  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @BGriffith85
    @BGriffith85 2 года назад +2

    Changing the unused engravings would be my number one request. Would love to have more variety that is actually viable. Congrats on the sponsor!

  • @Tylobic
    @Tylobic 2 года назад +2

    Just a small recommendation in regards to editing
    When you transition to another topic, make sure to leave a short time for the viewer to understand that you change topic (1s for example)
    You can see a pretty brutal and fast transition at 6:13 for example
    In that case, it feels like the previous sentence just continues with the next, even though they're not the same topic
    "This is the Korean meta, the communication. This is a real problem."
    Should instead be:
    "This is the Korean meta." [transition] "The communication: this is a real problem."
    Just my opinion of course :)

    • @LostArkTips
      @LostArkTips  2 года назад

      Thank you for your opinion , will take it in consideration

  • @HehehexDD
    @HehehexDD 2 года назад +1

    ya'll treat the game like its your job then it becomes your job. its not the game thats the issue, its your approach on games. If you want to be the "best" then expect to put in the work, if not then this game game is super casual friendly. I play max 3hrs a day, sometimes more on the weekends and clown ready with 5 1415+ alts. It most likely is going to get tougher once i get to 1430 but i don't plan on doing that anytime soon

  • @DA92321
    @DA92321 2 года назад +5

    It is an amazing game, but like you said is almost like a job , at first its fun but after is just gets real lol witch cant hurt ether but is deff not fun at least for my exp.

  • @21DMN
    @21DMN 2 года назад +1

    PVP is weird too

  • @solem7647
    @solem7647 2 года назад +3

    I think that one of the biggest problems is that if you are a new player you need to press g for 12 hours so you can start playing the actual game
    But if they give new players a powerpass then bots are going to become a bigger problem :/

    • @LostArkTips
      @LostArkTips  2 года назад

      yeah but spam g is something that you will do one time and then you can put some charachters in the robot

    • @solem7647
      @solem7647 2 года назад +1

      @@LostArkTips true but telling a new player that they ONLY need to waste 12 hours to start playing is bad for the player growth

    • @LostArkTips
      @LostArkTips  2 года назад

      @@solem7647 i mean in every mmorpgs there is story to do and in Lost Ark the story experience isn't bad at all despite the fact that you have to press g , the story itself is nice

    • @solem7647
      @solem7647 2 года назад

      @@LostArkTips you're right. I just wish that it's more like KR

  • @hazemnada798
    @hazemnada798 2 года назад +3

    Wow a sponsor already? Thats amazing. Keep it up

  • @KnellAnwyll
    @KnellAnwyll 2 года назад +2

    Happy to see you get a sponsor, keep it going

  • @christopherhart1640
    @christopherhart1640 2 года назад

    The pheon is stupid im a free to play player and I can't buy ability stones to roll without losing a bunch of pheons, i got like 150 in the whole game. I refuse to pay gold to get more, that should be for the auction house and honing, I should never have to use the shop if it is a free to play game. The most you can get is 9 a week from an event vendor cmon. I just will never get a good stone.

  • @tiagovisck1
    @tiagovisck1 2 года назад

    For me the biggest issue in this game is the fucking PHEON. That is totally unecessary. Atleast we should recieve some pheon after sell something in the action house.

  • @christopherhart1640
    @christopherhart1640 2 года назад

    And the Solas card, it is definitely worth $15 not to have to farm that whole story.

    • @dominik452221
      @dominik452221 2 года назад

      so u want to pay 225 to just have one card maxed?

  • @qweqwe1324
    @qweqwe1324 2 года назад +2

    GJ my dude. Honest opinion

  • @max417481
    @max417481 2 года назад +1

    I am a casual and i only hope rmt and bots get rekt and bussing not be' banned

  • @alessandrofabian02
    @alessandrofabian02 2 года назад +1

    Any news about when the power pass will be available again? I want to use a new character but power pass is disabled now

    • @LostArkTips
      @LostArkTips  2 года назад +1

      sadly 0 news about that , i hope for u they will communicate about it soon

    • @alessandrofabian02
      @alessandrofabian02 2 года назад

      Free powerpass is finally enabled, I'm so happy

  • @LostArkTips
    @LostArkTips  2 года назад +1

    🌟 World Of Warship TEST IT FOR FREE : 🌟

  • @schnickschnack71
    @schnickschnack71 2 года назад

    Honestly, i got over 800 hours in Lost Ark, got my main on 1480 and 5 more twinks in T3 at 1400, with 2 more holding in t2. But i have to admit that it takes really much time a week to play every character. But that isn´t my biggest Problem. In fact the EUW region seems almost dead. You can find decent groups on several days, but you can´t get a decent group in the night or early in the morning hours. So more and more players stop to play on EUW, we wont get new players aswell, cause everyone will tell them to play on EUC ( which is good for them). So we either need a Region Merge with EUC or most likely the EUW servers will die...

    • @LostArkTips
      @LostArkTips  2 года назад

      i don't think that EUW server will die, Lost Ark is in fact a niche game i agree with u but there's still a lot of players also why i suggest is not to play alone. Specially when you do weekly legions raids. It is way more simple if you have a discord and you can go voice with some friends 👌

  • @312bigbeanburrito
    @312bigbeanburrito 2 года назад

    You kind of contradict yourself on your first point. You say that the shadow Hunter is so unique as to be incomparable, but then you describe the next character as basically the same but with one difference

    • @LostArkTips
      @LostArkTips  2 года назад

      even if the scouter has the same function they are not the same, just the way to transform is the same but each one is a different class

  • @VMeys
    @VMeys 2 года назад

    Je n’aime pas les pheons car tu ne peux pas t’amuser à tester d’autres stats sur tes persons. Et je n’aime pas les contenus à 8 car à mon niveau ( max 1390), plus personnes les jouent ou alors il faut payer. Je ne trouve pas de groupe pour apprendre argos p.ex… et en T2 les gardiens c’est horrible. J’ai l’impression de les faire avec 3 bots 😥. Et dur de trouver des groupes en recherche sauf à partir du T3, surtout à partir de Yoho où il y a du monde.

    • @LostArkTips
      @LostArkTips  2 года назад +1

      Comme tu dis oui, faut au moins arriver a Yoho pour ça que devienne cool et que il y ait du monde avec qui jouer

  • @LSDOshira
    @LSDOshira 2 года назад

    Great video bro

  • @Nerino
    @Nerino 2 года назад

    I must say small channels have always the best sponsor commentaries.
    Anyway, I have 1400 hours on this game and I still like it.
    I hate pheons, I hate smashing G on every character I create over and over (Luckily there's knowledge transfer).
    This game is made for no-lifers and if you are a dad, don't start with it :)

    • @HehehexDD
      @HehehexDD 2 года назад

      how is this game made for no lifers LMAO. you play the game to min max/be the best, thats a YOU problem. sure its going to take a little longer to progress than someone who plays 12 hours a day but thats to be expected in any game.

    • @Nerino
      @Nerino 2 года назад

      @@HehehexDD Yeah, so if you play with one character, you expect to have fun when you will make gold for your legendary book in like 6 months?

    • @HehehexDD
      @HehehexDD 2 года назад

      @@Nerino first of all who saids i have ONE character? You can be a casual player and have 5 alts. free powerpasses and express events exist. the only people who complain about getting burnt out are the people who cant control their own ego so they refuse to fall behind. you can play 3hrs a day with 6 characters using rested bonus. secondly having "fun" is subjective.

    • @Nerino
      @Nerino 2 года назад

      @@HehehexDD I didn't say you.
      My opinion is that it's hard to have fun in this game if you don't have much time and can't progress fast enough.

    • @HehehexDD
      @HehehexDD 2 года назад +1

      @@Nerino again, fun is subjective. whats fun to you may not be fun to others. im sure someone who plays the game casually won't care about getting a 5x3 anytime soon. the problem is you're projecting your own version of what you find fun and applying it to casual players. they're casual players for a reason otherwise they wouldnt be casual now would they?

  • @delunk5906
    @delunk5906 2 года назад

    Story is slow, too spread out, bad dialogue, no character development, but has it's moments. Progression is too spread out, slow, don't feel a sense of progression bc it resets with tars. Dailies/ weekly stuff gets repetitive and boring, and especially with new folks that don't want to learn to play is really bad. Graphics are great, but the immersion is pretty low bc you don't interact with the world or have much of a reason to explore, Combat is amazin, but only down side is some chars suck until very specific gear/lvls/gems etc. I'm still playin this game after 6 months and 1200+ hours, but lets not kid ourselves. Just my op but objectively correct. I'd love to see them copy progression of FF14 through the story instead of so much story, then mass grinding. And copy ESO with more dungeon crawls and fun daily content/ story stuff to do.

  • @Jacob_YG
    @Jacob_YG 2 года назад

    Lost Ark is by no means a hack and slash game.