While I totally understand it's not meant as a statement of fact and I get the joke, I had to MATH: How much altitude difference would an energy advantage of 226526 kcal *actually* mean??? @DEFYN: 226526 kcal is ALOT. Your Bf 109 F-4 at ~2,6t would need to be more than 37km ABOVE the Yak-3 for that kind of an advantage... For people with the attention span, here my calculation: Formula for potential energy Epot in a uniform gravitational field (for simplicity): Epot = m • g • h (m = mass of the aircraft, g = gravitational acceleration, h = height difference) Rearranged to solve for the height difference: h = Epot / (m • g) Now for the units and values: Epot = 226526 kcal = 947784784 Joules 1 Joule = 1 Nm = 1 (kg • m²) / s² g = 9,81 m/s² m ~ 2600 kg (for a partially fueled F-4 with most of the ammo and a pilot) So therefore: h = 947784784 / (2600 • 9,81) [I will spare you the units, they cancel out to meters as they should] h ~ 37159,29m While this assumes no loss of gravitational force with increasing altitude, the difference over 37km would be tiny anyways. The mass is just a rough estimate, but it's good enough for a decent idea of the ballpark of an accurate solution. I hope someone has now a better idea of what kind of energies are involved here! :)
Defyn destroying the enemy team again and again after losing almost all the ammo and his altitude advantage is a feat to be admired. The only thing that can stop you now is Gaijin themselves.
I use two monitors with different refresh rates connected to the same GPU, and sometimes, that gives me difficulties with stuttering issues in the recording, even if not apparent in game. Not sure what your setup is like, but something to consider! If this is you, try either setting each monitor on the same refresh rate, plugging one of them into your motherboard to utilize CPU integrated graphics (if applicable to your CPU), or unplug your second monitor when you record. Great video, sick games, and goodluck solving the issue!
Hello, my instructor. I've been watching your videos, and thanks to you I've managed to improve my BF109F4 gameplay a lot. Before, I died a lot, but I watched your videos, paid attention to your teachings, what you did in each situation I was stuck in, and with that I was able to improve myself. Now, in every situation that I engage against an enemy with a plane that is much more maneuverable, or that has greater speed, such as the P-51, and sometimes even the YAK-9T, planes that I still have difficulty facing, But sometimes I managed to win. Not all, of course, I'm still starting with the BF109. However, from 0 to 1 enemies killed in the matches before watching their videos, it went from 3 to 4. Every time I escaped using the Boom Zoom maneuvers, ascending vertically after gaining a good speed, and doing so until the very Spitfire stalls, and then like that, becoming my prey. Thank you very much, a shout out from Brazil and good work. "The Snake Will Smoke!!!" 🚬🐍🇧🇷
@@DEFYNpersonally on windows I use Xbox game bar, easily records everything and as long if the capture folder isn’t too full it’s fast to quickly pull up and do what you need. the hot key for it should be win+g as long as it’s installed, I think it should be installed by default
btw, you can pick an option in a menu to synchronize game fps with the monitor fps. There will be no difference visually but it will save a lot of gpu power. Cause right now without this option on, the game is just draining balls of your GPU at a peak level@@DEFYN
I think the F-4 is the perfect example of a plane that's meta defining in its BR bracket but not necessarily overpowered/undertiered like something like that XP-50 (which would be perfectly fine without its air spawn, pretty comparable to the F-4) or most Corsairs (strong in an uptier, absolutely nothing the enemy team can do against you in a downtier). Would be nice if more skilled players played in that BR bracket like back in the day, but these days its just filled with new players, Wyvern spammers, and XP-50 shitters. I haven't flown my F-4 in so long because its just not fun anymore.
@@DaisiesTCtbf, US and Japan has Fragmentations (and we all know how that went with real shatter) in their HE rounds while UK and Germany has HEI. Sure Germany has FIT like the USSR does, but... It feels pretty underwhelming.
im glad someone requested this, defyn using one of the best planes in the game that isnt just brain dead usage. but still over complicated himself on the first match
The 109-F4 in the hands of a disciplined pilot is just about the best plane at any BR. If you keep discipline just about the only aircraft that can remotely be on the same energy state is another F4 and that XP You ran into immediately in the first match. A trick you can use against most 109 pilots is get good at defensive flying. Most pilots will try a boom and zoom on you one or two times before they either get bored and dive away or full commit to a dog fight. It's how I smoke so many 109s when I fly out the spitfire.
Man its been a long time since I started watching your gameplays. I remember you were conducting some kind of QnA with the 109 F4 in the background. God Bless you bro and may it be that your throat heals from all the talking in Dutch💗
The 109 F-4 is my favourite plane, i even use the same white camo, i really love it, i managed to get the american one trough warbonds years ago and bought the hungarian one a couple of months ago.
16:18 Something to note is that if the last enemy alive has 2 or more kills despite his team getting steamrolled, that guy is probably a threat. You should always assume that he'll beat you if you let him.
ugh... making me nostalgic for when I could play Warthunder, always loved the Friedrich, climbs like a homesick angel, hits hard enough for purpose against fighters, don't have to worry about convergence for my guns, only issue is the hardier ground attackers and bombers (if minengeschoss gets nerfed again) definitely a firm favourite for me
It is very annoying to me that the 109 flight model is so handicapped by the instructor that the wing slats don't pop out in RB. In sim, you can pull more AoA, the slats come out, and it improves the plane's handling dramatically.
BR9+ realistic:16v16 only the large maps. 100 tickets per team .3 runways per team. Two runways are fighter spawns and fighters are distributed evenly on opposite sides of the map. The middle runway is for strike aircraft, 4 per team. They must carry a strike load preset; planes such as jas37 may carry fighter load outs and spawn as fighters. The strike planes role is to destroy several marked SAM sites across the map. 7 minutes into the game,AI strategic bombers (5)will spawn. If SAM sights remain, the AI will be destroyed. If they destroy the enemy base they lose 50 tickets. Each enemy fighter or strike plane lost loses the enemy 2 tickets. Each bomber destroyed loses 4 tickets. For victory enemy must reach 0 tickets(1 base destroyed, 5 bombers killed, 15 enemy planes destroyed or some other combination. Or, all player aircraft must be destroyed. Players have 1 respawn until the 10th minutes into the game at which point respawn is disabled. Strike fighters should respawn as interceptors is SAM sights still remain in order to destroy enemy bombers. Fighters may only enter the strike plane sectors once 3 enemy fighters are destroyed in their sector to stop strike planes being instantly killed.
When the match was created gaijin asked his favourite youtuber: Out of all the players Ive just created, who would win, them or you? Defyn replied: well, if they were yo release their domain expansion rear gunner it might cause me a little trouble But would you lose? Nah I'd win While defyn was in its way to the furball, the enemy team, defyns only worthy opponent released it's ultimate technique, hells demonic 7v1 destroying all the friendlies in its path but luckily, gaijins favourite youtuber it had already learnt domain disintegration and fully nullyfied the attack with his skill, and after a ling fought battle, Defyn emerged victorious. Then the sun asked him: Are you the best wt player because you are defyn, or are you defyn because you are the best wt player? He replied: when it comes to energy and dogfights my fighting abilities are truly sublime because through out the playerbase i alone am the best one
17:33 in those situations in your videos, would you mind briefly explaining the opponents proper play they should have taken and why his chosen flight path trajectories tell you he's a shite player? I understand its mostly experience, but I'd appreciate the insight. I use to play Rocket League and was a fairly decent high rated player (nowhere near pro level, but wasn't an absent minded player) and in that game there is such a thing as "car language", body language but its the players car, so after dumping a couple thousand hours into the game you're able to read car language really well and predict players next movements because you understand the limits of the game and the current options the player has at that particular moment in time. Anyway, I'd like to be able to get to the point of being to read and predict enemy plane movements in War Thunder like how I can in RL and your videos have been super helpful. Thanks!
The Yak-3 went down while still turning as hard as they could. All that does is open up the space for Defyn to cut inside the turn (without Defyn having to sacrifice anything himself) so that Defyn can get guns on while simultaneously ensuring that the Yak-3 remains at a relatively low active energy state in a hard turn. This is precisely why Defyn said what he did about the other player. They were proactively making their own situation worse without Defyn having to do anything himself. The only two moves that the Yak should have been considering is either diving out and picking up speed and separation or entering a climbing spiral to close the gap to Defyn. A climbing spiral is fairly risky though. While it is an attempt to keep the gap close enough that Defyn can't drop on top of the Yak-3 Defyn has the energy himself to do a climbing spiral as well to keep the gap open enough so that he can drop down on the Yak when the Yak eventually stalls first, and the Yak would have stalled first without getting a shot. Basically entering a climbing spiral and following Defyn up in this specific scenario is just delaying the inevitable but it makes Defyn have to make it happen himself. Diving out for the Yak-3 would have likely resulted in a full disengagement if the dive out was executed properly in terms of technique and timing because the Yak-3 is faster than the 109F-4 sub 4km. Thus diving out is the safer move and honestly smart move because sub 3.5ish km the Yak-3 is just better overall vs the 109F-4. Getting a full reset allows the Yak-3 to reengage with a better starting position. If you are ever flying a Yak and have a 109 above and behind you and you both are maneuvering similar to this scenario get out of the fight because you will not win unless the 109 throws the fight. Granted most players are bad enough that many of them will throw but don't sucker yourself into relying on bad habits just because they work against bad players. That said most players are likely to throw so a calculated spiral up against a bad opponent in a superior position can actually result in putting pressure on them thereby forcing them into making bad decisions/moves. If you try to climb up after 109s you are playing into the 109's strength over virtually every Yak. 109s perform better in climbing spirals. Flat turns or descending spirals Yaks have the advantage. For the record the best time to have tried to disengage for the Yak was 1725-1732. Defyn was going up and away while the Yak was starting to go down. If you ever are going to attempt to dive out of a fight the best time to execute it is when the opposing plane is going up and away from you. At 1702 Defyn is 1.4km above the Yak and is faster than the Yak closing from above and behind. As the Yak pilot in this position my game plan for the oncoming engagement is simple. Get the energy difference as small as possible before the 109 attacks. This means a straight dive of about 10 degrees nose down to pick up speed. However, not even 2 seconds later the Yak turns underneath Defyn prematurely. This is the first sign of a bad player. A good player doesn't make an unnecessary move that costs them energy for no reason. Defyn wasn't even diving on the Yak to attack yet and the Yak is prematurely throwing energy away in a defensive maneuver.
@@rainsilent Wow, thank you! I see a lot of parallels to what you said in Rocket League as well, especially "Granted most players are bad enough that many of them will throw but don't sucker yourself into relying on bad habits just because they work against bad players. That said most players are likely to throw so a calculated spiral up against a bad opponent in a superior position can actually result in putting pressure on them thereby forcing them into making bad decisions/moves." and "A good player doesn't make an unnecessary move that costs them energy for no reason." That was very insightful, thank you again.
Hey DEFYN, how bout trying the Ki-100 for a change? Its basicly a Ki-61-II Otsu Kai thats in 4.7, but with a radial engine that never Overheats with MEC, and 0.7 BR lower.
hey i recommend using default belts for the 7.92mm, they use ap-t ia and api and rounds, and universal adds another ap round between the incendiary ones
Me: watches DEFYN to learn how to get better. Plays the exact plan and retains what DEFYN is teaching. And gets absolutely destroyed due to everyone having the exact location, zip codes, altitude, air speed geolocation, 1080° awareness of where I am at all times. Enemy’s that are actual Air Force pilots and has spent 25 years of flight combat experience Also teammates that have no awareness and are probably the exact players DEFYN just destroyed last game. DEFYN: today we are going to seal club players that aren’t even paying attention cuz they don’t even have their monitors on.
try to use a tool that shows you cpu/gpu temps, if you havent changed your pc it might have temp issues, if any temp in you pc is above 100 (or maybe even 80) it might be thermal throttling (solved by replacing cooling paste/pads and cleaning dust)
You could limit you fps to you monitor's refreshrate. If you have a Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) capable monitor you could set it exactly at the rate, if don't set it a bit above. Don't use Vsync limit it from the nvidia control panel or the amd equivalent. This could solve fps drops during recording and your pc will probably get quitter and will use less electricity as a bonus.
14:51 Regarding the fps issue I know that for other content creators that had those issues the cause was having too big of a friendslist. Maybe that's your issue?
I have a question, how would you fight a VL Pyörremyrsky using this plane? Typically I always see them above or the same energy state as me, and they seem to stall fight better. Thank you
If your FPS drops only on the shadowpaly records -- most probably, its your HD begs for coffin. Mine does close to same things on records. Even the picture itself fractures, but it's only on recorded vids.
Also it can be that you are recording to the same hard drive that is currently downloading something (eg. a Steam update) so it's maxing out the write speed@@DEFYN
I see. The last step would be to check your GPU's "video engine" utilization in HWINFO64. The video engine is the encoder. If it's too high while you're playing and recording as usual, like 95%+, that'll be why. Otherwise I'm out of ideas alas. You can lower utilization by using a faster NVENC preset and/or encoding less and smaller videos @@DEFYN
I noticed Defyn can fly extended periods with WEP. How do you do that? Some MEC magic? If I do that in an F4, the engine temps will go red almost instantly. This was a great video btw!
About the FPS issue, It may be A. A graphics card issue so if you can try and get a dust cleaner for it, or B. It's just gaijin spaghetti code and there's nothing to do about it Or C. It's a problem that maybe if you've installed a mod of some sort, it messes with your performance, I'm not qualified enough to tell you what it may be, hope this kinda helps.
It looks like the fps drops in the video might be from a ram buffer filling up, it's hard to say without seeing a RTSS overlay with metrics of your PC. You could try capping the frame rate of your game to the max your monitor is capable of (assuming it's less than a 240hz monitor) and see if that helps
Your subcount is insulting... you are a great pilot and your knowledge is impressive. One of the best War Thunder pilots I've seen on youtube. It's crazy that a guy like PhlyDaily has more so many more subs than you, the unfairness of life is beyond understanding.
Hey defyn, could you make a guide on how top tier radar works? I've been playing for a while and I've tried to figure it out solo but its very very frustrating just getting killed constantly before I can test anything against real planes, not just the stupid low tier jets in the test flight.
6:58 poor defyn didn’t realize the P-61 has TWO gunners
Proceeds to kill second gunner.
3rd gunner: 🙋🏿
P-61 is goated, though I wish the gun wouldn't reset every time you make a flight adjustment.
Can the radar op actually control the turret too?
a classic night interceptor XD XD XD the pilot pilots and someone else pulls the trigger. quite american in design.
@@orbitalpotato9940 no, but he's considered a ''gunner'' because Gaijin
Favorite part of the video is when he says "it's Defyn time" and then starts absolutely Defyn' all over the places
DEFYN got destroyed by facts and logic in that one
posted 7 hours before release, patrons must be eating good
He isn't a patreon :)
@@unfazedmc5734he's Australian so he sees videos 12 hours early
@@DEFYN @xiphanctinus ohh makes sense
6:53 - 7:08 this guy needs a medal for his sense of humour 😂
My favorite part of the video is when DEFYN said “Nah, I’d Win” and the began backshotting his foes. Lore accurate I must say.
6:53 Those mid-sentence cut jokes is the main reason I watch your videos.
While I totally understand it's not meant as a statement of fact and I get the joke, I had to MATH:
How much altitude difference would an energy advantage of 226526 kcal *actually* mean???
@DEFYN: 226526 kcal is ALOT. Your Bf 109 F-4 at ~2,6t would need to be more than 37km ABOVE the Yak-3 for that kind of an advantage...
For people with the attention span, here my calculation:
Formula for potential energy Epot in a uniform gravitational field (for simplicity): Epot = m • g • h
(m = mass of the aircraft, g = gravitational acceleration, h = height difference)
Rearranged to solve for the height difference: h = Epot / (m • g)
Now for the units and values: Epot = 226526 kcal = 947784784 Joules
1 Joule = 1 Nm = 1 (kg • m²) / s²
g = 9,81 m/s²
m ~ 2600 kg (for a partially fueled F-4 with most of the ammo and a pilot)
So therefore:
h = 947784784 / (2600 • 9,81) [I will spare you the units, they cancel out to meters as they should]
h ~ 37159,29m
While this assumes no loss of gravitational force with increasing altitude, the difference over 37km would be tiny anyways.
The mass is just a rough estimate, but it's good enough for a decent idea of the ballpark of an accurate solution.
I hope someone has now a better idea of what kind of energies are involved here! :)
You forgot to account for the energy gained from farting out the window and lighting it
the ISS has a more than 226526 kcal energy advantage over me
Looks like you need the defensive flying guide@@thetigerii9506
Doing gods work brother.
Well done doing that math bro
A fond memory I have of the Bf109F4 is when Napalmratte called it dogshit and Defyn had to dedicate a whole video to it. Memory lane
I believe that was the G-2.
@vietta6424 I will now accept that I am the not just the clown but the whole circus for this error and leave my post up in shame lmao
@@Spade444Napalm would have called the F-4 bad for much of the same reasons though😂
22:50 *Markfelton intro plays*
lol i really wondered if he started a gaming channel for a moment. had to look it up
dun-da-da-dun-dunn daaa
That guy still exists?
@@mr_confuse Yeah still spreading weird Nazi conspiracy theories
someone commented on his channel that they saw him playing war thunder and he cleared things up by saying he does not have a war thunder account lol
Defyn's god-tier commentary is why I became a member. Great content, excellent commentary, and doing the nigh-impossible.
10:40 yess, King 👑
6:50 maaan, this part made my day. thanks buddy. i learnt a lots from your videos for air RB
The F4U-4 (the .50 call version) just got buffed and put into 4.3 BR. Would be awesome to see how it does at this new BR.
Defyn destroying the enemy team again and again after losing almost all the ammo and his altitude advantage is a feat to be admired. The only thing that can stop you now is Gaijin themselves.
"Throughout the maps and the snail, I alone am the honored one"
I use two monitors with different refresh rates connected to the same GPU, and sometimes, that gives me difficulties with stuttering issues in the recording, even if not apparent in game. Not sure what your setup is like, but something to consider! If this is you, try either setting each monitor on the same refresh rate, plugging one of them into your motherboard to utilize CPU integrated graphics (if applicable to your CPU), or unplug your second monitor when you record. Great video, sick games, and goodluck solving the issue!
thanks :)
i love the realism here when you actually fly around a bf 109 to film it in third person
I picked up an ace with a critically damaged Ki-43-II this morning. I want to thank you for doing such a good job of explaining dogfighting.
Hello, my instructor. I've been watching your videos, and thanks to you I've managed to improve my BF109F4 gameplay a lot. Before, I died a lot, but I watched your videos, paid attention to your teachings, what you did in each situation I was stuck in, and with that I was able to improve myself. Now, in every situation that I engage against an enemy with a plane that is much more maneuverable, or that has greater speed, such as the P-51, and sometimes even the YAK-9T, planes that I still have difficulty facing, But sometimes I managed to win. Not all, of course, I'm still starting with the BF109. However, from 0 to 1 enemies killed in the matches before watching their videos, it went from 3 to 4. Every time I escaped using the Boom Zoom maneuvers, ascending vertically after gaining a good speed, and doing so until the very Spitfire stalls, and then like that, becoming my prey. Thank you very much, a shout out from Brazil and good work.
"The Snake Will Smoke!!!"
Really impressive DEFYN!! I honestly had no idea you could control the pitch of props... Thank you for making and sharing your videos with us!!!
10:50 picture perfect 1v3
was getting frame drops like that a few months ago, i just did a fresh install and also updated my graphics driver. worked for me
Its not ingame
Its only in the recording
@@DEFYN use nvidia geforce experience record?
@@DEFYNpersonally on windows I use Xbox game bar, easily records everything and as long if the capture folder isn’t too full it’s fast to quickly pull up and do what you need. the hot key for it should be win+g as long as it’s installed, I think it should be installed by default
btw, you can pick an option in a menu to synchronize game fps with the monitor fps. There will be no difference visually but it will save a lot of gpu power. Cause right now without this option on, the game is just draining balls of your GPU at a peak level@@DEFYN
The 109F is my favorite plane to fly, I got the Italian one and grinded out a lot of the tree just from playing it
14:38 my thought-flow when you started saying that lol
you said stuff as i was thinking the same thing in my head
The F4 is the classic sealclubber. There is very little the plane cannot do, and it brutally mogs its BR range in most performance stats
I think the F-4 is the perfect example of a plane that's meta defining in its BR bracket but not necessarily overpowered/undertiered like something like that XP-50 (which would be perfectly fine without its air spawn, pretty comparable to the F-4) or most Corsairs (strong in an uptier, absolutely nothing the enemy team can do against you in a downtier). Would be nice if more skilled players played in that BR bracket like back in the day, but these days its just filled with new players, Wyvern spammers, and XP-50 shitters. I haven't flown my F-4 in so long because its just not fun anymore.
Also 151s are the worst cannons in the game right now lmao
@@DaisiesTCtbf, US and Japan has Fragmentations (and we all know how that went with real shatter) in their HE rounds while UK and Germany has HEI. Sure Germany has FIT like the USSR does, but... It feels pretty underwhelming.
Interesting, i remember tons of F-4 getting asskicked
I’m glad that I’m able to do scenarios like these and come out on top now. Thanks to your videos I have learned a lot!
its so sad how they butchered the mg151
im glad someone requested this, defyn using one of the best planes in the game that isnt just brain dead usage. but still over complicated himself on the first match
I’ve commented this like on 10 of ur videos but it truly is a work of art watching u fly
The 109-F4 in the hands of a disciplined pilot is just about the best plane at any BR. If you keep discipline just about the only aircraft that can remotely be on the same energy state is another F4 and that XP You ran into immediately in the first match.
A trick you can use against most 109 pilots is get good at defensive flying. Most pilots will try a boom and zoom on you one or two times before they either get bored and dive away or full commit to a dog fight. It's how I smoke so many 109s when I fly out the spitfire.
I always face a full team of yak 3 and pyorynsky and f4u4 tho
@@sule.A Yak3s and PM-1 are though but F4U-4 can be countered by playing your game, make him commit to the fight and go vertical.
Man its been a long time since I started watching your gameplays. I remember you were conducting some kind of QnA with the 109 F4 in the background. God Bless you bro and may it be that your throat heals from all the talking in Dutch💗
Man the MG 151's just feel so underwhelming to me, great vid as always
... you, Sir... are remarkable. Phenomenal gameplay, but like no-other "gamer" I know... you are an exceptional teacher. Much respect...
I LOVE the F-4, it’s decently maneuverable while being able to be very fast
defyn thank you for being a good teacher and being good at the game 🙏
You are truly the ace in this game! I was looking for a war thunder air RB streamer and i just found it!
1:18 is this a MEC thing? I don't think I've ever seen anyone do this in game or seen other content creators do this.
Its mec yeah
The 109 F-4 is my favourite plane, i even use the same white camo, i really love it, i managed to get the american one trough warbonds years ago and bought the hungarian one a couple of months ago.
Something to note is that if the last enemy alive has 2 or more kills despite his team getting steamrolled, that guy is probably a threat.
You should always assume that he'll beat you if you let him.
Ahhhh man the bf109 f4 my fav bf109
used the battlepass one for my italy grind, very solid plane
Absolute classic plane. Gives me many old school wt memories.
ugh... making me nostalgic for when I could play Warthunder, always loved the Friedrich, climbs like a homesick angel, hits hard enough for purpose against fighters, don't have to worry about convergence for my guns, only issue is the hardier ground attackers and bombers (if minengeschoss gets nerfed again)
definitely a firm favourite for me
It is very annoying to me that the 109 flight model is so handicapped by the instructor that the wing slats don't pop out in RB. In sim, you can pull more AoA, the slats come out, and it improves the plane's handling dramatically.
Do the gunpods hurt this things performance enough to make them not worth running?
15mm damage is a joke. 109 G2 and onwards have worthy gunpods
BR9+ realistic:16v16 only the large maps. 100 tickets per team .3 runways per team. Two runways are fighter spawns and fighters are distributed evenly on opposite sides of the map. The middle runway is for strike aircraft, 4 per team. They must carry a strike load preset; planes such as jas37 may carry fighter load outs and spawn as fighters. The strike planes role is to destroy several marked SAM sites across the map. 7 minutes into the game,AI strategic bombers (5)will spawn. If SAM sights remain, the AI will be destroyed. If they destroy the enemy base they lose 50 tickets. Each enemy fighter or strike plane lost loses the enemy 2 tickets. Each bomber destroyed loses 4 tickets. For victory enemy must reach 0 tickets(1 base destroyed, 5 bombers killed, 15 enemy planes destroyed or some other combination. Or, all player aircraft must be destroyed. Players have 1 respawn until the 10th minutes into the game at which point respawn is disabled. Strike fighters should respawn as interceptors is SAM sights still remain in order to destroy enemy bombers. Fighters may only enter the strike plane sectors once 3 enemy fighters are destroyed in their sector to stop strike planes being instantly killed.
“Nah I’d win” - DEFYN
I think that all the enemy team had a 500% exp boost
One of the planes that I actually enjoy playing, It's one of those planes where I can get up to 10 kill games without problems
When the match was created gaijin asked his favourite youtuber: Out of all the players Ive just created, who would win, them or you?
Defyn replied: well, if they were yo release their domain expansion rear gunner it might cause me a little trouble
But would you lose?
Nah I'd win
While defyn was in its way to the furball, the enemy team, defyns only worthy opponent released it's ultimate technique, hells demonic 7v1 destroying all the friendlies in its path but luckily, gaijins favourite youtuber it had already learnt domain disintegration and fully nullyfied the attack with his skill, and after a ling fought battle, Defyn emerged victorious. Then the sun asked him: Are you the best wt player because you are defyn, or are you defyn because you are the best wt player?
He replied: when it comes to energy and dogfights my fighting abilities are truly sublime because through out the playerbase i alone am the best one
I hate MG151 so much
Least grumpy 900 year old hobbit:
Fr I tried using the salamander the other day and it was just hit after hit…
17:33 in those situations in your videos, would you mind briefly explaining the opponents proper play they should have taken and why his chosen flight path trajectories tell you he's a shite player? I understand its mostly experience, but I'd appreciate the insight. I use to play Rocket League and was a fairly decent high rated player (nowhere near pro level, but wasn't an absent minded player) and in that game there is such a thing as "car language", body language but its the players car, so after dumping a couple thousand hours into the game you're able to read car language really well and predict players next movements because you understand the limits of the game and the current options the player has at that particular moment in time. Anyway, I'd like to be able to get to the point of being to read and predict enemy plane movements in War Thunder like how I can in RL and your videos have been super helpful. Thanks!
The Yak-3 went down while still turning as hard as they could. All that does is open up the space for Defyn to cut inside the turn (without Defyn having to sacrifice anything himself) so that Defyn can get guns on while simultaneously ensuring that the Yak-3 remains at a relatively low active energy state in a hard turn. This is precisely why Defyn said what he did about the other player. They were proactively making their own situation worse without Defyn having to do anything himself. The only two moves that the Yak should have been considering is either diving out and picking up speed and separation or entering a climbing spiral to close the gap to Defyn.
A climbing spiral is fairly risky though. While it is an attempt to keep the gap close enough that Defyn can't drop on top of the Yak-3 Defyn has the energy himself to do a climbing spiral as well to keep the gap open enough so that he can drop down on the Yak when the Yak eventually stalls first, and the Yak would have stalled first without getting a shot. Basically entering a climbing spiral and following Defyn up in this specific scenario is just delaying the inevitable but it makes Defyn have to make it happen himself. Diving out for the Yak-3 would have likely resulted in a full disengagement if the dive out was executed properly in terms of technique and timing because the Yak-3 is faster than the 109F-4 sub 4km. Thus diving out is the safer move and honestly smart move because sub 3.5ish km the Yak-3 is just better overall vs the 109F-4. Getting a full reset allows the Yak-3 to reengage with a better starting position.
If you are ever flying a Yak and have a 109 above and behind you and you both are maneuvering similar to this scenario get out of the fight because you will not win unless the 109 throws the fight. Granted most players are bad enough that many of them will throw but don't sucker yourself into relying on bad habits just because they work against bad players. That said most players are likely to throw so a calculated spiral up against a bad opponent in a superior position can actually result in putting pressure on them thereby forcing them into making bad decisions/moves. If you try to climb up after 109s you are playing into the 109's strength over virtually every Yak. 109s perform better in climbing spirals. Flat turns or descending spirals Yaks have the advantage.
For the record the best time to have tried to disengage for the Yak was 1725-1732. Defyn was going up and away while the Yak was starting to go down. If you ever are going to attempt to dive out of a fight the best time to execute it is when the opposing plane is going up and away from you. At 1702 Defyn is 1.4km above the Yak and is faster than the Yak closing from above and behind. As the Yak pilot in this position my game plan for the oncoming engagement is simple. Get the energy difference as small as possible before the 109 attacks. This means a straight dive of about 10 degrees nose down to pick up speed. However, not even 2 seconds later the Yak turns underneath Defyn prematurely. This is the first sign of a bad player. A good player doesn't make an unnecessary move that costs them energy for no reason. Defyn wasn't even diving on the Yak to attack yet and the Yak is prematurely throwing energy away in a defensive maneuver.
10:16 he explained what the enemy did right here by the way. He just doesn’t do it often.
@@rainsilent Wow, thank you! I see a lot of parallels to what you said in Rocket League as well, especially "Granted most players are bad enough that many of them will throw but don't sucker yourself into relying on bad habits just because they work against bad players. That said most players are likely to throw so a calculated spiral up against a bad opponent in a superior position can actually result in putting pressure on them thereby forcing them into making bad decisions/moves." and "A good player doesn't make an unnecessary move that costs them energy for no reason." That was very insightful, thank you again.
Hey DEFYN, how bout trying the Ki-100 for a change? Its basicly a Ki-61-II Otsu Kai thats in 4.7, but with a radial engine that never Overheats with MEC, and 0.7 BR lower.
F2 is a great one pretty much the same frame with mg151/15, on 2.7. IT is criminall how good it is, you can stall trap anything with ease
lmao the xp50 being a baffoon
hey i recommend using default belts for the 7.92mm, they use ap-t ia and api and rounds, and universal adds another ap round between the incendiary ones
6:54 the cutoff hahahahaha
5:35 @DEFYN come on you meant everyday except Saturdays cause its the holy day, day of the Lord 😁
Me: watches DEFYN to learn how to get better. Plays the exact plan and retains what DEFYN is teaching. And gets absolutely destroyed due to everyone having the exact location, zip codes, altitude, air speed geolocation, 1080° awareness of where I am at all times. Enemy’s that are actual Air Force pilots and has spent 25 years of flight combat experience Also teammates that have no awareness and are probably the exact players DEFYN just destroyed last game.
DEFYN: today we are going to seal club players that aren’t even paying attention cuz they don’t even have their monitors on.
The only thing to surpass your flying skills is your jokes you have me dying laughing everytime
I got 600 games in it, my most kills is 7 and my maths isn't good but that's 26/4 which is like 6.5 kills every game. Such a skilled pilot❤
try to use a tool that shows you cpu/gpu temps, if you havent changed your pc it might have temp issues, if any temp in you pc is above 100 (or maybe even 80) it might be thermal throttling (solved by replacing cooling paste/pads and cleaning dust)
Doesnt break 70 degrees even when rendering
Its my recording not ingame
@@DEFYN no idea then, good luck
Mark Felton Gaming ??? did i miss an episode ?
Dude, you’re Hans-Joachim Marseille!!
You could limit you fps to you monitor's refreshrate. If you have a Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) capable monitor you could set it exactly at the rate, if don't set it a bit above. Don't use Vsync limit it from the nvidia control panel or the amd equivalent. This could solve fps drops during recording and your pc will probably get quitter and will use less electricity as a bonus.
anyone else get the cleave my torso joke. DEFYN must read the manga. that shit had me dying
What is that in SI units?
1 kcal = 0,00116222 kWh
about 1,37 GJ
14:51 Regarding the fps issue I know that for other content creators that had those issues the cause was having too big of a friendslist. Maybe that's your issue?
Nah i dont experience it ingame
10:43 What's the name of the song ?
Greatest plane of all time, but XP-50s and wyverns are fucking annoying
also add the additional 15 mils, they're great
they kinda arent worth the perfomance loss
@@sparkling925 better guns for slightly less performance
@@GeReapeters The 15mms don't provide much meaningful firepower and the performance hit is noticeable. They aren't worth it.
Awesome vid, will you do any spitfires in future?
P51 in same game with F4. Well done WT.
I have a question, how would you fight a VL Pyörremyrsky using this plane? Typically I always see them above or the same energy state as me, and they seem to stall fight better. Thank you
Hey. Defyn, do you have any video or could do one on starting the battle on jets and props? The mindset and decision making for starting a battle.
Is there a way to get the decals you have on your wings? They look sick!
Love your vids!
Mark Felton Gaming? :) (that P-51 at the end)
I love these prop videos
Question : When you climb in a bf 109 do you side climb or climb directly into the battle ?
Hey I don't think you've ever made a vid on the A-26, you should try it out sometime
Defyn nearly got an ace of aces in less than an ace of games 💀
If your FPS drops only on the shadowpaly records -- most probably, its your HD begs for coffin. Mine does close to same things on records. Even the picture itself fractures, but it's only on recorded vids.
It was my software
Formatted pc and it fixed it in the end
Gotta get back to me roots. Been spending too much time at high br's. GG
Since the firepower is pretty lacking, isnt it worth using the gunpods on this plane?
nah theyre kinda shit and the perfomance loss is pretty noticable
If you use Sony Vegas, that's probably the cause of the video stuttering. Used to get the same thing before I swapped to Premiere
Its the recording itself not the render
Also it can be that you are recording to the same hard drive that is currently downloading something (eg. a Steam update) so it's maxing out the write speed@@DEFYN
I am writing on NVEC SSDs
And it doesnt matter on which of the 3 i put it the issue is the same
I see. The last step would be to check your GPU's "video engine" utilization in HWINFO64. The video engine is the encoder. If it's too high while you're playing and recording as usual, like 95%+, that'll be why. Otherwise I'm out of ideas alas. You can lower utilization by using a faster NVENC preset and/or encoding less and smaller videos @@DEFYN
Er a reply got eaten but also, if you are using shadowplay, swap to OBS
Would you suggest gun pods on this? Have it spaded but not used it in ages.
Love the videos and thanks
Not worth it
The only dogfighting theory I have is just stay inside enemy's circle😂
6:56 if you did a hard right turn here you 100% would’ve survived that
This is some real Hartmann shit
Man I had a game a day ago that was a 1v3 and I had a great advantage to take the last 3 and the fucking game ended. I was pissed
I noticed Defyn can fly extended periods with WEP. How do you do that? Some MEC magic? If I do that in an F4, the engine temps will go red almost instantly. This was a great video btw!
Yeah it's mec
100% rads for both of them
About the FPS issue, It may be A. A graphics card issue so if you can try and get a dust cleaner for it, or B. It's just gaijin spaghetti code and there's nothing to do about it Or C. It's a problem that maybe if you've installed a mod of some sort, it messes with your performance, I'm not qualified enough to tell you what it may be, hope this kinda helps.
Its the recording not the game
It looks like the fps drops in the video might be from a ram buffer filling up, it's hard to say without seeing a RTSS overlay with metrics of your PC.
You could try capping the frame rate of your game to the max your monitor is capable of (assuming it's less than a 240hz monitor) and see if that helps
Its not ingame its the recording
I already tried capping the fps to match with the software but no sauce
Your subcount is insulting... you are a great pilot and your knowledge is impressive. One of the best War Thunder pilots I've seen on youtube. It's crazy that a guy like PhlyDaily has more so many more subs than you, the unfairness of life is beyond understanding.
Hey DEFYN I've been wondering what your favorite games are besides warthunder?
Relatively old video but is there a case to be made for using the 15mm guns on the wings of the F-4?
Good damage but i dont think it's worth
I wish I could fly like this...
Hey defyn, could you make a guide on how top tier radar works? I've been playing for a while and I've tried to figure it out solo but its very very frustrating just getting killed constantly before I can test anything against real planes, not just the stupid low tier jets in the test flight.
I already have its in the guide playlist
Currently my best kD ratio plane :)
I discovered that im not that bad with this plane
Defyn can you play the Swift F1