Announcement of two public lectures 13th & 14th May @7PM Free Entry

  • Опубликовано: 8 май 2024
  • Implication Of Gaza For The World Of Islam & For World Politics Monday 13th May AT 7PM
    Antisemitism & Freedom Of Speech - Tuesday 14th May at 7PM
    Crown Banqueting Suite 182 Cranbrook Road Ilford, Essex London
    (Free Event)

Комментарии • 18

  • @silverwolf1075
    @silverwolf1075 2 месяца назад +2

    Wow, two great speakers of truth !!! What a duo !!!!

    • @ahmd-mi9964
      @ahmd-mi9964 2 месяца назад

      Ken O Keef although has said great things but he was credibly accused of mishandling funds, so I would proceed with caution which is the Islamic way anyway in'sh'allah 🙏may Allah SWT guide us all and him, ameen

  • @user-dh7nk6ee8h
    @user-dh7nk6ee8h 2 месяца назад

    Allah is with me my friend my teacher the whole world 🌎 if they come together they can't harm me no problem let them have their moment I wanna see what they can do

  • @jahanzebmughal5561
    @jahanzebmughal5561 2 месяца назад

    These are vital topics in today's world..both the situation of Gaza and the topic of antisemitism..May Allah bless you..

    • @albech9659
      @albech9659 Месяц назад

      Watch Europa the last battle

  • @Therealprojectbaby
    @Therealprojectbaby Месяц назад

    Salaamu Walakum, I think I have asked the question before but I will ask again. Sheikh Hosein have you hear of the Moorish Science Temple of America, INC. Or Prophet Noble Drew Ali, or the Ancient Moorish Empire of which ruled Spain for 800 years?

  • @Extra-Celestial7
    @Extra-Celestial7 2 месяца назад

    I'll eagerly awaits it.

  • @salehisourah1231
    @salehisourah1231 Месяц назад

    Hello dear Sheikh , are you still in London ? How can we meet you ? Thank you

  • @Lessons4Life
    @Lessons4Life 2 месяца назад

    InshaAllah see you there with a camera

  • @dudedebonair
    @dudedebonair 2 месяца назад

    Shaikh plz address the Issue of Muslims in India who are persecuted oppressed by Hate Politics of RSSS & Modi

  • @crazysa007
    @crazysa007 2 месяца назад


  • @yasmin.8105
    @yasmin.8105 2 месяца назад

    Who owns Hagia Sophia?
    The Hagia Sophia in Turkey was built by the Romans and they owned it. So it was Imran Hussain's supremely honest(?) idea to hand it over to the Romans, Russia.
    Now let's see if this concept and argument is correct...
    When the Muslims transgressed and sinned, their enemies, the Romans and the Greeks, would occupy and rule over them.
    But when the Muslims turn away from their sins and turn to the right path, then Allah will give them the power and strength to repel their enemies.
    In that way, the Muslims drove out their enemies, the Romans, from their land.
    After disposing of the enemies, the land and everything in it belongs to the Muslims.
    An example...
    Someone has encroached on your land and is occupying it illegally, he has also built a big building on that land and has been living there for many years.
    No matter how many years he lived in that land, shall we consider it as his own land?
    No! On the contrary, it was the place he had unjustly occupied!
    After that, when you, the victim, have the opportunity and the power to drive him out, will you drive him out and settle in that place?
    He said to him, "You have been here for many years. And you have built a big building with desire. So you stay here" will you say to him? Won't you..
    Similarly, the British ruled our Indian country for many years. Then they built many buildings in many towns. Till now we are using many of those buildings as government offices in our country.
    Although it was the British who built those buildings, since they built them on our soil, they all became our country's property after they left here.
    Constantinople is just as foolish as it would be to bring back those who left and hand over our country and those buildings to them, claiming that they were all theirs because they were built by the British, handing Hagia Sophia over to Russia and the Nazarenes!The Romans encroached on the land belonging to the Muslim Banu Israel and built the Hagia Sophia there.
    After they were driven out by the Muslims who owned the land, the land and the buildings on it belonged to the Muslims!
    That is why since the early days of Islam, Muslims have fought and eventually succeeded in reclaiming that region.
    After that, in 1924 the land went to Jewish mercenaries. It was then that they converted the Hagia Sophia from a mosque to a museum.
    After that, after 100 years now that land has come back to Muslims through Erdogan.
    So Erdogan turned it back into a mosque in 2020 to announce to the world that the land belongs to Muslims.
    Through this, Erdogan has proved that he is a true Muslim.
    Not only that, but even now he has severed all commercial links between Israel and Turkey.
    All these actions of his are indicative of the fact that he is the Caliph of today.
    Apart from that, due to his brave actions against the enemies, it can be felt that his life and position are in danger.
    Whenever his life or position was taken away by the enemy, it meant that Constantinople was abandoned by the Muslims.
    After that in a few years the land will be conquered again by Imam Mahdi (a.s.). That is, Rome will be conquered!
    Then the Nazarenes, the Romans who wage war against the Imams, will be defeated and dispersed.
    Victory to the believers!
    الٓمّٓ ‏
    Alif, Lam, Mem.
    (Quran: 30:1)
    غُلِبَتِ الرُّوْمُۙ‏
    Rome had failed.
    (Quran: 30:2)
    فِىْۤ اَدْنَى الْاَرْضِ وَهُمْ مِّنْ بَعْدِ غَلَبِهِمْ سَيَغْلِبُوْنَۙ
    Near Earth; But they (the Romans) would soon be victorious after their defeat.
    (Quran: 30:3)
    فِىْ بِضْعِ سِنِيْنَ لِلّهِ الْاَمْرُ مِنْ قَبْلُ وَمِنْ بَعْدُ وَيَوْمَٮِٕذٍ يَّفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُوْنَ ۙ‏
    Within a few years! Before (this) and (this) after, the power (of success or failure) belongs to Allah; On that day (the Romans will be victorious) the believers will rejoice.
    (Quran: 30:4)
    بِنَصْرِ اللّٰهِ‌ يَنْصُرُ مَنْ يَّشَآءُ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيْزُ الرَّحِيْمُۙ‏
    By the help of Allah (victory); It is He who helps those who seek it - and He is overpowering (everyone); Very gracious.
    (Quran: 30:5)
    This is the promise of Allah; Allah never fails in His promises. But most of the people do not know (this).
    (Quran: 30:6)
    Sadaqallahul Aleem!
    (Read full post...
    #Ark named Attabooth

    • @Afthab19
      @Afthab19 2 месяца назад +2

      Yes , even I am from India and I see British buildings used by us , but that premise doesn't hold so in case of Hagia Sophia because it's a theological one
      Just read the eyewitness accounts of conquest of Constantinople on 29th May 1453 , it's not the way Muslims behave moreover the 21 year old sultan didn't knew any better
      Erdogan didn't even open his mouth for a few days after the attack , he is a politician doing what necessitates his chair

    • @fatmawati4281
      @fatmawati4281 2 месяца назад +1

      If you say Erdogan is the true Khalifah, why Turkey is still part of NATO until today? Is true Khalifah build alliance with Zionism?

    • @yasmin.8105
      @yasmin.8105 2 месяца назад

      ​@@fatmawati4281What is happening in Palestine? (Part 9):
      3) Enemies who weakened Turkey:
      Turkey and Saudi Arabia were the biggest headache for the enemies who divided the Islamic countries under one leadership into many leaderships.
      Because Saudi is a wealthy country; Turkey is a strong military country. Wealth and military strength combine to wreak havoc on the enemy. This will lead to the expulsion of the Jews from the Middle East. In order to prevent that situation from ever happening, the enemies have been making many intrigues and fitsna in the matter of those two countries for years.
      First of all, let's look at the tactics of the enemy against Turkey.
      The Allies planned to somehow bring down the Ottoman Caliphate. The Allies were Britain, France, Russia and Serbia.
      Abdul Hamid II was the Caliph of the Ottoman Empire at that time. When they negotiated with the caliph to allow the Jews to settle officially in Palestine, the caliph, who did not accept it, firmly stated that he would not "give even a handful of Palestine to the Jews."
      Thus the Jews, along with the Allies, started conspiring against the Caliph and to overthrow the Caliphate. At first they made several attempts to kill the Caliph. But they met with failure in their efforts.
      So they formed revolts against the Caliph's rule. The person they stopped for this was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk!
      Who is Mustafa Kamal Adad Turk?
      This person is Jewish. Born in Greece, he belongs to the crypto-Jews. Mustafa Kamal was born in Donme, Greece.
      These Donme Jews sought refuge in Turkey in the 16th century. Within a few years they all started identifying themselves as Muslims. Outwardly posing as Muslims, they followed the 17th century false Jewish apostle Sabbatai Zewi.
      .Mustafa Kemal, a member of this secret Jewish group, aims to make Turkey a secular country under the guise of 'Turkish Nationalism'!
      The Allies, the Imperialists and the Jewish Zionists, chose Mustafa Kemal and gave him many trainings to enter the Ottoman Empire.
      Accordingly, he disguised himself as a Muslim and united his Toyanme cohorts to form a new party called the "Republic of Turkey". And to hide his identity as Doyanme, he added "Ata Turk" (Father of Turkey) after his name.
      He was tasked with inciting the local population against the Ottoman Caliphate and engaged in rebellions through his party. And Caliph Abdul Hamid II caused many fitnas and revolts to force them to abdicate.
      As a result, the Khalifa was deposed in 1909.
      Sounds like you've heard a similar story somewhere before?
      Yes.. Similar incidents happened during the Caliphate of Uthman (RA).
      A Jewish hypocrite named Mustafa Kamal was responsible for the massive Fitnah to overthrow the Ottoman Caliphate. He saw the insidious work only from the Muslim cloak.
      Likewise, Ibn Saba, a Jew who did Fitnahs against the Caliphate of Uthman (ra) .. He also did those Fitnahs wearing the cloak of Muslim and divided the Islamic community into two factions.
      As a result, Uthman (RA) was killed.
      They tried to kill Abdul Hameed II.. As it was not possible, they deprived him of his position.
      Thus, after the removal of Abdul Hameed, who was attached to the land of Palestine, the three who took office acted incompetently like mere puppets. Then the First World War started. The Ottoman Caliphate was overthrown by the Allies at the end of the war. After that, Mustafa Kemal was elected as the President of Turkey.
      The overthrow of the Khilafat came as a shock to many Muslims. Muslims living in India and Egypt were especially worried about this. So the delegations from these two countries requested Mustafa Kamal to form a new Caliphate based on Islam. Although he had the authority to do so, he rejected their request. He also declared Turkey a secular democracy.
      After that, he started introducing western cultures in Turkey. He closed down many madrasas. In response, he established schools that taught Western education.
      As he hated the Arabic language and Arab cultures, he did many works to eradicate the Arabic language in Turkey.
      He said that the Qur'an should not be recited in Arabic and translated it into Turkish and Latin and told the people to recite it only.
      And he ordered the alims not to recite any duas in Arabic. In general, he made many such efforts to make the Arabic language, in which the Qur'an was revealed, disappear in Turkey. And he did many more works to eradicate Islamic cultures completely.
      Also, in 1925, he enacted a law called the Cap Act. The law made it compulsory for all men to wear hats.
      Before that, Abdul Hamid II made the fez turban a Turkish symbol. A fez is a red headdress. It has a black tassel.
      But Mustafa Kamal banned the wearing of the fez and made it compulsory to wear a western-style hat. In particular, he made hats like those used by Jews compulsory in Turkey.
      It is that Jewish culture that has spread to the Muslims of the world until now. Jewish culture has permeated Muslims to such an extent that the prayer must be performed only by wearing the hat. The hat used by Muslims is called a kippah by Jews. It is the Kippah of the Jews that Muslims have been using until now. It was Mustafa Kamal who spread this Jewish cultural dress among the Muslims.
      Next, in the name of modernizing Turkey, he allowed many things in Turkey that Islam prohibited.. (as the Saudi government is doing now).
      He died in 1938 after making all these anti-Islamic regimes. After his death, members of his Jewish race continued to ascend the throne.
      Turkey was the first Islamic country to recognize Israel as a separate state after the anarchist establishment of Israel in 1948 by the Jews. Since then, Turkey has been on friendly terms with Israel.
      Not only that, Turkey joined NATO in 1952 with America, a close friend of the Jews.
      By and large, the Jews who ruled Turkey under Muslim guise were pro-Israel.
      Finally God made a change in Turkey again.
      God removed the Jewish rule in Turkey under Muslim guise and gave the rulership of that area to a Muslim.
      The First World War began in 1914 to completely overthrow the Ottoman Caliphate after Abdul Hamid II was deposed, adamant that he would "not give even an inch of Palestine to the Jews". As a result of that war, the Ottoman Caliphate was overthrown.
      Exactly 100 years later, according to God's promise, "I will let the times revolve between you", the ruling power of Turkey has returned to a member of the family of Abdul Hamid II.
      Yes! Erdogan who has been ruling Turkey since 2014 is none other than... He was the great grandson of Abdul Hamid II!
      (To be continued, Insha Allah)
      #Ark named Attabooth.

    • @yasmin.8105
      @yasmin.8105 2 месяца назад

      ​@@fatmawati4281What is happening in Palestine? (Part 9):
      3) Enemies who weakened Turkey:
      Turkey and Saudi Arabia were the biggest headache for the enemies who divided the Islamic countries under one leadership into many leaderships.
      Because Saudi is a wealthy country; Turkey is a strong military country. Wealth and military strength combine to wreak havoc on the enemy. This will lead to the expulsion of the Jews from the Middle East. In order to prevent that situation from ever happening, the enemies have been making many intrigues and fitsna in the matter of those two countries for years.
      First of all, let's look at the tactics of the enemy against Turkey.
      The Allies planned to somehow bring down the Ottoman Caliphate. The Allies were Britain, France, Russia and Serbia.
      Abdul Hamid II was the Caliph of the Ottoman Empire at that time. When they negotiated with the caliph to allow the Jews to settle officially in Palestine, the caliph, who did not accept it, firmly stated that he would not "give even a handful of Palestine to the Jews."
      Thus the Jews, along with the Allies, started conspiring against the Caliph and to overthrow the Caliphate. At first they made several attempts to kill the Caliph. But they met with failure in their efforts.
      So they formed revolts against the Caliph's rule. The person they stopped for this was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk!
      Who is Mustafa Kamal Adad Turk?
      This person is Jewish. Born in Greece, he belongs to the crypto-Jews. Mustafa Kamal was born in Donme, Greece.
      These Donme Jews sought refuge in Turkey in the 16th century. Within a few years they all started identifying themselves as Muslims. Outwardly posing as Muslims, they followed the 17th century false Jewish apostle Sabbatai Zewi.
      .Mustafa Kemal, a member of this secret Jewish group, aims to make Turkey a secular country under the guise of 'Turkish Nationalism'!
      The Allies, the Imperialists and the Jewish Zionists, chose Mustafa Kemal and gave him many trainings to enter the Ottoman Empire.
      Accordingly, he disguised himself as a Muslim and united his Toyanme cohorts to form a new party called the "Republic of Turkey". And to hide his identity as Doyanme, he added "Ata Turk" (Father of Turkey) after his name.
      He was tasked with inciting the local population against the Ottoman Caliphate and engaged in rebellions through his party. And Caliph Abdul Hamid II caused many fitnas and revolts to force them to abdicate.
      As a result, the Khalifa was deposed in 1909.
      Sounds like you've heard a similar story somewhere before?
      Yes.. Similar incidents happened during the Caliphate of Uthman (RA).
      A Jewish hypocrite named Mustafa Kamal was responsible for the massive Fitnah to overthrow the Ottoman Caliphate. He saw the insidious work only from the Muslim cloak.
      Likewise, Ibn Saba, a Jew who did Fitnahs against the Caliphate of Uthman (ra) .. He also did those Fitnahs wearing the cloak of Muslim and divided the Islamic community into two factions.
      As a result, Uthman (RA) was killed.
      They tried to kill Abdul Hameed II.. As it was not possible, they deprived him of his position.
      Thus, after the removal of Abdul Hameed, who was attached to the land of Palestine, the three who took office acted incompetently like mere puppets. Then the First World War started. The Ottoman Caliphate was overthrown by the Allies at the end of the war. After that, Mustafa Kemal was elected as the President of Turkey.
      The overthrow of the Khilafat came as a shock to many Muslims. Muslims living in India and Egypt were especially worried about this. So the delegations from these two countries requested Mustafa Kamal to form a new Caliphate based on Islam. Although he had the authority to do so, he rejected their request. He also declared Turkey a secular democracy.
      After that, he started introducing western cultures in Turkey. He closed down many madrasas. In response, he established schools that taught Western education.
      As he hated the Arabic language and Arab cultures, he did many works to eradicate the Arabic language in Turkey.
      He said that the Qur'an should not be recited in Arabic and translated it into Turkish and Latin and told the people to recite it only.
      And he ordered the alims not to recite any duas in Arabic. In general, he made many such efforts to make the Arabic language, in which the Qur'an was revealed, disappear in Turkey. And he did many more works to eradicate Islamic cultures completely.
      Also, in 1925, he enacted a law called the Cap Act. The law made it compulsory for all men to wear hats.
      Before that, Abdul Hamid II made the fez turban a Turkish symbol. A fez is a red headdress. It has a black tassel.
      But Mustafa Kamal banned the wearing of the fez and made it compulsory to wear a western-style hat. In particular, he made hats like those used by Jews compulsory in Turkey.
      It is that Jewish culture that has spread to the Muslims of the world until now. Jewish culture has permeated Muslims to such an extent that the prayer must be performed only by wearing the hat. The hat used by Muslims is called a kippah by Jews. It is the Kippah of the Jews that Muslims have been using until now. It was Mustafa Kamal who spread this Jewish cultural dress among the Muslims.
      Next, in the name of modernizing Turkey, he allowed many things in Turkey that Islam prohibited.. (as the Saudi government is doing now).
      He died in 1938 after making all these anti-Islamic regimes. After his death, members of his Jewish race continued to ascend the throne.
      Turkey was the first Islamic country to recognize Israel as a separate state after the anarchist establishment of Israel in 1948 by the Jews. Since then, Turkey has been on friendly terms with Israel.
      Not only that, Turkey joined NATO in 1952 with America, a close friend of the Jews.
      By and large, the Jews who ruled Turkey under Muslim guise were pro-Israel.
      Finally God made a change in Turkey again.
      God removed the Jewish rule in Turkey under Muslim guise and gave the rulership of that area to a Muslim.
      The First World War began in 1914 to completely overthrow the Ottoman Caliphate after Abdul Hamid II was deposed, adamant that he would "not give even an inch of Palestine to the Jews". As a result of that war, the Ottoman Caliphate was overthrown.
      Exactly 100 years later, according to God's promise, "I will let the times revolve between you", the ruling power of Turkey has returned to a member of the family of Abdul Hamid II.
      Yes! Erdogan who has been ruling Turkey since 2014 is none other than... He was the great grandson of Abdul Hamid II!
      (To be continued, Insha Allah)
      #Ark named Attabooth.

  • @MuhammadAli-vp7qt
    @MuhammadAli-vp7qt 2 месяца назад

    Where is the lecture of 6th May ?
    Why has the lecture until now not been uploaded ?
    Or was the lecture canceld..