@@Dragonage2ftw Was two replies asking the same question remotely necessary beyond being antagonistic? However to your point does that message sound anything like what a supposedly professional writer would come up with? Also who would be foolish enough to not check their own facts when it's literally as easy as going to the Warhammer website and checking the Custodes line. I did and the only women I see in that line are the Sisters of Silence models
@@DiftingKnight-cj6fs Admittedly, the lore man should not have been making statements about minis. Also, you could probably just get the head of any GW female character and put it on a Custodes.
@@calebh373 Him blocking after such an innocent question that could have been from a legitimate customer wishing to buy these (nonexistent)miniatures speaks volumes. So no it not as baka as you make it.
I honestly couldn’t care less what Gav Thorpe thinks, a contradictory codex that goes completely against the established lore and a GW hire on X doesn’t get to dictate what is canon. “female” custodes completely go against the fundamental lore. If females was apart of the custodes they wouldn’t have been referred to as a brotherhood, the emperor wouldn’t have just referred to them as men and the lore would of stated that custodes begin their live has infant sons and daughters, however it doesn’t. Plus the eyes of the emperor state that if a custodes drops by a fraction of a percentage in combat effectiveness they will no longer be fit to defend the emperor, which would instantly rule “female” custodes out as they would automatically exceed this percentage. Dropping female custodian in a codex with no explanation as to why they now exists, with the added “there has always been female custodes” shouldn’t automatically make them canon as it isn’t fundamental lore. Fundamental lore is the original established lore that makes the setting what it is. This is what should dictate the canon. We shouldn’t acknowledge that “female” custodes have been retconned as it acknowledges they’re a thing, which plays into what they want.
Lost a hell of a lot of respect for Gav Thorpe for this and I've read his books and by no means would I consider them bad or not entertaining. However not even backing up his claims that there are Official Female Custode minis (which is an outright lie) speaks to his character.
I understand right wing grift exists, but the situation around every entertainment franchise right now is so uncertain that we can't afford to assume anything optimistic. This video is the first time I've heard that Gavin Thorpe is only a contractor and not a full time employee of GW, in which case the situation does look more optimistic, but I'm not holding my breath.
It's a good point to be made that until we get something else as information,this book is the last say for now on the Custodes. So thus for the time being, they are male. Cudos Marshall.❤
Considering how the one featured in episode 2 of the Tithes series looks you could argue if you wanted to dislocate your shoulder while making this reach that Custodian Guard models are female provided you keep the helmets on
It's very obvious that GW tested the waters with the female custodians once, then immediately backtracked when there was a big backlash. Henceforth, we are unlikely to see any more of this.
Yeah, the whole "shop stopped selling warhammer because of politics" news was real far streched and exposed the grift clearly. Everyone who knows shop owners (GWs or regular hobby stores) knows how difficult it is to work with GW and what "working culture" they have. A hobbystore stopping selling GW stuff because of that isn´t really suprising and has nothing to do with the actual culture war, this problem is way older than that.
Here's why the latest book is canon and that there are no fem stodes. One, it came out after mark cyst push, showing correct established lore, Custodes are only men. Two, why was book not edited before print, no business prints books years in advance and sits on them. It could have easily been edited in the months prior to print, but it wasn't.
I am more cautiously optimistic. Sadly I am a creature of the late 2000 2010's comic fan. I watched the American comic industry just die because of terrible people in the industry for over a decade and still dying. I have hope now that we have seen the destruction this shit has done, but sadly I know some people will refuse to stop this because without it they are nothing. But, those people are starting to admit there is a problem, just won't admit they are part of it. All we can do is praise when they do good and shit on them hard when they do bad.
Legit had to double check Gavs bibliography... Not a single book i liked. Says a lot when I'm so used to writers and actors i like selling out to this crap. But genuinely i have a quite few books i outright HATE on his list of accomplishments. I mean the guy ruined the Old World, and he expects us to take him seriously when he can't even remember basic facts and the very existence of major characters in the Old World?
I liked the Wolftime as a one off story about the Space Wolves getting Primaris marines but god does it suck as apart of the Dawn of Fire Series and frankly you're given a false bill of goods in the novels description
@@skycommander2153 the dude worked on the first two of the End Times books. Which directly shit on characters for existing when Gav and his friends didn't like them, forget major character details and motivations, and the existence of entire characters who by themselves would have prevented certain events from happening or at least should have seen the climax of their arc happen since it was right there where they were happening. What did I misrepresent? Unless Gav gets his name tacked onto the work of shadow writers which is just as bad if not worse.
@@codyraugh6599 I didn't say you misrepresented anything reread what I wrote carefully cause I'm talking about the description that was given of the novel "Wolftime" which was pure bullshit for what actually happened in the novel. As for the old world AOS or whatever that warhammer series is called nowadays I frankly don't care what happened in it I have zero interest in it as a setting. Horus Heresy (Lore only) 40k and MESBG (I play the games and read the lore)
@skycommander2153 1)sorry I entirely misread your comment, purely my mistake. Will you please forgive me? 2) so Warhammer Fantasy, they blew up on corporate decision (based off the fact the things they weren't advertising and only making once in a blue moon releases for weren't selling as good as the things they were advertising...big shocker) they released Age of Gaymar (early release the entire universe was created via gay dragon sex, quickly retconned of course) but at the same time Creative Assembly released total war: Warhammer and it blew the AoS sales out of the water and got such a demand for for content like from that game that even the biggest GW shills couldn't keep pretending that destroying what everyone called "the old world" wasn't a bad idea. So GW is trying to cash grab by bringing back the Old World. But GW's writers that they selected felt the need to basically insult everyone on the way out with their End Times series which was so bad it made the War of the Beast (with Primarch Vulkan if you're looking for more of him) series look like the peak of Horus Heresy. And that's such a departure from the "Old World" norm which even the "subpar" books that only a weirdo like me enjoys were at least considered on Par with the Horus Heresy novels. And whose the main name on the End Times books and the character books focused on being shit to the elves? Good ol Gav.
@@codyraugh6599 Apology accepted. I unfortunately have never read War of the Beast (I know the gist however)because god forbid that the Black Library keeps anything important to the setting in print. I can absolutely respect your stance that your area of the fandom got fucked over HARD by GW and yeah even in 40k Circles Gav has a rep for just hating to write about the Xenos just ask any Eldar fan which thankfully I'm not apart of or I'd probably be ready to find a rope and a sturdy beam for myself for example they could have killed Slaanesh but oh the last thing they needed to do it was in Slaanesh's home if memory serves so the entire book series was for fucking nothing but to dangle a goddamn carrot for laughs
I do have to wonder now... channels like Nerdrotic, Geeks n Gamers, Doomcock and such, all channels that have built their fame on the culture war, and I watch and enjoy immensely...I do have to wonder now that culture is healing, how will they adapt and stay relevant now. Cause like you said, a lot of channels, people and outlets thrive on tearing down the woke bullshit. Are we gonna have to be the ones who go, "thank you for your service grandad but there's no wokes in the trees. The rocks aren't speaking CRT. You can let go. We won."
"We won" Last time the media says we "won" they still took over the rest of media. Wokescolds only really die when their phantom fooshists die. Which is never considering their delusion of how socialism must be perfection/peak of humanity.
It's like when the neo conservatives lost during Bush and now we got whatever the hell we've been living in since 2008....im glad we are healing but man some of these folks are grating now
Wow, my comment on socialists never dying because of phantom moustache men plaguing their minds 24/7 has been deleted. But I don't think they'll ever be a time considering as long as everyone thinks socialism=good, woke will never die.
Unless you can expect socialists to start leaving their ideology, woke will live on. Even in the shadows. Have you people already forgotten about 2016? Trump won yet we get Veilguard, Ls of Us part 2 and now CD Projekt Red has thrown their hat in the ring with witcher 4.
"Culture is healing" Drumpf won in 2016. Didn't fix anything, and we got Ls of us part 2. This Culture war will always exist considering who the real grifters are and where they are. And bad news for you, they all worship lenin.
Your pretty much on the money when it comes to the American right. I’ve noticed they have an issue with either taking an issue and painting it in the worst possible context, or are very pessimistic. Not all of course, I’ve noticed a lot of frens do this, and it does their arguments or causes no favors.
Legit the only person on YT iv seen cover this topic that actually not only did research but actually confronted mr lier lier pants on fire Gav Thorpe and called him out on his BS. Iv seen so many other videos calling for boycotts of GW and like you said doing this right wing rage bait because of Gavs post but fail to see that both him and the book have nothing to do with GW because he doesn’t work for them and the book was published by DK. Iv legit commented on every video iv seen that are either misleading or taking everything Gav said as gospel and trying to start a firestorm and I’m pointing all this out to them. Now idk if these guys are actually trying to stir the pot just for clicks or just failed to actually do the research or know how to read but at least I’m not the only one saying to myself “why is everyone freaking out like GW actually came out with models and doubled down on their lie, nothing has come out yet, am I missing something?” Shit was driving me crazy and it’s clear to me Gav is trying to save face because he doesn’t want the Wokehammer community (there’s like what 9 members? lmfao) coming for him if he “misspeaks” so he made some shit up for “internet points” I would just make a bunch of burner accounts on blue sky and Just keep on asking him where are the models until he tells the truth lmfao
As much as I appreciate the optimism I don’t see any reason why GW would acknowledge that femstodes aren’t a thing. They’ve already doubled down on it and Space Marine 2 was a sweeping success for them. GW is still in a very financially stable situation. The worst that happened was that a Codex didn’t sell very well. Which they can easy just cope by saying it was just a badly written Codex. But, maybe, someone deep in GW there are people who do still care about the franchise, about their setting. Overall, I am very uncertain about this and I’m kinda inclined to believe him. Maybe GW actually does have some hideous monstrosity hidden away somewhere. Or, maybe, he’s just a rogue element and GW has somehow learned its lesson.
Bro gav has been on BL shit list since 2018. I would not ve surprised if this is what officially gets him sh!t canned. Since 2018 hes written like 2 things for BL and had the 3rd book canceled in his eldar trilogy ...he admitted it got canceled due to poor sales and the biggest sign is that he wasnt allowed to write a single novel for the siege of terra series. Big sign if you ask me.
I am glad that you are talking about a certain group of people are engaging this sort of rage baiting. Though I shouldn't be surprised given how it's mostly coming from the usual people who promote this cycle of "Z is done" or "the woke has taken over Z". I am quite tired of this sort of behavior especially from the ones are so dedicated against the woke crowd, it is something that I don't get. Why pedal so much doom and gloom, when things are looking up? The woke is loosing it's ground which has been evident especially in the recent US elections. But I suppose these people want misery because it's a formula that racks in numbers and influence or where never truly sincere in their claims of being against the woke crowd.
I read "rumours" that GW is gonna release female Adeptus Custodes Miniatures next Summer At this point, GW should go forward and just tell if female Custodes are still Canon or not? And about no female Custodes in the Ultimate Guide, well yeah, it could just mean, noone told them about the lore change in the first place For whatever reason...
This was a good analysis. I am personally wary of Games Workshop or any company that is allegedly ending its DEI initiatives or apparent wokeness due to that being part of the operation of BRIDGE, which is DEI on steroids. Kirsche did an excellent series explaining how that all works and basically means we should keep on our guard. However, I will take this as a nice little win for what it is certainly worth. I think there's reasonable evidence that GW is internally split between those who want woke and those who don't. Aside from a couple departments, I couldn't tell you exactly, however.
Inclusivity is like taking a delicious meals putting them all in a blender and serving it up as mush. it robs them of all that is unique and flavorful and takes away from the enjoyment one can have and also from what they'd refer and pushing what they don't want. You think someone who is vegan wants the inclusion of steak into their meal? how about someone who beliefs state they can't eat certain things like pork? having it included, or someone who's on a special diet due to certain conditions and does want carbs, having it include to. This is no different when it comes enjoying other things, such as fantasy and fiction. When you make everything inclusive, you make it bland mush, you end up appealing to no one. Which is why such things flop.
Here's my take based on hints in the lore and the lore itself of why fem toadies cannot and should not ever be canon. Starting with the Thunder Warriors, which were all men, which if I remember correctly came before the Primarchs, the Custodes and obviously the Space Marines. The Thunder Warriors being the bases for the creation of the others, with the Thunder Warriors all being men and only men. Why? because the process to create them required the male genome. The Custodes are for all intentions and purposes are just massively improved Thunder Warriors having came after, and so to require the male genome to create. This further proven by the space marines being the final more mass produced(by comparison)product of the Emperor's gene experiments(of the Thunder Warriors)all requiring the male genome to create them.
You are arguing about what is canon and not with people who don't even have full grasp on reality. Unfortunately this is why discussion is breaking down, their side is just fanatics.
Whelp that's it then. I hear good things about Trench Crusade, guess I'll invest in that burgeoning fandom that until either this is done with or GW is done for.
Now for my non lore based take that is till relevant. Adding Fem toadies to the franchise and setting adds nothing to it only subtracts from it. Why? because it takes away what is a unique part of the setting, that being the Custodes are only men and one of the only factions baring Space Marines to be so. There are already two factions that are female only, make everything female only lessen those factions significance. To give a comparison, it would be like taking the Salamanders and changing some of them from the color black to the color white. Along with changing their eyes from red to blue. Sure you could make up some lore reason for it, but it would rob the uniqueness of what it is to be a Salamander. You're not adding to the setting you're take away from it.
I agree that garv his trash post is not Canon, he is not officially a GW employee, and we have to wait for an official tweet or statement from GW. As long as it comes from an official source, like an official social media page it is canon so sad it is. That is how this workes these days. It just has to be from some one official and a true statement. But the book is official, it is an license and it dir go to print 1 month after the tithe, and they had 6 month before to change it as well, no one can tell me that 6 month is not enough to change it? Normally when you write a book you have one or two people still looking over it and look for mistakes, and after the female Custodes debacle dit blow of as mutch as it dit they dit not notice? Sorry this sounds like massive BS
we had a sisters of silence. i don't get why having female custodes or space marines is such a big deal. want female SM we got the sisters of battle, want female Custodes we got the sisters of silence.
Because you need more diversity until there's nothing left of what once was, so toxic fascist fandoms like 40k will finally disappear which is the goal are working towards. It worked with comics it can and will again.
Is it that Gav is commenting on miniatures which he thought had been released already? Meaning that femstode miniatures are on the way. Commenting before finishing the vid.
I understand what you are saying but 40k minis are all made on a computer now there are no "unreleased minis". there are no unreleased minis now, also if you want to go with established lore why are custodes taller than space marines? prior to a few years ago custodes retired into normal human lives off of tera. Be really funny to explain how no one noticed that their new neighbor is 12 feet tall by the name of Jim but can kick anyone's butt?
What's a normal human life in Terra? There's no water in the seas and for all you know dude may have been an ex technobarbarian with a few enhancements.
@@corvus_armatura7595 Terra is not a techno barbarian world it is a bureaucrat-pilgrimage site in 40k, aside from you not reading the original post (off Terra) terra is a planet of pilgrims and bean counters. it would be an even more hilarious idea of the 12 foot man who now works at the planetary DMV. nothing to see there.
@@frankmaybury5292 Probably still enhancements/mutations. Perhaps they just now occupy a 32mm base as a servitor considering that their reflexes have already slowed down at that point. Besides, if we look at the models, Primaris are as tall as custodes and they occupy the same base as a servitor. Those are pretty ubiquitous, especially with rich people. It's not like Custodes really were livin large in service but more or less just giving up their gear for another Custodes recruit in this case.
@@frankmaybury5292 It's also not that farfetched to disguise as one considering a man of iron can even pass itself off as legio cybernetica. One Custard role playing as flesh optimus prime underneath an inquisitor is as believable.
The right wing grift of game stores dropping GW products has me laughing because my LHSs have a grip of GW products. Hell my local Warhammer store has seen a major increase in people coming in. I refuse to give in to miserable people who want to spread misery whether the right or the left.
You pretend to be impartial by implying you’re not giving into miserable people on both sides however based on only choosing to point out right wing grifting I’d say you’re probably not that impartial. Are you going to talk about the left wing grifters that have spent years bashing the setting and fan base while demanding it change? Keep in mind its thanks to the left wing grifter and tourists that spark the drama that sometimes attracts right wing grifters. Why does stores see a major increase? Because it’s no different from space marines 2 when you give the fans what they want and you stick to what they are a fan of which is 40k they’ll happily buy the product. Don’t pretend however that subverting a setting doesn’t have consequences, GW are okay at the moment because they haven’t gone full Disney Star Wars.
@@JohnDJ08 considering it's the right wing grift sites pushing those stories, there's no reason to call out the other side out of misplaced "fairness."
It’s unbelievable to me people are still talking about this stupid 💩. I was pissed when GW gaslit us about them always being a thing. Then I moved on. If a female Custodes ruins the setting for you I don’t know what to tell you. 40K has a LOOOOOOOONG way to go to turn in Star Wars. This rage bait BS is tiresome. Btw, as if it matters, I voted for Trump 3 times and have never voted for a national democrat in my life.
Right? Honestly I have no real stake in this, I just think the justification for why female custodes are gone is very weak, and I can't wait to see the dialogue when they come out with models, ect. This DK book is held up like a holy book, completely infallible, even when one of the people who wrote it contradicts it. 💀
Yall still talking about female custodes Dawg shut up about female custodes really no one should care it aint like gw pulled a primaris they just retconned lore and like every piece of Warhammer lore can or can not be retconned But i really shouldnt argue with a black templars fan i know yall are slow
The response Gav Thrope gives literally sounds like an uninformed intern wrote it
Is that the new cope?
Is that the cope y’all are going with?
@@Dragonage2ftw Was two replies asking the same question remotely necessary beyond being antagonistic? However to your point does that message sound anything like what a supposedly professional writer would come up with? Also who would be foolish enough to not check their own facts when it's literally as easy as going to the Warhammer website and checking the Custodes line. I did and the only women I see in that line are the Sisters of Silence models
@skycommander2153 the modern audience requires constant attention so they tend to repeat themselves when they don't get a response the first time.
@@LordNithilus God Emperor forbid I'm not Terminally Online or notifications actually work
Female custodes have never and will never be canon.
The Tithes Custodes was clearly a reskinned dude. Let's get that straight.
That's the whole point Of the woke and their "strong female character" BS.
>design a male custodes
>give them a wig and lipstick
>call it a woman
Yes. Because Custodes are freakish, genetically engineered super soldiers. They're all going to look like bricks.
I didn't looked but, how but this "episode" do ? Was it well received or badly, popular or not etc ? Thx.
@@Areldilmocked widely.
"I asked him this simple question, where are the mini's?"
AHAHAHAA XD God that's too funny
Genius. Ask the Black Library writers mini questions. That's so stupid.
@@calebh373 He did say minis are coming, I guess we don't have to trust that either.
@@calebh373 The black library writer had no authority to speak about minis then
@@DiftingKnight-cj6fs Admittedly, the lore man should not have been making statements about minis. Also, you could probably just get the head of any GW female character and put it on a Custodes.
@@calebh373 Him blocking after such an innocent question that could have been from a legitimate customer wishing to buy these (nonexistent)miniatures speaks volumes. So no it not as baka as you make it.
I honestly couldn’t care less what Gav Thorpe thinks, a contradictory codex that goes completely against the established lore and a GW hire on X doesn’t get to dictate what is canon. “female” custodes completely go against the fundamental lore. If females was apart of the custodes they wouldn’t have been referred to as a brotherhood, the emperor wouldn’t have just referred to them as men and the lore would of stated that custodes begin their live has infant sons and daughters, however it doesn’t. Plus the eyes of the emperor state that if a custodes drops by a fraction of a percentage in combat effectiveness they will no longer be fit to defend the emperor, which would instantly rule “female” custodes out as they would automatically exceed this percentage.
Dropping female custodian in a codex with no explanation as to why they now exists, with the added “there has always been female custodes” shouldn’t automatically make them canon as it isn’t fundamental lore. Fundamental lore is the original established lore that makes the setting what it is. This is what should dictate the canon. We shouldn’t acknowledge that “female” custodes have been retconned as it acknowledges they’re a thing, which plays into what they want.
Lost a hell of a lot of respect for Gav Thorpe for this and I've read his books and by no means would I consider them bad or not entertaining. However not even backing up his claims that there are Official Female Custode minis (which is an outright lie) speaks to his character.
…Or he thought they were out already.
I understand right wing grift exists, but the situation around every entertainment franchise right now is so uncertain that we can't afford to assume anything optimistic.
This video is the first time I've heard that Gavin Thorpe is only a contractor and not a full time employee of GW, in which case the situation does look more optimistic, but I'm not holding my breath.
Even wikipedia does cite that Gav has stopped working in GW after 2008.
It's a good point to be made that until we get something else as information,this book is the last say for now on the Custodes. So thus for the time being, they are male. Cudos Marshall.❤
There have always been female custodes minis the same way there have always been female custodes in the lore, apparently.
Considering how the one featured in episode 2 of the Tithes series looks you could argue if you wanted to dislocate your shoulder while making this reach that Custodian Guard models are female provided you keep the helmets on
It's very obvious that GW tested the waters with the female custodians once, then immediately backtracked when there was a big backlash.
Henceforth, we are unlikely to see any more of this.
As Marshal suggested, it will probably end up getting memory holed in the future
@DiftingKnight-cj6fs unless there is a big shift in who buys 40k products that is unlikely
Yeah, the whole "shop stopped selling warhammer because of politics" news was real far streched and exposed the grift clearly. Everyone who knows shop owners (GWs or regular hobby stores) knows how difficult it is to work with GW and what "working culture" they have.
A hobbystore stopping selling GW stuff because of that isn´t really suprising and has nothing to do with the actual culture war, this problem is way older than that.
The hobby store story was verifiably false. I know one of the owners of a shop mentioned in the article.
? Can you name which store?
@@codyraugh6599 paradise games
@@codyraugh6599 paradise games
Here's why the latest book is canon and that there are no fem stodes. One, it came out after mark cyst push, showing correct established lore, Custodes are only men. Two, why was book not edited before print, no business prints books years in advance and sits on them. It could have easily been edited in the months prior to print, but it wasn't.
I am more cautiously optimistic. Sadly I am a creature of the late 2000 2010's comic fan. I watched the American comic industry just die because of terrible people in the industry for over a decade and still dying. I have hope now that we have seen the destruction this shit has done, but sadly I know some people will refuse to stop this because without it they are nothing. But, those people are starting to admit there is a problem, just won't admit they are part of it. All we can do is praise when they do good and shit on them hard when they do bad.
Legit had to double check Gavs bibliography... Not a single book i liked. Says a lot when I'm so used to writers and actors i like selling out to this crap. But genuinely i have a quite few books i outright HATE on his list of accomplishments. I mean the guy ruined the Old World, and he expects us to take him seriously when he can't even remember basic facts and the very existence of major characters in the Old World?
I liked the Wolftime as a one off story about the Space Wolves getting Primaris marines but god does it suck as apart of the Dawn of Fire Series and frankly you're given a false bill of goods in the novels description
@@skycommander2153 the dude worked on the first two of the End Times books. Which directly shit on characters for existing when Gav and his friends didn't like them, forget major character details and motivations, and the existence of entire characters who by themselves would have prevented certain events from happening or at least should have seen the climax of their arc happen since it was right there where they were happening. What did I misrepresent? Unless Gav gets his name tacked onto the work of shadow writers which is just as bad if not worse.
@@codyraugh6599 I didn't say you misrepresented anything reread what I wrote carefully cause I'm talking about the description that was given of the novel "Wolftime" which was pure bullshit for what actually happened in the novel. As for the old world AOS or whatever that warhammer series is called nowadays I frankly don't care what happened in it I have zero interest in it as a setting. Horus Heresy (Lore only) 40k and MESBG (I play the games and read the lore)
@skycommander2153 1)sorry I entirely misread your comment, purely my mistake. Will you please forgive me?
2) so Warhammer Fantasy, they blew up on corporate decision (based off the fact the things they weren't advertising and only making once in a blue moon releases for weren't selling as good as the things they were advertising...big shocker) they released Age of Gaymar (early release the entire universe was created via gay dragon sex, quickly retconned of course) but at the same time Creative Assembly released total war: Warhammer and it blew the AoS sales out of the water and got such a demand for for content like from that game that even the biggest GW shills couldn't keep pretending that destroying what everyone called "the old world" wasn't a bad idea. So GW is trying to cash grab by bringing back the Old World. But GW's writers that they selected felt the need to basically insult everyone on the way out with their End Times series which was so bad it made the War of the Beast (with Primarch Vulkan if you're looking for more of him) series look like the peak of Horus Heresy. And that's such a departure from the "Old World" norm which even the "subpar" books that only a weirdo like me enjoys were at least considered on Par with the Horus Heresy novels. And whose the main name on the End Times books and the character books focused on being shit to the elves? Good ol Gav.
@@codyraugh6599 Apology accepted. I unfortunately have never read War of the Beast (I know the gist however)because god forbid that the Black Library keeps anything important to the setting in print. I can absolutely respect your stance that your area of the fandom got fucked over HARD by GW and yeah even in 40k Circles Gav has a rep for just hating to write about the Xenos just ask any Eldar fan which thankfully I'm not apart of or I'd probably be ready to find a rope and a sturdy beam for myself for example they could have killed Slaanesh but oh the last thing they needed to do it was in Slaanesh's home if memory serves so the entire book series was for fucking nothing but to dangle a goddamn carrot for laughs
I do have to wonder now... channels like Nerdrotic, Geeks n Gamers, Doomcock and such, all channels that have built their fame on the culture war, and I watch and enjoy immensely...I do have to wonder now that culture is healing, how will they adapt and stay relevant now. Cause like you said, a lot of channels, people and outlets thrive on tearing down the woke bullshit. Are we gonna have to be the ones who go, "thank you for your service grandad but there's no wokes in the trees. The rocks aren't speaking CRT. You can let go. We won."
"We won" Last time the media says we "won" they still took over the rest of media. Wokescolds only really die when their phantom fooshists die. Which is never considering their delusion of how socialism must be perfection/peak of humanity.
It's like when the neo conservatives lost during Bush and now we got whatever the hell we've been living in since 2008....im glad we are healing but man some of these folks are grating now
Wow, my comment on socialists never dying because of phantom moustache men plaguing their minds 24/7 has been deleted. But I don't think they'll ever be a time considering as long as everyone thinks socialism=good, woke will never die.
Unless you can expect socialists to start leaving their ideology, woke will live on. Even in the shadows. Have you people already forgotten about 2016? Trump won yet we get Veilguard, Ls of Us part 2 and now CD Projekt Red has thrown their hat in the ring with witcher 4.
"Culture is healing" Drumpf won in 2016. Didn't fix anything, and we got Ls of us part 2. This Culture war will always exist considering who the real grifters are and where they are. And bad news for you, they all worship lenin.
Your pretty much on the money when it comes to the American right.
I’ve noticed they have an issue with either taking an issue and painting it in the worst possible context, or are very pessimistic.
Not all of course, I’ve noticed a lot of frens do this, and it does their arguments or causes no favors.
GW should separate the male Custodes and female custodes to be sold.. then compare which miniature solds more.
We all know which and what will happen.
Legit the only person on YT iv seen cover this topic that actually not only did research but actually confronted mr lier lier pants on fire Gav Thorpe and called him out on his BS. Iv seen so many other videos calling for boycotts of GW and like you said doing this right wing rage bait because of Gavs post but fail to see that both him and the book have nothing to do with GW because he doesn’t work for them and the book was published by DK. Iv legit commented on every video iv seen that are either misleading or taking everything Gav said as gospel and trying to start a firestorm and I’m pointing all this out to them. Now idk if these guys are actually trying to stir the pot just for clicks or just failed to actually do the research or know how to read but at least I’m not the only one saying to myself “why is everyone freaking out like GW actually came out with models and doubled down on their lie, nothing has come out yet, am I missing something?” Shit was driving me crazy and it’s clear to me Gav is trying to save face because he doesn’t want the Wokehammer community (there’s like what 9 members? lmfao) coming for him if he “misspeaks” so he made some shit up for “internet points” I would just make a bunch of burner accounts on blue sky and Just keep on asking him where are the models until he tells the truth lmfao
These people are annoying. They can't even give genuine conversation.
dude probably saw a Ma'am marine from age of sigmid and got confused.
As much as I appreciate the optimism I don’t see any reason why GW would acknowledge that femstodes aren’t a thing. They’ve already doubled down on it and Space Marine 2 was a sweeping success for them.
GW is still in a very financially stable situation. The worst that happened was that a Codex didn’t sell very well. Which they can easy just cope by saying it was just a badly written Codex.
But, maybe, someone deep in GW there are people who do still care about the franchise, about their setting.
Overall, I am very uncertain about this and I’m kinda inclined to believe him. Maybe GW actually does have some hideous monstrosity hidden away somewhere. Or, maybe, he’s just a rogue element and GW has somehow learned its lesson.
The block says it all
kinda sounds like everybody should return their "ultimate" guide, as it's no longer accurate
Bro gav has been on BL shit list since 2018. I would not ve surprised if this is what officially gets him sh!t canned. Since 2018 hes written like 2 things for BL and had the 3rd book canceled in his eldar trilogy ...he admitted it got canceled due to poor sales and the biggest sign is that he wasnt allowed to write a single novel for the siege of terra series. Big sign if you ask me.
I am glad that you are talking about a certain group of people are engaging this sort of rage baiting. Though I shouldn't be surprised given how it's mostly coming from the usual people who promote this cycle of "Z is done" or "the woke has taken over Z". I am quite tired of this sort of behavior especially from the ones are so dedicated against the woke crowd, it is something that I don't get. Why pedal so much doom and gloom, when things are looking up? The woke is loosing it's ground which has been evident especially in the recent US elections. But I suppose these people want misery because it's a formula that racks in numbers and influence or where never truly sincere in their claims of being against the woke crowd.
I am scared to hope.
How do we know if its actually Gav?
Because it looks like an idiot wrote it
I read "rumours" that GW is gonna release female Adeptus Custodes Miniatures next Summer
At this point, GW should go forward and just tell if female Custodes are still Canon or not?
And about no female Custodes in the Ultimate Guide, well yeah, it could just mean, noone told them about the lore change in the first place
For whatever reason...
This was a good analysis. I am personally wary of Games Workshop or any company that is allegedly ending its DEI initiatives or apparent wokeness due to that being part of the operation of BRIDGE, which is DEI on steroids. Kirsche did an excellent series explaining how that all works and basically means we should keep on our guard.
However, I will take this as a nice little win for what it is certainly worth. I think there's reasonable evidence that GW is internally split between those who want woke and those who don't. Aside from a couple departments, I couldn't tell you exactly, however.
Inclusivity is like taking a delicious meals putting them all in a blender and serving it up as mush. it robs them of all that is unique and flavorful and takes away from the enjoyment one can have and also from what they'd refer and pushing what they don't want. You think someone who is vegan wants the inclusion of steak into their meal? how about someone who beliefs state they can't eat certain things like pork? having it included, or someone who's on a special diet due to certain conditions and does want carbs, having it include to.
This is no different when it comes enjoying other things, such as fantasy and fiction. When you make everything inclusive, you make it bland mush, you end up appealing to no one. Which is why such things flop.
just from blocking you shows that this person is full of shit and dose not want to admit that all this woke trash is ending.
So, either this guy a hack or Femstodes were not always canon as people wanted to state. Im going with both honestly.
Here's my take based on hints in the lore and the lore itself of why fem toadies cannot and should not ever be canon. Starting with the Thunder Warriors, which were all men, which if I remember correctly came before the Primarchs, the Custodes and obviously the Space Marines. The Thunder Warriors being the bases for the creation of the others, with the Thunder Warriors all being men and only men. Why? because the process to create them required the male genome. The Custodes are for all intentions and purposes are just massively improved Thunder Warriors having came after, and so to require the male genome to create. This further proven by the space marines being the final more mass produced(by comparison)product of the Emperor's gene experiments(of the Thunder Warriors)all requiring the male genome to create them.
You are arguing about what is canon and not with people who don't even have full grasp on reality. Unfortunately this is why discussion is breaking down, their side is just fanatics.
Go woke go broke
Oh...I did misunderstand who this guy was. Yea, that still makes sense. I do think Amazon will mess it up though.
Damn I was hoping for Smug Marshal model
Ngl, it's yours, and Thors work on X that keeps me laughing the most 😂
Whelp that's it then. I hear good things about Trench Crusade, guess I'll invest in that burgeoning fandom that until either this is done with or GW is done for.
TC's devs are wokescolds. Don't bother.
But that one guy said Custodian Wardens were female!
Now for my non lore based take that is till relevant. Adding Fem toadies to the franchise and setting adds nothing to it only subtracts from it. Why? because it takes away what is a unique part of the setting, that being the Custodes are only men and one of the only factions baring Space Marines to be so. There are already two factions that are female only, make everything female only lessen those factions significance. To give a comparison, it would be like taking the Salamanders and changing some of them from the color black to the color white. Along with changing their eyes from red to blue. Sure you could make up some lore reason for it, but it would rob the uniqueness of what it is to be a Salamander. You're not adding to the setting you're take away from it.
I agree that garv his trash post is not Canon, he is not officially a GW employee, and we have to wait for an official tweet or statement from GW. As long as it comes from an official source, like an official social media page it is canon so sad it is. That is how this workes these days. It just has to be from some one official and a true statement. But the book is official, it is an license and it dir go to print 1 month after the tithe, and they had 6 month before to change it as well, no one can tell me that 6 month is not enough to change it? Normally when you write a book you have one or two people still looking over it and look for mistakes, and after the female Custodes debacle dit blow of as mutch as it dit they dit not notice? Sorry this sounds like massive BS
we had a sisters of silence. i don't get why having female custodes or space marines is such a big deal. want female SM we got the sisters of battle, want female Custodes we got the sisters of silence.
Because we have the Sisters of Silence and Battle, that's why it's a big deal.
Because you need more diversity until there's nothing left of what once was, so toxic fascist fandoms like 40k will finally disappear which is the goal are working towards. It worked with comics it can and will again.
I like the idea of female custodies, but they introduction was in the worst possible way, its sad that now the best way is to totally abort the idea.
Is it that Gav is commenting on miniatures which he thought had been released already? Meaning that femstode miniatures are on the way.
Commenting before finishing the vid.
I understand what you are saying but 40k minis are all made on a computer now there are no "unreleased minis". there are no unreleased minis now, also if you want to go with established lore why are custodes taller than space marines? prior to a few years ago custodes retired into normal human lives off of tera. Be really funny to explain how no one noticed that their new neighbor is 12 feet tall by the name of Jim but can kick anyone's butt?
What's a normal human life in Terra? There's no water in the seas and for all you know dude may have been an ex technobarbarian with a few enhancements.
@@corvus_armatura7595 Terra is not a techno barbarian world it is a bureaucrat-pilgrimage site in 40k, aside from you not reading the original post (off Terra) terra is a planet of pilgrims and bean counters. it would be an even more hilarious idea of the 12 foot man who now works at the planetary DMV. nothing to see there.
@@frankmaybury5292 Probably still enhancements/mutations. Perhaps they just now occupy a 32mm base as a servitor considering that their reflexes have already slowed down at that point. Besides, if we look at the models, Primaris are as tall as custodes and they occupy the same base as a servitor. Those are pretty ubiquitous, especially with rich people. It's not like Custodes really were livin large in service but more or less just giving up their gear for another Custodes recruit in this case.
@@frankmaybury5292 It's also not that farfetched to disguise as one considering a man of iron can even pass itself off as legio cybernetica. One Custard role playing as flesh optimus prime underneath an inquisitor is as believable.
You need to respond to @Nellop
He calls you out and talks shit.
The right wing grift of game stores dropping GW products has me laughing because my LHSs have a grip of GW products. Hell my local Warhammer store has seen a major increase in people coming in. I refuse to give in to miserable people who want to spread misery whether the right or the left.
You pretend to be impartial by implying you’re not giving into miserable people on both sides however based on only choosing to point out right wing grifting I’d say you’re probably not that impartial. Are you going to talk about the left wing grifters that have spent years bashing the setting and fan base while demanding it change? Keep in mind its thanks to the left wing grifter and tourists that spark the drama that sometimes attracts right wing grifters. Why does stores see a major increase? Because it’s no different from space marines 2 when you give the fans what they want and you stick to what they are a fan of which is 40k they’ll happily buy the product. Don’t pretend however that subverting a setting doesn’t have consequences, GW are okay at the moment because they haven’t gone full Disney Star Wars.
@@JohnDJ08 considering it's the right wing grift sites pushing those stories, there's no reason to call out the other side out of misplaced "fairness."
It’s unbelievable to me people are still talking about this stupid 💩. I was pissed when GW gaslit us about them always being a thing. Then I moved on. If a female Custodes ruins the setting for you I don’t know what to tell you. 40K has a LOOOOOOOONG way to go to turn in Star Wars. This rage bait BS is tiresome. Btw, as if it matters, I voted for Trump 3 times and have never voted for a national democrat in my life.
If you have to clarify that "I'm actually on your side, guys!" then you're not.
Right? Honestly I have no real stake in this, I just think the justification for why female custodes are gone is very weak, and I can't wait to see the dialogue when they come out with models, ect.
This DK book is held up like a holy book, completely infallible, even when one of the people who wrote it contradicts it. 💀
The only female custodian miniature that was released was the one from the Tiths episode
But otherwise that’s just it
Incorrect. Tyrith from the Tithes does not have a miniature.
Your statement is a lie. There is no Femstodes mini.
Yall still talking about female custodes
Dawg shut up about female custodes really no one should care it aint like gw pulled a primaris they just retconned lore and like every piece of Warhammer lore can or can not be retconned
But i really shouldnt argue with a black templars fan i know yall are slow
Kick rocks, tourist.
If you don't care then why are you commenting and watching?
@BohemondCrusadeChannel cause im tired boss
Im tired of seeing you and im hoping leaving a mean comment will get you out of my recommended
actually no lore ever stated that the Custodes were only female.
@@BohemondCrusadeChannel im hoping leaving a negative comment will get you out of my recommended thats why