Damm why is a girl in a wheel chair charity work???? Shes a beautiful girl too and very down to earth, seems like aba and preach are a bit of a disabled prejudice
If Jubilee has taught me anything it's how fake people are willing to be to make themselves feel better even if it ends up hurting the other person in the long run
It's not even just that, it's how fake people act in front of a camera. Most of these people probably don't act like this in their private lives or apply these standards they're preaching about to themselves.
Yep...people LOVE to stand on their soap box and feel virtuous. They especially love to signal to others how virtuous they are...even if they're ot virtuous at all, they like to feel virtuous so they do whatever the "mainstream" tells them is virtuous...it's freaking weird
@pearlisa5atbest coddling someone and not being real does not help. The woman was way too hard on herself. But, there is a middle ground between being supportive and being real. She's realistically near the bottom on all aspects in the topics here but they will continue to push her up which just feels like pandering bullshit. There are no unattractive women here imo so make that clear without ranking her higher to make her feel better.
I mean, the annoying part is that the wheelchair girl does not even belong in last place, but the constant putting on a pedestal just reinforces in her that everything she hears is out of being charitable, to make her not feel bad about herself, that's why she rolls into last place on her own. All this fake shit does not actually make people feel better because they know when it's not genuine. It just makes them feel worse.
True, she wasn't the best, but she wasn't the worst either. I would say she was even closer to the top side than the bottom, but only if you factor in the looks. If you factor in other stuff, it's true that she is the least desirable for me, no matter how harsh that reality may be. If i had to choose in between em, i would definitely be going with the blonde.
A former coworker is in a wheelchair and I never treat him like he’s in one. When we travel together, I don’t hold the door open for him if he beats me to the door - he holds it open for me😂 dude parties like a goddamn rockstar, had to pick him up a few times after a drunken adventure that’s all. Once in a while he’ll ask me to hold his wheelchair when he gets out the car. He works out daily, he is getting married to a hot blonde. I admire his perseverance. Solid guy. One time on the plane, I left him on his own to get out (how he wants it) and tossed him his duffel bag. The entire plane surrounded him and tried to lift him off the airplane seats (he was appreciative but I can tell he was annoyed) - everyone stared at me like I was some kind of asshole for not helping (it was obvious we were together as we wore the same work uniform). Treat them like normal people.
Those superficial compliments were never meant to make the affected person feel better but the people that give them by glorifying themselfs for their genuinity. There is the psychological concept that people always try to accompish a positive self-view and this is one of the easiest ways doing so.
Yeah I have a hard time dealing with superficial "compliments" from other women. It's gotten to the point where if you don't actively participate in the charade you're considered rude and an outcast.
as a disabled wheelchair user, thank you so much for speaking so much truth. Wheelchair users can be as hot or attractive as the next person, but being told compliments after compliments feels really infantilizing and just odd since we don't get as many compliments as the abled-bodied woman so when it said to that degree especially when you add the word 'wheelchair' or 'disabled' onto the compliment whether you meant to or not-- it feels very fake and also damaging to us and how we see ourselves as wheelchair users. We already know and accept we are the 'ideal' partner,. if someone were to date me they not only would be my partner but would also be my caregiver, and we know that is a lot to deal with, I just hope that ill be able to find some one that is willing to take that challenge
True but I legit find her very pretty and her body too. It made me sad to have these guys critise her. Pretty is pretty no matter if in a wheelchair or not.
What I’ve learned is that if another woman calls you a 10, it’s usually the opposite. However, if they try to insult you, it’s usually because they’re threatened. They can compliment you when you’re not actually a “threat”, especially in a social setting.
I loved what Preach said about it’s ok to be ugly. I think anyone can compensate for less good lucks with charm, humor, compassion and loyality and all the many characteristics someone can possess that makes them a keeper.
That's there's the reason there are so many single people these days. The grass is always greener. It's like this 90 day fiance girl who is probably close to 400 pounds who doesn't realize that she could have everything, if she didn't have the most disgusting personality. Most people who struggle with weight develop other things. Like humor. Not anymore. Everyone is told they are perfect and have no need to change or analyze anything about themselves.
Agreed. I liked what preach said because I was the chubby, not so pretty girl growing up. To this day I hate nothing more than when someone lies to my face about my experiences & reality. Other girls would always play “what? No… your so hot tho!” game while laughing at you behind your back. And even the ones who don’t laugh at you, but rather use their fake pity towards you as a way to boost their own ego & social image. But if they really cared about you, they’d be honest. And honestly doesn’t have to be brutal. Like preach said “it’s ok to be ugly”. That doesn’t mean being an asshole going around & telling everyone they’re ugly POS’s. Just like it’s ok to acknowledge a difference of peoples skin color, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to be a racist going around calling everyone n-word or cracker.
Exactly, but it ALL starts with acknowledging you're not a 10 and having a realistic view of yourself. If you delude yourself into believing that stuff, you won't even work on your personality because you think you don't have to.
@@thatONEmachine "Back in my day." Okay gramps, the only reason you see so many people acting horribly is because that's what trends on the internet and most good people don't feel the need to compulsively record their lives. Your just the same thinking the grass was greener back in the day. Its just the biggest morons are easier to spot than before; there's still plenty of great people.
Honestly. Jubilee should just make them rate each other anonymously before the episode without telling them they would meet in real life. It would be way more interesting seeing people changing/justifying their real opinions.
This reminded me of one show where they made the contestants taste their own food and one lady cursed the dog 🤬 out of her own recipe it was hilarious because we had been begging for a minute for them to do it and they finally did and boom 😂😂😂
To be fair, the lady in the wheelchair isn't ugly. She has a nice face. Her limitations are going to hurt her dating life and that's unfortunate, but it's life.
@@WilliamsPinchsure, but her looks aren't the thing that's unattractive, it's her limitations. An able bodied person wouldn't normally be willing to completely alter their life for someone they're dating.
Right, like honestly I find it degrading. Like you don't respect me enough to even say you don't think much of me to my face that you gotta lie to me? Smh
@@HerbaMachinaThe other perspective is: “I don’t know you, you don’t know me, so I don’t know what bothers you. And I respect you enough that I don’t want to potentially ruin your day”. It’s just pretty silly to make something worse than it is. The intent matters. It’s not even going to be about you most the time, but rather themselves. They’ll feel mean/negative if they say something. Anyways, my entire point is you shouldn’t make things about yourself, when they’re not. You also shouldn’t purposefully make things more extreme, You’re showing exactly why people act like this. Because if you can take a fake compliment as an insult / disrespect, then how the hell would you react to truth? But what I find dumb, is that it’s pretty easy to find something that you genuinely like of someone. Most people put effort in their appearance, but even those who don’t give a damn if they’re wearing some 2$ t-shirt, are often still cool.
I genuinely think the woman in the wheelchair is attractive. She has an elegant quality to her, great skin, a nice face, good hair and long legs. Basing this off of looks alone I think she's second or third.
Right I would agree. It’s funny how Aba & Preach think she’s not attractive so they think everyone would agree with them, it’s very arrogant. In their minds she is automatically last which I find weird. It’s based on looks & attractiveness nothing more. Going beyond that to would I be in a relationship with this person is not the assignment. Men tend to do this though, they can’t separate looks from would they want the person or could they have the person in real life.
@@Hautenani In any line up both Aba and Preach would be last . It’s so funny to me how uglee people always think they have the right to rate others … like you don’t know what you’re talking about 😂
If you make being ugly a problem, people will just find another reason to not like you. People are already going to make fun of how you look, might as well have fun with it
its a crime to be average and standard these days, avergae and regular and normal is the new lame and broke and ugly and low level. If you aint fucking damn fabulous, you aint normal these days.
@user-ff5zm7ic4v so when 2 guys tell each other they suck fat nuts. You think they actually mean that? Lmao you either a dude with 0 friends or a woman who thinks she understands men. Either way. You're wrong
Yea but we forget about the next moment lol. If men have a fight they quickly forget about that fight and become best friends again after that@user-ff5zm7ic4v
One of my serious ex live in girlfriends(means we had a long relationship and a lot of life experience out together) was 5'0 88lbs FUCKING GOD DAMN PRO COMPETITOR FITNESS PRO fit, without being one. She was rich, didnt have to work so she worked out twice everyday, yoga and gym free weights. My point : Shes from boston, she wasnt scared as a tiny little girl to say her mind and she called herself the skinny bitch in front of other chicks and most chicks shit the fuck up and coward away in the conversation when anything looks or fitness wise ever came up. She was the biggest chick in the room when those convos came up. Bahaha, miss her attitude and realism and truth. lol
@@lidiagizaw3828 yall? are you generalizing? I think his GF doesn't want to look bad in front of other women so she continues to lie about appearance and call all women a 10 but when she gets home she takes that veil off with her man. Most women care about the way they look towards women so they try to lie when it comes to other women to appear nice and sweet. Most man don't care for that. Most men keep it real with other men and hold them accountable regardless of the way they come across with other men.
I’m in a wheelchair and y’all are spiting facts on this one. They gave her charity likes and weren’t being honest cuz they didn’t want to look bad. I’d rather hear brutal honesty over false compliments. Hilarious video
@@tnago916 Only one way to find out, but we all know that brutal honesty isn't going to be happening, is it? So, conveniently, your speculation can remain untested.
I don’t need “brutal honesty” from strangers while I’m in a bikini on camera to entertain the internet. From those in my life, who I respect, thoughtful constructive criticism is appreciated. Lets try to hang on to our dignity, people- “brutal” honesty isn’t necessary unless someone is delusional or in denial of something important.
Well, honesty doesn't have to be brutal. Her reality isn't really a brutal one because she's quite attractive despite being in a wheelchair. Sure, it's going to limit her options and make it harder to find someone, but there are loads of people in far worse circumstances appearance-wise.
Man, can't really blame them. Women are conditioned like this from childhood. A woman telling another woman she isn't a 10 is kind of a social suicide. They can't rate honestly cause they themselves are afraid of being rated honestly.
@@user-dx2dm8oq8gyea that's a valid point. But you have to understand that men were also made to rank in front of cameras but they were super honest. A woman doing that would be instantly considered a 'bitch' or 'mean girl' BY OTHER WOMEN THEMSELVES.
@@annm2831and by men. We are not seen as "humble" if we have self-esteem and don't hate ourselves. But some men preffer women that can NEVER see beauty in themselves just so those men can control us and make themselves feel good for "helping us".
@@kingsrefugethis fucking guy. There is literally no unattractive woman here. When we get into preference that's different. But, calling any woman here ugly is obsurd.
@@kingsrefuge damn that's similar to what I thought. The fit one, Indian one and the wheelchair one are absolutely stunning. And the rest looked weird.
Been with this girl for 8 years. Met her at an old job. She didn't really interact with anyone because she was deaf. Shes from Spain and she's so hot. No one would try and talk to her because of the disability. I went out of my way to go say hi and slowly started talking to her. She could read lips really well and had a text to speech thing. In the following months I started learning sign language and using it to talk to her more. Asked her out and we've been together for a while now. I'm a solid 5 as a guy, she's gotta be pushing 9. Extremely traditional values (I assume is a Spain thing?) too which is a bonus. She's way out of my league but she thinks she's way out of mine which is a weird dynamic. I'd imagine this is a perfect example of what happened. Society pumps them up to look good to others but in reality don't want anything to do with them.
Enjoy the good relationship. I once dated a girl with 40% of her face was fuked up on one side. The other side was absolutely gorgeous! We got along all right but we had literally had nothing in common. Nothing at all. So if it was just hey how you doing nice to meet you you're cute but we're not made to be right together. She had a nice shaped to her too. One of my girlfriends coworkers sister is missing a hand. She's still hot. Most guys will let a disability slide if it's not something over-the-top. Probably because we don't gather resources from our women....
Being someone that was normal for 37 years before becoming handicap.....facts. The pandering gets old quick. But I guess for those that can't handle reality....here's a lie. Enjoy.
I was only in a wheelchair for two weeks following a surgery. I'm a coach at a school and a substitute coach came up to me and was talking and he said, "I see you have your whistle and everything". I felt like a 4 year old.
@LongLifeShort Oh yeah, one of the first trips in my wheelchair I rolled up to the counter at the cinema, and the staff looked right over me and asked my friend behind what we wanted to see. Next time I rolld up and immediately said which film I wanted to see and the staff looked at my friend & asked "is that right?" People constantly look to whoever I'm with for confirmation, even though I sound completly normal are speak fine. They also often avoid looking at me when serving or talking to me. I was not prepaired for the amount of infantalisation and disrespect I would have to deal with!
@@godzillazfrictionyes, there is. Whatever is most common is, "normal." That's what the word means. Hate to copy definitions, but "the usual, average, or typical state or condition." "her temperature was above normal"
I’m glad Aba brought up the audience vote thing, I was thinking it the whole video. Jubilee should have 5 to 10 dudes back stage ranking the girls on the same category and whenever the girls are done ranking themselves jubilee reveals the guys scores
Why do they need to be ranked by guys, though??? Like, they’re only validated if a guy says so? That’s what was dumb about some of these guys’ comments, like, “I bet her Tinder dates are ZERO.” So fucking what. The measure of beauty isn’t fucking Tinder matches or the amount of dates you go on. That’s superficial bullshit.
Im a bilateral below the knee amputee.. i understand how the disabled woman feels and you guys are right. It's heated to date. Most people don't want to take on the responsibility of dating a disabled person. They go in head first but quickly get tired of the situation. We have to have an extra sense of discernment when dating. There are a lot of people out here with the fetish of dating someone disabled. You have to be so secure in your skin to know what inside is. In society i may not be a bad B but the people that KNOW me from different. It's my inner strength.
@@technicaldeathmetalhead Yes they do. Its weird. They get into a relationship with you and if you get intimate, they tell everyone as if its a cool thing to have sex with someone with no legs. I get at least 3 guys a week really adamant about dating me.
I knew it was a thing, but that it happens that often is insane. Honestly that's an added struggle that I never even considered for someone in your position. Wow@@UnicornHumanForm
the real experiment would be having one of these ladies say “i will be in first place because i have the better looking body” and see all he’ll break lose 😂
Jubilee (or cut idk what chanel this is) has a bunch of videos with assertive characters like that. Guess how the viewers see them lol Sure the girls here are being fake, but the alternative is so much worse
With how women operate amongst each other in social settings it wouldn't go well. Women operate based on a herd mentality. Any attempt at standing out from the status quo leads to tension and infighting. Everyone must be at the same level no one can be above.
Body positivity started as an acknowledgement that not everyone can be a stick figure, that there are women who are "built different" than models and that's perfectly fine, which is great. It quickly lost *all* perspective, though, and became a tool for both the obese to justify their unhealthy lifestyles and for narcissists to feel empowered -- sometimes both at once! Also, to clarify, it's not about making "everyone" feel sexy, only *women.* No one's going out of their way to delude guys about their looks, other than kindly grandmothers, possibly! 😄
It’s feels like a precursor to Brave New World where there are no couples and everyone should just be sleeping with everyone else. Why else would ALL society need to think everyone in it is sexy?
There’s no way on gods green earth these women would swipe right on a decently attractive guy in a wheelchair. It’s sickening how they’ll just sit there and lie because they think they’re helping this woman. She asked them if THEY would be interested in a person in a wheelchair and they didn’t even answer her question cause she wasn’t asking if they’d swipe on her.
Your comment is just hilarious because the comment directly above your is of a woman who says that she once swiped right on a guy in a wheelchair and also I would as well.
Now I still think that girl shouldnt be first. However they were ranking on the body type. So the wheelchair isn’t really factored into the conversation.
@@SageOfLimitlessHandsthat's that subtle narcissistic tendency on display. Can't read the words as they are. Immediately twists it to relate to herself.
"Stop Gaslighting my Reality!" Yes, Aba, I absolutely love this! I'm gonna be using that. This is one of the reasons I don't have a lot of girlfriends. I love people who are honest to me even if it hurts, and most girlfriends I've had do this fakeness, and it's annoying! I don't think you were harsh. I think you were real.😊Keep it up Guys😊 Sidenote: prya is soooo pretty. Keep your head up!❤
I totally agree with Preach. It’s okay to be ugly. Your value doesn’t depend on your looks. I don’t think everyone who is “ugly” should just go have surgery, because this is not an individual problem. It’s a hive mind problem. Okay is neutral, it doesn’t mean good and it doesn’t mean bad. It’s just acceptance. You should be at least okay with yourself, and if there is something you really can’t get over, get it fixed if you want to. Not everything revolves around being attractive.
The thing is to some people your value does depend on looks and they might be important people. Like lecturers, hiring managers and maybe people in your work/school environments.
Women are taught our worth is our looks. If you don't become some high end career person, you spend your youth barely eating and staying attractively underweight to have the chance to attract a dude to marry so you at least can live in a two income home. Then when you spend time cooking and eating in a way your husband expects is norm you naturally gain a bit of weight, especially if you struggled to stay underweight before. You're then deemed worthless by society and like you're not trying hard enough by the women who are still in the first phase of this.cycle. Eventually aging adds a new layer of lost beauty and women who felt their only value was looks become bitter and that's how Karen's are born. Since no one treats them nice any more based on looks. They get their power trip by making employees miserable.
lol bro your not telling a girl in a wheelchair she cant be first because shes disabled in real life, come on man you talk tough with youtube finger but in IRL you will fold like a chair
I laughed out loud when they said they would swipe on someone in a wheelchair when they wouldn't swipe on a guy less than 6' tall. Preferences are fine, but they become a problem when you belittle people because they don't fit your preference.
@@SippingVino What hypocrisy? They don't need to like anyone or date anyone they don't want to. Men are the ones speaking about overweight women and how they should be able to reject them (as anyone should) but also crying about women's preferences. Pretty pathetic.
I almost made it to the end. The pandering to each other, refusal to see reality, it's awful. Not all women are queens just like not all men are kings.
😆😆 bruh I some tire of the fake compliment bullshit that’s not productive and just makes it worse and plus I know what I look like and I’m brutally honest with myself to tell I’m a 2 or 3 and be honest and when I grow a beard and leave it alone. I’m a 4 somewhat
@@claff4573 I never said that men don't do this. I said that women always do this. If we want to actually discuss this: my statement would be that women almost always do this when the topic is something men judge them on. Idk what videos you're referencing, but I cannot recall it being normal or regular behavior for men to pander to each other when it comes to things women judge us on. We either don't talk about it, or we peacock. But I'm willing to hear examples.
I just hate when they argue with you about it. Like if I don't think I look my best I don't need to be harassed into pretending I do. Its fine they don't think I'm right about myself, because in reality people see you differently than you see yourself---so you really can think you're not looking good, and others really can think you look great---but why argue with me about it? That's where it goes from a difference in subjective opinion to some sort of odd social pressure.
Had my mom go to jail for a few years, after a generally troubled childhood, and I gotta say, when people tried to give me fake achievements and compliments, just to make me feel better about whatever, it only made me feel worse. I couldn’t even tell people not to do that, because then I became the asshole. The fake pity may work for some people, but I can’t see how it helps anybody get better, or get over their issues with whatever’s wrong.
Since its body type, i kinda get why Priya is closer to bottom, but in my opinion she has the prettiest face & hair out of all of them. Like great skin, symmetrical and cute features. Honestly i think the only reason she was put last was b/c the others saw her as okay with being last & they wanted to put themselves higher 😆
I think she’s be in the top three she’s not to skinny not fat and her proportions are very symmetrical. The blonde girl is to skinny imo and that’s coming from a skinny person most people don’t actually find it attractive. Arina or whatever her name is probs had the best body and I think Priya would be second. The other girls are all interchangeable after that.
These guys speaking hard truths is such a necessary dose of what I feel society needs. Bad ass guys speaking their minds is something I respect and hope they keep on going.
I think that she didn't need to put herself down as much as she did, but I gess she needed to do it as a counter from all the fake bulshit they threw at her. With that said, she is good looking.
@@otisthomas9976Idk her disability but if you can move your body you can work out. In fact a lot of wheelchair users who are paraplegic work out reguarly to help keep their circulation and lungs helathy. Also to keep muscle tone and improve upper body strength to help both push themsleves in their wheelchair and move themselves about when out of if, transfering into chairs, in the shower, bed, car etc.
What's crazy to me is that I've been in several situations where I told other women the truth and they either got really sad/emotional or super defensive. So, I can't say I'd be one of the girls in the videos but to save time and energy I'd probably just say everyone is cute or something. Imagine everyone was honest and they start fighting or everyone goes home with their feelings hurt.
People are funny; they mostly want to hear what they _want_ to hear, not necessarily candor. It was inevitable that their reactions in this would be wonky, though, due to this being filmed. At least a couple of them might be a little more realistic, if still tactful, in a more private setting!
@@spk1121 yeah, they are well aware of the viewership these videos get and that definitely encourages they're actions/responses. If it was an anonymous survey, they results would be very different
So I have to say something. Women have different views of what’s attractive than men do. Like my husband finds my “curves” attractive but I call it fat. The girl in the wheelchair is honestly my ideal body type too. She literally looks like a model. She has long, slim limbs, Ger legs are gorgeous, he waist is tiny, she has beautiful color, and I bet her boobies don’t hurt her back. I definitely see where they’re coming from.
YES this is exactly what I was thinking !! Feel like Aba and Preach were coming from a place of 'date-ability' rather than plain good looks because the woman in the wheelchair is genuinely gorgeous with many conventionally attractive features, just like the ladies said.
Yea, men and women have different views. The question should be: why do so many women think the cat walk models are good looking? And a follow up to that question: do women think the models are good looking or do women think that men think models are good looking? Ask yourself what is most important. You looking good according to your standards or the standards men have? I can safely say the short woman is the best looking. She is also very feminine. Just listen to her tone of voice. She sounds pleasant to be around. And just as an aside. When my wife tells me she looks bad or ugly, it actually makes me sad or annoyed. I get that some women do this to fish for compliments, but it really is not a good way to do it. Seeing someone you love talk themselves down is never fun.
@@googleandsusansucks personally, I find myself more attracted to women than to men. I have a husband who I adore and he loves me and tells me I’m the most beautiful woman in the world even when I’m feeling like a beached whale being pregnant with our twins. I know it’s sad to hear the ones u love talk themselves down because my sister does it too and I don’t know how she can not see what I see in her. However, in general, my PHYSICAL attraction is to women and the 2 that I personally find attractive are the Priya and the girl in the wheelchair. They’re both beautiful but I prefer long slim limbs and long hair. And that’s the thing is it all comes down to preference. We tend to fall in love with what’s on the inside over time as well and then the outside becomes even more attractive to us. Everything is relative but I just wanted to make the point that I don’t think the women were just putting her in 1st place out of pity.
Except that any slightly objective perception can say that her legs are too slim/she has atrophied muscles and it's quite an extreme state for a body to be in, it screams 'doesn't look healthy" and it indeed isn't healthy as she literally can't use her legs because of her disability
I'm surprised Priya got singled out. I know Indian girls in general aren't considered super attractive in the US but I couldn't tell she was Indian, she looked Egyptian/Middle Eastern to me.
She's absolutely the most attractive out of the group, but not only because of her physical beauty. I would call her 'cute', ''adorable', or 'pretty', even though (most) women these days want to be "hot," "sexy," or "bad," but her build, her voice and her overall agreeableness puts her miles ahead of all the women there. When comparing her to the average "modern" woman, she's miles ahead, just on this impersonal glance alone. Though, objectively speaking, I am slightly leery because she participated in this vain activity.
I think the girl in the wheelchair is honestly very pretty, and she's slim which is generally considered attractive, but being in a wheelchair puts her general desirability lower. But they weren't ranking who was the most dateable. I wouldn't rank her 1st, but I wouldn't rank her last, either.
Being wheelchair bound is a REAL struggle. It isn’t superficial, it isn’t subjective, it isn’t something purely internal, or you can just deal with and be on everyone else’s level. It’s a genuine struggle that informs your entire life structure as well as that of everyone who engages with you day to day. She is out here living a life with high-end obstacles and problems that need to be maneuvered and solved regularly. She doesn’t have time for BS because her struggles are real, and that’s why she’s the only one in the group who isn’t playing pretend like the others and basing her statements on the reality of society rather than what she thinks her peers in this little group want to hear.
I’m unattractive as fuck, but for me it’s an advantage. I’m left to do what I actually want with my life without any pressure to be a certain way. And when someone genuinely likes me, I know they’re for real. The men I’ve dated respect me and aren’t stumbling over themselves to impress me.
@@wedontagelikemilktho.7839not really. Build genuine confidence in yourself, workout to feel good, practice hygiene and self care. Build your own standards, don’t be accepting just any kind of girl. Women will smell it off of you if you don’t even like yourself.
She asked those phonies a straight up direct question on if theyd swipe right on someone in a wheelchair and not only did they lie to her face, but tried to say she was "speaking to society as a whole." No the hell she wasnt. She was speaking directly to your asses. Its why she threw her hands up when they said theyd swipe right cuz she knew they were lying
I had a best friend who got caught up in the "women supporting women" BS and started leaving nice comments complimenting another girl I used to be friends with who robbed my mom, eveb though she'd talk shit on the girl when she was around me Made me realize quick the other girl wasn't a friend and immediately cut her off. Weird how girls think they have a weird loyalty to each other yet they're often just being fake af and are just giving other girls attention because they want similar attention in return. Toxic for everyone involved.
You said girls while talking about one friend, people only cry about generalizations when it's men being generalized. Fake or not I enjoy the compliments from other women.
You stated that perfectly. I’ll hear all this shit talk from my cousin about her friends but then see her gassing them on Instagram…..like, you don’t like her. Why you fake friends with her??
@@tnago916 lmao what? who's this "people" you're talking about? I never complain about being generalized, not sure what type of people you usually argue with but maybe you oughta stop projecting based on other asshole men that have left dumb comments in the past. There's actually more than 1 person my comment could pertain to but for the sake of not writing a book in the comment section i mentioned the 1 I was closest with.... And also that group of people includes a guy too who's equally an ass (but I don't consider male friends thirsting to be a part of the "women supporting women" movement lol...) and I don't talk to him either, so IDK what you're trying to get at. This story isn't about all women, I'm talking about a particular toxic trend I've noticed in some girls I know and see on social media. Never said "all" girls anywhere... If you like the compliments then that's great, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm just commenting on the fact that some girls take those compliments so seriously and are so into social media that they're willing to betray a friend just to stay in touch with someone they know will compliment them back. A very specific situation I've noticed with a few toxic girls, and nowhere did I say that pertains to all girls. (and fwiw, male friends are even worse and less loyal especially when its a pretty girl they're interested in. I just mentioned the main girl I know because this videos about girls and that's what it reminded me about...) Thanks for making me write a book in the comment section now. I'd be surprised if you even read this all, but maybe that's why it always seems like people are "generalizing" cause no one wants to take the time to address this level nuance for a dumb comment lmao...
@@tnago916to be fair just because they mentioned only one situation doesn’t mean they don’t have more receipts or even more objective data. Did you want them to just write several paragraphs of every time they’ve come in contact with that behavior? Secondly if your fine with fake compliments that’s fine but as a society we should strive to uplift each other and also be truthful with each other.
I would love for them to bring in someone who could walk and put them in a wheelchair. Have them rate them again, then at the end have the person stand up and see if they keep the same energy. Because we all know they would get upset they were duped. However ask them why they are upset because it just throws it back in their face the same way if they were virtue signaling for example.
Kaylee is an ambulatory wheelchair user (as are 70% of all wheelchair users)...meaning she can walk and stand for short periods... Number 1 for me regardless. Why would we be upset at her? 🤔
I think she is confusing beauty with disability. You can be both beautiful and disabled. But even if you are attractive, the unfortunate reality is that a lot of people don't have the patience or willingness to deal with the problems of someone who is disabled. It's no different than a guy who is unwilling to date a single mother because of what comes with it even if she is attractive.
Priya really said there's no representation of her. She doesn't even look like a stereotypical Indian. She looks like an olive skinned mixed beautiful girl.
I'm disabled, I know people who are worse off than myself. I'm a advocate for single disabled people and it is so hard to build others confidence because the looks, how they're treated, these women are hiding their 90s mean girls 😂😂😂
wheelchair by a mile. her clear conscienciousness of her diet to stay that thin means shes way more intelligent and responsible and acts it out than all the nomries! her face is no worse or better than anyone else so her clear miles long advantage in responsibility of diet being handicapped in a wheel chair has her winning literally by miles, no advantage or bonus for the weak here, this is real and straight, no one understands the extra work she probably has to govern her diet to stay that in shape in a wheel chair so in my book, she wins by MILE(S). Normies big big Ls here...
If you look like your picture, you're quite handsome. I never look down on fellow men that have any sort of handicap. Same with women. You are going through this life for God's purpose, not for my personal pleasure.
@@forgottensage-o5o not so much worried about myself I do pretty good, my community has trouble with confidence and set backs. Humans can be jerks even if they don't intend to be. A lot of disabled people feel they have to lead with their disability on dating apps too. It's a whole thing.
I can see that. I guess because I'm getting late middle age I don't use dating apps at all. Good for me because I'm quite short and women hate that. I never realized the extent to their absolute height rejection until I was about 40 so thankful I was ignorant. It's still POSSIBLE for me to date but I just want to read books, eat good food, and take long walks at this point. It never occurred to me that a lot more women would've been available to me, and my 5'6 brother (I'm 5'4). He never married either. @@dennyduane
I thought the same thing! Priya is #1 in all categories in my eyes! It’s so easy to be overlooked as a petite woman, but there are men that don’t mind our height lol. Some of those girls were just haters.
Priya was the most attractive girl there, and the other girls knew it. Every time she participated in the "move myself to the bottom and hope the other girls force me to stay in my spot" race, the other girls let her stay there. They knew she was the most attractive and were trying to quietly lower her self esteem by keeping her at the bottom.
Nailed it. They swooned over the ones that seemed to have the lowest self esteem. They couldn’t touch Priya. Any smart person looking for an awesome wife would choose her, imo. She’s solid gold.
Honestly Id leave her there too because some women who do that are fishing for compliments and thats annoying too. Like if I felt she genuinly didnt feel that way but was doing it to pretend like she didnt know she was pretty just to have others validate her..Id let her stay last too. But its really about intent..sometimes you really can tell when someone is faking being humble to get compliments and have their egos stroked.
You can see her looking at the one in the wheelchair just before she moves at 1:16. That's about the most accurate it got other than where the wheelchair girl went. Also blondie is just a little flat so she stays there.
I thought the woman in the wheelchair was the prettiest, and I am not just "pandering" and "patronizing." I just thought she was gorgeous. I do agree that on a dating app, she would probably get swiped on least, but I don't think the ranking was just about who gets the most dates.
You're not alone. I find her very pretty too and has a nice slim body and long legs. I feel like people always play up being real and honest just to be mean to people. Will you die because someone else was uplifted through words. What's bad with feel good. Arrgh. It annoys me. And in this case, the woman in the wheelchair is an attractive person and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yeah same here, the rankings wasn't even about who would be the most fuckable or who would be lucky on dating apps so I don't see why Aba and Preach were so convinced that the women were lying.
I always find it amusing when people say their race isnt seen as beautiful while they completely ignore the possibility that maybe they just arent particularly attractive. There are people with the same skin tone as that black girl who are seen as very attractive and she knows it but using the whole "representation" narrative helps protect your self esteem
Yea, she doesn't realize it her presentation and what people would assume about her personality, not her actual looks and definitely not her race. I'm a black man who loves dark skinned women and I would never give her the time of day just based on how she chooses to present.
Nose rings and developed muscles on a black woman are not attractive at all. she isn't my last place, though. Last is the tatted up girl who kept pounding her fists together.
You also have to consider by what standard people are judged as attractive. The ideal beauty standard in America is very Eurocentric. Which makes sense considering Americas history. There are women with her skin tone that are prettier than her, but prettier based on what? What kind of features? Slimmer nose? Natural looser hair texture? A lower bone density contributing to a smaller frame? Brighter colored eyes? Plus generally, if we do take a look at media when we talk about beautiful black women most of the popular examples are biracial and lighter skinned women. I do think at some point in their lives women put too much emphasis on this rather than focusing on what they can do with their own looks, but I don’t think the idea that the lack of positive representation for certain types of women contributes to how the general public views them in terms of attraction is completely dismissible. Otherwise there should be one innate beauty standard across the world.
You really can’t say that, because the threshold for being attractive as a person of colour is WAY higher than it is for white people. You have to fit into eurocentric beauty standards, and I’ve even seen girls with almost supermodel looks who will get passed up for being of colour🤷♀️ that’s why we have “oh! You’re so pretty for a …girl” because being a person of colour is INHERENTLY (to them) a flaw.
The ironic thing is that e.g. Priya and Kaylee (in the wheelchair) move further up the ladder the more you watch, because they're genuine and smart. Most of the other girls just become less and less attractive the more they talk. It's almost as if your personality is a factor.
The MOST FUKED UP thing is that EVEN IF the wheel chair lady believes them for ten minutes, she will be heartbroken when she rolls out to the street, and hears truth again. It’s so scummy to lie to people for your own insecurity to tell them the truth.
This is 100% true. Which is why you just need to give your own honest ranking and then the average scores will determine final ranking. Lying does nothing but waste everyone’s time. They need to have them just rank without being around each other first then bring them together. Would be more interesting to compare their lies against their true opinions when not concerned about hurting each others feelings
This is true but these women are clearly capping. They judge the first place and 2nd place women on how curvy they were and what not but then suddenly changed their rating style when it came to her
I enjoy complimenting people, but they're real compliments, not placations. I compliment outfits, hair styles and colors, eyes, smiles. We don't all have to be the best looking creature to walk the earth. We have our own beauties about us. I won't say you got a banging body if you don't, lol.
Right? And I could think of a thousand nice TRUE things to say about the girl in the wheelchair. I actually thought she had the best personality of all of them because she was self-aware, intelligent, spoke well and calmly, and she is very pretty. But to say I don't see the wheelchair at all or don't see it as a barrier would be a lie.
Yep! You can tell when it's genuine. I didn't see these women as being genuine because they DID focus on the wheelchair as much as she did, but they were trying TOO hard to be "nice" about it.
When black women talk about the place black people are in, in terms of beauty standards, and the struggle they are in, WHILE wearing straight hair, and BLONDE (I don't want to hear about a rare group of black people with blonde hair) is such a CONTRADICTION, I never know what to do. 18:25 "I'll put you in the front because you know who you are, you know you're beauty, and you know you are beautiful...." Bruh what????? How do ya rank overall beauty based off of that??? Women really be pissing me off with that dumb shit
I think what I hate the most is how quickly the lies came when the wheelchair girl asked if they would swipe on a person in wheelchair. There's literally no hesitation when it comes to women lying in a public setting to seem like good people.
Im starting a job as a spinal cord injury carer and i have been watching your show for a while now. This came at exactly the right time. What i have learned is to remain kind but be honest 💯
A whole bunch of strait women telling each other why they are pretty was like watching my kids soccer coach tell them they did a great job while chasing butterflies through the field the wrong way
Kaylee is pretty and does honestly have model proportions (they always like the really slim, tall girls for that) but the fact that she's in a wheelchair puts her at a disadvantage.
If you compare her face to the other ladies she is not “that pretty”. Her nose too big, her chin too small. She is not ugly, she is pretty in her own way, but no, no way in any way it was neither in body or face the hype this hypocritical women were praising her to be.
@@lawsattitude1999 Most likely. But I was basing my comment on them telling her she could be a model. The modeling industry likes taller, thinner women with some exceptions.
But be fr the girl in the wheelchair actually has a nice ass body , am I missing something? We aren’t judging if she’s in a wheelchair , they are ranking ideal body types .
I think they were focusing on the fact that if she weren't wheel chair bound, she actually would have one of the best bodies. You can tell genetically she would be very attractive she has that long lean modelesque body type. Her upper half is on point and she manages to have a freaking flat stomach without bring able to run / do a lot of cardio and ab work. Unfortunately her bottom half is just due to muscle wasting, which she cant help at all.
@@anonymousbo0318 yeah obviously but how do you know they didn’t pressure her for clout? They do some of these volunteers dirty with their edits. And what if they pick from a pool of volunteers and they picked this wheelchair chick because it’s good for clicks. We don’t know what their selection process is like
@@salma_Nella22 She's a grown adult and she can make her own decisions. You acting like she's a child is what concerns me here. She decided to be there, so I will respect her decision, as I do with fully grown adults. I don't act like they're mentally disabled and take away their right to make (stupid) decisions.
As someone who is disabled a lot of the time (multiple sclerosis) and even in a wc when I have a flare...I take care of myself and have a nice body. I was a personal trainer and athlete before MS. If you were to see me outside of a flare, you'd never know. The girl in the wc is actually very beautiful and has a nice body. Has good proportions too.
So I was watching this video and my girlfriend walked in asking me what this was all about. I explained the premise to her and how the nature of men and women is so different when it comes to these types of scenarios where men will elect the individual based off logically and pragmatic thinking, packaged in rationale to come to a conclusive decision on "who is objectively more attractive" or "who is the objectively best suited for the job" etc. While women will start aligning themselves to whatever seems to be the more morally and socially accepted answer even if they don't feel it deep down inside. No protest from my girlfriend, she agreed 100%. Oh also she said that Priya was the prettiest girl there too from an objective and subjective standpoint: - No virtue signalling. - No "rah rah" social pandering. - She held her tongue more often than not which is a sign of confidence and awareness in herself and her abilities. While the other women were just playing social virtuous tetherball with each other. Also when Aba went into his woke persona I lost it 😂😂😂
To be honest, these are some of the toughest A&P episodes for me to look at. These ladies make it difficult to watch and take them seriously. No one wants to be 'better than' the other, and the self-deprecating statements are just cringe to me. Smh.
Wheelchair user,Male 21, I've used multiple apps. Swipes are slim to none. However, I do better in person. So they were balantly lying. Maybe they would swipe, but they're always gonna choose someone else over the wheelchair on an app. I always think about how my partner might have to do more to make up for my lack of ability. So I understand why my already small options, continue to shrink when involved with women. Life be like. I've grown into it
Having a disable partner from start is a choice that people don't make that often... involves a lot of extra work that people are not willing to make for themselves but hey Nick Vujicic has a wife so everyone can do it .
I love watching these. You get to see the emotional arguments about why "everyones better than me" vs the "you look better, logically speaking, a man would want you"
You guys are so right! I hate feeling patronized when I know there’s something I lack & I want to fix it. My counselor does that. “There’s no such thing as normal” 😅Yes there is, there’s a societal norm ma’am 🙃 Or people wouldn’t be in jails or mental hospitals.
I believe this is the great social battle of our time. Does "normality" exist as a thing that we want to keep and perpetuate? Seems like almost every social issue can be broken down to this. IMO, every successful society in history has had a concept of normal, and the more honest you are about that, the easier it'll be to navigate life.
@@Evulchair: No kidding. If there's no normal, then the counselor is saying psychosis and personality disorders are on par with mental stability and emotional clarity. Sheesh! 🙄
@@smody121: Kind of reminds me of the comment Aba pinned a couple days ago. "What does she think conservatives want to conserve? Traditions lol." We want to retain _some_ sense of normalcy, of consistent expectations, and not just be subject to random blowings of the proverbial wind or to have the fringe elements forced on everyone else!
The two girls they put last are the most attractive to me (I’m a straight woman). The girl in the wheelchair has very specify struggles in the dating scene because of her handicap but, if we are going solely off looks, she’s doing good. She has a healthy weight, defined waistline, nothing in her face stands out negatively, her hair looks great and her skin as well.
Wheel chair wins by a miles all things considered! Shes skinnier and that means the normies should be damned embarrassed! Normies total L on this one. Wheel chair honey won by a mile! Her face aint a ten but as you said nothing seriously negative sticks out. SHes a 6 face but 8 body.
I agree. As a male I would put the little girl from India (?) first because she has a nice tone to her voice, is petite and feminine and knows how to get along with others (the gold standard that's most important). The least attractive is the tatted up girl who kept pounding her fists. Then the muscular black girl with the nose ring. I've never met a man, ever, who likes nose rings. A lot will Tolerate nose rings.
Do yall think we we're too harsh on them or wrong about the lies?
Go to buyraycon.com/aba to get 15% off
She looks fine to me, if you were referring to the other girls telling her shes a 9 -10, yeah I see what you mean and yes that's wrong
Na its good both of you did make great by all your Videos
Nah it's facts she is not at the top.
Damm why is a girl in a wheel chair charity work???? Shes a beautiful girl too and very down to earth, seems like aba and preach are a bit of a disabled prejudice
Not harsh. If this were women outside looking in, though... I think that would be an interesting contrast.
If Jubilee has taught me anything it's how fake people are willing to be to make themselves feel better even if it ends up hurting the other person in the long run
how are they hurting the girl in the wheelchair in the long run by trying to get her self esteem up???
It's not even just that, it's how fake people act in front of a camera. Most of these people probably don't act like this in their private lives or apply these standards they're preaching about to themselves.
Yep...people LOVE to stand on their soap box and feel virtuous. They especially love to signal to others how virtuous they are...even if they're ot virtuous at all, they like to feel virtuous so they do whatever the "mainstream" tells them is virtuous...it's freaking weird
Don't fool yourself though. The discrepancy between the internet and reality is real
@pearlisa5atbest coddling someone and not being real does not help. The woman was way too hard on herself. But, there is a middle ground between being supportive and being real. She's realistically near the bottom on all aspects in the topics here but they will continue to push her up which just feels like pandering bullshit. There are no unattractive women here imo so make that clear without ranking her higher to make her feel better.
I mean, the annoying part is that the wheelchair girl does not even belong in last place, but the constant putting on a pedestal just reinforces in her that everything she hears is out of being charitable, to make her not feel bad about herself, that's why she rolls into last place on her own.
All this fake shit does not actually make people feel better because they know when it's not genuine. It just makes them feel worse.
Diet compliments, artificial sweetness that causes cancer
Fr that girl said "I honestly want your body"
You sure? If anything that exchange would be the other way around
True, she wasn't the best, but she wasn't the worst either. I would say she was even closer to the top side than the bottom, but only if you factor in the looks. If you factor in other stuff, it's true that she is the least desirable for me, no matter how harsh that reality may be. If i had to choose in between em, i would definitely be going with the blonde.
A former coworker is in a wheelchair and I never treat him like he’s in one. When we travel together, I don’t hold the door open for him if he beats me to the door - he holds it open for me😂 dude parties like a goddamn rockstar, had to pick him up a few times after a drunken adventure that’s all. Once in a while he’ll ask me to hold his wheelchair when he gets out the car. He works out daily, he is getting married to a hot blonde. I admire his perseverance. Solid guy. One time on the plane, I left him on his own to get out (how he wants it) and tossed him his duffel bag. The entire plane surrounded him and tried to lift him off the airplane seats (he was appreciative but I can tell he was annoyed) - everyone stared at me like I was some kind of asshole for not helping (it was obvious we were together as we wore the same work uniform). Treat them like normal people.
Those superficial compliments were never meant to make the affected person feel better but the people that give them by glorifying themselfs for their genuinity. There is the psychological concept that people always try to accompish a positive self-view and this is one of the easiest ways doing so.
Yeah I have a hard time dealing with superficial "compliments" from other women. It's gotten to the point where if you don't actively participate in the charade you're considered rude and an outcast.
every girl's post ig comment section
How is this possible a day old but this video is 7 min old on RUclips bro this is sus💀
@@billblack2588Patreon early access who knows
Thank you for saying this! It's a sickening mindset and I prefer not to be a bold face liar.
Thats majority of female freind groups,instead of being honsest,they lie to each other "400lbs girl, slay!"✨
Toxic af.
as a disabled wheelchair user, thank you so much for speaking so much truth. Wheelchair users can be as hot or attractive as the next person, but being told compliments after compliments feels really infantilizing and just odd since we don't get as many compliments as the abled-bodied woman so when it said to that degree especially when you add the word 'wheelchair' or 'disabled' onto the compliment whether you meant to or not-- it feels very fake and also damaging to us and how we see ourselves as wheelchair users.
We already know and accept we are the 'ideal' partner,. if someone were to date me they not only would be my partner but would also be my caregiver, and we know that is a lot to deal with, I just hope that ill be able to find some one that is willing to take that challenge
Ik its a descriptor but when people say "wheelchair user" it always sounds like an anime power to me lol
@@dead_again9839instead of stand users we got sit users bruh
I thought the girl in the wheelchair was very hot
@@dead_again9839 im late as hell but my god i died laughing at this comment. lmao
True but I legit find her very pretty and her body too. It made me sad to have these guys critise her. Pretty is pretty no matter if in a wheelchair or not.
What I’ve learned is that if another woman calls you a 10, it’s usually the opposite. However, if they try to insult you, it’s usually because they’re threatened. They can compliment you when you’re not actually a “threat”, especially in a social setting.
Lol true 😂
Depends on the source. There are genuine, good hearted women out there that really mean it when they give a compliment.
I'm gunna blow your mind...
it's not just women doing this...and you can extrapolate this philosophy to apply in many other contexts...
The fuck are you? Ben Shapiro?
The lizzo affect
Woman are quick to praise lizzo but actual beautiful women they wouldn’t acknowledge them
I dated a girl in a wheelchair once. She walked away from me
I dated a blind girl once. She looked for someone else
I dated a mute girl once. She told me to 'fuck off'
My deaf girlfriend dumped me because she heard I cheated on her
I dated a mute girl once, and she told me it wont work out.
"She got the baby hair. Why? Because her mind is still childlike." -Aba 😂😂😂😂😂
Umar Aba 😂 love his woke act.
That part had me rolling 😂
😂😂😂 gotta get all that together!!
Why people be hating on baby hairs? It isn’t that deep but okay go draw your eyebrows 😂😂
@@shortycb2349 right 🤣🤣🤣
I loved what Preach said about it’s ok to be ugly. I think anyone can compensate for less good lucks with charm, humor, compassion and loyality and all the many characteristics someone can possess that makes them a keeper.
That's there's the reason there are so many single people these days. The grass is always greener. It's like this 90 day fiance girl who is probably close to 400 pounds who doesn't realize that she could have everything, if she didn't have the most disgusting personality. Most people who struggle with weight develop other things. Like humor. Not anymore. Everyone is told they are perfect and have no need to change or analyze anything about themselves.
Agreed. I liked what preach said because I was the chubby, not so pretty girl growing up. To this day I hate nothing more than when someone lies to my face about my experiences & reality. Other girls would always play “what? No… your so hot tho!” game while laughing at you behind your back. And even the ones who don’t laugh at you, but rather use their fake pity towards you as a way to boost their own ego & social image. But if they really cared about you, they’d be honest. And honestly doesn’t have to be brutal. Like preach said “it’s ok to be ugly”. That doesn’t mean being an asshole going around & telling everyone they’re ugly POS’s. Just like it’s ok to acknowledge a difference of peoples skin color, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to be a racist going around calling everyone n-word or cracker.
Exactly, but it ALL starts with acknowledging you're not a 10 and having a realistic view of yourself. If you delude yourself into believing that stuff, you won't even work on your personality because you think you don't have to.
@@thatONEmachine "Back in my day." Okay gramps, the only reason you see so many people acting horribly is because that's what trends on the internet and most good people don't feel the need to compulsively record their lives. Your just the same thinking the grass was greener back in the day. Its just the biggest morons are easier to spot than before; there's still plenty of great people.
@@thatONEmachine not true. Looks also matter.
Honestly. Jubilee should just make them rate each other anonymously before the episode without telling them they would meet in real life. It would be way more interesting seeing people changing/justifying their real opinions.
omg yesss id love that. its be so funny to see how fake everyone actually is
Exactly 😒 this is boring & cringy
This reminded me of one show where they made the contestants taste their own food and one lady cursed the dog 🤬 out of her own recipe it was hilarious because we had been begging for a minute for them to do it and they finally did and boom 😂😂😂
@@Enigmajestic1I googled but idk what show that is. Is it secret chef?
Kaylee and Priya would probably be the only ones that would still rate themselves at the bottom.
To be fair, the lady in the wheelchair isn't ugly. She has a nice face. Her limitations are going to hurt her dating life and that's unfortunate, but it's life.
She is in a wheelchair and has a flat stomach, that’s super rare. I think she looks great.
@@WilliamsPinchsure, but her looks aren't the thing that's unattractive, it's her limitations. An able bodied person wouldn't normally be willing to completely alter their life for someone they're dating.
I could see her having the most potential to have been the hottest, but being wheelchair bound let her muscle definition deteriorate.
She is pretty. Her face can walk and run for miles. but those legs. 😂😂😂
@@F2007KR that's fair, her lower body lacks muscle definition. But she is very pretty nonetheless.
It's ironic how these ppl think they're being so nice but in reality this false type of niceness is detrimental to everyone
Right, like honestly I find it degrading. Like you don't respect me enough to even say you don't think much of me to my face that you gotta lie to me? Smh
@@HerbaMachinaIf I was in that position I'd think this exactly
Theyre not being nice theyre just trying not to catch flak
people who often uses false niceness and about equality and personality are the most superficial people out there.
@@HerbaMachinaThe other perspective is:
“I don’t know you, you don’t know me, so I don’t know what bothers you. And I respect you enough that I don’t want to potentially ruin your day”.
It’s just pretty silly to make something worse than it is.
The intent matters. It’s not even going to be about you most the time, but rather themselves. They’ll feel mean/negative if they say something.
Anyways, my entire point is you shouldn’t make things about yourself, when they’re not. You also shouldn’t purposefully make things more extreme,
You’re showing exactly why people act like this.
Because if you can take a fake compliment as an insult / disrespect, then how the hell would you react to truth?
But what I find dumb, is that it’s pretty easy to find something that you genuinely like of someone.
Most people put effort in their appearance, but even those who don’t give a damn if they’re wearing some 2$ t-shirt, are often still cool.
I genuinely think the woman in the wheelchair is attractive. She has an elegant quality to her, great skin, a nice face, good hair and long legs. Basing this off of looks alone I think she's second or third.
Right I would agree. It’s funny how Aba & Preach think she’s not attractive so they think everyone would agree with them, it’s very arrogant. In their minds she is automatically last which I find weird. It’s based on looks & attractiveness nothing more. Going beyond that to would I be in a relationship with this person is not the assignment. Men tend to do this though, they can’t separate looks from would they want the person or could they have the person in real life.
@@Hautenani In any line up both Aba and Preach would be last . It’s so funny to me how uglee people always think they have the right to rate others … like you don’t know what you’re talking about 😂
Every one has a right to rate people even ugly people ...mute point.@lalaland7961
@@TawnyGryn two questionably faced people’s opinion on my looks who I would never want to date
@@lalaland7961 ur quite shifty when did them even rating u be the point of contention but lets say it is why do u think it means they care...
Preach's expression "This is going to be UNBEARABLE" is the best reaction I've seen in AWHILE. Pure HONESTY. Gotta love it 🤣🤣🤣
Is this the gaslighting olympics.
not gonan lie all the girls in this were attractive to be fair
Ironically Priya is definitely one of the more attractive women in this lineup.
Priya #1
Completely agree, I'd put her #2 behind the girl with the skirt
Definitely top 3 AT LEAST bro was looking for this comment 😂
Was looking for this comment. Wtf is going on in this video. 👏🏿👏🏿
helll yeh 🙌
I’m gonna side with preach there is nothing wrong with being ugly.
Being delusional about it is terrible.
But you should definitely be OK with it
If you make being ugly a problem, people will just find another reason to not like you. People are already going to make fun of how you look, might as well have fun with it
its a crime to be average and standard these days, avergae and regular and normal is the new lame and broke and ugly and low level. If you aint fucking damn fabulous, you aint normal these days.
@@phurian_6560I like this mindset
@@phurian_6560that's why I think roast battles build self confidence and thicken your skin
easy for a man to say this when he's not valued by society for his beauty
Men insult each other, but they don't mean it.
Women compliment each other, they don't mean it either.
you can tell if a male is being mean or just saying it cause he's annoyed @user-ff5zm7ic4v
@user-ff5zm7ic4v so when 2 guys tell each other they suck fat nuts. You think they actually mean that? Lmao you either a dude with 0 friends or a woman who thinks she understands men. Either way. You're wrong
Yea but we forget about the next moment lol.
If men have a fight they quickly forget about that fight and become best friends again after that@user-ff5zm7ic4v
Eh that's why women have friends lol
Even my gf is extremely honest about how dishonest women are to each other…but only when she’s at home with me
One of my serious ex live in girlfriends(means we had a long relationship and a lot of life experience out together) was 5'0 88lbs FUCKING GOD DAMN PRO COMPETITOR FITNESS PRO fit, without being one. She was rich, didnt have to work so she worked out twice everyday, yoga and gym free weights. My point : Shes from boston, she wasnt scared as a tiny little girl to say her mind and she called herself the skinny bitch in front of other chicks and most chicks shit the fuck up and coward away in the conversation when anything looks or fitness wise ever came up. She was the biggest chick in the room when those convos came up. Bahaha, miss her attitude and realism and truth. lol
yall want women to tear each other apart so bad
@@lidiagizaw3828 yall? are you generalizing? I think his GF doesn't want to look bad in front of other women so she continues to lie about appearance and call all women a 10 but when she gets home she takes that veil off with her man. Most women care about the way they look towards women so they try to lie when it comes to other women to appear nice and sweet. Most man don't care for that. Most men keep it real with other men and hold them accountable regardless of the way they come across with other men.
@@lidiagizaw3828 nah, women do that just fine on their own. Nasty and vindictive, that's what most women just ARE.
@@lidiagizaw3828 no...its called honesty💀
I’m in a wheelchair and y’all are spiting facts on this one. They gave her charity likes and weren’t being honest cuz they didn’t want to look bad. I’d rather hear brutal honesty over false compliments. Hilarious video
I promise if they gave brutal honesty these comment would still be mad.
@@tnago916 Only one way to find out, but we all know that brutal honesty isn't going to be happening, is it? So, conveniently, your speculation can remain untested.
I don’t need “brutal honesty” from strangers while I’m in a bikini on camera to entertain the internet. From those in my life, who I respect, thoughtful constructive criticism is appreciated. Lets try to hang on to our dignity, people- “brutal” honesty isn’t necessary unless someone is delusional or in denial of something important.
Well, honesty doesn't have to be brutal. Her reality isn't really a brutal one because she's quite attractive despite being in a wheelchair. Sure, it's going to limit her options and make it harder to find someone, but there are loads of people in far worse circumstances appearance-wise.
How were they lying? She IS beautiful. They weren't telling her that every man wants to marry her.
I love when aba gets into one of his ranting moods and preach’s face is just pure “oh my days…” lmao
Lol yeah
I must not like! The ratio is 69 xD
He said it too lmao
Black Israelite Aba is almost as good as Ugandan or Reggeaton Aba
i feel the same as preach, this shit’s corny and drawn-out
The clip of “WHYYY U ALWAYZ LYYYING” sent me to the moon 🚀💀🤣
“She got the baby hair why? Because her mind is still childish.”
Underrated comment😂😂😂
Wanna know why it’s called the crib ? Because the child never left
Man Aba is so stupid man 😂😂😂😭
😂😂😂 I feel so woke now lol
@@gokezv2215 Aba is a wizard my guy 😂
Man, can't really blame them. Women are conditioned like this from childhood. A woman telling another woman she isn't a 10 is kind of a social suicide. They can't rate honestly cause they themselves are afraid of being rated honestly.
@@user-dx2dm8oq8gyea that's a valid point. But you have to understand that men were also made to rank in front of cameras but they were super honest. A woman doing that would be instantly considered a 'bitch' or 'mean girl' BY OTHER WOMEN THEMSELVES.
@@annm2831and by men. We are not seen as "humble" if we have self-esteem and don't hate ourselves. But some men preffer women that can NEVER see beauty in themselves just so those men can control us and make themselves feel good for "helping us".
@@mile_851what? 😂 men don’t think like that at all? Insane person thinks like that 😂😂😂
Come on, ya'll know the truth. The girls will clown someone when they're not there but are besties when they are 🤷♂️
@@mile_851yea you’re in the wrong circles.
Prya is underrated. I think she belongs in the third spot or better if you remove cultural perceptions from the equation
Thank you! Thought she was most attractive tbh.
Cute as hell
She the hottest
Cute ass hell foreal
me too@@alphonsokillen3505
😂 “This is gonna be unbearable” My immediate exact thoughts
The amount of cap is crazy. She's not ugly but they don't want to hurt her feelings.
She's a solid #2 in that group. The short one is #1. and the rest are ugly
@@kingsrefugethis fucking guy. There is literally no unattractive woman here. When we get into preference that's different. But, calling any woman here ugly is obsurd.
@@kingsrefuge damn that's similar to what I thought. The fit one, Indian one and the wheelchair one are absolutely stunning. And the rest looked weird.
@@the1stmetalheadthe tall blonde, red colored hair and the weave girl were nauuuuuut it at all
@@kingsrefuge If i had to choose one of em, i would go with the blonde for sure.
Been with this girl for 8 years. Met her at an old job. She didn't really interact with anyone because she was deaf. Shes from Spain and she's so hot. No one would try and talk to her because of the disability. I went out of my way to go say hi and slowly started talking to her. She could read lips really well and had a text to speech thing. In the following months I started learning sign language and using it to talk to her more. Asked her out and we've been together for a while now. I'm a solid 5 as a guy, she's gotta be pushing 9. Extremely traditional values (I assume is a Spain thing?) too which is a bonus. She's way out of my league but she thinks she's way out of mine which is a weird dynamic.
I'd imagine this is a perfect example of what happened. Society pumps them up to look good to others but in reality don't want anything to do with them.
That's cool dude. Personally I dont actually think deafness is much if a disability I a relationship. Not sure about what you think?
I'm not okay with seeing someone you're dating as out of your league but that's none of my business. So congratulations bro.
Enjoy the good relationship. I once dated a girl with 40% of her face was fuked up on one side. The other side was absolutely gorgeous! We got along all right but we had literally had nothing in common. Nothing at all. So if it was just hey how you doing nice to meet you you're cute but we're not made to be right together. She had a nice shaped to her too. One of my girlfriends coworkers sister is missing a hand. She's still hot. Most guys will let a disability slide if it's not something over-the-top. Probably because we don't gather resources from our women....
That's pretty awesome man good on you brother.
She have a sister?
Being someone that was normal for 37 years before becoming handicap.....facts. The pandering gets old quick. But I guess for those that can't handle reality....here's a lie. Enjoy.
I was only in a wheelchair for two weeks following a surgery. I'm a coach at a school and a substitute coach came up to me and was talking and he said, "I see you have your whistle and everything". I felt like a 4 year old.
there's no such thing as 'normal' in regards as being a concept
@godzillazfriction It is the average, that is socially acceptable. Usually if you are not normal you deal with negatives.
@LongLifeShort Oh yeah, one of the first trips in my wheelchair I rolled up to the counter at the cinema, and the staff looked right over me and asked my friend behind what we wanted to see.
Next time I rolld up and immediately said which film I wanted to see and the staff looked at my friend & asked "is that right?"
People constantly look to whoever I'm with for confirmation, even though I sound completly normal are speak fine. They also often avoid looking at me when serving or talking to me.
I was not prepaired for the amount of infantalisation and disrespect I would have to deal with!
@@godzillazfrictionyes, there is. Whatever is most common is, "normal." That's what the word means. Hate to copy definitions, but
"the usual, average, or typical state or condition."
"her temperature was above normal"
Aba’s pan African rants ALWAYS kill me😂😂
fr my white ass is about to buy a kufi
I’m glad Aba brought up the audience vote thing, I was thinking it the whole video. Jubilee should have 5 to 10 dudes back stage ranking the girls on the same category and whenever the girls are done ranking themselves jubilee reveals the guys scores
They do that on all ranking videos. I was waiting to hear the guy's opinions, then it just ended. Lol. We need the other perspective!!!
@@iulia.bianca.b i don't think they do. only ones i've seen where the guys rank the girls are when the guys are their bf's.
@@Sarkhan69 Those are just a few specific ones. Most of them are guys or girls ranking each other on attractiveness or rizz.
Why do they need to be ranked by guys, though??? Like, they’re only validated if a guy says so? That’s what was dumb about some of these guys’ comments, like, “I bet her Tinder dates are ZERO.” So fucking what. The measure of beauty isn’t fucking Tinder matches or the amount of dates you go on. That’s superficial bullshit.
Im a bilateral below the knee amputee.. i understand how the disabled woman feels and you guys are right. It's heated to date. Most people don't want to take on the responsibility of dating a disabled person. They go in head first but quickly get tired of the situation. We have to have an extra sense of discernment when dating. There are a lot of people out here with the fetish of dating someone disabled. You have to be so secure in your skin to know what inside is. In society i may not be a bad B but the people that KNOW me from different. It's my inner strength.
Mad respect. Hol up.. People have fetishes for disabled people?
@@technicaldeathmetalhead Yes they do. Its weird. They get into a relationship with you and if you get intimate, they tell everyone as if its a cool thing to have sex with someone with no legs. I get at least 3 guys a week really adamant about dating me.
@@technicaldeathmetalheadI had a buddy in highschool that had a thing for amputees. Specifically Arms. Can confirm, it’s definitely a thing.
Ppl that have a thing for disabled ppl are called devotees. It's a thing..
I knew it was a thing, but that it happens that often is insane. Honestly that's an added struggle that I never even considered for someone in your position. Wow@@UnicornHumanForm
Priya deserved a lot better than to be in last place. In all of the categories. Especially prettiest face. Too humble.
5:55 "it's okay to be ugly"
I say the same thing every time I look into a mirror 🤣
At least you're funny lol
the real experiment would be having one of these ladies say “i will be in first place because i have the better looking body” and see all he’ll break lose 😂
Jubilee (or cut idk what chanel this is) has a bunch of videos with assertive characters like that. Guess how the viewers see them lol
Sure the girls here are being fake, but the alternative is so much worse
With how women operate amongst each other in social settings it wouldn't go well. Women operate based on a herd mentality. Any attempt at standing out from the status quo leads to tension and infighting. Everyone must be at the same level no one can be above.
@ImAKangwithnokingdomSame, I'm autistic
@ImAKangwithnokingdom please get on an episode ^^
Because that is a weird thing to say.
I can't help but roll my eyes at this idea that society and the media has a responsibility to make everybody feel sexy.
Body positivity started as an acknowledgement that not everyone can be a stick figure, that there are women who are "built different" than models and that's perfectly fine, which is great. It quickly lost *all* perspective, though, and became a tool for both the obese to justify their unhealthy lifestyles and for narcissists to feel empowered -- sometimes both at once! Also, to clarify, it's not about making "everyone" feel sexy, only *women.* No one's going out of their way to delude guys about their looks, other than kindly grandmothers, possibly! 😄
It’s feels like a precursor to Brave New World where there are no couples and everyone should just be sleeping with everyone else. Why else would ALL society need to think everyone in it is sexy?
You mean make every woman feel sexy, nobody is making short, bald dues into sexy.
yea don't tell short men they're unattractive
"Roll", good one!
There’s no way on gods green earth these women would swipe right on a decently attractive guy in a wheelchair. It’s sickening how they’ll just sit there and lie because they think they’re helping this woman. She asked them if THEY would be interested in a person in a wheelchair and they didn’t even answer her question cause she wasn’t asking if they’d swipe on her.
Your comment is just hilarious because the comment directly above your is of a woman who says that she once swiped right on a guy in a wheelchair and also I would as well.
@@TheMariemarie16To be fair the comment specifically points out that these women wouldn't pick one. Not all women and certainly not you two
Now I still think that girl shouldnt be first. However they were ranking on the body type. So the wheelchair isn’t really factored into the conversation.
@@SageOfLimitlessHandsthat's that subtle narcissistic tendency on display. Can't read the words as they are. Immediately twists it to relate to herself.
@@bbbbbbb51 I also think she is 🧢 because she turned it into something about her
"Stop Gaslighting my Reality!" Yes, Aba, I absolutely love this! I'm gonna be using that. This is one of the reasons I don't have a lot of girlfriends. I love people who are honest to me even if it hurts, and most girlfriends I've had do this fakeness, and it's annoying! I don't think you were harsh. I think you were real.😊Keep it up Guys😊 Sidenote: prya is soooo pretty. Keep your head up!❤
I totally agree with Preach. It’s okay to be ugly. Your value doesn’t depend on your looks. I don’t think everyone who is “ugly” should just go have surgery, because this is not an individual problem. It’s a hive mind problem. Okay is neutral, it doesn’t mean good and it doesn’t mean bad. It’s just acceptance. You should be at least okay with yourself, and if there is something you really can’t get over, get it fixed if you want to. Not everything revolves around being attractive.
Honestly, I hate that people get surgeries to change their faces. I like looking at faces cuz its like seeing a randomized character.
The thing is to some people your value does depend on looks and they might be important people. Like lecturers, hiring managers and maybe people in your work/school environments.
Kinda true but also kinda cope
Women are taught our worth is our looks. If you don't become some high end career person, you spend your youth barely eating and staying attractively underweight to have the chance to attract a dude to marry so you at least can live in a two income home. Then when you spend time cooking and eating in a way your husband expects is norm you naturally gain a bit of weight, especially if you struggled to stay underweight before. You're then deemed worthless by society and like you're not trying hard enough by the women who are still in the first phase of this.cycle. Eventually aging adds a new layer of lost beauty and women who felt their only value was looks become bitter and that's how Karen's are born. Since no one treats them nice any more based on looks. They get their power trip by making employees miserable.
@@ALemonAteHer It’s very rarely an improvement. Overfilling makes people uglier.
if you don’t lie to them, you’re seen as heartless lol.
Rather be heartless than fake
@@anthonyg5001 you and me both.
@@happydaze7386 i mean, not really, people can’t handle the truth.
lol bro your not telling a girl in a wheelchair she cant be first because shes disabled in real life, come on man you talk tough with youtube finger but in IRL you will fold like a chair
That part lol
I laughed out loud when they said they would swipe on someone in a wheelchair when they wouldn't swipe on a guy less than 6' tall. Preferences are fine, but they become a problem when you belittle people because they don't fit your preference.
Man! They wouldn't swipe on certain able-bodied dude, but they would on a dude in a wheelchair. The cap was so god damn strong with this one 🤣🤣
That bitterness coming out of you lol.
@@tnago916he didn’t say anything bitter he simply pointed out the hypocrisy
@@SippingVino What hypocrisy? They don't need to like anyone or date anyone they don't want to. Men are the ones speaking about overweight women and how they should be able to reject them (as anyone should) but also crying about women's preferences. Pretty pathetic.
@@tnago916I mean it’s true? You wouldn’t date a 5’10 man but you’d date a cripple in a wheelchair? Stop lying bruh damn😭
I almost made it to the end. The pandering to each other, refusal to see reality, it's awful. Not all women are queens just like not all men are kings.
I absolutely love when Aba goes into his pro black speech 😂 it’s my favorite thing!
Dr Umar be like....
😆😆 bruh I some tire of the fake compliment bullshit that’s not productive and just makes it worse and plus I know what I look like and I’m brutally honest with myself to tell I’m a 2 or 3 and be honest and when I grow a beard and leave it alone. I’m a 4 somewhat
I read this comment right as started doin that haha
And it is even better when Preach gives Aba the side eye as Aba does that.
Dr. Aba Johnson
Whenever you see anything with women speaking on something that men have no problem ranking, there's gonna be some mad pandering involved.
I think many women aren’t skilled at making order happen.
I believe they have a natural calling toward making *peace* , but not order.
@@MrMadeMosopseudo peace
@@MrMadeMosoIt's that slavish desire for egalitarianism they're often prone to.
Funny because in so many rankings on jubilee men also can't decide who is more attractive and don't want to hurt one anothers feelings.
@@claff4573 I never said that men don't do this. I said that women always do this. If we want to actually discuss this: my statement would be that women almost always do this when the topic is something men judge them on.
Idk what videos you're referencing, but I cannot recall it being normal or regular behavior for men to pander to each other when it comes to things women judge us on. We either don't talk about it, or we peacock. But I'm willing to hear examples.
Ugh I hate getting fake compliments from women when I know I don’t look my best.
I just hate when they argue with you about it. Like if I don't think I look my best I don't need to be harassed into pretending I do. Its fine they don't think I'm right about myself, because in reality people see you differently than you see yourself---so you really can think you're not looking good, and others really can think you look great---but why argue with me about it? That's where it goes from a difference in subjective opinion to some sort of odd social pressure.
@@LeslieDavidson-u9j perfectly said 👏🏾
I dated an acupuncturist once. She left me after she said she didn’t want to be pinned down right now.
Take your like and move on.
You know it's about to be lit when His excellency Abafogi III shows up...
Aba Solasse of the Solomonic Dynasty of Ethiopia.
His speech today was quite wise
Had my mom go to jail for a few years, after a generally troubled childhood, and I gotta say, when people tried to give me fake achievements and compliments, just to make me feel better about whatever, it only made me feel worse. I couldn’t even tell people not to do that, because then I became the asshole.
The fake pity may work for some people, but I can’t see how it helps anybody get better, or get over their issues with whatever’s wrong.
Since its body type, i kinda get why Priya is closer to bottom, but in my opinion she has the prettiest face & hair out of all of them. Like great skin, symmetrical and cute features. Honestly i think the only reason she was put last was b/c the others saw her as okay with being last & they wanted to put themselves higher 😆
I think she’s be in the top three she’s not to skinny not fat and her proportions are very symmetrical. The blonde girl is to skinny imo and that’s coming from a skinny person most people don’t actually find it attractive. Arina or whatever her name is probs had the best body and I think Priya would be second. The other girls are all interchangeable after that.
Priya is near #1 or #2 in body type.
I will be honest I think the 4 in the middle are the most attractive
Priya is Number 1 , Black chick is number 2.... Priya gets 1 because she has a cute face
Priya has a better body type than the other girls IMO
These guys speaking hard truths is such a necessary dose of what I feel society needs. Bad ass guys speaking their minds is something I respect and hope they keep on going.
I really respect her level of self awareness.
She got a good body for woma that can't workout. Bc ask them who got a gym membership and watches what they eat.
She was the most attractive to me in terms of personality. Couldn't stand most of them when they talked.
I think that she didn't need to put herself down as much as she did, but I gess she needed to do it as a counter from all the fake bulshit they threw at her.
With that said, she is good looking.
@@otisthomas9976Idk her disability but if you can move your body you can work out. In fact a lot of wheelchair users who are paraplegic work out reguarly to help keep their circulation and lungs helathy. Also to keep muscle tone and improve upper body strength to help both push themsleves in their wheelchair and move themselves about when out of if, transfering into chairs, in the shower, bed, car etc.
@SammyRAriel that's all true but you saw her arms and stomach all flat and thin. No triceps or biceps or forearm
What's crazy to me is that I've been in several situations where I told other women the truth and they either got really sad/emotional or super defensive. So, I can't say I'd be one of the girls in the videos but to save time and energy I'd probably just say everyone is cute or something. Imagine everyone was honest and they start fighting or everyone goes home with their feelings hurt.
People are funny; they mostly want to hear what they _want_ to hear, not necessarily candor. It was inevitable that their reactions in this would be wonky, though, due to this being filmed. At least a couple of them might be a little more realistic, if still tactful, in a more private setting!
@@spk1121 yeah, they are well aware of the viewership these videos get and that definitely encourages they're actions/responses. If it was an anonymous survey, they results would be very different
Yeah that’s the last thing you want
@@spk1121I still stay candid with them anyways. They may not like it, but they can't say I lied to them when reality hits.
Thats the difference between men and women. We dont care about the feelings of others more than we do about honesty.
Girl: “Because I feel like I’m very short, you know.”
Preach: “Nobody cares.”
Spot on! 😂
Bruh, my greatest fantasy is short girls and huge guys.
@@MegaMilenche tall girls and short guys >>
@@Diamondr11Blue Well, if he's tiny enough for her to lift him Dirty Dancing way?
@@MegaMilencheWhat if he’s a short and stocky dude? Most people aren’t even able to lift me, let alone a woman 😂
It’s like she thinks guys dont like petite girls
So I have to say something. Women have different views of what’s attractive than men do. Like my husband finds my “curves” attractive but I call it fat. The girl in the wheelchair is honestly my ideal body type too. She literally looks like a model. She has long, slim limbs, Ger legs are gorgeous, he waist is tiny, she has beautiful color, and I bet her boobies don’t hurt her back. I definitely see where they’re coming from.
YES this is exactly what I was thinking !! Feel like Aba and Preach were coming from a place of 'date-ability' rather than plain good looks because the woman in the wheelchair is genuinely gorgeous with many conventionally attractive features, just like the ladies said.
I don't get any women like the weak anorexic look so much, I like a women whose legs look like they can actually walk somewhere
Yea, men and women have different views. The question should be: why do so many women think the cat walk models are good looking? And a follow up to that question: do women think the models are good looking or do women think that men think models are good looking?
Ask yourself what is most important. You looking good according to your standards or the standards men have? I can safely say the short woman is the best looking. She is also very feminine. Just listen to her tone of voice. She sounds pleasant to be around.
And just as an aside. When my wife tells me she looks bad or ugly, it actually makes me sad or annoyed. I get that some women do this to fish for compliments, but it really is not a good way to do it. Seeing someone you love talk themselves down is never fun.
@@googleandsusansucks personally, I find myself more attracted to women than to men. I have a husband who I adore and he loves me and tells me I’m the most beautiful woman in the world even when I’m feeling like a beached whale being pregnant with our twins. I know it’s sad to hear the ones u love talk themselves down because my sister does it too and I don’t know how she can not see what I see in her. However, in general, my PHYSICAL attraction is to women and the 2 that I personally find attractive are the Priya and the girl in the wheelchair. They’re both beautiful but I prefer long slim limbs and long hair. And that’s the thing is it all comes down to preference. We tend to fall in love with what’s on the inside over time as well and then the outside becomes even more attractive to us. Everything is relative but I just wanted to make the point that I don’t think the women were just putting her in 1st place out of pity.
Except that any slightly objective perception can say that her legs are too slim/she has atrophied muscles and it's quite an extreme state for a body to be in, it screams 'doesn't look healthy" and it indeed isn't healthy as she literally can't use her legs because of her disability
I'm surprised Priya got singled out. I know Indian girls in general aren't considered super attractive in the US but I couldn't tell she was Indian, she looked Egyptian/Middle Eastern to me.
Bruh, I saw one yesterday that was fine af. I was in front of my gf(future ex) too.
I thought she was the most beautiful one there.
Same, my eyes immediately went to her. She is beautiful.
She's absolutely the most attractive out of the group, but not only because of her physical beauty. I would call her 'cute', ''adorable', or 'pretty', even though (most) women these days want to be "hot," "sexy," or "bad," but her build, her voice and her overall agreeableness puts her miles ahead of all the women there.
When comparing her to the average "modern" woman, she's miles ahead, just on this impersonal glance alone. Though, objectively speaking, I am slightly leery because she participated in this vain activity.
21 hours ago?
Dang. Crazy females. And Priya was probably the cutest one out of all of them. She seemed genuinely sweet and cute. Even in her style of clothing.
Agreed.. she’s naturally pretty and seems like she’s sweet too..
I think the girl in the wheelchair is honestly very pretty, and she's slim which is generally considered attractive, but being in a wheelchair puts her general desirability lower. But they weren't ranking who was the most dateable. I wouldn't rank her 1st, but I wouldn't rank her last, either.
Realistically, its tiny girl, curly girl, blonde, black girl, wheels and then pink hair. No cap. I think she still looks better than pink hair.
Being wheelchair bound is a REAL struggle. It isn’t superficial, it isn’t subjective, it isn’t something purely internal, or you can just deal with and be on everyone else’s level. It’s a genuine struggle that informs your entire life structure as well as that of everyone who engages with you day to day.
She is out here living a life with high-end obstacles and problems that need to be maneuvered and solved regularly. She doesn’t have time for BS because her struggles are real, and that’s why she’s the only one in the group who isn’t playing pretend like the others and basing her statements on the reality of society rather than what she thinks her peers in this little group want to hear.
I’d take Kaylee in a second if we can figure things out, she’s beautiful all around
@@JoJoRogainnah i aint dating no handicap bitch
I’m unattractive as fuck, but for me it’s an advantage. I’m left to do what I actually want with my life without any pressure to be a certain way. And when someone genuinely likes me, I know they’re for real. The men I’ve dated respect me and aren’t stumbling over themselves to impress me.
I’m unattractive too but it’s really harder for a guy…
@@wedontagelikemilktho.7839not really. Build genuine confidence in yourself, workout to feel good, practice hygiene and self care. Build your own standards, don’t be accepting just any kind of girl. Women will smell it off of you if you don’t even like yourself.
Bro big facts. You’ll definitely get genuine connections
@@wedontagelikemilktho.7839 unattractive guys who know the cheat code always end up with the prettiest women mind you.
@@battlestargalactica9881 “not really” thanks for disregarding bro’s entire reality💀
She asked those phonies a straight up direct question on if theyd swipe right on someone in a wheelchair and not only did they lie to her face, but tried to say she was "speaking to society as a whole." No the hell she wasnt. She was speaking directly to your asses. Its why she threw her hands up when they said theyd swipe right cuz she knew they were lying
They don't even swipe right to average guys under 6fth with working legs, so we know what they would do with a guy in a wheelchair
Women compliment each other but don't really mean it. Men insult each other but we don't really mean it. Both are forms of bonding.
I had a best friend who got caught up in the "women supporting women" BS and started leaving nice comments complimenting another girl I used to be friends with who robbed my mom, eveb though she'd talk shit on the girl when she was around me Made me realize quick the other girl wasn't a friend and immediately cut her off. Weird how girls think they have a weird loyalty to each other yet they're often just being fake af and are just giving other girls attention because they want similar attention in return. Toxic for everyone involved.
You said girls while talking about one friend, people only cry about generalizations when it's men being generalized. Fake or not I enjoy the compliments from other women.
You stated that perfectly. I’ll hear all this shit talk from my cousin about her friends but then see her gassing them on Instagram…..like, you don’t like her. Why you fake friends with her??
@@tnago916 lmao what? who's this "people" you're talking about? I never complain about being generalized, not sure what type of people you usually argue with but maybe you oughta stop projecting based on other asshole men that have left dumb comments in the past.
There's actually more than 1 person my comment could pertain to but for the sake of not writing a book in the comment section i mentioned the 1 I was closest with....
And also that group of people includes a guy too who's equally an ass (but I don't consider male friends thirsting to be a part of the "women supporting women" movement lol...) and I don't talk to him either, so IDK what you're trying to get at. This story isn't about all women, I'm talking about a particular toxic trend I've noticed in some girls I know and see on social media. Never said "all" girls anywhere...
If you like the compliments then that's great, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm just commenting on the fact that some girls take those compliments so seriously and are so into social media that they're willing to betray a friend just to stay in touch with someone they know will compliment them back. A very specific situation I've noticed with a few toxic girls, and nowhere did I say that pertains to all girls. (and fwiw, male friends are even worse and less loyal especially when its a pretty girl they're interested in. I just mentioned the main girl I know because this videos about girls and that's what it reminded me about...)
Thanks for making me write a book in the comment section now. I'd be surprised if you even read this all, but maybe that's why it always seems like people are "generalizing" cause no one wants to take the time to address this level nuance for a dumb comment lmao...
@@tnago916to be fair just because they mentioned only one situation doesn’t mean they don’t have more receipts or even more objective data. Did you want them to just write several paragraphs of every time they’ve come in contact with that behavior? Secondly if your fine with fake compliments that’s fine but as a society we should strive to uplift each other and also be truthful with each other.
I would love for them to bring in someone who could walk and put them in a wheelchair.
Have them rate them again, then at the end have the person stand up and see if they keep the same energy.
Because we all know they would get upset they were duped. However ask them why they are upset because it just throws it back in their face the same way if they were virtue signaling for example.
This would be incredible
Kaylee is an ambulatory wheelchair user (as are 70% of all wheelchair users)...meaning she can walk and stand for short periods...
Number 1 for me regardless. Why would we be upset at her? 🤔
This is on the level of the elimination game where they were all feminists, and they character assassinated each other. Genius.
You are a genius. But this is never happening lol.
I think she is confusing beauty with disability. You can be both beautiful and disabled. But even if you are attractive, the unfortunate reality is that a lot of people don't have the patience or willingness to deal with the problems of someone who is disabled. It's no different than a guy who is unwilling to date a single mother because of what comes with it even if she is attractive.
Priya really said there's no representation of her. She doesn't even look like a stereotypical Indian. She looks like an olive skinned mixed beautiful girl.
I'm disabled, I know people who are worse off than myself. I'm a advocate for single disabled people and it is so hard to build others confidence because the looks, how they're treated, these women are hiding their 90s mean girls 😂😂😂
wheelchair by a mile. her clear conscienciousness of her diet to stay that thin means shes way more intelligent and responsible and acts it out than all the nomries! her face is no worse or better than anyone else so her clear miles long advantage in responsibility of diet being handicapped in a wheel chair has her winning literally by miles, no advantage or bonus for the weak here, this is real and straight, no one understands the extra work she probably has to govern her diet to stay that in shape in a wheel chair so in my book, she wins by MILE(S). Normies big big Ls here...
If you look like your picture, you're quite handsome. I never look down on fellow men that have any sort of handicap. Same with women. You are going through this life for God's purpose, not for my personal pleasure.
@@forgottensage-o5o not so much worried about myself I do pretty good, my community has trouble with confidence and set backs. Humans can be jerks even if they don't intend to be. A lot of disabled people feel they have to lead with their disability on dating apps too. It's a whole thing.
facts, autism has not made my dating life either. key has been learning how to hide it and cover up parts of it if anything
I can see that. I guess because I'm getting late middle age I don't use dating apps at all. Good for me because I'm quite short and women hate that. I never realized the extent to their absolute height rejection until I was about 40 so thankful I was ignorant. It's still POSSIBLE for me to date but I just want to read books, eat good food, and take long walks at this point. It never occurred to me that a lot more women would've been available to me, and my 5'6 brother (I'm 5'4). He never married either. @@dennyduane
Aba with the Umar impression made my day "we been working on the school for 5 years....." 😂
I thought I was the only one who caught that 😂
Trust me
Y'all ain't the only one
I love Priya, she's so pretty and sweet. She reminds me of myself and makes me feel represented ❤.
I thought the same thing! Priya is #1 in all categories in my eyes! It’s so easy to be overlooked as a petite woman, but there are men that don’t mind our height lol. Some of those girls were just haters.
She is by far the most attractive woman in the line up.
Her and the blonde in 2nd had by far the best bodies. To have her behind the bloaty black and red head in the body catagory was absurd
She's stunning and sweet. She's perfect
@@MikeBarbarossa bloaty? you ppl can sure be very rude in the name of being 'honest'
"If we are going based on society" ladies, you ARE SOCIETY 🤣🤣🤣
Priya was the most attractive girl there, and the other girls knew it. Every time she participated in the "move myself to the bottom and hope the other girls force me to stay in my spot" race, the other girls let her stay there. They knew she was the most attractive and were trying to quietly lower her self esteem by keeping her at the bottom.
Nailed it. They swooned over the ones that seemed to have the lowest self esteem. They couldn’t touch Priya. Any smart person looking for an awesome wife would choose her, imo. She’s solid gold.
Priya isn’t the best body there
Honestly Id leave her there too because some women who do that are fishing for compliments and thats annoying too. Like if I felt she genuinly didnt feel that way but was doing it to pretend like she didnt know she was pretty just to have others validate her..Id let her stay last too. But its really about intent..sometimes you really can tell when someone is faking being humble to get compliments and have their egos stroked.
You can see her looking at the one in the wheelchair just before she moves at 1:16. That's about the most accurate it got other than where the wheelchair girl went. Also blondie is just a little flat so she stays there.
Priya Is 1st or 2nd in body. They are wild. She also is 1st or 2nd in terms of facial looks.
I thought the woman in the wheelchair was the prettiest, and I am not just "pandering" and "patronizing." I just thought she was gorgeous.
I do agree that on a dating app, she would probably get swiped on least, but I don't think the ranking was just about who gets the most dates.
You're not alone. I find her very pretty too and has a nice slim body and long legs. I feel like people always play up being real and honest just to be mean to people. Will you die because someone else was uplifted through words. What's bad with feel good. Arrgh. It annoys me. And in this case, the woman in the wheelchair is an attractive person and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yeah same here, the rankings wasn't even about who would be the most fuckable or who would be lucky on dating apps so I don't see why Aba and Preach were so convinced that the women were lying.
Of the lot, it's her I like just on looks, don't know about the rest, it'll have to wait until I actually watch the video
@@airohajo4604 nah i guess you just have a different taste but imo she wasn't just slim, she was unhealthy thin
She was easily the 2nd most pretty, but her legs were atrophied, which a lot could fin unattractive.
I always find it amusing when people say their race isnt seen as beautiful while they completely ignore the possibility that maybe they just arent particularly attractive. There are people with the same skin tone as that black girl who are seen as very attractive and she knows it but using the whole "representation" narrative helps protect your self esteem
That is always weird, like I bet money you can line up 10 women that are her shade and they can be called conventionally attractive
Yea, she doesn't realize it her presentation and what people would assume about her personality, not her actual looks and definitely not her race. I'm a black man who loves dark skinned women and I would never give her the time of day just based on how she chooses to present.
Nose rings and developed muscles on a black woman are not attractive at all. she isn't my last place, though. Last is the tatted up girl who kept pounding her fists together.
You also have to consider by what standard people are judged as attractive. The ideal beauty standard in America is very Eurocentric. Which makes sense considering Americas history.
There are women with her skin tone that are prettier than her, but prettier based on what? What kind of features? Slimmer nose? Natural looser hair texture? A lower bone density contributing to a smaller frame? Brighter colored eyes?
Plus generally, if we do take a look at media when we talk about beautiful black women most of the popular examples are biracial and lighter skinned women.
I do think at some point in their lives women put too much emphasis on this rather than focusing on what they can do with their own looks, but I don’t think the idea that the lack of positive representation for certain types of women contributes to how the general public views them in terms of attraction is completely dismissible. Otherwise there should be one innate beauty standard across the world.
You really can’t say that, because the threshold for being attractive as a person of colour is WAY higher than it is for white people. You have to fit into eurocentric beauty standards, and I’ve even seen girls with almost supermodel looks who will get passed up for being of colour🤷♀️ that’s why we have “oh! You’re so pretty for a …girl” because being a person of colour is INHERENTLY (to them) a flaw.
The ironic thing is that e.g. Priya and Kaylee (in the wheelchair) move further up the ladder the more you watch, because they're genuine and smart. Most of the other girls just become less and less attractive the more they talk. It's almost as if your personality is a factor.
The MOST FUKED UP thing is that EVEN IF the wheel chair lady believes them for ten minutes, she will be heartbroken when she rolls out to the street, and hears truth again. It’s so scummy to lie to people for your own insecurity to tell them the truth.
Shoutout to the girl in the wheelchair, I know what is like to be insecure in my body... I'm very insecure about me everyday
The problem with this kind of thing is it is all down to personal preference, this isn't something set in stone and never will be
This is 100% true. Which is why you just need to give your own honest ranking and then the average scores will determine final ranking.
Lying does nothing but waste everyone’s time.
They need to have them just rank without being around each other first then bring them together. Would be more interesting to compare their lies against their true opinions when not concerned about hurting each others feelings
Exactly, the girl who was placed mostly last was the most attractive to me
This is true but these women are clearly capping. They judge the first place and 2nd place women on how curvy they were and what not but then suddenly changed their rating style when it came to her
I think the thing about the girl in the wheelchair is that from a woman’s perspective her body looks really really good.
I enjoy complimenting people, but they're real compliments, not placations. I compliment outfits, hair styles and colors, eyes, smiles. We don't all have to be the best looking creature to walk the earth. We have our own beauties about us. I won't say you got a banging body if you don't, lol.
Right? And I could think of a thousand nice TRUE things to say about the girl in the wheelchair. I actually thought she had the best personality of all of them because she was self-aware, intelligent, spoke well and calmly, and she is very pretty. But to say I don't see the wheelchair at all or don't see it as a barrier would be a lie.
@@Dementia.Pugilistica agreed
Yep! You can tell when it's genuine. I didn't see these women as being genuine because they DID focus on the wheelchair as much as she did, but they were trying TOO hard to be "nice" about it.
When black women talk about the place black people are in, in terms of beauty standards, and the struggle they are in, WHILE wearing straight hair, and BLONDE (I don't want to hear about a rare group of black people with blonde hair) is such a CONTRADICTION, I never know what to do.
18:25 "I'll put you in the front because you know who you are, you know you're beauty, and you know you are beautiful...." Bruh what????? How do ya rank overall beauty based off of that??? Women really be pissing me off with that dumb shit
You would physically hurt your brain if you try to make sense of it.
I think what I hate the most is how quickly the lies came when the wheelchair girl asked if they would swipe on a person in wheelchair. There's literally no hesitation when it comes to women lying in a public setting to seem like good people.
Im starting a job as a spinal cord injury carer and i have been watching your show for a while now. This came at exactly the right time. What i have learned is to remain kind but be honest 💯
A whole bunch of strait women telling each other why they are pretty was like watching my kids soccer coach tell them they did a great job while chasing butterflies through the field the wrong way
Kaylee is pretty and does honestly have model proportions (they always like the really slim, tall girls for that) but the fact that she's in a wheelchair puts her at a disadvantage.
Her face was definitely higher up, but looking at the body from side-on, she's a little too thin for most dudes probably.
If you compare her face to the other ladies she is not “that pretty”. Her nose too big, her chin too small. She is not ugly, she is pretty in her own way, but no, no way in any way it was neither in body or face the hype this hypocritical women were praising her to be.
@@lawsattitude1999 Most likely. But I was basing my comment on them telling her she could be a model. The modeling industry likes taller, thinner women with some exceptions.
@@theredheadwiththread1275Fair enough.
She has zero chance sorry that’s the reality
Priya and curly hair girl should definitely be top 2. Priya has a natural face and body and her demeaner is very humble and cute.
But be fr the girl in the wheelchair actually has a nice ass body , am I missing something? We aren’t judging if she’s in a wheelchair , they are ranking ideal body types .
Also PSA people in wheelchairs have the ability to stand ( and workout) they just have limitations. And also genetics .
Her legs are atrophied. The angle of the camera kinda hides it. Not much she can do about it but it looks off-putting to many people
I think they were focusing on the fact that if she weren't wheel chair bound, she actually would have one of the best bodies. You can tell genetically she would be very attractive she has that long lean modelesque body type. Her upper half is on point and she manages to have a freaking flat stomach without bring able to run / do a lot of cardio and ab work. Unfortunately her bottom half is just due to muscle wasting, which she cant help at all.
Exactly. Idk why they think it was just pandering.
I’m mad that they put her in a position to be ranked to begin with
😂. They didn't do shii. She went there to be ranked.
@@anonymousbo0318 yeah obviously but how do you know they didn’t pressure her for clout? They do some of these volunteers dirty with their edits. And what if they pick from a pool of volunteers and they picked this wheelchair chick because it’s good for clicks. We don’t know what their selection process is like
@@salma_Nella22 She's a grown adult and she can make her own decisions. You acting like she's a child is what concerns me here. She decided to be there, so I will respect her decision, as I do with fully grown adults. I don't act like they're mentally disabled and take away their right to make (stupid) decisions.
She applied, they probably chose her for easy inclusive points...
@@unknowjlmthey chose her for content
As someone who is disabled a lot of the time (multiple sclerosis) and even in a wc when I have a flare...I take care of myself and have a nice body. I was a personal trainer and athlete before MS. If you were to see me outside of a flare, you'd never know.
The girl in the wc is actually very beautiful and has a nice body. Has good proportions too.
So I was watching this video and my girlfriend walked in asking me what this was all about. I explained the premise to her and how the nature of men and women is so different when it comes to these types of scenarios where men will elect the individual based off logically and pragmatic thinking, packaged in rationale to come to a conclusive decision on "who is objectively more attractive" or "who is the objectively best suited for the job" etc.
While women will start aligning themselves to whatever seems to be the more morally and socially accepted answer even if they don't feel it deep down inside.
No protest from my girlfriend, she agreed 100%. Oh also she said that Priya was the prettiest girl there too from an objective and subjective standpoint:
- No virtue signalling.
- No "rah rah" social pandering.
- She held her tongue more often than not which is a sign of confidence and awareness in herself and her abilities.
While the other women were just playing social virtuous tetherball with each other.
Also when Aba went into his woke persona I lost it 😂😂😂
To be honest, these are some of the toughest A&P episodes for me to look at. These ladies make it difficult to watch and take them seriously. No one wants to be 'better than' the other, and the self-deprecating statements are just cringe to me. Smh.
Did she really just say, "I'm all for the hoes." 🤦 11:30
That's disgusting
Wheelchair user,Male 21, I've used multiple apps. Swipes are slim to none. However, I do better in person. So they were balantly lying. Maybe they would swipe, but they're always gonna choose someone else over the wheelchair on an app. I always think about how my partner might have to do more to make up for my lack of ability. So I understand why my already small options, continue to shrink when involved with women. Life be like. I've grown into it
Having a disable partner from start is a choice that people don't make that often... involves a lot of extra work that people are not willing to make for themselves but hey Nick Vujicic has a wife so everyone can do it .
I love watching these. You get to see the emotional arguments about why "everyones better than me" vs the "you look better, logically speaking, a man would want you"
Audience rankings sound good. Make it happen pre show so when its released they can hear what the audience thinks and be big mad on camera.
The ways they move, it's like they play Portal2 in their heads. The gymnastics, my days.
I had a crazy dream today. We were all chilling at Aba's appartment and then I started to lift weights with Preach.
Should have kept that to yourself 😂
I hope you stay awake.
Bro delete this. That’s weird
And who tf is we?
@@Tarumarugan I ain't deleting nothing
3:02 the girl in the wheel chair is good looking, however the others look great too. Women like to lie 😢 girls why do we always do this?🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
You guys are so right! I hate feeling patronized when I know there’s something I lack & I want to fix it. My counselor does that. “There’s no such thing as normal” 😅Yes there is, there’s a societal norm ma’am 🙃 Or people wouldn’t be in jails or mental hospitals.
If the vast majority of a group has a particular quality, it's "normal" to have that quality. Normality exists.
I believe this is the great social battle of our time. Does "normality" exist as a thing that we want to keep and perpetuate? Seems like almost every social issue can be broken down to this.
IMO, every successful society in history has had a concept of normal, and the more honest you are about that, the easier it'll be to navigate life.
Any possibility you can get a new counselor? I would not want one that says "there's no normal". 😬
@@Evulchair: No kidding. If there's no normal, then the counselor is saying psychosis and personality disorders are on par with mental stability and emotional clarity. Sheesh! 🙄
@@smody121: Kind of reminds me of the comment Aba pinned a couple days ago. "What does she think conservatives want to conserve? Traditions lol." We want to retain _some_ sense of normalcy, of consistent expectations, and not just be subject to random blowings of the proverbial wind or to have the fringe elements forced on everyone else!
The two girls they put last are the most attractive to me (I’m a straight woman). The girl in the wheelchair has very specify struggles in the dating scene because of her handicap but, if we are going solely off looks, she’s doing good. She has a healthy weight, defined waistline, nothing in her face stands out negatively, her hair looks great and her skin as well.
The girl in first place has the perfect amount of cake, so no.
Wheel chair wins by a miles all things considered! Shes skinnier and that means the normies should be damned embarrassed! Normies total L on this one. Wheel chair honey won by a mile! Her face aint a ten but as you said nothing seriously negative sticks out. SHes a 6 face but 8 body.
Aba N Preach are correct on their rankings
I agree. As a male I would put the little girl from India (?) first because she has a nice tone to her voice, is petite and feminine and knows how to get along with others (the gold standard that's most important). The least attractive is the tatted up girl who kept pounding her fists. Then the muscular black girl with the nose ring. I've never met a man, ever, who likes nose rings. A lot will Tolerate nose rings.
Yeah nothing like those sexy hollow cast legs amiright!?
“I am COMFORTABLE with myself… ive got my body done, my nose done, my lips done”
Exactly 😂