Nice of Knox to spend time with his mom and help her out and vice versa. He truly is a mamas kid. God help her and all her children. In Jesus name, Amen.❤
Espero con el tiempo concilien, se perdonen y logrén un equilibrio familiar. Pese a los problemas los lazos de sangre y familiares son irrompibles ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
OMG no wonder the boy is hiding! How will he navigate life with an impossibly impeccable genetic make up!!! Poor boy is doomed! He's the only one who inherited both parents exceptional features. I'm stunned!
Nice of Knox to spend time with his mom and help her out and vice versa. He truly is a mamas kid. God help her and all her children. In Jesus name, Amen.❤
Vivian looks so much like Brad & Knox looks like Angelina’s brother !
Knox is a handsome boy💖💖💖💖💖
사랑해요 엄마와 아들
Sie haben sehr kluge Kids alle sechs und die Kids halten. Zusammen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Espero con el tiempo concilien, se perdonen y logrén un equilibrio familiar. Pese a los problemas los lazos de sangre y familiares son irrompibles ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Angelina is the mother! Do not judge her and just shut-up!
OMG no wonder the boy is hiding! How will he navigate life with an impossibly impeccable genetic make up!!! Poor boy is doomed! He's the only one who inherited both parents exceptional features. I'm stunned!
He got his height from his Uncle Voight!
PR stunt . Nice blowout for a trip to the pet store
They are just enjoying shopping like everybody else.
Maybe she had a blowout just because she does this when ever she new it.
Pas sur que ce soit Brad Pitt le père 😂….il ressemble à Elon musk…😂
He looks like Angelina’s brother.
@@lr9010Agree! He got his Uncle’s height too!
That funny that what people say about you.