No kidding. People are so fucking stupid. They have obviously never encountered a psychopath. I was married to one. They haven't got a clue what they are saying.
creator - By reading your comments you've found the answer by explaining everyone else is stupid. Psychopaths? Some of us can make an educated guess not to marry one. Sorry you had a bad experience however.
I think they call it GROOMING.. Isn't that what child molesters do... Make you feel REAL SPECIAL ... then they attack ... rape the children and make them like it...
Do not judge anyone this way, the same way you wouldn't like people to judge you. Keep this in mind. You don't know the inner world of people and don't know their private struggles. Compassion is necessary. And she is taking responsability, she was corageous to expose herself. The majority of people wouldn't have the same bravery in her place.
Lake was taken in by the gang when she was fourteen and groomed by Manson and his harem. The gang occupied their abundant free time with LSD trips and group sex. When the gang was busted, Lake was placed in a psychiatric facility where she remained for eight months. Various diagnoses were suggested, including drug-induced psychosis, schizophrenia, etc. She was a sixteen year old wreck. Even if she had known that the murders were imminent, she would not have been strong enough to do anything. Let it go.
I believe her and I don't think she should be judged negatively. She was a confused child (regardless if she was having sex and drugs), I am glad she found her way and lives a better life. Have compassion people.
Dianne Lake was 14 yrs. old, and she joins the Charles Manson family !! Where were her parents, why did her parents allow their 14 yr. old kid leave home and join some cult ? Something was not right with her and her parents !
Michael Stewart......How exactly do parents 'dropped out' and 'abandon' her? Did they leave Dianna Lake at a side of the road; or did they leave her at some church footsteps or a local hospital? I don't buy it !!
Her parents were hippies. They abandoned her. They "dropped out". That was a term back in the 60's for turning your back on anything and everything to do with society and responsibility. You kids have this romantic vision of hippies. You are all delusional. Dianne was thrown away by parents who encouraged her to do drugs and live that disgusting lifestyle. You don't have to buy it; that's what happened. Thank goodness she was rescued by normal people after all this mess.
There's no such thing as evil. Evil is a word constructed by organised religions. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. It's subjective. Someone can do "bad" things but no one is evil.
@@Dogtles You said "evil is in the eye of the beholder. It's subjective." Yes evil is tied to religion, because without a God as a source of morality you're left with naturalism. And good and evil don't exist within naturalism.
Sad. If I went to live on crazy ranch with that group my parents would have went through hell and high water to get me back. Easy target for Manson. Just terrible. 14 is extremely young. Glad she came out okay
Also a lot of these young people were runaways looking for some place to belong which is what Manson was luring them in with. Manson was a stone cold sociopath who had them completely trained to follow his orders. A master manipulator.
He talked to those girls and asked them about their childhoods. Then pretended to be what they needed. Most needed a father figure/friend. Then he would turn on them to get them to obey. They thought they let him down and were scared of him. On interviews he was like a chameleon always changing until he got the reaction he wanted.
Even as a young boy, Manson was very manipulative and was able to get other children to bend to his will. He recruited fellow students to beat up boys he didn’t like, and, when confronted by teachers, would claim that the aggressors did these acts on their own free will.
@@johnb.8687 our terrorist country usa killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people by attackign small defenseless countries for no ligit reason and many of us americans refuse to hold our country adn our people responsible
It's an unfair generalization by Amy to say Manson was representative of the "Hippy Movement." Not all "Hippies" were counter-culture, and VERY few were murderers. Mason even said himself he wasn't a Hippy and that he hated Hippies. I grew up in that era and had a lot of Hippy friends that were really good people.
Manson was never a hippy. He just used the right jargon of the time to draw in his cult members. He was a sociopath who probably though he landed in Shangri La and these young people were ripe for the pickens. I think it's sad that these kids badically had the misfortune of running into this Manson. He killed and ruined so many people lives. They never would've killed anybody if they never met him.
I agree, I also feel that this cult probably would have continued killing and would've been much lower profile if a pregnant actress hadent been sadly murdered.
I'm a clinically diagnosed "sociopath" (ASPD). Sociopaths are most definitely capable of love. Did he actually love her? Probably not, but demonizing the disorder as an incapacity for love is pure ignorance, babe.
"Member of the Family" has been by far the most honest of all the books written by ex-members. It details just how abusive, violently moody, and manipulative Manson could be. The fact that Miss Lake has never had to face a parole board is probably key to that honesty. Lake was a victim of her parents' drug use. They are the ones who introduced her to drugs, including LSD. C'est la vie.
I wish people would stop interviewing her... I'm getting tired of her.... She wasn't involved in any of the crimes so this is her way I'm getting some attention like everybody.... Let it go and be quiet go live your life
The comment area is filled with special people. They have trouble listening and reasoning. Thank God she wrote this book. Finally. A real "survivor" tells the story of what went on there. The commentators think they have control over their children. Just wait.
Just recently read her book and I really really felt for her. Her parents where drop outs from society and bought into the some crap a lot of people did in the 60s. Shockley her first acid trip was giving to her by her own parents!!! That’s how she was lead into being involved with these nutcases. They did not represent the counterculture of the 1960s. Mason just used it to groom people and restructure their beliefs into his. As brainwashed as she became she did not participate in the murders and helped but him and the rest behind bar. I really suggest reading her book!
The question should be how one end up in a cult and why do we blame a leader more than the members themselves? Simplifying that it's all down to drugs and freedom of group sex is not good enough. Please watch some related videos on Larry King Show where Mr Bulgosi says something really significant to it all.
It doesn't matter if any of the killers repent, show remorse or good behavior. The victims are still dead. Even if the killers show recovery, the victims will always be dead
She still is following him . She secretly is still emotionally attached to him in some sort of way. She was 14 and she should be thankful she is still alive and not in prison for murdering these people. I hope she realizes that. She could have been very easily been manipulated into doing all kinds of things that would have changed her life forever. She seems like a person that could be drawn in his world. He was very good at picking certain people to do his bidding.
@@hridi_ no kidding, but at the time she was laughing about it with TEX. She also exhibits behavior that is akin to attention seeking and romanticizing. She clearly is living in the past and is peddling her book. She just wants the $. If I'm wrong and she doesn't want the $$$, then she should donate ALL proceeds to the organization Doris Tate founded. If that is no longer in existence then donate the proceeds to a different victim's rights org. She's just looking for her 15 minutes. Ugh.
bainsgate100 maybe that’s true. Maybe that’s not. It’s really unfair to say these things about him just by watching an interview. I mean I don’t know about you, but I’m not an expert no matter how much crime documentaries I watch. She was abandoned by her parents, was given acid as a child, was brainwashed by a cult leader, spent years in mental hospital. But she seemed to turn her life around. She testified against Manson which helped the victims’ case. If I was her, I would love to have some cash after that shitty life to enjoy my retirement
I am the same age as Diane, times were different then. Her worthless parents virtually gave her to Manson with nowhere else to go she complied. How was your judgement at 14?
People were more impressionable in the sixties because of the rebellious nature of so called innocent young generation. Manson exploited his younger "family" he never had. It's not hard to imagine.
blaine shafer. It doesn`t matter, it was his gang. Same concept as the mob. Mafia bosses get sent away because of other peoples` actions. That's just how it is.
She was 14. My former co-worker, Mike, was going to Spahn Ranch, when he was 10 years old. He rode his bike there. He lived in Chatsworth. He was a cute kid, I guess, blonde hair, blue eyes. he said he liked it there, because the girls would fuss over him. He said Charlie talked to him a few times. When the caretaker found out, he said a boy that young had no business there, and forbade his return. We are still friends.
All you people need to seriously read the book before you judge this woman. The first half is about her younger years. It will make sense why she ended up where she did at 14. Her parents were truly fucked.
corrolla A shame it wasn't you to make the profound comment given you're eagerness to insult thoughts of others. Good luck to you with the next one ...
There's nothing wrong in telling your story. If people are curious and willing to buy, then what's the big deal? Are you bothered you don't have a story to tell?
@beatle pete she didn't kill anyone and she was a victim who testified against him. She's just telling her horrible experience in a book, nothing more. What blood money? You're so overdramatic 🙄
Wasn't Lake like, obsessed with Charlie?? I've read almost every book on Manson and the Manson Family and in at least 2 or 3 of them it talks about how crazy she was for Charlie. How she'd get insanely jealous if he was ever with another one of the girls.
She was 14 and on drugs. Teenage girls tend to be jealous without drugs, substances have a way of taking away what rational thought you do have. That's not that far fetched. Also it's been 50 years I think people are allowed to change within that time span.
I would try to stay away from anything having to do with him. That's why I feel as if she still adores him. Look at her. Something's wrong with her. Hope no one buys the Damm book.
she didn't watch shit. She testified and helped put the actual killers away. And unlike some others it wasn't to get herself off of charges, as she had nothing serious charged against her. as soon as she was jailed with other family members in one of the raids she used the safety of not being alone with them, to get out. She was then adopted by one of the detectives working on the case and became a normal, healthy, functional part of society.
Parenting back then was not strict like it is now. Back then you could basically beat your kids and it would be okay. And while I do believe you should be able to give your own kids a good smack every once in awhile, that's totally something you'd go to jail for today. Such a sad, sad world we live in.
These women never took responsibility for what they did! Just because a man tells you that you are special you doesn't kill innocent people. imagine every woman who heard this from a man would become a murderer.
How disgusting that this person is making money off of murder victims. Regardless if she testified against “the family” or not she knew of the murders and kept silent. She also went into hiding with the group. Now she is using those same memories to sell her book. Her smugness on the Dr. Phil show was truly repugnant. She should donate ALL of the book’s proceeds to a crime victims advocate group.
Vicki Carpenter I don't know if she is making money off the murder victims. I don't think the book is about the murders since she wasn't there to be a witness. It's an inside story to a strange cult during an interesting time in history. If she can make money from the book, I don't have a problem with it.
hana777amanuel And when you write a book, there is no guarantee that you will make money. Some people despise former inmates and crooks because when their sentence is over, people think they can just write a book and make millions of dollars. Doesn't always work out that way. However, with Charlie dying yesterday, the timing of the book could not be better. "They gave her the gory details with an attitude of glee." Wow. Some of the Manson family were definitely fanatical/evil.
No one knew or talked about the emotional manipulation or mind control tactics of narcissists, sociopaths or psychopaths back then plus we were in the middle of a counter culture of rebellious teens of that time. The baby boomers coming of glad it's over.
What people forget is that it WAS NOT that Manson's followers were rebelling against their dads. Most often they did not HAVE dads, or their dads left. And Charles Manson was happy to step into the role of father figure.
Psychopaths such as Charles Manson, Ted Bundy etc. tend to look very attractive and intellegent. That`s why many naive people are likely to be victimized by them.
Phil B well it helps that she hasn’t been in prison for over a century and has been living free and had the privilege of having a new family and children of her own.
Who in the world would admit to knowing Hitler? Well, his secretary did. She survived the war and stayed silent for decades to protect herself. But towards the end of her life she realized that once she was gone their would be no one left to tell the story so she wrote a book. The movie "Downfall" is based on her book. Both her book and the movie serve as warnings to future generations so they don't repeat the same mistakes again.
Her last name is Lake, she bears an uncanny resemblance to serial killer Leonard Lake...and she grew up in a hippie commune in Leonard Lake. There is no mention of them being related, on the net or otherwise. It’s very weird
I was watching a Manson family documentary and Charles Manson said that he did nothing wrong. The only wrong he did do was to join that singing group called “the family” 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
This girl was 14 when she was introduced to the Manson family. While she was part of a group and followed a man responsible for horrific acts, she is a victim as well. Manson was a manipulator. He prayed on certain types of psychologically vulnerable people, and with the use of drugs and ideas, coerced them to do these things.
I agree with her 100% ,what bother me is it took 50years because she was healing,here is my point of view is,deep down in her heart she is blindsided by love fore Charles mansion !!!!
The Manson group quickly became a criminal gang. They devoted their abundant free time to group sex during acid trips. Enlightenment didn't get into it.
Just watch interviews with all the followers, including Charles Watson`s account. I'm just repeating how they explain it, in summary. That's what they all say they were doing, `searching`.
She wrote a book so people like you could understand. Maybe read it and not assume you know her. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t know what it’s like to be 14 and brainwashed into a cult.
@@vegetalover1009 People were killed if they didn't carry out Hitler's orders. They chose to go to Cielo Drive that night and commit murder. Free will. x
They were all mainly hippies and hippies did hangout in many many groups. If anyone lived on Spahn Ranch which has a lot of rattle snakes and you were a ranch hand like Manson wouldn't you give everyone at least a knife to protect yourself from the snakes there, and show them how go use it. Much better than everyone having guns. Also Manson was 40 miles away when Tex led all the assaults to kill people . I hope Tex stays in jail then ends up in eternal hell as he was the ring leader in the murders.
Religion tells you humans can be a god and make prophecies. It really isn't that much of a surprise people make these conclusions, especially when young.
Ugh, please. All she is doing is peddling her book. She never mentions that she LAUGHED when they told her they killed those 8 people (baby included) now she's acting appalled?! She is still romanticizing about her love-in with CM. It's so obvious. She's disgusting. Wonder if she's friends with TEX.
She thinks he was used for evil. Still childish at that age. Manson was the jolly architect of his actions. And an unbelievable ego trip duping all those obedient females. No other force.
There was a tremendous void in her soul not to have any common sense as time marches on. Today it's called grooming, he must have been a real charmer to share a sack of shit.
creator - Back in those days the word "grooming" hadn't been assigned to this type of perversion. Being snide about what you're clueless about other than easy to read headlines defines your lack of maturity. You're welcome for the lesson.
All interviews of her are different word for the same question, while Charles gives the same words for any of the same questions. She can make a money whatever way she want and seems that she’s doing it. I’m in nobody’s side because there’s no need to be. I just disagree the world having to make such publicity and crab for this type of history when there were bigger names locked away that nobody has a clue of because it’s not that they heard. Sayonara~
bruh she was 16 and brainwashed but still didnt hurt anyone and had the balls to go aganst a murder who was 20yrs older then her and got him locked up. Like without her, he probably would have been able to get away for a lot longer.
There were people who were in charlie's group brought in by the overly friendly girls. Charlie would say its my way or the highway. They left fast bc they knew they would be hurt if they stayed, and smart enuff to not want to be told what to do/think. The smart ones left or got beat/killed by telling him no
When you're lost it's easy for a charismatic sociopath/psychopath to get to you and twist you all up until your thinking is all about pleasing them. Not excusing the followers. Murder is still murder but I believe a lot of people could have fell victim to him.
So much hate for this lady? Come on people ,
she was 14years old and she did testify against him.
No kidding. People are so fucking stupid.
They have obviously never encountered a psychopath. I was married to one.
They haven't got a clue what they are saying.
creator -
By reading your comments you've found the answer by explaining everyone else is stupid. Psychopaths? Some of us can make an educated guess not to marry one. Sorry you had a bad experience however.
Please don't compare angry ex, with a mass murderer,
Hope Joy 👍👍👍
your right . and she did not kill anyone
I think they call it GROOMING.. Isn't that what child molesters do... Make you feel REAL SPECIAL ... then they attack ... rape the children and make them like it...
That is precisely what her book describes.
Jean Jones -
In those days the word grooming was never attached to this type of hideous perversion. It was just called sickening.
@@sbn49ajc98 Well, yes, but if you can identify something, you can better combat it.
Remember that CM did time for pimping. Sounds like the same technique.
Everybody focuses on him.. The followers need to take responsibility for what they chose to do
She didn't do anything. So there is that.
Chose?? I think they were devoid of any choice, they were brainwashed..drug addled teenagers.
Do not judge anyone this way, the same way you wouldn't like people to judge you. Keep this in mind. You don't know the inner world of people and don't know their private struggles. Compassion is necessary. And she is taking responsability, she was corageous to expose herself. The majority of people wouldn't have the same bravery in her place.
The women who committed these murders have taken responsibility for their actions and they are full of regret.
@@marcia8789 bd
Lake was taken in by the gang when she was fourteen and groomed by Manson and his harem. The gang occupied their abundant free time with LSD trips and group sex. When the gang was busted, Lake was placed in a psychiatric facility where she remained for eight months. Various diagnoses were suggested, including drug-induced psychosis, schizophrenia, etc. She was a sixteen year old wreck. Even if she had known that the murders were imminent, she would not have been strong enough to do anything. Let it go.
Thanks Michael Stewart for explaining the truth to these naive haters
But smart enough to try and save her own skin!
Michael Stewart Agreed
Kathryn Meakim Has
@@kathrynmeakim5869 Save her skin from what? She wasn't involved with any of the murders.
Of course he did not love you. He did not love anyone, including himself.
I believe her and I don't think she should be judged negatively. She was a confused child (regardless if she was having sex and drugs), I am glad she found her way and lives a better life. Have compassion people.
Sorry but you wouldn't feel like that if it was your family they killed!!!!
@@moondrop879 yeah but Dianne didnt kill anyone. She got her act together. GIve her a break.
cyandoll nope.
@@moondrop879 feel sorry for your kids if they did something heinous.
She’s the only truly sane one of the bunch if you ask me.
1969 was NOT the summer of love. 1967 was. Wish reporters would get their facts straight.
Dianne Lake was 14 yrs. old, and she joins the Charles Manson family !! Where were her parents, why did her parents allow their 14 yr. old kid leave home and join some cult ? Something was not right with her and her parents !
She says her parents dropped out and abandoned her.
Hadlee Runaways.
Michael Stewart......How exactly do parents 'dropped out' and 'abandon' her? Did they leave Dianna Lake at a side of the road; or did they leave her at some church footsteps or a local hospital? I don't buy it !!
Her parents were hippies. They abandoned her. They "dropped out". That was a term back in the 60's for turning your back on anything and everything to do with society and responsibility. You kids have this romantic vision of hippies. You are all delusional. Dianne was thrown away by parents who encouraged her to do drugs and live that disgusting lifestyle. You don't have to buy it; that's what happened. Thank goodness she was rescued by normal people after all this mess.
I think she needs help
She paused and said 'i think he was used for evil', no love he is evil, no matter what age, you know killing is wrong.
I think she means he was part of MK ULTRA a government mind control program.
There's no such thing as evil. Evil is a word constructed by organised religions. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. It's subjective. Someone can do "bad" things but no one is evil.
@@Dogtles So rape being evil is subjective? Genocide being evil is subjective? What's evil is your viewpoint of evil.
@@micah4460 don't remember denying that.
@@Dogtles You said "evil is in the eye of the beholder. It's subjective." Yes evil is tied to religion, because without a God as a source of morality you're left with naturalism. And good and evil don't exist within naturalism.
Sad. If I went to live on crazy ranch with that group my parents would have went through hell and high water to get me back. Easy target for Manson. Just terrible. 14 is extremely young. Glad she came out okay
Also a lot of these young people were runaways looking for some place to belong which is what Manson was luring them in with. Manson was a stone cold sociopath who had them completely trained to follow his orders. A master manipulator.
@@brianwalsh1401 Manson needed a pipe struck to his head and even that wouldn’t do any justice to bring common sense to him sadly
Would you have run back to manson had your parents rescued you?
He talked to those girls and asked them about their childhoods. Then pretended to be what they needed. Most needed a father figure/friend. Then he would turn on them to get them to obey. They thought they let him down and were scared of him. On interviews he was like a chameleon always changing until he got the reaction he wanted.
Even as a young boy, Manson was very manipulative and was able to get other children to bend to his will. He recruited fellow students to beat up boys he didn’t like, and, when confronted by teachers, would claim that the aggressors did these acts on their own free will.
Sounds like my ex-wife SMH 😢👺
When a killer can get more girls than me
our government and police officers are killers also get real charles did not kill no one
yea but they werent like 20 yr olds, young teenagers can be pretty easily manipulated know what to do! ❌
@@johnb.8687 our terrorist country usa killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people by attackign small defenseless countries for no ligit reason and many of us americans refuse to hold our country adn our people responsible
instead we make up lies to make our country and people look innocent
It's an unfair generalization by Amy to say Manson was representative of the "Hippy Movement." Not all "Hippies" were counter-culture, and VERY few were murderers. Mason even said himself he wasn't a Hippy and that he hated Hippies. I grew up in that era and had a lot of Hippy friends that were really good people.
Manson was never a hippy. He just used the right jargon of the time to draw in his cult members. He was a sociopath who probably though he landed in Shangri La and these young people were ripe for the pickens. I think it's sad that these kids badically had the misfortune of running into this Manson. He killed and ruined so many people lives. They never would've killed anybody if they never met him.
Hippies came in all shades and lifestyles. I knew some real pervert hippies in my day.
This is the first time I ever seen Sharron Tates name last. Previous interviews would always say Sharon Tate and 4 others were killed
I noticed that too! It's about time! Only took 50 years!!!
I agree, I also feel that this cult probably would have continued killing and would've been much lower profile if a pregnant actress hadent been sadly murdered.
It's nice to see them giving light to the other victims.
@@awesomeone2979 you obviously do not know who Sharon Tate was. Read a book.
Just finished her book (audiobook). It was a strong personal journey and I felt for her.
Me too
Easier for most people to hate than to Love. It's what people do. Then someone real special comes along and makes life worth living.
“Did Charles Manson love you ?”
Answer: today, I’m not so sure.
Me: he s a narcissist sociopath, he s incapable of love.
Did she say that?
@@Pacdatty831 she did
Sounds like you’re deflecting your person relationships past in here...
No thanks on your Psycho Analysis Ma’am
She knows. She just didn’t wanna say it that way.
I'm a clinically diagnosed "sociopath" (ASPD). Sociopaths are most definitely capable of love. Did he actually love her? Probably not, but demonizing the disorder as an incapacity for love is pure ignorance, babe.
She still looks kinda off-side.
She seems to be reliving those moments in her head as she tells her story.
"Member of the Family" has been by far the most honest of all the books written by ex-members. It details just how abusive, violently moody, and manipulative Manson could be. The fact that Miss Lake has never had to face a parole board is probably key to that honesty.
Lake was a victim of her parents' drug use. They are the ones who introduced her to drugs, including LSD. C'est la vie.
She talks about bad shit Charlie did, she must be honest. Total cash grab, pass on this book.
I wish people would stop interviewing her... I'm getting tired of her.... She wasn't involved in any of the crimes so this is her way I'm getting some attention like everybody.... Let it go and be quiet go live your life
The comment area is filled with special people. They have trouble listening and reasoning. Thank God she wrote this book. Finally. A real "survivor" tells the story of what went on there. The commentators think they have control over their children. Just wait.
She was not a member involved in any of the killings. And.. She still had a logic and got out.
Just recently read her book and I really really felt for her. Her parents where drop outs from society and bought into the some crap a lot of people did in the 60s. Shockley her first acid trip was giving to her by her own parents!!! That’s how she was lead into being involved with these nutcases. They did not represent the counterculture of the 1960s. Mason just used it to groom people and restructure their beliefs into his. As brainwashed as she became she did not participate in the murders and helped but him and the rest behind bar. I really suggest reading her book!
Stop calling it a cult
What would you call it?
@@countessratzass5408 a bunch of high hippies and mentally unstable outsiders
Anyone here after mindhunter season 2? Geez the guy who plays him does so well it’s weird
Don't judge. Until you've been groomed by a psychopath you won't get it.
The question should be how one end up in a cult and why do we blame a leader more than the members themselves? Simplifying that it's all down to drugs and freedom of group sex is not good enough. Please watch some related videos on Larry King Show where Mr Bulgosi says something really significant to it all.
She is so ashamed and tethered, but not enough to NOT PROFIT FROM THE KILLINGS.. brilliant!
It doesn't matter if any of the killers repent, show remorse or good behavior. The victims are still dead. Even if the killers show recovery, the victims will always be dead
Dianne Lake isn't a killer though
No. She just ran off with them once she found out
She still likes him
She still is following him . She secretly is still emotionally attached to him in some sort of way. She was 14 and she should be thankful she is still alive and not in prison for murdering these people. I hope she realizes that. She could have been very easily been manipulated into doing all kinds of things that would have changed her life forever. She seems like a person that could be drawn in his world. He was very good at picking certain people to do his bidding.
It's obvious! You can tell she has some kind of romantic notion about that time.
lisa martin She was not involved with the murder, three other girls were
@@hridi_ no kidding, but at the time she was laughing about it with TEX. She also exhibits behavior that is akin to attention seeking and romanticizing. She clearly is living in the past and is peddling her book. She just wants the $. If I'm wrong and she doesn't want the $$$, then she should donate ALL proceeds to the organization Doris Tate founded. If that is no longer in existence then donate the proceeds to a different victim's rights org. She's just looking for her 15 minutes. Ugh.
bainsgate100 maybe that’s true. Maybe that’s not. It’s really unfair to say these things about him just by watching an interview. I mean I don’t know about you, but I’m not an expert no matter how much crime documentaries I watch. She was abandoned by her parents, was given acid as a child, was brainwashed by a cult leader, spent years in mental hospital. But she seemed to turn her life around. She testified against Manson which helped the victims’ case. If I was her, I would love to have some cash after that shitty life to enjoy my retirement
The Summer of Love was 1967, not 1969.
I am the same age as Diane, times were different then. Her worthless parents virtually gave her to Manson with nowhere else to go she complied. How was your judgement at 14?
People were more impressionable in the sixties because of the rebellious nature of so called innocent young generation. Manson exploited his younger "family" he never had. It's not hard to imagine.
She definitely still has some affection to him, the family and that period.
Craig G uhhhh y u ip
As she should, he was a brilliant man
@@HybridBlueDream You wouldn't say that if you were one of his victims.
If her eyes were any closer together she'd be a cyclops.
LOL!!! that s what happens when you take too many drugs.
She one of them that looks like she ages nicer
These RUclips comments lmao
I keep waiting for the day I hear that the Manson Family killers die
The wait is over Charles Manson 11-12-34 to 11-19-17 burn in hell.....
5Mariner He has been in prison since 1969. I was in junior high then. I'm just glad I outlived him
blaine shafer. It doesn`t matter, it was his gang. Same concept as the mob. Mafia bosses get sent away because of other peoples` actions. That's just how it is.
5Mariner At least Manson died.
+John Lamphier Good analogy. Never thought of that.
She was 14.
My former co-worker, Mike, was going to Spahn Ranch, when he was 10 years old. He rode his bike there. He lived in Chatsworth. He was a cute kid, I guess, blonde hair, blue eyes. he said he liked it there, because the girls would fuss over him. He said Charlie talked to him a few times. When the caretaker found out, he said a boy that young had no business there, and forbade his return. We are still friends.
All you people need to seriously read the book before you judge this woman. The first half is about her younger years. It will make sense why she ended up where she did at 14. Her parents were truly fucked.
Finally, someone who makes some sense.
A shame it wasn't you to make the profound comment given you're eagerness to insult thoughts of others. Good luck to you with the next one ...
Can you give a summary lol
Exactly! Just finished the book
She needed the money, that’s why she wrote the book.
So? We buying it
There's nothing wrong in telling your story. If people are curious and willing to buy, then what's the big deal? Are you bothered you don't have a story to tell?
@beatle pete she didn't kill anyone and she was a victim who testified against him. She's just telling her horrible experience in a book, nothing more. What blood money? You're so overdramatic 🙄
And you’re 100% sure about that?
Wasn't Lake like, obsessed with Charlie?? I've read almost every book on Manson and the Manson Family and in at least 2 or 3 of them it talks about how crazy she was for Charlie. How she'd get insanely jealous if he was ever with another one of the girls.
She was 14 and on drugs. Teenage girls tend to be jealous without drugs, substances have a way of taking away what rational thought you do have. That's not that far fetched. Also it's been 50 years I think people are allowed to change within that time span.
@Clafj nothing can ever change sharon tate and her baby being murdered
50 years after of course everyones trying to cash in on the action.
What’s wrong with cashing in on your story?
I would try to stay away from anything having to do with him. That's why I feel as if she still adores him. Look at her. Something's wrong with her. Hope no one buys the Damm book.
lati538. Being a book fanatic myself, this is one I will not get. What a dipshit
She only watched.
I bought this book. It is wonderful.
she didn't watch shit. She testified and helped put the actual killers away. And unlike some others it wasn't to get herself off of charges, as she had nothing serious charged against her.
as soon as she was jailed with other family members in one of the raids she used the safety of not being alone with them, to get out. She was then adopted by one of the detectives working on the case and became a normal, healthy, functional part of society.
John Lamphier You really should READ her book & learn about her childhood & what manson fam did to indoctrinate her & you'd change your tune
Parenting back then was not strict like it is now. Back then you could basically beat your kids and it would be okay. And while I do believe you should be able to give your own kids a good smack every once in awhile, that's totally something you'd go to jail for today. Such a sad, sad world we live in.
The interview lady was very rude and careless to Dianne, the way she worded her questions. Respect for Dianne for being so calm and open anyways.
This is an exceptional book, very good and well written...
These women never took responsibility for what they did! Just because a man tells you that you are special you doesn't kill innocent people. imagine every woman who heard this from a man would become a murderer.
She was 14 she deserves a little leniency I think. And besides she didn't murder anyone
poor her she was groomed too young and impressionable
I’m confused how her family didn’t know if she completely changed her name as they said.
Uh...Charles Manson knew how to "street-talk" all the women in his Manson Family !
How disgusting that this person is making money off of murder victims. Regardless if she testified against “the family” or not she knew of the murders and kept silent. She also went into hiding with the group. Now she is using those same memories to sell her book. Her smugness on the Dr. Phil show was truly repugnant. She should donate ALL of the book’s proceeds to a crime victims advocate group.
Vicki Carpenter I don't know if she is making money off the murder victims. I don't think the book is about the murders since she wasn't there to be a witness. It's an inside story to a strange cult during an interesting time in history. If she can make money from the book, I don't have a problem with it.
northern light the book is about her experience
Taylor Knight Might be an interesting read.
She wrote the book so it is up to her to give it away or to keep it.
hana777amanuel And when you write a book, there is no guarantee that you will make money. Some people despise former inmates and crooks because when their sentence is over, people think they can just write a book and make millions of dollars. Doesn't always work out that way. However, with Charlie dying yesterday, the timing of the book could not be better.
"They gave her the gory details with an attitude of glee."
Wow. Some of the Manson family were definitely fanatical/evil.
'church-going' she's saying it like it's a good thing
I’m not defending Charles Manson but if he was cared for and loved by someone in his childhood he could have been a great man
Mista Guido it does seem that there was a correlation between his terrible childhood and his terrible actions.
how you know? are you idiot?
@@lastweek3606 what is MK Ultra mind control?
“She actually gave you a knife” fjkajsgsgwgf
No one knew or talked about the emotional manipulation or mind control tactics of narcissists, sociopaths or psychopaths back then plus we were in the middle of a counter culture of rebellious teens of that time. The baby boomers coming of glad it's over.
What people forget is that it WAS NOT that Manson's followers were rebelling against their dads. Most often they did not HAVE dads, or their dads left. And Charles Manson was happy to step into the role of father figure.
Honestly, she seems like the only truly sane one of the bunch.
The Tate family should get the proceeds of the book that she just wrote why should she make any profit off of what she did
She didn't do ANYTHING, moron.
Jesus H. Christ. She didn't do anything shit bird.
Absolutely! Gotta great point, just have a judge rule all the profits must go directly into the victims compensation fund.
Yes definitely
mona mcguire she didn’t do anything. She didn’t kill anyone do your research.
If she is the youngest of the members, then why does most reports claim Van Houten was?
pinkfreud62 I believe Van Houten was the youngest of the members involved in the murders.
Not all of the members were murders
I didn't know Charles was that short.
Psychopaths such as Charles Manson, Ted Bundy etc. tend to look very attractive and intellegent. That`s why many naive people are likely to be victimized by them.
MrEjidorie a bunch of these girls had been homeless. That was a part of the attraction, just staying off the streets. And the drugs and orgies.
@@gutenbird Parental neglect is basically responsile for juvenile delinquency. These girls found pseudo-family love in the Manson family.
MrEjidorie agreed
I think Charlie was ugly AF.
She's aging a little better than most of them are. Especially Krenwinkel.
Phil B well it helps that she hasn’t been in prison for over a century and has been living free and had the privilege of having a new family and children of her own.
Phil B also she’s a few years younger too and that also helps 😆
I am so sick of this chick, I think she is using all that infamy to her advantage.
She wrote a book to get that check, not bc she wanted to “tell” her “story” . Who in the world would admit to knowing this man ...
Who in the world would admit to knowing Hitler? Well, his secretary did. She survived the war and stayed silent for decades to protect herself. But towards the end of her life she realized that once she was gone their would be no one left to tell the story so she wrote a book. The movie "Downfall" is based on her book. Both her book and the movie serve as warnings to future generations so they don't repeat the same mistakes again.
Thats sad her parents just left her to fend for herself. They should have gone to jail for abandoning their kid
This is what I hate about reporters stop tryN to put words into people’s mouth
Ask Sharon Tate's family how they feel about her.
She didnt do anything.
Why? She didn't kill anyone and she even testify against them. What is there to feel about her?! If anything, she helped in their case. Get over it
Her last name is Lake, she bears an uncanny resemblance to serial killer Leonard Lake...and she grew up in a hippie commune in Leonard Lake. There is no mention of them being related, on the net or otherwise. It’s very weird
I don’t think she looks like Leonard Lake.
I was watching a Manson family documentary and Charles Manson said that he did nothing wrong. The only wrong he did do was to join that singing group called “the family” 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
He brainwashed them girls. his biggest mistake was not to brainwash them to stfu.
This girl was 14 when she was introduced to the Manson family. While she was part of a group and followed a man responsible for horrific acts, she is a victim as well. Manson was a manipulator. He prayed on certain types of psychologically vulnerable people, and with the use of drugs and ideas, coerced them to do these things.
I would hope that the authorities are watching this woman closely.
So Now she gets$ for being in the family?
She never committed any crime of any kind.
I agree with her 100% ,what bother me is it took 50years because she was healing,here is my point of view is,deep down in her heart she is blindsided by love fore Charles mansion !!!!
Not all were `misfits`, most were. A few were just trying to be more `enlightened` , so they felt he was the answer to their `soul searching`
The Manson group quickly became a criminal gang. They devoted their abundant free time to group sex during acid trips. Enlightenment didn't get into it.
Michael Stewart. Well to them that`s what being enlightened was: an acid orgy.
I see John. Tell us what else happened when you were there with them at the time?
Just watch interviews with all the followers, including Charles Watson`s account. I'm just repeating how they explain it, in summary. That's what they all say they were doing, `searching`.
creator -
You are a snide one aren't you? You re a child without a clue ... sound familiar from a different asswipe comment ?
When a person thinks he is god get away fast cause u know they are not right
Exactly. And if they say they’re the devil, believe them and REALLY run.
Somebody is missing a little bit too much nuts and bolts in their brain wow
Blame someone else for your own mixed up mind.
at age 14 i think that's fair. Look what she was put through by her family (long before she met Manson) before writing insulting, and stupid comments.
What are you talking about Lisafartista?
She wrote a book so people like you could understand. Maybe read it and not assume you know her. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t know what it’s like to be 14 and brainwashed into a cult.
@@vegetalover1009 People were killed if they didn't carry out Hitler's orders. They chose to go to Cielo Drive that night and commit murder. Free will. x
irishbreakfast You may drive the train. But I’m laying the tracks...x
i wish i could watch this interview without the edits and splices they add on to this
All of this is so disturbing!
They were all mainly hippies and hippies did hangout in many many groups. If anyone lived on Spahn Ranch which has a lot of rattle snakes and you were a ranch hand like Manson wouldn't you give everyone at least a knife to protect yourself from the snakes there, and show them how go use it. Much better than everyone having guns. Also Manson was 40 miles away when Tex led all the assaults to kill people . I hope Tex stays in jail then ends up in eternal hell as he was the ring leader in the murders.
The interviewer could have just talked by her self!
Diane seems like a nice person.
Religion tells you humans can be a god and make prophecies. It really isn't that much of a surprise people make these conclusions, especially when young.
he applied dale Carnegie perfectly
Millions of people have read that book and didn’t become evil cult leaders. There was a LOT more going on than that.
Manson was the devil
No. Tex was. And he was there to do the Devil’s work!
At least she is not a evil twisted killer like the other 3
Thanks George. I won’t even go there with your last name.
Commented just to break the 666 number of comments. I’m 667! Ha, beat you devil!
Ugh, please. All she is doing is peddling her book. She never mentions that she LAUGHED when they told her they killed those 8 people (baby included) now she's acting appalled?! She is still romanticizing about her love-in with CM. It's so obvious. She's disgusting. Wonder if she's friends with TEX.
She was 14 years old when she met CM. Enough said.
She bat 🦇 shit crazy
She thinks he was used for evil. Still childish at that age. Manson was the jolly architect of his actions. And an unbelievable ego trip duping all those obedient females. No other force.
There was a tremendous void in her soul not to have any common sense as time marches on. Today it's called grooming, he must have been a real charmer to share a sack of shit.
creator -
Back in those days the word "grooming" hadn't been assigned to this type of perversion. Being snide about what you're clueless about other than easy to read headlines defines your lack of maturity. You're welcome for the lesson.
Doesn't seem to be to bothered by their deaths, something not right here.
All interviews of her are different word for the same question, while Charles gives the same words for any of the same questions.
She can make a money whatever way she want and seems that she’s doing it. I’m in nobody’s side because there’s no need to be. I just disagree the world having to make such publicity and crab for this type of history when there were bigger names locked away that nobody has a clue of because it’s not that they heard. Sayonara~
She has to be lying!! We should keep all of Manson followers behind bars!! Who’s with me!!
James Marchwick me
James Marchwick -
Me 100%
READ her book & learn about her childhood & what manson fam did to indoctrinate her
bruh she was 16 and brainwashed but still didnt hurt anyone and had the balls to go aganst a murder who was 20yrs older then her and got him locked up. Like without her, he probably would have been able to get away for a lot longer.
jimmy marshdick............Fuck u
There were people who were in charlie's group brought in by the overly friendly girls. Charlie would say its my way or the highway. They left fast bc they knew they would be hurt if they stayed, and smart enuff to not want to be told what to do/think. The smart ones left or got beat/killed by telling him no
45 years ago
A 14 year old girl. Sad
These family members were clearly not the brightest people...
of course he didnt love her, he just used her
When you're lost it's easy for a charismatic sociopath/psychopath to get to you and twist you all up until your thinking is all about pleasing them. Not excusing the followers. Murder is still murder but I believe a lot of people could have fell victim to him.