This video is based on research published several decades ago, by a reputed Vedic research group of Nagpur. Their research needs no authentication now. However, if any of our viewers brings this to the notice of any institution of higher learning like the IITs or IISc, we shall be most obliged.
Excellent 'archeology' of the ancient Indian knowledge. Acoording to the ego centered westerners, all knowledge (especially the scientific ) came from them!? 🤔
Excellent video. Such videos are needed to show that our ancient scriptures had covered all scientific discoveries thousands of years ago.
Very good
It will be a good idea to get it authenticated by Shankaracharyas
This video is based on research published several decades ago, by a reputed Vedic research group of Nagpur. Their research needs no authentication now. However, if any of our viewers brings this to the notice of any institution of higher learning like the IITs or IISc, we shall be most obliged.
Excellent 'archeology' of the ancient Indian knowledge. Acoording to the ego centered westerners, all knowledge (especially the scientific ) came from them!? 🤔