I use a Tuplar T7 20.5, RTX 3060, Intel core I7, 1TB ssd, 16 GB of ram, 144hertz refresh rate 17.3" screen gaming laptop. I get about usually 100+ fps in UEFN if it's only running and on lower graphics, It goes down to more 50-100 if I have a live session open (depending on graphic settings of UEFN and the session). It gets the job done pretty well. Same with rendering out thumbnails in Blender and videos in DaVinci Resolve. It isn't a nasa computer or anything but it works. This is the closest I can find on amazon right now. www.amazon.co.uk/TULPAR-T7-V20-6-1920X1080-LED-Display/dp/B0CCJD41FC/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=520BMNNRU97I&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FqzucIiJIFpuSjy18P8lBQ.8Kfhalk5sUFVLAyuWk7ThXBGETHQoSeOQ7E-LaU7xpU&dib_tag=se&keywords=tulpar+t7+v20.6&qid=1720113541&sprefix=tulpar+t7%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
Bro this is some awesome advice i lov UEFN videos thanks for the help!
Good Video. Needed that color blind tip made things a lot easier to see. Also I think Ctrl+Y will redo something.
I forgot about redo! That is true!
@@howtwoboss yea I don’t think I’ve used it once, but someone might.
Amazing! keep up the good work
pff man, the paste here .... i was searching for this !!! thanks millions ! do you know how can i make players walk instead of running all time?
Make a mutator zone, cover wherever you want the players to walk, set movement speed to really low and the player can only walk!
@@howtwoboss movement speed is in mutator ? because i can't find it in islandsettings
Yeah it's in the mutator zone settings!
I prefer alt and then any transform tool to duplicate so for example alt then resize
Nvm you just showed that 💀
Você é maravilhoso
What PC do you use to run UEFN?
I use a Tuplar T7 20.5, RTX 3060, Intel core I7, 1TB ssd, 16 GB of ram, 144hertz refresh rate 17.3" screen gaming laptop.
I get about usually 100+ fps in UEFN if it's only running and on lower graphics, It goes down to more 50-100 if I have a live session open (depending on graphic settings of UEFN and the session). It gets the job done pretty well. Same with rendering out thumbnails in Blender and videos in DaVinci Resolve. It isn't a nasa computer or anything but it works.
This is the closest I can find on amazon right now.