  • Опубликовано: 14 янв 2025

Комментарии • 422

  • @thequestionqueens
    @thequestionqueens  Год назад +170

    I had to try 62 different ways to upload this video so it wouldn’t be blocked!! 14 hours later this version worked 😳

    • @DQ_Mine
      @DQ_Mine Год назад +21

      ❤️ Thank you for not giving up! It is a very relatable reaction! ☺️❤️⚘️🎵

    • @janetlawson4482
      @janetlawson4482 Год назад +17

      I’m so glad that it did, Stranger is a tough one as far as getting blocked ❤

    • @jonathondiamond3002
      @jonathondiamond3002 Год назад +13

      Thanks for all your hard work. Much appreciated.

    • @debbiemorgan859
      @debbiemorgan859 Год назад +18

      Now you've worked it out you shouldn't have a problem with any others. Thank you for persevering.

    • @FretsOnFire
      @FretsOnFire Год назад +16

      Thank you for your perseverance! It was a great reaction, totally sincere and from your heart. We really appreciate it!
      I love the fact that you "rewind"! I really hate it when reactors edit little parts out of the song & skip ahead, but I love it when they rewind peak moments - great job! 😊👍

  • @nancypriddy4382
    @nancypriddy4382 Год назад +176

    Loved your reaction and you are definitely a Dear. I am 71 years old and I have never been touched by anyone's singing like I am with Dimash's singing. I am so glad I found him years ago. I have to listen to him everyday. I only hope and pray that some day I will be able to go to one of his concerts in the USA. I pray to God to please keep him safe, because the world needs people like Dimash to remind us what is important in life.

    • @thequestionqueens
      @thequestionqueens  Год назад +32

      I soooooo hope you get to see him in concert 🤗🥰❤️

    • @brendaguerin5423
      @brendaguerin5423 Год назад +16

      I echo your prayer.🙏

    • @viviencurrell9935
      @viviencurrell9935 Год назад +17

      Nancy, I too echo every word you said. I’m 70 (less two days 😊) Best wishes from London UK. ❤

    • @jamesk8s1
      @jamesk8s1 Год назад +18

      My exact thoughts and words. I hope you get to see him, and me too. That is my only real wish in life. I have seen so many of the "great" singers live, but not one of them ever moved or touched me so deeply as does Dimash.

    • @nicom.6823
      @nicom.6823 Год назад +24

      I am also a woman of 71 years old and I was lucky that my son treated me to the Dimash concert in Düsseldorf, Germany last May!
      I wish every dear from Dimash the same! It was a pleasure to experience. I love Dimash and consider him my 3rd son.
      Lots of love from a dear from the Netherlands.

  • @РаушанИзмаилова
    @РаушанИзмаилова Год назад +88

    Спасибо за такую эмоциональную реакцию! В этой песне Димаш 11 раз менял тональность. И даже мы, привыкшие к его американским горкам в голосе, впервые услышав эту песню, были сражены наповал. Согласна с комментарием, что у него нет ни одной скучной песни, ни одной скучной ноты. Он поет не только голосом, у него даже руки поют. Поэтому я не могу слушать просто аудио, мне нужно его видеть. У него какие-то волшебные вибрации в голосе, что достают до самой глубины души. Поздравляю с вступлением в армию dears!❤😊

  • @leokafer1972
    @leokafer1972 Год назад +12

    Eu me lembro que assistia a Lara Fabian, linda, maravilhosa cantora. Então, um dia, um lia sobre um tal de "Dimash" e pensei: Quem é esse? Aí resolvi dar uma olhada...
    Meu Deus, não penso que exista, atualmente, ou que tenha existido, durante toda a minha existência, alguém que cante como ele.
    Dimash canta em vários estilos, em vários idiomas, toca vários instrumentos, interpreta, atua (você verá em alguns vídeos), principalmente no "The Story of one Sky". Ainda dança, domina técnica de microfone, tem presença de palco. É um artista incomparável.
    ... E o senhor disse: Dimash, onde você está? E Dimash respondeu: Aqui, meu Criador.
    ... Então o senhor disse: Vá para a Terra e cante, meu anjo cantor. Cante e encante. Traga beleza pela música!
    ... Dimash respondeu: Sua ordem, minha voz!
    Grande abraço do Leo.

  • @Kerrelyn717
    @Kerrelyn717 Год назад +67

    Динмухаммед Канатович Кудайберген - казахский певец, композитор и мультиинструменталист. Заслуженный деятель Казахстана (2019). Свободно говорит на родном казахском языке, на русском, английском, изучает китайский. Исполняет песни на 14 языках, отлично играет на национальном музыкальном инструменте - домбре, а также на клавишных, ударных и гитаре. Имеет абсолютный слух. С детства увлекается спортом, три года занимался тхэквондо, отлично владеет футбольным мячом, катается на велосипеде, а также верхом на лошади, водит машину, плавает. Его кумиры с детства - Майкл Джексон, Лара Фабиан, Андреа Бочелли, актёр Джекки Чан.
    Димаш Кудайберген родился 24 мая 1994 года в городе Актобе, в Казахстане, в семье певцов Каната и Светланы Айтбаевых. Хотя Динмухаммед - его полное имя, в семье его всегда ласково называли Димаш. В переводе с казахского, фамилия Кудайберген означает "Данный Богом" и это фамилия его дедушки по отцовской линии. От мамы Димашу достался её высокий голос сопрано и переливчатые нотки, как у птички, а от папы - красивый баритон. Родители Димаша Кудайбергена удостоены почётного звания Заслуженных деятелей Казахстана.
    Димаш Близнец по гороскопу, имеет рост 1 метр 91 см.
    По казахском традициям, первенца в семье молодые родители отдают на воспитание старшим. Димаша вырастили бабушка и дедушка по отцовской линии. Именно бабушка стала водить Димаша в 5 лет в музыкальную школу, когда у него обнаружили абсолютный слух и музыкальные способности. Димаш постоянно, на всех своих сольных концертах благодарит своих родителей, в первую очередь бабушку и дедушку за всё, что они для него сделали и ощущает себя самым счастливым человеком, за то, что у него такая замечательная семья.
    В семье есть ещё двое детей: младшие сестра Раушан (22 года) и брат Абильмансур (Мансур, 16 лет). Сестра учится на врача, отлично говорит по английски, помогает Димашу на его сольных концертах в качестве суфлера. У брата проявился талант композитора и он уже сочинил для Димаша отличную новую песню "Вместе", которую Димаш исполнил на своём грандиозном концерте в Алматы, Казахстан 23/09/2022. Весь концерт, состоящий из трёх частей, есть на канале Димаша и он обязателен к просмотру!!
    На данное время ( 2023 год) Димаш Кудайберген известен своим широким вокальным диапазоном, охватывающим 6 октав, 8 полутонов («F#1» - «D8») («фа диез» Контроктавы - «ре» пятой октавы). Его диапазон простирается от басового регистра до самых высоких нот колоратурного сопрано и свисткового регистра.
    Уникальность Димаша в первую очередь заключается в его природном вокальном диапазоне, который включает в себя все существующие голоса: и мужские, и женские, и детские. Самый высокий голос - дискант - присущ детям. Димаш поёт и этим голосом.
    Голос Димаша не поддается традиционной классификации. Можно сказать, что Димаш - обладатель «нескольких голосов», не только академического, но и эстрадного, и в отличие от «традиционных певцов», которые поют «одним» голосом на всех регистрах (в нижнем, в середине и в верхнем), Димаш поёт разными голосами в разных регистрах: внизу эстрадный баритон, затем переходящий в тенор, а на верхах - плотный сопрановый фальцет (тот самый контратенор), а также микст и свист.
    Динмухаммед Канатулы Кудайберген ( Димаш) всемирно известный и талантливый музыкальный исполнитель в жанрах эстрады, классического кроссовера, фолка и оперной эстрады.
    Димаш и его музыка известны в Восточной Европе и Азии, особенно в Казахстане (его родине), Китае и России, а фанаты более чем в 120 странах хотят увидеть его живое выступление. За последние 5 лет, помимо Казахстана, Китая и России, у него прошли сольные концерты в Лондоне, Нью-Йорке, Дубаи, Германии, Чехии. Димаш обладает не только уникальными вокальными данными и диапазоном в шесть октав, но и отличной связью с публикой. У него огромная фан база и поклонники со всех уголков планеты, которых он называет своей семьёй, своими родными и дорогими ему людьми - Dears.
    Голос Димаша - это редкий дар природы, а также результат большого труда и кропотливой работы над ним на протяжении многих лет.
    1999 - начал брать уроки игры на фортепиано и вокала в детской студии Актюбинского музыкального колледжа им. А. Жубанова.
    2010 - 2014 - студент Актюбинского музыкального колледжа им. А. Жубанова, по специальности «Оперное пение»
    2014 - 2018 - студент КазНУИ (Казахский Национальный Университет Искусств) степень бакалавра по специальности «Эстрадное искусство», Астана
    с 2018 - продолжил учёбу в магистратуре КазНУИ, по специальности «Композитор»
    2020 - окончил магистратуру по специальности "Композитор". На данное время продолжает обучение на докторантуре КазНУИ по специальности "Музыковедение".
    28 декабря 2022 года Димаш получил престижную стипендию «Болашак»
    Димаш Кудайберген пройдёт годичную стажировку в ведущем вузе США - "New York Film Academy" по специальности «Режиссура».
    Голос Димаша завораживает, а манера исполнения уникальна. Одни и те же песни неповторимы, поэтому смотреть нужно каждую версию любой его композиции. Очень интересно наблюдать эволюцию Димаша как в творческом, так и в профессиональном плане, всегда поражаясь, насколько человек, благодаря усердию и трудолюбию, развил свои уникальные природные способности и отточил до совершенства свой вокальный дар. Это очень интересное путешествие, создающее отличное настроение и заряжающие позитивом. Это своего рода Димашетерапия))

    • @ТатьянаПантелеева-м1в
      @ТатьянаПантелеева-м1в Год назад +8

      Спасибо🙏💕 за информацию о Димаш, он ещё своим огромным трудолюбием достиг таких высот, что весь мир полюбил его за уникальный голос!

    • @Saule_Astana_dear
      @Saule_Astana_dear Год назад +7

      Спасибо за отличный комментарии, информацию о Димаше ❤

    • @Kerrelyn717
      @Kerrelyn717 Год назад +5

      @@Saule_Astana_dear , хочется, чтобы как можно больше людей узнало о Димаше , а для этого очень важна достоверная информация. Спасибо вам за добрые слова!

    • @ФлераГизатуллина
      @ФлераГизатуллина Год назад


  • @lauraalkhaz2163
    @lauraalkhaz2163 Год назад +63

    Yes, Dimash is going to fill you with a lot of joy and beauty that we just do not find in Western music anymore at all. Ikanaide is one of the most incredible things you will see. Just Dimash up close in a studio singing in Japanese for the Tokyo Jazz Festival. The song is sad and he lures you in with the very first note and by the end you are holding your breath.

    • @olgameyer1118
      @olgameyer1118 Год назад +3

      Yes, agree 100% Ikanaide is fantastic!

  • @mariaangeles6571
    @mariaangeles6571 Год назад +2

    Desde Uruguay suscripta!
    Me pasa lo mismo que tú....hace 2 años lo descubrí y no ha pasado un solo día que no necesite de su maravillosa voz.
    Tiene que ser mundialmente conocido por favor!
    Me siento privilegiada de vivir en el mundo de Dimash.
    Lo amo,es luz,energía,una montaña rusa de sensaciones y yo me dejo llevar con él y ojalá nunca me deje salir de ahí.
    Abrazos de una dear de Uruguay para todos los dear del mundo!🌹🌹❤😘😘👋

  • @stesaceceli5814
    @stesaceceli5814 Год назад +47

    Я так и предполагала что реакция на Stranger будет такой , вы полностью сдуетесь как шар , Димаш это вся Вселенная .🙏👍🔥✋

  • @vincenzasciacca9142
    @vincenzasciacca9142 Год назад +31

    Seguo volentieri le tue reazioni sul nostro adorato Dimash. Riesci a descrivere perfettamente le emozioni e sensazioni che lui riesce a trasmettere a tutti noi. "Dears" uno volta che si entra a farne parte lo si è per sempre. Ascolta le sue versioni di "Hello" o " Show must go on", la mia preferita " Across Endless Dimension" e il suo ultimo capolavoro " The story of one sky". Un saluto dall'Italia ❤💋

  • @silviasabato4762
    @silviasabato4762 Год назад +66

    Dimash is the most incredible singer in the world , he is so talented and versatile, I adore him ❤❤

  • @Kerrelyn717
    @Kerrelyn717 Год назад +4

    Димаш Кудайберген на сегодняшнее время достиг нереальных высот не только в плане своих вокальных способностей, которые никто не сможет повторить в ближайшее тысячелетие, но и обогатил весь мир своим новым представлением о музыке, о возможностях человека. Он не устаёт прославлять свою родину и продвигать культуру и традиции Казахстана во всём мире. Глобально мыслит о проблемах всего человечества, выступая на всех значимых конференциях по продвижению мира и взаимопонимания между народами, о прекращении войн и бессмысленной агрессии. Он через своё творчество пытается достучаться до каждого человека, независимо от его вероисповедания, национальности и положения в обществе, призывая к миру и спокойствию на Земле ради будущего наших детей. Димаш - это пассионарий нашего времени, которого в образе человека с древней и мудрой душой не одной прожитой жизни послал к нам на землю Всевышний ради нашего же спасения. Димаш является целителем наших погрязших во тьме душ, пробуждая своим талантом, своим голосом, сердечностью и любовью, всё самое хорошее и светлое в каждом человеке.

  • @АЗБ-м1ы
    @АЗБ-м1ы Год назад +2

    У Димаша-талант от Бога!..СпасиБО за добрую реакцию...🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @misohoney2
    @misohoney2 Год назад +58

    Dimash is one of the very few singers alive today whose voice pierces our souls. We are so blessed to experience this unfathomable talent in our lifetime.

    • @kylestaples465
      @kylestaples465 Год назад

      I have dimash and floor Jansen as my favorite vocalists male and female respectively. They sing with so much range, power, and emotion that you just can't stop listening.

  • @nicevinci_dear
    @nicevinci_dear Год назад +4

    He is so awesome, isn’t he? Stranger is one of my absolute favorite songs. I get goosebumps every time I hear it. I’m a real fan of movies like this that have such a mystical vibe. And it was such a great idea by Dimash to use the Kobysz for that.
    The kobyz is a very old Kazakh folk instrument and it’s spread among Kazakhs. The man who often is playing the kobyz in Dimash’s performance (also here in Stranger) is the best on this instrument and a good friend of Dimash. His name is Olzhas Qurmanbek. You often can hear this instrument when Dimash sings in his native tongue like Samaltau, Qairan Elim or Òmir Òter.
    Stranger was performed in Sochi, Russia in 2021 at the New Wave singer competition. Dimash was there as a jury member. Igor Krutoy wrote this song like so many other masterpieces for Dimash
    Please react next to Olimpico from his Arnau concert. In this song he sings in Italian. You can find it on Igor Krutoy‘s Channel. He is a famous Russian/Ukrainian composer, producer and songwriter. He has come out of retirement to work with Dimash. You’ll often see him accompanying Dimash on the piano. The two have no contract. Their cooperation is based more on mutual trust. It’s more like a father/son relationship. Olimpico is another masterpiece that Igor Krutoy wrote especially for Dimash’s vocal skills. This song and this performance is my absolute favourite🥰. I think this version is the best, because his performance is so intense and breathtaking. The light show, the background dancers. Everything. With this song in this version I have gasping breath all the time. The way he represents himself on stage, the hand movements. I think he has incredibly beautiful hands🤭(and apparently many cameramen think so too, since many of the camera shots during his performances very often only show his hands. Sometimes it seems as if he is conducting himself. This is really fascinating). And the facial expression, the look. There he looks so demanding and commanding😱 (I hope it‘s the right word-English is not my native language). There he is such a Beast😳! It’s absolutely stunning. Gasping and racing heart and I’m not even talking about him singing. Oh wow I’m starting to rave again…🤤 Sorry but I can’t help it🥺. I swear it is mind-blowing 🤯. You will love it.
    Greetings and love from Germany👋❤️

  • @Mariaisabel-vf9vv
    @Mariaisabel-vf9vv Год назад +95

    Hello! your reactions identify me completely, because I see myself listening and seeing Dimash deliver that wonderful gift without limits. From your first reaction I knew that you would become a DEAR, and I am so happy because that is what is needed for many more people to know and know that there is an extraordinary artist who is considered the best voice on the planet. And not only that, a man of integrity, full of pure beautiful and positive things to deliver to this world so convulsed. Our beloved Kazakh prince embodies everything good that a human being can be. Thank you, I follow you from Chile 🇨🇱, and since your first reaction to DIMASH KUDAIBERGEN ❤️ Now, check out all his other songs, because he never ceases to amaze us 💖💖💖

    • @janetlawson4482
      @janetlawson4482 Год назад +14

      All of that, so true❤

    • @thequestionqueens
      @thequestionqueens  Год назад +22

      Thank you so much for being here with me in discovering this beautiful soul Dimash.

    • @biserkapacas172
      @biserkapacas172 Год назад +9

      Dimash is our soul 😊🎈
      Thank you

    • @biserkapacas172
      @biserkapacas172 Год назад +5

      @@thequestionqueens thank you so much

    • @RockPowerUSA
      @RockPowerUSA Год назад +5

      If there was a yearly global Best Human award given, 🎂🌟🏆 Dimash would win.
      Discovering who he really is as a person It's just as amazing as listening to his performances.
      Of course, there would be some people upset that Dimash won Best Human Award when they believe he's not fully qualified human. They would want to change the name of the award to Best Earth Lifeform Entity Award, so as to include EVERYBODY. Crazy obnoxious woke people.
      Of course Dimash is fully human.

  • @FinarfinNoldorin
    @FinarfinNoldorin Год назад +21

    Thank you for such a wonderful reaction video, and not giving up on getting it posted. It was great to see your reaction to Dimash's performance. Please follow up on more of his videos. You will never be sorry you did. Every song is different, even if they are the same song and each one will leave you stunned.

  • @debbiemorgan859
    @debbiemorgan859 Год назад +13

    Someone who attended the New York concert described Dimash to a reactor who also thought he was a slight skinny lad. Apparently he's huge, with broad shoulders and big hands and feet and my favourite quote "A jaw like an anvil"
    The Dears have many nicknames for him (something that started in China,) including the Kazakh Prince, His Royal Hotness and now The Gentle Giant.

  • @editszep6921
    @editszep6921 Год назад +36

    Köszönöm szépen az előző - indiai riportot - és ezt a reakciót is, mindkettő nagyon kedves volt számomra. Szívből örülök, hogy ennyire megkedvelted Dimasht - hisz az arcod, a mimikai kifejezéseid- elárulják érzéseidet. Én már 5 éve követem minden fellépését, dalait és mégsem tudok betelni vele, mert ő igazán egy különleges személyiség. Üdvözletem és ölelésem küldöm Magyarországból.

  • @rodrigorra3153
    @rodrigorra3153 Год назад +51

    I am very happy to subscribe to your channel. I came here for Dimash and I was surprised by a beautiful and authentic woman who is as impressed as all of us who have become Dimash's "Dears". You are fantastic, I love you. Greetings and hugs from Panama.

    • @thequestionqueens
      @thequestionqueens  Год назад +12

      Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for your kindness and beautiful words to me. I’m so humbled by them and so happy to have you here ❤️

    • @rodrigorra3153
      @rodrigorra3153 Год назад +6

      @@thequestionqueens Our honor belongs to all the Deras, since it represents us a beautiful, authentic and spontaneous woman. You still have a long way to go with Dimash. "The Story of a Sky" is Dimash's masterpiece, it is very emotional and will take you on a journey of emotions that we are not going to anticipate, so that you can live it live. The Deras will arrive on your channel by the hundreds and your spontaneity will catch them. Thank you for spreading the work of the greatest singer who has walked this earth, Dimash, who is currently in Los Angeles making contacts and in the next few months will move to New York to take direction classes for a year. Greetings and kisses.

    • @barbarasaracini1271
      @barbarasaracini1271 Год назад +2

      ​​@@rodrigorra3153 Actually he will be attending the New York Film Academy located in L.A.

    • @rodrigorra3153
      @rodrigorra3153 Год назад +1

      @@barbarasaracini1271 Correct, and by the way, he's doing a casting of dancers for his next tour. Greetings.

  • @michaelelliott8536
    @michaelelliott8536 Год назад +18

    Right at the end, Dimash goes on to thank Igor Krutoy, the pianist, who composed this and other works specially for Dimash and also the kobyz player who is the best on that instrument in Kazakhstan. Dimash likes to share the glory.

  • @mstmy7082
    @mstmy7082 Год назад +19

    Yes, we understand you very well.🤗
    Dimash is addictive, in the best possible way. It's a very intense experience witnessing such empassioned greatness. Its soul food.
    This is why I've watched innumerable amounts of dimash videos, or reactions to Dimash each day, every day for years. He has become my air and i need him!!!

  • @veronicaquintana9466
    @veronicaquintana9466 Год назад +6

    Querida, vas a terminar como todas las Dears de Dimash Kudaibergen, ¡COMPLETAMENTE ENAMORADA!, tanto de su hermoso color de voz, sus rangos vocales, sus canciones, su presencia, su hermosura, ángel y carisma. Él es toda una montaña rusa de emociones. Lloras, ríes, amas y te emocionas cuando le escuchas, pero no sales inerte. Felicidades, creo que ahora eres una de las nuestras, ¡UNA DEAR! Sigue reaccionando a él, y aquí estaremos contigo. Un abrazo muy grande. Bendiciones infinitas.🙏💮💫

  • @VD_6509
    @VD_6509 Год назад +5

    Gracias por esta maravillosa reacción! Todos aquí te entendemos perfecto. Cada uno de nosotros hemos podido experimentar lo mismo que tú, y después de años de escucharlo no deja nunca de sorprendernos. Dimash es un misterio. Su talento innato y el esfuerzo, dedicación y preparación hacen una combinación nunca antes conocida. Saludos desde México Dear 😊😊😊🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽❤️❤️❤️🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿

  • @janetlawson4482
    @janetlawson4482 Год назад +20

    I definitely agree with the comment that you are a Dear, when Dimash touches your soul, that’s it that’s when you are a Dear. I also watched the interview this morning, there are so many videos: Funny Dimash moments, Cute Dimash moments, Dimash being perfect, those videos will show you that not only is he a wonderful person, indescribable vocalist and musician, but he’s so funny and adorable, he takes music very seriously, but occasionally he get so playful and it’s so much fun to watch. Thank you for sharing your wonderful reaction, love from a North Carolina Dear ❤

  • @RockPowerUSA
    @RockPowerUSA Год назад +5

    AGAIN, your reaction was one of the BEST.
    In fact, once you go further down the rabbit hole of knowing more of Dimash and his character and who he REALLY is, you'll even be MORE impressed...
    If there was a yearly BEST Global Human Award given, 🌍🌟🏆 Dimash would win. 🎰🎖️
    We can all see you've been touched like we have by the GOAT.🤯🤕🥴🥹
    Discovering Dimash's character is just as amazing as listening and watching his performances. He's just SO INCREDIBLY perfect as a human, it's just SO amazing EVERY TIME. 🤯🤯
    Of course, there would be some people upset that Dimash won this fictitious Best Human Award when THEY believe he's NOT fully qualified humanoid. 🥸🛸🚫
    They would want to change the name of the award to Best Lifeform Award, so as to satisfy the crazy obnoxious woke people.
    Dimash IS DEFINITELY FULLY 💯 human. RIGHT?
    You mentioned an interview... What do you think? 🤔

  • @jaydeeess8996
    @jaydeeess8996 Год назад +12

    You so totally "get" Dimash!!! Thank you for your reactions!!!!! When it comes to Dimash you are like the female version of me!!! I just had my sixth year anniversary as a Dear and I have more respect and love for Dimash and his artistry than I did in 2017!!!! You've started a journey that has no end - and one that will never have a disappointment!!! Welcome to club "Dears"!!!

  • @noe00374
    @noe00374 Год назад +48

    Además de su increíble talento, Dimash es tan bello por dentro como por fuera. Por eso sus Dears lo amamos y respetamos tanto, es el novio, marido,hijo, amigo...que todas querríamos tener😍

  • @hannagierasimczyk9556
    @hannagierasimczyk9556 Год назад +106

    Witam i dzięki za wspaniałą reakcję . Dla mnie Dimash ma najwspanialszy głos na świecie. Nigdy wczesniej takigo glosu nie słyszałam . Ma niesamowitą barwę głosu o tysiącach odcieni, aby wyrazić wszystkie mozliwe uczucia .Piosenka STRANGER ma zakres od C2 do F6, co obejmuje wszystkie zakresy ludzkiego głosu . Bas, baryton, tenor, altino i sopran. W srodku piosenki sa 4 wokalizy , pierwsza zaczyna sie na wysokości F4-C5, druga mieści się w zakresieC5-F5, trzecia F5-C6 i oststnia C6-F6, a potem w ułamku sekundy spada z szostej oktawy do drugiej oktawy. Owacje na stojaco. Mistrzostwo olimpijskie. Ostatnia nuta to F#5 trwala 20 s na jednym oddechu. Kto tak potrafi???? Jestem od 5 lat pod wrazeniem , zawsze z gęsią skórką i zawsze z niedowierzaniem, że tak można śpiewać. Zakochana po uszy w Dimashu od pierwszego usłyszenia. Dziękuję losowi, ze żyję w tym samym czasie co On🌹❤❤❤🇵🇱

    • @pamelawilkinson
      @pamelawilkinson Год назад +10

      Thanks for all the octave info. 👍🏻❤️

    • @thequestionqueens
      @thequestionqueens  Год назад +16

      So beautifully said. ❤️

    • @ewasz.8947
      @ewasz.8947 Год назад +11

      Mam to samo co Ty 😀 Dimash to już dla mnie nałóg i cieszy to, że ma coraz więcej wielbicieli... Nie mogę tylko za bardzo zrozumieć braku wzrostu jego subskrybentów i polubień piosenek, a bynajmniej jest to bardzo powolny wzrost 😳😔

    • @qwazar1999
      @qwazar1999 Год назад +9

      @@ewasz.8947 Mam nadzieję, że doczekamy się eksplozji. By wymagać trzeba podkształcić muzycznie nieco nas wszystkich. O(byśmy się tego doczekali.

    • @hannagierasimczyk9556
      @hannagierasimczyk9556 Год назад +6

      @@ewasz.8947 Wielkie dzieki za pozytywne słowa. Czasem myślę, że jestem jedyna na pustkowiu , bo moja rodzina Go nie akceptuje, a znajomi, no cóż, różnie. Chciałabym ,aby miał koncert w Polsce. Czekam na to z niecierpliwością. Subskrybentow przybywa średnio 10.000 na 14 do 20 dni . Wolno. Po koncertach wiosennych Dubaj, Dusseldorf, Praga ta liczba wzrastala co tydzień. Może wiosną znowu subskrybcja przyspieszy??? Pozdrawiam serdrcznie 🌹❤😊

  • @enigmaticspirit1
    @enigmaticspirit1 Год назад +5

    You now realize why Dimash is so addictive... Listening to him sing is Music Therapy.
    The only problem with Dimsah's songs is they never last long enough.
    loved your reaction.
    If you want to see more or Dimash's character watch : Love is like a Dream Slavic Bazzar... till the end.

  • @pclig2383
    @pclig2383 Год назад +16

    Stranger is an epic song with touches of medieval, Gregorian and even a march together. I love Dimash’s different voice textures specially the Middle East vibes in those riffs and runs 🎤❤️🔝🎼👏👏
    Igor Krutoy said “It was Dimash’s talent that inspired me to write this song, his immense vocal abilities and his desire to sing for a large international audience. Franky, I don’t see anyone else who could perform this piece in such a way”
    The gentleman playing the Kobyz is master Olzhas Qurmanbeck, the best player in Kazakhstan 🎻🔝 The Kobyz is the first stringed instrument ever. Kobyz is an ancient tool of the Kazakh people. It was used in ancient times by steppe shamans-healers for various rites. Kobyzy is made from a single piece of wood. This is one of the oldest ways of making musical instruments in the history of mankind. It is not due to technical backwardness or the lack of metal devices. According to the ancient beliefs of many people, only in a single piece will the living singing soul of the tree remain, which will sound in the instrument. The open body and strings of the kobyz from a bunch of 30-60 untwisted horse hair give a very thick, overtone-rich timbre. 🔝🔝

  • @KatherineKwolek
    @KatherineKwolek Год назад +10

    Enjoy your journey discovering Dimash. He definitely makes you feel the strong emotions as he is singing. Check out Ave Maria, Sinful Passion, Hello, War & Peace and Screaming. When you listen to Daybreak, make certain you listen to the early version in 2017 to get the backstory of the song. Then listen to the Bastau version when Dimash has his full voice. Make certain you have tissues.

  • @sipuana7661
    @sipuana7661 Год назад +6

    Yes he is a whole cast by himself. The two best things first thing in the morning first listening to Dimash, second listening to new dears listening to Dimash 😂😂😂 your face is priceless.

  • @FretsOnFire
    @FretsOnFire Год назад +19

    That's a great point you make - whatever superlative you try to use to describe Dimash's brilliance, they always fall short. Magnificent, tremendous, stupendous, monumental - they all fall short.

  • @Mathew-o5j2u
    @Mathew-o5j2u Год назад +16

    Dimash is the best, I've listened to him for over 4 years and he still gives me goosebumps. It's crazy 🤪

  • @wbrenne
    @wbrenne Год назад +7

    Dimash singing stranger = eargasm.
    The version of stranger from Shine! Super Brothers is perhaps even more impressive with Dimash ad-libbing a kind of classical cadenza but with all his modern singing skills in the middle of the song.

    • @ALINA-ye2eu
      @ALINA-ye2eu Год назад

      Oh, yeah!!!!!! Totally agree!!

  • @mikeconway9849
    @mikeconway9849 Год назад +11

    Great reaction Debbie! Dimash is amazing! I believe you would enjoy Opera 2 (ruclips.net/video/anKmU1J0l9g/видео.html). It highlights his playfulness and interaction with the audience. From what I've read, after this performance, the original singer sent a letter to Dimah requesting him to never perform the song again becasue it was so much better the the original.

  • @jacquelinehagelstein1423
    @jacquelinehagelstein1423 Год назад +5

    Dimash is sweet, elegant, humble, perfecto.! I love him. Thank you si much, greetings from Germany.!🌹👏🙅

  • @elisabethstermo9396
    @elisabethstermo9396 Год назад +27

    Recently people say he's the 7''7 octav man. Up to D8 the dog whistle sound. Our friendly giant Dimash is 191 cm tall and have his 29th birthday May 24. 2023. His record is 24 minutes to hold a tone. Love from Norway 🇳🇴

    • @barbarasaracini1271
      @barbarasaracini1271 Год назад +3

      I think you meant 24 seconds, not minutes. 😊

    • @elisabethstermo9396
      @elisabethstermo9396 Год назад +1

      @@barbarasaracini1271 😂😂 thanks for correcting me. 24 minutes.. Djeses. 😄😇

  • @jonathondiamond3002
    @jonathondiamond3002 Год назад +22

    Beautiful heartfelt reaction to the greatest vocalist of all time. You have just scratched the surface, believe it or not!! Looking forward to more 😀. Check out Dimash singing "The Love of Tired Swans ", the live version. Peace and love from Pennsylvania USA.

  • @NancyBayona-bj2ru
    @NancyBayona-bj2ru Год назад +1

    Love your reaction to our beloved Dimash. You are so adorable every time you said that Dimash is younger than your children or you are older than his Mama. Your sincere reactions and your southern humor really makes my day. It doesn't matter how old we are, we Dears just simply love Dimash. Thanks.

  • @matrinidadvargas3166
    @matrinidadvargas3166 Год назад +6

    Imagínate estar en un concierto, más de tres horas escuchando una obra de arte tras otra! Sus conciertos siempre tienen sorpresas y aunque parezca increíble, Dimash se sigue superando a sí mismo con el tiempo. Sin olvidar que las letras que canta son bellísimas! Espero que sigamos descubriendo a Dimash por mucho más tiempo. Saludos desde México

  • @michaelgage9134
    @michaelgage9134 Год назад +4

    Each and every song is unique and shocking . You'll never be disappointed and you'll hear vocal abilities you've never heard before.
    Love from a Disciple of Dimash, Los Angeles Chapter

  • @quinchin6200
    @quinchin6200 Год назад +4

    I don't think you are alone in not being able to come up with words to describe Dimash and his voice. All the superlatives I've read just doesn't seem enough. I've been following Dimash since 2017 - he just gets better and better and even now he still surprises me. Ive never heard anything like him in all my 67 years !! Thank you for your wonderful reaction. Greetings from New Zealand.

    • @user-no4p
      @user-no4p 5 месяцев назад

      Совершенно то же чувствую, что и Вы❤

  • @solr4096
    @solr4096 Год назад +38

    Dimash es simplemente el mejor intérprete de estos últimos tiempos, su música es única, su manera de llegar al corazón de las personas es algo que solo él logra, es algo más que una técnica increíble es corazón , es pasión, es nivel God 🙏🏻

  • @paulas.9722
    @paulas.9722 Год назад +9

    #dimash 🙏Thanks for your heartfelt reaction to Dimash's singing and artistry. SUBSCRIBED FOR DIMASH! Next react to War and Peace 2021 or frtom his Kiev concert 2020 (composed by Dimash and sung in Chinese). Turn on the CC because the lyrics are so meaningful! 💖From Portugal 🇵🇹

  • @naeemaanthony2799
    @naeemaanthony2799 Год назад +4

    Dimash is the best singer in my opinion and he absolutely adores his Dears who love him right back ... thanks for this reaction

  • @elsaburlaka3301
    @elsaburlaka3301 Год назад +71

    За Вами так интересно наблюдать-это как маленький ребенок увидел что-то удивительное и восхищается и Вы с такими нежными нотками в голосе о нем говорите - так мило! Да,Вы правы ,о Димаше можно говорить и восхищаться много и долго. Смотрела Вашу реакцию на интерьвью Димаша в Индии,он не только скромный,но и очень сердечный. Жалко,очень жалко,что столь одаренный певец недооценен! Спасибо за реакцию.

  • @tajamatakkarles7259
    @tajamatakkarles7259 Год назад +6

    Helloooo,you still have a lot of roller coaster sensations with Dimash.I suggest you react to his songs "Adagio" "Love is like a dream" and especially "Unforgettable day" but look for the live version of Gakku.You will hear a note,which will leave you dumb,something,supernatural.Oh and react also to the video of the song "The story of one sky" in this song I recommend you to pay close attention to the video,it will leave you frozen.

  • @МаринаКлимова-й8ы
    @МаринаКлимова-й8ы Год назад +55

    Спасибо за реакцию!!! Вы замечательно пищали от восторга,дорогая! От всей души присоединяемся к Вам !!!👍👍👍

  • @marisamarcelino6336
    @marisamarcelino6336 Год назад +1

    Vc e linda ainda mais vestida de azul 💙. Minha querida eu sinto a mesma coisa qdo vejo e ouço Dimashhhhh ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @fiorelasuarez7872
    @fiorelasuarez7872 10 месяцев назад +1

    Saludos desde Venezuela 🤗 😉 tus reacciones al maestro Dimash son maravillosas 😉 muchas gracias por compartir y tener en tu canal al mejor cantante del mundo 🌎..definitivamente el maestro Igor Krutoy y el maestro Dimash son maravillosos😊 impresionante 😲...sería interesante que reaccionaras a Passione en el Aniversario de Kaznua por favor gracias 😊..completamente de acuerdo Dimash es de otro planeta 💜 ♥️ es un maravilloso intérprete escucharlo en vivo debe ser alucinante ...merece todos los reconocimientos del mundo 🌎

  • @Well-in-the-garden
    @Well-in-the-garden Год назад +3

    ❤❤❤Thanks for sticking with it to get it uploaded. I feel ya! I must have seen this a thousand times in the last year and I never tire from hearing it or seeing reactions to it. Great reaction - keep reacting to our Dimash my Dear. ❤❤❤

  • @stephenbingell7018
    @stephenbingell7018 Год назад +4

    To see your reaction and passion since you first started the Dimash has been a real pleasure. Your eyes sing all of our wonder at this superlative young man. He is a constant source and inspiration, and I am grateful to be alive to witness and experience this wonder. Thousands of Miles and Endless Dimensions are great songs to watch. Thank you for sharing your feelings…from a new subscriber.

  • @carmenromero9109
    @carmenromero9109 Год назад +27

    Gracias por reaccionar al gran Dimash ❤ bendiciones 🙏

  • @biljanakv
    @biljanakv Год назад +27

    Master of vocals and emotions ! The King Dimash !

  • @monicalanterna883
    @monicalanterna883 Год назад +16

    No hay nadie como Dimash es único, con su Crossover integrando varios géneros!

  • @simplyamazed4059
    @simplyamazed4059 Год назад +5

    I am so thankful that I received such a wonderful gift as Dimash. I believe the last note was 19 seconds or very close. One of the most incredible things is that none of his songs are the same. I'm sorry you had to spend so many hours on this video. The block you used was perfect as we could still see the video. Please keep in mind that it's not always possible to keep from blocking most of the video but people still watch. -Vickie

  • @carladignola1816
    @carladignola1816 Год назад +16

    Bela reação! Realmente o Dimash nos faz entrar em um mundo diferente, numa viagem... ele é simplesmente incrível..quando ouvi SOS pela primeira vez em 2017 eu já sabia que estava diante do maior cantor do mundo não só pela voz, pelo range, mas pelas emoções que sentimos quando o ouvimos. Saudações do Brasil.🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @renatarqrq
    @renatarqrq Год назад +2

    Hola me encantan tus reacciones a nuestro Dimash, tienes que reaccionar a Sinful Passion y Olímpico! Dimash es sin dudas el mejor cantante del mundo, y te falta muchísimo por escuchar y sorprenderte, pues en cada canción se supera a sí mismo. Saludos desde Venezuela.💜

  • @Yapaulare
    @Yapaulare Год назад +3

    Dimash is the best. 🥰🥰💚💛💚💛🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @joea7293
    @joea7293 Год назад +4

    Hun, just sit back enjoy the ear candy in amazement and relish ib the ride lol I'm an older fan of both yours and of Dimash. I can honestly tell you in my 63 years of life, I've never heard anything like him. How I enjoy watching your reactions to him and the look on your face as he transport you to other worldly vision inside your imagination. So continue to enjoy and as always stay safe and much love.

  • @annabutenko4729
    @annabutenko4729 Год назад +37

    Спасибо огромное за реакцию. Очень волнительно переживать все эти эмоции заново вместе с вами. Ждём новых реакций. 🤗 Если можно, послушайте пожалуйста "Адажио" 😘🌹

  • @cathiehershey
    @cathiehershey Год назад +9

    I am so enjoying your journey with Dimash! Great reaction!

  • @sararaquelgrimshawurgarri2316
    @sararaquelgrimshawurgarri2316 Год назад +9

    Hi I was in this concert in new wave he was a judge for new singers he takes 3 songs out Stranger fly away and AVE María he such a humble man I been two times two his concerts in new wave and Prague the last note 19.57 seconds the range of Dimshas is 7.7 octavas to see him live is unbelievable lots for years of study from 5 years ago his mother is soprano and father a singer songwriter producer aswell you must see the story of one sky it's a master peace but be ready for it you will cry the song for humanities all religious can live in peace thanks for your analysis 🎵🎶🎼♥️♥️

  • @louey2x
    @louey2x Год назад +17

    he does have a powerful command of his vocal chords , really amazing. "did I say 6? I meant 60." 😁

  • @valyatodorova5511
    @valyatodorova5511 Год назад +33

    Do you know that this performance presents the entire birth process. At the very beginning, 18 people /9 women and 9 men/ hide Dimash. The melismas in the middle of the song represent the mother's pain. The fist punch and the last infinitely long note mean I'VE ARRIVED. This performance is full of symbolism. The stage, his clothes, his body movements, the lighting, the candles and then the fire, the lyrics... Absolutely everything you hear and see shows the birth of a new life. Thank you for your great reaction.

  • @aussiepete9924
    @aussiepete9924 Год назад +1

    Is there any artist out there that has more colours to their voice than a dulux paint colour chart apart from Dimash who delivers perfectly in every colour. He is certainly once in a lifetime and so far that is 65 years. Yes I love many other artists but DIMASH is in a league of his own. Thank you Debbie 😍😍😍

  • @rosangelaruza2550
    @rosangelaruza2550 Год назад +7

    Esse Festival New Wave 2021 foi incrível!
    Música maravilhosa do Maestro Igor krutoy!
    Orquestra e coral maravilhosos!
    Músico Olzhas Qurmanbeck, com o instrumento tradicional Cazaque Kobys é incrível !
    Dimash simplesmente extraordinário! Transcendental! Incrível! Apaixonante!

  • @marisolfarias6207
    @marisolfarias6207 Год назад

    Me encantan tus reacciones a Dimash ...aunque no entiendo el inglés tu cara lo dice todo ... Dimash es único ovación Absoluta 👏👏👏👏

  • @viviencurrell9935
    @viviencurrell9935 Год назад +7

    I’m totally addicted. I can’t go a day without watching him. He makes me smile and cry simultaneously! ❤❤❤

  • @agifeher10
    @agifeher10 Год назад +3

    Oh girl you are completely Dimashified, it means you are a Dear now! Welcome to the world of Dimash,

  • @lied1484
    @lied1484 Год назад +2

    Loved your reaction, thanks! Are you a Southern Belle? 🤗 You're such a likable person! I love seeing your Dimash journey. He is simply magnificent isn't he!
    I hope you will do 'Adagio' soon. One of his older epic performances. He plays the piano (it's a love song) and looks so dashing in his light blue suit 😍❤

  • @edithtrejo6795
    @edithtrejo6795 Год назад +5

    Dimash alucinante . Amo tu reacción Saludos desde Venezuela. Cuando puedas reacciona a OLÍMPICO y THE STORY OF ONE SKY

  • @dianeslade7059
    @dianeslade7059 Год назад +1


  • @rafelitoortiz1968
    @rafelitoortiz1968 Год назад +15

    De que país reacciona esta chica con los ojos más lindo del mundo, me encanta!!! Saludos desde Madrid,

  • @carmencarrasco1414
    @carmencarrasco1414 Год назад +2

    Dimash es maravilloso, un cantante completísimo y una muy buena persona, lo amo y admiro , saludos desde chile 🇨🇱

  • @Сильвестр-е4в
    @Сильвестр-е4в Год назад +3

    😅🤣🤣😆😆😆😆Благодарю вас милая за прекрасную реакцию на Димаша. 😅🤣😆😆😆👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏😘😘😘😘

  • @dforan927
    @dforan927 Год назад +1

    As you saw from Dimash’s interview he is so humble in his private life but becomes a vocal beast like no other when he hits the stage. ❤ Best voice I have ever heard in my 59 years on this planet❤

  • @vongonnun
    @vongonnun Год назад +3

    This is a really master piece... and he makes magic... Dimash the Great!!

  • @rafelitoortiz1968
    @rafelitoortiz1968 Год назад +24

    Dimahs es un fenómeno único!!!!

  • @jorgetello8308
    @jorgetello8308 Год назад +6

    Fuerza interpretativa. Poder vocal, maneja el escenario como nadie, carisma, magnetismo, deja todo en el escenario..tiene absolutamente todo!!
    Es el mejor de la galaxia..
    Gracias linda 😘

  • @gloriagonzalez4197
    @gloriagonzalez4197 Год назад +3

    I’m the same when I hear Dimash singing. He gets into the song so much. He is perfect!

  • @НаталияАнтипова-э8щ

    Какая вы эмоциональная! Очень приятно что вы восхищены Димашем!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @mr.qassas6385
    @mr.qassas6385 Год назад +1

    Wonderful reaction as usual, waiting for another Dimash reaction.

  • @blancagaetemellado4624
    @blancagaetemellado4624 Год назад +12

    Dimash es asi con cada una de sus presentaciones nos deja SIN PALABRAS...SOLO DEBEMOS DISFRUTARLO...

  • @жумабеккупеев-е2с

    Обратите особое внимание на артистичность ДИМАША, его телодвижения и мимику лица в исполнеии этой прекраснейшей песни ,, STREINGER ". ДИМАШ очень прекрасный рассказчик истории в песенном изложении. Спасибо большое за все твои прекрасные реакции на ДИМАША. Браво, браво, браво ДИМАШ. Привет из КАЗАХСТАНА 👋👍👍👍🙌🙌🙌🤲🤲🤲🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿.

  • @zebuline23
    @zebuline23 Год назад

    Quand on rencontre la voix de Dimash, plus rien n'est comme avant... 🥰

  • @jorgelarosa177
    @jorgelarosa177 Год назад +4

    Beautiful reaction 🌹❤ dimash Amazing forever

  • @grace7952
    @grace7952 Год назад

    Hola 👋 gracias por la hermosa reacción, con tús emociones a flor de piel, cómo sentimos nosotros sús Dears, no sé de qué país sos,pero Dimash está en Los Angeles, California, por si quieres verlo. Mil gracias, es el mejor cantante y mejor voz del mundo 🌏, y sú esfuerzo está dando sús frutos junto a sú familia. Y sús Dears lo amamos!!! Gracias desde Buenos Aires Argentina 🇦🇷 Dear Mónica Leguizamon abrazos y bendiciones!!!!

  • @ol6988
    @ol6988 Год назад +51

    Спасибо дорогая за реакцию ❤❤❤
    Поверьте, ваша жизнь теперь не будет прежней с появлением Ди в ней 😊
    Он магнит, он такая сила притяжения, что просто невероятно! Нет ни одной скучной песни, да что там песни, ни одной нотки скучной нет у него 😁

  • @tirallala1
    @tirallala1 Год назад +1

    Here is playing the best Kobys player in the world, Dimash’s friend Olzhas Qurmanbeck.
    This bowl-neck lute played with a bow is is an old Turkic stringed instrument and called Kobys, Qobyz or Kylkobyz in Kazakhstan. The Kyrgyz variant, for example, is called the kyl-kyyak.
    The Kobys is the oldest string instrument in the world and, according to a German scientist, it spread beyond the borders of the nomadic area of Central Asia and became the mother (prototype) of all European string instruments.
    (Turkic means: The Turkic peoples are a collection of ethnic groups from Central, East, North and West Asia as well as parts of Europe and North Africa who speak Turkic languages. Difference between Turkic and Turkish - ruclips.net/video/PqxhtBecVeg/видео.html )
    A legend about Kobyz says that this instrument was created by the great steppe narrator Korkyt-Ata, who lived in the 10th century and that the tool is charged with magical and even mystical properties and sounds like animal voices. In addition, the Kazakh people believed that the spirits of their ancestors spoke to them through this music.
    The old outlook and piety towards their instruments and music was constantly preserved in traditional Kazakh society and ensured the highest spiritual level of musical art and a special respectful attitude towards musical instruments. Simple people, for example, did not dare to touch the shaman's Kobyz. It is said: The balance between the courses of life and death on earth can be maintained by playing the Kobyz

  • @sergiomunozcastillo7284
    @sergiomunozcastillo7284 Год назад +1

    Dimash Is from another planet

  • @МайраАльжанова-ц8х

    Лайк и подписка! Димаш, это достояние вселенной! 😘💐❤️🥰🙏

  • @josefelixalvarezitriago494
    @josefelixalvarezitriago494 Год назад

    Hello friend, thanks for sharing your reaction. I would very much like you to react to Dimash Kudaybergen; I've been a follower of Dimash since 2017, he's from Kazakhstan, each of his songs is a gem because in addition to his vocal quality that exceeds traditional standards, those songs have lyrics with excellent messages, it would be nice for you to see them. He also makes us feel emotions and feelings with his interpretation, it is an immersive and addictive experience. Listening and seeing this musical prodigy sing is a tremendous experience that activates your senses and feelings to an extraordinary level, you will see how it manages to capture your attention and keeps you immersed in the song as if you were the protagonist of the story, so in fact most of their songs have a story. Dimash sings in several languages (Kazakh, Russian, Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese, English, Spanish, among others. He sings in various musical genres, plays various musical instruments, has studied music since he was 5 years old, has toured and performed in Asia , Europe and North America. He calls his fans "Dears". He is a very humble human being who does not brag about his talents, he is very grateful to his followers and in interviews he has said that beyond being famous, his goal is to transmit happiness and good music. I hope you keep reacting to it. I would like your reaction to these songs Dimash: “Sinful Passion” ruclips.net/video/sYOrR2lyPr8/видео.html and “Olimpico” ruclips.net/video/dkPS6t84qg4/видео.html Trust me all You will like Dimash's songs a lot. Greetings from Venezuela

  • @SandraRegina-tl2be
    @SandraRegina-tl2be Год назад +2

    Estamos assistindo ao melhor entre os melhores, saudações do BRASIL 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷💖

  • @marialuizasilveiracoelho4885
    @marialuizasilveiracoelho4885 Год назад +1

    Dimasch é fenomenal, maravilhoso e lindo! Amo Dimasch 💓👏😘. Abraço do Brasil 👍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🥰

  • @RLC63
    @RLC63 Год назад

    Dimash 🎵🎶 Simply 🤍 Beautiful ♾️

  • @toddowens5070
    @toddowens5070 Год назад +1

    The Dimash journey is well worth it.

  • @valnauffts9965
    @valnauffts9965 Год назад +1

    You are officially now a dear ,he makes music a total out of body experience every time ,I feel motion I never thought I’d feel listening to a song ! He is a blessing in our time ,I absolutely love this man . I cried a bucket of tears listening to him and I listen to him every day . Thank you so mush for your sincere lovely reaction ! More Dimash

  • @sheilacadwalader4929
    @sheilacadwalader4929 Год назад +1

    The deep breaths ahead of the performance don't help -Dimash still takes your breath away !