*"You can't even kill a dying man"* 'Arthur Morgan Winning a fist-fight while coughing his lungs up' One of my absolute favorite lines in the entire game
Micah outright murdered Susan Grimshaw, one of the longest running and most loyal members of the Van der Linde Gang, and Dutch was just like 'lmao still seems pretty trustworthy to me'
Kermit the Hermit how old is Dutch god damn... I thought he was like mid 30s 40s at most. Now I realised that Arthur is 36 fucking years. Dutch gotta be 50 or 60 and he looks like he’s 20
Dutch saw everyone as a traitor except Micah of all people because he agreed with Dutch until the end. Everyone else knew Micah was full of crap. Hosea and Arthur knew that Blackwater didn’t feel right. Dutch didn’t care because he was so brainwashed by the fact that the boat was delivering so much money to the bank. That’s why Dutch didn’t question it when Micah shot Ms. Grimshaw.
My theory is that Dutch was the bad guy, he used Micah's flat out chaos and engineered the downfall of the gang so he coud take all the money for Tahiti for himself and run. Dutch wasn't manipulated, he knew Micah was the rat, he knew the gang was falling apart and it was all part of his plan. That's why Dutch left Arthur and John to be arrested, so he can say that he "tried" to save them and slip under the radar with the rest of the gang. Dutch was the bad guy from the start, that's why he ends up siding with Micah. At the end his plan switches, he realizes it's either Him or Micah, so he takes out Micah, ending the gang and moving on. This falls apart at the end, but I like to think that Dutch let John live because he reminded him of the time he left Arthur to die, and realization that Arthur was truly gone hit him and he realized what his plan lead to. He then kills Micah and leaves the money, completing his own redemption by finally taking out the guy that caused the downfall of his family. Dutch was never a good guy, I feel like it's silly to assume that a man who can plan and execute a perfect robbery multiple times on short notice wouldn't notice a viper in his ranks, unless he's the one that slipped the viper in
Actually its because of when u go on the trolley heist in chapter four when u get out of the crashed trolley u can hear Dutch saying his head feels weird and he sees halusanations and so he got brain damage wich means that is why he goes mentally insane
Gretchen Huffman he also beat up the pin headed giant in the circus side quest who is way bigger and stronger than Arthur but still has a childlike mind
I still can't believe Dutch trusted a stranger, who has been around for like 3 months, more than his friend Arthur who was loyal for over 20 years straight. This. This is how you make a good story work. Rockstar may be a bunch of greedy fellas, but they sure as hell know how to make a great singleplayer game work.
DaGuadeOiderBoudlerTV because Dutch only cared about the money and Micah has been agreeing with him every step of the way as Arthur didn’t trust Dutch’s bullshit
DaGuadeOiderBoudlerTV it’s because even before the game started I think maybe Arthur and Hosea already were a bit meh about Dutch like him slowly losing it. And they also had plans of their own but Micah was tailoring himself to be the perfect guy to Dutch especially cos he knew how much money was in blackwater. He manipulated Dutch to keeping that money with them and lying to everyone about it
I'm at the start of chapter 6 right now I didn't watch the video for spoilers reasons why do so many people hate Micah I love his Pscotic behavior lol one of my favorite characters in the gang
He also played Harlan Fontaine in L.A. Noire, they both even look similar because they use scans of the actors face. I think they intentionally put long messy hair and a big mustache on him to hide some of the similarities.
Ace Tex I think you meant to say embodiment or personification, not interpretation, although he could also be rockstar’s interpretation of what online players are
I really was thinking that Micah was going to be the Trevor of the gang - creepy, annoying, crazy but always loyal and will do anything for the gang. Also I was thinking he would end up being Arthur’s annoying friend💀
Same Especially since he didn't wear a mask while he and Arthur were setting the fields on fire and I was like ,,What are you doing, put a mask on" Now he's dead D':
Not to mention all the voice actors who played the gang members in the "final showdown" loved arthur so much that they didn't want to have to be on Micah's side.
@@pestilence654 There was that one interview at comic con where Gabriel Sloyer, the VA for Javier, protested Rockstar for him not to point at Arthur because he thought it wasn't right. Really powerful scene
It's minor, but you also forgot to mention how entitled he was. In the abanoned town they go to, he expected to have his own room the same way Arthur and Hosea had despite having only been in the gang for 6 months. (While Hosea and Arthur were the original Dutch gang members for over 20 years at that point)
Micah was definitely arrogant, but he didn’t get upset about his room because he was entitled. He was upset that he had to share a room with one of the filthiest, most disruptive members of the gang (Bill Williamson) and two black people (Lenny Summers and Charles Smith). He was being bigoted, not entitled.
@@MarcusCollins69 he's mixed from both native and African, his mother was in a tribe and his father was a escaped slave (if I remember correctly, I could be wrong)
@@proctorritter5176 he got upset about that because he was entitled as well. “How come Arthur gets a room?” Maybe because Arthur’s been with the gang for almost his entire life and you’ve been there for not even a year? He didn’t want to be next to Bill, which I can understand, and he also was pissed because he was sharing the room with “a bunch of darkies”, showing his staggering amount of racism that is evident throughout most of the story. I hate Micah more than anything or anyone else in a video game ever, but man, I have to give Rockstar credit: every single line of dialogue he has drips with his pure evil.
Can we acknowledge the best npc in RDR2 which is of course Charles. He is by far the most honourable person in the gang and he shows he will die to save people. His loyalty to the gang is stems from the fact he has no Tribe, and is also why he risks his life a number of times for Rains Falls and Eagle Flies. I’m glad he was one of lucky ones and managed to live on...
I’m hoping we can play in Charles in RDR3, maybe do some shit in Canada or fight in WW1. I know it wouldn’t be the outlaw game that red dead is but I still think it would be fun to play
@@Anakin_Skywalker47 what about your two hideous sheep cleet and joe? you weren't loyal to them neither? cause they were loyal to you. (for some unknown reason)
Big smoke could be forgiven because he got corrupted with money and power but always was loyal, Micah however was a total dick the whole time and he killed Arthur
I havent played the game yet, gonna do so once it comes out on Nov 5th here soon. I will be so kind and greet my camp mates, but whenever i see micah. ANTAGONIZE! Ill be mashing that button like crazy on that son of a bitch.
Big Smoke is at least a really likeable character, same with Ryder... They did betray the Grove Street, but there is no way you can dislike those 2 characters. They are cool, and they are icons. Micah on the other side is an asshole and a rat. He might be a great villian, but THAT is exactly why I would like to be able to kill him way at the beggining.
^^^ this On top of that though. Smoke grew up with the gang. Micah joined on the final year so.... its not the same level of betrayal that smokes wouldve had. Wouldve been like if Hosea took smokes role instead. Someone whos been in the game for so long you know they wont leave. Until they do
That was shit writing on Rockstar’s part tbh. He even shot Miss Grimshaw in front of everyone and Dutch didn’t give a shit simply because “he went crazy.” Lame.
Emiliano Tamez no, it was because Dutch was beginning to be driven mentally insane, he hit his head on the trolley in saint denis, and hosea dying was the last straw for him. The mans crazy
Ah, that final dead eye moment... I've managed to shoot 10 times in Micah's face. In the animation that follows, his face was all disfigured and bloody, totally indistinguishable. He was like a zombie walking to complete his like walk to fall in the ground. It was funny as hell. Evil laughs. But I think I hate dutch on the same level, though.
Micah is also one of the best characters Rockstar has ever created, to make such a vile despicable and grotesque psychopath is one hell of an achievement
His actor, Peter Blomquist, did an incredible job. Everybody's always praising Arthur, John, Dutch and Sadie. And I'm standing here like.... BRUH ! Micah was an amazing character in his own right !
@@alvinite9164 Yeah I know, when you watch the staff interviews he's always super funny, and I knew his name but didn't want to misspell his last name at the time, so I just went with that lol. Changed it now though ^^
We need more villains in fiction who are like Micah. Not everyone needs to be a sympathetic, morally ambiguous anti-villain who the audience loves because they have one or two redeeming qualities. It’s okay to have villains who are just downright despicable pieces of crap for the audience to root against. It makes them care for the hero more, and to want to see them win even more intensely.
The difference is that having one or two good traits so that the audience will like them is not the same as having one or two that stop their friends from shooting them
The husband and wife Micah kills in strawberry had a son, you can help him in the epilogue find his dog and he states that she's the only family he's got left
Mario Kaiba - RG07 Gaming & Novels the majority of them most likely past away, and even if they’re still alive, they live cross country from jack, and he’s the only one trying to take on the world with the outlaw ideals.
Good for you .you know in every minor particles in the world only two or three things we notice and that is something that we care about despite the fact me was ignorant and the people seems to be difficult to organized, so much painful to stay silent without antagonizing micah if only i have ps4
Just wanted to point out - if nobody else has already - that Rockstar did a beautifully subtle subversion of an old Western trope by giving Micah a white hat, and Arthur a black hat.
I fucking hated the lancaster cause I wanted to use my sidearms but the game gave me the lancaster for every mission and I had to run back and put it away
No, no, Arthur ultimately wins of you get the good ending, he gets to crawl away and watch the sunrise as he passes while Micah dies on a mountain in the cold
Micah: "you've lost, Black Lung" Arthur, after getting his blood on Micah and certainly giving him TB: "Despite my best efforts to the contrary, it turns out I've won."
@Daniel Josh T. Limoso They just needed a convenient and ironic way to kill him off. Now being tortured, living a hard life, smoking, and Guarma didn’t help but at the same time the game wasn’t going to make you sit there and watch Arthur die from scientifically accurate TB over a period of 5-10 years. Would of been interesting if he were alive in the timeskip, he tries to talk the others out of revenge, but ultimately goes along with it, and the last thing he does is help Sadie, Charles, and John take down Micah as even Arthur admits Micah was too dangerous to be left alive. With S.A TB it would be around that time that Arthur would actually be in the late stages of dying from TB.
It's actually pretty simple as to what motivates Micah: Narcissism. Based on the fact he has Cleet and Joe as his own personal loyal henchmen it's pretty clear he has always wanted to be the center of attention. However he is unable to unite more then a few followers as he lacks the charisma and tact that Dutch has. Thus he manipulated Dutch to get himself into the "right-hand man" position while trying to undermine Arthur and Hosea
Not to mention Micah Is smart and if he got the jump on Arthur like he did in the game, he would know he would lose and just shoot Arthur in the back. It’s what I would do
@@tranzfixuationtisk3683 yeah but that never happened and Micah is dumber than John is in the 1st chapter, Arthur would’ve gotten the gun in the high honour help John ending if Dutch didn’t show up, not to mention that the revolver was already loaded so Arthur would’ve gotten up easily
"Thinning out the gang" was one of Micah's goals from the very start. He talks about how "many mouths to feed" in the very first mission with him up in the mountains.
Ikr, hated that in my first playthrough, especially since I was doing high honor, and Micah's missions kept handing out dishonor like it was candy on fuckin Halloween
@@railenherman6482 I think about that Professor McGonagall meme: "Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three?", and the three are Micah and his two revolvers.
I think Micah is written so well at being a character that we are supposed to hate. I don’t think he’s the best antagonist but certainly a great hateable character.
Your talk on first impressions are perfectly summed up by a line from bonnie McFarlane in the first game "First impressions are hard to erase" I just like how that line comes into effect for so many characters in this series
When Sean died, I couldn't comprehend it. It was so quick, but at least we got to stay around and be with him in his final moments. Then Kieran was tortured and killed without is knowing, which really got me. Them when Lenny died, I was too focused on the game until after I landed on Guarma and realized my boy was dead.
Big Buff Choomah true, but you’re saying it like i want this to be a 10 second video, i said could’ve been not should’ve been, sorry i guess it’s my fault you misunderstood what i was trying to say
Understanding Micah is one thing, but we need to give Rockstar some more credit for him. Other games have tried to have a character so disliked like this, but it causes people to lose interest in the game. Rockstar did a real risky and ballsy move with Micah. If people like Arthur, Hosea, Lenny, etc weren't such good characters, it would've downgraded this game a LOT.
Funny how at the start of the game, he addresses Arthur as Mr. Morgan and as he slowly becomes Dutch's right-hand man, he just keeps calling Arthur different names.
Yeah because he was scared shitless. First it was mr morgan from fearing getting his ass beat second it was arthur in strawberry when he knew arthur wouldnt beat him but better be carefull... and then finally TB when he insults him because he is deadly sick
@@DodgeThatAttack yeah he was Dutch's Mind Somehow,he was the person who Dutch kept his sanity for And you know that blast on that mission in saint Denis where Dutch's head crashed was also very damaging.
With how everyone hates Micah so much, it just gives much appreciation and love for the actor who did an amazing job at presenting that antagonist, evil character so much respect for Peter Blomquist 👏👏👏
Yeah Peter really is a great dude And I appreciate him I just hope he doesn't get tackled in public due to the fact that Micah looks exactly like him because of motion capture
eyebat yea he was probably the best gunslinger in the gang since in the mission were Sean dies he literally finds who killed him killed him and then 4 more people
Something else we don't take into consideration: Agent Milton actually was a decent law enforcement officer compared to Agent Ross. He could've easily killed Arthur while out fishing with Jack but he didn't. He gave him a chance to leave the Van Der Linde gang while you almost Know Ross would've shot and killed him right then and there. Milton casually walks into their camp but without dozens of officers giving them All the chance to go and lead ordinary lives. He captured Molly, but due to the letter of the law, lets her go. But when Ross is now the leader, they torture and kill Strauss, showing the big change between the both of them. But pertaining to this video: Fu*k Micah!! I knew I was gonna hate him the moment he was introduced in the snow storm of chapter 1.
Milton refuses to break the law when Cornwall tells him to. His boss and one of the most powerful people in the country, and he stood up to him. In a way, he was one of the most noble characters in the game. Always doing the right thing. Ross is just an outlaw with a badge.
People hating on voice actors is probably one of the dumbest things I have ever heard it should be the opposite because the person that voice acted him did a great job making us hate micah even more
That proves that he has talent. There will be always hatred to actors playing roles like this. As the old Turkish cinema proves, there were significant actors that played bad roles. People really hated them, also some children at that time admits they were afraid of them
5:58 I'm not a psychologist yet, but I'm in school to become one eventually so I know a bit more about psychology than the average person. I don't think I would call Micah a narcissist. I think he's closer to being antisocial. A lot of people think this means that you just don't like social situations, but that would be asocial. Antisocial personality disorder is often referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy. It includes things like a lack of emotion, lack of empathy, manipulation, and generally doing things only to benefit the antisocial person. Micah fits this description way better than narcissistic personality disorder. Also, I wouldn't recommend labeling anyone with a psychological disorder, but this is a fictional person so it's ok to speculate.
The final points that you made in this video actually reminded me of the Joker. Except many people love that character. A huge part of it is charisma. The numerous interpretations of the Joker can be very entertaining, while Micah just comes off as disgusting. There's a modern trend among film enthusiasts believing that great villains must draw empathy from the audience, that their motivations must be relatable or at least understandable beyond just gaining money. Glad to see that video games haven't lost sight of the value of one-dimensional antagonists. For even films like Schindler's List showed that monsters like Amon Goth existed in this world.
100%. I hate the notion that one dimensional villains that are just evil without any complex motivations are automatically considered to be inferior than others. Good writing is good writing, no matter the character type.
Micah is the embodiment of everything Arthur isn't: he's a bigoted, narcissistic misogynistic snake who only looks out for himself, whilst Arthur is a well-intentioned man who regrets what he's done and does everything humanly possible to make amends.
Im doing the same thing! Couldn't not play as Arthur so I started a second play through and am trying to 100% the coppendium, when the gang is all still together.
It was 2 missions that made everything happen the way it did The one were arthur contracts tb And braking micah out of jail Without those 2 missions the gang might have lived happily ever after
Ainsley Harriot honestly it wasn’t Strauss’s fault It was actually Arthur’s He was a bad man back then so he had to keep pushing him which lead to downes coughing
@@andreakosick4273 It is Strauss fault tbh. Thomas was coughing anyways. It didnt take Arthur beating him to make him cough. So Strauss cost him in the end by sending him there.
A nice detail I think most people missed was that Micah’s hat is white. In western films, white hats used to symbolize the heroes, which were usually lawmen whereas black hats were worn by the villains. Micah rats out to the Pinkertons and Arthur remains loyal to his gang of outlaws. It’s irony and great symbolism that is kinda foreshadowing. John’s hat is more of a greyish color so maybe it symbolizes the grey area, like how John is attempting to seek redemption by living an honest life but ultimately ends up being forced to kill his gang of outlaws for the government, who kidnapped his family. In way he is doing both good and evil, for the good and evil.
333 they’re all unique. They all have different traits, they’re all written differently, it’s purely opinion if you think he’s best, but Arthur is whatever you want him to be since you have control over him and his actions. So you could be a real asshole with Arthur, or the nicest guy you could meet. So he can’t really be the best since his way of living and how he reacts to things is player choice, and in a large majority of rockstar games, it’s not player choice
It’s a shame that I actually liked Micah before Hoseas death. I thought a character like him fit really well with the whole outlaw and western theme and as psychotic as he was, I found him quite funny at times. Normally characters that seem trustworthy at the beginning end up being traitors, characters with the personality of Charles or Dutch. Micah is the exact opposite of this “trustworthy” character, he seemed stupid and unlikely to devise a clever plan to betray Arthur, that’s why he stayed firmly out of my suspicion until later in the story. I was more suspicious of Dutch. But in the end Micah’s betrayal and Arthur’s death caught me off so guard that it is plainly for that reason Micah’s my least favourite video game character of all time. Also Arthur was a great protagonist and it’s a shame we couldn’t play him more.
Agreed. he is super funny at the start. It would be cool to have a character like Micah who is kind of a crazy asshole but is best buds with the protagonist. I think it would be more entertaining than the morally bland characters we see in the story Edit: ig that would be Trevor but i havent got to gta 5 yet
Amazing vid as always. Three interesting things about Micah not mentioned in the video: 1.Micah has a brother, Amos Bell, who lives in California and Micah despises problably because Amos doesn't seem to be following in the steps of his father or grandfather. You can find a letter to Micah hidden in the camp from Amos Bell where Amos tells Micah to never try to contact them again and even going as far as saying he will kill him if he ever tries to approach them. 2. Micah's father was a notorious criminal who was wanted dead or alive in five states at one point. This further shows that their evil nature runds deep in the family. 3. At 5:08 , you show how he unnecessarily kills two people amidst a shootout to retrieve his guns. This action actually impacts the game later on as you can find a sad boy looking for his dog in Strawberry. If you find his dog and bring it back to the boy, he will be waiting you at the same house where Micah kills the two people. The boy then thanks you and even mentions that the dog is the only family he has left. This further shows how Micah has no feelings for others and only does things that benefit him.
The 3rd topic... Oh God! Now it all makes sense... That's so sad. I didn't even give it a second thought when I found the boy in Strawberry. Just found odd the fact that he was alone. But now everything connects...
Why we hate micah: he caused the death of literally all the gang members So basically Micah's idiot self caused the deaths of mac, davey, and jenny. After that, Micah knew it was a setup In the mission "a peaceful walk in a pretty town" sean was shot in the head and died. After that, Micah also told the Pinkerton's about the bank robbery in saint denis, causing the death of Lenny and Hoseah. Then Molly was really drunk and told everyone that she was the rat that told milton and ross about the robbery which lead to miss Grinshaw shooting her, and killing her. Then after that, Micah, Dutch, and the rest of the remaining gang members, all turned out bad, except for John and Arthur and miss grimshaw. But miss grimshaw was killed by micah. Then arthur and john tried to escape from the Pinkerton's and the gang. But then it lead to arthur saving John and then fights micah. Arthur could have killed micah until dutch came along and kicked away the gun from arthur, then arthur dies and micah and dutch walk away. (Fast forward 8 years) John and his wife (Abigail Roberts) and his son (Jack Masrton) lived like normal people. John saw Sadie Adler and she helped him find Micah for killing Arthur. John ends up killing micah, and because of that the government started to hunt down John. So then fast forward 7 years, john started working for the government and killed Bill and sort of killed Dutch Van Der Linde. Ross and the government killed John Marston, and Uncle. A couple years later, Abigail died of unknown causes, then jack wanted to get revenge and killed Ross. (Tell me if I missed something please)
@@MrMah-zf6jk no, everybody. Given he revealed all of the gangs locations leading to their deaths. Everyone but Kieran was killed over a span of 12 years due to this piece of shit.
If you go to Rhodes early game, you can get a lancasted repeater from the gun store for free, by freeing a,man that's trapped in the gun owner's basement
Me Myself And I that’s where I got it just yesterday, lol. My carbide repeater is currently better though. (Literally cleared the hanging dog farm solo with just the carbide... used it to snipe and those jerk o’driscols couldn’t do shit because they were too far away to do any real damage with their pistols, lol. Only 1 or 2 manage to run away. A third tried but I got him too.)
On my 2nd play, we were all celebrating jack coming back and Micah was sitting in his tent just watching. I so wanted to antagonize him but the game wouldn’t let me
Loved the video, as always! I personally wouldn’t do much say it’s that Micah is chaotic or aggressive, though (depending on how aggressive is defined), because some loose-cannon, go-getter characters can be very beloved; but, rather, that he is cruel and narcissistic, and everything he does as a loose-cannon is never for a just cause or for the well-being of others-it is, often, not even to the benefit of himself in a way that is neutral to others-it is to his benefit and other’s detriment: it is never enough for him to win, but, instead, he must also ensure that everyone else loses. I feel like that’s what makes him so despicable.
Please make Sure You Are Ready To read Don't be Offended by this I Seriously Wouldn't Like If You Did Once Again Please be Ready I Do not Want to offend or harm anyone from this comment 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 Stop thinking ur so cool and emo for these obviously fake expressions just play the game and just dont go on comments and thinking these comments will make u 360 emo gangster This game was made for 18+ and not kids thinking they are oppressed Because they have to take a shower So please be your own self these fake expressions wont give good reactions Be yourself speak about your self speak like your real self to people Do you know What's the harm in that? Please play normally and be yourself and Don't lie about Your life This comment is half hate and half non hate i do understand some people draw the line that this is hate And I rightfully Understand Please i have a fear that One day we will all be lying about our selves and that is not morally correct Day by Day we are killing this once known as a fun thing "The Internet" Now I just wish for people to actually not lie I have been victim to lying from of course my entire life as humans developed lying as since the ancient Greeks invented Drama Lying wasn't even meant to be invented because lying is the case of a human an object or a thing Lying can Make serious consequences on both the ones who commit it and the ones who fall victim to it ill take an example as The native American Settlers These settlers were living for generations and some actually developed to their own nations and their sacrifices to their cause such as The Aztec And Inca Empires Then Ottomans Decided Since They Owned the All the Ways for the Europeans to cross to India and if You Don't Know what I'm talking It was The Indian Spice trade Which was a huge economic source for the people who traded spices with India And bought as Well So then the Ottomans Decided Since they owned the stuff They blocked All Of the Current ways to India But to the Ottomans Horror The Portuguese empire Found another Way Which was to go Down all the way from their Shore To South Africa And sail front then north to the South Of India Cristopher Columbus Had Got A Job from the Spanish Royal Family His job was to set sail around the world to find another way to India But at this time North America Wasn't Known publicly So they Didn't Know it existed So When Christopher Columbus Landed In North America Of course he thought it was India But he realized he had just discovered new land So He pillaged Cities as he went and when he went Back To the Spanish Palace And shared his information They were shocked because the continent was as well rich with gold Wait.... I am actually too bored to continue writing See You later!
The Van Der Linde gang survived 25 years on the run killing, robbing and committing various other crimes while still managing to stay alive and stay safe. But then Micah joined and couldn’t survive 6 months
Well its was just good timing. Dutch even a few years before the story would’ve eventually seen right through Micah in the later half of the story. Micah fed into Dutch’s dwindling sanity and need for loyalty and respect. Dutch was primarily at fault .
Honestly what makes him twice as evil is his dad, Micha always talks fondly of his father, meaning that his dad probably loved him as a son and treated him well in the years they spent together.
Ian Gratton Trevor is a psycho but also has some standards, he doesn’t like rats or traitors. If you kill Michael he refuses to have anything to do with frank. He also isn’t racist and is quite literally insane, Micah is just evil
@@mukwa2326 yo arthur can u explain me why do u have to lose health every time you jump from 1 meter high.. trevor, franklin and co would not lose health.
@@angusdangusgames8473 Im not so sure you know what "killed" means. Leopold sent Aurthur on the mission that got Aurthur sick, but he did not die from his sickness. He died because Micah killed him.
@@jluck1399 Prequel, so no suspense: i already know that John, Bill, Javier and Dutch will survive Everything. Micahs betrayal is telegraphs in the FIRST CHAPTER, not an ounce Suprise there. And in the end? We see John married... things we already know, we don'T have to see that. Its a great developed Game, but a shadow from the First Red Dead Redemption.
*"You can't even kill a dying man"*
'Arthur Morgan Winning a fist-fight while coughing his lungs up'
One of my absolute favorite lines in the entire game
He gets shot 2 seconds after
@@girf4233 if you're a fucking scrub who got the bad ending kiddo. If you're a fucking g and get the good ending he doesn't get shot.
@@zeemo6851 Obviously. I got the bad ending, didn't care. Tried again with the good ending, nice.
@@rabbid3433Yeah buut there's nothing like the first playthrough right?
Wait really
“What makes Micha the most hated character?”
I do believe that 240$ bounty I had to pay off after the Strawberry incident is good enough reason.
I already had a 100 dollar bounty bruh
Phhhhh thats nothing i had a 700 bounty BEFORE i did the quest
You don't have to pay anything though just stay away from Strawberry for a while and the bounty disappears
wow man imagine not paying off a $1000 bounty in each state so $6000 i think
Nothin like the $490 dollar one I had to pay plus $360 in Valentine so I ended up spending ~$900
Micah outright murdered Susan Grimshaw, one of the longest running and most loyal members of the Van der Linde Gang, and Dutch was just like 'lmao still seems pretty trustworthy to me'
Kermit the Hermit how old is Dutch god damn... I thought he was like mid 30s 40s at most. Now I realised that Arthur is 36 fucking years. Dutch gotta be 50 or 60 and he looks like he’s 20
TablePrinterDoor Dutch is 41 in 1899
Atomic Dreamz „WhoS wiTh mE anD whOs aGainSt mE“
Dutch saw everyone as a traitor except Micah of all people because he agreed with Dutch until the end. Everyone else knew Micah was full of crap. Hosea and Arthur knew that Blackwater didn’t feel right. Dutch didn’t care because he was so brainwashed by the fact that the boat was delivering so much money to the bank. That’s why Dutch didn’t question it when Micah shot Ms. Grimshaw.
My theory is that Dutch was the bad guy, he used Micah's flat out chaos and engineered the downfall of the gang so he coud take all the money for Tahiti for himself and run. Dutch wasn't manipulated, he knew Micah was the rat, he knew the gang was falling apart and it was all part of his plan. That's why Dutch left Arthur and John to be arrested, so he can say that he "tried" to save them and slip under the radar with the rest of the gang. Dutch was the bad guy from the start, that's why he ends up siding with Micah. At the end his plan switches, he realizes it's either Him or Micah, so he takes out Micah, ending the gang and moving on. This falls apart at the end, but I like to think that Dutch let John live because he reminded him of the time he left Arthur to die, and realization that Arthur was truly gone hit him and he realized what his plan lead to. He then kills Micah and leaves the money, completing his own redemption by finally taking out the guy that caused the downfall of his family. Dutch was never a good guy, I feel like it's silly to assume that a man who can plan and execute a perfect robbery multiple times on short notice wouldn't notice a viper in his ranks, unless he's the one that slipped the viper in
The real reason dutch went insane was being trapped on guarma with micah and having to see his fat belly on constant display
Yeah that belly is awful to look at 😂
Actually its because of when u go on the trolley heist in chapter four when u get out of the crashed trolley u can hear Dutch saying his head feels weird and he sees halusanations and so he got brain damage wich means that is why he goes mentally insane
@@mrthatguy6488 Well no shit Sherlock, but the dude was joking
Ok, Micah may be an evil gutless rat but I wouldn't call him fat
@@bellaknightR597 What you mean? That dude is fatter then Jabba the Hutt
If Arthur didn't get TB he would easily be able to beat Micah to death at the end of the game
@@arthurmorgan7045 true
Arthur in early missions is perfectly capable of beating men much bigger and stronger than him
Giovani Molano yeah like when he beat up Tommy who was like twice his height and weight
Gretchen Huffman he also beat up the pin headed giant in the circus side quest who is way bigger and stronger than Arthur but still has a childlike mind
I still can't believe Dutch trusted a stranger, who has been around for like 3 months, more than his friend Arthur who was loyal for over 20 years straight.
This. This is how you make a good story work. Rockstar may be a bunch of greedy fellas, but they sure as hell know how to make a great singleplayer game work.
DaGuadeOiderBoudlerTV because Dutch only cared about the money and Micah has been agreeing with him every step of the way as Arthur didn’t trust Dutch’s bullshit
yeah thats because micah was able to get into dutch's head and manipulate him. he knew exactly what to say to dutch to get what he wanted.
DaGuadeOiderBoudlerTV it’s because even before the game started I think maybe Arthur and Hosea already were a bit meh about Dutch like him slowly losing it. And they also had plans of their own but Micah was tailoring himself to be the perfect guy to Dutch especially cos he knew how much money was in blackwater. He manipulated Dutch to keeping that money with them and lying to everyone about it
Micah saved Dutchs life
Dutch only cares about loyalty and whoever will follow him blindly he will like more
When everyone hates the bad guy. It’s a sign that the actor did a good job.
So much that even the actor hated his character
Except Abby
@@janalf3760 oh yeah except her character sucks booty but micahs actor and the character are both legendary
@@oldarthurmorgan6319 yeah that's what I just said Abby sucks and also her acting it's cringe
Step 1: Locate Micah at the camp
Step 2: *A N T A G O N I Z E*
Step 3: Repeat
*I N V E S T*
I prefer
Greet greet antagonize
I'm at the start of chapter 6 right now I didn't watch the video for spoilers reasons why do so many people hate Micah I love his Pscotic behavior lol one of my favorite characters in the gang
@@rebel876_9 Finnish the game then come back please I wanna see what you think after
I may hate Micah but his voice actor did a damn good job.👍
His voice actor seems to be a chill guy as well :))))
@@pedrojuan8050 he just fully embraces the fact Micah is the most hated in RDR2 and i respect him so much for that
@Aaron Davis except the actors WERE the motion capture performers
He also played Harlan Fontaine in L.A. Noire, they both even look similar because they use scans of the actors face. I think they intentionally put long messy hair and a big mustache on him to hide some of the similarities.
Micah is the interpretation of the typical online player.
I choked on my popcorn, but yeah I agree.
That's why I modeled my rdr2 online character after him.
Ace Tex I think you meant to say embodiment or personification, not interpretation, although he could also be rockstar’s interpretation of what online players are
More like Bill
"Arthur, you can fight, but you can't think"
"And you can't do neither"
Holy moly, that roast was next gen
I mean he was the only guy thats able to backstab everybody without being seen
@@chief5604 arthur, hosea, Charles, and John all disliked micah.
@@gabbydipietro1992 I think all of the camp members don't like Micah except Dutch
holy shit, micah was absolutely murdered
Micah to a Next level roast/insult:Hehe very funny
Micah to a innocent joke: listen here you little sh*t!
I really was thinking that Micah was going to be the Trevor of the gang - creepy, annoying, crazy but always loyal and will do anything for the gang. Also I was thinking he would end up being Arthur’s annoying friend💀
Ohh did you think wrooong
I kinda liked him at first
@@oliverzapp7198 yeah he is a very entertaining character, and a skilled gunman, not very strong though.
@@BlehhhXP mentally not,but physically?He can handle himself alright
@@Ironcladking He could barely beat up a man dying of TB. He may be a skilled sharpshooter, but the bastard can't fist-fight for shit.
I was heart broken when Sean got shot, I was not ready for the rest of the game.
Especially since he didn't wear a mask while he and Arthur were setting the fields on fire and I was like ,,What are you doing, put a mask on" Now he's dead D':
@@potato1674 dude, i always weared a mask on strauss's missions, and the one with TB i was like ''arthur wtf use the mask i gave you goddamn it!''
Uhhh you spelt it wrong it's spelt seàn
@@myers5059 they stop you from wearing so he can collect the money but in reality he was meant to get TB.
Sean of all people? He wasn't in the previous game and you only played like 3 missions with him....
who else wanted to punch the screen everytime he said “black lung”
Shreyas Kumar i kinda thought it wX funny
Shreyas Kumar i wanted to punch the screen everytime he was on it
Me: "watches vid in class without teacher knowing"
Also me: "sees this comment"
Me in class: "raises hand"
Me: "oop..."
Friend: "How many times have you antagonized Micah at camp?"
Me *"Yes"*
*only reason to break him out of jail is to insult him*
Oh yes indeed
Is he the only person in camp that you can antagonize and not get bad honor
@@frogg5368 I dunno, I haven't actually tried it yet
@@DemHP. and to make fun of him getting into jail in the first place
Mad shoutout to Peter Blomquist, who's the actor that played Micah. He played Micah so well that he himself hates his own character
he was actually shocked to find out Micah killed Arthur
Not to mention all the voice actors who played the gang members in the "final showdown" loved arthur so much that they didn't want to have to be on Micah's side.
@@pestilence654 There was that one interview at comic con where Gabriel Sloyer, the VA for Javier, protested Rockstar for him not to point at Arthur because he thought it wasn't right. Really powerful scene
@@zakenmaru8612 man nobody was happy about the ending lol
Because he killed *Rockstars most loved Character*
Obviously depending on how you played the game, but low honour yes.
@@IanMalcolm-rw5pn I like to believe it was his Tuberculosis, I mean for such high honour it should at least grant Arthur a peaceful death.
And his lackeys stabbed and shot rockstars 2nd and 3rd favourite characters.
Lt. Dan no Uncle got shot because I think the Pinkertons attacked the house of the Marstons.
I couldn’t bring myself to give Arthur a terrible ending
Image if Dutch sent Micah and Arthur across the rooftop instead of Lenny
I miss Lenny so much! 💔
That’s not nice Blacklung xd.
Poor lenny
Lenny would be threatened by agent Milton but wouldn't talk and Micah would drive Dutch to evil on the island and attempting to kill Arthur
Oh and you would have to break John and Micah out of prison
You know Micah was a great character because we hated him so much
I hate that fucker but well done rockstars for making such a dickhead
@@ilanoteliuserikssonjones5032 last of us 2 should've taken notes
Nuclear Tom I totally agree
@@ilanoteliuserikssonjones5032 Abby had so much wasted potential in my usually incorrect opinion
Nuclear Tom yep
It's minor, but you also forgot to mention how entitled he was. In the abanoned town they go to, he expected to have his own room the same way Arthur and Hosea had despite having only been in the gang for 6 months. (While Hosea and Arthur were the original Dutch gang members for over 20 years at that point)
Micah was definitely arrogant, but he didn’t get upset about his room because he was entitled. He was upset that he had to share a room with one of the filthiest, most disruptive members of the gang (Bill Williamson) and two black people (Lenny Summers and Charles Smith). He was being bigoted, not entitled.
@@proctorritter5176 isn't Charles Native American?(indigenous)
@@MarcusCollins69 he's mixed from both native and African, his mother was in a tribe and his father was a escaped slave (if I remember correctly, I could be wrong)
@@Whiteout89218 ah
@@proctorritter5176 he got upset about that because he was entitled as well. “How come Arthur gets a room?” Maybe because Arthur’s been with the gang for almost his entire life and you’ve been there for not even a year? He didn’t want to be next to Bill, which I can understand, and he also was pissed because he was sharing the room with “a bunch of darkies”, showing his staggering amount of racism that is evident throughout most of the story. I hate Micah more than anything or anyone else in a video game ever, but man, I have to give Rockstar credit: every single line of dialogue he has drips with his pure evil.
The funny thing is...
Sean, Hosea, Lenny, they all would have been on Arthur's site in the end... But no, R* killed off all of them
How about Kieran?
LeiBlox360 that’s a hard one I imagine he would’ve sided who ever he thought had better marksmanship skills
Yes, because they don't appear in RDR1
DaGuadeOiderBoudlerTV Especially Hosea
Micha:*literally shoots miss grimshaw*
Dutch: NoW wHiCH OnE oF YoU iS bEtRaYiNg Me
That annoyed THE ABSOLUTE FUCK outta me.
He sides with the guy that's been outed as the rat, over the 2 men he claimed were his sons, good call dutch
OhBuddyBoi not its
CosmicRaccoon oh I wonder who 😂
O yea yea
Can we acknowledge the best npc in RDR2 which is of course Charles. He is by far the most honourable person in the gang and he shows he will die to save people. His loyalty to the gang is stems from the fact he has no Tribe, and is also why he risks his life a number of times for Rains Falls and Eagle Flies.
I’m glad he was one of lucky ones and managed to live on...
Bardo well said , I agree
He was definitely one of my favorites
Thought you were on about the French artist lol
Bardo I know he wasn’t part of the gang but let’s take a moment to appreciate Albert Mason
I’m hoping we can play in Charles in RDR3, maybe do some shit in Canada or fight in WW1. I know it wouldn’t be the outlaw game that red dead is but I still think it would be fun to play
There’s only 2 things he cares about: his revolvers
Yeah its the only thing that im loyal to
@@Anakin_Skywalker47 ew call the exterminator
@@Anakin_Skywalker47 what about your two hideous sheep cleet and joe? you weren't loyal to them neither? cause they were loyal to you. (for some unknown reason)
"Precious they are" 😂🤣
Micah is kinda funny sometime .
@@BlehhhXP dude-
Micah: Exists
Every person with a working brain : a n t a g o n i z e
Big smoke could be forgiven because he got corrupted with money and power but always was loyal, Micah however was a total dick the whole time and he killed Arthur
@@chernovbrichtofen4767 not everytime, and the killing thing, it depends on your Honor.
I havent played the game yet, gonna do so once it comes out on Nov 5th here soon. I will be so kind and greet my camp mates, but whenever i see micah. ANTAGONIZE! Ill be mashing that button like crazy on that son of a bitch.
Chernov Brichtofen i mean technically arthur killed arthur by getting toburculosis which would have killed eventually
For some reason it's hard for me to antagonize anyone. Even the worst people of the camp, like Strauss or even Micah, I only greet.
2004: *Big Smoke betrays the Grove*
Everyone disliked that
2018: *Micah Bell betrays the camp*
Everyone will remember that
I can apologize Mr. Smoke because i still cant figure out what was his order.
I hated Bell because he started as hateful.
Big Smoke is at least a really likeable character, same with Ryder... They did betray the Grove Street, but there is no way you can dislike those 2 characters. They are cool, and they are icons.
Micah on the other side is an asshole and a rat. He might be a great villian, but THAT is exactly why I would like to be able to kill him way at the beggining.
^^^ this
On top of that though. Smoke grew up with the gang.
Micah joined on the final year so.... its not the same level of betrayal that smokes wouldve had.
Wouldve been like if Hosea took smokes role instead. Someone whos been in the game for so long you know they wont leave. Until they do
Still like Big smoke though. He is cool.. Micah is just an asshole from beginning to end
Micah is more Ryder than smoke, smoke is more dutch i think :)
Imagine trusting a psychotic guy you've only known for a few months than a loyal friend that you knew for tens of years
20 years
20 years actually
That was shit writing on Rockstar’s part tbh. He even shot Miss Grimshaw in front of everyone and Dutch didn’t give a shit simply because “he went crazy.” Lame.
Emiliano Tamez no, it was because Dutch was beginning to be driven mentally insane, he hit his head on the trolley in saint denis, and hosea dying was the last straw for him. The mans crazy
Ah, that final dead eye moment... I've managed to shoot 10 times in Micah's face. In the animation that follows, his face was all disfigured and bloody, totally indistinguishable. He was like a zombie walking to complete his like walk to fall in the ground. It was funny as hell. Evil laughs. But I think I hate dutch on the same level, though.
He's not the only one I hated. I hated Dutch too for listening to him. I hated him in RDR1 but in RDR2 I hated him even more.
I blasted a vague "A" shape into his torso. Don't even gotta explain why.
I shot Micah square in the chest, about 5 times.
I shot him with the double barrel... it was gruesome!
@@66billygunn you can't use a double barrel during that scene. Lying ass
In chapter 1, Lenny jokes and tells Micah, "when you fall, there'll be a party" there was actually, the wedding
the foreshadowing in this game is absolutely amazing
This should be called why you shouldn't break micah out of jail.
If only that was an option😢
eyezayar well u can BURN him while in jail if police chases u BTW u can pick up his body if u get in da cell
It was part of the plan!
Arthur Morgan it was always part of the plan
Micah is also one of the best characters Rockstar has ever created, to make such a vile despicable and grotesque psychopath is one hell of an achievement
His actor, Peter Blomquist, did an incredible job. Everybody's always praising Arthur, John, Dutch and Sadie. And I'm standing here like.... BRUH ! Micah was an amazing character in his own right !
@@VileMr.Grinch ikr he deserves a lot more praise than he gets
@@VileMr.Grinch the name's Peter Blomquist, a talented and underrated actor. He's a cool and nice guy irl.
@@alvinite9164 Yeah I know, when you watch the staff interviews he's always super funny, and I knew his name but didn't want to misspell his last name at the time, so I just went with that lol. Changed it now though ^^
We need more villains in fiction who are like Micah. Not everyone needs to be a sympathetic, morally ambiguous anti-villain who the audience loves because they have one or two redeeming qualities. It’s okay to have villains who are just downright despicable pieces of crap for the audience to root against. It makes them care for the hero more, and to want to see them win even more intensely.
The difference is that having one or two good traits so that the audience will like them is not the same as having one or two that stop their friends from shooting them
We have more villains like Micah than the other type lol
There's more than plenty of those types of villains mate. Also, pure evil is hard to pull off without going over the top.
I would kill my self if that happened
The husband and wife Micah kills in strawberry had a son, you can help him in the epilogue find his dog and he states that she's the only family he's got left
Oh I'm gonna play that mission where you kill Micah again
You can also find him in chapter 6 aswell
Where can you find the son?
@@georgew4664 strawberry, random
@@georgew4664 Strawberry
It’s sorta sad to think that little jack, is the only living member of the gang left, and alone into the new era
Considering that we don't know what was going on with the other few survivors of the Van der Linde gang during the events of RDR1, yeah.
Mario Kaiba - RG07 Gaming & Novels the majority of them most likely past away, and even if they’re still alive, they live cross country from jack, and he’s the only one trying to take on the world with the outlaw ideals.
and saidie/ charles/ tilly/ mary-beth / pearson
@@yassoboi9737 Tilly’s kid is probably alive.
He wrote a book which you can find in the apartment Lester gave to Franklin in GTA 5
Me sees Micah in camp when redoing the story: ANTAGONIZE
Good for you .you know in every minor particles in the world only two or three things we notice and that is something that we care about despite the fact me was ignorant and the people seems to be difficult to organized, so much painful to stay silent without antagonizing micah if only i have ps4
I can imagine Arthur running up to him in camp and screaming YOU RAT and he’s like wtf
I should get dishonour points when accidentally greeting the fucker
Arthur when he sees micah," OOOH SH#T! A RAT!"
Even once I walked past him and Arthur said f*ck you
Just wanted to point out - if nobody else has already - that Rockstar did a beautifully subtle subversion of an old Western trope by giving Micah a white hat, and Arthur a black hat.
They have very contrasting outfits beyond this.
The only thing that pissed me off is that he out lived Arthur
if you think about it arthur was already sick and weak and even though he doesn't win at the end of the day john got his ass back anyway
Arthur died a better death
i mean, if it weren’t for dutch, micah probably would have died at the end.
The only thing I thought during the ending:
Arthur will die, but please let me kill Micah before it happens.
Guess I got him anyway.
Plus Micah was hated by many guys wheras Arthur didn't die alone cause he had friends and in some way family.
The only good things micah did was give arthur a lancaster repeater and a second holster
That was an attempt to coax aurther into trusting and liking him
Stan Morgan true but i appreciate the holster
Trends Best you can get those without meeting him
Build a WALL How
I fucking hated the lancaster cause I wanted to use my sidearms but the game gave me the lancaster for every mission and I had to run back and put it away
Basically, imagine Trevor Philips with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, the psychopathy bumped up to 12, and having NO comedic moments.
Even Trevor was loyal and had a moral compass. He's against torture and only wants to kill people he sees as bad.
@@sjagkid That's why I said no redeeming qualities.
I wish I could kill him in chapter one and live a happy life :(
Deep inside you can see Trevor’s a good person while Micah is basically a demon in human form
Ethan Edwards Trevor was a psychopath but a chaotic good of sorts he would do anything for his friends where as Micah only worked for himself
Me when I see Micah in camp for the second playthrough: L2 + O
First playthrough as well because he was a piece of shit
Haha same
Wa? You mean lt and b right
@@peeptveesti same thing
@@peeptveesti hes on ps4 and your on xbox. They both have different buttons on the controllers.
The thing I can’t stand about Micah, is the fact that he “beats you”, no matter how hard you fight as Arthur you still have to lose to that scum bag
In the second half of the fight your punches automatically stop hitting or get blocked and your blocks don’t work anymore
We could have easily threw him off the cliff but every time he would get close Arthur would push him off the other way
Yeah when i fought him he bearely touched me and he won anyway
You’re not supposed to kill him as Arthur because it would mess up John’s story.
No, no, Arthur ultimately wins of you get the good ending, he gets to crawl away and watch the sunrise as he passes while Micah dies on a mountain in the cold
Enters the camp and encounters micah ,
ghazanfar #1 same
I'll greet him like everyone else
@@SamDoesStuff977 When I greeted him, he just said, "You in a better mood today, Arthur?" so antagonize it is then, I guess
ghazanfar #1 MOOD
Micah: "you've lost, Black Lung"
Arthur, after getting his blood on Micah and certainly giving him TB: "Despite my best efforts to the contrary, it turns out I've won."
“Despite my best effort’s to the contrary .. it turns out I’ve won.”
@@linzgatlin thanks
@@senseispud2197 yep
Dude I never thought about it like that but neither did rockstar because he’s fine in the epilogue
@Daniel Josh T. Limoso They just needed a convenient and ironic way to kill him off. Now being tortured, living a hard life, smoking, and Guarma didn’t help but at the same time the game wasn’t going to make you sit there and watch Arthur die from scientifically accurate TB over a period of 5-10 years. Would of been interesting if he were alive in the timeskip, he tries to talk the others out of revenge, but ultimately goes along with it, and the last thing he does is help Sadie, Charles, and John take down Micah as even Arthur admits Micah was too dangerous to be left alive. With S.A TB it would be around that time that Arthur would actually be in the late stages of dying from TB.
It's actually pretty simple as to what motivates Micah: Narcissism. Based on the fact he has Cleet and Joe as his own personal loyal henchmen it's pretty clear he has always wanted to be the center of attention. However he is unable to unite more then a few followers as he lacks the charisma and tact that Dutch has. Thus he manipulated Dutch to get himself into the "right-hand man" position while trying to undermine Arthur and Hosea
Bill follows Micah. Bill follows anyone.
I'm sure Micah mistreated Dutch after Arthur died
@@Feber2001 Considering how Dutch blows a hole into Micah's chest, I think so too.
Arthur was literally dying and if Dutch didn't show up, I feel like he would've killed Micah
He kills arthur with low honour
Dutch probably had a 0 honour level
Not to mention Micah Is smart and if he got the jump on Arthur like he did in the game, he would know he would lose and just shoot Arthur in the back. It’s what I would do
@@tranzfixuationtisk3683 yeah but that never happened and Micah is dumber than John is in the 1st chapter, Arthur would’ve gotten the gun in the high honour help John ending if Dutch didn’t show up, not to mention that the revolver was already loaded so Arthur would’ve gotten up easily
@@BigMelvinHarrisSmoke wait bro you are gunna have to rewrite that cause that sentence is giving me a stroke
Rockstar: *makes a character that is meant to be hated*
Community hates it: *hates it*
Rockstar: nice
Rockstar: *makes a character we’re supposed to love*
Community: *loves them*
Rockstar to rockstar: I have an idea. *kills said character*
@@B_Proctor lennyyyyy!?!?
Martin Triscila went back to try and save him with dead eye. But shooting those guys did nothing 😔
Ben Proctor Sean, Lenny, the guy who kept Dutch in check (sorry I forgot his name)
C Lads damn you forgot Hosea!!??
"Thinning out the gang" was one of Micah's goals from the very start. He talks about how "many mouths to feed" in the very first mission with him up in the mountains.
Whenever I do a mission with Micah I end up with a big ass bounty
Ikr, hated that in my first playthrough, especially since I was doing high honor, and Micah's missions kept handing out dishonor like it was candy on fuckin Halloween
@@koencagurangan3256 both of these things are probably deliberate on the part of the developers.
@@SorowFame most likely, considering Micah is the gang's resident Jackass
@@railenherman6482 I think about that Professor McGonagall meme: "Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three?", and the three are Micah and his two revolvers.
I love how even the voice actor hates him. That's how you're sure that's a good villain
I think Micah is written so well at being a character that we are supposed to hate. I don’t think he’s the best antagonist but certainly a great hateable character.
I agree
Dutch is the best antagonist !!!
@@point8716 edgar ross?
The best antagonist is Dimitri Rascalov, Dutch is not a villain
Rockstar did a good job at making people hate him
Your talk on first impressions are perfectly summed up by a line from bonnie McFarlane in the first game
"First impressions are hard to erase"
I just like how that line comes into effect for so many characters in this series
Spoiler for RDR2:
Sean to Bill in Horseshoe Overlook: “If you was ever leading me, I would never smile again.”
Bill led the Mission that Sean died in.
Damn didn't think of it that way
@First name last name rip lnney and sean
When Sean died, I couldn't comprehend it. It was so quick, but at least we got to stay around and be with him in his final moments. Then Kieran was tortured and killed without is knowing, which really got me. Them when Lenny died, I was too focused on the game until after I landed on Guarma and realized my boy was dead.
Lenny and Sean were my favorites in the gang
“Why do we hate Micah?”
Because we played the game. 😂
Dude put ''bell" after micah there is alot of people named micah you dont know
@@gameghast-wx2wc It's pretty obvious that we're talking about Micah from the game and not any other Micah
That's why it's a great game. Gives us someone to hate and kill at the end.
This could’ve been a 10 second video
Why is Micah the most hated Rockstar character? Because he betrayed the most loved character in Rockstar.
What's the point in uploading a 10 second video?
Big Buff Choomah it could save 13 minutes and 25 seconds of someones life? Idk
@@cristianacosta6257 Yeah that's true but do you think any RUclips would be interested in that? They just want to get paid like everyone else
Big Buff Choomah true, but you’re saying it like i want this to be a 10 second video, i said could’ve been not should’ve been, sorry i guess it’s my fault you misunderstood what i was trying to say
@@cristianacosta6257 Either that or I'm too literal
Understanding Micah is one thing, but we need to give Rockstar some more credit for him. Other games have tried to have a character so disliked like this, but it causes people to lose interest in the game. Rockstar did a real risky and ballsy move with Micah. If people like Arthur, Hosea, Lenny, etc weren't such good characters, it would've downgraded this game a LOT.
sounds interesting can you give me examples of villians that are so unlikable that they made you dislike the game?
@@jenpachi2408 a lot of people cite screwball from the Spider-Man games as that type of unlikeable villain
Remember kids, don't do michatransactions!
Michrahtransactions* sound better
Did somebody say Micah
GTFO Micah, u killed my great, great grand uncle, he was a proud resident of strawberry
He also had Lumbago.
to hell with that, i want my repeater rifle early!!
Funny how at the start of the game, he addresses Arthur as Mr. Morgan and as he slowly becomes Dutch's right-hand man, he just keeps calling Arthur different names.
BlaCK LUng
Yeah because he was scared shitless. First it was mr morgan from fearing getting his ass beat second it was arthur in strawberry when he knew arthur wouldnt beat him but better be carefull... and then finally TB when he insults him because he is deadly sick
You know after Hosea (sorry if I spelled it Wrong) died he got the chance because Arthur was sick and Dutch was going Crazy
R.I.P Hosea
@@Lostienedraws yea hosea was a real moral compass and point dutch depended on to not go too far
@@DodgeThatAttack yeah he was Dutch's Mind Somehow,he was the person who Dutch kept his sanity for
And you know that blast on that mission in saint Denis where Dutch's head crashed was also very damaging.
With how everyone hates Micah so much, it just gives much appreciation and love for the actor who did an amazing job at presenting that antagonist, evil character
so much respect for Peter Blomquist 👏👏👏
you kimbap kidding me hilariously, Peter himself shot Micah a lot as John.
Peter was actually shocked when he had to do the motion capture of killing Arthur
Yeah Peter really is a great dude
And I appreciate him
I just hope he doesn't get tackled in public due to the fact that Micah looks exactly like him because of motion capture
He’s definitely one my most hated rockstar characters, right up there with Roy Earle
And Dmitri
When I saw the trailer, I thought he’s going to be one of those badass side characters like Charles
Boy were you wrong
he still was pretty bad ass in a way
He was so damn badass though
eyebat yea he was probably the best gunslinger in the gang since in the mission were Sean dies he literally finds who killed him killed him and then 4 more people
@@starry402 yep I have to agree you seen how fast he pulled out of those guns
Walks on a cliff
Notification:"You Are Now in a Legendary Rat territory. "
*brings my pump action shotgun*
@@BigMelvinHarrisSmoke 5 sticks of dynamite and firebottles i bring
@@BigMelvinHarrisSmoke cant forget Arthur's hat!
Snake also
When I began the game, I thought Micah would be like a Trevor Phillips. A crazy person but loyal
Mr. average Perez Bill is more like Trevor. Crazy but loyal to Dutch
@@josephstalin2606 lol i feel like bill is Trevor Phillips great great grandpa 😂😂😂😂
You actually fight Trevor's ancestor in the epilogue.
@@John-uw2je whos that there's a lot of people you fight
@@trevorcook6277 guy who is destroying the farm at the beginning of the epilogue
Something else we don't take into consideration:
Agent Milton actually was a decent law enforcement officer compared to Agent Ross.
He could've easily killed Arthur while out fishing with Jack but he didn't. He gave him a chance to leave the Van Der Linde gang while you almost Know Ross would've shot and killed him right then and there.
Milton casually walks into their camp but without dozens of officers giving them All the chance to go and lead ordinary lives.
He captured Molly, but due to the letter of the law, lets her go.
But when Ross is now the leader, they torture and kill Strauss, showing the big change between the both of them.
But pertaining to this video: Fu*k Micah!!
I knew I was gonna hate him the moment he was introduced in the snow storm of chapter 1.
Milton refuses to break the law when Cornwall tells him to. His boss and one of the most powerful people in the country, and he stood up to him. In a way, he was one of the most noble characters in the game. Always doing the right thing. Ross is just an outlaw with a badge.
Milton is annoying
Remember to go to Micah's body once he's dead to get a perfect rat carcass
There would be no point he is only a 1 star rat
@@amandaroberts772 More like a ruined carcass
Funny Laughed
hehehe thats great man
That’s why I left the gang and went to Tahiti
Then how is he right there
Mario De La Cruz Le Ooof
Did you avoid guarmo
I did?
woulda been a much better ending lol
Its sad to see people always hate on micah’s Voice actor He had nothing to do with writing the story he was doing his job
The voice acting is excellent. People who hate on actors who play characters they dont like are
S T O O P I D. Thanks for watching!
@@eyezayar people are seriously doing this? ffs
I'd take it as a testament to just how well he portrayed the character he played. God-tier voice acting
People hating on voice actors is probably one of the dumbest things I have ever heard it should be the opposite because the person that voice acted him did a great job making us hate micah even more
That proves that he has talent. There will be always hatred to actors playing roles like this. As the old Turkish cinema proves, there were significant actors that played bad roles. People really hated them, also some children at that time admits they were afraid of them
5:58 I'm not a psychologist yet, but I'm in school to become one eventually so I know a bit more about psychology than the average person. I don't think I would call Micah a narcissist. I think he's closer to being antisocial. A lot of people think this means that you just don't like social situations, but that would be asocial. Antisocial personality disorder is often referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy. It includes things like a lack of emotion, lack of empathy, manipulation, and generally doing things only to benefit the antisocial person. Micah fits this description way better than narcissistic personality disorder. Also, I wouldn't recommend labeling anyone with a psychological disorder, but this is a fictional person so it's ok to speculate.
Micah is definitely a sociopath.
And what do you think about Dutch? Is he a narcissist or what?
@@nrgrth7988 Yes. He likes to hear his own voice😭
@@Feber2001 I bet he is the type of guy who sends those 2 min audios instead of typing it short.
Why Micah Bell is the worst character ever:Arthur and John are the only ones who can make fun of Uncle.
Catherine Chevalier LoMbAnGo
Uncle Lumbago!!!
Got the Tubagolosis
Bro i just kept mashing the antagonize button. I would have murdered his bitch ass if the game would of let me. No one messes with uncle on my watch.
Catherine Chevalier Well Micah did a great job he made me appreciate and like Bill Williamson, Dutch vd Linde alot more
Roses are red
John is the man
Have some faith Arthur
Dutch has a plan
Dutch: We NeEd MoRe MoNEy
He manipulated dutch
Roses are red
Micah has a lil peepee
We need more money
Were going to tahiti
You always got a plan Dutch
Tahiti and Mangoes
Micah only mad cos he contracted Lumbago from Uncle
LStatic I ain’t go no lumbago boi
It’s very serious
@@micahsmell9441 You don't even 'boah' right you monster
No he got tuberculosis from Arthur after he beat the shit outta him
The final points that you made in this video actually reminded me of the Joker. Except many people love that character. A huge part of it is charisma. The numerous interpretations of the Joker can be very entertaining, while Micah just comes off as disgusting. There's a modern trend among film enthusiasts believing that great villains must draw empathy from the audience, that their motivations must be relatable or at least understandable beyond just gaining money. Glad to see that video games haven't lost sight of the value of one-dimensional antagonists. For even films like Schindler's List showed that monsters like Amon Goth existed in this world.
100%. I hate the notion that one dimensional villains that are just evil without any complex motivations are automatically considered to be inferior than others. Good writing is good writing, no matter the character type.
Micah is the embodiment of everything Arthur isn't: he's a bigoted, narcissistic misogynistic snake who only looks out for himself, whilst Arthur is a well-intentioned man who regrets what he's done and does everything humanly possible to make amends.
It would be Interesting to see Micah meet Nolanverse Joker. I wonder if Micah would be willing to join Jokers crew.
Found myself unsatisfied with the ending and epilogue so I restarted to chapter 2 where everything is fine and Micah is in jail
I made a new save because I can only have 1 custom outfit, and I missed the rare rolling block rifle.
I still load my old save because I love Arthur so much
@@James-ne8cu started a new save and playing as we speak, so far I have 2000 dollars, and made a save before Rhodes.
Im doing the same thing! Couldn't not play as Arthur so I started a second play through and am trying to 100% the coppendium, when the gang is all still together.
I pretended to be micah in online by looking like him....i got compleatly swarmed by 10 people
Press f for micahs look alike
Same. Its not safe.
Is it a 👆🏻reference
Mahmood Ali no it’s not a jojo reference it’s just my nickname
It was 2 missions that made everything happen the way it did
The one were arthur contracts tb
And braking micah out of jail
Without those 2 missions the gang might have lived happily ever after
Everything is the fault of micah and strauss
@@eesaalikhan3099 At least Strauss didn't talk when he got captured in the end
Ainsley Harriot honestly it wasn’t Strauss’s fault
It was actually Arthur’s
He was a bad man back then so he had to keep pushing him which lead to downes coughing
@@andreakosick4273 It is Strauss fault tbh. Thomas was coughing anyways. It didnt take Arthur beating him to make him cough. So Strauss cost him in the end by sending him there.
Arthur should've caughed and spat that blood and goo in Micahs face when he had the chance.
A nice detail I think most people missed was that Micah’s hat is white. In western films, white hats used to symbolize the heroes, which were usually lawmen whereas black hats were worn by the villains. Micah rats out to the Pinkertons and Arthur remains loyal to his gang of outlaws. It’s irony and great symbolism that is kinda foreshadowing.
John’s hat is more of a greyish color so maybe it symbolizes the grey area, like how John is attempting to seek redemption by living an honest life but ultimately ends up being forced to kill his gang of outlaws for the government, who kidnapped his family. In way he is doing both good and evil, for the good and evil.
Mr yapperton
It’s said that micahs actor even hated micah as a character and was sad when arthur died
Why did you make Obama white?
@@anthonyernst999 cuz he was never black to begin with
@@thebastardhokage Obama is a spy from TF2
but Arthur give you all he had
BuT hE hAd No LoYalTy
You always have a plan!!
We all had faith Dutch but you started too change and that's when we all lost faith in you
Why we hate Micah; he is a lying traitorous snake that murdered the greatest rockstar Protagonist ever. That easy
IssYaBoi Haze i wouldn’t say best protagonist..
Mr Goat Who is then.
333 they’re all unique. They all have different traits, they’re all written differently, it’s purely opinion if you think he’s best, but Arthur is whatever you want him to be since you have control over him and his actions. So you could be a real asshole with Arthur, or the nicest guy you could meet. So he can’t really be the best since his way of living and how he reacts to things is player choice, and in a large majority of rockstar games, it’s not player choice
You didn’t answer the question, who do you think is the best rockstar protagonist
IssYaBoi Haze I just explained why there isn’t one
It’s a shame that I actually liked Micah before Hoseas death. I thought a character like him fit really well with the whole outlaw and western theme and as psychotic as he was, I found him quite funny at times. Normally characters that seem trustworthy at the beginning end up being traitors, characters with the personality of Charles or Dutch. Micah is the exact opposite of this “trustworthy” character, he seemed stupid and unlikely to devise a clever plan to betray Arthur, that’s why he stayed firmly out of my suspicion until later in the story. I was more suspicious of Dutch. But in the end Micah’s betrayal and Arthur’s death caught me off so guard that it is plainly for that reason Micah’s my least favourite video game character of all time. Also Arthur was a great protagonist and it’s a shame we couldn’t play him more.
Agreed. he is super funny at the start. It would be cool to have a character like Micah who is kind of a crazy asshole but is best buds with the protagonist. I think it would be more entertaining than the morally bland characters we see in the story
Edit: ig that would be Trevor but i havent got to gta 5 yet
Wasn't 6 chapters enough for y'all lol
Amazing vid as always. Three interesting things about Micah not mentioned in the video:
1.Micah has a brother, Amos Bell, who lives in California and Micah despises problably because Amos doesn't seem to be following in the steps of his father or grandfather. You can find a letter to Micah hidden in the camp from Amos Bell where Amos tells Micah to never try to contact them again and even going as far as saying he will kill him if he ever tries to approach them.
2. Micah's father was a notorious criminal who was wanted dead or alive in five states at one point. This further shows that their evil nature runds deep in the family.
3. At 5:08 , you show how he unnecessarily kills two people amidst a shootout to retrieve his guns. This action actually impacts the game later on as you can find a sad boy looking for his dog in Strawberry. If you find his dog and bring it back to the boy, he will be waiting you at the same house where Micah kills the two people. The boy then thanks you and even mentions that the dog is the only family he has left. This further shows how Micah has no feelings for others and only does things that benefit him.
The 3rd topic... Oh God! Now it all makes sense... That's so sad. I didn't even give it a second thought when I found the boy in Strawberry. Just found odd the fact that he was alone. But now everything connects...
Reno oh shitttt, I never made the connection with the boy and the house. That’s smart.
I made the connection too and I felt so bad. Poor kid.
Some of the characters I love: Hosea, LENNY! and Arthur. Guess who died. Hosea, LENNY! and Arthur.
And sean for me
Jonas Kopstad so true
yeah. It was like Game of Thrones ... and Sadie was Arya
I don’t see my name up there
and john
Why we hate micah: he caused the death of literally all the gang members
So basically Micah's idiot self caused the deaths of mac, davey, and jenny. After that, Micah knew it was a setup In the mission "a peaceful walk in a pretty town" sean was shot in the head and died. After that, Micah also told the Pinkerton's about the bank robbery in saint denis, causing the death of Lenny and Hoseah. Then Molly was really drunk and told everyone that she was the rat that told milton and ross about the robbery which lead to miss Grinshaw shooting her, and killing her. Then after that, Micah, Dutch, and the rest of the remaining gang members, all turned out bad, except for John and Arthur and miss grimshaw. But miss grimshaw was killed by micah. Then arthur and john tried to escape from the Pinkerton's and the gang. But then it lead to arthur saving John and then fights micah. Arthur could have killed micah until dutch came along and kicked away the gun from arthur, then arthur dies and micah and dutch walk away. (Fast forward 8 years) John and his wife (Abigail Roberts) and his son (Jack Masrton) lived like normal people. John saw Sadie Adler and she helped him find Micah for killing Arthur. John ends up killing micah, and because of that the government started to hunt down John. So then fast forward 7 years, john started working for the government and killed Bill and sort of killed Dutch Van Der Linde. Ross and the government killed John Marston, and Uncle. A couple years later, Abigail died of unknown causes, then jack wanted to get revenge and killed Ross. (Tell me if I missed something please)
He actually only caused the death of Arthur, John, Ms. Grimshaw, Dutch, Javier, Bill, and Cain.
Forgot to add Mac, Dave, and Jenny.
@@MrMah-zf6jk basically who i meant
@@MrMah-zf6jk forgot about lenny and hosea😔
@@MrMah-zf6jk no, everybody. Given he revealed all of the gangs locations leading to their deaths. Everyone but Kieran was killed over a span of 12 years due to this piece of shit.
@@donovanknight9304 he only started working with the Pinkertons after coming back from Guarma.
When I saw the title I was like “wow,a video that never ends!
Me: Micah you RAT!
Also me: Thanks for the Lancaster repeater and the dual wield
Zahir Ali ... I used it too much. Each use had me quite bothered b/c of How it was acquired. 🤣
If you go to Rhodes early game, you can get a lancasted repeater from the gun store for free, by freeing a,man that's trapped in the gun owner's basement
Me Myself And I that’s where I got it just yesterday, lol. My carbide repeater is currently better though. (Literally cleared the hanging dog farm solo with just the carbide... used it to snipe and those jerk o’driscols couldn’t do shit because they were too far away to do any real damage with their pistols, lol. Only 1 or 2 manage to run away. A third tried but I got him too.)
Yeah, it only cost what... an *entire town* of dead people? xD #WorthIt
Jaded and Empty if I coulda let him rot in jail I woulda. Shame they forced us to rescue him.
Reason 1) He's a rat
Reason 2) He's a rat
Reason 3) He's a rat
Reason 4) He's a rat
I ain't no rat black lung
@@Anakin_Skywalker47 You got beaten by a dying man
@@Anakin_Skywalker47 u a 6ix 9ine
Reason 6: 200 dollar bounty
@@Anakin_Skywalker47 yes you are cowpoke
On my second playthrough micah always got the "Not now" and "antagonize" button
Fastest “antagonize” in the west
On my 2nd play, we were all celebrating jack coming back and Micah was sitting in his tent just watching. I so wanted to antagonize him but the game wouldn’t let me
On my second play through I just never finished it and he’s rotting in the strawberry jail
Lightlysaltedgreenbean ++++infinite honour
@@aylmaoxdxddd5687 you mean east, because dutch had a plan.
Loved the video, as always! I personally wouldn’t do much say it’s that Micah is chaotic or aggressive, though (depending on how aggressive is defined), because some loose-cannon, go-getter characters can be very beloved; but, rather, that he is cruel and narcissistic, and everything he does as a loose-cannon is never for a just cause or for the well-being of others-it is, often, not even to the benefit of himself in a way that is neutral to others-it is to his benefit and other’s detriment: it is never enough for him to win, but, instead, he must also ensure that everyone else loses. I feel like that’s what makes him so despicable.
Reason 1 : he keeps dying in story missions and you have to restart
Tae Ho Ahn for me Micah only died once Sadie died millions of times for me
Oh Yeah Sadie sucks in combat
Micah never died in my gameplay
Yea, like the Rhodes ambush misson where he keeps dying in the gun store
I’ve never had Micah die it’s always Dutch dying for me
Micah is the one who told Dutch to rob the ferry in Blackwater.
@Phil Barnes Micah insisted on robbing the ferry in Blackwater for sure. It was said in the game.
Phil Barnes yes he was
@Phil Barnes all good my bro
@Phil Barnes im on my second play through right now, and im taking my sweet ass time... mainly in free roam as well. Great game.
How dare Micah INSIST to rob the ferry in Blackwater
Arthur was even more terrifying than the legendary rat because he was healthy at that time, and a ruthless, violent outlaw (and a kind heart soul)
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol isn't healthy
So he is definitely not healthy 😂
Please make Sure You Are Ready To read Don't be Offended by this I Seriously Wouldn't Like If You Did
Once Again Please be Ready I Do not Want to offend or harm anyone from this comment
Stop thinking ur so cool and emo for these obviously fake expressions just play the game and just dont go on comments and thinking these comments will make u 360 emo gangster
This game was made for 18+ and not kids thinking they are oppressed Because they have to take a shower
So please be your own self these fake expressions wont give good reactions
Be yourself speak about your self speak like your real self to people Do you know What's the harm in that?
Please play normally and be yourself and Don't lie about Your life
This comment is half hate and half non hate i do understand some people draw the line that this is hate
And I rightfully Understand Please i have a fear that One day we will all be lying about our selves and that is not morally correct Day by Day we are killing this once known as a fun thing "The Internet" Now I just wish for people to actually not lie I have been victim to lying from of course my entire life as humans developed lying as since the ancient Greeks invented Drama Lying wasn't even meant to be invented because lying is the case of a human an object or a thing
Lying can Make serious consequences on both the ones who commit it and the ones who fall victim to it ill take an example as The native American Settlers These settlers were living for generations and some actually developed to their own nations and their sacrifices to their cause such as The Aztec And Inca Empires Then Ottomans Decided Since They Owned the All the Ways for the Europeans to cross to India and if You Don't Know what I'm talking It was The Indian Spice trade Which was a huge economic source for the people who traded spices with India And bought as Well
So then the Ottomans Decided Since they owned the stuff They blocked All Of the Current ways to India But to the Ottomans Horror The Portuguese empire Found another Way Which was to go Down all the way from their Shore To South Africa And sail front then north to the South Of India Cristopher Columbus Had Got A Job from the Spanish Royal Family His job was to set sail around the world to find another way to India But at this time North America Wasn't Known publicly So they Didn't Know it existed
So When Christopher Columbus Landed In North America Of course he thought it was India But he realized he had just discovered new land So He pillaged Cities as he went and when he went Back To the Spanish Palace And shared his information They were shocked because the continent was as well rich with gold
Wait.... I am actually too bored to continue writing See You later!
@@asserakram1725 dumbass stfu nobody gonna read all that.
One good thing I can say about him is he was a damn good gunslinger. Him backing you up against the Rhodes sheriff and deputies was kinda badass.
In cutscenes, whenever you’re in gameplay he can’t aim for shit, just like every other character 😂
The Van Der Linde gang survived 25 years on the run killing, robbing and committing various other crimes while still managing to stay alive and stay safe.
But then Micah joined and couldn’t survive 6 months
Well its was just good timing. Dutch even a few years before the story would’ve eventually seen right through Micah in the later half of the story. Micah fed into Dutch’s dwindling sanity and need for loyalty and respect. Dutch was primarily at fault .
When I read this comment I heard Hosea’s voice in my head.
you didn’t even survive
Dutch should’ve taken you’re advice, if you never died Dutch would’ve been a completely different person and Arthur would still be alive
Am i the only one who saw more than 10 Arthur Morgan accounts in the comment section?
Nah I even saw that
What about John Marstons?
@@j.marston We'll say only 1, mister Swiss cheese
Make that eleven.
I will start new game of rdr2
I tried to like Micah for the first half of the game, I really did. But yeah, there was nothing to like.
I kinda liked him in the beginning
i hated him since his coach robbery mission (the one with bill). from there i started to guess he's a rat
I liked him in chapter 2
Honestly what makes him twice as evil is his dad, Micha always talks fondly of his father, meaning that his dad probably loved him as a son and treated him well in the years they spent together.
He reminds of what Trevor would've been... had Trevor not been so damn likeable.
Ian Gratton Trevor is a psycho but also has some standards, he doesn’t like rats or traitors. If you kill Michael he refuses to have anything to do with frank. He also isn’t racist and is quite literally insane, Micah is just evil
Micah is pretty much Trevor if Trevor were actually evil. Trevor is Chaotic Good, Micah is Chaotic Evil to the core.
@@MarioKaiba Trevor is Def chaotic neutral.
@Guy Mcface well i haven’t played it in a bit but I remember him being a dick to everyone equally, so idk about him being racist
I dont remember Trevor being a racist tho
It’s obvious, he killed rockstars best protagonist ever!
Ross was kind of doing his job, micah is asshole.
I was lookin for this comment 🤦 he didn’t even touch on the subject that he was the one who on low honor blew Arthur’s brains out 😂
Frane GRANČIĆ yeah I get that
Thank you
@@mukwa2326 yo arthur can u explain me why do u have to lose health every time you jump from 1 meter high.. trevor, franklin and co would not lose health.
My reason is
2.he killed arthur
Leopold Strauss actually killed Arthur since Thomas downes coughed in his face. Leopold Strauss sent home there
@ Angus but two of the endings in the story of Micah executing Arthur
@@GrandTemplarVigilant The ending that makes the most sense to me is the one where Micah doesn't kill Arthur.
FluffyMeow damn Micah
@@angusdangusgames8473 Im not so sure you know what "killed" means. Leopold sent Aurthur on the mission that got Aurthur sick, but he did not die from his sickness. He died because Micah killed him.
This game is such a masterpiece of storytelling
Sadly, the Story itself was very mediocre. The Curse of a Prequel
@@DasKame elaborate
@@DasKame opinion detected. Eliminating.
@@DasKame the story was the best thing about the entire thing
@@jluck1399 Prequel, so no suspense: i already know that John, Bill, Javier and Dutch will survive Everything. Micahs betrayal is telegraphs in the FIRST CHAPTER, not an ounce Suprise there. And in the end? We see John married... things we already know, we don'T have to see that. Its a great developed Game, but a shadow from the First Red Dead Redemption.