The 30 Noahide Laws, Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • What are the “Noahide Laws” and where do they come from? Are there just seven, or are they actually more numerous? And what do they have to do with the End of Days and ushering in the Messianic Age?
    Find out in this class where we begin our journey into the ancient Noahide Laws. Along the way, we explore the 620 Pillars of Light at the start of Creation, the ten types of witchcraft, and answer big questions like: are Noahides obligated to get married? Pray? Give charity? Learn Torah?
    See also 'Gentiles Becoming Jews' here: www.mayimachro...
    For more on the prohibitions of witchcraft and sorcery, see here: www.mayimachro...

Комментарии • 717

  • @Natsar-Torah
    @Natsar-Torah Месяц назад +82

    This is great.. Thank you for putting this information out! I'm a Noahide that left Messianic Christianity (after 40 years) about 2 years ago. I've committed myself to full time Torah study and may seek conversion at some point after I've learned Hebrew. But more information on the 'Noahide movement' is very needed right now,, especially by someone like you who has great spiritual, mystical, and kabbalistic knowledge, along side the Halachic depth and insights you possess.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Месяц назад +16

      Glad to hear, and appreciate your kind words - thank you!

    • @sharonraffanti3632
      @sharonraffanti3632 Месяц назад +7

      @Narsar-Torah, I am with you on that, although I left Christianity about 10 years ago but only heard about Noahides about 7 or 8 months ago.

    • @Blsyeshua
      @Blsyeshua Месяц назад +1

      What do you guys make out of this?
      (Revelation 13:2🤔Hosea 13:4-8)
      (Revelation 13:18🤔Genesis:4-16)
      (Ezikiel9:2-5🤔Matthew7:9-11🤔Numbers 21:6-8)
      (Psalm 18:8🤔Revelation 12:9-20:2)
      (Corinthians 3:12)
      (And a lot more verses)
      (Yahweh upside down backwards Hebrew = ilahi = allahi arabic🤔)
      • (Yahweh kingdom = This earth)
      • (Jesus kingdom = Not of this earth)
      • (Yahweh - give Stones a firey snakes that kill hes children when they ask for food)
      • (Jesus - If your children ask for something, would you give them stones, serpents bla bla?Even thu your evil you would’nt do that, so imagien what your loving father in will give you if you ask)
      • (How can yahweh be jesus father if they are 1, when Jesus rebukes what yahweh does and saying that the father would never do that?🤔🤔)
      •(Try study exclusively yahwehs evil acts and description,
      Then compare them to Jesus and NTs teachings/verses about the beast, and the devil who have deciveded the whole world🤔)
      •(Also study who a god named Yahweh was before back in time, he was printed on old coins and found in old scriptures, that yahweh was the son of EL, who was the father of all, before jews had anything to do with another true god also called Yahweh, that he became the god of the jews.
      It’s maybe a coinsident a foreign, desert, war and storm god from egypt who was considerd pure evil. And the jews was broght out of (just egypt in the desert of all places) that also killed a whole lot of them on the way when they was hungry, that’s something that other yahweh would do, but its maybe a coinsident or something else, I hope there is something bullet proof who disprove all this)
      •(I have a hard time choose what to make of this bec this tear down everything I belived..
      Should you only trust just Jesus NT message? Or just yahwehs OT message.. bec Jesus NT describe yahweh as a beast devil, Yahwehs OT describe Jesus in some way as a false messiah at the same time he was prophesied to be cut of of the land of the living, and bear the sins of many and offer salvation for the whole world..🤔🤔🤔)
      I need help with this from both jews and christians🤝🙏God bless you🙏

    • @613Scottie
      @613Scottie Месяц назад +5

      There is only one testament. Keep learning, and it will all be clear. Guaranteed. If you start from the beginning, you will never even open the 'new t'.

    • @kris6695
      @kris6695 Месяц назад +5

      @@Blsyeshua You cannot mix truth with paganism no matter what. The Tanach is truth, where as, the new twistament twists the truth and puts in lies.

  • @RobertH1971
    @RobertH1971 Месяц назад +56

    As a Noahide, I really appreciated this Torah teaching. Thank you for posting your lecture. I can’t wait for part two!

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Месяц назад +5

      My pleasure!

    • @BarneyGimble
      @BarneyGimble Месяц назад

      When you call yourself a.noahide
      Then ask someone else to define noahide.
      You are a.chump

    • @viadei
      @viadei 29 дней назад +5

      You're deeply mistaken. There are no such "noahide laws".
      There's ONE law which is the Torah of God.
      The noahide laws teach that a goy cannot keep the sabbath.
      But the true Torah of Elohim teaches by Isaiah's mouth that the sabbath is to be kept by EVERYONE, Jews and non Jews.
      _"For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; 5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off. Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; 7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people."_ (Isaiah 56)

    • @stevenxiaofenghuang
      @stevenxiaofenghuang 28 дней назад +1

      ⁠@@viadeiDear friend, I think the problem is from a mistranslation. You should consult the original Hebrew text, or an English translation that is done by proper Hebraist, like the JPS Bible, or the Koren Jerusalem Bible. There you can see that it is actually talking about two groups of people, the Jew and the devoted non-Jew, and sabbath applies only to the Jew.

    • @viadei
      @viadei 28 дней назад

      Exodus 12:
      _"*ONE LAW* shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you."_

  • @Exodus_Project
    @Exodus_Project Месяц назад +35

    Ben Noach here. Thankful for this content

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Месяц назад +3

      Glad to hear :)

    • @puneetgrvr
      @puneetgrvr 26 дней назад

      ​@@EfraimPalvanov​​​​@SOBEIT32AD Think rationally. I m 47 i practiced all religions for 35 years... In deep pain fr truth... Watch this video... Hes correct abt bible n quran... By the same logic actually only tanakh or torah is the word of god.. Jesus did not fulfill core hebrew bible prophecies... Im not saying jesus n muhammad r bad all im saying is they are a part of god grand plan... Dont bother too much abt wat happens next... Thts why u see enoch is not considered a prophet but nevertheless a good man in hebrew bible whcich is tanakh or torah so either ur a jew following abraham issac jacob and moses... Or ur a noahide... Noah a good man.. Again not a prophet in tanakh or torah.. Tht solves the puzzle... Noahic lawa are similar to moses commandmnts... Read it.. Live a good life.., post tht dont bother ... God will take care.... Thts why u c see lots of similaroties in oldest religion hinduism and noahic laws.. U can club them as sabeans... So live life n thts all... No point in figting jesus vs muhammad... Both are a part of god's plan... Thts all..... Prophethood ended with malachi in tanakh or torah... I repeat read wt i wrote carefully. God bless... U c thts why idiotic concepts came up in hinduism... I repeat either ur a jew or a noahide... Wch includes all so called religions... Thts why noah n i repeat he was no prophet but a good man got revelations he cursed hid own progeny coz they were not listening to him... Though god loves jews n nohaides both... Either ur a born jew or noahide... No point fighting... N ull b e shocked enoch is also known as khidr agdin a great man not dead received revelations from god he was between adam n noah... N post tht u c the mess.. Not created by god but humans... N i repeat the only other holy books before tanskh or torah are vedas etc... Timeline matches noah... Now fit the puzzle... All conflicts r resolvable... Thts wat god wants... A true god would never want conflict.. He was straight in his word n revelations.... Humans messed up coz he knew we ll mess up... At the end all is one.. Noahide jew but covenant and keeping it is imp.. Abide....i repeat jesus is not messaih.. God bless... Even veda are corrupted btw... I repeat I do not believe in jesus n muhammad Or any so called hindu prophets... I believe in all 48 jewish prophets and 7 prophetess.. I believe only in tanakkh... No new testamrnt Or quran Or vedas Or anything else... But like I said no hatred... Love only...

    • @johnmann8659
      @johnmann8659 22 дня назад +1

      What sacrifices are you currently offering as atonement for your sins?
      Genesis 8:20
      Job 1:5
      Job 42:7-9
      Genesis 4:1-10
      Jonah 1:15-16

    • @phloophnunya867
      @phloophnunya867 9 дней назад

      Probably 1 of the millions of men, women and children that go "missing" every year.
      We all know that blood sacrifice is the ONLY way to cover sin.
      Perhaps they think any blood will do.
      Jesus is God.
      Only His blood can redeem and cover sin.
      But He called a certain group a synagogue of Satan for a reason. 👍

  • @yefunehdavid1005
    @yefunehdavid1005 Месяц назад +23

    Thank you Rabbi. Excellent shiur. Looking forward very much to Part 2.

  • @j.k.9763
    @j.k.9763 28 дней назад +19

    I’m a Noahide too, for 15 years now. I’m lucky, my husband and my son are also.
    Looking out for meeting more bnee Noach and I hope Jews and Noahides come closer together soon. B’ezrat Hashem. 🙏

    • @LoiDivine
      @LoiDivine 26 дней назад +1

      I think it is forbidden to marry a non-noahid because it is written in the Talmud that Noah forbid marriage with a goya, and back then there were no jew, so it only means noahids shouldn't marry non-noahids.

    • @kris6695
      @kris6695 23 дня назад +1

      @@LoiDivine That law only applies to the Jewish nation. We need the true Jews to keep Hashem's word pure. Read the "Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, a great book to start you on the right path.

    • @phloophnunya867
      @phloophnunya867 14 дней назад +1

      @@j.k.9763 Oh, you'll all spend eternity together, never doubt that.
      It will be very hot where you're going, might I suggest bermuda shorts?

    • @phloophnunya867
      @phloophnunya867 14 дней назад

      There were only 8 people on the ark, and none were jews or israel.
      So who were the goya then?

    • @Revelation-ch8mt
      @Revelation-ch8mt 13 дней назад

      @j.k.9763 you think you're lucky? I feel so sad for you, husband and son. Come back to Jesus the Christ. Noahide laws are a lie from hell. You seek death and call it luck? Jesus the Christ is the life giver and the ONLY way.

  • @mare6419
    @mare6419 Месяц назад +19

    Thank you, I've been wandering around the internet looking for this information . Awesome!

  • @tonnyhansen5607
    @tonnyhansen5607 24 дня назад +5

    No one gets to heaven exept thrue Christ .

    • @marcelodasilveira7802
      @marcelodasilveira7802 7 дней назад

      Your ignorance is evident. Even spell check couldn't help you, and your jesus won't either!

    • @nataweeee_
      @nataweeee_ День назад +1

      Amen !

  • @barrenwasteland7782
    @barrenwasteland7782 29 дней назад +7

    I really appreciate you delving into this subject. Ive grown to really appreciate your lectures. Im eager to hear what you have to say. For a few years now ive defined my beleifs as noahide Judaism and it has been hard to get information on it as i study torah on my own. I was in church but it was christian and i eventually felt like Hashem was leading me toward torah the whole time. Its discussions like these that help solidify my stance against idol worship entirely. It was so hard to seperate myself from the old ways and learn the original ones. Your points are solid and grounded in Torah and that means so much to me i dont have the words for. Bless you and yours for what you do for Hashem and the Torah. Bless you.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  28 дней назад +2

      Glad to hear, thank you. May you be blessed as well!

    • @patriciaglass9779
      @patriciaglass9779 28 дней назад


    • @Firefly763
      @Firefly763 27 дней назад +1

      ​@@patriciaglass9779Follow the 10 commandments?
      Do you keep the Shabbat?
      Nowhere in the Torah or later (edited) Old Testament it says thst us non-jews should keep the Shabbat.
      Do you keep the shabbat? Just interested to know. Thank you.

    • @friendofvinnie
      @friendofvinnie 26 дней назад +2

      ​@@Firefly763you are to meet once a week and break bread 🍞

  • @emet6306
    @emet6306 29 дней назад +8

    I'm not on board this train... although not everyone will accept Torah, it is the will of the most high that it should be offered to all. How else could we bring heaven down?

    • @Shiryone
      @Shiryone 26 дней назад +4

      Yes. "One law shall be for the native-born and for the stranger who dwells among you.”
      Ex 12:49

  • @patrickscafe7
    @patrickscafe7 Месяц назад +20

    Recently i left the messianic movement and now embrace noahide.
    This answers many questions.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Месяц назад +1

      Glad to hear!

    • @patriciaglass9779
      @patriciaglass9779 28 дней назад


    • @Maynard-il1yj
      @Maynard-il1yj 26 дней назад


    • @michaelfennell5190
      @michaelfennell5190 25 дней назад

      Stop being a racist fool.

    • @72Yonatan
      @72Yonatan День назад

      @@Maynard-il1yj - Shalom, Maynard. The Hebrew alphabet is alpha-numeric, and that means every word has a corresponding numerical value. Gematria is deriving those numerical values and comparing them to similar phrases or words from the Hebrew bible that have the same value.

  • @4real51
    @4real51 Месяц назад +12

    May HaShem always bless you my brother

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Месяц назад +3

      Thank you, and may you be blessed as well!

  • @Blessedmomma12
    @Blessedmomma12 Месяц назад +10

    ❤ BH!! Thank you! This is wonderful. 16 years ago we left our upbringing and found Torah light. The time is now!

  • @tonnyhansen5607
    @tonnyhansen5607 24 дня назад +7

    Dont Fall for this.

    • @72Yonatan
      @72Yonatan День назад +1

      Not only should people fall for this, they should immediately implement these laws in their lives. God judges all human beings on their works - the deeds which they do and have done. Faith based salvation is a lie developed by preachers seeking to gain popularity, and it is not biblical at all. Christian folks need to stop worshipping a dead rabbi and only recognize YHWH as the One God - King of this world. His word to His Hebrew prophets is all the revelation that anyone needs to lead a righteous life, pleasing to God.

    • @nataweeee_
      @nataweeee_ День назад +1


  • @marthawachuka9110
    @marthawachuka9110 Месяц назад +16

    B'H,this is all that nations of world want to know,so that all will know Hashem and serve Him.

  • @melissafoster9701
    @melissafoster9701 Месяц назад +20

    I'm a noahide thanks for this shuir

  • @thetoknboxshow
    @thetoknboxshow Месяц назад +14

    I'm a noahide. Thnx for this video.

  • @raf_abreu
    @raf_abreu Месяц назад +6

    Wow! Thank you Rabbi Efraim for this! As a Ben Noach I truly appreciate this lecture! Amazing as always, Baruch HaShem!

  • @theselector4733
    @theselector4733 7 дней назад +1

    I did a quick search online on the 613 'commandments' and there were a few that seemed disturbing. Particularly the ones that called for the elimination of all Amalekites. I didn't think much of it at the time until I saw an interview where Netanyahu compares The Amalekites to Palestinians. Considering what's currently going on I thought that was very concerning.

  • @chrisgrunch7055
    @chrisgrunch7055 27 дней назад +2

    10:41 reminds me of Jesus’s teaching about the sheep and goats….and not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Yetzer ha’ra and yetzer ha’tov.

    • @72Yonatan
      @72Yonatan День назад

      Portions of the sermon on the mount seem based upon Torah values. But we have the command to dwell in Israel and to that includes self preservation and killing our enemies in wars, especially wars which we did not start. If someone comes to strike you down, and you realize that his intention is to kill you, anyone has the right of self-defense, including first strike.

  • @Shiryone
    @Shiryone 26 дней назад +7

    "One law shall be for the native-born and for the stranger who dwells among you.” -Ex 12:49
    Could you please give the Scripture where Noahide law is for gentiles? And since the 10 tribes were scattered abroad, how is it possible to know who carries the dna? TY

    • @Revelation-ch8mt
      @Revelation-ch8mt 13 дней назад

      Very good question . These people are deceiving Christians with their Noahide laws LIES. They are continuing the work of deception from Jesus' day. They are building the wall of partition/enmity that Christ broke down in His body. There is no more Jew or Greek and these people can't handle that Jesus the Christ has made no difference with people.

    • @norviell78
      @norviell78 13 дней назад +2

      Good question , let’s hope they anwser honestly

    • @phloophnunya867
      @phloophnunya867 9 дней назад

      They won't.
      Jesus called them a synagogue of Satan for a reason.
      Their father is the father of lies.
      They do his work, which is to rob, kill and destroy.
      You can see it most obviously the past 75+years, and especially the past 11 months, almost a year now.

    • @72Yonatan
      @72Yonatan День назад

      He starts giving the sources right now, in this lecture. Perhaps you failed to recognize that Bereisheet is called by another name in English translations of the bible - "Genesis." Zecharya is Zacariah, Yirmiyahu is Jeremiah, and so forth. Do your homework, and start yesterday.

    • @Shiryone
      @Shiryone День назад

      @@72Yonatan I am well aware of the "transliterations" of the names of the Scriptures in Hebrew. You are rude and hateful. A disgrace to the faith. I want nothing to do with who or what you serve.

  • @isasalaam5055
    @isasalaam5055 Месяц назад +12

    Thank you Efraim. Very timely indeed....

  • @RobbinFlowers
    @RobbinFlowers 27 дней назад +2

    Why call someone high prest if your not allowed to practice sorcery or witchcraft?

  • @red2thebone
    @red2thebone Месяц назад +7

    Noahide here ty for sharing 🕎

  • @Thehaystack7999
    @Thehaystack7999 29 дней назад +1

    Just clarification on grafting, one cannot graft 2 separate species of trees, but we are allowed to graft an olive branch upon another olive tree. From a good tree to a poor tree. Or a way to make all your olive trees uniform in substance.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  28 дней назад +3

      That is correct. Grafting between same or even very similar species is permitted. It is only forbidden when they are totally different species.

    • @friendofvinnie
      @friendofvinnie 26 дней назад +2

      ​@@EfraimPalvanov Lolol 🤣 most veggies that we have today were made by grafting and modifying them to what they are today

  • @hanailee7560
    @hanailee7560 Месяц назад +9

    What I love about Jewish convertion is that it's always totally voluntary 🤍
    Not (at the pains of death like the other 2 Abrahamic have done )
    Absolutely beautiful✌️
    Shalom & love to all 🤍

    • @Oo7Hola
      @Oo7Hola 28 дней назад +1

      On point ❤

  • @aaronrobertcattell8859
    @aaronrobertcattell8859 Месяц назад +4

    The number 5 symbolizes the idea of saving, to be saved, or to be rescued.

  • @jamesb1638
    @jamesb1638 Месяц назад +2

    Hey Efraim, thanks for the vid. If we are going to be honest with ourselves, killing a peaceful, innocent mammal like a Cow is ALWAYS cruel and inhumane. Gods ideal in the Garden is peace and harmony between species. Why do we choose to live in accordance with what God reluctantly allows instead of his ideal vision of peace love and mercy between species?

  • @Levychosesemet
    @Levychosesemet 27 дней назад +6

    And whats happens to noahides in the world to come? Does/did haShem make a separate covenant woth noahides? Did Abraham accept or make noahides??

    • @phloophnunya867
      @phloophnunya867 9 дней назад

      All who reject Jesus as God, will spend eternity in hell.
      Whether jew or gentile.
      On the flip side, all who are given faith in Jesus, a gift from the Father, will spend eternity in God's kingdom.
      Whether jew or gentile.
      What they are failing to tell everyone is, those of us who know that Jesus Christ is God, will have their head chopped off when their antichrist messiah is revealed, and the noahide laws are enforced.
      They are already in place in America, and probably around the world.
      President Bush sr. signed them into u.s. law, and every president since then has also signed them.
      Everyone will have 2 choices.
      Reject Jesus Christ as God and live, or keep your faith in Jesus as God and be beheaded.
      They will deny this of course, but their father, Satan, is the father of lies, and so they do as their father.

    • @72Yonatan
      @72Yonatan День назад

      Noahides may earn a portion in the world to come, in the afterlife.

    • @damnmexican90
      @damnmexican90 День назад +1

      How convinent.

  • @caos870
    @caos870 Месяц назад +10

    Shalom! Thank you for sharing this! G'd bless you!

  • @caseyvice
    @caseyvice Месяц назад +1

    Hi Rabbi Ephraim great classes that have pulled me through a good part of Tisha ba'av! What's the case with Benei Noach who are not familiar with the laws, do we treat them like a tinuk shenishba?

  • @charlanemcconkey6024
    @charlanemcconkey6024 23 дня назад +1

    question.. so why did he make animals that rip each other apart????? painfully.. so much doesn't make sense to me. Been reading and listening to Jordan Maxwell.. who studied the bible for 54 years.

  • @Peace77727
    @Peace77727 15 дней назад +1

    Shalom Rabbi. I listened the part 2 this morning and listening the part 1. You are just saying what in my mind for studying and following Torah. Baruch HaShem.

  • @jtprobst1
    @jtprobst1 Месяц назад +8

    25:21 most people do not make the connect of wool and linen. Linen being of plant, wool being of animal.

    • @demonking86420
      @demonking86420 15 дней назад +2

      So, analogous to plant based v animal based?

    • @jtprobst1
      @jtprobst1 15 дней назад

      @@demonking86420 yes, with frequencies, as mixing them causes negative effects and they were to draw positive. So in temple and such with ephod, they could not be mixed, as it would be like wiring a breaker box backwards.

    • @72Yonatan
      @72Yonatan День назад

      The prohibition of mixing wool and linen exists and we Jews keep it today. However, when the Temple will be rebuilt, the garments of the High Priest will contain this mixture. But most modern clothing is either cotton or synthetic, and wool itself is used for colder regions, and it is rare that someone would mix actual linen in the same weave as wool. Wool and synthetic is commonly mixed, and there is no objection to it.

  • @MarianneVanTonder
    @MarianneVanTonder 28 дней назад +1

    Shabbat Shalom family and friends.

  • @simonad2957
    @simonad2957 Месяц назад +7

    Thank you, rabbi for this lecture. God bless Israel!

  • @Leosandoval-pd6di
    @Leosandoval-pd6di Месяц назад +4

    Thank you for the upload. It's refreshing to see REAL sefardi, non mizrachi Torah for a change. It should be noted that many rabbis are now permiting neutering because of the over population of cats as well as other invasive species and they also suffer cruelty from people that are annoyed by them, etc. They say that the pasuk refers to male species and therefore not females. Others are less lenient and don't allow it at all. Still, they say that the operation should be done by anon jewish vet because those who allow it believe that the pasuk is a commandment that applies to jews only.

    • @Leosandoval-pd6di
      @Leosandoval-pd6di Месяц назад +2

      ​​@@alexwright9191i never mentioned him. The word mizrachi means eastern meaning non eastern Torah but real sefardi Torah. Judge your fellow positively!

    • @Achdus5772
      @Achdus5772 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@alexwright9191 You're confused or uninformed. He's speaking of the stream of Mizrachi Judaism. Not Rabbi Mizrachi..😂

    • @i8dpie
      @i8dpie Месяц назад +1

      One is not permitted to cause pain to an animal.

    • @Leosandoval-pd6di
      @Leosandoval-pd6di Месяц назад

      @@i8dpie correct, but a lot of people ignore that commandment. Hence, lots of orthodox rabbis are permitting fixing female animals because the original Hebrew word singled out male. Others hold that it applies to ALL.

    • @alexwright9191
      @alexwright9191 Месяц назад

      ​@@Achdus5772I was mistaken severely lol your a nice soul to be so easy have a great day

  • @EnochianChronicles
    @EnochianChronicles 29 дней назад +3

    Shalom aleichem.
    I was wondering after hearing about these, excellent explanation.
    Thank you.

  • @IAMDC322
    @IAMDC322 Месяц назад +2

    Great Lesson 👍🏼

  • @onejohn2.26.
    @onejohn2.26. Месяц назад +6

    I believe that everyone is to keep all the laws of G.d as found in His Torah
    G.d said many times that there is one law for both the chosen people and for those who sojourn with them

    • @Achdus5772
      @Achdus5772 Месяц назад

      Those that sojourn with them are converts. Noachides laws are not the 613 + laws commanded for Jews. Nowhere in the Torah does it state non Jews have to keep the laws commanded of the Jews.

    • @sharonraffanti3632
      @sharonraffanti3632 Месяц назад +1

      True, but sojourning with them is going to live in Israel as a convert, or maybe wanting to learn from them how to serve HaShem, also in Israel.

    • @nathanglueck2632
      @nathanglueck2632 Месяц назад +3

      There are two kinds of "sojourners", those that make a formal committment to renounce idolatry and keep the 7, and those who go all the way and convert. Even righteous fully jewish converts are sojourners because thrt dont belong to any single tribe.

    • @nathanglueck2632
      @nathanglueck2632 Месяц назад +3

      Regular sojourners are welcome, and the option to join was offered to canaanites as well. Which is why later on the word canaanite became synonomous with "merchant" see proverbs 31 v 24.

    • @debrapaulino918
      @debrapaulino918 Месяц назад

      Do you eat pig? Lobster? Or do you think "everything is made clean with thanksgiving." It is not a do or die commandment given to Jews nor is it for you. Since everything is clean with thxgiving said over it, you may also eat cockroaches. A Yiddish proverb says a half truth is a whole lie. Paul says you can eat whatever you want because you're not under law. He is right 😂

  • @KenBreon
    @KenBreon 28 дней назад +2

    This is very important. You are a great teacher.

  • @user-pd7il3xz5j
    @user-pd7il3xz5j Месяц назад +3

    Is it possible that the camera be set up so the video viewers directly see Reb Efraim?

  • @AkivaYosefCupp
    @AkivaYosefCupp 26 дней назад +2

    B"H for this Shiur, this is great information to spread around the world. Blessed is HaShem, and Blessed is His Torah. ❤

  • @maxiomburrows2099
    @maxiomburrows2099 26 дней назад +3

    The "30 Noahide laws" refer to a broader interpretation or expansion of the 7 basic laws. These additional laws include various ethical and moral guidelines derived from the Torah and RABBINIC TRADITION(Post 2nd Temple), but they are not universally recognized in the same way as the original 7 Noahide laws as they may not align as directly with Paul's teaching. Christians are graphed into the olive tree that has been pruned and are fed by the roots of 1st & 2nd Temple Judaism but not after they reject the Messiah Yeshua(Jesus).

    • @Stardust475
      @Stardust475 9 дней назад +2

      Acts 15 are the Noahide laws

    • @72Yonatan
      @72Yonatan День назад

      It is a duty for all Jews to reject any form of idolatry, and that includes Christianity, Buddhism, etcetera.

  • @Mjgidds92
    @Mjgidds92 Месяц назад +4

    Hey yall, I’ve heard before from another rabbi that Gentiles cant “keep” the sabbath; but what is meant by “keep”?
    The way I Understand: Jewish people have to do the 613 (that apply given the situation); but Gentiles can do them; but are not commanded to.
    Back to “keeping” the sabbath; if gentiles cant or aren’t permitted to “keep” the Sabbath; how does that jive in light of Isaiah 56?

    • @LoiDivine
      @LoiDivine 26 дней назад +1

      gentiles are forbidden to keep Shabbos and learn Torah, which are gifts from God to the jews. it's punishable by death from heaven hands. doing the Brit Mila to a ben noah is a problem for jews because of mixing.

    • @norrisjohnson6032
      @norrisjohnson6032 25 дней назад +3

      These people are deceiving. Leading people to not to be saved.
      I'm very upset seeing Jews doing these things.

    • @Mjgidds92
      @Mjgidds92 25 дней назад +1

      @@norrisjohnson6032 tell me more! How are they deceiving?
      Saved from what?

  • @muchimi
    @muchimi Месяц назад +2

    excellent as always, wish you were in Baltimore MD.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you!

    • @muchimi
      @muchimi 23 дня назад

      @@EfraimPalvanov as a scientist, as a biologist and a chemist. I thought you would appreciate me passing this along. My brother is a chemist and was the chairman of the department of chemistry at Brown University

  • @brettpinion4233
    @brettpinion4233 Месяц назад +2

    Friend. That "testimony" test is of LDS not biblical. I don't disagree that you get a feeling just as Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims and Hindus. The terms set forth in Moroni 10:4 are manipulative and use circular reasoning.
    D&C Section 9:8-9 - tells us that if something is true it will make our "bosom burn" and we will FEEL that it is right. Maroni 10:4 says: "he will manifest the truth of it unto you"

    The BIBLE WARNS us against this SUBJECTIVE type of truth test. The LDS test for truth violates the Biblical test. Why?
    Because we have a sinful nature that can be DECEIVED. Proverbs 28:26 "He that trusts in his own (bosom) heart is a FOOL."
    The Biblical test begins first with PRIOR Scriptural revelation and to test all things by it (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:12-2:3; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "STUDY ... rightly dividing the word of TRUTH."
    Acts 17:11 "EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES to see if what said is TRUE". 1John 4:1 says: "BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, ... because MANY FALSE PROPHETS (J.S.) have gone out into the world."
    The Bible repeatedly warns us about false teachers, false prophets, false Jesuses, false gospels and counterfeit Christianity (Matt 7:15, 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Gal. 1:6-9).
    Scripture explicitly warns us against demonic spiritual deception (1 Tim. 4:1). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14
    Even when Paul and Silas delivered the truths of the gospel to the people of Berea, the Bereans were commended for EXAMINING the Scriptures to validate the claims of the apostles.
    There are NO Biblical directives to pray for new revelation based on a warm feeling for verification.
    Would you pray about the validity of the Koran or about whether or not Muhammad is a true prophet? If no, why not? Are the Muslims not sincere? They pray 5 times per day. Don’t they feel good or right about their faith?
    I have sincerely prayed with real faith in Christ and He has shown me Mormonism is false! I don't ask that you believe me, believe the words of the Bible that Jesus affirmed.
    "Before me NO god was formed, nor shall there be ANY after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) If Mormonism is true, then God could not make this claim, for he was just a man at one point; nor could he claim that no gods would come after him, for that is the goal of J.S. and LDS members.
    Isaiah 44:6 says, "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is NO God." & "Is there any God besides me?.. I know not one". God is saying there is NOT an infinite amount of Gods, and there is none like Him. LDS teaches that there is. He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did" (King Follett Sermon)
    Either the BIBLE or LDS is FALSE.

    • @nataweeee_
      @nataweeee_ 12 часов назад +1

      @brettpinion4233 LDS is definitely false :) praise Yeshua 👏 🙌 🙏🏽 ☺️

  • @rochellevon2376
    @rochellevon2376 29 дней назад +3

    Thank you! I'm learning so much!

  • @eddiekaos8441
    @eddiekaos8441 29 дней назад

    Great shiur! Thanks! Awaiting Part 2 😁

    @TURNKEYiNK 29 дней назад +1

    Torah means Instruction, not Law. Huge difference.

  • @Jayla-dj2gj
    @Jayla-dj2gj Месяц назад +4

    So much wisdom. 👏💝

  • @madsenketty
    @madsenketty 29 дней назад +3

    30:32 Good thing I am not new to Torah… I would be running for the hills!

  • @LP-MeAndMyShadow
    @LP-MeAndMyShadow 14 дней назад +1

    What? Not able to predict the future? Then how does a person make a decision? Our past mistakes help us predict future outcomes. ❤

  • @terrywaltman2520
    @terrywaltman2520 Месяц назад +7

    SHALOM 🙏 brother...

  • @infiniti28160
    @infiniti28160 Месяц назад +2

    Isaiah 65 : 17 Psalm 37 : 29 Daniel 7 : 13 -14 Isaiah 7 : 14 Isaiah 62 : 1 יְשׁוּעָה "That which is hateful unto you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole of the Torah; the rest is commentary. Go forth and study."

  • @Gavirael
    @Gavirael 28 дней назад +1

    Can’t wait for the next!

  • @conniemason-bennett1800
    @conniemason-bennett1800 Месяц назад +3

    Only one big problem. There is going to be a group of people who refuse to follow the laws of the Rabbis . They instead will follow Torah without the Rabbinical input . They will keep the real Sabbath on the real calendar. Sabbath was given to all mankind at creation . They will keep the Feast Days on that correct calendar. They will understand who Messiah really is and not follow the Catholic Esus/ Mithra.

    • @KononR-gz4vo
      @KononR-gz4vo Месяц назад +2

      ♥️That sounds great, but problematic when it comes to the Sabbath. I wouldn't keep the Sabbath unless you become circumcized first and convert fully to Judaism. For in Exodus 31, you have what is called a "holy distinction rule," where it states in verses 16 to 17 - *"Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed..."*
      In other words, in no wise should we copycat what Jews are instructed through Moses to do. How they kept the Sabbath was for them only. God made it A SIGN to distinguish Israel from Gentiles - unless you decide to convert and become one of them.
      And the only way you may keep the sabbath without fully converting to Judaism, is if you choose to live as a stranger amongst them - on their territory. Then you must keep Sabbath says the Torah.

    • @ay8187
      @ay8187 Месяц назад +3

      You may have a bit of additional help by reading Isaiah 56. The Eternal One is inviting and giving a place to all who keep His Shabbat and choose the things that please Him.

    • @conniemason-bennett1800
      @conniemason-bennett1800 29 дней назад +1

      @@KononR-gz4vo The “ Jews” and anyone else keeping Saturdays as Sabbath are only keeping Sabbath if their calendar is correct.

    • @LoiDivine
      @LoiDivine 26 дней назад

      @@conniemason-bennett1800 well, all your references you received from the jews, llet them tell you also for this.

    • @friendofvinnie
      @friendofvinnie 26 дней назад +1

      Lolol Seventh Day adventure 😂 on here 🤣

  • @BirdieHillFarm
    @BirdieHillFarm Месяц назад

    Thank you.
    Your willingness to share and educate I am forever grateful for ❤.

  • @MoMoMack
    @MoMoMack 15 дней назад

    At 28:30 you say the Gemara debates this and ultimately settles that it’s commanded but I can’t find any of the commentary in English online!
    This settlement would have been the evidence to place as the backdrop in the video, not just the verse alone, because it doesn’t prove anything other than they were blessed-not commanded.
    If you ask any rabbi in a Noahide group they will tell you it’s encouraged but not commanded. It’s a frustrating state of existence to not have access to the truth. (Btw I am married with children so I ask this on behalf of others.)

  • @plum1016
    @plum1016 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you

  • @tonnyhansen5607
    @tonnyhansen5607 24 дня назад +1

    What about the other Sanhederin ? Theare are 2 Books. One accept Christ and one dont.

  • @aaronrobertcattell8859
    @aaronrobertcattell8859 Месяц назад

    The number four signifies this completion, this fullness. The nation of Israel became full and complete upon the fulfillment of the fourth utterance of redemption

  • @MagnificentCastles-bj3fg
    @MagnificentCastles-bj3fg 10 дней назад

    Gentiles observed the shabbat during the temple construction

  • @davidlavelo977
    @davidlavelo977 Месяц назад +3

    Question- can a noachide do the hand washing pouring water over the hands 3 times before bed and when waking up? Also can a noachide say the mode ani lefanecha prayer in the mornings?

    • @LoiDivine
      @LoiDivine 26 дней назад +4

      no problem

    • @BarakYisrael
      @BarakYisrael День назад

      There is technically no need for noahide to do the handwashing though for you guys dont get the level of impurity jews do. I mean ask a rabbi though bc im not an expert, but I'm just saying it really isnt needed. Mode ani on other hand 🎉🎉🎉❤❤ beautiful that u want to take that on too

  • @TheDigitalGuide22
    @TheDigitalGuide22 7 дней назад

    Thank you led here by spirit... I study the hermetics and Kabbalah. My name is Eric L I am gifted psychic medium and I teach esoteric studies thank you for this video clarify something that I've been feeling collectively for a long time.. clarified by the name Noah even as a child I used to watch the movie The ten commandments and imitate Noah growing up as a Christian Jehovah's Witness I always found the Old testament very fascinating I always felt that the Torah was very important as a child I was always intrigued play the Hebrew alphabet I'm currently studying Hebrew among other things thank you for your time and energy put into this video✡️

  • @MoMoMack
    @MoMoMack 16 дней назад

    I wonder if it would be helpful to add a disclaimer in the description of RUclips lesson videos on whether the content is appropriate for Noahides or not -- since we are restricted on what wisdom we are allowed to delve into.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  15 дней назад

      Your question is answered in Part 2:видео.html

    • @MoMoMack
      @MoMoMack 15 дней назад

      @@EfraimPalvanov OK because some of your teachings go very deep! And I’m like oh my, I wonder if this is permitted for me to learn lol.

    • @Revelation-ch8mt
      @Revelation-ch8mt 13 дней назад

      ​@@MoMoMackhis teachings are vain and empty and go "deep" into the pit of hell. Jesus the Christ is the way.

  • @noahnoah3439
    @noahnoah3439 Месяц назад +3

    Thank you for your work at teaching the truth.

  • @nurit-uz9te
    @nurit-uz9te Месяц назад +3


  • @jdavidviewer87
    @jdavidviewer87 Месяц назад

    Such goodness and wisdom

  • @christyjohnson3290
    @christyjohnson3290 15 дней назад

    Even the Lord in His mercy allowed 2 of all kinds of unclean animals that heard His call to enter the ark.

  • @dutchman6533
    @dutchman6533 14 дней назад

    So why do the Jews make laws for the Gentiles when Abba says we are grafted in and the same laws apply to us, hasn’t Christianity done the same thing?

  • @rawxdefined4904
    @rawxdefined4904 26 дней назад

    I'm looking forward to this series as I cannot understand why many Jews keep demoting non-Jews to follow G[]d's law which is whole and perfect. One would think that Jews would rejoice if the non-Jews also kept the law eg. The Sabbath etc. Then there would be peace in the world.
    After all, Exodus 20 says that the Jews and the foreigners living amongst the Jews must rest on the Sabbath day.
    Exodus 20:10
    "but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the LORD your God. On that day no one in your household may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you."
    Exodus 20:10 (NLT)
    I am a Gentile and I can't help that I was born a Gentile, but I believe in the God of the Jews and I want to serve G[]d and I want to keep His commandments and I hope I won't be punished for it, because I don't understand why G[]d will punish people born non-Jews for acknowledging Him and fearing Him the One and Only G[]d.
    I know that eg. Pesach and Sukkot is for Jews only and for Pesach the male must be circumcised in order to partake in Pesach.
    Therefore I am looking forward to the lecture of the Sabbath, because I feel very confused and I want to do it G[]d's way, because G[]d knows best.

  • @angelacuna360
    @angelacuna360 28 дней назад +2

    I would like to volunteer in being one of those ten people in every nation please.🙏 I'm ready to play any role in ushering in the Messianic age.

  • @MagnificentCastles-bj3fg
    @MagnificentCastles-bj3fg 10 дней назад

    God has only one promise to bless men. That's through Abraham and there's no other way. The Torah is clear in so many places that don't need explanation or interpretation that there is only one law for the Jews and foreigners. Remember you should not add or subtract scripture.

  • @suwilanjimutambo7585
    @suwilanjimutambo7585 24 дня назад +1

    Am a Zambian I want a mazuzah I really love the Torah with all my heart, as it is said Shama Israeli Adonai Elohim Adonai ekadi

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  24 дня назад

      I will discuss the mezuzah in depth in Part 2 of this series, which I hope to post later this week.

  • @franchescairby4834
    @franchescairby4834 5 дней назад

    Thank you so much! I'm a Noahide, and I have been searching for this!

  • @ericg4257
    @ericg4257 29 дней назад

    You are a part of God you are in God and God is in you.

  • @MagnificentCastles-bj3fg
    @MagnificentCastles-bj3fg 10 дней назад

    The first man to die for defiling shabbat was a gentile Egyptian

  • @tonnyhansen5607
    @tonnyhansen5607 24 дня назад +2

    All the profets are talking about Jesus. Jesus is the Word of God. Jesus is the lamb that died for you. Thats why thear is No tempel in Jerusalem . The tempel is in youre heart now. Now No jew needs to slaugther a lam for his sins. Jesus took it all upon him on the cross. The Word of GOD is God. The Father the Son and The Holy Spirit are all ONE. GOD Had to become Son Off MAN to Save us ALL.

    • @nataweeee_
      @nataweeee_ 12 часов назад +1

      @tonnyhansen5607 Yes, and AMEN 🙏🏽
      Praise the Father Yahweh, Praise the son Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit! Amen ! 🙏🏽👏

  • @ytsi7505
    @ytsi7505 День назад

    39:56 the language should be נכרי and look at the reason מורשה קהילת יעקב regardless of idol worship?

  • @christyjohnson3290
    @christyjohnson3290 15 дней назад

    The Ark is being built and whoever will listen will enter that ark.

  • @nicolediamond8273
    @nicolediamond8273 18 дней назад +2

    JC was a Jew. His apostles were Jews, so the Torah is their book. Their gospels and letters are added to the back of the Torah because they quote from the Torah.
    The Torah is for all of mankind, not just Jews. The Israelites were assigned to bring the Torah to the nations.

    • @brendabeamerford4555
      @brendabeamerford4555 18 дней назад

      One to claim and one to blame and we all need a few rules through childhood subconscious beastmind rule of Self in our world not knowing who the hell O HO Heaven We Are..In3 unconscious subconscious fully Consciousness aware the Mind controls the body within all bodies universally Cosmos the all is mind our universe is mental so as above so as below everything vibrates everything MOves buy one infinite Eternal infinite intelligent omnipresent omnipotent omnificent present moment we call quantuM=O='ET'HER
      The Mind sings PoeTRY... because the universe is a infinite intelligence Symphony no word can describe
      of QuantuMOMENTS MIND we receive as we search the mind of reasoning in US unique complete individual Immaculate Conception from first light infinite intelligent light color sound MIND frequency vibration ring ArcLight 9 Observer thought charge .
      Tris Magistas 3 * 3 HER ME
      Cosmo I am Light color sound mind 3 ring 7 sum Never Dies
      Death is our illusion
      through the terrible twos of mammalian subconscious beastmind childhood in Mercy Mercy Me
      🌈💘🎯 the first thing built in Solo>mo'n's Temple of three
      Body Mind Spirit say me
      is The Mercy Seat
      > PP one molecule Amnesia Veil through all previous lifetimes as we learn the PowerHouse of our infinite mind
      🕎👑 369 vibration frequency ArcLight 9 Observer thought charge thought me ...emerOld green heArt WORD in STONE tablets of thought ...
      LIGHTS A pyrRAmid
      Afire in the middle🔥💚🔥
      OUR Heart Light🗝
      Holy Grail HErOs human race Journey through123 consciousness accomplished race 1 awakened we become Who We Are. .....
      Every single one of us individually unique to the universe forever every single one of us revealing more clearer in the mirror OUR ONE infinite Creator .. no name can describe no image can compare our One =0= blow your mind> desire of all Ages
      Iam Cain of Abel awakened and Elon Musk is Able
      and still carries mind 369 name🥰 Nikola Tesla in the flesh AKA Judas Iscariot
      PRO ME THE US 🌏🔥💚🔥 Rebel Rebel Rebel
      ✡️ no one can think for another ✡️no one can learn for another and ✡️no one can forgive for another⚡️⚡️⚡️ it's all up to the individual self
      Garden of Eden and Two Goats one to claim and one to blame through childhood
      👑✨️ Consciousness is no longer at the mercy of the child mind Beast mammalian mind rule of Self in our world!!! Keys of heaven granted to all heart-minded coherent Heroes. Consciousness power 3
      sets all child of mine prisoners captives free from all the chains that bind us.
      Genesis genetics Geniuses genetic tweaks 2nd and 7th chromosome 4 A+1
      Circle square triangulated triumvirating body Vitruvian man body Temple for lights inhabitants made of Threes from head to toe
      love signature of order seen through every wavelength ring particle of matter we see universally💖💖💖
      see CERN Discerning mind 369

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  18 дней назад +1

      Please see Part 2 of this series:видео.html

  • @ytsi7505
    @ytsi7505 Месяц назад

    Next class please explain the קבלו עליהם ל vs צווה הויה ל ?

  • @norviell78
    @norviell78 13 дней назад

    Number 4 and 28 are the same in context.
    I think those last 3 are about the meat we should eat. God told Chanokh which meats were for food and altar and which were not.
    I mis this 1 completely in your presentation.
    Also I must think about Isaiah 56 and 58 God is including people there based on behavior missed that also

  • @HisMessenger-wf5qd
    @HisMessenger-wf5qd Месяц назад +2

    Christians often enterd the temple to worship the God of Abraham Issac and Israel before it was destroyed. Were Noahides able to enter the temple as well?

    • @kris6695
      @kris6695 Месяц назад +6

      christianity was not around during the time of the 1 & 2nd temple, they would have been considered unclean for they worship an idol.

    • @HisMessenger-wf5qd
      @HisMessenger-wf5qd Месяц назад +2

      @kris6695 Were Peter Paul and John Christians?

    • @kris6695
      @kris6695 Месяц назад

      @@HisMessenger-wf5qd You need not ask anything about your new twistament for it is all twisted lies and fantasy. Your Pinocchio Paul is a know liar and freely admit to it.

    • @debrapaulino918
      @debrapaulino918 Месяц назад

      The greater question is were they Jews in their faith? No. They would not be permitted in the temple just as a disciple of Krishna would not be. DNA is not everything. ​@@HisMessenger-wf5qd

    • @debrapaulino918
      @debrapaulino918 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@HisMessenger-wf5qdThe plaza was permitted to them. Jewish women had a separate place in the temple and on the plaza.

  • @JosephMage
    @JosephMage 29 дней назад

    Baruch HaShem 🙏🏽✡️🌈

  • @scottbrodie3071
    @scottbrodie3071 22 дня назад

    Nice work and agree with others looking forward to part 2. In the book from Rabbi Immanuel Schochet for noahides it says blood is permissible for consumption and and am not trying to start an argument with you about this topic I am open to the idea he may not have known about your source for its origin but when I searched your source it is found in tractate 56b was your source of 56a possibly an error or is it that it’s found in both spots depending on the source?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  22 дня назад +1

      The passage begins at the very bottom of Sanhedrin 56a and continues at the top of 56b, so it's both :) Rabbi Schochet was certainly aware of this source, and he was not wrong. There is no contradiction, as will be explained in Part 2. Working on the video now and hope to post it soon.

    • @scottbrodie3071
      @scottbrodie3071 21 день назад

      Thanks for clarifying and I asked so when I share this information I will be confident in the source location. After doing my own research I thought maybe it was mislabeled but after further analysis I agree with the source location starting on 56a and continue into b. I apologize if my attempt for clarification seemed like a attempt to disprove that was not my intention.

  • @honeykakes1
    @honeykakes1 Месяц назад +1

    This is very good to know thanks

  • @MrBrunoGI
    @MrBrunoGI 26 дней назад

    People knew a lot more than is alluded to in the Torah, Noach knew which animals were kosher and which were not and I'm assuming he knew more. I think the first takufa during the first 2000 years which was the tekufa of tohu these people were known as the shorishim or branch neshamot, as such they were great and they knew a lot intuitively and this is why they were punished severely. They were able to Intuit every halacha, it wasn't until after the flood that man needed to be instructed and thus these are the mitzvot benei Noach and not Adam. I do think with a few exceptions such as the avot who remained intuitive and who kept with the tradition of shem and ever.

  • @DinaAlvarez-lo6rg
    @DinaAlvarez-lo6rg Месяц назад

    So righteous are Noahides or Ger?? Thank you , love your teaching

  • @powerjews
    @powerjews 28 дней назад

    I thought baal haturim was referring to the extra 7 of 620 mitzvot to be the 7 rabbinical laws. Not nohahide laws.. And you get the keter by fulfilling the Torah on a biblical and rabbinical level.
    (source Baal HaTurim, Yitro 20:14 )

  • @ejad1873
    @ejad1873 24 дня назад +1

    I’m waiting for Yeshua at the end is the end authority of alajah. 7 Noah laws is 3 less of 10 commandments. If From 10 words come 613 regulations, i think from 7 came sone similar. Ijust I want know about Shabbat. Shabbat was for all humans.

  • @newsmickey5272
    @newsmickey5272 13 дней назад +1

    When Israel will lament & sing Isaiah 53, then the Lord shall return to earth to set up
    His kingdom 🙂

  • @op-fz7ej
    @op-fz7ej Месяц назад

    as noahide i really appreciated

  • @wafan13
    @wafan13 22 дня назад

    Another absolute banger. Thanks rabbi

  • @DigitalMediaCamps
    @DigitalMediaCamps 29 дней назад +1

    This was a good teaching. Thank you.

  • @ytsi7505
    @ytsi7505 Месяц назад

    37:54 their is a חיוב on גר תושב and עבד כנעני ערל to keep שבת perhaps?

  • @adamhorowitz7117
    @adamhorowitz7117 18 дней назад

    The Mazal topic was strange to me. Living with the parsha, pushing court cases into Adar, redemption having a greater chance in Nissan, their are countless mazals based on time. I think the inyan is that a Jew can overcome these mazalim, not that we don't believe they are real. If a Jew believes that astrology has power on its own and begins to attribute the stars astrological power to the stars, this is avoda Zara.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  18 дней назад

      Please see the series on 'Astrology and Astronomy' here:

  • @Stepthatway6
    @Stepthatway6 Месяц назад

    With the dispersion of the northern tribes and their migration, along with the dispersion and migration of the southern tribes is one to know exactly if they are of the 12 tribes or a gentile?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Месяц назад

      My take on the Lost Tribes here:видео.html

  • @ShinyFarigiraf
    @ShinyFarigiraf 29 дней назад +1

    This is great but I have always been uncomfortable about the whole death penalty for the 7 laws. Took me a while to find that the death penalty is the maximum a Noahide court is allowed to administer but they are allowed to do other punishments for it.

    • @RahelJovani
      @RahelJovani 18 дней назад

      No. Just decaptation. Its a beast system..

  • @ytsi7505
    @ytsi7505 День назад

    43:47 the word שקיבלו means accepted meaning past tense not in the future meaning אחרית הימים?

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  День назад

      This question was addressed in Part 2 of the series:видео.html

    • @ytsi7505
      @ytsi7505 День назад

      @@EfraimPalvanov thank you