Conversations that Matter: Homosexuality & the Christian Faith Q&A

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 95

  • @PeterBurman-i9r
    @PeterBurman-i9r 11 месяцев назад

    Since I have located this convicted child of HOLY GOD,
    I have a difficult time to not watch or listen to Rosaria, who gives All credits to our HOLY GOD!
    You are a total inspiration!
    Thank you for giving us of your time and sharing your HOLY conviction by the honest answers you provide.
    May GOD BLESS & PROTECT you and Kent wherever you go!

  • @billmoss6271
    @billmoss6271 11 лет назад +5

    Rosaria experience with God is so carefully communicated and very needed for us to hear. I have been touched by her testimony. A honest person who loves Jesus intelligently and with gentleness. I have learned much.

  • @jeannet7443
    @jeannet7443 9 лет назад +14

    "I was not converted from homosexuality. I was converted from unbelief."

    • @1Atomtan
      @1Atomtan 7 лет назад +3

      She is using a play on words. All of us were converted out of unbelief and at the same time also converted out of our former views on sin.

  • @alandenise
    @alandenise 11 лет назад +5

    Powerful, incredible truth by a woman who chose to follow Jesus, no matter what it cost her.

  • @carlapratt5198
    @carlapratt5198 Год назад +1

    Thank you, Rosaria. You've really blessed and inspired me with this ministry presentation.

  • @jeannet7443
    @jeannet7443 9 лет назад +4

    "God is there for me in my suffering. Suffering and compassion go together. So when the Lord orchestrates suffering in my life, it is an opportunity to not only know the Lord better, but to really be a bridge in my world to other people."

  • @avagage1
    @avagage1 10 лет назад +12

    this is one beautiful and very sharp woman a real blessing

    • @garythickballz33
      @garythickballz33 3 года назад

      she aint gonna fuck you lewis. thats all im sayin

  • @davidkennedy6251
    @davidkennedy6251 10 лет назад +13

    This is inspiring and I feel blessed to have listened to this. What an intelligent and loving woman with a lot of really good, practical and worthwhile points to make. David from the UK.

  • @karendavis8764
    @karendavis8764 Год назад +2

    I praise God for people who know Jesus to take the time and make so many sacrifices to befriend a person seeking the truth of God. It is worth the time and sacrifice.

    • @RandallProductions1
      @RandallProductions1  Год назад +1

      Amen to that! I've heard it said from several pastors for us to focus on our "One More" to share and live out the gospel.

  • @marthannaphillips2530
    @marthannaphillips2530 11 лет назад +2

    What an amazing and insightful commentary on not just her own personal past as a lesbian, but the bigger picture of the truth of Holy Scripture, the Power of an all loving God, and the marvel and wonder of what it means to truly and honestly give your life, not just a token-part of it, but your whole life to our Creator/Redeemer God and Saviour.

  • @CaseyChronicle
    @CaseyChronicle 8 лет назад

    Loved the vid!! Keep em coming!!:))

  • @CariadNZ
    @CariadNZ 11 лет назад +2

    It wouldn't be very special, the same thing for all. As though we were cattle. I think that God's capacity for knowing a soul, for being close, for creating a tapestry in a person's life, is limitless. But he does require that we look for him.. ask, seek, knock... as the saying goes. He has made something beautiful out of my life too. Redemption & miracles here too.

  • @katygodina9501
    @katygodina9501 Год назад

    Tank you for Your Service.
    Can you give me some Researches about the roots or causes of homosexuality? Some former Researches are not discoverable any longer. I thank you for your help.

  • @valorielettinga4279
    @valorielettinga4279 Год назад

    I find it very hard in my family when my daughter came out and is now a “lesbian” and is now engaged
    She was raised in a Christian home, we love the Lord….she said she was born this way…….
    It has devastated our family and rocked our world….we don’t know how to proceed……..

    • @patricedenis42
      @patricedenis42 Месяц назад

      There 's something really afraid is the fact We don't know the circle of influence especially her closest Friends, i'm Christian and i was worked and apple store that is litteraly a place fully of lesbians and gays, you Can raise your children in the faith but outside she has Bad influence and some of them try to influence but i'm still battle to be Christian and they don't get it.
      As a parent in faith that will cause pain and misunderstood but she 's an adult and you Can only Hope and Pray for her, keep talking to her but Never surrender on her ideology. Don't be mad on her but don't leave church for her a lot of parents leave church when one of our kids become lesbian or gay.
      Keep going to involve in your christianity and don't loose faith

  • @flossiesreflections
    @flossiesreflections 11 лет назад +2


  • @jfowler111
    @jfowler111 11 лет назад

    Great video. Thanks for sharing! I pray lost homosexuals will benefit from it

  • @marycallahan1224
    @marycallahan1224 5 лет назад +1

    Gay people. need our understanding not our simplicity ! wonderful talk!

  • @jimangmay
    @jimangmay 10 лет назад +4

    Jerry, you simply heard what you wanted to hear. And you chose not to believe her when she said things that differ from your own views. You can believe whatever you want to believe, but it is a bit judgmental of you to tell her what is true and what is not true about her.

  • @strictlyprickly
    @strictlyprickly 11 лет назад

    On the question of 'ghost stories': I attend a Bible-believing church in the UK. The daughter of one of the members periodically visits with her lover, and they *do* hold hands and show affection. It happens...

  • @southernchelz
    @southernchelz 11 лет назад

    The "unanswered prayers" are no. Prayers are requests. Some of them are answered and some aren't. That is part of faith....believing He knows best. I know that some requests seem like good ones like healings but those trials can be something good in our lives. No one volunteers for those trials *except Christ* so it may seem unfair when our healing prayers get the "no".

  • @NCGStudios
    @NCGStudios 10 лет назад

    I would hope that many of you would join us in supporting the Gay and Lesbian Community: Homosexuality in the Bible?

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    There are billions that have failed to be "drawn".

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    You seem to think that there are no such things as unanswered prayers.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    It never ceases to amaze me how believers will find any reason to explain away the falsehoods of their faith. I wonder what good there would be for the prayers of the parents of a dying child to go unanswered? Please don't suggest that it's a "test of their faith". And yet apparently on another occasion he'll answer the prayers of a basketball team before a game and grant them victory. I think we both know what the truth about prayers are - you just can't admit it.

    • @kofipapa2886
      @kofipapa2886 Год назад

      Life's questions are not always very simple to answer as you may not be unaware. So any answers you get should just be as a starting place for the journey to seeking out the Truth by your self. Faith is not falsehood as you claim. It is a mental attitude and the way one decodes and decides to live life. Faith is the attitude that guides the conduct of the believer. The faith that one shows shows what they hope to receive in the future and you will not disagree with me that without faith nothing is done or achieved. Life tests patience and our patience is developed in times of difficulty and adversity. I do not know but do not want to think that God is behind or sanctions the death of infants and tragic misfortunes. What I know about the person and character of God is that he is look kind and loving and doesn't wish evil on His own creation. But remember we live in a world where people do not uphold the commands and statutes of our loving God. And people do not live according to the will of God because we are in a fallen state. If we turn to God and receive his grace and benefit from His redemption then can we obey God. And when we obey God and all of the universe is restored to the harmony there was before the fall, then would death and sicknesses and accidents and tragedies pass out of human experience. Train and shipwrecks are not caused by God but by human limitations and inefficiencies and ineffectiveness. This is what I have for you.

  • @sharoncarter4130
    @sharoncarter4130 2 года назад

    Amen , single 🙏

  • @rockvilleraven
    @rockvilleraven 10 лет назад

    I'm an evangelical and all churches should minister to people with AIDS. God calls us to do so. We can't heal them physically, but we can spiritually.

  • @CariadNZ
    @CariadNZ 11 лет назад +1

    You didn't ask for my witness, my miracles. Did you not want to know? You volunteered what I seem to think, but you did not ask me a question. Is that... arrogant.. of you?

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    I didn't propose it as an argument, I simply stated that according to the christian belief a two year old child is labelled a sinner. Fortunately the more truthful and rational among us understand this for the utter nonsense it is. If you wish to label your own children as sinners go right ahead. Mine ar no such thing and I won't have people like you telling me otherwise.

  • @CariadNZ
    @CariadNZ 11 лет назад

    Christian don't believe that death is death. Did we forget that?

  • @22abecker
    @22abecker 10 лет назад

    Many Christians today speak about the traditional biblical marriage, but if truth be known, the traditional marriage is not a biblical concept. In fact, it would be hard to find a modern-day Christian who would actually abide by a truly biblical marriage in practice, as the biblical understanding of marriage meant male ownership of women who existed for sexual pleasure.
    Upon marriage, a woman’s property and her body became the possession of her new husband. As the head of the household, men (usually between the ages of 18 and 24) had nearly unlimited rights over wives and children.
    A woman became available for men’s possession soon after she reached puberty (usually 11 to 13 years old), that is, when she became physically able to produce children. Today we call such sexual arrangements statutory rape. The biblical model for sexual relationships includes adult males taking girls into their bedchambers, as King David did in 1 Kings 1:1-3.
    Throughout the Hebrew text it is taken for granted that women (as well as children) are the possessions of men. The focus of the text does not seriously consider or concentrate upon the women’s status, but their identity is formed by their sexual relationship to the man: virgin daughter, betrothed bride, married woman, mother, barren wife or widow.
    Her dignity and worth as one created in the image of God is subordinated to the needs and desires of men. As chattel, women are often equated with a house or livestock (Dt. 20:5-7), as demonstrated in the last commandment, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, wife, slave, ox or donkey” (Ex. 20:17).
    Because women are excluded from being the subject of this command, the woman -- like a house, slave, ox or donkey -- is reduced to an object: just another possession, another piece of property that belonged to the man, and thus should not be coveted by another man.
    There are many ways in which the Bible cannot be a literal reference point or guidebook to modern-day marriages. Because the biblical understanding of the purpose for marriage has been reproduction, marriage could be dissolved by the man if his wife failed to bear his heirs.
    Besides reproduction, marriage within a patriarchal order also served political and economic means. Marriages during antiquity mainly focused on codifying economic responsibilities and obligations.
    Little attention was paid to how the couple felt about each other. Wives were chosen from good families not only to secure the legitimacy of a man’s children, but to strengthen political and economic alliances between families, clans, tribes and kingdoms. To ensure that any offspring were the legitimate heirs, the woman was restricted to just one sex partner, her husband.
    Biblical marriages were endogamous -- that is, they occurred within the same extended family or clan -- unlike the modern Western concept of exogamous, where unions occur between outsiders.
    Men could have as many sexual partners as they could afford. The great patriarchs of the faith, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, had multiple wives and/or concubines, and delighted themselves with the occasional prostitute (Gen. 38:15). King Solomon alone was recorded to have had over 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3).
    The book of Leviticus, in giving instructions to men wishing to own a harem, provides only one prohibition, which is not to “own” sisters (Lev. 18:18). The Hebrew Bible is clear that men could have multiple sex partners. Wives ensured legitimate heirs; all other sex partners existed for the pleasures of the flesh.
    A woman, on the other hand, was limited to just one sex partner who ruled over her -- unless, of course, she was a prostitute.
    Biblical marriage was considered valid only if the bride was a virgin. If she was not, then she needed to be executed (Dt. 22:13-21).
    Marriages could only take place if the spouses were believers (Ezra 9:12). And if the husband were to die before having children, then his brother was required to marry the widow. If he refused, he had to forfeit one of his sandals, be spit on by the widow, and change his name to “House of the Unshoed” (Dt. 25:5-10).
    As much as we do not want to admit it, marriage is an evolving institution; a social construct that has been changing for the better since biblical times. Those who claim that the biblical model for marriage is one husband and one wife apparently haven’t read the Bible or examined the well-documented sources describing life in antiquity.
    The sooner we move away from the myth of the so-called traditional biblical marriage, the better prepared we will be to discuss what constitutes a family in the 21st century.

  • @reginaDexant
    @reginaDexant 11 лет назад

    The goodness of God is unceasing. I want to give you a verse from Holy Scripture that may help you: Isaiah 57:1:The righteous (innocent-only children or blood washed) perish, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.

  • @glenallen623
    @glenallen623 7 лет назад

    i am so freaked out by the belief inane inerrant Bible.. WHICH edition is inerrant????????? IT IS SO BIZARRE and makes me question MY SANITY

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 3 года назад

      Why does that freak you out?

    • @kofipapa2886
      @kofipapa2886 Год назад

      Please do not be freaked out.
      Can we work through a few things?
      I need you to be sane to have a sane discussion.
      The Bible contains historical accounts, stories, parables, anecdotes, teachings, precepts and principles. All of these can not be taken out of their contexts and epochs. The laws of God and his principles are timeless and excellent for living. I wish you would approach the Bible with an open mind and the heart to understand what its message is.
      The Bible tells us about the origin of creation, the fall of man, the destructive effect of sin, God's redemptive plan even before the fall and the glorious future that awaits the believers. It also cautions the heathen the consequences of rebellion against God. Does this offend you? Where do you struggle to agree with the truth of the Bible? What is your own better version of principles to replace the Bible?

  • @adambirkholtz4453
    @adambirkholtz4453 10 лет назад

    She kind of misses a big reason why people do publicly identify as gay. This post does a good job of explaining one person's perspective:

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    "You may reject sin but you show it in every post"....are those the words of a buddhist? Hmmm.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    So you would be presenting an argument as to why a two year old child is guilty of "sin" if you weren't a believer in god? Yeah right. Looks like someone is just a little reluctant to declare his true colours. What would your god think about that?

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    Not much of a choice form what I gather - you either believe in him or undergo eternal tormet.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    "Sin" is acting contrary to god's commands, hence my mention of god. You mention sin because you have a religious faith. I'm not the least bit interested in any religious definition or description of what "sin" may constitute as I do not believe in any god(s).

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 3 года назад

      Robby, what do you think “sin” is?

    • @Resenbrink
      @Resenbrink 3 года назад

      @@gregcox6165 read above

  • @anonruda
    @anonruda 11 лет назад

    So does she now deny evolution? That's what I would have asked her.

  • @Maksie0
    @Maksie0 5 лет назад +3

    It's fine to be gay. It's not fine to tell others they can't be in a consenting relationship with another adult of the same gender.

    • @thelastdracolich1237
      @thelastdracolich1237 4 года назад

      You tell god hes wrong. You dont run this thing god do.

    • @Maksie0
      @Maksie0 4 года назад

      @@thelastdracolich1237 Where can I reach him?

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 3 года назад

      @@Maksie0 on your knees, He’s right next to you.

    • @Maksie0
      @Maksie0 3 года назад +1

      @@gregcox6165 See, I specified *consenting* relationships. If Jesus wants to break into my house and get me to "get on my knees right next to him", that's not cool.

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 3 года назад

      @@Maksie0 you asked “where can I reach him”. I told you.

  • @CariadNZ
    @CariadNZ 11 лет назад

    Jesus presented his own stance on children, "let the little children come to me," So Hell is real, sin is real, let me know when you get to the CROSS.

  • @OKandNOWwhat
    @OKandNOWwhat 11 лет назад

    Friend, God's PERFECTION is revealed in DEATH. It is the Death of Messiah Jesus that opens the Way to Life for those who will receive it. And this Life cannot be entered w/o first a volitional death, then a psychical death. But all along the Way, walking w/ you, comforting, consoling, & counseling you, shall be the One Who Himself died to all claims of autonomy so He could enter Death & Hell on your behalf so that you would not have to. Yet, always gracious, He leaves the choice to you. Bless U

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    Your religious faith doesn't matter? It doesn't determine what you believe or think? Hmmmm. Interesting.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    So my 2 year old boy is a sinner. What a joke.

  • @schlummieleinchen1
    @schlummieleinchen1 9 лет назад +2

    As of June 26, 2015 it's called MARRIAGE. You can partake in it or not, regardless of your race or gender. Where's the problem? Don't like it? Lump it! Nobody cares about the precious feelings of hateful bigots. End or argument. Go home.

  • @EgyptEGY
    @EgyptEGY 5 лет назад +1

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 NKJV
    9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites

    • @abirosehoyt
      @abirosehoyt 4 года назад

      The word homosexual wasn’t in the Bible until 1946. It was mistranslated from 2 Greek words, arsenokoitai and malakoi. Arsenokoitai being a compound word meaning man and bed. Paul is believed to have coined this term. And it’s often used in economic terms i.e. prostitution. And malakoi means soft.

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 3 года назад +1

      @@abirosehoyt flatly false. Your editorial abridgment excludes the facts that homosexuality has been found throughout ancient cultures from the very beginning regardless of modern nomenclature: the fact is sex outside a heterosexual marriage is called fornication. And that is a sin.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    At least you know where I stand, you won't even admit to your religious faith.

  • @CariadNZ
    @CariadNZ 11 лет назад

    So, you don't believe in God, but you do believe in hell?

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    "People like you" people who profess to believe in one of the many gods on offer...there's nothing angry about my description of's the truth. If you wish to live your life believing you are constantly transgressing the commands of your god go right ahead - if you wish to view your children through the same lens that's your choice. I don't subscribe to anything like that and (personally) consider it a complete waste of the little time I have here.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    Oh dear - talk about strawmen. Do you really think that unless I believe in a god (which you do, right?) that I am going to believe that my 2 year old being a "sinner" is an issue? Your "issues" are exclusive to your personal faith - they've got absolutely nothing to do with me, no matter what you assert. As I said previously - I have no quibble with you living like that - just don't expect me to buy in to it.

    • @Resenbrink
      @Resenbrink 4 года назад

      Robbie Amadeus Stoly save your time

  • @shabirmansour
    @shabirmansour 10 лет назад +2

    this is a joke right!
    what would homosexuality have anything to do with Christianity

    • @KingofPepsi
      @KingofPepsi 9 лет назад +1

      shabirmansour Better yet....what does Christianity have to do with reality?!!

    • @ddrse
      @ddrse 5 лет назад

      The B in LGBT stands for Bible and that's for the people who identify their sexuality with the Bible. It's a full spectrum. You're included. Bible sexuality is the one that you get to choose!

    • @gregcox6165
      @gregcox6165 3 года назад +1

      You are correct, you cannot be gay AND a Christian.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    You'll have to excuse me but that it is just verging on idiotic. If God's perfection means children have to die then I think your definition of "perfect" needs some work.

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    Do these people who believe that god took a personal interest in them and apparently went out of his way to touch them amongst the billions on this planet ever wonder why he just doesn't do it for everyone?

    • @phil4v8
      @phil4v8 6 лет назад

      Robby my simplist thought is God would be at our instant need like a Jennie in a lamp. But i dont think that would be Christianity.

  • @Mabeylater293
    @Mabeylater293 7 лет назад +1

    Boy won't she be pissed when she realizes that loving same sex couples was NEVER a sin. I can see her now, strangling some priest/minister.

    • @ddrse
      @ddrse 5 лет назад

      They gouge their own eyes out when they realize what they've done in the name of God!

  • @Resenbrink
    @Resenbrink 11 лет назад

    No, you described your two year children as "sinners". You said "sin" exists. "Sin" is used soley to describe actions which go against god's command. "Sin" isn't simply doing wrong, it's doing wonrg in the eyes of god. My two old children don't "sin", period. Of course I correct my two year old child, which parent doesn't. I know you want to start there and then go on to talk about sin but forget it. Not interested.