As a support main I just wish my team mates had a bit more perspective and were a bit more open minded so they recognize the situations in which it might be close to impossible for me to heal them. Looking at you, Genji, who just wall-climbed, double jumped and dashed over 3 houses and a big wall and now spam pings for heals behind the enemy team...
or those ass holes that are moving around as fast as possible while you dont have lock on heals. Expecting support to heal every time someone is hurt is why I'm playing open queue then swap off support when they complain. You don't get to complain if you never play support...
@@kevin11humor I just tell them once they have more elims and damage than me, I'll start pocketing them. It's always the trashiest player on the team crying about heals.
I can't count how many games I've been dogged on as support by trash dps and tanks. Obviously I can't heal you if you rush into a 1v5 fight. Then at the end of the game they have 2 elims and blame it all on me.
Tell them to use their own feet to keep them alive. One time i told a soldier who was standing in wide open sightlines to use terrain as cover and he was all huurrr duurr lemme just shoot the walls.... top percentile IQs play OW
I dont main support, but when I play support I find myself screaming at every dps and tank that are hiding from me and spamming "i need healing". Gives me as a dps main some perspective of how I need to position to get healed. I only get mad at healers that dont know how to heal. Im not even making this up but I was pretty much standing still right next to my ana and she missed her freaking nade. I was 1 hp and it was a 3v2 for us but both of us got killed we lost the fight and objective.
Support is the hardest role to play. You have to worry about survival while being focused, keeping allies alive, providing damage, AND utility. Always blamed, never praised.
I was Zen one match against a sombra, genji and DVA. They all just dived me hard. I did like 3k healing and this dude started talking so much crap to me. He never once turned around the entire game. The next game, I had an amazing tank, I was 8K damage 13k healing lol just shows how blind people are
I actually won a game as brigitte today (diamond 4) with over 16k healing and 7k dmg and got 4 endorsements, I was so shocked I thought the game has bugged or something lol
@@advikdeshmukh805 more like blizzard needs to give zen an escape or something. He’s the only healer that doesn’t have one.. and no a kick is not good enough lol
@@advikdeshmukh805 bap can jump high AND can heal him self AND can make himself not die. Ana has a sleep dart and if she misses that she can heal herself. Zen literally has NOTHING
I like playing support because it adds a metric for performance outside of direct combat. That being said, I'm loving Kiriko for bringing it in direct combat.
There's a tip he forgot, which is don't commit self harm, I know how garbage it is to play support right now, but you have to stay strong, someone has to play support!
I would go as far as to say if im dealing more damage while healing the whole team and barely dying/doing more damage then you then maybe you gotta get better. I play Moira so i get this way to much and it makes it impossible to play unranked because no one gets it.
I am a support main in almost every game i play, and let me tell you, supports are almost always the most op characters unless they are heavily nerfed in other areas, just because of all the utility they have to enable the teammates, if they have just a bit of capability of fragging, they can enable themselves and carry hard asf. Suports are a key part, a decent support is not the one who heals the most, its the one who helps their teammates getting the most amount of key plays that helos in winning the game. Edit: love your videos, its nice to find that yoy are makig videos for other games than valorant :)
loved your comment, but it's hard to carry a team who have dps or tanks that are doing the exact opposite of the key plays. t_t and then they just blame you for not healing (ofc you cant overheal a tank who just dived in a 1v5 scenario with DPS who dont event flank, and 2 supports far away to back him up), ROFLMAO.
Yeah well If supports can frag.. then what's the point of dps 😆... Unfortunately, if the dps and tank have no map awareness then it just sucks to play support...
Thank you! I've only started playing Overwatch 2 a couple of days ago and i've been learning a lot thanks to your videos. I love playing support. My main is Kiriko. Back then, i just heal people not recognizing the potential of her headshots. I'm still a rookie with her but my playstyle has improved a lot. I also use Mercy and Brigitte more now because i can't use Kiriko all the time (especially when the other support uses a Moira or a Zen). Thank you so much for the effort in making this videos. Subscribed!
Yup this gameplay is... questionable. He runs ahead of his team most of the time as Kiriko and doesn't turn around to check on their health. Not sure I'll be taking advice from this "not a healer" support player
I like how he had two teammates on critical health and instead of healing them chose to carry on shooting the enemy, letting both his teammates die in the process and having to retreat to the spawn. Pro gamer moves right there.
Yeah once I saw that I clicked the video off and went to see if anyone noticed as well. He's probably one of those types where the team loses the match but he brags that he has more damage than the dps 😂
I've had a game where I was kirito and our tank was hammy and we kept running into 2v4 and we held down the point for 1:35 and won because I was utilizing climbing and healing from a far while attacking and using the e skill only when hammy was getting really bambarded. The hammy user knew how to move with the character which helped alot to keep him alive as well. Kirito is such a good support once you learn to utilize her skills, attack and movement. Learning Baptiste helped me to take down enemy mercy. Supports are great!
Oh I agree with so many points in here, I'm a support main too and learning more that one support (not even at 100% ) can turn around a losing match, just adding more DPS (Zen, Bap), or having sinergy with a more mobile comp (Moira, Mercy) or using your abilities to negate plays for the enemy (Ana, Kiriko) had helped me win games, I just wish the other players understood this, or even how the different support abilities work, so many times I heard complains form Tanks and Dps alike of not getting heals and there forte losing the match, like, Rein, my pal, understand that if you rush the enemy front lines with your charge WHILE being anti naded not even Jesus himself can save your ass from that one
1:36 is a great example of why I am so constantly frustrated with this game.... look at Kiriko's ammo as that tire approaches... THE GAME ACCEPTS HIS ATTACK AND THEN REVERSES IT BECAUSE HE IS KILLED BY THE TIRE, increasing it back to 4. I am CONSTANTLY running into situations like this despite being on gigabit internet with 35ms. Noregs on headshots from 10 ft away. Abilities vanishing midair if I died as I use them. Being around the corner for 1/4 second only to get headshot. Just constantly losing to latency issues inherent to the game (servers? other players?) and it totally ruins the game experience for me.
So many people need to listen to this, the amount of complains I see on Reddit about Support being bad is mind boggling to me, support is so good now, almost to the point of game carrying sometimes. I always get down voted when I point it out.
Great video. There are so many bad non support players in low elo and you really can't listen to them. I started out as a very aggressive moira, NEVER playing OW1 and only played other FPS games for years and originally placed at silver 2. I was STILL doing over 10k healing in a lot of matches where I could heal uncontested by enemy DPS. I had even hit 20k Healing in one match ONLY playing moira. I went a number of matches like 40 and 7 , 30 and 5, playing like this. The more I listened to the bad players telling me NOT to DPS and kill is when I started LOSING Rank. Support players are NOT healers. They should be thought of as more of a "legendary class" for those familiar with games like WoW. They are the class for players that have GOOD game sense and can multi task. When you focus on just doing the MOST healing out of your team or both teams you are not playing the class at its most efficient. GOOD support players of different rank tiers are always going to have SPLIT dmg and healing other than mercy. If you see a mercy on your team and they are doing 20k healing and you are competent in your bracket your dmg should be 10k and your healing should be 10k . That is how you can tell if a support is actually decent. If their healing is anywhere close to their dmg they are playing correctly and vice versa.
I don't think the 50/50 split is best way of measuring a good support. One of the reasons Moira ends up with a lot of healing (other than being the fastest healer in the game) is because she also heals while doing damage. Your secondary racks up 24 per second which counts on the score board. That's half of your grasp damage translated to healing and as long as you throw a healing orb (even if it's just to heal yourself) a third as often as you throw a damage one, you're almost guaranteed as much healing as damage, even if you never use your primary. Generally speaking, you can expect up to a third (or more depending on how you uses her ult and orb) of a Moira's healing to have only gone to her. If you see another Support with 10k Damage and 10k healing, they would have likely contributed more than Moira with the same score (especially because she's one of the few with only damage and healing). In fact, a Moira with an even split of healing and damage, could have actually done next to no healing for her team. Only using orbs to heal yourself, and only using your ult to snipe enemy heroes can still net you around a 50/50 split. Not saying that's a common thing though; Moira just happens to be best close-mid range healer in the game and one of the best DPS ones too, so most people are playing her in an impactful way. Mercy on the other hand is a relatively weak healer in terms of raw numbers and has a hard time doing damage (on the score board at least). Moira is not the only hero like this. Brigitte is easily going to convert around 20% of her maximum possible DPS into healing as long as she's taking some damage. But a Brig can't DPS 100% of the time, and she'll catch at least of few people in her AoE passive, so she can also hit that 50/50 split with just damage. Because the character heals as part of her damage (and that healing passive alone can outpace your damage) it means that she's actually unlikely to ever get that 50/50 split if you're actually using your repair packs. The reality is that a lot supports have stronger healing output than damage output, so 50/50 is not a realistic outcome. Lucio is hard capped at around 65/sec damage if he hits every shot, but can hit 74-230 healing/sec by just existing, so I'm not going to begrudge a Lucio who did more healing than damage.
One of the eye opening things I found playing support in OW2 after playing OW1 support for so long was the impact of dealing damage as a support. While its very difficult to find impact kills as a support (but not impossible, just more difficult than an equivalent DPS hero), sometimes just putting some damage down on the right enemy is enough to give you quite a bit of space. Think about it this way: there's a Genji on the other team and you're playing Ana. If that Genji gets on top of you at full hp, you're in big trouble. Genji absolutely has the advantage over Ana up close in a duel and he has the mobility to get to you no matter where you are. However, if that Genji is half hp, the calculus of the situation is very different. At 100 hp, it takes alot less to kill that Genji as Ana, the duel is not stacked in his favour as much and you can get him that low or even lower, with just a couple well placed rifle shots. Alot of Genji's will simply look to get healed back up in this situation, which buys you time to make another play. So, even tho your team may tell you that as a support you should only be healing, shoot that damn Genji, you won't regret it. And ping him too, so maybe your brain dead dps will shoot him as well.
0:47 doesn't heal orisa (why..?), instead tps back to spawn (which is fine), but then heals someone who's getting healed already from the spawn heal..? huh
It's a nightmare. If I try to deal damage, people die from not taking cover. I try to do damage when I can, but it sucks when the group is garbage. I muted text and voice because of you get assholes once and awhile and complain.
2:05 lol you let that Rein die instead of Suzu then heal then swift step away, the Dva was already Discorded so she would've died anyways so you let Rein die FOR NO REASON XD
@@darealkenshi clearly ;). I just found it funny how the video is tips on support, and he missed a very basic heal. That's all the tips are all good lol
Support is now such a hated role, everyone's begging for heals while running head first into a 1v5, playing my usual zen and bap In plat alot of people just shit on the supports cause they died while we have so much to do
Since im pretty new to ow2 and yesterday the toxicness rained down on us (wHaT ArE ThEsE HeAlErS dOiNg) this Video was so neccessary for me :D i love to play moira since you are able to create plays pretty often and you can Support the Team as well. Wish that more Player would unverstand the supporter class instead of running dps and tank like stupid and being mad at us if the other Team is just better
Last night my squad (we 5 bunch noobies) stuck with enemy Reinhart he's so good, then it occurs to me to try Zenyata and Sojourn we both keep focus firing on Reinhart and we finally had a chance to breathe eventually lead to successfully defend the payload.
You’re smashing it on this content man ! Thank you !! My zenyatta has been getting destroyed and I thought I was just screwing up ! Time to hit to practice range and try out some other supports, baptiste perhaps xD
Glad I saw this video now. I'm new to the whole OW/OW2 series and couldn't understand what the support was really meant to do. Trying to support the tank character and then hearing others in my ear saying they need heals was making it really frustrating at first.
I play mostly kiriko and babtiste And then I have brigitte and Ana that I want to learn to make my play style more flexible Lucio is the one I like to play when the others fail cause I played him alot in ow1
It’s not a perfect fix but one of the biggest game changers you can have as a friend on DPS or tank because often times support won’t do well simply by virtue of having nothing to support
There’s too many team mates out there who don’t build a team around other players and just hard stick to one player. They also don’t ever peel to help support out when they’re being targets which sucks sometimes
Why’d you leave your orissa in that clip to help a sojourn going into spawn you would’ve gained more ult charge farming on the orissa then if she dies jumping to sojourn 💀
Playing support is annoying for me. I like helping my team, but no matter how hard I try, i cant carry a bad team. I can hit sleeps, and anti's and I even pressure squishies. But if I go full dps to make up for my trash dps I get flamed. I hate it
I'm a brand new OW player and I like to play support class in other games. I chose Mercy as my first main character well guess what cause she requires less aim than other supports. And I was very surprised how deep you can go while learning character's tools in this game. At first I was a common healing bot who never uses the other beam and dies over and over again. I didn't even know she has a pistol haha. But than I realized that if your teammates are full hp, you need to amplify their damage. I mastered super jump and the force jump as well as line of sight positioning. Now that I feel confident in those basics I use my pistol more often to secure kills in between of amplifying damage/healing and I feel there is much more to learn for me as a Mercy player! I wish I would knew these tips before I started playing :D
Yeah Mercy is middle of the pack difficulty. Moira is the easiest in my opinion. OW 1’s 1-3 star difficulty ratings were inaccurate, which is why I think it’s not in OW 2.
Hot Tip if you play Mercy on controller: Swap the Left Trigger (Resurrection) and Right D-Pad (Weapon change). This will allow you to QUICKLY change from beam to pistol while still being able to move. Resurrection is very situational and you have to stop moving for it anyway, so better to take your thumb off the stick to trigger that move than when trying to swap to the pistol. I've increased my offensive contributions 10-fold since making that change.
When I play Moira and out dps and heal everyone else in the lobby my team always wants to complain that it's my fault they die cuz I don't heal them 24/7
No matter how many kills heals i get the game just puts me with teammates that just started playing the game its no point in even playing ranked if you cant even dps for two seconds without a genji dying
Teammate jumps off highground to feed Teammate is screaming for heals Teammate dies Teammate is tilted Teammate types support diff in chat Silver rank in a nutshell
Fuck him he need to know the map design and the healing locations not your problem same with widow players they far away on high ground spots and want spam healing
prioritize healing your teammates first, after that you do damage/make plays. you’ll have to know what kind of team you’re going against/playing with (this’ll determine your positioning) . the more games you play the more you’ll learn how to play the game to win, you will not win every game so don’t let that frustrate you. as long as you’re winning above 50% of your games you’re climbing ranks
Go into the practice range and just practice moving the reticle up and down, left and right, diagonally to each of the 16 compass points. Do it for a few minutes a day the way a musician practices scales or an artist practices drawing lines and shapes. Do a mix of slow movements and fast movements and somewhere in between. This will teach your brain exactly how to move your thumbs to make the appropriate correction. It is exactly the same process that enables a musician to effortlessly get the appropriate fingering sight reading a piece of music they’ve never seen before, or how an artist is able to draw exactly the shape they wish in one smooth motion. It just requires deliberate practice making the basic motions. More advanced things would be to practice holding your aim on a point as you strafe side to side (and/or jump up and down), and also practicing moving your aim from one point to another whilst moving around. Much like a musician or an artists, each exercise should only take a few minutes, and this warm up need only be 5-10 minutes each day and you will see dramatic improvements over time.
Console player here, search for ana bot training, it was my first training practice before the workshop even existed a few years back and it helped me with my reticle head placement and overall reaction and movement, also play around the aim settings there is is this neat video (kind of old but still good) of all the mumbo jumbo on the console aim settingsвидео.html, but tbh only practice will truly help you, good luck
as a healer main it annoys me when a team mates thinks it a good idea goes on ahead and tries to solo the enemy team by themselves I'm like what you think was going to happen stupid that does incl;due my team amtes running around like headless chickens then complaining I'm not doing my job
Finally an actual guide how to video. So many trash streamers putting "howto" in their titles when it's just gameplay of them dicking around against a team of headless chickens.
I just came back from overwatch after a few years. I've always been a tank/support main and I'm loving baptise. He can really change the tide of the battle with smart plays and awesome synergy with team-mates. I'm in love with immortality field the most. You can save so much team-mates from an ulti if placed correctly. Plus if you played halo, he just naturally vibes with you 😁
I joined in late game on one game as Sigma and started hard carrying the team, at the end I had like 10,000 DMG and 12,000 MIT and I joined in extremely late, but part of my point is I wouldn't have been able to do with without the support guy that was trying his best to carry his crappy team. It's really fun when playing a support and having a tank that carries, or being the tank with that one support. Sometimes the DPS on your team is just that bad it really feels like a Tank/Support only game.
so the five tips to being good at support: #! dont pocket and play the game #2 put yourself in a good place (proceeds to show terrible examples for gameplay) #3 ignore #1 if someone is going good #4 be good at the game/learn your characters funny tech #5 learn how to play your character these arent tips these are vague gestures to support players seemingly made by some bronzie who has no clue what hes doing- keep in mind im not calling anyone bronze but these suggestions are absolutely terrible considering the title is "IMPROVE INSTANTLY" when half of these things wont be instant or contradict themselves, or simply contradict the gameplay being shown, the only good one is "learn how to play your character" and somehow i think thats not going to be an instant thing, you have either got to get some sort of editor to look at your script, gameplay or even title this is undeniably the WORST guide ive ever come across and somehow it feels like it comes from the POV of a dps player even though im sure youre not just a DPS player. stay with the character guides if this is your "generalized tips" for supports or at least go to other people with the script to make sure youre not actually talking nonsense or simply contradicting yourself.
We are getting mostly support and tank heroes for a while. I think the next support should me in season 4 since seasone 2 is a tank. They said every even season will be a new hero for the foreseeable future
I flex every single support (Main Zen) except for Ana, I have a huge issue with hitscanning teammates for heals. I swear I’ve tried watching videos to make my Ana play better but I swear nothing works. The Nano tip was huge tho
I’ve been doing tank placements and. As long as I’ve had plenty of healing and not had to play off health packs we’ve steam rolled with me getting the most kills while prioritizing the correct low health targets and supports to kill on the other team and diving enemies that attack my supports. The only games I’ve lost so far are the two games where my team just couldn’t seem to stay together so I had to play off health packs. This caused me to feed more
I’ve been playing DPS and tank to see what is required of the roles and understand how better to help as a support, and it’s made me realise that as a support you are extremely limited in your playmaking options. A good play from a Sojourn or a Genji can demolish the entire enemy team in seconds, a Tracer or a Sombra can completely disrupt their back line and cause their formation to collapse and get steamrolled. Tanks can stomp out any over aggressive plays by the enemy DPS. As a support you simply can’t make these plays. Sure you can contribute some damage and maybe get a pick, but your tank and DPS characters can do way more than you three times over in half the time. The most helpful thing you can do as a support is to ping flankers so that your more capable team mates can deal with them promptly. Yes, put some damage on the enemy, but always keep your teammates in good shape and they’ll put out three times the damage you could even dream of.
I solo queue mostly and I wish people didn rush ahead my best games are win the tank atleast let's me support him nothing better than leashing a rampaging Dva or winston or a reaper just being a menace and coming to me for heals and getting back at it
This makes no sense we need strong healers not players that focus only on damage. DPS are support, tanks are supporting the team too we need a full healing group adding the term support has been sucking. Tank Damage and HEALS. All support.
I don't know why some people use the word feed on Overwatch. I mean yeah it's important to stay alive because less people alive in your team means more objective points for them. But it's not like they level up or buy things.
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Aye my boy I just finished subscribing to you I got u my guy
As a support main I just wish my team mates had a bit more perspective and were a bit more open minded so they recognize the situations in which it might be close to impossible for me to heal them. Looking at you, Genji, who just wall-climbed, double jumped and dashed over 3 houses and a big wall and now spam pings for heals behind the enemy team...
or those ass holes that are moving around as fast as possible while you dont have lock on heals. Expecting support to heal every time someone is hurt is why I'm playing open queue then swap off support when they complain. You don't get to complain if you never play support...
@@kevin11humor I just tell them once they have more elims and damage than me, I'll start pocketing them. It's always the trashiest player on the team crying about heals.
I can't count how many games I've been dogged on as support by trash dps and tanks. Obviously I can't heal you if you rush into a 1v5 fight. Then at the end of the game they have 2 elims and blame it all on me.
Tell them to use their own feet to keep them alive. One time i told a soldier who was standing in wide open sightlines to use terrain as cover and he was all huurrr duurr lemme just shoot the walls.... top percentile IQs play OW
I dont main support, but when I play support I find myself screaming at every dps and tank that are hiding from me and spamming "i need healing".
Gives me as a dps main some perspective of how I need to position to get healed.
I only get mad at healers that dont know how to heal. Im not even making this up but I was pretty much standing still right next to my ana and she missed her freaking nade. I was 1 hp and it was a 3v2 for us but both of us got killed we lost the fight and objective.
Support is the hardest role to play. You have to worry about survival while being focused, keeping allies alive, providing damage, AND utility. Always blamed, never praised.
I was Zen one match against a sombra, genji and DVA. They all just dived me hard. I did like 3k healing and this dude started talking so much crap to me. He never once turned around the entire game. The next game, I had an amazing tank, I was 8K damage 13k healing lol just shows how blind people are
@@advikdeshmukh805 I agree, sometimes you gotta switch to survive.
I actually won a game as brigitte today (diamond 4) with over 16k healing and 7k dmg and got 4 endorsements, I was so shocked I thought the game has bugged or something lol
@@advikdeshmukh805 more like blizzard needs to give zen an escape or something. He’s the only healer that doesn’t have one.. and no a kick is not good enough lol
@@advikdeshmukh805 bap can jump high AND can heal him self AND can make himself not die.
Ana has a sleep dart and if she misses that she can heal herself.
Zen literally has NOTHING
I like playing support because it adds a metric for performance outside of direct combat. That being said, I'm loving Kiriko for bringing it in direct combat.
Say what you will about frags winning a team fight
*Sustain, and good positioning for supports wins team fights
yesssss dude all my friends hate support for no reason
I love ana bc i love being a sniper and as support its fun
I just wish her knives did more damage!
Kiriko with Moira or mercy have been what I find works best for my group
There's a tip he forgot, which is don't commit self harm, I know how garbage it is to play support right now, but you have to stay strong, someone has to play support!
As a support main, I can’t stress enough that if DPS needs healing they need to come to the support, not the other way around
I would go as far as to say if im dealing more damage while healing the whole team and barely dying/doing more damage then you then maybe you gotta get better. I play Moira so i get this way to much and it makes it impossible to play unranked because no one gets it.
Aside for me agreeing with all the ponts you talked about, this video gave me anxiety when I saw you not healing your team mates lol
I am a support main in almost every game i play, and let me tell you, supports are almost always the most op characters unless they are heavily nerfed in other areas, just because of all the utility they have to enable the teammates, if they have just a bit of capability of fragging, they can enable themselves and carry hard asf. Suports are a key part, a decent support is not the one who heals the most, its the one who helps their teammates getting the most amount of key plays that helos in winning the game. Edit: love your videos, its nice to find that yoy are makig videos for other games than valorant :)
Mercys blaster is SO satisfying because of this!!
What if I dont want to let you tell me?
@@SteakOG420 lol im sure you are capable enough to figure it out on your own.
loved your comment, but it's hard to carry a team who have dps or tanks that are doing the exact opposite of the key plays. t_t and then they just blame you for not healing (ofc you cant overheal a tank who just dived in a 1v5 scenario with DPS who dont event flank, and 2 supports far away to back him up), ROFLMAO.
Yeah well If supports can frag.. then what's the point of dps 😆... Unfortunately, if the dps and tank have no map awareness then it just sucks to play support...
Thank you! I've only started playing Overwatch 2 a couple of days ago and i've been learning a lot thanks to your videos. I love playing support. My main is Kiriko. Back then, i just heal people not recognizing the potential of her headshots. I'm still a rookie with her but my playstyle has improved a lot. I also use Mercy and Brigitte more now because i can't use Kiriko all the time (especially when the other support uses a Moira or a Zen). Thank you so much for the effort in making this videos. Subscribed!
Did anyone see that orisa die at the beginning bc he didn’t heal her 😂😂 would’ve made it back if they got a lil heals
Yup this gameplay is... questionable. He runs ahead of his team most of the time as Kiriko and doesn't turn around to check on their health. Not sure I'll be taking advice from this "not a healer" support player
I like how he had two teammates on critical health and instead of healing them chose to carry on shooting the enemy, letting both his teammates die in the process and having to retreat to the spawn.
Pro gamer moves right there.
Or at the end when he was using his zen ult his reaper was getting murked and he just watched all he had to do was move a little forward 🤣
@@Youngscully yeah but it’s a reaper he deserves it.
Yeah once I saw that I clicked the video off and went to see if anyone noticed as well. He's probably one of those types where the team loses the match but he brags that he has more damage than the dps 😂
I've had a game where I was kirito and our tank was hammy and we kept running into 2v4 and we held down the point for 1:35 and won because I was utilizing climbing and healing from a far while attacking and using the e skill only when hammy was getting really bambarded. The hammy user knew how to move with the character which helped alot to keep him alive as well. Kirito is such a good support once you learn to utilize her skills, attack and movement. Learning Baptiste helped me to take down enemy mercy. Supports are great!
Oh I agree with so many points in here, I'm a support main too and learning more that one support (not even at 100% ) can turn around a losing match, just adding more DPS (Zen, Bap), or having sinergy with a more mobile comp (Moira, Mercy) or using your abilities to negate plays for the enemy (Ana, Kiriko) had helped me win games, I just wish the other players understood this, or even how the different support abilities work, so many times I heard complains form Tanks and Dps alike of not getting heals and there forte losing the match, like, Rein, my pal, understand that if you rush the enemy front lines with your charge WHILE being anti naded not even Jesus himself can save your ass from that one
Now I want Jesus as an Overwatch hero
1:36 is a great example of why I am so constantly frustrated with this game.... look at Kiriko's ammo as that tire approaches... THE GAME ACCEPTS HIS ATTACK AND THEN REVERSES IT BECAUSE HE IS KILLED BY THE TIRE, increasing it back to 4. I am CONSTANTLY running into situations like this despite being on gigabit internet with 35ms. Noregs on headshots from 10 ft away. Abilities vanishing midair if I died as I use them. Being around the corner for 1/4 second only to get headshot. Just constantly losing to latency issues inherent to the game (servers? other players?) and it totally ruins the game experience for me.
shit, support #1 job is to run away from flankers and scream "reaper in back"
When the team stays no where near you and makes you chase them so you’re constantly ganked by assassins 😅
I can’t even rank up every team I get in bronze 4 just pushes and leaves me on obj by myself leading to gengi coming behind like wtf
You're killing these videos Coach, definitely deserve the subs
So many people need to listen to this, the amount of complains I see on Reddit about Support being bad is mind boggling to me, support is so good now, almost to the point of game carrying sometimes. I always get down voted when I point it out.
Great video. There are so many bad non support players in low elo and you really can't listen to them. I started out as a very aggressive moira, NEVER playing OW1 and only played other FPS games for years and originally placed at silver 2. I was STILL doing over 10k healing in a lot of matches where I could heal uncontested by enemy DPS. I had even hit 20k Healing in one match ONLY playing moira. I went a number of matches like 40 and 7 , 30 and 5, playing like this.
The more I listened to the bad players telling me NOT to DPS and kill is when I started LOSING Rank. Support players are NOT healers. They should be thought of as more of a "legendary class" for those familiar with games like WoW. They are the class for players that have GOOD game sense and can multi task. When you focus on just doing the MOST healing out of your team or both teams you are not playing the class at its most efficient. GOOD support players of different rank tiers are always going to have SPLIT dmg and healing other than mercy. If you see a mercy on your team and they are doing 20k healing and you are competent in your bracket your dmg should be 10k and your healing should be 10k . That is how you can tell if a support is actually decent.
If their healing is anywhere close to their dmg they are playing correctly and vice versa.
I don't think the 50/50 split is best way of measuring a good support.
One of the reasons Moira ends up with a lot of healing (other than being the fastest healer in the game) is because she also heals while doing damage. Your secondary racks up 24 per second which counts on the score board. That's half of your grasp damage translated to healing and as long as you throw a healing orb (even if it's just to heal yourself) a third as often as you throw a damage one, you're almost guaranteed as much healing as damage, even if you never use your primary. Generally speaking, you can expect up to a third (or more depending on how you uses her ult and orb) of a Moira's healing to have only gone to her. If you see another Support with 10k Damage and 10k healing, they would have likely contributed more than Moira with the same score (especially because she's one of the few with only damage and healing).
In fact, a Moira with an even split of healing and damage, could have actually done next to no healing for her team. Only using orbs to heal yourself, and only using your ult to snipe enemy heroes can still net you around a 50/50 split.
Not saying that's a common thing though; Moira just happens to be best close-mid range healer in the game and one of the best DPS ones too, so most people are playing her in an impactful way. Mercy on the other hand is a relatively weak healer in terms of raw numbers and has a hard time doing damage (on the score board at least).
Moira is not the only hero like this. Brigitte is easily going to convert around 20% of her maximum possible DPS into healing as long as she's taking some damage. But a Brig can't DPS 100% of the time, and she'll catch at least of few people in her AoE passive, so she can also hit that 50/50 split with just damage. Because the character heals as part of her damage (and that healing passive alone can outpace your damage) it means that she's actually unlikely to ever get that 50/50 split if you're actually using your repair packs. The reality is that a lot supports have stronger healing output than damage output, so 50/50 is not a realistic outcome. Lucio is hard capped at around 65/sec damage if he hits every shot, but can hit 74-230 healing/sec by just existing, so I'm not going to begrudge a Lucio who did more healing than damage.
One of the eye opening things I found playing support in OW2 after playing OW1 support for so long was the impact of dealing damage as a support. While its very difficult to find impact kills as a support (but not impossible, just more difficult than an equivalent DPS hero), sometimes just putting some damage down on the right enemy is enough to give you quite a bit of space.
Think about it this way: there's a Genji on the other team and you're playing Ana. If that Genji gets on top of you at full hp, you're in big trouble. Genji absolutely has the advantage over Ana up close in a duel and he has the mobility to get to you no matter where you are. However, if that Genji is half hp, the calculus of the situation is very different. At 100 hp, it takes alot less to kill that Genji as Ana, the duel is not stacked in his favour as much and you can get him that low or even lower, with just a couple well placed rifle shots. Alot of Genji's will simply look to get healed back up in this situation, which buys you time to make another play. So, even tho your team may tell you that as a support you should only be healing, shoot that damn Genji, you won't regret it. And ping him too, so maybe your brain dead dps will shoot him as well.
0:47 doesn't heal orisa (why..?), instead tps back to spawn (which is fine), but then heals someone who's getting healed already from the spawn heal..? huh
It's a nightmare. If I try to deal damage, people die from not taking cover. I try to do damage when I can, but it sucks when the group is garbage. I muted text and voice because of you get assholes once and awhile and complain.
my favourite part of branching out in my hero picks is my team still always having a mercy 💀
2:05 lol you let that Rein die instead of Suzu then heal then swift step away, the Dva was already Discorded so she would've died anyways so you let Rein die FOR NO REASON XD
He also let the orisa die at 1:00 lol definitely could've healed her a bit then swift stepped into spawn.
@@ontoshere nobodys perfect bro, they'll be ight lol
@@darealkenshi clearly ;). I just found it funny how the video is tips on support, and he missed a very basic heal. That's all the tips are all good lol
You pointed a lot of fundamentals tips in this video and I thank you for that , I will for sure improve
Ayyo, was that THE CLAYUPAY.
Sweet Vid Mills... gunna watch again and try being support.
this helped so much someone called me an autistic kid because i was griefing
the cut at 7:06 cracked me up. I am sure you ended up just fine
It hurts my soul to see so many team mates at critical health while you hold LMB at the enemies
use your healing orb
Got my first play of the game as Kiriko today!
"They are supports not healers"...
Yet the game relies on pockets and healing more than support abilities....
Support is now such a hated role, everyone's begging for heals while running head first into a 1v5, playing my usual zen and bap In plat alot of people just shit on the supports cause they died while we have so much to do
I used to chill in master, now i cant get out of gold. the struggle is real
Nothing feels better than being a Moira main and dropping 15k heals and 10k damage and receiving an endorsement from your whole team lmfao
Since im pretty new to ow2 and yesterday the toxicness rained down on us (wHaT ArE ThEsE HeAlErS dOiNg) this Video was so neccessary for me :D i love to play moira since you are able to create plays pretty often and you can Support the Team as well. Wish that more Player would unverstand the supporter class instead of running dps and tank like stupid and being mad at us if the other Team is just better
Last night my squad (we 5 bunch noobies) stuck with enemy Reinhart he's so good, then it occurs to me to try Zenyata and Sojourn we both keep focus firing on Reinhart and we finally had a chance to breathe eventually lead to successfully defend the payload.
You’re smashing it on this content man ! Thank you !! My zenyatta has been getting destroyed and I thought I was just screwing up ! Time to hit to practice range and try out some other supports, baptiste perhaps xD
Glad I saw this video now. I'm new to the whole OW/OW2 series and couldn't understand what the support was really meant to do. Trying to support the tank character and then hearing others in my ear saying they need heals was making it really frustrating at first.
I play mostly kiriko and babtiste
And then I have brigitte and Ana that I want to learn to make my play style more flexible
Lucio is the one I like to play when the others fail cause I played him alot in ow1
It’s not a perfect fix but one of the biggest game changers you can have as a friend on DPS or tank because often times support won’t do well simply by virtue of having nothing to support
There’s too many team mates out there who don’t build a team around other players and just hard stick to one player. They also don’t ever peel to help support out when they’re being targets which sucks sometimes
This video is perfection. Came in prepared to be defensive. Agreed with every point. Felt validating af.
Why’d you leave your orissa in that clip to help a sojourn going into spawn you would’ve gained more ult charge farming on the orissa then if she dies jumping to sojourn 💀
Playing support is annoying for me. I like helping my team, but no matter how hard I try, i cant carry a bad team. I can hit sleeps, and anti's and I even pressure squishies. But if I go full dps to make up for my trash dps I get flamed. I hate it
Found the Zen main
I can only carry with brigitte.
@@teeman9266 I feel for him. Just got flamed multiple times in a row today being zen.
I'm a brand new OW player and I like to play support class in other games. I chose Mercy as my first main character well guess what cause she requires less aim than other supports. And I was very surprised how deep you can go while learning character's tools in this game.
At first I was a common healing bot who never uses the other beam and dies over and over again. I didn't even know she has a pistol haha. But than I realized that if your teammates are full hp, you need to amplify their damage. I mastered super jump and the force jump as well as line of sight positioning. Now that I feel confident in those basics I use my pistol more often to secure kills in between of amplifying damage/healing and I feel there is much more to learn for me as a Mercy player!
I wish I would knew these tips before I started playing :D
Yeah Mercy is middle of the pack difficulty. Moira is the easiest in my opinion. OW 1’s 1-3 star difficulty ratings were inaccurate, which is why I think it’s not in OW 2.
Hot Tip if you play Mercy on controller: Swap the Left Trigger (Resurrection) and Right D-Pad (Weapon change). This will allow you to QUICKLY change from beam to pistol while still being able to move. Resurrection is very situational and you have to stop moving for it anyway, so better to take your thumb off the stick to trigger that move than when trying to swap to the pistol. I've increased my offensive contributions 10-fold since making that change.
Fantastic videos!! So useful!
When I play Moira and out dps and heal everyone else in the lobby my team always wants to complain that it's my fault they die cuz I don't heal them 24/7
No matter how many kills heals i get the game just puts me with teammates that just started playing the game its no point in even playing ranked if you cant even dps for two seconds without a genji dying
I have been doing this since overwatch 1 and catch loads of flak, especially in competitive for not healing on the spot
Teammate jumps off highground to feed
Teammate is screaming for heals
Teammate dies
Teammate is tilted
Teammate types support diff in chat
Silver rank in a nutshell
genji: I need healing
Me whos across the map from him: i cant
genji: I need healing
Fuck him he need to know the map design and the healing locations not your problem same with widow players they far away on high ground spots and want spam healing
prioritize healing your teammates first, after that you do damage/make plays. you’ll have to know what kind of team you’re going against/playing with (this’ll determine your positioning) . the more games you play the more you’ll learn how to play the game to win, you will not win every game so don’t let that frustrate you. as long as you’re winning above 50% of your games you’re climbing ranks
lucio and reinhardt are the best 1-2 punch, you cant convince me ortherwise
0:50 bro wtf heal your Orisa
me scoping the enemy reinhardt to sleep from 100 miles
watching your game play makes me think you aren't that great at support my guy
Top 500 Peak in OW1 but I'm rusty for sure
Suscribed Bro, your tips are really helpfull 👍
Best way to have impact as support:
Play Zen
Click heads (lead the shot)
0:40 what are u doing 😂😂 u just killed ur orisa and sojourn
What you did to that soldier was dirty 😂
shiiit man i got a video recommend from you it's been a long time my dude
Any tips or training codes for a console player whose thumbs are apparently too heavy to learn how to properly aim with Ana?
Go into the practice range and just practice moving the reticle up and down, left and right, diagonally to each of the 16 compass points. Do it for a few minutes a day the way a musician practices scales or an artist practices drawing lines and shapes. Do a mix of slow movements and fast movements and somewhere in between. This will teach your brain exactly how to move your thumbs to make the appropriate correction. It is exactly the same process that enables a musician to effortlessly get the appropriate fingering sight reading a piece of music they’ve never seen before, or how an artist is able to draw exactly the shape they wish in one smooth motion. It just requires deliberate practice making the basic motions.
More advanced things would be to practice holding your aim on a point as you strafe side to side (and/or jump up and down), and also practicing moving your aim from one point to another whilst moving around.
Much like a musician or an artists, each exercise should only take a few minutes, and this warm up need only be 5-10 minutes each day and you will see dramatic improvements over time.
Console player here, search for ana bot training, it was my first training practice before the workshop even existed a few years back and it helped me with my reticle head placement and overall reaction and movement, also play around the aim settings there is is this neat video (kind of old but still good) of all the mumbo jumbo on the console aim settingsвидео.html, but tbh only practice will truly help you, good luck
"Ana-lyse" 🤦♂🤦♂OOF! I think someone is getting too Brig for their boots!
nice vid.
i would like to see a video for the best positions on every map as support.
especially Ana and Bap :)
as a healer main it annoys me when a team mates thinks it a good idea goes on ahead and tries to solo the enemy team by themselves I'm like what you think was going to happen stupid
that does incl;due my team amtes running around like headless chickens then complaining I'm not doing my job
Mills has been pumping out content. Love to see it.
Playing support is fun. I just tilt when no one plays dps correctly and never cap lol
Finally an actual guide how to video. So many trash streamers putting "howto" in their titles when it's just gameplay of them dicking around against a team of headless chickens.
Us support mains are the backbone of each game :D
I just came back from overwatch after a few years. I've always been a tank/support main and I'm loving baptise. He can really change the tide of the battle with smart plays and awesome synergy with team-mates. I'm in love with immortality field the most. You can save so much team-mates from an ulti if placed correctly. Plus if you played halo, he just naturally vibes with you 😁
He is the only Support I really play. Best main gun in the game.
@@ryanperrault8174 oh yeah sure, it just feels satisfying getting those headshots
lol he said “topped off”
I play Moira for support cuz ofc u don't have to aim but it's also fun for me and no i don't do only DPS (balancing both healing and DPS👍🏻)
i love playing support haha. i know alot of people dont, so i like making sure im doing my jobs right lol
Funny how he doesn't mention bap or kiriko and gives no examples or tips with them
Oh ok, I'm overthere thinking I was a bad support, and actually my friends are pretty bad at killing 🤡🤡🤡
I fucking hate support, yet I always end up playing support in comp.
I joined in late game on one game as Sigma and started hard carrying the team, at the end I had like 10,000 DMG and 12,000 MIT and I joined in extremely late, but part of my point is I wouldn't have been able to do with without the support guy that was trying his best to carry his crappy team.
It's really fun when playing a support and having a tank that carries, or being the tank with that one support. Sometimes the DPS on your team is just that bad it really feels like a Tank/Support only game.
so the five tips to being good at support:
#! dont pocket and play the game
#2 put yourself in a good place (proceeds to show terrible examples for gameplay)
#3 ignore #1 if someone is going good
#4 be good at the game/learn your characters funny tech
#5 learn how to play your character
these arent tips these are vague gestures to support players seemingly made by some bronzie who has no clue what hes doing- keep in mind im not calling anyone bronze but these suggestions are absolutely terrible considering the title is "IMPROVE INSTANTLY" when half of these things wont be instant or contradict themselves, or simply contradict the gameplay being shown, the only good one is "learn how to play your character" and somehow i think thats not going to be an instant thing, you have either got to get some sort of editor to look at your script, gameplay or even title this is undeniably the WORST guide ive ever come across and somehow it feels like it comes from the POV of a dps player even though im sure youre not just a DPS player. stay with the character guides if this is your "generalized tips" for supports or at least go to other people with the script to make sure youre not actually talking nonsense or simply contradicting yourself.
Would you possibly consider making a video like this for tanks? This video was really helpful
on it!
I also would appreciate a tank video, I play quie as any role so I always end up support or tank
Noob question,I unlocked bastion but he’s nowhere to be found when it’s time to pick a hero,he’s he even in the game ?
They need more support heroes. Crazy that we need two every group and they only have a handful of them.
We are getting mostly support and tank heroes for a while. I think the next support should me in season 4 since seasone 2 is a tank. They said every even season will be a new hero for the foreseeable future
I see a lot of moiras that go in alone in the back line and die. Like fade is good but not that good.
I flex every single support (Main Zen) except for Ana, I have a huge issue with hitscanning teammates for heals. I swear I’ve tried watching videos to make my Ana play better but I swear nothing works. The Nano tip was huge tho
You got my sub!, I've been getting a lot of help from your videos since getting back into the game. Keep up the good work👍
4:19 lol
i cannot take anything you say about this subject seriously after watching you ignore that poor dying orisa
6:32 BM 🤣
You know,its friggin hilarious that when me and my friend play damage or tank,we fuckkng suck.but when we both carry the game. What does that say?
I’ve been doing tank placements and. As long as I’ve had plenty of healing and not had to play off health packs we’ve steam rolled with me getting the most kills while prioritizing the correct low health targets and supports to kill on the other team and diving enemies that attack my supports. The only games I’ve lost so far are the two games where my team just couldn’t seem to stay together so I had to play off health packs. This caused me to feed more
I’ve been playing DPS and tank to see what is required of the roles and understand how better to help as a support, and it’s made me realise that as a support you are extremely limited in your playmaking options. A good play from a Sojourn or a Genji can demolish the entire enemy team in seconds, a Tracer or a Sombra can completely disrupt their back line and cause their formation to collapse and get steamrolled. Tanks can stomp out any over aggressive plays by the enemy DPS. As a support you simply can’t make these plays. Sure you can contribute some damage and maybe get a pick, but your tank and DPS characters can do way more than you three times over in half the time. The most helpful thing you can do as a support is to ping flankers so that your more capable team mates can deal with them promptly.
Yes, put some damage on the enemy, but always keep your teammates in good shape and they’ll put out three times the damage you could even dream of.
I physically cant win 1v1s as dps
No way as DPS tanks have more health and healers have heals lol
Kinda hard with dumb teammates
I’m curious what everyone here mains on support. My play is usually centered around Mercy, Brig, and Ana.
Mercy, Ana and Kiriko
Coach mills ! Thank you so much for this ! I appreciate you
I solo queue mostly and I wish people didn rush ahead my best games are win the tank atleast let's me support him nothing better than leashing a rampaging Dva or winston or a reaper just being a menace and coming to me for heals and getting back at it
Honestly bruh I’m just sick of doing more damage than my dps as support while still having the most healing in the game 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
I'm only played OW2 21h and have 15h in Lucio, works every time fine. :D
Mute "X" from dps would be helpful.
This makes no sense we need strong healers not players that focus only on damage. DPS are support, tanks are supporting the team too we need a full healing group adding the term support has been sucking. Tank Damage and HEALS. All support.
r u playing the 7ds soundtrack in the background
I don't know why some people use the word feed on Overwatch. I mean yeah it's important to stay alive because less people alive in your team means more objective points for them. But it's not like they level up or buy things.