Ramana Maharshi - Remain in the Heart

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • 🎙️ Dear listeners of our channel, MIRROR OF THE MIND,
    💖 Each REFLECTION we share is a small piece of us, delivered with love and dedication. If any of these REFLECTIONS have touched your heart, I ask that you consider making a donation, however modest. Your support not only helps keep the channel running, but also allows us to continue telling stories that have the power to touch lives and inspire change. Every penny is an expression of your support and trust in our work.
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    📘 If you are facing difficulties such as anxiety, depression, illness, or financial difficulties, the book "How to Get Closer to God" was made especially for you. This book is a story of overcoming, an opportunity to find hope, peace, and a deeper connection with God. Whether you are seeking answers to your struggles, seeking relief from anxiety, or looking for extra income, this book will guide you on your spiritual journey.
    🔗 Click on the link IN THE COMMENTS BELOW TO GET YOUR BOOK NOW. "How to Get Closer to God"
    🙏 We sincerely thank you for being part of this journey with us.
    🌌 Inner Discovery: The Divine Within 🌌
    Imagine closing your eyes and embarking on a journey deep within your being. 🌠 When we dive beneath the surface, we find a universal truth: God is not somewhere far away, but resides deep within our hearts. ❤️ This powerful message invites us to explore the divine connection we all carry within.
    Sometimes, the ego acts as a veil, convincing us that we are just bodies separated from the whole. 🧘‍♂️ However, by dismantling this illusion, we discover that the kingdom of God has always been within us, hidden by the fog of ignorance. 🌫️
    🌀 Spiritual Transformation 🌀
    The idea of ​​separation is a construct of the mind. 🌿 By meditating on the non-existence of the ego, we begin to glimpse the true nature of reality. God is not a distant entity; He is the pulsating essence of our being. This revelation brings an unshakable peace, a knowledge that transcends words. 📿
    The wise have always said that supreme knowledge arises from the realization of one's own nonexistence. 🧘‍♀️ The ego, that sense of individuality, dissolves in the light of understanding. The heart becomes not just a physical organ, but the spiritual center from which everything emanates. 🌍💖
    💫 The Harmony of the Heart 💫
    In the silence of the heart, we find God's true home. 🕊️ It is a haven of absolute calm, where the noise of the outside world cannot penetrate. Here, everything comes together in a harmonious symphony of existence. 🎶 The illusion of separation dissolves in the presence of divine love.
    This realization completely changes our perception of the universe. 🪐 We no longer see God as something external, but as the substance of all that exists. 🌀 This transforms our relationship with the world and with ourselves. Peace from the heart spreads to all aspects of life, radiating serenity and unity. 🌿
    🌟 Return to the Spiritual Center 🌟
    Spiritual practice becomes a constant return to this center, to the heart. 🌸 It is a process of releasing the illusions of the ego and diving into the truth of being. In the heart, we find freedom and true happiness. 🎇
    Each step on this spiritual journey leads us to a profound awakening, where we discover that we are more than bodies and minds. We are a divine expression, interconnected with the universe in a dance of love and unity. 🌌
    ✨ Join this journey of self-discovery and spirituality! ✨
    #SelfKnowledge #Spirituality #DivineConnection #MeditatingOnTheHeart #UnityWithGod #InnerPeace #DivineLove #IllusionOfEgo #SpiritualAwakening #InnerJourney #TruthOfBeing #SpiritualHeart #UniversalHarmony #FreeYourSelf #DivineEssence

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