At least for me, this doesn't seem to help in any way. I can just measure the straight dimensions, put it in a CAD software and let the computer deal with calculating all the difficult surfaces. In rare cases I can just take a picture and use it as canvas in CAD. I do a lot of models with required tolerance of 0.1mm and so far digital caliper, metal ruler and radius gauges is all I ever needed.
It sounds to me like you have a pretty solid system for dealing with these curves, so this NeoRulerGO might not be that useful for you. I don't have your level of comfort in CAD programs and I don't need 0.1mm accuracy for most of my projects, so for me it's much faster to use the rolling measure to get a very close number in about 30 seconds. I also like bringing it with me to stores so I can take quick measurements on the fly. Thanks for watching!
At least for me, this doesn't seem to help in any way. I can just measure the straight dimensions, put it in a CAD software and let the computer deal with calculating all the difficult surfaces. In rare cases I can just take a picture and use it as canvas in CAD. I do a lot of models with required tolerance of 0.1mm and so far digital caliper, metal ruler and radius gauges is all I ever needed.
It sounds to me like you have a pretty solid system for dealing with these curves, so this NeoRulerGO might not be that useful for you. I don't have your level of comfort in CAD programs and I don't need 0.1mm accuracy for most of my projects, so for me it's much faster to use the rolling measure to get a very close number in about 30 seconds. I also like bringing it with me to stores so I can take quick measurements on the fly. Thanks for watching!