One way I van relate to this girl is that my mom is always trying to teach the lesson... I love her so much, but often we end up mad at each other afterwards.... my advice for this mom; intervene when you feel she is in danger, this lady knows what she is doing. Plus, she should remember this experience as a good one and that you were the one who let her do it. Hope this helps!
This is an amazing tool to incorporate while riding a real horse in lessons. Especially for beginners, It will help you build strength and control with posting, that way you wont slam down on a real horses back. Also a way to learn how to follow properly follow with your arm and body.
No hate but it is best to start on a real horse to get used to the feel because even though these mechanical horses may mimic it really well, the real thing still beats it.
Oakridge Equestrian i think it's helpful to first develop your seat and then get on the horse. This way you can get on the horse and only care about how to control it. I wish i could try one og these 😂
Much better to use a real horse, different feeling using one of these mechanical horses. Since it's not a real horse it's easy to control but for a real horse they can kill you with there body weight and harder to control.. I agree the with you
Same, although I’m thirteen now my first horse scared me of jumping because he jumped about twice the size of the actual jump. The school at the farm I go to isn’t very good but every summer I try and do jumping ( only small ) when I can. Mostly I go out hacking, I think it’s better for my horse than being in the school every day
Miss Horse Girl aber man sieht doch dass ihre Füße nichtmal Bis unter den Sattel reichen. Da ist es schwierig ein echtes Pferd richtig reiten und treiben zu können. Und da ist es doch schön wenn sie als kleines Kind schon die Möglichkeit hat auf einem mechanischen Pferd was zu lernen als dass sie warten muss bis sie groß genug ist. Hab das auf Deutsch geschrieben weil du sagtest du wärst deutsch und ich wollte es dir und mir einfacher machen 😊
StarStable Stories Danke 💜 puh das erleichtert mir einiges 😂 ja ich habe aber auch angefangen als meine Beine noch drei viertel so groß wei das Sattelblatt war... aber ich finde es einfach auf einem Richtigem Pferd eibfacher weil, es auf dem mechanischen so weiche gänge hat und das hat nicht jedes Pferd...
Thats way too smooth. Smh kids dont know how to do anything real these days. The real way to learn is to get on a REAL horse and deal with the troubles a real horse has like spooking, tripping, natural movements, and speed! Rocking back and forth isn't riding its a game.
She is ligit 2 it not her fault she doesn't have a lot of balance or a lot of courage or anything like that yet it really isn't her fault she is a great rider and this is just helping her get better!
Ok first, She is like 5 or something. Second, she needs to practice how to act while on a horse. So, yeah dont say things without thinking about why this oerson might be doing what they are doing.😐
Who says she isn’t riding a real horse too? In volting the beginners also use a dummy horse to learn a improve their balance. It’s really safe to learn on a fake horse, because it doesn’t do something unexpected like a real horse can do. She is getting a really good feeling of what riding feels like and can take that experience over to a real horse.
A lot of people are saying that it would be better to start on a real horse, but honestly I don’t think this is a bad idea at all. Kids can learn the basics of equitation and proper riding without bouncing on a lesson horse’s back or pulling on its face. Then the rider is already balanced when learning steering and all her aids! Much safer for the horse and the rider, plus the trainer can fix the small details on the mechanical horse by physically putting her hands on the rider, to fix say a swingy leg at the canter, etc. This little girl is a great little rider especially for her age! She is learning an independent seat and not balancing on her hands, and she’s listening to everything the instructor says and executing it very well. Way to go Lillie!
I love these things, I've been riding since I was three but when I had spinal surgery when I was fifteen I had to give up riding for six months. I was still fairly fragile and my co-ordination was really messed up so rather than go back onto horses right away I spent about two months using one of these to build the muscles back up (not to mention I had no use of my left leg at the time) before I could get back in the saddle.
For you guys asking. Why not a real horse. Well as it’s her first lesson she is learning walk and trot. Your first lesson you do not learn steering. Well some people do. But they are trying to teach her the rhythm and sitting trot. Also why not just a lead reign. Because the lady wants to walk round the horse checking her leg position on each side of the horse. This is great except for one thing. The canter is nothing like real life canter, it is much slower and on a real horse she would of fallen off. Because first lesson come on. But lol ther ya go
Milly L my first ride was when I was 3 on a pony it wasn't that bad I feel this kinda takes the chance for her to grow with a horse I sure did my neighbors pony helped me grow something I could learn from ( not that this isn't good for training just in my experience I'd rather have then learn from a real horse so they can grow with that horse ) just my opinion
Milly L if this is a first lesson the. You do not trot or even attempt posting. Even more so there is not reason to be trying lope even on a fake horse. This girl needs to learn what real balance is a mechanical horse can not help. This "trainer" is not helping a girl learn to ride but making things harder. The girl needs to be learning basics of how to ride not loping and playing. She gets on a real horse and it starts loping she will fall off. There is not reason to have her standing leaning forward with arms out. She's riding to forward on a real horse that will be a cause of her falling off. Been giving lessons since I was in high school. Never would I have a child even trot in first two or three lessons. It is learning without stirrups or reins first or second lesson. But third it is on line with stirrups and learning reins. If they are trying to teach posting they are way off the mark. She is leaving forward holding onto saddle. You should use core and legs to post they did not even teach it on correct diagonal. This is in no way a good lesson.
XxDa_Strange_OnexX in 30 years have never known a horse to lope that easy/slow unless you count that nasty lame looking trot they use in western pleasure. Any true lope has speed to it, and deeper movement. As said you do not teach half this stuff at that age or early on.
Omg ever thought being her first introduction that's it's actually a good thing? Of course when she gets on a real pony it's different it's real!! I think this is good in the fact it lets the kids know what will be asked of them, her core is no where ready to allow her to keep up a trot etc that's normal hence you hold onto saddle, things might be different from UK to USA or other but holy crap don't bash it!! There's a lot of good here if you dissect it into parts, from core excersizes to position, ready for you to not screw up the real horses mouth, by not leaning and grabbing the reins for balance which all beginners do, ever wondered why riding school horses act half dead? Put sensors in the mouth area alone, then on the sides see what it registers when instructors are getting the kids to flap around like they're trying to fly to move the pony, a lot of things have changed in the past 30+ years and not all of them are good for the horse!! Some things I can't understand at all and its things we would never gotton away with all those years back! But just my opinion , think it's good for a few lessons before moving on .
I have to admit, what a great way to get the muscles needed for the real thing, without discouraging the little girl. I know when I started riding i was out on a horse and was told to trot and I physically couldn't hold myself up. It is great for teaching balance and gaining strength by engaging the core, calves inner thighs, ect.
Well I don't think it's a bad idea. So beginners can learn the basics and don't hurt the animal by pulling them in the mouth or falling them in the back. And it's also saver. Of course you can't ride an unreal horse until you are a grand prix rider but for beginners it's a good solution I guess.
These are state of the art simulators used for training. She is doing simple things but they can be programmed for specific situations such as racing, jumping and even dressage for professionals
Einhorn Kuchen I agree too , I think it's a good thing it helps build core and probably a little confidence in the younger kids easy as they've been sat on a big mechanical horse then riding a small pony, in their minds it could help them be less fearful, I remember shaking like a leaf on my first time sat on a horse, was freezing too mind , winters not a good time to start. And obv you tighten up , like a previous person said good for the instructor to be able to stand wherever nessary to see the riders position . Can't see how it's a bad thing tbf, yes I know it doesn't spook or act in a real horses way but it's the start of good basics without that fear from a young rider.
This is a great way to learn how to ride a horse because you can learn without hurting a horse and if you learn on this then when ride a real horse it could be so much safer ! Anyone agree?
I know what u mean by safer cuz it has a low risk of someone falling off or getting hurt etc and yes it is a great way i am gonna agree on that but when u said that u could learn without hurting a horse im not gonna agree on that cuz u wont hurt a horse by riding them cuz they are big and tough animals even if u pull the reins quite hard for example a horse wont stop and u try very hard to stop the horse by pulling on the reins it wont hurt them at all but other than that u are right
I mean, this is a good start bc you can't get hurt or hurt the horse if you're a beginner and you're scared, but this is only getting her use to the movement and her poster
Wait, this thing doesn't have any legs. What if one day that girl decides to ride a horse and she's doing her trot and canter on the wrong leg, this may be good and easy for beginners but they need to learn to ride a real horse aswell. This is so different.
Katerina Masic how dumb is this sentence when she is older she will understand what diagonals she is on like really! This is just helping her balance practice on a horse.
Katerina Masic it’s good for more than just beginners. It’s good to define your equitation and for the trainer to fix the riders position if they are not sitting right. It helps more than you think it would
She obviously isn't gonn a learn everything on this thing she will eventually ride real ones but she's very young and throwing them straight on a real horse can be terrifying it's just to get her used to the movement with something that doesn't have a mind of its own
I think if this is used for first couple of lessons it’s a good idea! It teaches the kids the proper way to be safe without needing a lead rope. But once they can ride on their own, it’s best to ride a regular horse for sure. Also a child this young shouldn’t canter, mechanical or not.
Dan Moretti I know it's pathetic that folks are peeling this apart, just because they got put on a real horse at age whatever, it doesn't mean this is bad , but could save a lot of horses having the most horrendous tissue damage to their tongues, obviously not looking at it from the possible benifits to the horse never mind what the kids get out of it! Shame it really is, nothing wrong in saying "you go girl your doing well look forward to seeing you on the real thing soon!! "
this is to easy!!! you need to learn it on a real horse not like this.. a real horse is varrg different and have other passes.pliezz ppl😑 sorry for bad english 😘
dan iel i think these can be great for beginners so they learn not to pull the horse in the mouth or lean on one side or something like that wich might hurt the horse
She's only 2 she is just trying to get a feel over what it actually is. Its good for teaching not to pull on the mouth and ect. Also if u did this it would be easy for me to I love riding I ride as much as I can but she is new and I was new and you were new once too so stop bragging of how good you are compared to a 2 year old geese!
dan iel yes you need to work not just rock back and forth this is unnatural you need to learn to deal with spooking,tripping and other natural movements
This is brill, all riding schools could benefit from one of these, so much safer for rider and horse until a certain stage, would stop the horses getting tortured too lol , the wee girl is amazing put a big grin on my face and taking me back some years to me learning to ride, , great stuff😊
When I started riding I had to just use a saddle pad to learn to keep my balance. I think if people start learning in a saddle straight away they tend to rely on the stirrups to keep them on the horse?
I like how she doesn't pull the reins really tightly. Safer for horses to teach children like this first so the horse doesn't suffer from the bit if a kid decides to pull the reins for balance.
I think having simulator lessons are actually VERY helpful. When you are on a horse, you can NEVER be 100% focused on yourself. To be able to spend however long in a lesson, where everything you are doing is focused on your position and balance will translate to when you are on a real horse. Not to mention, at the age she is, no lesson on a real horse would be as helpful.
dolcequestrian that’s because she’s on a FAKE horse a real horse is sooo much different she doesn’t have to steer, deal with spooking and all the things real horses do so hate to break it to but most people can do that in there sleep if there a REAL rider and don’t just ride a fake horse
A bunch of people keep saying she should learn on a real horse and I agree but I think they were just doing this before she gets ins real horse and doesn't know what to do
Swright 91 i was put on a real pony for my first lessons when i was 3. No mechanical horses and my riding turned out fine. No one needs to canter for their first lesson😂😂😂
Swright 91 I think your right, also maybe so you shouldn't be cantering on first lesson with a real horse!! I was down right angry when my daughter was trotting on a 15hh at 6yrs old first lesson, that was a long way to fall and she has HMS in her joints , I know it was one of the slowest placid ponies they had assured us they would only ever walk first time. She didn't get that instructor again, she didn't even show her how to hold the reins, so the rocking horse was used at home guess what? That rocking horse helped a dam lot for on the real ponies lol
A lot of folks fail to realise this is not ever intended to replace riding or learning on a real horse, and the speeds on this thing can be amped up , it's a shame to see a lot of closed minds
Shes not going to learn real muscle movements on that plastic barrel. Also, does she really wants this? Shes very young and im afraid that it might be parents forcing her to join the rat race
ElmiliaWilczyca I started riding at about that age. I’m still riding horses. It doesn’t seem like she was forced in it, if anything her parents would try to talk her out of it since it’s very dangerous. She’s looks very happy so she wasn’t forced into.
I have 2 horses of my own at home and I love to ride them but I really wanna try this lol. But nothing is compared to how great it feels to actually be riding a real horse, or probably how hard it actually is XD
jessy tavares bc she is a beginner so they actually have more control over the mechanic horse then an actual horse it is basically showing her what it's like to ride a real horse but more safer.
My Amazing Horse Six cause maybe her parents think it's safer and she is learning when my dad taught me I was 6 and i think it's safer also cause I fell of like 2 times when I was learning:)
Julia Saavedra But she should know what it feels like. A fake horse won't buck, kick, spook, or other natural movements. Like if she rode a horse she would have no idea what to do if it was kicking.
Good practice, I suppose, but only to a very limited point. It's more like a game, really, and the "horse" is the controller. That contraption likely costs a very pretty penny. The natural route would be saving money to invest in a real horse, boarding it if necessary. My first horse was a 28 year old emaciated rescue (around 15hh flaxen sorrel Morgan mare) who didn't do more than walk fast, maybe trot if you kept nudging persistently, and mom always hand walked her or rode alongside me. We were her retirement home until she peacefully died in her sleep at age 34. That old mare gave me love, friendship, responsibility, respect, honesty, patience, appreciation, and she showed me caring for her was by far more important than riding. I worked for and cherished every little ride.
This is very different than riding a actual horse. I also feel like when she's 8-10 she's gonna be like- " Mum I want this 70,000 dollar jumping horse!" Mom: oK sweetie I'll get it for you! " Thanks mum! Oh by the way there are these 1,000 tall boots, get those for me too! Mom: " Ok, I mean you did get a B on your last test! Why not!
for those asking why not use a real horse....wouldn't you rather have your child start learning the basics of balance and body control on something you can remotely stop rather than throw them onto a new, strange horse that is unpredictable no matter how much training it has had?
Jenna Laitinen This is a dressage simulator so won't move like your typical school pony, more like a dressage horse but will help to focus on the vices of your own riding and balance.
I think this is a really good idea of u want to improve things like your sitting trot or you have just started as you aren't crashing down on the horses back Also where abouts is this
Why not ride a real horse this mechanical horse is way to smooth you don’t learn anything from it! The trot is so smooth on a horse I’m older and I still bounce a lot on a sitting trot and she only bounces a bit. This mechanical horse is no help in my opinion. I ride in real life and if she gets used to this mechanical horse then rides a real horse BOOM she’s on the ground. Also you don’t learn how to trot and canter on your first lesson what is this!!! Riding in real life is so much better this mechanical horse is no help in my opinion. Also a real horse bucks, kicks, bolts trips and all that when you jump you can fall you fall off. I hate this mechanical horse. As I said I ride in real life and this mechanical horse is nothing like it!!!
This is very cute and all but when I was 3 I started riding on a real horse not a pony and most definitely not a fake horse, I had to do everything my self I had to groom lunge and I didn’t ride with a saddle.The horse I would ride was no nice horse either..In my opinion she needs to be on a real horse without a saddle to learn correctly.
I don't think people understand the point in these. They're great to build confidence on when you've had a bad fall or not ridden for years and want to be guaranteed you won't be bucked or reared off. However if you want to learn how to ride a horse regularly, this wouldn't be good
If you have a horse this smooth you're blessed 😂
Nikki B. I've ridden so many horses and one is more bouncy in trotting. God my legs hurt the next day.
Nikki B. So true 😂😂
I Have One Whos Fast Trot Is smoother then her canter and I'm SORE SORE SORE the next day😂
I wish my horse was this smooth
if u ride every day then they get smooth like mine
One way I van relate to this girl is that my mom is always trying to teach the lesson... I love her so much, but often we end up mad at each other afterwards.... my advice for this mom; intervene when you feel she is in danger, this lady knows what she is doing. Plus, she should remember this experience as a good one and that you were the one who let her do it. Hope this helps!
Here here. It’s annoying when 2 people are talking at the same time.
This is an amazing tool to incorporate while riding a real horse in lessons. Especially for beginners, It will help you build strength and control with posting, that way you wont slam down on a real horses back. Also a way to learn how to follow properly follow with your arm and body.
No hate but it is best to start on a real horse to get used to the feel because even though these mechanical horses may mimic it really well, the real thing still beats it.
Oakridge Equestrian i think it's helpful to first develop your seat and then get on the horse. This way you can get on the horse and only care about how to control it. I wish i could try one og these 😂
Much better to use a real horse, different feeling using one of these mechanical horses. Since it's not a real horse it's easy to control but for a real horse they can kill you with there body weight and harder to control.. I agree the with you
She is obviously very little, so it would probably be better to get her accustomed to the feel of riding a horse, or she may be a bit scared of them.
I agree
Oakridge Equestrian yes but she is having the trainer next to her not having to walk with the horse and the girl can see her positioning
I do ride horses, but I seriously wanna try one of these
me too
I think its weird-
You can half buy a house for the cost of these things.
Aweeee! This makes me happy! I wish I was spoiled when I was young!
You really need a vest helmet and breeches for a horse that is not real?!
Jordan Rizek well if she doesn't it will feel weird when she rides the horse. It's getting her used to the feeling
Jordan Rizek the helmet is important if she falls it looks high enough to injure herself
I adore riding my real horses but this looks like a lot of fun. Who else wants to try this?
Robin Hansen me
Meee 100%!!!!!!!!
Meee ❤
When I was her age I rode a real horse.
Elizabeth Mandile so have i since 3 but I never rode english or did any showing I I rode western and just did trails and such :)
Same I started riding when I was 4 now I'm 10 I spent nearly my whole life around horses
Same, although I’m thirteen now my first horse scared me of jumping because he jumped about twice the size of the actual jump. The school at the farm I go to isn’t very good but every summer I try and do jumping ( only small ) when I can. Mostly I go out hacking, I think it’s better for my horse than being in the school every day
rainbow model horse videoz Same I don't do English or shows I just do simple riding and trails.
Elizabeth Mandile same
I love riding my horses, but I really want try one of these
These are cool, but they need to get the head to move like a real horse to teach riders how to use their hands. Maybe there are newer models that do.
GrowMap yess I agree because a horse I ride always flicks his head around
Jessica Pfaff same
Jessica Pfaff ME TOO IKR
Same butnhey are expensive
A real Horse is better to learning! Not this!
Miss Horse Girl ever heard of learning
Candida UnderNight Sorry I'm a german girl😏 i can not soooo good english...
Miss Horse Girl aber man sieht doch dass ihre Füße nichtmal Bis unter den Sattel reichen. Da ist es schwierig ein echtes Pferd richtig reiten und treiben zu können. Und da ist es doch schön wenn sie als kleines Kind schon die Möglichkeit hat auf einem mechanischen Pferd was zu lernen als dass sie warten muss bis sie groß genug ist. Hab das auf Deutsch geschrieben weil du sagtest du wärst deutsch und ich wollte es dir und mir einfacher machen 😊
StarStable Stories Danke 💜 puh das erleichtert mir einiges 😂 ja ich habe aber auch angefangen als meine Beine noch drei viertel so groß wei das Sattelblatt war... aber ich finde es einfach auf einem Richtigem Pferd eibfacher weil, es auf dem mechanischen so weiche gänge hat und das hat nicht jedes Pferd...
Miss Horse Girl das stimmt allerdings auch aber ich denke es gibt verschiedene Vor und Nachteile und jeder steht anders dazu 😊
Thats way too smooth. Smh kids dont know how to do anything real these days. The real way to learn is to get on a REAL horse and deal with the troubles a real horse has like spooking, tripping, natural movements, and speed! Rocking back and forth isn't riding its a game.
Emma Stauff dumbass she is learning how to post.
She is only young and is learning how to have balance
She is ligit 2 it not her fault she doesn't have a lot of balance or a lot of courage or anything like that yet it really isn't her fault she is a great rider and this is just helping her get better!
Ok first, She is like 5 or something. Second, she needs to practice how to act while on a horse. So, yeah dont say things without thinking about why this oerson might be doing what they are doing.😐
Who says she isn’t riding a real horse too? In volting the beginners also use a dummy horse to learn a improve their balance. It’s really safe to learn on a fake horse, because it doesn’t do something unexpected like a real horse can do. She is getting a really good feeling of what riding feels like and can take that experience over to a real horse.
How I was taught " you better stay on that damn bucking horse or your ass is walking!"
Apaches Last Stand lol same
Sounds like how I was taught to swim by being thrown into the deep end to figure it out.
A lot of people are saying that it would be better to start on a real horse, but honestly I don’t think this is a bad idea at all. Kids can learn the basics of equitation and proper riding without bouncing on a lesson horse’s back or pulling on its face. Then the rider is already balanced when learning steering and all her aids! Much safer for the horse and the rider, plus the trainer can fix the small details on the mechanical horse by physically putting her hands on the rider, to fix say a swingy leg at the canter, etc. This little girl is a great little rider especially for her age! She is learning an independent seat and not balancing on her hands, and she’s listening to everything the instructor says and executing it very well. Way to go Lillie!
I love these things, I've been riding since I was three but when I had spinal surgery when I was fifteen I had to give up riding for six months. I was still fairly fragile and my co-ordination was really messed up so rather than go back onto horses right away I spent about two months using one of these to build the muscles back up (not to mention I had no use of my left leg at the time) before I could get back in the saddle.
For you guys asking. Why not a real horse. Well as it’s her first lesson she is learning walk and trot. Your first lesson you do not learn steering. Well some people do. But they are trying to teach her the rhythm and sitting trot. Also why not just a lead reign. Because the lady wants to walk round the horse checking her leg position on each side of the horse.
This is great except for one thing.
The canter is nothing like real life canter, it is much slower and on a real horse she would of fallen off. Because first lesson come on. But lol ther ya go
Milly L my first ride was when I was 3 on a pony it wasn't that bad I feel this kinda takes the chance for her to grow with a horse I sure did my neighbors pony helped me grow something I could learn from ( not that this isn't good for training just in my experience I'd rather have then learn from a real horse so they can grow with that horse ) just my opinion
Milly L if this is a first lesson the. You do not trot or even attempt posting. Even more so there is not reason to be trying lope even on a fake horse. This girl needs to learn what real balance is a mechanical horse can not help. This "trainer" is not helping a girl learn to ride but making things harder. The girl needs to be learning basics of how to ride not loping and playing. She gets on a real horse and it starts loping she will fall off. There is not reason to have her standing leaning forward with arms out. She's riding to forward on a real horse that will be a cause of her falling off. Been giving lessons since I was in high school. Never would I have a child even trot in first two or three lessons. It is learning without stirrups or reins first or second lesson. But third it is on line with stirrups and learning reins. If they are trying to teach posting they are way off the mark. She is leaving forward holding onto saddle. You should use core and legs to post they did not even teach it on correct diagonal. This is in no way a good lesson.
Even though it may seem like it isn't like a true canter, many horses actually canter this slow
XxDa_Strange_OnexX in 30 years have never known a horse to lope that easy/slow unless you count that nasty lame looking trot they use in western pleasure. Any true lope has speed to it, and deeper movement. As said you do not teach half this stuff at that age or early on.
Omg ever thought being her first introduction that's it's actually a good thing? Of course when she gets on a real pony it's different it's real!! I think this is good in the fact it lets the kids know what will be asked of them, her core is no where ready to allow her to keep up a trot etc that's normal hence you hold onto saddle, things might be different from UK to USA or other but holy crap don't bash it!! There's a lot of good here if you dissect it into parts, from core excersizes to position, ready for you to not screw up the real horses mouth, by not leaning and grabbing the reins for balance which all beginners do, ever wondered why riding school horses act half dead? Put sensors in the mouth area alone, then on the sides see what it registers when instructors are getting the kids to flap around like they're trying to fly to move the pony, a lot of things have changed in the past 30+ years and not all of them are good for the horse!! Some things I can't understand at all and its things we would never gotton away with all those years back! But just my opinion , think it's good for a few lessons before moving on .
I have to admit, what a great way to get the muscles needed for the real thing, without discouraging the little girl. I know when I started riding i was out on a horse and was told to trot and I physically couldn't hold myself up. It is great for teaching balance and gaining strength by engaging the core, calves inner thighs, ect.
Well I don't think it's a bad idea.
So beginners can learn the basics and don't hurt the animal by pulling them in the mouth or falling them in the back. And it's also saver. Of course you can't ride an unreal horse until you are a grand prix rider but for beginners it's a good solution I guess.
Einhorn Kuchen I agree,its a good way for seat schooling.
These are state of the art simulators used for training. She is doing simple things but they can be programmed for specific situations such as racing, jumping and even dressage for professionals
Einhorn Kuchen I agree too , I think it's a good thing it helps build core and probably a little confidence in the younger kids easy as they've been sat on a big mechanical horse then riding a small pony, in their minds it could help them be less fearful, I remember shaking like a leaf on my first time sat on a horse, was freezing too mind , winters not a good time to start. And obv you tighten up , like a previous person said good for the instructor to be able to stand wherever nessary to see the riders position . Can't see how it's a bad thing tbf, yes I know it doesn't spook or act in a real horses way but it's the start of good basics without that fear from a young rider.
Einhorn Kuchen you will not hurt the horse I promise ok plus look at her she will do good on a reallll horse
This is a great way to learn how to ride a horse because you can learn without hurting a horse and if you learn on this then when ride a real horse it could be so much safer ! Anyone agree?
Mo Norton No.
I know what u mean by safer cuz it has a low risk of someone falling off or getting hurt etc and yes it is a great way i am gonna agree on that but when u said that u could learn without hurting a horse im not gonna agree on that cuz u wont hurt a horse by riding them cuz they are big and tough animals even if u pull the reins quite hard for example a horse wont stop and u try very hard to stop the horse by pulling on the reins it wont hurt them at all but other than that u are right
I mean, this is a good start bc you can't get hurt or hurt the horse if you're a beginner and you're scared, but this is only getting her use to the movement and her poster
Mo Norton no I dont
Wait, this thing doesn't have any legs. What if one day that girl decides to ride a horse and she's doing her trot and canter on the wrong leg, this may be good and easy for beginners but they need to learn to ride a real horse aswell. This is so different.
Katerina Masic how dumb is this sentence when she is older she will understand what diagonals she is on like really! This is just helping her balance practice on a horse.
I get what your saying, this is better for practising basic aids and position, Also RDA uses these so people don't have to run with ponies xD
Katerina Masic it’s good for more than just beginners. It’s good to define your equitation and for the trainer to fix the riders position if they are not sitting right. It helps more than you think it would
This is the girls FIRST lesson. Look how young she is, Its safer for them at this age. smh
She obviously isn't gonn a learn everything on this thing she will eventually ride real ones but she's very young and throwing them straight on a real horse can be terrifying it's just to get her used to the movement with something that doesn't have a mind of its own
she is so adorable
Why not use a real horse?
Lanielover510u have to pay for a horse
+Catsy Lome You also have to pay for this thing
Pegasister054 she pay for this one too, it's a class
sorry for the horrible english... I'm a brasilian 😂😂
Lanielover510 exactly what I was thinking 😑
Lanielover510 maybe so she gets used to the movement, cause she’s so young... or idk
Ideal for very young riders. It´s surely interesting experience, though.
I think if this is used for first couple of lessons it’s a good idea! It teaches the kids the proper way to be safe without needing a lead rope. But once they can ride on their own, it’s best to ride a regular horse for sure. Also a child this young shouldn’t canter, mechanical or not.
The mechanical horse is used for a correction purposes.
I'm pretty sure.
Holy Christ, are people really criticizing this video?? It's a four year old!!
Dan Moretti Kinda when I was 3 I was thrown on a bucking Bronx and was told stay on and ride.But for first lessons on A mechanical she is ok I guess.
Dan Moretti I know it's pathetic that folks are peeling this apart, just because they got put on a real horse at age whatever, it doesn't mean this is bad , but could save a lot of horses having the most horrendous tissue damage to their tongues, obviously not looking at it from the possible benifits to the horse never mind what the kids get out of it! Shame it really is, nothing wrong in saying "you go girl your doing well look forward to seeing you on the real thing soon!! "
That looks really smooth
Carly Wayss way too smooth 😂
it just looks smooth
this is to easy!!! you need to learn it on a real horse not like this.. a real horse is varrg different and have other passes.pliezz ppl😑 sorry for bad english 😘
dan iel i think these can be great for beginners so they learn not to pull the horse in the mouth or lean on one side or something like that wich might hurt the horse
dan iel idd je leert van je fouten en door te vallen
Evi Roosen sorry i only speak english. i don't understand 😬
She's only 2 she is just trying to get a feel over what it actually is. Its good for teaching not to pull on the mouth and ect. Also if u did this it would be easy for me to I love riding I ride as much as I can but she is new and I was new and you were new once too so stop bragging of how good you are compared to a 2 year old geese!
dan iel yes you need to work not just rock back and forth this is unnatural you need to learn to deal with spooking,tripping and other natural movements
This is brill, all riding schools could benefit from one of these, so much safer for rider and horse until a certain stage, would stop the horses getting tortured too lol , the wee girl is amazing put a big grin on my face and taking me back some years to me learning to ride, , great stuff😊
Awww she is good at riding! Cute
When I started riding I had to just use a saddle pad to learn to keep my balance. I think if people start learning in a saddle straight away they tend to rely on the stirrups to keep them on the horse?
realy have u ever ridden on that
Noodlesaurus Thats so cool!!!!’
I like how she doesn't pull the reins really tightly. Safer for horses to teach children like this first so the horse doesn't suffer from the bit if a kid decides to pull the reins for balance.
I think having simulator lessons are actually VERY helpful. When you are on a horse, you can NEVER be 100% focused on yourself. To be able to spend however long in a lesson, where everything you are doing is focused on your position and balance will translate to when you are on a real horse. Not to mention, at the age she is, no lesson on a real horse would be as helpful.
that looks like the best way to learn!!!
She's such a natural!
dolcequestrian that’s because she’s on a FAKE horse a real horse is sooo much different she doesn’t have to steer, deal with spooking and all the things real horses do so hate to break it to but most people can do that in there sleep if there a REAL rider and don’t just ride a fake horse
Anyone could do this. Simulators are so smooth and easy to ride.
Omg she is adorable
A bunch of people keep saying she should learn on a real horse and I agree but I think they were just doing this before she gets ins real horse and doesn't know what to do
Swright 91 i was put on a real pony for my first lessons when i was 3. No mechanical horses and my riding turned out fine. No one needs to canter for their first lesson😂😂😂
Swright 91 I think your right, also maybe so you shouldn't be cantering on first lesson with a real horse!! I was down right angry when my daughter was trotting on a 15hh at 6yrs old first lesson, that was a long way to fall and she has HMS in her joints , I know it was one of the slowest placid ponies they had assured us they would only ever walk first time. She didn't get that instructor again, she didn't even show her how to hold the reins, so the rocking horse was used at home guess what? That rocking horse helped a dam lot for on the real ponies lol
She is so good when I was her age I kept falling off 😄😄🐴🐴🐴 but my family is big in to horses but still she is so good well done 🐴🐴
A lot of folks fail to realise this is not ever intended to replace riding or learning on a real horse, and the speeds on this thing can be amped up , it's a shame to see a lot of closed minds
People she is only young I am a rider if I had one of these to practice on I would have been a better rider quicker
Shes not going to learn real muscle movements on that plastic barrel. Also, does she really wants this? Shes very young and im afraid that it might be parents forcing her to join the rat race
ElmiliaWilczyca I started riding at about that age. I’m still riding horses. It doesn’t seem like she was forced in it, if anything her parents would try to talk her out of it since it’s very dangerous. She’s looks very happy so she wasn’t forced into.
Aweeeeeeeeee, how old is she? adorable
the mum calls the girl wimpy and a wuss
Noodlesaurus the little one
I want one of these in my house 😂
waar heb je dit gedaan waar en op welke plaats
I have 2 horses of my own at home and I love to ride them but I really wanna try this lol. But nothing is compared to how great it feels to actually be riding a real horse, or probably how hard it actually is XD
I have always wanted to try one of these
That was one great lesson!
The canter is sooo smooth
Wy not a real horse
jessy tavares bc she is a beginner so they actually have more control over the mechanic horse then an actual horse it is basically showing her what it's like to ride a real horse but more safer.
Rachel Ravenwater When I was a beginner I was riding a horse why can't she?
My Amazing Horse Six cause maybe her parents think it's safer and she is learning when my dad taught me I was 6 and i think it's safer also cause I fell of like 2 times when I was learning:)
Julia Saavedra But she should know what it feels like. A fake horse won't buck, kick, spook, or other natural movements. Like if she rode a horse she would have no idea what to do if it was kicking.
Julia Saavedra Also all horse has differnt paces.
Where do u get a mechanical horse?
This is a Quob Stables in Durley
Mergirl253 this is a race wood simulator, a few places in the uk have them and you can have lessons on them
Good practice, I suppose, but only to a very limited point. It's more like a game, really, and the "horse" is the controller. That contraption likely costs a very pretty penny. The natural route would be saving money to invest in a real horse, boarding it if necessary. My first horse was a 28 year old emaciated rescue (around 15hh flaxen sorrel Morgan mare) who didn't do more than walk fast, maybe trot if you kept nudging persistently, and mom always hand walked her or rode alongside me. We were her retirement home until she peacefully died in her sleep at age 34. That old mare gave me love, friendship, responsibility, respect, honesty, patience, appreciation, and she showed me caring for her was by far more important than riding. I worked for and cherished every little ride.
I'm not gunna lie I really want to try one of these😂
That is just horrible I feel so bad that you had to ride that thing
I Love horses💜💜
I ride one of these and a real horse it's so much fun
I love riding real horses currently and always will but i still want to try one of these
Is she a begginer, cause like you're not really supposed to hold the saddle, I know you can still hold on and all but is she beginning?
I wish my horse was that smooth
This is very different than riding a actual horse. I also feel like when she's 8-10 she's gonna be like-
" Mum I want this 70,000 dollar jumping horse!"
Mom: oK sweetie I'll get it for you!
" Thanks mum! Oh by the way there are these 1,000 tall boots, get those for me too!
Mom: " Ok, I mean you did get a B on your last test! Why not!
I want that horse so badly!!!!
IKR! But still want one lol
Ok but look how cute she is
Too cute 😊 !
Why are people hating she has rode horses this is just her first time on one of these it may have been a one of thing stop hating on her
I agree with you
She has very good balence for such a little girl
And it's her first time on one, so yeah, no need for the name calling
cool wo
kann Mann das machen?
Great little rider :)
it looks so fun ;D i want to try jumping o it!
Why is it a dressage saddle
It’s beautiful
Soooo cute 😍😍❤
Cute i AM zo happy🎆🎇🎉🎉🎉🎉
Yes!!!!!! Bravo I'm French
i love all my horses but i want one of those
I have to many horses yet I want to try one of these
Wow she did good
Very good but IT is not like a Real Horse....
I wish I had a horse
Wow cool😃
The reason she was struggling a little bit to put her heels down is because her foot was way to far into the stirrup. No hate
I want to own one of these,things so I can ride it all the time🐎
She didn’t need to pop on a helmit
Stop sayin up down when the teacher is saying it you’re confusing the poor child
for those asking why not use a real horse....wouldn't you rather have your child start learning the basics of balance and body control on something you can remotely stop rather than throw them onto a new, strange horse that is unpredictable no matter how much training it has had?
Lexi Feldmann she is also probably no younger that 3 or 4 as well
well I did it... This is nothing like a real horse, u need to be prepared for bucking and all kind of stuff.. This doesn't even move like a real horse
Jenna Laitinen This is a dressage simulator so won't move like your typical school pony, more like a dressage horse but will help to focus on the vices of your own riding and balance.
Lexi Feldmann no.
Lexi Feldmann no. I would use a real horse. and not this thing
Is that a racewood sin
I think this is a really good idea of u want to improve things like your sitting trot or you have just started as you aren't crashing down on the horses back
Also where abouts is this
🏇🏇🐴🐴🐎🐎 i Love
Je tu někdo z česka nebo slovenska?
Why not ride a real horse this mechanical horse is way to smooth you don’t learn anything from it! The trot is so smooth on a horse I’m older and I still bounce a lot on a sitting trot and she only bounces a bit. This mechanical horse is no help in my opinion. I ride in real life and if she gets used to this mechanical horse then rides a real horse BOOM she’s on the ground. Also you don’t learn how to trot and canter on your first lesson what is this!!! Riding in real life is so much better this mechanical horse is no help in my opinion. Also a real horse bucks, kicks, bolts trips and all that when you jump you can fall you fall off. I hate this mechanical horse. As I said I ride in real life and this mechanical horse is nothing like it!!!
This is very cute and all but when I was 3 I started riding on a real horse not a pony and most definitely not a fake horse, I had to do everything my self I had to groom lunge and I didn’t ride with a saddle.The horse I would ride was no nice horse either..In my opinion she needs to be on a real horse without a saddle to learn correctly.
I love my horse's 🐴🐎
Sa s'achète ou
She. So cute
Although I admit I'd love to practice some tall jumps on that thingamajig.
I don't think people understand the point in these. They're great to build confidence on when you've had a bad fall or not ridden for years and want to be guaranteed you won't be bucked or reared off. However if you want to learn how to ride a horse regularly, this wouldn't be good
I do horse riding but i wanna try this so muchhhhhh xD
What horse trots like that, to the point that you cvan sit completely in the saddle with easy