They massively improved it though, Incredibles is a great movie, and they've tied it in seamlessly. I think Disney improved this attraction with the changes, which isnt always the case (Space Mountain, I'm looking in your direction).
Saying it's an "improvement" is very debatable. The ride has a dull storyline, cheap theming, static figures, annoying diolugue, not engaging, makes no sense to slap incredibles or pixar in general on a boardwalk environment, I could go on. The sole reason it exists at all is to promote incredibles 2 and to profit from merchandise sales from consumers. The only redeeming quality it has is the soundtrack in itself, and most still consider it inferior to screamin's soundtrack.
I hope it comes back 😭
They massively improved it though, Incredibles is a great movie, and they've tied it in seamlessly. I think Disney improved this attraction with the changes, which isnt always the case (Space Mountain, I'm looking in your direction).
Saying it's an "improvement" is very debatable. The ride has a dull storyline, cheap theming, static figures, annoying diolugue, not engaging, makes no sense to slap incredibles or pixar in general on a boardwalk environment, I could go on. The sole reason it exists at all is to promote incredibles 2 and to profit from merchandise sales from consumers. The only redeeming quality it has is the soundtrack in itself, and most still consider it inferior to screamin's soundtrack.