+yin ng Watch more of the Conflict Zone. This is the most common answer to Tim's questions. All his interview questions contains some sort of controversy.
+yin ng He is seldom or even never been asked such kind of questions. In Ukraine all press is pro-president and asks something like "Why is Putin so bad and killing ukrainian people?"
+Mykhailo Penziur It's a fact that both countries use propaganda to fight. But It's very reasonable to think that Ukraine's side is right. We're talking about total and absolute Invasion.
As one wise man from Israel described such as: Assad in Syria bombed armed opposition (his own people, which were calling to topple the government and were pretty aggressive) - was declared a fiend and Poroshenko did the same (maybe on a larger scale) - is declared the fighter for "democracy". I have nothing more to say.
I like the way he defends him self: " The other side violated more. Yes, my army kill, rape and steal, but less than the other side." - explain it to the judge.
very informative interview- first time I've really got to hear Poroshenko- good questions - not whats your favorite icecream type. i thought he had very good response for tough problems facing Ukraine but also the rest of europe. Sebastian needs ask merkal some tough questions that are on many peoples mind.
Does Tim always run interviews in this manner? Seems like he doesn't interested to hear the answers and the only reason he asks the questions is to pronounce them with accusation.
+Ivan Daniluk The point is that Tim asks the questions that his viewers (most of them) expect him to ask. The political interviewer is the viewer's representative, not the interviewee's one, you know. If you prefer some kind of a party mouthpiece, honeyed words and a kissass for moderator, just switch over to any Ukrainian TV channel - they are all teeming with softsoap and bootlickers. But remember that flattery will get you nowhere.
+borromini2010 I disagree with you on what Ukrainian TV channels show, but my question still valid - why ask questions and ignore answers? From my perspective, any journalist behaving like this, automatically looses credibility. It'd be a huge win if he could do interviews with the unbiased questions, but trying to listen and understand the subject. Actually this is a typical level of 'debating' of people on the streets - "you have to accept my opinion, because I'm right". You do expect this level to hear on the streets, but it's definitely not a journalism.
+TheDimking USSR declared war to Nazi Germany, but for some reason Soviets shelled own territory during 1941-1945. So you should cease be so stupid, please.
+CatCap409 " USSR declared war to Nazi Germany, but for some reason Soviets shelled own territory during 1941-1945. So you should cease be so stupid, please."-When Ukraine declared war to Russia?NEVER..Soo your comment its just ret*rded..
+Andrey Z Independent from Poroshenko regime does not mean "independent". Ukraine economy is dead for good as aftermath of last coup, therefore oligarch war for control over few remaining profitable assets is extremely violent and bloody. Peter "Willy Wonka" is alive and kicking only until runs out favor of ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt and Victoria Nuland. That's why he do whatever they ask for, that's why regime loyalists are violating ceasefire.
MHz I did not say 112 is an independent and trustworthy channel, its just not under Poroshenko's influence because its probably controlled by a rival oligarch clan. Ukraine is now completely unstable, they had a coup only to get an even more incompetent and weak regime than before.
1+1 showed parts of this interview, and most Ukrainian channels cannot be "TOLD" not to show something by a president. This control method is used in Russia though.
The interviewer has absolutely no respect for Poroshenko and talks to him like to a school boy. I wonder if he interviews all of his guests like that:)
13:29 We do not have any single cases for not implementing Minsk agreements 13:56 12-15 more time when the Russia violate the shelling, do not allow the access of the inspectors WUT
+DirTyDogG187 Because Poroshenko keeps talking shit and avoiding the question. He has not answered most questions, especially regarding why he has not sold his TV channel.
+Oleg Gontar He did not, he just said that his channel "has a reputation" whatever that means. He has not explained why despite being president he still insists on having his own TV channel, it does not happen in any civilized countries due to obvious conflict of interest and potential abuse.
+Oleg Gontar Олежик , ты кому впариваеш?- не х*я он не ответил! Как уж извивался и на прямой вопрос "почему тебе нужен ТВ канал?" он так ничего и не выдавил, кроме того что на 5 канале работают хорошие журналисты и по отношению к ним нет никакой критики. Конечно - со стороны Порошенко к ним не может быть ни какой критики так как они (журналисти 5-ого канала)кормятся с его рук. А когда журналист сказал что ни у одного европейского президента нет ТВ каналов то Порошенко аж глаза выпучил от такой ,по его мнению, наглости интервюера. Или может у тебя с английским плохо? Тогда пересмотри еще раз.
Ликвидатор карателей Нет, только детки ваших Путлеров и "сливки" вашего сообщества за рубежом. Со всем золотом, что надоили с вас, мелких тролей, работающих за копейки, и снимающих последнюю рубаху с престарелых, и немощных. С бедной, разорённой и пущенной по миру России. А УКРАИНЦЫ - дай им бог сил построить будущее без сталинщины и продажной рАссейской массы
Ликвидатор карателей А ты от темы не уходи, троль. Логически ответить со смыслом - СЛАБО для лоботома ))) Сразу переходит на мат и оскорбления. Но оскорбляешь ты этим ТОЛЬКО СЕБЯ - показывая свою слабость и тупость. Бедная рАссея от таких как ты лже-патриотов и загинается. Вместо того, что бы страну освободить от воров - ТЫ и тебе подобные лижут ворам и болаболам с 1го КАНАЛА. Ящик смотреть - это ТВОЁ. Ведь мир ты видешь ТОЛЬКО через яшик. Ни разу за пределы коровника не выходил
Ликвидатор карателей Ты спроси своего пУтлера и ВСЕХ - ПОЧЕМУ у них детки за бугром? Почему у них недвижимость там? Почему они отпуски и шопинг не в родной стране?? А по поводу: ОТКУДА ИЗВЕСТНО - так и ежу понятно, только идиотам как ты 1 КАНАЛ черепа пустые ваши залоботомил.
Tim's manner is too aggressive, I suppose, it is his style. However, President Poroshenko gave grounded answers, looked persuasive, especially in the matters related to the war. I can't imagine another candidate of presidential elections 2014 be more suitable and successful in the hardest time Ukraine is experiencing now. By the way, Mr Tim, being a reputable journalist, should know it is Ukraine, but not the Ukraine.
+Лена Киркича Are you going to teach him the English language? The Ukraine is an exception alongside with the Phillipines. So you see this state is outstanding at least in grammatical aspect.
As soon as the Ukraine adjusts itself to reality dumping wild dreams about protoukrs and European prosperity the very next decade, the situation is likely to change for the better. Accepting your diagnose is the first step to recovery. Alas, today`s "doctors" seem to drug their patient Ukraine heavily instead of informing it and giving proper treatment.
***** No need to embrace. After crimes Ukraine Nazis commited, Russians are not too eager to embrace them. First repent and repair the damage you did to Donbass and other sane Ukrainians.
+Янина Столповская we already read about paRussian web army trolling Western media, no need to identify yourself troll... sleep tight, we'll figure it out our-self, no need to inout your Putler's agenda in here PEACH!
+Константин Суворов for what?? For the truth? For all the atrocity MF paRussia commited towards Ukraine? Leave it alone ruski, go and have a drink... and prey to your god Putler. paRussia won't dictate Ukraine how to live...
Yuriy Ko I pity you. I am as mush a troll as anyone else who says unpleasant truth. I do wish you a full recovery from your distorted illusions and alternative reality.
Ukrainian Pro-Russian rebels - I'm British ok, so don't really understand what's going on. So please don't abuse me, I have a question. Is it true that the conflict between the rebels and the government centres around the attempt to force the Ukrainian language upon the whole of country, whilst not taking into account that some areas are predominantly Russian speaking people.
+The Madone no, It a Russian lie by trolls!!.Soviet union 1922-1990 had implemented Russian as universal language.while republics like Ukraine kept Ukrainian.Everything became rusified. attempts to bring Ukrainian back was a focus at independence.But a lot of people got used to speaking Russian.The thing is in government only Ukrainian would be used,outside government you can speak anything.They might of (Russians felt mad because now on wiki would show Ukrainian as official language or new encyclopedias. but each region were allowed to speak anything.Some say ignorant people in East or crimea didn't want to speak national language(Ukrainian) because Russian was or held at higher standard, more like big ego!!mean while ethnic Ukrainians speak to the ethic Russians in Russian too just to be. nice or just don't care
+stayout ofourairspace "attempts to bring Ukrainian back was a focus at independence."-From where you are and you dont know that the REAL REASON FOR WAR were been the COMPLETE ECONOMICAL INDEPENDENCE of Donbass from Kiev??Because people dont want to pay THE JEWISH OLIGARCHS who became leaders after the Jew oligarch Yanukovich left Ukraine..Poroshenko-Waltzman were been VICE PRESIDENT-Billionair when billionair Yanukovich were been the President..Also Poroshenko from that WAR..maked twice MORE money by buying ALL NOW CHEAP industries,territories and etc..Because during the WAR everything is CHEAP as f*ck..Seems you are not Ukrainian..
The funniest part in that twit Poroshenko owns a billion-dollar confectionary business in Russia and its revenues skyrockets due to a Russian food embargo because no import food is allowed in Russia anymore. It seems like Putin is rather pro-business allowing it to operate and make this guy rich.BTW, during election Poroshenko promised to sell this business and now backing on it, telling 'Russia makes obstacles'. It sounds really funny, because for some reason they are still allowing him to make profit of it and there was Nestle's bid to buy it which Poroshenko declined.
I'm proud of our President. Poroshenko is the best president we have ever had. Please go on, don't step back, do what you are doing you are great! Thank you american people for supporting Ukraine, we'll never forget this support
I don't like Poroshenko generally, but I like him in this interview. He is the best what we can have now. I hope next President will be better. And yes, Russian shills in comments are annoying. Nice work, Putin.
WOW....!!! I am shocked this is very great interview by Tim Sebastian! Thank you very much very good job. would be nice if Tim will get interview with Putin, I think it will be more interesting than this! On the middle of the video I fell in sleep because Poroshenko all the time refuse and said NO NO NO... "will see what Europe going to say in 2022?" Peace out.
All those comments written by Russian bot. In Russia there are companies that pay for such comments. Do not believe a word of it in the comments. Poroshenko rights.
+Анатолий Unfortunately here in Ukraine many people are manipulated by mass-media as we don't have altervative points of view. All pro-russian and russian channels are banned, many people have been put in prisons. It is impossible to critisize the goverment publicly as you will be called "separatist" and there is a law against it. That's why people like Анатолий post hundreds of anti-russian comments thinking that they help their country. The fact is they ruin it with such actions.
+Oleg Gontar Are you kidding? I mean channels of Russia. They are all banned including some entertainment channels. I don't mean ukrainian russian-language channels. Yes, they work totally liying and hiding information from people. Moreover even many series of Russia's channels are also banned. Do you know any european country practicing the same? The reasons are that such series create too good image of Russia and russian police/army to show that to ukrainian people. That's total madness and Poroshenko is supporting that madness.
***** I'll help you with a proof. Hereunder is a link to the article "Ukraine verbietet russische TV-Sender" - _Ukraine prohibits Russian TV-channels_ in the leading German mainstream magazine DER Spiegel (cream of the cream in Germany). This is only one proof of many. www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-verbietet-russische-tv-sender-a-987013.html It's Oleg Gonthar who's spreading lies here, not you.
2:28 this is actually, what the politicians and mainstream media are telling. But, the territorial stability and the integrity of a country is usually associated with its historical peculiarities - for that reason, a borderline is often a temporary reflection of the current political reality. Nonetheless and in fact, the fusion of Crimea and Ukraine in 1954 happened without a plebiscite (!) or a declaration of accession and was an autocratic and illegal act by the means of international law. The will of the people of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was expressed by a referendum in 2014 and most importantly - peacefully implemented.
+Fil_IF Fil_IF if you Ukrainians share the opinion that _Germany divided Ukraine with Russia_, so why are you begging Germany for money all the time? Why are you trying that desperately to join the European Union - a Union co-founded by Germany as one of the six founding nations of EU in the 1950th? Follow the customs, or fly the country, you know.
+Fil_IF Fil_IF btw Tim used to work for BBC for a long time and now he's just contracted by DW at the moment. Tim is British, not German, you complete moron. So you could as well direct your hilarious bashing against Great Britain.
There is no sense to blame or support president. It's just a way it is in certain period of time and in certain location. Take a decision by yourself whether to migrate or to stay.
Ukrainians, why your president is not raising question of Volga Tatars and republic of Tatarstan in his speeches? Tatarstan had referendum in March of 1992 when 61.4% of all inhabitants of Tatarstan voted for independence and creation of the sovereign state of Tatarstan! But Russia encircled republic with military forces and did not let us go. Poroshenko could raise in his speech" Why Russia accepts Crimean referendum but not referendum in Tatarstan" This issue can become powerful factor in weakening Russia
5й канал... Вообще не занимается каким то либо пиаром порошенко !!! Если и говорят о нём то только лишь то о чём и все остальные, где был, с кем общался, показывают выступления... Короче всё то что показывают и на других каналах... В отличие от к примеру канала Украина, который принадлежит ахметову... там каждый новостной выпуск заканчивается тем что 5-7 минут рассказывают как ахметов возит гуманитарку на Донбасс, показывают пенсионеров которые плачут и рассказывают что ДА ЕСЛИ БЫ НЕ АХМЕТОВ, ХВАЛА ЕМУ И СЛАВА, МЫ БЫ ТУТ ВСЕ ПОДОХЛИ... и так каждый час :))) А то что именно ахметов ОБИРАЛ этих самых Дончан и стариков, именно ахметов рассказывал что ДОНБАСС КОРМИТ ВСЮ УКРАИНУ (я не спорю, Донбасс имеет ресурсы !!! НО кормил исключительно Ахметова и прочую сволоту из партии регионов которая там прочно закрепилась и удерживала все предприятия под собой все годы независимости), то что ахметов по сути спонсировал СЕПАРАТИЗМ и как итог ВОЙНУ !!! (батальон ВОСТОК - его ЛИЧНАЯ ОХРАНА, которая охраняла все его объекты на окупированной територии)... а теперь он бл* сука МЕЦЕНАТ И МИРОТВОРЕЦ !!!
шоколадный олигарх рассуждает о глобальной безопасности... да он за свои конфеты два раза всех продаст... набор штампов и иллюзий... 6-7 лет и Украина в НАТО... крылатые батончики производить...с цельным лесным орехом... )))
***** We all have seen how Ukraine was before this government. Russia was sucking them dry. Today you walk in the streets of Kiev you feel like Europe. People have hope for a bright future. Sure, Its not going to happen tomorrow, there is much more work to do, but I think Ukraine is on the right track to be released from dark evil communism.
***** In other words, you r a pro russian or Communist or both. right? But the Ukraine people are not. Ukraine have the right to choose their future. In the past, while you had a great life, many good and honest people in Ukraine didn't had nothing to eat! It doesn't have to be like this. Ukraine want a change, end of Communism and Corruption. it's not an easy task but Ukraine is on the right track.
Mr Tim Sebastian! Aren't you ashamed of the way you have conducted the interview with Mr Poroshenko??? You can ask whatever you like! It is your right! But be so kind, give your interviewer a chance to answer your questions!!! Shame on you, Mr Tim Sebastian!
This interviewer was trying to provoke and focused on trivial matters but not on seeking the truth and looking at the big picture. Crimea is Ukraine and will be under Ukrainian control. Ukraine belongs and will be in NATO. Russian troops are fighting the war in Ukraine. Russia not only illegally annexed Crimea but also stole all of its resources including private businesses and property. Poroshenko is a very patient man definitely a sign of a professional.
world not with ukraine goverment,with people not with oligarch who killing own people.I just waiting when this jornalist going to be call separatist and kicked out cha cha
(believe me the most difficult issues have not been asked) Ilove how he tries to avoid difficult questions by hiding behind lofty words and the only his argument is the "NO" word LOL ...in general Western observers have to poke them with stick constantly )))))))))
I like this interview, it was aggressive etc... I'm not advocating for Poroshenko, but hey, he's a president! Have a respect, give him a chance to mumble whatever he intended to, and then form another question. I was irritated by this interview, I would have punched this bold prick right between his eyes. Be professional! And, I wish you were so aggressive and provocative against Putin with the questionnaire about Ukraine, if he ever sits with you for an interview.
"Conflict zone in THE Ukrainian capital KIEV ... CIVIL war" - really?! And that just first couple of seconds of video... very disappointed with DeucheWelle
all can hear from this president is strong stronger and strongest "No, No, NO,!."
+yin ng Watch more of the Conflict Zone. This is the most common answer to Tim's questions. All his interview questions contains some sort of controversy.
+yin ng He is seldom or even never been asked such kind of questions. In Ukraine all press is pro-president and asks something like "Why is Putin so bad and killing ukrainian people?"
press in Ukraine, pro-Ukrainian
+Mykhailo Penziur It's a fact that both countries use propaganda to fight. But It's very reasonable to think that Ukraine's side is right. We're talking about total and absolute Invasion.
Sergey Sedlovsky
Sorry, I can`t remember any of the parties in conflict to annex the territory?
As one wise man from Israel described such as: Assad in Syria bombed armed opposition (his own people, which were calling to topple the government and were pretty aggressive) - was declared a fiend and
Poroshenko did the same (maybe on a larger scale) - is declared the fighter for "democracy". I have nothing more to say.
I like the way he defends him self: " The other side violated more. Yes, my army kill, rape and steal, but less than the other side." - explain it to the judge.
very informative interview- first time I've really got to hear Poroshenko- good questions - not whats your favorite icecream type. i thought he had very good response for tough problems facing Ukraine but also the rest of europe. Sebastian needs ask merkal some tough questions that are on many peoples mind.
Great, informative interview. I wasn't even aware of quite a few of the things discussed until they were brought up in this video.
Warning. Russian trolling whores shitting in the comments section.
***** if you see ukranian mass media enough you'll consider it is true :D
+Ivan Ivanov I agree and he is in my pants, u wanna say Hi to him?! ))
Tim gave me more answers, than pan Poroshenko
Does Tim always run interviews in this manner? Seems like he doesn't interested to hear the answers and the only reason he asks the questions is to pronounce them with accusation.
+Ivan Daniluk Yup, thats his feature!
+Ivan Daniluk Because Poroshenko is a lying Jewish Oligarch!
Jim is just allergic to cheap bull****
+Ivan Daniluk The point is that Tim asks the questions that his viewers (most of them) expect him to ask. The political interviewer is the viewer's representative, not the interviewee's one, you know. If you prefer some kind of a party mouthpiece, honeyed words and a kissass for moderator, just switch over to any Ukrainian TV channel - they are all teeming with softsoap and bootlickers. But remember that flattery will get you nowhere.
+borromini2010 I disagree with you on what Ukrainian TV channels show, but my question still valid - why ask questions and ignore answers? From my perspective, any journalist behaving like this, automatically looses credibility. It'd be a huge win if he could do interviews with the unbiased questions, but trying to listen and understand the subject.
Actually this is a typical level of 'debating' of people on the streets - "you have to accept my opinion, because I'm right". You do expect this level to hear on the streets, but it's definitely not a journalism.
19:28 pathetic.... no other word can describe this ..
+Ondrey Skols 12:47 awesome! "Yes. - No! - Yes. - No! - Yes. They reported it. - NO!"
He says he's at war with Russia, but for some strange reason Ukrainian army shells its south-east regions, and not Russia.
+TheDimking So dumb you are
+TheDimking USSR declared war to Nazi Germany, but for some reason Soviets shelled own territory during 1941-1945. So you should cease be so stupid, please.
WhiteSeaLeviathan crimea a dream?
+WhiteSeaLeviathan Russia can bomb Ukraine, but not invade! Кишка тонка!
+CatCap409 " USSR declared war to Nazi Germany, but for some reason Soviets shelled
own territory during 1941-1945. So you should cease be so stupid,
please."-When Ukraine declared war to Russia?NEVER..Soo your comment its just ret*rded..
All Ukrainian channels were told to not broadcast this interview. Only 112 showed it because its owned by people independent from Poroshenko's regime.
+Andrey Z Independent from Poroshenko regime does not mean "independent". Ukraine economy is dead for good as aftermath of last coup, therefore oligarch war for control over few remaining profitable assets is extremely violent and bloody. Peter "Willy Wonka" is alive and kicking only until runs out favor of ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt and Victoria Nuland. That's why he do whatever they ask for, that's why regime loyalists are violating ceasefire.
MHz I did not say 112 is an independent and trustworthy channel, its just not under Poroshenko's influence because its probably controlled by a rival oligarch clan. Ukraine is now completely unstable, they had a coup only to get an even more incompetent and weak regime than before.
+Andrey Z bullshit
***** Show me one Ukrainian channel broadcast this interview other than 112.
1+1 showed parts of this interview, and most Ukrainian channels cannot be "TOLD" not to show something by a president. This control method is used in Russia though.
The interviewer has absolutely no respect for Poroshenko and talks to him like to a school boy. I wonder if he interviews all of his guests like that:)
Yes of course, he interviews all of his guests in this way. That's his style. I love it :-)
13:29 We do not have any single cases for not implementing Minsk agreements
13:56 12-15 more time when the Russia violate the shelling, do not allow the access of the inspectors
Have Tim ever interviewed putin?
Tim doesn't show himself well. Straw man argumentation is a sign of low professionalism.
What's wrong with this journalist, doesn't even let the man finish what he's saying, always interrupting...
+DirTyDogG187 Because Poroshenko keeps talking shit and avoiding the question. He has not answered most questions, especially regarding why he has not sold his TV channel.
+paramonov1984 Porochenko answered all of his questions, especially about his TV channel. Maybe you don't like his answers.
+Иван Афанасьев he gave all of the answers.
+Oleg Gontar He did not, he just said that his channel "has a reputation" whatever that means. He has not explained why despite being president he still insists on having his own TV channel, it does not happen in any civilized countries due to obvious conflict of interest and potential abuse.
+Oleg Gontar Олежик , ты кому впариваеш?- не х*я он не ответил! Как уж извивался и на прямой вопрос "почему тебе нужен ТВ канал?" он так ничего и не выдавил, кроме того что на 5 канале работают хорошие журналисты и по отношению к ним нет никакой критики. Конечно - со стороны Порошенко к ним не может быть ни какой критики так как они (журналисти 5-ого канала)кормятся с его рук. А когда журналист сказал что ни у одного европейского президента нет ТВ каналов то Порошенко аж глаза выпучил от такой ,по его мнению, наглости интервюера.
Или может у тебя с английским плохо? Тогда пересмотри еще раз.
Why he is interrupting all the time? He is quite arrogant and not polite at all. Shame on this Tim whoever he is. What he is thinking as of himself?
+Bulgarian Beyonder you made no sense.Go learn English
2:25 - good view of Poroshenko's pretty face...
"Europe needs Russia more then it needs you"... )) oh no, Poroshenko will never agree to this one.. ahaha)))
RESPECT Poroshenko.
LOL! Hi Putin's trol!
Ликвидатор карателей Нет, только детки ваших Путлеров и "сливки" вашего сообщества за рубежом. Со всем золотом, что надоили с вас, мелких тролей, работающих за копейки, и снимающих последнюю рубаху с престарелых, и немощных. С бедной, разорённой и пущенной по миру России. А УКРАИНЦЫ - дай им бог сил построить будущее без сталинщины и продажной рАссейской массы
Ликвидатор карателей А ты от темы не уходи, троль. Логически ответить со смыслом - СЛАБО для лоботома ))) Сразу переходит на мат и оскорбления. Но оскорбляешь ты этим ТОЛЬКО СЕБЯ - показывая свою слабость и тупость. Бедная рАссея от таких как ты лже-патриотов и загинается. Вместо того, что бы страну освободить от воров - ТЫ и тебе подобные лижут ворам и болаболам с 1го КАНАЛА. Ящик смотреть - это ТВОЁ. Ведь мир ты видешь ТОЛЬКО через яшик. Ни разу за пределы коровника не выходил
Ликвидатор карателей Ты спроси своего пУтлера и ВСЕХ - ПОЧЕМУ у них детки за бугром? Почему у них недвижимость там? Почему они отпуски и шопинг не в родной стране?? А по поводу: ОТКУДА ИЗВЕСТНО - так и ежу понятно, только идиотам как ты 1 КАНАЛ черепа пустые ваши залоботомил.
бедненький как же Путин тебя запугал поэтому ты и свалил в гейропу
Very nice Putin lovers, that your idol will never go for such interview. That's a difference between him and Poroshenko.
Tim's manner is too aggressive, I suppose, it is his style. However, President Poroshenko gave grounded answers, looked persuasive, especially in the matters related to the war. I can't imagine another candidate of presidential elections 2014 be more suitable and successful in the hardest time Ukraine is experiencing now. By the way, Mr Tim, being a reputable journalist, should know it is Ukraine, but not the Ukraine.
+Лена Киркича Are you going to teach him the English language? The Ukraine is an exception alongside with the Phillipines. So you see this state is outstanding at least in grammatical aspect.
+Лена Киркича Actually it is pretty common to call Ukraine 'the Ukraine'.
As soon as the Ukraine adjusts itself to reality dumping wild dreams about protoukrs and European prosperity the very next decade, the situation is likely to change for the better. Accepting your diagnose is the first step to recovery. Alas, today`s "doctors" seem to drug their patient Ukraine heavily instead of informing it and giving proper treatment.
+Янина Столповская Damn you're right, a good simile
***** No need to embrace. After crimes Ukraine Nazis commited, Russians are not too eager to embrace them. First repent and repair the damage you did to Donbass and other sane Ukrainians.
+Янина Столповская we already read about paRussian web army trolling Western media, no need to identify yourself troll... sleep tight, we'll figure it out our-self, no need to inout your Putler's agenda in here PEACH!
+Константин Суворов for what?? For the truth? For all the atrocity MF paRussia commited towards Ukraine? Leave it alone ruski, go and have a drink... and prey to your god Putler. paRussia won't dictate Ukraine how to live...
Yuriy Ko I pity you. I am as mush a troll as anyone else who says unpleasant truth. I do wish you a full recovery from your distorted illusions and alternative reality.
Poroshenko just stood after the interview and walked away. Probably was pissed off as hell
+Алексей Игнашонок It's more accurate to say, .. he RAN away!! )))))
Ukrainian Pro-Russian rebels - I'm British ok, so don't really understand what's going on. So please don't abuse me, I have a question. Is it true that the conflict between the rebels and the government centres around the attempt to force the Ukrainian language upon the whole of country, whilst not taking into account that some areas are predominantly Russian speaking people.
+The Madone no, It a Russian lie by trolls!!.Soviet union 1922-1990 had implemented Russian as universal language.while republics like Ukraine kept Ukrainian.Everything became rusified. attempts to bring Ukrainian back was a focus at independence.But a lot of people got used to speaking Russian.The thing is in government only Ukrainian would be used,outside government you can speak anything.They might of (Russians felt mad because now on wiki would show Ukrainian as official language or new encyclopedias. but each region were allowed to speak anything.Some say ignorant people in East or crimea didn't want to speak national language(Ukrainian) because Russian was or held at higher standard, more like big ego!!mean while ethnic Ukrainians speak to the ethic Russians in Russian too just to be. nice or just don't care
+stayout ofourairspace "attempts to bring Ukrainian back was a focus at independence."-From where you are and you dont know that the REAL REASON FOR WAR were been the COMPLETE ECONOMICAL INDEPENDENCE of Donbass from Kiev??Because people dont want to pay THE JEWISH OLIGARCHS who became leaders after the Jew oligarch Yanukovich left Ukraine..Poroshenko-Waltzman were been VICE PRESIDENT-Billionair when billionair Yanukovich were been the President..Also Poroshenko from that WAR..maked twice MORE money by buying ALL NOW CHEAP industries,territories and etc..Because during the WAR everything is CHEAP as f*ck..Seems you are not Ukrainian..
Classy interview.
Pathetic performance by Poroshenko.
And by the interviewer
Russia attacked his weak neighbor. Blaming the victim is nonsense!
+Саша Липатов The winner is not to judge!
The funniest part in that twit Poroshenko owns a billion-dollar confectionary business in Russia and its revenues skyrockets due to a Russian food embargo because no import food is allowed in Russia anymore. It seems like Putin is rather pro-business allowing it to operate and make this guy rich.BTW, during election Poroshenko promised to sell this business and now backing on it, telling 'Russia makes obstacles'. It sounds really funny, because for some reason they are still allowing him to make profit of it and there was Nestle's bid to buy it which Poroshenko declined.
Truth is with us world is with us useless president.
this guy is such a US Puppet, he got roasted on this!
awfull, he simply can not interract without pre-moderated questions.
Tim shooted from all guns! Nice stand there, Mr. President! :)
I'm proud of our President. Poroshenko is the best president we have ever had. Please go on, don't step back, do what you are doing you are great! Thank you american people for supporting Ukraine, we'll never forget this support
Это вам, не на вопросы украинских подлиз - журналистов отвечать. Помимо того, не для этого товарища предизентство, слишком тяжелая ноша для него.
Word delusional comes to mind.
My respect to President Poroshenko. For endurance and for confidence. Excellent work with such an impudent provocateur as Tim.
How very nice! - "We launched an independent investigation in cooperation with our American partners". Then what's independent about it?
The craziest is that those two speak fluent Russian. Poroshenko's English is so poor, my ears are hurting!
+Alexandra Spaulding Really? I thought he was fluent in English, because I learned it from wikipedia and some youtube videos about his english skill.
I don't like Poroshenko generally, but I like him in this interview. He is the best what we can have now. I hope next President will be better. And yes, Russian shills in comments are annoying. Nice work, Putin.
When Poroshenko worries, his Russian accent becomes stronger.
+Stanislav Didenko yes, just like Uzbek, Mongolia, Georgia, kazaks klimchaks, poles, serbs,
So what comes after the denial stage?
The most abhorrent thing is that when he is lying he is not blushing! ))
Wow Deutsche Welle grew a spine , sorta ?
LOL He says he is director of freedom of press! hmm by elliminating journalists that dare report any truth.
Poro ran away from that room when it was over! That guy is a great interviewer. Reminded me of the Monty Python sketch The Argument Clinic.
WOW....!!! I am shocked this is very great interview by Tim Sebastian! Thank you very much very good job. would be nice if Tim will get interview with Putin, I think it will be more interesting than this! On the middle of the video I fell in sleep because Poroshenko all the time refuse and said NO NO NO... "will see what Europe going to say in 2022?"
Peace out.
All those comments written by Russian bot. In Russia there are companies that pay for such comments. Do not believe a word of it in the comments. Poroshenko rights.
+Анатолий Don't read the comments, just hear what does Poroshenko say - and you'll understand how those "Russian bots" are right!
+Анатолий Unfortunately here in Ukraine many people are manipulated by mass-media as we don't have altervative points of view. All pro-russian and russian channels are banned, many people have been put in prisons. It is impossible to critisize the goverment publicly as you will be called "separatist" and there is a law against it. That's why people like Анатолий post hundreds of anti-russian comments thinking that they help their country. The fact is they ruin it with such actions.
+Dron008 No russian language or canals are banned in Ukraine. Please stop spreading lies. Do you have prove of it?
+Oleg Gontar Are you kidding? I mean channels of Russia. They are all banned including some entertainment channels. I don't mean ukrainian russian-language channels. Yes, they work totally liying and hiding information from people. Moreover even many series of Russia's channels are also banned. Do you know any european country practicing the same? The reasons are that such series create too good image of Russia and russian police/army to show that to ukrainian people. That's total madness and Poroshenko is supporting that madness.
***** I'll help you with a proof. Hereunder is a link to the article "Ukraine verbietet russische TV-Sender" - _Ukraine prohibits Russian TV-channels_ in the leading German mainstream magazine DER Spiegel (cream of the cream in Germany). This is only one proof of many.
It's Oleg Gonthar who's spreading lies here, not you.
smells like sizzling bacon. yummy.
2:28 this is actually, what the politicians and mainstream media are telling. But, the territorial stability and the integrity of a country is usually associated with its historical peculiarities - for that reason, a borderline is often a temporary reflection of the current political reality.
Nonetheless and in fact, the fusion of Crimea and Ukraine in 1954 happened without a plebiscite (!) or a declaration of accession and was an autocratic and illegal act by the means of international law. The will of the people of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was expressed by a referendum in 2014 and most importantly - peacefully implemented.
Germany with Russia divided Ukraine, and they are continuing to press Ukrainion nation
+Иван Афанасьев иди пуйла смотреть
+Иван Афанасьев Ukrainians same as Latvians, Estonians, etc are not part of Russia. This is Putin propaganda.
+Oleg Gontar What you say is the Bandera's propaganda, eh?
+Fil_IF Fil_IF if you Ukrainians share the opinion that _Germany divided Ukraine with Russia_, so why are you begging Germany for money all the time? Why are you trying that desperately to join the European Union - a Union co-founded by Germany as one of the six founding nations of EU in the 1950th? Follow the customs, or fly the country, you know.
+Fil_IF Fil_IF btw Tim used to work for BBC for a long time and now he's just contracted by DW at the moment. Tim is British, not German, you complete moron.
So you could as well direct your hilarious bashing against Great Britain.
At the end Petro just ran off.
Ukraine is under straight Russian aggression. It's not easy to get along with that and adhere to all civil regulations.
There is no sense to blame or support president. It's just a way it is in certain period of time and in certain location. Take a decision by yourself whether to migrate or to stay.
the German journalist has absolutely NO manners.....speaking over all the time.
Ukrainians, why your president is not raising question of Volga Tatars and republic of Tatarstan in his speeches? Tatarstan had referendum in March of 1992 when 61.4% of all inhabitants of Tatarstan voted for independence and creation of the sovereign state of Tatarstan! But Russia encircled republic with military forces and did not let us go. Poroshenko could raise in his speech" Why Russia accepts Crimean referendum but not referendum in Tatarstan" This issue can become powerful factor in weakening Russia
5й канал... Вообще не занимается каким то либо пиаром порошенко !!! Если и говорят о нём то только лишь то о чём и все остальные, где был, с кем общался, показывают выступления... Короче всё то что показывают и на других каналах... В отличие от к примеру канала Украина, который принадлежит ахметову... там каждый новостной выпуск заканчивается тем что 5-7 минут рассказывают как ахметов возит гуманитарку на Донбасс, показывают пенсионеров которые плачут и рассказывают что ДА ЕСЛИ БЫ НЕ АХМЕТОВ, ХВАЛА ЕМУ И СЛАВА, МЫ БЫ ТУТ ВСЕ ПОДОХЛИ... и так каждый час :))) А то что именно ахметов ОБИРАЛ этих самых Дончан и стариков, именно ахметов рассказывал что ДОНБАСС КОРМИТ ВСЮ УКРАИНУ (я не спорю, Донбасс имеет ресурсы !!! НО кормил исключительно Ахметова и прочую сволоту из партии регионов которая там прочно закрепилась и удерживала все предприятия под собой все годы независимости), то что ахметов по сути спонсировал СЕПАРАТИЗМ и как итог ВОЙНУ !!! (батальон ВОСТОК - его ЛИЧНАЯ ОХРАНА, которая охраняла все его объекты на окупированной територии)... а теперь он бл* сука МЕЦЕНАТ И МИРОТВОРЕЦ !!!
Очень хотелось бы послушать диалог между г-ном Порошенко и Мэтью Ли. На мой взгляд получилась бы весьма интересная беседа...
All russians troll came from Vice here
I live in Ukraine. I think mr.Poroshenko the best prasident of Ukraine.
шоколадный олигарх рассуждает о глобальной безопасности... да он за свои конфеты два раза всех продаст... набор штампов и иллюзий... 6-7 лет и Украина в НАТО... крылатые батончики производить...с цельным лесным орехом... )))
Show me your friend and i will tell who you are! same here.. The president of Ukraine represents the ukrainian people in general.
Man, he looks bad for his age. Is it a hangover or a nervous break down? He pretty seems kind of thirsty to sip the water from the glass, doesn't he?
+Al M well that rt journalist looks 90 and is senile
I wish Poroshenko was our рresident.
+john doe can you explain why?
We all have seen how Ukraine was before this government. Russia was sucking them dry.
Today you walk in the streets of Kiev you feel like Europe. People have hope for a bright future.
Sure, Its not going to happen tomorrow, there is much more work to do, but I think Ukraine is on the right track to be released from dark evil communism.
In other words, you r a pro russian or Communist or both. right?
But the Ukraine people are not.
Ukraine have the right to choose their future.
In the past, while you had a great life, many good and honest people in Ukraine didn't had nothing to eat! It doesn't have to be like this.
Ukraine want a change, end of Communism and Corruption. it's not an easy task but Ukraine is on the right track.
finally somebody asks questions which i want to hear
but the answears are just pointless
He is asking questions, but he's not interested in hearing answers.
Mr Tim Sebastian! Aren't you ashamed of the way you have conducted the interview with Mr Poroshenko??? You can ask whatever you like! It is your right! But be so kind, give your interviewer a chance to answer your questions!!! Shame on you, Mr Tim Sebastian!
Это пипелац какой то , а не президент.... он просто different.... different пипелац...
It's more likely Tim wants to give information then to get it from his guest.
Perhaps, there's no need to invite anyone. Just give all time to Tim.
This interviewer was trying to provoke and focused on trivial matters but not on seeking the truth and looking at the big picture. Crimea is Ukraine and will be under Ukrainian control. Ukraine belongs and will be in NATO. Russian troops are fighting the war in Ukraine. Russia not only illegally annexed Crimea but also stole all of its resources including private businesses and property. Poroshenko is a very patient man definitely a sign of a professional.
Tim Sebastian is no Amanpour, nor Sackur, just as DW is no CNN nor BBC. Even to fit in Larry King's comfy shoes at RT, I doubt his talent.
+BayanTheOne You mean he got dumped from the BBC? For once, I can't blame them. Usually, I do respect DW, but here...
In other words, "Are you sure this EU-Poroshenko" collaboration is good for Ukraine?
parallel universe?
world not with ukraine goverment,with people not with oligarch who killing own people.I just waiting when this jornalist going to be call separatist and kicked out cha cha
(believe me the most difficult issues have not been asked) Ilove how he tries to avoid difficult questions by hiding behind lofty words and the only his argument is the "NO" word LOL ...in general Western observers have to poke them with stick constantly )))))))))
I like this interview, it was aggressive etc... I'm not advocating for Poroshenko, but hey, he's a president! Have a respect, give him a chance to mumble whatever he intended to, and then form another question. I was irritated by this interview, I would have punched this bold prick right between his eyes. Be professional! And, I wish you were so aggressive and provocative against Putin with the questionnaire about Ukraine, if he ever sits with you for an interview.
"Conflict zone in THE Ukrainian capital KIEV ... CIVIL war" - really?! And that just first couple of seconds of video... very disappointed with DeucheWelle
Poroshenko's English is far better than Putler's
russian propaganda agent.
блин!!!!!!!! где перевод? нихрена не понимаю!!!
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