@AnythingEverythingRC Thank you very much! I am glad you like the idea and method. I by myself received so much help in forums and videos, that I would love to give something back. I will always share tips which were working well for me! best greetimgs, Matthias!
I'll never forget the first day I tried flying backwards.(long before sims) What u HUGE, terrible realization!! I assumed after learning forward banked turns, that I was done learning!! I crashed so fast!! Looking back on what I know now, I would strongly recommend incorporating backwards flight early on in training. It helps enormously when learning forward inverted flight. I didn't start it early and struggled. when you think about it, it's harder than learning the first time cause now you have to un-learn muscle memory!!! What a cruel thing we do to our brains learning this talent!!
@mykel1969 Thank you Mykel! You experienced EXACTLY the same like I did. I was crashing as well in the first EVER backwards flying attempt and was so shocked how really difficult it was (and is) that I gave up! I was avoiding backwards flight as much as I could and did instead what I already could do! I am happy that I was overcoming myself and trained it every single day in the SIM and on the field. I wind, around freezing point! Now I know how bad this was and like you I will recommend every beginner to learn backwards as early as possible. It helps be so much in all inverted. I learned to "think" reversed and the muscle memory did the rest! It's sad that it was soo windy when I made this video. On calm days I was hovering half a battery inverted, so 2 minutes and just for relax went upright for a moment and then back to inverted! I believe that flying helis develops the skills or our brain like only view other things!!
@Hlished Thank you very much, my friend! For me training backwards flying so intensive like NEVE before was giving me a break througt and I wanted to share and recommend this to evey pilot! I got much help and tips from others, RC Heli Richard, you, that I want to give something back!! Yes, weather does not stop me! I am HOT in my heart when I am flying! The Copter Love is stonger!! All the best greetings and wishes for you for 2025!!
Happy New Year Matheus, great video and flying. As you say to talk and fly at the same time is really difficult but you did it very well demonstrating your progressing skills perfectly. Shame it was windy usually the cold frosty days means high pressure and still air giving perfect flying conditions. Watch your batteries though they will not perform as long or as good as in the summer. All the best for 2025👏👍
@All_things_RC Thank you for your encouraging words! Yes, I am definitely flying much better when I am quiet and ONLY focused on flying. Additional the camera on me and on my heli is giving more pressure, because every mistake is at once recorded... so unfortunately (or fortunately, as you wish), my flying OFF the videos is a lot better, more smooth and controlled. With the batteries you are right! I have them always in thick pockets of my winter jacket to keep them warmer as long as possible and additional have set my timers shorter in winter to not overstress my loved LiPos! By the way in two weeks I want to publish a video focused on how to charge, use, store safely, treat and so on your LiPos to make them last as long as possible in a great shape. I guess this will be interesting, as I was looking for information during my 3,5 years of flying and went through different charger types and models, always stepping up! For you as well all the best for 2025!! Many happy and safe flights!!
Looking Forward to see how you deal with the lipo management as this is a very important part of our hobby. I did a film on my channel also but its always good to share and learn from others as they maybe doing something better. I also did a video on a heated box for keeping the lipos warm in the winter at the field. This gave me great results on battery performance and longevity. Keep the videos coming they are great.
@@All_things_RC. Thank you very much! I will explain what I have learned, based on my own practical experiences. Not scientific, rather from a "Normal Guy" for other normal guys!! Have a great time!!
GREAT VIDEO BUDDY. awesome progress. Lovely watching you fly your new m2 evo mk2. Great inverted flying aswell. Congrats on your progress. Happy and safe flying buddy 👌
@r7_guy941 Thank you very much for your good wishes, as well from my wife and camera woman!! The best wishes for you and your family as well. Regarding Expo or dual rates: I am using NO expo and (super) fastest rates. A friend sent me his model files to get started with my new FrSky X14S transmitter. He uses Expo and 3 rates but for me it was almost impossible to fly with these settings. I found it very confusing to see my heli reacting different on the same stickinputs. I never used low rates or expo because i love super, super fast and "sharp" reactions on my smallest micro stickmoves. For me this became second nature from day one and it gives me for my style of flying maximum control and connection with my helis. With Expo all this conected feeling was for me lost. So I deleted all these options as well as selflevel/rescue. I cannot fly at all with selflevel, I can only crash with it.... 😀
@@r7_guy941 Hi! I am using the AccuRC3 simulator and I am mainly flying the SAB Kraken 580 in the sim. I did a lot of fine tuning in the Sim Flybarless (rotation speed, agility, 3D mode, zero expo, hig rates etc) to get the flightperformance as clos as possible to my M4 Max. For me this quite old simulator feels very good regarding flight physics. I am flying often in the Sim and on the field on the same day and it feels very close (if there is not too much wind). Regarding the TX setup: Iam still new to FrSky and got model fiels from a friend. I am very far from knowing how to do this yet. So realistcally I don not have 1 % of the qualifocation to make a giding video. Sorry. I am needing guides bey myself. Best greetings!!
Thank you for your exercise-idea. Did you use the M2 EVO MK2? I kept having problems flying backwards with my M2 EVO, where it would suddenly straighten out and stop. I often had the same problem when flying inverted. I hope the new FBL of the MK2 will solve this problem. With my M4 MAX this problem never occurs, and I also find that flying backwards and inverted is easier with this model. I wish you all the best for 2025 and many beautiful flights with your helicopters. Greetings from snow-white Switzerland Reto
@jupi-aladin Hello Reto! Thank you for your kind comment! Yes, I am now only and always flying the M2 EVO MK2. After many test flights with adjustment right on the field I have setup the heli that it flies like a small copy of my M4 Max (even with white skids for the look). Now its very resposive in roll and pitch(elevator) - rates and Fastforward feed. I love this and that my "classic" M2 EVO was slower in rolling and flipping and less agressive overall on smallest stick inputs disturbed me. If you switch to the MK2 or get the MK2 upgrade kit you will fly the M2 EVO just like the M4 Max! The upgraded swashplate AND the stronger main Motor are important parts to let all factors play ideally together. The skids are just optics but are as well great now with grey trees in the background! Thank you for your wishes! I wish you as well a great 2025 in all aereas of life, not only heli flying! Best greetings from as well snow white Poland!!
Lieber Matthias, Danke für dieses tolle Video :) Ich find es super, dass du uns Zuschauer deine Flugfortschritte zeigt und auch erklärst, wie du die Sache angeht. Gut ist auch, dass du nicht die ganze Zeit "Stumpf" rückwärts fliegst sondern auch immer wieder mal die Richtung wechselst. Ich habe am Simulator rücken rückwärts fliegen geübt. Was mir komischerweise leicht viel. Aber das fliegen aller Lagen in Normalfluglage also die Basics habe ich da außer acht gelassen. Deswegen ist das rückwärts (Kurven) fliegen mein aktuelles Training. Was soll ich sagen?! Ich habe es mir leichter vorgestellt, als es ist. Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg beim üben und wünsche dir einen tollen Start in das neue Jahr 2025 ;) Liebe Grüße nach Polen, Joschi :)
@FPVJoschi Vielen Dank, Joschi! Du triffst es genau auf den Punkt! Bevor man anfaengt, inverted zu fliegen, sollte man unbedungt ALLE upright Basics drauf haben. Alle Orientierungen in allen Richtungen. I Simulator fiel mir das Rueckwaertsfliegen auch viel leichter. Keine Konsequenzen bei Crash, kein Wind... Es freut mich, dass due es gleich probiert hast! Es ist alles andere als leicht, stimmts? Dir auch ein tolles 2025 in jeder Hinsicht!! Alles Gute!!
Kurzer Nachtrag: Wenn du mit dem kleinen M2 die Übung machst, wird es dir mit dem M4 später deutlich leichter fallen. Das gleiche habe ich am Sim auch mal ausprobiert. Erst mit nem kleinen Heli getestet und hinterher nen 700er genommen.
@FPVJoschi Ganz genau meine Erfahrung! Ich fliege im Simulator meistens den SAB Kraken 580... apropos SAB, du weisst, was ich meine!! Viel Spass beim Bauen!! Ich freue mich schon total darauf, das alles mit meinem M4 Max und dem M4 auf dem Feld zu probieren, wenn es waermer wird!! Und dann wird mir dieses Jhar eine Nummer Groesser geliefert, in der Kraken Groesse! Die Servos habe ich schon, den Receiver auch, jetzt muss ich mich feuer ein Flybarless entscheiden! Mehr zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt! Aber das wird dann mein Dicker Brummer!! Weiter alles Gute und gutes Rueckwarts training!!
@@RCCopterLoveI'm very curious to see what you get for a “bigger” number. I would also like to buy a larger helicopter at the Rotor-Live at the beginning of March, almost certainly in the 550 - 600 class. Will an OMPHobby M5 or M6 be available by then... There have just been a couple of new products in this class in 2024.
@@jupi-aladin Hi Reto! It might very well be that we get our bigger number at the same time! I plan to visit Rotor-Live this year and would love to get mine there as well. I can not tell you yet what it will be exactly but it will be a OMPHOBBY heli! We have to be patient for some time and then I will be able to give you more info! All the best greetings and I really hope to meet you at Rotor-Live in person!! This will be wonderful!! All the very best!!
THIS was another excellent idea! EXCELLENT way to practice! Great work Matthias!!!
@AnythingEverythingRC Thank you very much! I am glad you like the idea and method. I by myself received so much help in forums and videos, that I would love to give something back. I will always share tips which were working well for me! best greetimgs, Matthias!
Thank you for the tips!
@jeffkraus1457 Thank you for watching and I am happy if they help! For me this was a real game changer in my flying! Happy flights!!
I'll never forget the first day I tried flying backwards.(long before sims) What u HUGE, terrible realization!! I assumed after learning forward banked turns, that I was done learning!! I crashed so fast!! Looking back on what I know now, I would strongly recommend incorporating backwards flight early on in training. It helps enormously when learning forward inverted flight. I didn't start it early and struggled. when you think about it, it's harder than learning the first time cause now you have to un-learn muscle memory!!! What a cruel thing we do to our brains learning this talent!!
@mykel1969 Thank you Mykel! You experienced EXACTLY the same like I did. I was crashing as well in the first EVER backwards flying attempt and was so shocked how really difficult it was (and is) that I gave up! I was avoiding backwards flight as much as I could and did instead what I already could do! I am happy that I was overcoming myself and trained it every single day in the SIM and on the field. I wind, around freezing point! Now I know how bad this was and like you I will recommend every beginner to learn backwards as early as possible. It helps be so much in all inverted. I learned to "think" reversed and the muscle memory did the rest! It's sad that it was soo windy when I made this video. On calm days I was hovering half a battery inverted, so 2 minutes and just for relax went upright for a moment and then back to inverted! I believe that flying helis develops the skills or our brain like only view other things!!
Go on Matthias! Out there in all weathers flying your girls - excellent! Backwards flying - excellent advice!!
@Hlished Thank you very much, my friend! For me training backwards flying so intensive like NEVE before was giving me a break througt and I wanted to share and recommend this to evey pilot! I got much help and tips from others, RC Heli Richard, you, that I want to give something back!! Yes, weather does not stop me! I am HOT in my heart when I am flying! The Copter Love is stonger!! All the best greetings and wishes for you for 2025!!
Nice 🎉💪
Thank you very much!! 🙂
Good job 🎉🎉
@Mrh168 Thank you very much!!
I got my new M2. very impressed! I sent you an e mail with a question just wanna make sure you catch it, thanks!!
@mykel1969 Thank you Mykel! I will check it right now! I am happy to hear you are impressed!!
Happy New Year Matheus, great video and flying. As you say to talk and fly at the same time is really difficult but you did it very well demonstrating your progressing skills perfectly. Shame it was windy usually the cold frosty days means high pressure and still air giving perfect flying conditions. Watch your batteries though they will not perform as long or as good as in the summer. All the best for 2025👏👍
@All_things_RC Thank you for your encouraging words! Yes, I am definitely flying much better when I am quiet and ONLY focused on flying. Additional the camera on me and on my heli is giving more pressure, because every mistake is at once recorded... so unfortunately (or fortunately, as you wish), my flying OFF the videos is a lot better, more smooth and controlled. With the batteries you are right! I have them always in thick pockets of my winter jacket to keep them warmer as long as possible and additional have set my timers shorter in winter to not overstress my loved LiPos! By the way in two weeks I want to publish a video focused on how to charge, use, store safely, treat and so on your LiPos to make them last as long as possible in a great shape. I guess this will be interesting, as I was looking for information during my 3,5 years of flying and went through different charger types and models, always stepping up! For you as well all the best for 2025!! Many happy and safe flights!!
Looking Forward to see how you deal with the lipo management as this is a very important part of our hobby. I did a film on my channel also but its always good to share and learn from others as they maybe doing something better. I also did a video on a heated box for keeping the lipos warm in the winter at the field. This gave me great results on battery performance and longevity. Keep the videos coming they are great.
@@All_things_RC. Thank you very much! I will explain what I have learned, based on my own practical experiences. Not scientific, rather from a "Normal Guy" for other normal guys!! Have a great time!!
GREAT VIDEO BUDDY. awesome progress. Lovely watching you fly your new m2 evo mk2. Great inverted flying aswell. Congrats on your progress. Happy and safe flying buddy 👌
@Rcheliguy Thank you very much for your acknoledgement! This means a lot to me! Working on the weakest point can really pay out!!
Best wishes for you , your wife and all your loved ones. Do you use expo or dual rates in the Tx for cyclic and tail control ?
@r7_guy941 Thank you very much for your good wishes, as well from my wife and camera woman!! The best wishes for you and your family as well. Regarding Expo or dual rates: I am using NO expo and (super) fastest rates. A friend sent me his model files to get started with my new FrSky X14S transmitter. He uses Expo and 3 rates but for me it was almost impossible to fly with these settings. I found it very confusing to see my heli reacting different on the same stickinputs. I never used low rates or expo because i love super, super fast and "sharp" reactions on my smallest micro stickmoves. For me this became second nature from day one and it gives me for my style of flying maximum control and connection with my helis. With Expo all this conected feeling was for me lost. So I deleted all these options as well as selflevel/rescue. I cannot fly at all with selflevel, I can only crash with it.... 😀
@@RCCopterLove Which Flight simulator do you use ? And is it possible for you to make a video about the heli setup in ethos on your new Transmitter ?
@@r7_guy941 Hi! I am using the AccuRC3 simulator and I am mainly flying the SAB Kraken 580 in the sim. I did a lot of fine tuning in the Sim Flybarless (rotation speed, agility, 3D mode, zero expo, hig rates etc) to get the flightperformance as clos as possible to my M4 Max. For me this quite old simulator feels very good regarding flight physics. I am flying often in the Sim and on the field on the same day and it feels very close (if there is not too much wind). Regarding the TX setup: Iam still new to FrSky and got model fiels from a friend. I am very far from knowing how to do this yet. So realistcally I don not have 1 % of the qualifocation to make a giding video. Sorry. I am needing guides bey myself. Best greetings!!
Thank you for your exercise-idea. Did you use the M2 EVO MK2? I kept having problems flying backwards with my M2 EVO, where it would suddenly straighten out and stop. I often had the same problem when flying inverted. I hope the new FBL of the MK2 will solve this problem. With my M4 MAX this problem never occurs, and I also find that flying backwards and inverted is easier with this model.
I wish you all the best for 2025 and many beautiful flights with your helicopters.
Greetings from snow-white Switzerland
@jupi-aladin Hello Reto! Thank you for your kind comment! Yes, I am now only and always flying the M2 EVO MK2. After many test flights with adjustment right on the field I have setup the heli that it flies like a small copy of my M4 Max (even with white skids for the look). Now its very resposive in roll and pitch(elevator) - rates and Fastforward feed. I love this and that my "classic" M2 EVO was slower in rolling and flipping and less agressive overall on smallest stick inputs disturbed me. If you switch to the MK2 or get the MK2 upgrade kit you will fly the M2 EVO just like the M4 Max! The upgraded swashplate AND the stronger main Motor are important parts to let all factors play ideally together. The skids are just optics but are as well great now with grey trees in the background! Thank you for your wishes! I wish you as well a great 2025 in all aereas of life, not only heli flying! Best greetings from as well snow white Poland!!
Lieber Matthias,
Danke für dieses tolle Video :)
Ich find es super, dass du uns Zuschauer deine Flugfortschritte zeigt und auch erklärst, wie du die Sache angeht.
Gut ist auch, dass du nicht die ganze Zeit "Stumpf" rückwärts fliegst sondern auch immer wieder mal die Richtung wechselst.
Ich habe am Simulator rücken rückwärts fliegen geübt. Was mir komischerweise leicht viel.
Aber das fliegen aller Lagen in Normalfluglage also die Basics habe ich da außer acht gelassen.
Deswegen ist das rückwärts (Kurven) fliegen mein aktuelles Training.
Was soll ich sagen?! Ich habe es mir leichter vorgestellt, als es ist.
Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg beim üben und wünsche dir einen tollen Start in das neue Jahr 2025 ;)
Liebe Grüße nach Polen,
Joschi :)
@FPVJoschi Vielen Dank, Joschi! Du triffst es genau auf den Punkt! Bevor man anfaengt, inverted zu fliegen, sollte man unbedungt ALLE upright Basics drauf haben. Alle Orientierungen in allen Richtungen. I Simulator fiel mir das Rueckwaertsfliegen auch viel leichter. Keine Konsequenzen bei Crash, kein Wind... Es freut mich, dass due es gleich probiert hast! Es ist alles andere als leicht, stimmts? Dir auch ein tolles 2025 in jeder Hinsicht!! Alles Gute!!
Kurzer Nachtrag:
Wenn du mit dem kleinen M2 die Übung machst, wird es dir mit dem M4 später deutlich leichter fallen.
Das gleiche habe ich am Sim auch mal ausprobiert.
Erst mit nem kleinen Heli getestet und hinterher nen 700er genommen.
@FPVJoschi Ganz genau meine Erfahrung! Ich fliege im Simulator meistens den SAB Kraken 580... apropos SAB, du weisst, was ich meine!! Viel Spass beim Bauen!! Ich freue mich schon total darauf, das alles mit meinem M4 Max und dem M4 auf dem Feld zu probieren, wenn es waermer wird!! Und dann wird mir dieses Jhar eine Nummer Groesser geliefert, in der Kraken Groesse! Die Servos habe ich schon, den Receiver auch, jetzt muss ich mich feuer ein Flybarless entscheiden! Mehr zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt! Aber das wird dann mein Dicker Brummer!! Weiter alles Gute und gutes Rueckwarts training!!
@@RCCopterLoveI'm very curious to see what you get for a “bigger” number. I would also like to buy a larger helicopter at the Rotor-Live at the beginning of March, almost certainly in the 550 - 600 class. Will an OMPHobby M5 or M6 be available by then... There have just been a couple of new products in this class in 2024.
@@jupi-aladin Hi Reto! It might very well be that we get our bigger number at the same time! I plan to visit Rotor-Live this year and would love to get mine there as well. I can not tell you yet what it will be exactly but it will be a OMPHOBBY heli! We have to be patient for some time and then I will be able to give you more info! All the best greetings and I really hope to meet you at Rotor-Live in person!! This will be wonderful!! All the very best!!
@@RCCopterLove Hope to see you there, too 🚁
@@jupi-aladin Now I have another reason to go there for sure!! This will be a great time!!