Noahides? Don't fall for that trap..we are all one in Messiah Yeshua..the lost tribes are still missing and Judah (jews) are only one tribe of 12 , one day through Yeshua, Judah will recognize his long lost brother Joseph (Ephraim) once again!🎉🎉🎉🎉
@@tekhelettassels462 Yeshu HaMamzer fulfilled Nothing!! The Prophesied Jewish Messiah SCRIPTURES IN THE TANAKH(OT) 1. Born to human parents and his lineage traces back to King David. Isaiah 11:1, 10; Jeremiah 23:5; Ezekiel 34:23-24, 37:21-28; Jeremiah 30:7-10; 33:14-16; Hosea 3:4-5 2. Will reestablish the Davidic dynasty through his own children. Daniel 7:13-14 3. Will bring eternal peace to the nations, as well as throughout the earth. Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Ezekiel 39:9 4. Will bring universal knowledge of the One, True God, who all will worship. Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zechariah 8:23; Isaiah 11:9; Zechariah 14:9, 16 5. Will rebuild the Temple. Isaiah 2:2; Ezekiel 37:26-28 6. Will gather the twelve tribes back to Israel. Ezekiel 47:13-23
What up, Rabbi. Happy New Year to you and your entire family. In NYC, younger Orthodox Jewish men were blaring Hebrew music and they were dancing in the streets of Manhattan. Despite being born a gentile, I locked arms with 3 other Jews and we all danced in a circle, right infront of Penn Station and infront of tens of thousands of people who were all making their way home after the ball dropped in Times Square. I dont speak or understand Hebrew so I didnt inderstand what the young men were singing but I had a great time and it was a cool experience. The entire year of 2024 for me, was an entire year of extreme pain, suffering and immense growth as a human being in every way. 2025 is going to be a year of action. 2025 is going to be the year that I meet my wife and the year that finally start making music, which is about 40 years over due. 2025 is going to be a very good year. It's going to be the absolute best 2025 that the world has ever seen!
@@EfraimPalvanov Brother Moshiach has not been able see his family kids since may 13 2005 because murdering force has tried every day of the calendar nurder moshiach even lilith mother moshaichs 3 kids. moshiach ben josef only son is moshiach ben david we are sion judah averse goes with each day till kingdom comes here as above arks doors shut open back up 7/9/2033 31102 verses 5/14/1948+31102 is 7/9/2033 moshiachs middle childs birthday verse for 88th day zohar prophecy was dec 25 1st hanukah 8 days 8 days circumcision read verses God put with those days dec 25 romans 2;22 5 or 6 of next 8 mention circumcision GOD TELLING HUMANS STOP SIN! ALL ARE LYING BROTHER DISOBEYING GOTA STOP! Moshiachs moms verse 2025 is romans 11;26 sion only mentioned in bible 9 times; watch ari goldwags video moshiach is in jail 17 minute mark he says CO LE MOSHAICH BEN DAVID AND SION ALL 3 ARE 156 BEN JOSEF 3/15/66 156 MIDDLE SION! DICKINSON SION 2 MOSHAICHS & ISRAEL ALWAYS SAME NUMBER AGE EVEN COINCIDES WITH YEARS DATE. WE WERE1S 21 2S 22 3S 23 4S 24 THIS YEAR 23 59 ISRAEL 77 ALL 5S 25 24 60 78 ALL 6S 26 ALL 7S 27 ALL 8S 28 ALL 9S 29 ETC ETC MOSHIACHS BEN JOSEF VERSE 2025 IS ROMANS 5;17 DAUGHTERS 8 YEARS EXACT FROM MISSION DONE ARK OPENS 7/9/25 ROMANS 9;25 LILITHS BIRTHDAY 2025 ROMANS 6;15 SHE BOUT SPIT SNAKE GOTA TESHUVA AS ALL MUST DO. 1ST BORN MOSHIACH 5/4/25 ROMANS 7;23 MOSHIACHS ONLY BROTHER 11/18/25 ROMANS 15;9 DID YA SEE MT.ZION THE 2 MESSIAHS? THIS IS MOST AWESOME VIDEO OR INFO KNOWLEDGE WISDOM WOW BROTHER IMAGINE MOSHIACH IN JAIL IN THIS CAVE DARKNESSSIN STUPID BEEN HUNTED WHOLE LIFE HIDING IN SWAMP SEEING THIS VIDEO ALL THESE OTHERS? ID LIKE YOU KNOW WHERE ARK IS WHO BUILT IT! REAL ARK HIGHLY POSSIBLE THERE!!! I KNOW WHERE HALF TEMPLE TREASURE IS REAL STUFF!!! MERCY SEAT IS IN PLACE OF SAFETY THINK SO!!! YA LIKE TALK?
Thanks for your time and effort putting this together Efraim....Garments of light Volume 3....I'm on it. The books are great with these studies Efraim....
@@EfraimPalvanov They are great for study purposes....I highly recommend them to anyone out there keenly interested in this important subject in this vital time...
My hope and my vision is that the reunion will be even greater than you can imagine, my brother. A revelation for the ages. I hope that we will both be there in the end, singing the praises of The Most High, no matter when that may be.
Baruch Hashem!! Your teachings are perfect! G-d has blessed you with understanding! May we all merit to understand the deeper meanings of His Torah just as you have!
I'm binging on this man's material until I just can't go anymore. I am in love with this ability to teach these things that I've always wanted to know. You are blessed! 🙌 Thank you, be blessed!
HaShem works in mysterious and marvelous ways😅 been trying to find inspiration for my next art project for Days, then found this to listen to and suddenly I know what Im going to do but not what its going to actually look like, but its inspired by the gematria, moshiach, the temple and the restored kingdom. HaShem will guide my hand if it's truly meant to be a thing. Todah meod rabah❤great video🎉
Amazing teaching as always. I have a couple of suggestions. Number one, if you could make a blog post or a video or something where you consolidate all the books you have recommended over the years. It's so hard to go back and try to find the exact time stamp of when you mention a book. And when you mention a book I want to read it ...! and secondly, if you could give a microphone to the congregants in your audience so that we can clearly hear what they are saying. I'm sure it would also have the side effect of minimizing interruptions if a person has to go get or be passed a microphone 😅
Thank u rabbi for such a beautiful lesson thanks for making so many people hold on tight to faith believe and may way see moshiach and have a geulah vyeshuah speedily in our days right away god bless u and the entire klal Yisrael amen
This might shock ya Smith asked God when Moshiach appears in D&C 130 God said 85 Smith was confused asked clarification God said trouble him no more on that matter. Dove descended on son of mans head 1985; this year 5785 seems light about appear to family and many! Israel will be 85 when arks doors opem 7/9/2033 ater being shut mission kingdom came here as it is above. How do I know 7/9/2033 God put verse with each day Israels creation till mission over 31102 verses 5/14/48+31102 days is 7/9/2033 4/3/33 2000 2 days dec 25 romans 2;22 ook at next 8 verses whats God telling humans? moshiach is 58 now its golden number there is a vault has only 5 or 8 feet dimensions in it with 5000 names moshiach written every name adds exact to 5 to 8 ratio ya ever studied number values go with hebrew greek scriptures numbers im sure way more important words;))) kaduri meet moshiach 11/4/2003 bibi will know him soon you could also if your ready
ln 2025 I highly recommend everyone to read Your Life Your Game by Keezano. It beautifully shows how connecting with God and building meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life..a must-read🥰God bless🥰
Yes, Yes, Yes! 1989 was the year of SNAKE, in Japan as well. Another amazing shiur, R'Efi!! Japan adopted the Solar calendar system, so we celebrated the beginning of the year of snake already. China too. But they celebrate the traditional new year according to the Solar-Lunar calendar system. And tis year, it coincides with Rosh Chodesh Sh'bet!
I find it very sobering that 2025 will be a year of judgment, although at the same time there will be redemption which is awesome! Although i could be wrong.
@@kellykonrad9273 a year of judgement based on psyops, deception, and lies, also an AI scam and LARPs, hard to believe people doing some of this are so evil.
In May 2014 i had a dream of war being declared against the U.S. The date "FEB 25" was clearly displayed in the dream. Waiting to see if anything happens this year. ??????
@@EfraimPalvanov same - I do relate. But it’s not about you, it’s about these crazy Torahs you are presenting so let’s present them in the best way possible. Put that camera on you like Ben Shapiro does. Same layout/framing.
Yeah justice, I got set up by creeps online that pretended to be my friends because 15 years ago I hooked up with a girl and didn’t call her back and she MeToo’d me. Over lies and something else that is totally ridiculous these ppl want to ruin my and my kids lives for profit and self promotion. Good luck with justice because their is none.
It is very interesting that Jesus and Joseph were both unrecognizable to their brothers. Because of this veiling, Egypt was saved from the famine (thanks, Joseph) and the Gentile world was brought into salvation (Praise Hashem!) Once Jesus' true identity is revealed (hopefully soon) to the Jewish brethren, tears will flow. Joseph is not an Egyptian and Jesus is not an Italian Catholic. Behold your Jewish brother! Behold your King! As a Christian, I pray with great earnest for Messiah to be revealed to your hearts in 2025. I really enjoy your teaching. Thank you,
@@AlwaysknowsMeIsaiah 53:10 descendants 👉 male semen. "Those who say they are Jew but are not" "because "the Law is not inscribed in their heart." "Woe to you of double-mind who ... with eyes do not see, with ears do not hear, and tongues who speak what is false." "Who therefore can serve two masters?" "Who can make clean from what is unclean?" "Return and I will return." "I'm sending you into the nations and you will see miracles by their gods. This will test you." "Know therefore that as east is to west I will remember your sins no more." This 👉 ✝️ is an abomination spoken against because it is a human sacrifice of flesh. As a Jew you are w/o excuse to know that. You may not have liked all your Rabbinic rules BUT it did not change or evolve into jesus. The core truth of Judaism is true. It is wonderful to have a community that likes you isn't it? "O see? THEY are Jews and THEY believe in a human sacrifice, too!" THEY believe G'd became a man too!" You ought to be teaching them WHY G'd did NOT become a man and WHY John 3:16 is a lie from pit of hell in spite of the faith in it to change lives. You ought to know what Isaiah 43:10-11 and Exodus 20:4 says and how it compares to Colossians 1:15.
Correct me if I am wrong, does this mean we have to wait till the Hebrew year 6000 to see the final redemption, or does the appearance of Messiah start at 2025?
We do not have to wait until 6000 - that's just the last possible deadline. Just as the Israelites were taken out of Egypt ahead of schedule, the same will happen at the Final Redemption.
Looking forward to this. Not sure if you checked what is the 2025th or 5785th pasuk in the Torah. Whenever I want to go look it takes me forever to figure it out 😂
Efraim, you may find this to be useful in your ministry: We can know "when" we are on God's prophetic calendar. It is written in the book of 2nd Esdras. Chapter 11 contains a prophecy that describes a line of American presidents, four of whom are still alive, and two of them are being kept until "the end." All of them are old men. "The end" is fast approaching. Ezra wrote Second Esdras, chapters 11, 12, and 13 many centuries ago, long before the United States existed, yet he accurately describes a line of 15 US presidents starting with Hoover. This 100-year-long prophecy began fulfilling on March 4, 1929. It is now 95% complete. Its perfect fulfillment to this point has established its credibility. Ezra was not guessing. I have condensed the prophecy into a series of short lessons - my gift to you. Please allow me to guide you through them, step by step, and into understanding. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Harav Efraim Shalom, Thanks for this shiur, am still in the middle of listening to it. I wanted to show the note at the end of parashat Miketz to my son, but I didn't see it neither in my Mikrot Gedolot, nor in a tikun. I remember you taught that at the end of every parasha it says the amount of psukim and only in Miketz also the amount of letters. Please assist. Thanks!
The ancient people of Mesopotamia held to April 1st as New Year , including the Temple Israel. Now Abraham went to Salem to present his son Isaac and offer him , but in substitute , not yet time for the Lamb Offering, Abraham saw a Ram caught in a thicket and so the Ram was the offering to spare Isaac for that particular time of visitation. The reason is, Abraham was there on the First Day of the New Year, which in their common ancient world was April 1st to 15th, which is in the Constellation of ARIES THE RAM. So it was New Years and the Ram signified the Head of the Year, which relates to the First Day of Creation held by Temple Israel that the Jews lapsed and forgot. But if you figure that on the FIRST DAY , which is around April 1st to 15th, depending on the phases of the Moon ,the Morning Star and the Spring vernal equinox of Easter Sunday , after Passover ends the prior old year, then if Jesus was conceived in the visitation of the Angel of the Lord, in the Spring for the Temple New Year "FIRST LIGHT" ( the moment of the Full Moon , the Morning Star and the Spring Equinox Sunrise as the DAY OF FIRST LIGHT , no darkness occurs over the city of Jerusalem, then as a moment of conception through Seven Festivals of Praise, the Incarnation of the Messiah Priest moves to be born around December 25th to January 6th , again variable based on the Full Moon and Morning Star and Easter Sunrise , being in flux and changing each year to have a two week variance, every 49 years and returning to equilibrium on the 50th year. So this is why Jesus was born on Christmas, not to refer to Winter Solstice but to move upon the NEW YEAR DAY , which once was April 1st, but was changed to January ST. If we still had April 1st we would realize it is the Constellation of ARIES the RAM and then know why Abraham saw the RAM and offered it, at that time , when the Meeting was a Visitation at Salem between Abraham and the Angel of the Lord. The lost story of the New Year , belongs to Temple Israel ,which the Jews today do not have and never bring to mind.
The funny thing about Ishi as more egalitarian alternative for Baali is that it doesn't work as Ishi not only means "my husband," but also "my lord," or "my ruler." Ish can mean man in terms of husband but also ruler as well and this is illustrated in the context of the Sanhedrin which is the current Daf Yomi Tractate of Gemara such as the Mesorah Antigonus Ish (ruler) of Socho, and the first two Zugot (Pairs) with the Nasi (President of the Sanhedrin) Yose ben Yoezer Ish (ruler) of Tzeredah and the Av Beit Din (Vice President of the Sanhedrin) Yose ben Yochanan Ish (ruler) of Yerushalayim.
I am just wondering, what year was there that nothing impressive at all happened? What year was insignificant? I do not know enough about your system to be impressed. It is interesting that you seem to find significance in these things. I would like to be impressed with you. Is not the significance of anything based on one's perspective? This is an honest question. I like listening to you. I have watched many of your videos. I have shared many. I am trying to understand the depth, if there is depth.
Interesting things happen every year, of course, but some years are a lot more transformative and monumental in world history than others. Thanks for watching and sharing the videos!
Some say Moshe's staff was actually made of sapphire. There is an essay on my website titled 'The Kabbalah of Moses’ Divine Staff' that you can check out for more information.
So exited to watch any new ones & then share your amazing videos. Thank you for the light & wisdom. Just curious...if nissans the month of redemption would mashiach come just before that so it can "unfold" then & any idea how to actually visualise any of this?
Isaiah 7:14; Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. The messiah already came 1997 years ago, He died on the cross for our sins, and rose on the third day, And All who put their trust in Him shall have eternal life. Isaiah 28;16. Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed. Isaiah 53; 4Surely He took on our infirmities and carried our sorrows; yet we considered Him stricken by God, struck down and afflicted. 5 But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed 6 We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.
Is Isaiah 7:4 the Hebrew translation is not ‘virgin’. It’s young woman. Also Jesus’ name was not Immanuel. Plus if you read before the verse you will see it’s not talking about Jesus at all but a completely different event in history about other people.
@@longwaveforecasters when you come to understand who the virgin is, the young women, polluted in her blood. When you understand emanuel- God with us, then it all comes togather in Judea-Israel.... Go tribe!
Chazak u’baruch Chacham! 2025 is also mispar katan 9 which is also mispar katan for “Emet”, also I find it amazing that the chatimah and closing verse in Tanach, in Dibrei Hayamim 2, is Coresh giving permission to the Jews to build Bet Hamikdash, and some today compare Trump to Coresh, so that could be a sign, like you’ve mentioned torah isn’t just a history book.
Hey Rabbi, Would this be considered counting the days of when Moshiach will come? As it says in the Gemara that we shouldn't be doing this? I love your videos and would never try to undermine your teachings!
I spoke about that before in an older class here:видео.html You should definitely question everything and don't be afraid to "undermine" anything!
It's also a jubilees. Fr3e the slaves. You also reminded me when i read the bible at the part of Jesus death it was a special time because of the double it was passover and festival of booths so there was a passover then Sabbath on Wednesday then Sabbath again on Friday the 8th day or something. When also is a ceremony for collecting water at one of the porticos and carrying through the city. Trying to remember from memory. That place where you sit is it a replica of the inner holy room. Thanks for the learning. Any comments on the ethiopian calander?
Shabbath Shaloom, God bleuse you all of you God bleuse you thangking for you in the valuable details give me more valuable thanks for you have a nice day Shaloom Lageethroth....
Not planning one at the moment. This is really a continuation of a series of classes on the 'Star of Jacob' prophecy that we began over a year ago. You can see all the previous classes here:
Yeehaw! I already know it’s going to be good!!! Can’t get enough of your teachings- you are dearly loved!! (Even among us Noahides!)❤
❤ Why "even" among Noahides? Noahides *for sure* are very close to us Jews, how could you not be? We're in this together!
Noahides? Don't fall for that trap..we are all one in Messiah Yeshua..the lost tribes are still missing and Judah (jews) are only one tribe of 12 , one day through Yeshua, Judah will recognize his long lost brother Joseph (Ephraim) once again!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Rabbi Tovia Singer has insight for you @@tekhelettassels462
Yeshu HaMamzer fulfilled Nothing!!
The Prophesied Jewish Messiah
1. Born to human parents and his lineage traces back to King David.
Isaiah 11:1, 10; Jeremiah 23:5; Ezekiel 34:23-24, 37:21-28; Jeremiah 30:7-10; 33:14-16;
Hosea 3:4-5
2. Will reestablish the Davidic dynasty through his own children.
Daniel 7:13-14
3. Will bring eternal peace to the nations, as well as throughout the earth.
Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Ezekiel 39:9
4. Will bring universal knowledge of the One, True God, who all will worship.
Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zechariah 8:23; Isaiah 11:9; Zechariah 14:9, 16
5. Will rebuild the Temple.
Isaiah 2:2; Ezekiel 37:26-28
6. Will gather the twelve tribes back to Israel.
Ezekiel 47:13-23
jSus was disqualified at conception, numbers 1:18, and did not meet the requirements Isaiah 53:9-11
Yay! Love when these are freshly dropped!
Glad to hear, thanks!
Been waiting for this! 🤓
2025/5785 feels different. And yes, as you described, it feels "special." 🙏
Like 25
2025 words of lasts weeks study
Time of providence
What up, Rabbi.
Happy New Year to you and your entire family.
In NYC, younger Orthodox Jewish men were blaring Hebrew music and they were dancing in the streets of Manhattan.
Despite being born a gentile, I locked arms with 3 other Jews and we all danced in a circle, right infront of Penn Station and infront of tens of thousands of people who were all making their way home after the ball dropped in Times Square. I dont speak or understand Hebrew so I didnt inderstand what the young men were singing but I had a great time and it was a cool experience.
The entire year of 2024 for me, was an entire year of extreme pain, suffering and immense growth as a human being in every way.
2025 is going to be a year of action. 2025 is going to be the year that I meet my wife and the year that finally start making music, which is about 40 years over due.
2025 is going to be a very good year. It's going to be the absolute best 2025 that the world has ever seen!
Best way to start my morning!
Thank you Rabbi Efraim for all your efforts in teaching us wonderful insights from the Holy Torah, Baruch HaShem!
My pleasure!
@@EfraimPalvanov Brother Moshiach has not been able see his family kids since may 13 2005 because murdering force has tried every day of the calendar nurder moshiach even lilith mother moshaichs 3 kids. moshiach ben josef only son is moshiach ben david we are sion judah averse goes with each day till kingdom comes here as above arks doors shut open back up 7/9/2033 31102 verses 5/14/1948+31102 is 7/9/2033 moshiachs middle childs birthday verse for 88th day zohar prophecy was dec 25 1st hanukah 8 days 8 days circumcision read verses God put with those days dec 25 romans 2;22 5 or 6 of next 8 mention circumcision GOD TELLING HUMANS STOP SIN! ALL ARE LYING BROTHER DISOBEYING GOTA STOP! Moshiachs moms verse 2025 is romans 11;26 sion only mentioned in bible 9 times; watch ari goldwags video moshiach is in jail 17 minute mark he says CO LE MOSHAICH BEN DAVID AND SION ALL 3 ARE 156 BEN JOSEF 3/15/66 156 MIDDLE SION! DICKINSON SION 2 MOSHAICHS & ISRAEL ALWAYS SAME NUMBER AGE EVEN COINCIDES WITH YEARS DATE. WE WERE1S 21 2S 22 3S 23 4S 24 THIS YEAR 23 59 ISRAEL 77 ALL 5S 25 24 60 78 ALL 6S 26 ALL 7S 27 ALL 8S 28 ALL 9S 29 ETC ETC MOSHIACHS BEN JOSEF VERSE 2025 IS ROMANS 5;17 DAUGHTERS 8 YEARS EXACT FROM MISSION DONE ARK OPENS 7/9/25 ROMANS 9;25 LILITHS BIRTHDAY 2025 ROMANS 6;15 SHE BOUT SPIT SNAKE GOTA TESHUVA AS ALL MUST DO. 1ST BORN MOSHIACH 5/4/25 ROMANS 7;23 MOSHIACHS ONLY BROTHER 11/18/25 ROMANS 15;9 DID YA SEE MT.ZION THE 2 MESSIAHS? THIS IS MOST AWESOME VIDEO OR INFO KNOWLEDGE WISDOM WOW BROTHER IMAGINE MOSHIACH IN JAIL IN THIS CAVE DARKNESSSIN STUPID BEEN HUNTED WHOLE LIFE HIDING IN SWAMP SEEING THIS VIDEO ALL THESE OTHERS? ID LIKE YOU KNOW WHERE ARK IS WHO BUILT IT! REAL ARK HIGHLY POSSIBLE THERE!!! I KNOW WHERE HALF TEMPLE TREASURE IS REAL STUFF!!! MERCY SEAT IS IN PLACE OF SAFETY THINK SO!!! YA LIKE TALK?
Thanks for your time and effort putting this together Efraim....Garments of light Volume 3....I'm on it. The books are great with these studies Efraim....
My pleasure! Thanks for reading the books!
@@EfraimPalvanov They are great for study purposes....I highly recommend them to anyone out there keenly interested in this important subject in this vital time...
This teaching gives me goosebumps
BH May we see only joy
Wow! Amazing Grace how it is!!!❤❤❤😊
My hope and my vision is that the reunion will be even greater than you can imagine, my brother.
A revelation for the ages.
I hope that we will both be there in the end, singing the praises of The Most High, no matter when that may be.
Beautiful , love all of the Hebrew teaching and understanding, amazing.
Thank you!
Loving the sound of your voice!
Well we definitely live in interesting times. Thank you sir.
My pleasure!
Your lessons are amazing.
The Torah is amazing.
But mostly, wow, HaShem is so amazing.
Thank you for your work. May it be blessed.
Thank you!
Tevet 1, matched January 1 as well.
Until January 29th
AI could be connected to
Joshua 7 & 8
Wonderful thank you as always ❤ from South Africa, messianic greetings and blessings for your Yeshiva.
I have a whole new appreciation and perspective of being Jewish since finding you. Thank you 🙏 😊
Extraordinary lesson
שיעור יוצא מן הכלל.יישר כוח ותבורך מפי עליון.
שנזכה לגאולה שלמה מתוך רחמים מרובים ונגיד די לצרותינו
Wow. So much packed into the space of an hour. Very grateful for this wonderful shiur which definately excites a person, scary as it all is too
Thanks Tanya!
May HaShem righteous indignation rise up and demolish our enemies thank you Chaham Efi for another great teaching lecture
My pleasure!
Excelent shiur!!! Thank you, Rav Palvanov. Greetings from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Great teaching! Thank you for your work.
My pleasure!
Thank you for all the amazing teachings. May Hashem bless you & yours!
Thank you, and may you be blessed as well!
Baruch Hashem!! Your teachings are perfect! G-d has blessed you with understanding! May we all merit to understand the deeper meanings of His Torah just as you have!
Thank you so much for the really kind words.
Shalom Ephraim...amazing teaching...Todah Rabah ...much appreciated 🕎🇮🇱
Thank you Michelle!
Great teaching!!!Thank you.
My pleasure!
Thankyou Rabbi Efraim! You Rock!! Excellence !! Thankyou so much!!❤
Amen and amen ❤❤❤!
Thank you!
Seems like ages waiting for new lectures of yours.Todah Rabbi
Thank you for another facinating lesson! Will you also speak about Hosea? Looking forward to learning more. God Bless you and your listeners!
Thank you. I'm sure Hoshea will come up again soon. May you be blessed as well!
I'm binging on this man's material until I just can't go anymore. I am in love with this ability to teach these things that I've always wanted to know. You are blessed! 🙌 Thank you, be blessed!
Thank you so much Amanda. May you be blessed as well!
I was born in Feb of 1989. The Earth Dragon also overlapped into 1989 before the snake. Combo of both. Wonderful work thank you.
My pleasure!
I was born Oct 20 1989 . The final day of Sukkot
HaShem works in mysterious and marvelous ways😅 been trying to find inspiration for my next art project for Days, then found this to listen to and suddenly I know what Im going to do but not what its going to actually look like, but its inspired by the gematria, moshiach, the temple and the restored kingdom. HaShem will guide my hand if it's truly meant to be a thing. Todah meod rabah❤great video🎉
Glad it was helpful :)
Happy New Year 2025
Rabbi Efraim: anointed with wisdom for such a time as this.
Praise Hashem
Rabbi Efraim where do you get all these Gimatriot and amazing knowledge to the point of "ולקחו זקני העיר" 2025? It's impressive!!!
Thanks Alex. Hashem always finds a way to deliver a message :)
Ephraim’s lectures are nothing short of amazing - He’s piecing together this giant Jewish historical puzzle ❤✡️
So this is what the 144thousand will be teaching us . I am humbled to hear this knowledge . Toda Raba .
Very welcome :)
Shalom Shalom!! HalleluYAH!!! Thank you for your amazing teaching!!! Baruch Hashem
My pleasure!
Thanks Chacham 🙏
Very welcome :)
Thank you 🙏🌷💜🧡💛✨
Amazing teaching as always. I have a couple of suggestions. Number one, if you could make a blog post or a video or something where you consolidate all the books you have recommended over the years. It's so hard to go back and try to find the exact time stamp of when you mention a book. And when you mention a book I want to read it ...! and secondly, if you could give a microphone to the congregants in your audience so that we can clearly hear what they are saying. I'm sure it would also have the side effect of minimizing interruptions if a person has to go get or be passed a microphone 😅
Thanks for the feedback Rivka, I'll give this some thought.
Blessings to you and your family and friends and the Jewish people
Thank you, may you be blessed as well!
Thank you so much Rabbi
My pleasure!
Watching from USA thank you so much encouraged my heart so much
Very welcome, glad to hear :)
Thank u rabbi for such a beautiful lesson thanks for making so many people hold on tight to faith believe and may way see moshiach and have a geulah vyeshuah speedily in our days right away god bless u and the entire klal Yisrael amen
Amen, thank you Devorah!
Baruch HaShem, thank you for the wonderful insights. May HaShem continue to bless you.
Thank you, and may you be blessed as well!
@ Amen
5785 adds up to 25… interesting
This might shock ya Smith asked God when Moshiach appears in D&C 130 God said 85 Smith was confused asked clarification God said trouble him no more on that matter. Dove descended on son of mans head 1985; this year 5785 seems light about appear to family and many! Israel will be 85 when arks doors opem 7/9/2033 ater being shut mission kingdom came here as it is above. How do I know 7/9/2033 God put verse with each day Israels creation till mission over 31102 verses 5/14/48+31102 days is 7/9/2033 4/3/33 2000 2 days dec 25 romans 2;22 ook at next 8 verses whats God telling humans? moshiach is 58 now its golden number there is a vault has only 5 or 8 feet dimensions in it with 5000 names moshiach written every name adds exact to 5 to 8 ratio ya ever studied number values go with hebrew greek scriptures numbers im sure way more important words;))) kaduri meet moshiach 11/4/2003 bibi will know him soon you could also if your ready
ln 2025 I highly recommend everyone to read Your Life Your Game by Keezano. It beautifully shows how connecting with God and building meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life..a must-read🥰God bless🥰
l totally agree, amazing book
What going happen ya luck out find moshiachs human face? Kaduri found it 11/4/2003! Ya ready know who he meet?
I find it gross, and I’m God
Yes, Yes, Yes! 1989 was the year of SNAKE, in Japan as well. Another amazing shiur, R'Efi!! Japan adopted the Solar calendar system, so we celebrated the beginning of the year of snake already. China too. But they celebrate the traditional new year according to the Solar-Lunar calendar system. And tis year, it coincides with Rosh Chodesh Sh'bet!
The world needs Torah. Let's get busy, together. Be the Light
ישר כוח רבי! תודה לך מארץ הקודש
My pleasure!
Toda rabah Chacham. ❤
My pleasure!
Interesting 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I find it very sobering that 2025 will be a year of judgment, although at the same time there will be redemption which is awesome! Although i could be wrong.
A year of false judgment by a corrupt technocratic elite, what they have done to people on social media should be illegal, many are corrupt frauds.
A year of judgement indeed.
@@kellykonrad9273 a year of judgement based on psyops, deception, and lies, also an AI scam and LARPs, hard to believe people doing some of this are so evil.
@@kellykonrad9273 AI is taking jobs so judgement 🙄
You are wrong
Happy Rosh Hashanah!
Great lecture, the ads make it a pain though
You can pay to have the ads removed 👌🏻
Awesome Sauce!
In May 2014 i had a dream of war being declared against the U.S. The date "FEB 25" was clearly displayed in the dream. Waiting to see if anything happens this year. ??????
I'm not understanding how your not seeing hanoc(enoch) in Hanakah
Baruch HaShem!!
I’m hopeful that Isaiah 47, and Psalm 47, will play out in 2025.
Thank you, Efraim, another great insight.
My pleasure!
Your torahs are great! Thank you. I think the camera should be pulled way in on you. Waist up at the table.
Very welcome :) Don't like being in front of a camera!
@@EfraimPalvanov same - I do relate. But it’s not about you, it’s about these crazy Torahs you are presenting so let’s present them in the best way possible. Put that camera on you like Ben Shapiro does. Same layout/framing.
Joe Rogan recently had Wes Huff on his show. Joe would be much more blown away by your wisdom
Is it weird that the names Sanhedrin and Saturn are similar, both all about dealing out justice? ⚖️
Yeah justice, I got set up by creeps online that pretended to be my friends because 15 years ago I hooked up with a girl and didn’t call her back and she MeToo’d me. Over lies and something else that is totally ridiculous these ppl want to ruin my and my kids lives for profit and self promotion. Good luck with justice because their is none.
I am a gentile Christian who loves and learns so much from your teaching. May YHWH bless you.
Thank you, and may you be blessed as well.
Please stop idol worshipping.
It is very interesting that Jesus and Joseph were both unrecognizable to their brothers. Because of this veiling, Egypt was saved from the famine (thanks, Joseph) and the Gentile world was brought into salvation (Praise Hashem!) Once Jesus' true identity is revealed (hopefully soon) to the Jewish brethren, tears will flow. Joseph is not an Egyptian and Jesus is not an Italian Catholic. Behold your Jewish brother! Behold your King! As a Christian, I pray with great earnest for Messiah to be revealed to your hearts in 2025. I really enjoy your teaching. Thank you,
Yes. Jesus is Moshiach. Im a Jew.
The beauty of this , it brings me to tears , WE live in God's dream . YESHUA IS CELESTIAL ,AND BEAUTIFUL . HE IS TORAH INDEED .
👉 🕳️
@@AlwaysknowsMeIsaiah 53:10 descendants 👉 male semen. "Those who say they are Jew but are not" "because "the Law is not inscribed in their heart." "Woe to you of double-mind who ... with eyes do not see, with ears do not hear, and tongues who speak what is false." "Who therefore can serve two masters?" "Who can make clean from what is unclean?" "Return and I will return." "I'm sending you into the nations and you will see miracles by their gods. This will test you." "Know therefore that as east is to west I will remember your sins no more." This 👉 ✝️ is an abomination spoken against because it is a human sacrifice of flesh. As a Jew you are w/o excuse to know that. You may not have liked all your Rabbinic rules BUT it did not change or evolve into jesus. The core truth of Judaism is true. It is wonderful to have a community that likes you isn't it? "O see? THEY are Jews and THEY believe in a human sacrifice, too!" THEY believe G'd became a man too!" You ought to be teaching them WHY G'd did NOT become a man and WHY John 3:16 is a lie from pit of hell in spite of the faith in it to change lives. You ought to know what Isaiah 43:10-11 and Exodus 20:4 says and how it compares to Colossians 1:15.
@@AlwaysknowsMeSorry clearly according to TORAH is NOT
Correct me if I am wrong, does this mean we have to wait till the Hebrew year 6000 to see the final redemption, or does the appearance of Messiah start at 2025?
We do not have to wait until 6000 - that's just the last possible deadline. Just as the Israelites were taken out of Egypt ahead of schedule, the same will happen at the Final Redemption.
Looking forward to this. Not sure if you checked what is the 2025th or 5785th pasuk in the Torah. Whenever I want to go look it takes me forever to figure it out 😂
As salaam aleikum & Shalom to you all inhere.
Efraim, you may find this to be useful in your ministry:
We can know "when" we are on God's prophetic calendar. It is written in the book of 2nd Esdras. Chapter 11 contains a prophecy that describes a line of American presidents, four of whom are still alive, and two of them are being kept until "the end." All of them are old men. "The end" is fast approaching.
Ezra wrote Second Esdras, chapters 11, 12, and 13 many centuries ago, long before the United States existed, yet he accurately describes a line of 15 US presidents starting with Hoover. This 100-year-long prophecy began fulfilling on March 4, 1929. It is now 95% complete. Its perfect fulfillment to this point has established its credibility. Ezra was not guessing.
I have condensed the prophecy into a series of short lessons - my gift to you. Please allow me to guide you through them, step by step, and into understanding. Blessings to you and your loved ones.
what is the meaning of the serpent wrapped around the menorah? could someone please explain that to me? toda
This year (which began on the last day of Chanukah) will be the Year of the Snake according to Chinese Zodiac.
The snake is the messiah, samael
@@jenathent4840 That is not a messiah i would ever like to encounter.
Interesting teaching’s! May our LORD YESHUA gives us WISDOM and direct our path to HIS will in our lives!
Harav Efraim Shalom,
Thanks for this shiur, am still in the middle of listening to it.
I wanted to show the note at the end of parashat Miketz to my son, but I didn't see it neither in my Mikrot Gedolot, nor in a tikun. I remember you taught that at the end of every parasha it says the amount of psukim and only in Miketz also the amount of letters. Please assist. Thanks!
I put a screenshot in the video from the ArtScroll Stone Chumash (blue cover). It should be in other chumashim as well.
Hashem is talking about the regular people that the Jewish refuse to recognize the new children of Hashem
Hosea is it not a variation of YSA?
The ancient people of Mesopotamia held to April 1st as New Year , including the Temple Israel. Now Abraham went to Salem to present his son Isaac and offer him , but in substitute , not yet time for the Lamb Offering, Abraham saw a Ram caught in a thicket and so the Ram was the offering to spare Isaac for that particular time of visitation. The reason is, Abraham was there on the First Day of the New Year, which in their common ancient world was April 1st to 15th, which is in the Constellation of ARIES THE RAM. So it was New Years and the Ram signified the Head of the Year, which relates to the First Day of Creation held by Temple Israel that the Jews lapsed and forgot. But if you figure that on the FIRST DAY , which is around April 1st to 15th, depending on the phases of the Moon ,the Morning Star and the Spring vernal equinox of Easter Sunday , after Passover ends the prior old year, then if Jesus was conceived in the visitation of the Angel of the Lord, in the Spring for the Temple New Year "FIRST LIGHT" ( the moment of the Full Moon , the Morning Star and the Spring Equinox Sunrise as the DAY OF FIRST LIGHT , no darkness occurs over the city of Jerusalem, then as a moment of conception through Seven Festivals of Praise, the Incarnation of the Messiah Priest moves to be born around December 25th to January 6th , again variable based on the Full Moon and Morning Star and Easter Sunrise , being in flux and changing each year to have a two week variance, every 49 years and returning to equilibrium on the 50th year. So this is why Jesus was born on Christmas, not to refer to Winter Solstice but to move upon the NEW YEAR DAY , which once was April 1st, but was changed to January ST. If we still had April 1st we would realize it is the Constellation of ARIES the RAM and then know why Abraham saw the RAM and offered it, at that time , when the Meeting was a Visitation at Salem between Abraham and the Angel of the Lord. The lost story of the New Year , belongs to Temple Israel ,which the Jews today do not have and never bring to mind.
Templars say they have 6 Arks from Egypt in a vault in the US NE..
The funny thing about Ishi as more egalitarian alternative for Baali is that it doesn't work as Ishi not only means "my husband," but also "my lord," or "my ruler." Ish can mean man in terms of husband but also ruler as well and this is illustrated in the context of the Sanhedrin which is the current Daf Yomi Tractate of Gemara such as the Mesorah Antigonus Ish (ruler) of Socho, and the first two Zugot (Pairs) with the Nasi (President of the Sanhedrin) Yose ben Yoezer Ish (ruler) of Tzeredah and the Av Beit Din (Vice President of the Sanhedrin) Yose ben Yochanan Ish (ruler) of Yerushalayim.
I am just wondering, what year was there that nothing impressive at all happened? What year was insignificant? I do not know enough about your system to be impressed. It is interesting that you seem to find significance in these things. I would like to be impressed with you. Is not the significance of anything based on one's perspective? This is an honest question. I like listening to you. I have watched many of your videos. I have shared many. I am trying to understand the depth, if there is depth.
Your channel has zero content
That for me is hard to understand
Maybe in time you will understand
Interesting things happen every year, of course, but some years are a lot more transformative and monumental in world history than others. Thanks for watching and sharing the videos!
Learn a little Hebrew and start going through Torah parshas…. Same ancient schedule of reading ….and it will start coming together
Why so many ads?
Was Moshe's staff also made of wood ?
Was there any significance in the year 2013?
Some say Moshe's staff was actually made of sapphire. There is an essay on my website titled 'The Kabbalah of Moses’ Divine Staff' that you can check out for more information.
So does this mean the name Baal is used back then? I am interested to know. Thank You.
212 comments, 11 hours ago, 12,491 views, 8:08 on the clock behind Efraim P. Great numbers, lets dig into this.
30:46 thats the staff of Hermes(the kadeuceus) who was Thoth
@@TutAnkhLokithey say Achmenotap III
So exited to watch any new ones & then share your amazing videos. Thank you for the light & wisdom. Just curious...if nissans the month of redemption would mashiach come just before that so it can "unfold" then & any idea how to actually visualise any of this?
Hi Tanya, I answered your questions in the thread where you first posted the comment.
Yes. Thank you! Apologies. I'm not so good with technology
Isaiah 7:14;
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
The messiah already came 1997 years ago,
He died on the cross for our sins,
and rose on the third day,
And All who put their trust in Him shall have eternal life.
Isaiah 28;16.
Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.
Isaiah 53;
4Surely He took on our infirmities
and carried our sorrows;
yet we considered Him stricken by God,
struck down and afflicted.
5 But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
and by His stripes we are healed
6 We all like sheep have gone astray,
each one has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid upon Him
the iniquity of us all.
Is Isaiah 7:4 the Hebrew translation is not ‘virgin’. It’s young woman. Also Jesus’ name was not Immanuel. Plus if you read before the verse you will see it’s not talking about Jesus at all but a completely different event in history about other people.
The "proof" is an incorrect translation taken out of context.
@@longwaveforecasters when you come to understand who the virgin is, the young women, polluted in her blood. When you understand emanuel- God with us, then it all comes togather in Judea-Israel.... Go tribe!
what material was the "pole" made out of that the copper snake coil was wrapped on?
Chazak u’baruch Chacham! 2025 is also mispar katan 9 which is also mispar katan for “Emet”, also I find it amazing that the chatimah and closing verse in Tanach, in Dibrei Hayamim 2, is Coresh giving permission to the Jews to build Bet Hamikdash, and some today compare Trump to Coresh, so that could be a sign, like you’ve mentioned torah isn’t just a history book.
Thanks :) I spoke about the Cyrus-Trump connection recently here:видео.html
They shall look upon Him Whom they pierced...
Hey Rabbi,
Would this be considered counting the days of when Moshiach will come?
As it says in the Gemara that we shouldn't be doing this?
I love your videos and would never try to undermine your teachings!
I spoke about that before in an older class here:видео.html You should definitely question everything and don't be afraid to "undermine" anything!
@EfraimPalvanov thank you!
I will take a listen.
I appreciate you.
It was on Sukkot that Solomon gathered all of Israel together to dedicate the first temple. (I Kings 8:2
It's also a jubilees. Fr3e the slaves. You also reminded me when i read the bible at the part of Jesus death it was a special time because of the double it was passover and festival of booths so there was a passover then Sabbath on Wednesday then Sabbath again on Friday the 8th day or something. When also is a ceremony for collecting water at one of the porticos and carrying through the city. Trying to remember from memory. That place where you sit is it a replica of the inner holy room. Thanks for the learning. Any comments on the ethiopian calander?
How about the dead sea scroll calendar, used by the Essenes?
The New Year’s isn’t until March
Hare, Hare.
He knows
That is what the Rabbi said, the Chinese new year starts in March.
Another zero content one year old Channel
You help me more than you think Ephraim...
WOW ! Amazing
Thank you
Shabbath Shaloom, God bleuse you all of you God bleuse you thangking for you in the valuable details give me more valuable thanks for you have a nice day Shaloom Lageethroth....
May HASHEM keep u and bless you and give you peace!!
The numbers you were talking about add to 12 and 7. Number of tribes and the number of completion.
Unless you said 531, which adds to 9.
So the menorah of the video was not kosher as the candles need to be in one level while just the shamash is elevated.
Is there going to be a part 2, please?
Not planning one at the moment. This is really a continuation of a series of classes on the 'Star of Jacob' prophecy that we began over a year ago. You can see all the previous classes here: