21:10 The purple jellies are an alternate way to kill The Terminator, if you hide properly underneath them, The Terminator gets sucked up inside and is eaten. He then drops the belt, which the Orat On A Stick is used to retrieve it without being eaten yourself. This method takes much more practice and more time while you wait for The Terminator to show up. Just for those of you out there who still care or are interested.
i missed it but dark souls made them way too bitter towards each other to the point it was obviously to tell they wanted to stop esp when compared to the older videos and they seem to genuinely like each other. so might be for the best its gone.
@@Kris-wo4pj I think you're spot on. They seemed to really start getting on each others nerves. I loved it but think it has run its course and it's great we can continue to revisit it.
Had a guy from Lancashire, I think, over with this voice, at my father's house (he was coming through AirBnB). He told me about a brain virus wiping out an amusement park in America, but he didn't know whether it was true. then he kept on brooming.
The sucker things on the roof on the pink sand planet don't "do nothing". They are an alternative way to kill the Terminator robot. If you lead him under that... It sucks him up and then you use the Orat on a Stick to get the belt. There I said it! :)
At 22 minutes where you escape the terminator, you can run back to the screen left of your ship, with the alien barnacle things hanging in the cave, and the barnacles will kill the terminator. You have to then use the orat on a stick to retrieve something from its body :))
These used to be my favorite games...SQ3 and KQ3, 4 and 5..Quest for Camelot..Heros Quest 1 and 2...Manhunter...The Colonel's Bequest...Police Quest 2...the list could go on and on. Thanks for sharing this Yahtzee! Hearing you two having fun at the gamss expense and showing iff the gameplay here has really brought a grin to my otherwise blah day...appreciate it!
i like how he drops the detonator into the big pink beam thing rather than explosives, yet it still breaks the thing. maybe it got stuck in some big conveniently exposed gears under that ledge
I just noticed, Roger dons the Astro chicken hat before leaving the store and not only is it on the character sprite when he leaves, but when the robot grabs him it falls off. Say what you will about this game, that’s attention to detail
Thing I like about Warhammer 40K is no one really takes is seriously, it is a universe of Space Catholics, Space Orks, Space Elves, Robot Skeletons, Space Communist, Demons and then just random Xenomorph space bugs that come to eat all of those things mentioned beforehand it is kinda inherently silly.
Gerald Weir You have to admit that a lot of the novels are great though, even if they are a bit over the top. Except The Inquisition War series, and anything written by C.S Goto. We don’t talk about those things.
Re: Your discussion of King - There is actually a major difference between copyright and a trademark! You cannot 'copyright' a word. Copyright is intended to protect original property and no one owns language. Copyright exists (or is intended) to protect intellectual property by giving its creator sole rights to it (it's also usually temporary). Trademarks work differently, though; trademarks are there to distinguish goods from others. Brand names, symbols, etc. fall under this. It doesn't mean you have sole rights to the trademarked item, but it protects others from using/abusing that trademark to 'leech off' your product with a similar sounding/looking brand of their own. So really this whole thing is even more ridiculous in that a game like The Banner Saga is, if you even glanced at it for a second, obviously completely unlike Candy Crush Saga. They're not sapping money off King by abusing the widespread fame of King's product. Their product isn't going to damage King's business by use of the word 'Saga'. The only situation in which King's actions would be defensible is if, say, I went and made a bejeweled-type game called 'Kandy Krunch Saga', or any other title deceivingly similar. What King are really doing here is flexing their corporate muscle to scare off competition. They know that a lot of small businesses won't risk facing legal action against a giant like King who can afford attornies, legal fees, etc. By EVEN THREATENING to sue over a name, no matter how ridiculous, how flimsy a case, people will be scared off because the resulting costs of losing a case could quite easily shut them down. It's a pretty common tactic and a glaring flaw in many legal systems. It's the reason no-win-no-fees lawyers are a thing for work accident-related claims. People just can't afford to risk legal action because of the cost of losing a case.
People, it's cross hatching, not dithering. Dithering is a modern down-sampling technique that uses cross hatching to imply shading when the intermediate colors aren't available. This isn't down-sampling, they drew it this way.
+bookplate It's not that he's clairvoyant and more that he just... Well, was paying attention. Shitty games journalism ethics is older than Zoe Quinn and Rumble Red Rooster or whoever the fuck they're called.
I'm not sure what's worse, Gabe casually saying he swallowed a cockroach or Yahtzee's grammar when he said "I had never seen a cockroach in Britain until I came here [to Australia]."
It's also technically wrong. Dithering is sampling normal images down and applying a filter. I believe in pixel art is is simply cross-hatching colors to apply a third. www.udel.edu/artfoundations/drawing/crosshatch.html
SiLenT366 both things you said are the same thing: dithering is meant to choose what pixel is best suited to replace several pixels (when detail is lost). In the case of scaling down, you do it with a filter. In the case of pixel art, when you want to "scale down" a gradient, it looks better if you don't apply a general filter but instead choose the substitute pixels yourselfn by applying a certain pattern and introducing some transition colors. It's just a matter of human optimization, but the principle remains the same.
machaineà I posted a different comment clarifying. Dithering is down-sampling USING cross hatching. These images weren't edited down, so dithering is technically incorrect.
i think this is one of the best SQs! it really hit its stride in terms of quality comedy writing, and the art/graphics were really quite amazing for the era. it's actually great to see it again, because most of the humor went over my head when i was a kid (shredded like iran-contra documents, hahah!)
I like how the back of the janitorial suit says SS, obviously shorthand for ScumSoft but faintly reminiscent of something else...I can't quite put my finger on it...
Sierra was a lot like Capcom now that I think about it. One thing I always found annoying about some adventure games is when the puzzle solution involves an action that only makes sense to the player and not the character they’re controlling. A good example would be the brass bottle from King’s Quest V. The player can learn through trial and error that opening it will kill Graham, but he obviously could never know that until it’s too late. It makes using it on the witch a very strange sequence as the implication is that Graham can see into the future.
Lightice1 Yeah I know, but it still sounds dumb, doesn't it? If you called the cops and 911 told you the "ultrapolice" was on the way, you'd probably just hang up.
The Orat on a Stick is part of an alternate way to killed the android. The critters on the overhang by the ship can eat the robot, and then you use the Orat to get the stealth belt.
That is technically all of them apart from 5. Old Roger has always been a "space janitor" by trade. 5 was different in that it actually followed Roger trying to become a captain at the StarCon Academy, and succeeding by cheating. Good old 6 is nice and jarring because it immediately demotes him back to mop jockey in order to preserve the theme.
hmm, the one where the first 30 seconds of gameplay is sweeping the outside of the ship, being beeped at, losing your broom and instantly being fucked over? That was the only one i ever played and the goddamn maze-monster/ eyes in the water always fucked me over.
I liked all "Quest" games but I have to say Space Quest holds a special place in my heart, my brothers played it growing up and I always watched them....then I got infinitely frustrated trying to figure it out myself when I tried later on in years :P. what I loved the most is that ALL SQ games story made sense...i'm sorry if people thought otherwise you obviously were missing vital info from the background story. Roger stopped the Sariens, Sariens had only stolen it because Vohaul ordered them too, Vohaul tries to get revenge and ends up "dying" (aka backing himself up his living essence on a hardrive or something), , in SQ 3 u learn that the Pirates are actually Scumsoft (if u read the backstory u learn that Scumsoft are a subsidiary of Vohaul Enterprises, meaning they were a company that worked with his empire), some people think that the story of SQ3 had no connection at all but it did. SQ4 Roger gets saved by his future son and save the galaxy from a time when Vohaul has taken control (see what I said about Vohaul backing himself up on a hardrive). Only the last two games don't involve Vohaul but SQ6 does mention him if you know how to find it...the evil Sharpei used to know him...as they are both mad geniuses bent on living forever n such.
I really loved this game as a seven-year-old. First my dad, my sister and I played it once, figuring it out as we went. Then I played it over and over by myself. I loved every scene, like a favourite album where every song was one I liked. As for there being no quest, there absolutely was- it was just episodic in structure. First you're escaping the junk ship. Then you're avoiding and killing the Terminator. Finally, you discover the note from the kidnapped software programmers. Then again, I'd never played Monkey Island and so I had nothing to compare it to, so there's that. Probably if I'd known about Guybrush and his quest to become a mighty pirate and defeat LeChuck this would have seemed a bit lame.
21:14: I can't believe you didn't know this, but the things that "have no other purpose" than to kill you actually do have another purpose: they're an alternative way to kill Arnoid, which will give you more points than the way you used!
People forget that while Yes, this was before the existence of the Internet, but this is how Sierra made their money. They would charge you a ridiculous amount of money for per-minute phone hints.
The music is by Bob Siebenberg ("Bob C. Benberg"), Supertramp's drummer. To truly hear its magnificence, you need a Roland MT32 midi synth (or, if you can find one, an appropriate digital emulation thereof).
I was a big enough fan, that I had adventures in my head after the game was over. Ohhhh man... who could be sitting in those two empty seats (on my ship) next?? Who could I be helping? For a 10 year old in the early 90s, this was gold.
that alternating colours to simulate different colour is called DITHERING :) Sierra actually had their own dithering algorythms, very highly regarded. Back when it was useful.
The ring at monolith burger is supposed to be used to decode a secret code for astrochicken. That code allows you to easily win the game. That is why the game is nigh impossible for Yahtzee. It is supposed to be until you solve the decoder ring puzzle.
Arnoid the robot was based on the *FIRST* Terminator movie that came out in 1984, as Space Quest 3 came out in 1989 (before any of Terminator's sequels). Arnoid the robot later returned in Space Quest 5 which came out in 1993, *BECAUSE* Judgement Day (Second Terminator movie) came out in 1991. Arnoid's return in Space Quest 5 is therefore a reference to Judgement day in fact.
The Candy Crush guys are just trying to extend their 15 minutes of fame by being copyright trolls, and picking on a more interesting but less popular game to impress the masses before they join the likes of Zynga and PopCap in the burning heap of passé housewife games.
No, no - that's BUMMING around on a spaceship. Completely different, and with more bumming, you see. I'm going to keep saying the word bumming until it gets a laugh.
I'm looking at the next gen consoles the same way I looked at blu-ray. I'm not buying it until I absolutely have to. My 360 still has all the games I could ever desire. They're still coming out with games for both consoles. Dark Souls 2, for instance, is coming out on 360. Why then, Microsoft, should I buy an XBONE? I heard Ryse was an absolute ass sandwich, anyways. Give me 5 genuinely good exclusive games, and I will consider buying your new cash cow. Until then, stop insulting my intelligence by pretending I want one.
***** Yeah, I don't remember the last time I payed more than $20 for a game. Just go to PC. There are no redeeming qualities remaining that you can use to argue in favor of either of the 2 big consoles. The companies producing them have demonstrated repeatedly that they have no respect for you as a customer, and they can get away with it because people have the false impression that they can't game without dealing with them.
***** It almost seems like the opposite for me. I mean, yes the time between turning on the computer and playing a game is greater than turning on an older console like a gamecube or something and playing a game. But I'm on the computer a lot anyway, and we used to leave the console disconnected from the tv when not in use when I was a kid (so that the vcr could be hooked up). So for me, the jump from the actually good consoles of yore to gaming on pc to avoid the shitty consoles of modern day has meant a decrease in the time between deciding that I want to play a game and actually playing it.
***** Noone is saying that older consoles were flawless, hardly. The tradeoff on a old console was less bullshit (no PC soft/hardware problems) for less freedom to do what you want (no editing files, or editing the game to your liking). The newest generation of consoles still limit you in that way and new, worse ways, making it more work to play a console game than a PC game. So PC gaming is now easier to do, costs less, gives you more freedom and gives you so many more games to play. Consoles literally have no single benefit left.
I saw Yahtzee at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “And yet, here we are.” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Actually, both the creature on Phleebhut and the Orat-on-a-Stick have a purpose: If you lure the droid under the creature, he gets eaten and you use the Orat-on-a-Stick to pick up the invisibility belt without getting eaten yourself.
The lighting in this game is nothing short of astonishing for the time. The term is cross-hatching Yahtzee. Notice the player's shadow on the wall in certain places as well as spotlights changing his appearance.
i am a huge Space Quest nerd...did you know that Roger was in that escape pod for many years actually...so he is actually much older now (but doesn't look it because he was in stasis) the same story as ripley from Alien actually there is a quest to SQ 3: save the 2 andromedans also not many people know that the Pirates of Pestulon (aka Scumsoft) are actually a subsidiary of Vohaul's Criminal Empire...so basically after Roger caused Vohaul to die these guys just had to try and form their own business.
51:00 - You know those Arcade Sequences I think originated from the Apple 2 Oregon Trail minigame floating down the river, but that being said, I don't know if Oregon Trail ever reached outside the USA back then since it was marketed to schools/education in the early nineties. You guys ever watch Strong Bad Email or play all the minigames on the Homestar Runner site? They poke fun at a lot of pop culture, mainly IT culture how it was in the nineties. "Thy Dungeon Man" is a satire of Zork (or any other text-based only adventure), "Peasents Quest" satires the AGI sierra engine games Kings Quest 1-3, there's a space invaders game select screen, an old Vectrex-style 3D version of pong with Strong Bad colored in red/black grids (Satiring both the Virtual Boy and the Vectrex systems), and so many Atari references to count.
I thought this game was the most interesting adventure I've ever been on. In "real" life you don't have obvious bad guys or obvious "endings". Because this game is like that, I found it incredibly immersive. The lack of information gave you the intellectual delight that anything could happen. So exciting! Quantum leap yourself into someone 300 years into the future, and go have an adventure. You don't know what's around you, or what you should be doing. I adore this game for giving me that experience. Get in there. Meander around. Have some hilarious deaths. Add some Douglas Adam's style wit and you've got a fan for life = me. I understood all of this as a 10 year old :)
5:51 - That mincer isn't actually the first death you can find, is the thing. See the sticky out bit of plate metal in front of the blue ship in the second screen? (4:30) If you attempt to touch it, it's apparently so sharp that it chops your entire hand off (Because Roger grabs things with his wrist, I guess) and the resulting wound causes him to bleed out, in a fairly neat animation for the time. Plus Blue Roger In A Pool Of Blood Closeup On The Face Urgh thing on the death screen. I mean, that took effort too, as demonstrated by the fact that you totally missed even the existence of the junk metal, let alone thought "Let's try and fit that in my pants!" But that's still only the second screen.
The term you're looking for, re:alternating 2 colors to make a 3rd, is dithering. I'm not an artist, I've just been playing games for a long goddamned time.
The interactive adventure format of this game has me so intrigued, not to mention every other frame has a pop culture/sci-fi reference. Are there current games in this media being made on the same level of complexity and design? This looks like it would be a lot of fun with current-gen processing power. I'm a little drunk so be patient _-_
My favorite part about the recent Xbone events is that when discussing the console in the past, mostly during the whole reveal and e3 shitstorm, I explicitly said that they would have to pay ME just to get that piece of crap into my house. And now it turns out that they may very well be on their way to do just that.
I still come back to watch all these years later.
im still here
listening and dreaming of the glory days
@@Utubesuxmycock I'm also here brother.
Same :)
I'm about 8 years too late, but alternating colours to simulate a third colour is called 'dithering'.
i still fall asleep to these vids
21:10 The purple jellies are an alternate way to kill The Terminator, if you hide properly underneath them, The Terminator gets sucked up inside and is eaten. He then drops the belt, which the Orat On A Stick is used to retrieve it without being eaten yourself. This method takes much more practice and more time while you wait for The Terminator to show up. Just for those of you out there who still care or are interested.
Wow, over 10 years old and I still come back to listen to these every now and then
I miss let's drown out so much.
It was a simpler time
Me too
GREATEST podcast thingy
of all time
i listen to these when driving around
i missed it but dark souls made them way too bitter towards each other to the point it was obviously to tell they wanted to stop esp when compared to the older videos and they seem to genuinely like each other. so might be for the best its gone.
@@Kris-wo4pj I think you're spot on. They seemed to really start getting on each others nerves. I loved it but think it has run its course and it's great we can continue to revisit it.
By the way, the term for that special kind of colouring is "dithering"
Please don't stop making these, they are marvellous topic shows.
Delicious to the ears.
You poor soul...
I'm sorry
Just two years later as well...
Had a guy from Lancashire, I think, over with this voice, at my father's house (he was coming through AirBnB). He told me about a brain virus wiping out an amusement park in America, but he didn't know whether it was true. then he kept on brooming.
It's the dude that wanted to be a captain.
The sucker things on the roof on the pink sand planet don't "do nothing". They are an alternative way to kill the Terminator robot. If you lead him under that... It sucks him up and then you use the Orat on a Stick to get the belt.
There I said it! :)
I love the phrase "Self-contained quasi non-problems."
"Shredded like an Iran-contra document" beautiful.
Beautiful? more like typical dated Sierra brand humor
@@BillehBobJoe Sierra humour was golden...it got even better when they had a commentator in SQ 4
the word is dithering, in case it hasn't been said a hundred times.
It has
At 22 minutes where you escape the terminator, you can run back to the screen left of your ship, with the alien barnacle things hanging in the cave, and the barnacles will kill the terminator. You have to then use the orat on a stick to retrieve something from its body :))
"Dithering" is the word you're looking for at 3:30.
Multiplayer porn games. THAT'S the future.
"I wanna be the dwarf!"
Slaxbox I wanna be the milf!
Never too late for a reply
+Planken I get to be the disappointed father!
Then I want to be the Son/Brother
I want to be that one guy who holds the camera. Forever alone
@@kemonoautumnfall6331 hahahahaha
Variating pixels of two colours to simulate a third, gradient colour is called dithering. THE MOAR YOU KNOW
These used to be my favorite games...SQ3 and KQ3, 4 and 5..Quest for Camelot..Heros Quest 1 and 2...Manhunter...The Colonel's Bequest...Police Quest 2...the list could go on and on. Thanks for sharing this Yahtzee! Hearing you two having fun at the gamss expense and showing iff the gameplay here has really brought a grin to my otherwise blah day...appreciate it!
i like how he drops the detonator into the big pink beam thing rather than explosives, yet it still breaks the thing. maybe it got stuck in some big conveniently exposed gears under that ledge
5:12 had me laughing out loud for real. I love how honest they are 😂
"Batman couldn't get this information out of me and you're telling the internet for free"
3:17 The answer is "dithering"
Hello to future me when I'm still coming back to LDO as my favourite sleeping aid.
I just noticed, Roger dons the Astro chicken hat before leaving the store and not only is it on the character sprite when he leaves, but when the robot grabs him it falls off. Say what you will about this game, that’s attention to detail
Yahtzee put the hat on before he had Roger leave the store.
Back in 2022
I appreciate Gabe alot more these days knowing how fucking bad Jack Packard is as a replacement
I just want to say, you two always make me smile.
Thing I like about Warhammer 40K is no one really takes is seriously, it is a universe of Space Catholics, Space Orks, Space Elves, Robot Skeletons, Space Communist, Demons and then just random Xenomorph space bugs that come to eat all of those things mentioned beforehand it is kinda inherently silly.
Exactly! Yahtzee has no idea what 40K is actually about.
Well, most people don't take it seriously. But, sadly, some people do.
Gerald Weir You have to admit that a lot of the novels are great though, even if they are a bit over the top.
Except The Inquisition War series, and anything written by C.S Goto.
We don’t talk about those things.
@@TheCorrodedMan I haven't read a lot of them, but I have read a couple and they were a ton of fun.
For some reason Gabe's opening lines still makes me laugh
So... It's September 2016... after the final episode of Let's Drown Out. Rewatching the old ones. I miss the series. ;_;
It's current my 21st rewatch.
I have lost the number of times I have watched these. Altough I like to do Yahtzee and listen to these while playing Civilization or Minecraft.
Some of these are also great to fall asleep to.
Only if you're desperately lonely
Check out Keepetclassy.
"Why is that lolli wearing a beard?"
I misinterpreted that bit until I thought about it.
*lolly lol
@@abhilashmessi31 man actually came to correct a 6 year old comment. Respect
Re: Your discussion of King - There is actually a major difference between copyright and a trademark!
You cannot 'copyright' a word. Copyright is intended to protect original property and no one owns language. Copyright exists (or is intended) to protect intellectual property by giving its creator sole rights to it (it's also usually temporary).
Trademarks work differently, though; trademarks are there to distinguish goods from others. Brand names, symbols, etc. fall under this. It doesn't mean you have sole rights to the trademarked item, but it protects others from using/abusing that trademark to 'leech off' your product with a similar sounding/looking brand of their own.
So really this whole thing is even more ridiculous in that a game like The Banner Saga is, if you even glanced at it for a second, obviously completely unlike Candy Crush Saga. They're not sapping money off King by abusing the widespread fame of King's product. Their product isn't going to damage King's business by use of the word 'Saga'.
The only situation in which King's actions would be defensible is if, say, I went and made a bejeweled-type game called 'Kandy Krunch Saga', or any other title deceivingly similar.
What King are really doing here is flexing their corporate muscle to scare off competition. They know that a lot of small businesses won't risk facing legal action against a giant like King who can afford attornies, legal fees, etc. By EVEN THREATENING to sue over a name, no matter how ridiculous, how flimsy a case, people will be scared off because the resulting costs of losing a case could quite easily shut them down.
It's a pretty common tactic and a glaring flaw in many legal systems. It's the reason no-win-no-fees lawyers are a thing for work accident-related claims. People just can't afford to risk legal action because of the cost of losing a case.
People, it's cross hatching, not dithering. Dithering is a modern down-sampling technique that uses cross hatching to imply shading when the intermediate colors aren't available. This isn't down-sampling, they drew it this way.
+SiLenT366 You are wrong.
it has been said.
but if it hasn't yet, it's "dithering."
there. now it's definitely been said.
Not to contradict you, but the pods aren't just there to kill you. That's one way to kill the robot.
"Yes, there's something wrong with games journalism" Just you wait Yahtzee. Just you wait.
It's almost like he's clairvoyant lol
Epic Beard Gamer *it's almost like he posses basic perception skills lol
don't know how you fuck up that bad
Tabby Cat Some people don't understand the concept of jokes.
bookplate What?
+bookplate It's not that he's clairvoyant and more that he just... Well, was paying attention.
Shitty games journalism ethics is older than Zoe Quinn and Rumble Red Rooster or whoever the fuck they're called.
Forever on the lookout for games by Juan Suave
I'm surprised it's not a name that's turned up in any of his books.
@@CammieRacing forever on the lookout for Yahtzee's return to LDO with Gabe by his side
I'm not sure what's worse, Gabe casually saying he swallowed a cockroach or Yahtzee's grammar when he said "I had never seen a cockroach in Britain until I came here [to Australia]."
The question asked at 3:30 ("dithering") is answered exactly 21 times in the comments. That means 20 people didn't check before posting.
It's also technically wrong. Dithering is sampling normal images down and applying a filter. I believe in pixel art is is simply cross-hatching colors to apply a third. www.udel.edu/artfoundations/drawing/crosshatch.html
both things you said are the same thing: dithering is meant to choose what pixel is best suited to replace several pixels (when detail is lost). In the case of scaling down, you do it with a filter. In the case of pixel art, when you want to "scale down" a gradient, it looks better if you don't apply a general filter but instead choose the substitute pixels yourselfn by applying a certain pattern and introducing some transition colors. It's just a matter of human optimization, but the principle remains the same.
I posted a different comment clarifying. Dithering is down-sampling USING cross hatching. These images weren't edited down, so dithering is technically incorrect.
i think this is one of the best SQs! it really hit its stride in terms of quality comedy writing, and the art/graphics were really quite amazing for the era. it's actually great to see it again, because most of the humor went over my head when i was a kid (shredded like iran-contra documents, hahah!)
i do agree though that 5 is my favorite :)
I like how the back of the janitorial suit says SS, obviously shorthand for ScumSoft but faintly reminiscent of something else...I can't quite put my finger on it...
Probably a dutch electric company
Social Security?
3:26 Dithering.
Sierra was a lot like Capcom now that I think about it.
One thing I always found annoying about some adventure games is when the puzzle solution involves an action that only makes sense to the player and not the character they’re controlling. A good example would be the brass bottle from King’s Quest V. The player can learn through trial and error that opening it will kill Graham, but he obviously could never know that until it’s too late. It makes using it on the witch a very strange sequence as the implication is that Graham can see into the future.
Yahtzee and Gabriel, if you are tired of warm muggy weather you can have mine, here in central north America it's -16c!
about -45c in Canada
39:28 for anybody wondering he can play Evoland, I prefer 2 but you can go for the first one if you like.
If I were an Ork from Warhammer 40K and someone told me the "Ultramarines" were coming, I could not help but chortle.
To be fair, you could tell the Orks the Necrons were coming, and they'd laugh. So nothing new there.
Yeah but the "Ultramarines" just sound like posers
GhostSniper3081 It's a colour-based pun.
Yeah I know, but it still sounds dumb, doesn't it? If you called the cops and 911 told you the "ultrapolice" was on the way, you'd probably just hang up.
Elle Sea
Ultrapolice should be a color though. I'd happily buy sixteen pairs of ultrapolice pants.
The Orat on a Stick is part of an alternate way to killed the android. The critters on the overhang by the ship can eat the robot, and then you use the Orat to get the stealth belt.
I remember when this game came out I was so impressed with the graphics and feel of it.
FYI the suggestion of a deeper colour palette with alternating shades is called dithering.
I really hope one day you do the other space quest's particularly the one where you start as a dust sweeper
That is technically all of them apart from 5. Old Roger has always been a "space janitor" by trade. 5 was different in that it actually followed Roger trying to become a captain at the StarCon Academy, and succeeding by cheating. Good old 6 is nice and jarring because it immediately demotes him back to mop jockey in order to preserve the theme.
hmm, the one where the first 30 seconds of gameplay is sweeping the outside of the ship, being beeped at, losing your broom and instantly being fucked over?
That was the only one i ever played and the goddamn maze-monster/ eyes in the water always fucked me over.
Ah, that was 2. That one had a LOT of BS deaths. Like more than usual. :-P
Yeah i want to hear yahtzee gripe on THAT
20:23 lmfao I want Gabe doing that as a ringtone. "Haha ha, haha ha. Vaginas."
I liked all "Quest" games but I have to say Space Quest holds a special place in my heart, my brothers played it growing up and I always watched them....then I got infinitely frustrated trying to figure it out myself when I tried later on in years :P. what I loved the most is that ALL SQ games story made sense...i'm sorry if people thought otherwise you obviously were missing vital info from the background story. Roger stopped the Sariens, Sariens had only stolen it because Vohaul ordered them too, Vohaul tries to get revenge and ends up "dying" (aka backing himself up his living essence on a hardrive or something), , in SQ 3 u learn that the Pirates are actually Scumsoft (if u read the backstory u learn that Scumsoft are a subsidiary of Vohaul Enterprises, meaning they were a company that worked with his empire), some people think that the story of SQ3 had no connection at all but it did. SQ4 Roger gets saved by his future son and save the galaxy from a time when Vohaul has taken control (see what I said about Vohaul backing himself up on a hardrive). Only the last two games don't involve Vohaul but SQ6 does mention him if you know how to find it...the evil Sharpei used to know him...as they are both mad geniuses bent on living forever n such.
Every Space Quest is pretty much about Roger Wilco stumbling into things.
Yeah, but it has be done organically; a plot device is only as good as the execution of it
After all these years I'm suddenly realizing that Roger Wilco means "Understood and enacting" in military lingo
I really loved this game as a seven-year-old. First my dad, my sister and I played it once, figuring it out as we went. Then I played it over and over by myself. I loved every scene, like a favourite album where every song was one I liked. As for there being no quest, there absolutely was- it was just episodic in structure. First you're escaping the junk ship. Then you're avoiding and killing the Terminator. Finally, you discover the note from the kidnapped software programmers.
Then again, I'd never played Monkey Island and so I had nothing to compare it to, so there's that. Probably if I'd known about Guybrush and his quest to become a mighty pirate and defeat LeChuck this would have seemed a bit lame.
21:14: I can't believe you didn't know this, but the things that "have no other purpose" than to kill you actually do have another purpose: they're an alternative way to kill Arnoid, which will give you more points than the way you used!
People forget that while Yes, this was before the existence of the Internet, but this is how Sierra made their money. They would charge you a ridiculous amount of money for per-minute phone hints.
these letsplays feel like MST3K and I love it
+UnintellegentDesigns also, the arcade machine quest was a rip off of the last starfighter
3:33 dithering. :)
thank Christ!! im so glad you guys are doing these more frequently
You can also use the barnacle things to kill the robot.
Soulsphere001 Yeah, I got confused when he said the barnacles were useless. I honestly didn't know about the solution they used.
Do these forever please ;)
And some more podcasts.... I can't get enough!!
The music is by Bob Siebenberg ("Bob C. Benberg"), Supertramp's drummer. To truly hear its magnificence, you need a Roland MT32 midi synth (or, if you can find one, an appropriate digital emulation thereof).
I was a big enough fan, that I had adventures in my head after the game was over. Ohhhh man... who could be sitting in those two empty seats (on my ship) next?? Who could I be helping? For a 10 year old in the early 90s, this was gold.
that alternating colours to simulate different colour is called DITHERING :)
Sierra actually had their own dithering algorythms, very highly regarded. Back when it was useful.
I swear at the very beginning with that monorail extension claw thingy, roger isn't actually on a further away plane, he is just really small.
The ring at monolith burger is supposed to be used to decode a secret code for astrochicken. That code allows you to easily win the game. That is why the game is nigh impossible for Yahtzee. It is supposed to be until you solve the decoder ring puzzle.
Arnoid the robot was based on the *FIRST* Terminator movie that came out in 1984, as Space Quest 3 came out in 1989 (before any of Terminator's sequels). Arnoid the robot later returned in Space Quest 5 which came out in 1993, *BECAUSE* Judgement Day (Second Terminator movie) came out in 1991. Arnoid's return in Space Quest 5 is therefore a reference to Judgement day in fact.
Except the one in SQ5 isn't Arnoid, it's a female Terminator named WD-40. The Judgment Day reference doesn't happen until SQ6.
Michael Zielinski
no, I'm not saying that.
So you're saying Space Quest 3 inspired the reappearance of Arnold the robot in T2
You never know...
Holy shit does this bring back memories...
The Candy Crush guys are just trying to extend their 15 minutes of fame by being copyright trolls, and picking on a more interesting but less popular game to impress the masses before they join the likes of Zynga and PopCap in the burning heap of passé housewife games.
Wait a sec....bumbling around on a spaceship?
This is the original Broken Age. Oo
No, no - that's BUMMING around on a spaceship. Completely different, and with more bumming, you see.
I'm going to keep saying the word bumming until it gets a laugh.
Gabes honestly in the way he said "Fuck You" was just hilarious.
I'm looking at the next gen consoles the same way I looked at blu-ray. I'm not buying it until I absolutely have to. My 360 still has all the games I could ever desire. They're still coming out with games for both consoles. Dark Souls 2, for instance, is coming out on 360. Why then, Microsoft, should I buy an XBONE? I heard Ryse was an absolute ass sandwich, anyways. Give me 5 genuinely good exclusive games, and I will consider buying your new cash cow. Until then, stop insulting my intelligence by pretending I want one.
Don't encourage them to hold games hostage, please.
Yeah, I don't remember the last time I payed more than $20 for a game. Just go to PC. There are no redeeming qualities remaining that you can use to argue in favor of either of the 2 big consoles. The companies producing them have demonstrated repeatedly that they have no respect for you as a customer, and they can get away with it because people have the false impression that they can't game without dealing with them.
It almost seems like the opposite for me. I mean, yes the time between turning on the computer and playing a game is greater than turning on an older console like a gamecube or something and playing a game. But I'm on the computer a lot anyway, and we used to leave the console disconnected from the tv when not in use when I was a kid (so that the vcr could be hooked up). So for me, the jump from the actually good consoles of yore to gaming on pc to avoid the shitty consoles of modern day has meant a decrease in the time between deciding that I want to play a game and actually playing it.
Oh yes, all the old consoles were golden and had zero flaws while the new ones were fifty shades of brown. Cast off your nostalgia goggles, gypsy.
***** Noone is saying that older consoles were flawless, hardly. The tradeoff on a old console was less bullshit (no PC soft/hardware problems) for less freedom to do what you want (no editing files, or editing the game to your liking). The newest generation of consoles still limit you in that way and new, worse ways, making it more work to play a console game than a PC game. So PC gaming is now easier to do, costs less, gives you more freedom and gives you so many more games to play. Consoles literally have no single benefit left.
I saw Yahtzee at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “And yet, here we are.”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Really enjoyed this. I would love to see you play a bunch of these old adventure games.
3:17-3:30 I believe the term you're looking for is "dithering".
The alternating pixel checkerboard shading shit is called "Dithering"
Actually, both the creature on Phleebhut and the Orat-on-a-Stick have a purpose: If you lure the droid under the creature, he gets eaten and you use the Orat-on-a-Stick to pick up the invisibility belt without getting eaten yourself.
The lighting in this game is nothing short of astonishing for the time. The term is cross-hatching Yahtzee. Notice the player's shadow on the wall in certain places as well as spotlights changing his appearance.
The Jello gun leaves you looking like it turns you into a sex doll... possibly a fate worse than death!
This was one of my all-time favorite games as a child. Knowing I had been stifled with the wrong company this whole time makes me physically ill.
Yahtzee should play Katawa Shoujo.
That would be my favorite thing to happen in the history of the universe.
No, no. Clannad.
No no, guys. Saya no Uta.
Makla Aria
Somehow, I don't think Saya No Uta would make RUclips material.
But it's be great to see how they react to all the fucked up things that happen in that VN. Hilarious.
i am a huge Space Quest nerd...did you know that Roger was in that escape pod for many years actually...so he is actually much older now (but doesn't look it because he was in stasis) the same story as ripley from Alien
actually there is a quest to SQ 3: save the 2 andromedans
also not many people know that the Pirates of Pestulon (aka Scumsoft) are actually a subsidiary of Vohaul's Criminal Empire...so basically after Roger caused Vohaul to die these guys just had to try and form their own business.
I just noticed, there's a volcanic planet called "Ortega". I wonder if that's meant to be a Dragon Quest 3 reference
51:00 - You know those Arcade Sequences I think originated from the Apple 2 Oregon Trail minigame floating down the river, but that being said, I don't know if Oregon Trail ever reached outside the USA back then since it was marketed to schools/education in the early nineties.
You guys ever watch Strong Bad Email or play all the minigames on the Homestar Runner site? They poke fun at a lot of pop culture, mainly IT culture how it was in the nineties. "Thy Dungeon Man" is a satire of Zork (or any other text-based only adventure), "Peasents Quest" satires the AGI sierra engine games Kings Quest 1-3, there's a space invaders game select screen, an old Vectrex-style 3D version of pong with Strong Bad colored in red/black grids (Satiring both the Virtual Boy and the Vectrex systems), and so many Atari references to count.
I wish "Baby Crush Saga" was a real thing
39:20 They did, it's called Evoland.
I thought this game was the most interesting adventure I've ever been on. In "real" life you don't have obvious bad guys or obvious "endings". Because this game is like that, I found it incredibly immersive. The lack of information gave you the intellectual delight that anything could happen. So exciting! Quantum leap yourself into someone 300 years into the future, and go have an adventure. You don't know what's around you, or what you should be doing. I adore this game for giving me that experience. Get in there. Meander around. Have some hilarious deaths. Add some Douglas Adam's style wit and you've got a fan for life = me. I understood all of this as a 10 year old :)
5:51 - That mincer isn't actually the first death you can find, is the thing.
See the sticky out bit of plate metal in front of the blue ship in the second screen? (4:30) If you attempt to touch it, it's apparently so sharp that it chops your entire hand off (Because Roger grabs things with his wrist, I guess) and the resulting wound causes him to bleed out, in a fairly neat animation for the time. Plus Blue Roger In A Pool Of Blood Closeup On The Face Urgh thing on the death screen.
I mean, that took effort too, as demonstrated by the fact that you totally missed even the existence of the junk metal, let alone thought "Let's try and fit that in my pants!" But that's still only the second screen.
Amazing videos guys.
Let's Drown Out has accidentally become my fave podcast, love it.
Gabe exhales more that he inhales... How is that possible?
The term you're looking for, re:alternating 2 colors to make a 3rd, is dithering. I'm not an artist, I've just been playing games for a long goddamned time.
The interactive adventure format of this game has me so intrigued, not to mention every other frame has a pop culture/sci-fi reference. Are there current games in this media being made on the same level of complexity and design? This looks like it would be a lot of fun with current-gen processing power. I'm a little drunk so be patient _-_
Is it me or does that credit music sound oddly like Attack on Titan's theme tune?
7:00 Oh god, I would love it so much for Yahtzee to talk about Police Quest I-II.
And now the bar no longer exists and I feel like crying.
Won't it just resplendent?
In one of Yahtzee's old game descriptions, he described himself as "somewhat of a hopeless optimist".
What happened to you, Yahtzee?
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet, but I do believe the technique Yahtzee asks about early on is called dithering.
The word for the alternating colours is 'dithering'
The ending still get me.
I loved these games.
My favorite part about the recent Xbone events is that when discussing the console in the past, mostly during the whole reveal and e3 shitstorm, I explicitly said that they would have to pay ME just to get that piece of crap into my house.
And now it turns out that they may very well be on their way to do just that.