazed by that Lim chose Tchaikovsky's The Seasons which I have always loved. His performance here clearly shows how sincerely he approaches music itself with such depth, purity, and nobility.
I really love his interpretation of Tchaikovsky, The Seasons, they are lyrical, poetic.
Of course, Chopin is excellent.
나는 6월을 들을때마다 왜인지 모르게 눈물이 난다
10월 또한 벅차오른다
Юнчан, спасибо за Чайковского! Вам удалось передать его утонченную меланхолию, всю прелесть русской природы! Приезжайте в Россию с концертами!
윤찬님은 어떤곡을 치든 그 작곡가의 영혼이 터치에 스며드는 것 같아요 모든 곡이 다 그 곡답게 들려요 아름답습니다
The seasons 의 이 연주는 정말 꼭 음반으로 나왔으면 좋겠습니다 임윤찬은 쓸쓸함, 처연함, 깊은 슬픔을 표현하는데 소름이 돋을 만큼, 급기야 울어버리고 싶어지게 할 만큼 탁월합니다 나도 몰랐던 내 영혼이 흔들리는 것같고, 그래서 당황스러운 느낌까지 든다고 해야 할까... 반클에서 모차르트 협주곡 22번 2악장을 연주할 당시 그 처연함과 심오한 슬픔의 표현에 큰 충격을 받았었는데, seasons 연주 듣다보면 그런 연주가 어떻게 가능했었는지 조금 알게 됩니다 정말 이 라이브 연주는 반드시 음반으로 나오기를 소원합니다🙏
임윤찬을 모든 연주를 속도 터치 리듬 다 듣다가 미칠거같게 연주하는거같아요.. 예상이 안됨.. 고막밀당남;;
I think Yuchan Lim's brain possesses neural pathways so configured to allow a left-hand/right-hand relationship distinctly different from most individuals. This relationship creates the perception of there being duo-pianists, playing with uncanny interpretative unity. I think it helps explain the near-orchestral sonorities Mr Lim often creates. (Or maybe it is his memory skills, fine-motor coordination, passion, insight, and work ethic.)
I often revisit this beautiful performance of Yunchan's. His recent album recording of all the Chopin etudes has more than answered the questions raised in this one, as I predicted. I see in Yunchan, with his revisionist approach to his music, his consistently hard work and total lack of hubris, a person with huge musical ability who constantly works at improving it, because even now, as an adolescent, he recognises and embraces the responsibilities that come with that very ability-of sharing the best music he can produce with all who listen to him. In today's world, even without specific or huge talents, many of us could well learn a lesson from this and apply it in our everyday lives..
Thank you for those words ! Yunchan is exceptional !
These interpretations aren’t like any other. Meticulous subtleties integrated into a mass of coherent tastefulness and grasp of the material.
Hofmann and Cherkassky would cry if they heard this young man.His new found middle voicing s and bass duets in the eb Nocturne had me crying incredulously andHis Eflat Nocturne is the most touching playing I've ever experienced. I cried almost all the way through. Noone recorded since the early 1900's has ever played like this not Sauer,not Rosenthal not Lhevinne not Freidman not Pires' Nocturnes .The sheer incredible emotionality of his playing is so human.Does he play Beethoven late Sonatas? I'm afraid of embarassing myself if I go to his recitals . Unforgettable .I've heard his playing at Chopin comp and stupendous though it is nothing prepared me for the technical feats here and least of all the heart wrenching musicality . The Eb Nocturne as he plays it here will be talked about like Michelangeli and Geiseking's Debussy . I had to listen twice to make sure it was not some emotionality on my part. Can you imagine what his Barcarolle or 3Sonata Largo will be like . My Heart !!!
Yunchan Lim ¡Que grandioso es! ❤
A fire that burns 🔥💓
It's scary how good he is
Wait… that Chopin Nocturne No. 2 was amazing. Unique ornamentation without detracting from the original, in fact, elevating it in so many ways. Just… how???
My first impression of my conditioned with stereotypes mind was -- it was not Tchaikovsky!
But after listening several times: It is as Chaikovsky as Chaikovsky will ever get!
Vivid, unforgettable, live images. Thank you, Yunchan for this gift! You are always, One and Only!
Yunchan lim is the goat!!!!!!😊
Baseline: I have been obsessed with this version of Tchaikovsky’s seasons since it appeared on RUclips. But tonight, July 17 and fresh off his Korea tour, Yunchan Lim played this Tchaikovsky with (to me) a heightened sense of Russian idiom. Only June’s Barcarolle sounded the same. Is it a coincidence this happened concurrent with preparing the Mussorgski ‘Pictures’? It’s staggering to see him growing even greater as an artist. It’s one thing to note the two piano cycles were composed within two years of each other. It’s quite another to hear them played on the same program. With remarkable acuity, Yunchan Lim illustrates connections we never had an opportunity to consider. I pray he records this new program so all can compare.
PS - needless to say, the Mussorgsky was also a triumph - 7/17/2024, Menuhin Festival, venue - Church Saanen.
Yunchan Lim has recreated masterfully these Etudes. ¡How many new voices in his interpretation!
His technique, playing this glorious music, is beyond words, and beyond everthing I have heard before.
His soft and intimate passion is astonishing. He makes the piano sound alive, like no other pianist I can think of.
¿Is he even human? ¿How can this fenomenal pianist evolve to something better as an artist?
¡He is only 19!
I think we are witnessing what could be the greatest pianist of the century, and I guess (and hope) there is no limit to his incredible art.
Thank you, Yunham.
Keep making this world a better place to live. We need you.
I was fortunate enough to see this boy in Amsterdam in person. If you haven't had the chance to sit in the midst of the concert hall and personally listen to this young boy's Tchaikovsky and Chopin, then just stay silent. It wasn't merely an astonishing level... it wasn't music of this world. It was just heavenly sound, and it was a moment of gratitude to the divine that such beautiful music exists in this world.
He is a god!
So deeply agree. Gratitude is a right word for me too!
😮ㅠㅠ ㅡ😅난 요즘 너무 좋네요 ㅎ ㅎㅎ ㅎㅎ 아 ㅡ😮😮난 ㅡ😮😮난 😮😮
Like Pogorelich in his early days. Completely different dimension in comparison to all other pianists. A true genius of the century.
At least he is an angel from the music heaven
Very looking forward to see how this boy’s playing will evolve in 15 years
T h e most beautiful Opus 10 nr. 11 I have ever heard...or could imagine!
He's fantastic in the young generation, i wish there was a video ;-;
사계 너무 좋다… 진짜 너무 좋아서 미칠것 같음 ㅜㅜㅜ
격공 합니다. 차이코프스키님 사계가 있었을 줄이야! 깜짝 놀랐는데 1월 00:01시작부터 녹아요 진짜 너..............무 좋아서 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ미칠 것 같아요2222
정말 좋습니다. 동영상이 없어서 아쉽습니다... 베리 굳 입니다...
Yunchan's interpretation of Chopin Etudes is really good and I like it!! ! Tchaikovsky's Four Seasons are absolutely beautiful!
He lets himself be a conduit. Endless hours of consideration about technique, dynamics, speed are behind him and now he is letting the music say what it needs to say. The fury in the revolutionary etude is raw and real. There are many technically stunning musicians but I've only been aware of the ability to stand back and let the music be the star. He has done it. Thank you yoonchun
Great comment! I don’t know why it bothers me usually I don’t care but his name is spelled Yunchan.
@@ddestiny44 I lived in Korea for a few years. They usually transliterate it to yoon. Guess I'm just used to it.
I appreciate his special ability which devote to music only
@@rond3435Absolutely I agree with you.
와..쇼팽은 다 예쁘게 똑같이 치니까 좋으면서도 질렸는데.. 정말 천재적인 예술가다.. 너무나아름다워 계속 계속듣고싶어
Always wanted to listen june from him. Truly beautiful and passionate as i expected
Deep and stirring musicianship. I've never appreciated The Seasons as I do tonight listening to Yunchan Lim play them in this performance. Heartfelt thanks for posting.
Bravo 🎉 Definitely one of the most promising pianists of his generation!
He’s yet one of the greatest pianist of this time !
Absolutely! His playing is such a natural combination of musical insights and virtuosity ❤
I think that if Yunchan is given the support, time and peace of mind he needs to develop his already amazing repertoire further and to follow new pathways that interest him, he may well become this century's greatest classical pianist.
He is not promising,he IS the great pianist and musician!
Yunchan, he never disappointed me so far, l was so impressed his outstanding rendition of Tchaikovsky and Chopin again. Amazing performance, !!
I was moved by Yunchan's Four Seasons and Chopin Etude. His performance is very beautiful and poetic. He also has a sense of creativity and sincerity in music that has never been found in any pianist. A very precious treasure has appeared in the classical music world. Respect for his dedication to music. I hope he is always healthy and happy.
I feel very same with you. I think music beyond nationality and human race... a little surprised other people who are not Koreans feel same thing. Yunchan has something special.especiallymhis left hand technic is never like any other pianists.exceptional
What an amazing young man and “artist “. He has that something special that no one can teach!
Blessed young man
From the very beginning when he performed in the first round of the The Cliburn preliminaries , I felt a stirring in my heart. When he played Liszt's 12 Transcedental Etudes, he melted my heart. He will be forever recognised as the gift of the 21st century. Not heard in a very long time.
Thank you for sharing this with us. The clarity and tone has been remarkable.
The same i was in usa for his preliminary round, he seemed different
A couper le souffle, si addictif 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰, Merci 💓💓💓💓
I agree. I cannot get out! 😅
Everything he touches is truly miraculous and special 🙏
Incredible . Horowitz would be stupefied! I have never enjoyed the Seasons of Tchaikovsky before -he makes music out of these trifling ideas and makes me realize he must believe in this music .He didn'trecord them because there weren't already many pianists some extremely well known recorded in them . His imagination and finger strength,technique,detail are out of this world .There is nothinghe cant say . I dont think r.h of op.10 no.2 should be legato but he makes a vivid statement anyway. op.10 no1 shocked me. I make it mu job to hear everyone in this and ...geese . Similar to Argerich's extremely fast accented quarter notes yet it sounds like he is coloring the theme in bass notes . How is thateven possible. Genius of Spirit! No.3 breathes yet it's not really slow it feels lke a unified canvas(very mature )No.4 incredibly exact and yet incredibly fast and secure (he has great wrists and arm support behind each finger !The swells are incredible! a FIRE!!!! charm and grace are lacking in no.5 the left hand is beautiful throughout ,imaginative pedal?How does he do it this way but still lacking charm end has nice effects and last page finally has some charm the octaves sound wrongspirit to heavy for this kind of music .Wow no.6 found new lefthandvoice not sure it's logical then the really low bass does something impossible on Chopin's Erard's and Pleyels ! So Lim has like Freidman(1920'S&30'S PLAYER his own music really he is playing cuz it ain't Chopin .The separation of voices in no.6 is INCREDIBLE .I STARTED CRYING WHEN I REALIZED WHAT HE WAS DOING usually the Music makes us cry but here it washis abilities.HAD TO LISTEN AGAIN .No.7 has grace unlike anyone else playing this .No.8 has cleanest left hand with spots of pedal for left hand melodyHOW IS THAT POSSIBLE 1:03:40and the last page of #8 ? Is this even possible with 2 hands .No.9 special here! I was surprised he didn't get spiky in thestaccato part of no.10. No.11 has thumb melody with melody on pinky too then left hand upper voice accents! I wanted to cry again. Both slow etudes he does THE IMPOSSIBLE and here has charm and color ! No.12 has energy and line threatening to blow up. His lefthand! Incredible. I've heard some incredible Chopin etudes this will stand the test of time -musically its youthful and impetuous ! The encore c#minor Nocturne makes me wonder what his Mazurkas sound like , he made the left hand a statement in itself ,again he makes accents that stand out for color while other pitches ae singing. Phrasing and bass etching in Eb Nocturne made my stomach heave -noone very few have ever made me cry in this very ! Can he mature musically yes. Some ideas seemed wrongheaded but so well executed one defers .
Almost like a curse, his technique is so brillant that some people don’t hear what’s underneath it. Underneath it, is a genius musical mind, born 100 years too late..
Horowitz was dubbed “The Last Romantic”. This genius can now be crowned as “The First Romantic of a New Era”
It’s never late~~ he will bring back the 100 yrs old glory. 😊
Can you hear that? A standing ovation from a thousand years later, Bravo.The perfect scene.The First Romantic of a New Era. I totally agree!! ✨✨🫠🫠🫠
Completely agree that Horowitz is the correct comparison. I think some of Lim's precocity as an interpretive artist can be credited to careful listening to Horowitz. Or so it seems to me.
No way. You're lying. His Etude No.4 sounds like a curse with a great piano and recording device and he can barely play no.2 without pedals.
Horowits has horrible playing tbh his technique is really bad for good piece to play, even cho, other play far better than him
Un Tchaikovski poétique et de toute beauté Un artiste Super- Extra béni des Muses... et d´une telle réserve loin de tout showbiz ...Sommes pleis d´émotions à le voir apparaître....
This young man has the drive and insight to draw beauty and meaning out of every note he plays. The result is an extraordinary unique experience in listening to his performances. I have never heard the Tchaikovsky played with such depth of colour and expression as was the playing of the op. 10 of Chopin. What a gift for all of us.
His October breaks my heart, deeply. Tears run down my face helplessly.
What a breathtaking interpretation of June
Articulation, respiration, conduite magistrale de la mélodie. C'est la "beauté " à l'état transcendant qui soulève les coeurs et fait déborder l'émotion. Merci, Monsieur.
Bravo! The Tchaikovsky Seasons are not technically difficult, but that only makes this performance more amazing. How can he create such intricate realms and touch the emotions so deeply with these few simple pieces. They are now forever imprinted in a new way.
It's like hearing an orchestra...it's an amazing player.👍
You cannot call these ‘simple pieces’. Some may be technically not that challenging, but very few pianists have been able to deliver for example ‘August’ like this. Absolutely stunning.
Heard him two days later with same program in Denmark. Can honestly say, that this recording doesn’t do any justice to hpw magical it sounded in the hall..
❤so sad not being able to go… hopefully I could in near future
Yes I understand what you're telling about. And that's why reviewers describe his an Magical something
Agreed. I was there, too.
갈수없는 저에게는 이것도 너무 감사합니다
저는 1월이 제일 좋아요! 앞으로의 한 해를 선물받는 느낌~^^
10-9로 이렇게 감동시키는 피아니스트가 이제까지 있었던가…!!!
The seasons is ' G.O.A.T '
He brought something new to almost every Chopin Etude, such inventiveness!
결코쉽지 않은 etude. 미쳤다 그의 연주! 소리는 하프소리처럼 대굴 굴러가네요..속도감 장난 아닙니다..ㅜㅜ 역쉬 천재!
Wordless beauty from the shaping and clear phrasing, and the layering and balance from different layers... shatter my sensitivity and brain
As a person who has heard Chopin Etudes with more than 10 people and has played almost all of them myself, I have never heard such a unique Chopin Etudes. It's really amazing. Yoon-chan seems to have a soul that has lived at least 200 years old.
He can sing even with Chopin Etudes. How so tender and beautiful. 🥹
Yes, although op.10 n.1 by Seong-Jin Cho is still unsurpassed.
Yes, Yoon-chan seems to have a soul that has lived at least 200 years old.
But Yunchan accents the first note of each set of semiquavers much better than Seon Jin Cho…. However it’s written on the score… That’s why Yunchan is a little slower, but his left hand’s playing is masterful !
In op. 10 n.1
A minor storm of comments was triggered by this terrific version of these two opuses by Yunchan. How absolutely marvellous. I've had many comments directed at me re my response, most positive, some negative and a few way off left field. Some attempts to respond to these seem to be published out of context and thus sound confusing. I shan't attempt to reply further. I'd only add that Yunchan asks more questions of the scores he plays than pretty well all of us will ever think of, and he obviously continues to ask them after his performances, given by their ongoing development. For example follow his Rach 3 and Beethoven 5 performances. I've noted some new tendencies (e.g. more delayed notes, more inner voicing) and most add something positive to the works. But I am not quite sure of some of the questions or the answers he offers us in Nos 1 and 6 of these etudes and since clarity is characteristic of Yunchan, I anticipate that by the next time he performs them this program will be pretty well on the way to where he feels it might/can go. Whatever, it will be different, honest, enthralling and beautiful. How many of us can offer such a gift to our world?
His Chopin must be recorded. Us earthlings need it. ❤
Yeah, in the next spring!
Thank you, Anson Yeung, for making this incredibly gifted musician accessible to the world. And Yunchan, you have brought us beauty and wonder beyond words. Thank you.
what a beauty comment
BRAVO 임윤찬!!!!!!!!!
WOW!!!!!!!! He plays like a dream!!!!!!!!!!
수없이 찾아와 듣고 있어요. 들을수록 아름답기 그지 없습니다.
에튀드 10-8은 완전 다른 차원에 있네요. 리듬감, 내성이 만들어내는 멜로디..내가 알던 곡이 아니었습니다. 환상적입니다.
I want so badly for Chopin to hear Yunchan's playing...
The notes he touches are just so heavenly... Thank you Yunchan for letting us know what heaven feels like...❤
I was in Laroque d Antheron for the same program, he was amazing, i don’t have enough words to describe my feeling during this concert.April magistral, barcarolle, autumn song , Christmas waltz adream. GREAT GREAT ARTIST, HE TOUCHES MY HEART AND MY SENSITIVITY.he is dazzling, beaming on stage.He is living for music and music is living in his body and his soul.😮😮😮😮😮🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
Idem, I was in LaRoque too !
Thank you so much for this words ! He’s incredible, wonderful, he’s a wizard and the most extraordinary pianist !
Compared to his brilliant playing, his hair style, like it or not, is totally insignificant. It's about the music and the playing, not the hair.
@@billboisvert8307 서양인들은 두상이 괜찮으니까 아무 스타일이나 어울리지만 윤찬님이 머리 모양을 저렇게 하는것은 사정이 있을거라 생각해주세요
@@김화중-e2l 그의 눈부신 음악 연주에 헤어스타일 언급은 무의미하며 음악과 연주를 중점으로 봐야한다고 위에 댓글 다신 분이 말했는데 살짝 오해가 있는 듯 해요. 어딘가에서 그런 말이 나왔나본데 저도 머리카락이 길던 말던 본인 자유라고 생각해요.
너무 좋다 너무 좋아
THANKS YUNCHAN for this INCREDIBLE performance! Can really feel your heart and soul in EVERY NOTE you play. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and also, hope you can find time to RELAX & enjoy your family & friends in preparation to your upcoming concerts. Your music has been a GIFT to me and to us...been listening to it almost every night since you won the Van Cliburn Competition. I get inspired every time I listen... but I just hope you would think long term. There are still many countries that are still waiting to hear you play in person. So PLEASE take care and HAVE FUN!
그저 감사! ...
그저 감탄! ....
그저 경이! .....
그저 애잔!.......
임윤찬의 1월은 제 마음 속 사계를 피어나게 하네요
A genius.
임윤찬의 음악성은 어디에서 오는지 정말 궁금하다 스승님이 가르칠 수 없는 섬세함과 다양한 감정의 기복을 세련되고 아름답게 표현함이 놀랍다.천재!
I never thought pedal over op.10/2 would sound so magical
Commonly great and fascinating
차이콥스키 미쳤다....... 안들은 사람은 많아도 한번만 들은 사람은 없을듯........
👏👏👏 녹턴 C-sharp에서는 가슴이 녹아내린다! 👏👏👏
Bei Klängen von Nocturne in C-sharp minor schmilzt mein Herz dahin!
The Seasons has been a greatly loved work since I learned it back in the '50s. Technically, and obviously, they are not as challenging as many major suites, but musically they demand an exceptional pianist to illuminate their singular beauty. They shine blindingly here. Juni, for some reason is my favourite and Yunchan plays it here almost the way I always imagined it could sound. One version I have heard of it allows a tiny breath before making the little minor descent from the second ascending scale, which silence actually illuminates it better, but otherwise i loved it, December always makes me want to dance. The Chopin was quite beautiful too, and technically brilliant and different from most interpretations I'd heard of it, but Nos 1 and 6 didn't have quite the answers to Y's questions of them for me. I look forward immensely to hearing the next interpretation of these. The two nocturnes were each flawless and exquisite. Yunchan, thank you so very much. Your music is always a work in progress and for me, it reintroduces old and adds new joy, excitement and pleasure to many works Sadly the mechanics of the piano-pedals that you used here need urgent re-jigging. Steinway???Thankyou to all concerned with this incredibly wonderful gift.
Dear Catherine, as another human being and a fan of Yun Chan, I have read your comments before and appreciate your sincere heart that cares about the beauty of arts. I totally agree and share your sentiments. I think I appreciate his talent more for we live in such technical machinery world and where there's a lot harder for people like Yun Chan to appear. Be happy and healthy as well. It's a great day that we can still listen purity of love of life. ^^
@@sophialee4297 So true Sophia
Супер! Oн очень умный молодой человек!
Tchaikovsky The Seasons
00:00 - January 1월 난롯가에서
평안한 위로 한 편에서
밤은 어스름한 어둠을 입었다
난로 안에는 작은 불씨가 꺼지고
작은 촛불이 타버렸다 - 알렉산드르 푸쉬킨
05:45 - February 2월 사육제
곧 활기찬 마슬레니짜에서
성대한 향연이 절정에 오른다 - 표트르 바젬스키
08:30 - March 3월 종달새의 노래
꽃들이 흐드러진 들판,
하늘에는 빛의 물결이 흐르고,
봄의 종달새의 노래는
푸른 심연에 가득하다 - 아폴론 마이코프
11:11 - April 4월 갈란투스
하늘색, 정결한 갈란투스꽃
그 옆엔 투명한 마지막 눈덩이
지나간 고통의 마지막 눈물
그리고 다른 행복의 첫 희망 - 아폴론 마이코프
14:29 - May 5월 백야
이런 아름다운밤! 온세상에 천국의 기쁨이!
내 고향 북방지역에 감사드린다
얼음왕국, 눈과 눈보라의 왕국,
얼마나 깨끗하고 정결한 5월이 날아가는가! - 아파나시 페트
18:35 - June 6월 뱃노래
해변으로 나가자, 거긴 파도가
우리의 다리에 키스할것이다
별들은 비밀스러운 슬픔과 함께
우리 머리 위에서 빛난다 - 알렉세이 플레쉐예프
23:49 - July 7월 풀 베는 사람의 노래
어깨를 들썩여라
팔을 흔들어라!
한낮의 바람이
얼굴에 훅 불어온다! - 알렉세이 콜쵸프
25:34 - August 8월 추수
사람들은 가족끼리 추수를 시작했다
큰 밀을 베어낸다
대량의 무더기 속에 단이 쌓여있고
짐수레에서 밤새 음악이 끽끽거린다 - 알렉세이 콜쵸프
28:48 - September 9월 사냥
빨리, 빨리! 뿔나팔을 불고 있다
사냥개지기들은 사냥차림으로
동이 트기도 전에 말 위에 앉아있다
그레이하운드는 무리를 지어 점프한다 - 푸슈킨
32:02 - October 10월 가을의 노래
가을, 우리의 불쌍한 정원 가득 우수수 떨어진다
노래진 낙엽이 바람과 날아다닌다 - 알렉세이 톨스토이
37:44 - November 11월 트로이카에서
우울하게 길을 보지말아라,
그리고 급하게 트로이카를 쫓지 말아라,
그리고 가슴속 불안함의 쓸쓸함을
빨리 영원히 재워라 - 니콜라이 네크라소프
41:02 - December 12월 크리스마스 주간
크리스마스 이브에
아가씨들은 점을 쳤네
신발을 벗어,
대문 밖으로 던졌네 - 바실리 주콥스키
Chopin 12 Etudes, Op.10
45:59 - No.1 in C major 승리
47:57 - No.2 in A minor 발레리나
49:24 - No.3 in E major 이별의 곡
53:51 - No.4 in C-sharp minor 추격
55:52 - No.5 in G-flat major 흑건
57:39 - No.6 in E-flat minor 고독
1:01:14 - No.7 in C major 마법사
1:02:41 - No.8 in F major 햇빛
1:04:57 - No.9 in F minor 밤여행
1:06:58 - No.10 in A-flat major 제비
1:09:10 - No.11 in E-flat major 평온함
1:11:54 - No.12 in C minor 혁명
1:14:47 - Chopin Nocturne in C-sharp minor, Op. Posth.
1:19:27 - Chopin Nocturne in E-flat major, Op.9 nO.2
Thanks a lot !!!!!👍💖
타임라인 감사합니다!
시간대별로 정리 해주시니 정말 감사합니다
1:03:38 Very interesting left hand melody, never heard that before!
너무 좋습니다. 보물같은 피아니스트 임윤찬♡
윤찬님 의 재능은 어디까지일까요?
들을수록 감동이네요.윤찬님과 같은 시대에 살고있다는거가 큰 행복입니다.
정말 bravo!!입니다.
100 퍼 공감입니다
20040320퍼센트 공감합니다! 🤭😉😁🥹😚🫶
1:21:34 will pull your heart out !!! I don't care how manytimes you've heard this music. Paderwsky Lives Again but now he plays better than he ever did. This man's Heart&Musicality. I will crawl on my knees to his next recital.There should be a new religion for what is inside this man ! 3 times I've listenedto his Eb Nocturne and each time the mixing of new voices the decrescendo ,the poesie was the most remarkable thing I have ever heard and I've heard every important and unimportant pianist from Harriet Cohen (an angel in the way she plays Bach ) to the incredible Ilana Vered who should be much more talked about !
It pulled my heart out for sure… I enjoyed reading your comments, thank you!
an excerpt translated of the recent Copenhagen recital review in the Denmark news:
“**6 hearts (out of 6): 19-year-old piano phenomenon gave a concert few pianists of any age could deliver**
Yunchan Lim had just given a concert, one man at the grand piano, where nothing was missing...
The cell phones were out filming him as soon as Lim had removed his hands from the keys, and it was evident that we were with not just the winner of the great American Van Cliburn Piano Competition, *but a new classical star defining a new era.*
Lim started with Tchaikovsky's 'Seasons', where each month has its rate. Based on poetic texts by Russian authors, Tchaikovsky has made January melodic. February is a merry carnival, and in autumn the sweetness of melancholy sings, before December ends as a wonderful waltz.
The pianist played the music with a perfect balance between romantic expression created with all possible pianistic means, as the great Russian pianists would do, more European moderation and then the perfection, which a generation or two ago talked a lot about the skilled, but too mechanical classic stars from Asia.
But as my old friend, who himself a trained pianist, remarked after the concert, the time is different now.
*Yunchan Lim belongs in a new era.*
He is a musician who gives his audience everything. That he had the maturity to draw us into the music by using faint nuances was superb. And after the break he opened up to what all great pianists have shown themselves with. Namely etudes by Chopin.
Chopin's etudes are difficult exercises, but written for concert use, and it was the 12 etudes from Chopin's op. 10 that Lim played. Here there is a demanding focus on the piano's black keys, stormy tempi, difficulties for the ring and little finger and finally Chopin's famous 'Revolution Etude'.
Yunchan Lim played it all perfectly, mature, and interesting.
He built up a restrained storm. He let a melody shine like a light in the haze, and when at the end he omitted to articulate the characteristic rhythmic figure in the stormy ‘Revolution Etude’ quite obviously, it was only, completely well thought out, so that precisely that desperately rushing forward could be emphasized even more clearly.
The pianist had encores for his seasoned Asian fans and his new Danish ilk. But despite his 19 years, he is already a seasoned stage artist, and it required many curtain calls before he played two Chopin nocturnes as a perfect end to an evening *where Yunchan Lim removed any possible doubt that he is one of the stars in the new age.*
Not a well-dressed music box. Not a flamboyant pop star for the masses like his colleague Lang Lang, who replaces real music with technical show, but *a mature classical pianist of a new generation who, with his complete combination of emotions, colors, mastery, and perfection, raises the bar for what music can do.* ”
lang lang catching strays 😂
Thank you!!!
Oh thank you thank you. ❤❤❤ Go Yunchan! I just feel sorry for Lang Lang. I hope they wouldn’t be compared.
Jesus Christ the Chopin etudes are so good
너무도 아름다워요 !
숭고한 영혼이
이끄는 음악세계 ~
고마워요 !!
This young man plays from Heaven!
Saw him play at la Roque d'Antheron on Friday
So beautiful The Seasons 🥰
Breathtakingly beautiful!
어제는 1월 무한반복,
오늘은 5월 속에 빠져 있어요..
🙏전곡 올려주셔서 감사해요. 댓글들보면 공감하고 재밌어요. 최애번호 언급 다들 다양합니다ㅎㅎ 피아노 건반 88개로....어떻게 이렇게....감탄만ㅠㅠ
현장에서 듣는 전율은 더 엄청났을 거예요... 적어도 5배 이상일 거라고 생각하면서 듣고 있어요...
그런 부분으로 실황 오픈이 쉬운 결정이 아닐 텐데,
존경하는 윤찬림님.... 마음이 바다 같아서 더 많은 분들이 함께 들을 수 있도록 생각하시는 분....그 마음이 음악으로 다 전달돼요. 감동입니다.🫶
그래서 저는 눈물이 납니다 너무 고마워요 윤찬!!!!!!
Bravo! Such sensitivity..
19세의 감성으로 들려주는 천재 피아니스트 의 연주.
윤찬님께 감사합니다
너무 아름다워서 꿈꾸는 것 같아요 ❤😅😊
Excellent at expressing subtly gradated emotions.
녹턴을 들으며 가슴이 벅차오르면서 설레이기는 처음입니다.
엄청 자유롭게 즐기면서 치는 에튜드. 인터뷰때 오히려 연습을 많이 안한다고 했던 에튜드.... 진짜.... 매번 너무 놀랍다
Yunchan saisit au vol l'âme de Frédéric.
너무나 귀한 연주 ㅠㅠ 이렇게 쉽게 들을 수 있다니 무한 감사해요 ㅠㅠ
wow thanks, hearing so many new things in the etudes, especially no 6
Bravo LIM!
Thank you for uploading! 🙏😊 Very thrilled that now we have both sets of the etudes on RUclips
영상으로도 보고 싶어요 ❤❤❤❤
Благодарю! Браво!