The State of Star Citizen in 2024 | It's Getting Better, But Why Now? | DG REACTS to SpaceTomato

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 32

  • @gigarott
    @gigarott 3 месяца назад +4

    When awesome content reacts to awesome content

  • @85Bad4ever
    @85Bad4ever 3 месяца назад +5

    As someone who started 1 month ago,there is nothing to do,i died more to bugs them players,i lose millions to bugs then pirates,missions are 90% fucked ,there is more grifers then pvp ,killed before i leave a ship to buy a cargo,im sorry guys love the game but its a demo ,nothing works properly,i cant use best armor thx to bugs im gona lose that armor to bugs then player or npc,or how i lost 2mill cargo thx to ship leaving to quantum and leave me in space,gona come in 3 years when my son starting high school

    • @DG360
      @DG360  3 месяца назад +1

      It's an alpha with a development team doing what no other dev team out there is doing. Full stop.

    • @ScarredCitizen
      @ScarredCitizen 3 месяца назад +1

      It's a bunch of tech demos layered on top of other tech demos. There's a lot of other companies that have done close to what CIG is doing. There are better ways to do it, but they do it their way, which is fine. Just gotta wait a long time for them to reinvent the wheel. As far as nothing to do. Outside of salvaging, there hasn't been much added gameplay wise in the 2.5 years I've been playing.

    • @brianv1988
      @brianv1988 3 месяца назад

      Welcome to Star Citizen 😅

    • @KhairulFadzlyAKarim
      @KhairulFadzlyAKarim 3 месяца назад

      Play with friends or join an org.

  • @HeloHounds
    @HeloHounds 3 месяца назад +3

    I've only had the servers crash a couple times, both times I was recovered but, like you said, they take a while to spool back up. 3-5 minutes each time for me.

  • @Mezcon2
    @Mezcon2 3 месяца назад +2

    So glad I came across your channel. I backed Star Citizen way back in 2013 and since 2021 I gave up on SC thinking that the game was always going to be a buggy mess, but now that I am seeing the new Game director and the possibility of the servers being more kept together with server meshing, I may give SC a second chance when server meshing goes online

  • @Brenelael
    @Brenelael 3 месяца назад

    I didn't realize how much I missed Eric "Wingman" Peterson until I saw a quick clip of him in this video. Wingman's Hangar was just a fun show. Don't get me wrong as I like Jared as well but those early shows with Eric and Rob were just fun from beginning to end. Too bad the development outgrew what he felt he could handle but I do respect his decision to leave.
    On another note... I always tell people Star Citizen is a game that at this point in development you pretty much rage quit every time you play due to just bugs and server issues but... You keep logging back in... That is a testament to how good the game actually as is even though it will aggravate the hell out of you every time you play you keep playing.

  • @larrymitchell6470
    @larrymitchell6470 3 месяца назад

    All I know is BIG hitters with followings have interest in the game and CIG would be ultra stupid to fumble this. They botched it with Shroud and soon Asmongold may try it and the PU needs to function MUCH better else have its bad rep solidified

  • @GR8Saiyan
    @GR8Saiyan 3 месяца назад

    Im about to 30k in real life waiting for this game!
    Jokes haha 😂 i play this game every day and there is nothing that compares to it. Can’t wait to see what the future brings! People are impatient but i imagine this game would be incredibly difficult to create.

  • @festersmith8352
    @festersmith8352 3 месяца назад

    My understanding is that recovery was supposed to transfer us to a server on standby. Is it possible that instead of us going to a standby server, we are now waiting for the server to reboot?
    I can't help but to think of the cost it would be to have servers on reserve/standby, just in case.
    I had a friend roughly investigate the cost of servers for CIG, so we can play it daily.
    It was in the few million a month.
    Love to hear from someone who knows more about the industry.

  • @stormfire962imastarcitizen5
    @stormfire962imastarcitizen5 3 месяца назад +1

    I will agree that CIG had some management issues in the past and that they have gotten a lot better overall in my opinion.
    But also at the same time some of you may not be aware of the fact that while they were having these management problems they still had multiple employees working on tons of different assets that you haven't seen yet and have it all stored on their database ready to be implemented into the game. But they haven't done it yet because we just don't have enough server stability and enough server memory and space for them to put these assets in. Once they get over that hurdle then you're going to see this game grow rapidly.
    Server meshing is one of those hurdles that they're working very hard on trying to get it to work correctly and everyone needs to practice even more patience and understand that we are only in the first iteration of it and it's going to have to go through tons more iteration before it's at the point where they could start adding these other assets into the game.
    For example, some of you have heard that the NYX System is the next one to be added into the game and with some of you may not be aware of the fact and I heard it through certain channels that the Terra System is also being worked on in the background. But also again we are not gonna see any of this until things get over the other hurdle which is again sever meshing.
    In addition, let's also not forget that all the systems that exist in squadron 42 will be added into the game at some point in time and those systems also have the Shubin mining station which literally dwarfs the kingship.

    • @festersmith8352
      @festersmith8352 3 месяца назад

      Good take!
      Its the reason I'm not disappointed.
      Almost everything they created in SQ42 can be ported to SC. This includes the tech that create and control the NPC's used to man and operate all the vessels and facilities in SQ.
      Don't forget an entire unique solar system.
      We are still missing the Aron Halo gates in Stanton. Which will have a profound change on how we play in there.
      Nice to hear about Terra. But I will have to accept that as rumor for now, until I see something official about it.

    • @stormfire962imastarcitizen5
      @stormfire962imastarcitizen5 3 месяца назад

      @@festersmith8352 Sadly I have no hard evidence from CIG on Terra Prime exccept for this old video from SuperMacBrother which you might find interesting:видео.htmlsi=30c4bNDGsDb-xMu-

    • @DG360
      @DG360  3 месяца назад

      TERRA PRIME video was leaked here in 2016 first. We have the main landing area and surrounding area on Terra from a file someone had found and we exposed that content on a leak LONG AGO and it looks fantastic! Terra most likely is well done from ages past. I'm sure there's been tons of work since.

  • @serpanol
    @serpanol 3 месяца назад

    o7 my friend

  • @festersmith8352
    @festersmith8352 3 месяца назад

    Say what ever you want about early feature creep. Even if CIG stopped, the amount of requests for features from players is at an insanity level.
    The Mursa Rover was not a feature CIG came up with, that was a community request. Which planned ship development got sidelined for that to be created? The Misc Raptor was meant to be joke. Think we'll get it?
    Every game project I have seen, has the community always asking for more.
    Give me a better example of irony/hypocrisy.
    How is ED doing at meeting its promises after 12 years, and the community is mad about it. You got a "released" game. Stop complaining!
    Meanwhile CIG trying to give me way than I paid for in 2013.
    The MMO is allowing to play with unlimited friends. SC's early pitch was never meant to do that.
    And yes, its the "Mursa" rover. The thing will maintained and sanitized by players who can't even pick up med gowns or trash. Its a rolling pandemic waiting to happen.
    Theory crafting is nothing more than talking about our hopes and dreams of what is to come. Every time I play with others, someone is always bring up some new idea they think would be cool.
    Like collecting corpses for regen juice and bone dust to be materials needed in re-spawn beds. Be an economy just in that. Maybe that scanner on the Red can finally be useful.
    Theory crafting?
    Feature creep right?
    Don't forget how world fear during Covid forced CIG's dev team to isolate from each other. And a whole new problem with communication and sharing/exchanging work.

    • @DG360
      @DG360  3 месяца назад +2

      ED is a dead game and one of thr most shallow game experiences ever. Star Citizen is an alpha trying to create something in scale far more vast than ED. I know I know... the argument then becomes, "What about all the systems in ED?!" OK. Sure. Millions of copy paste systems filled with NPC, no life, and fetch a to b quests galore. It's shallow grind is all ED is. I know because I played it for years and yet I come back to an alpha for Christ's sake. Name me one other dev trying to do what CIG is doing in scale. Name me one other company trying to create an experience like star citizen promises it will be. Is it here yet? Nope. How long will it take? As long as it needs to because there's nobody else out there to compare them to. No one else is trying to do this. I'd you're a true gamer you'd be rooting for them, not pointing out the obvious and throwing poo. We all know this sucks dude lol.

    • @festersmith8352
      @festersmith8352 3 месяца назад

      @@DG360 Yeah, I don't get it. When you read/hear the negativity and examples used against SC, but really can't see why no one sees the irony/hypocrisy when compared to ED.
      And ED forced its players to pay more for the promised content.
      CIG has never forced anyone to pay more, but is the scam of the space genre in the industry?
      It seems the vocabulary word "released' offers blanket immunity from such criticism or claims.
      Its worse when the ED players are the biggest critics. In fact they have been for the longest, and often the most nasty I have come across.

  • @Darktidejg31
    @Darktidejg31 3 месяца назад

    Sure you don't 30k but when I get back in, my mission is over I was currently on. Even if right in the middle of a bunker. It's getting better but still awful for an mission that takes a bit of time. Still going in right direction though.

  • @ArcaneDgR
    @ArcaneDgR 3 месяца назад


  • @SpaceDad42
    @SpaceDad42 3 месяца назад

    Tony left the company.

    • @DG360
      @DG360  3 месяца назад

      Link me.

  • @vladkudrya9615
    @vladkudrya9615 3 месяца назад

    Will the server meshing even work? What is being tested now... there is complete magic at the seams of server transitions, objects disappear and appear, and this without a high load on the server...
    I don’t think we will see it working in the next year. (perhaps individual elements such as stations and bunkers.) but not the entire system.

    • @DG360
      @DG360  3 месяца назад

      That's the question of the century, my dude. Everything that will make this game what it promises to be hinges on the answer being simply yes. Time will tell as it's introduced, and upon initial release of dynamic server meshing, expect it to be VERY messy. I talk about this in prior highlights often. I think we'll see mesh introduced end year 2024 q1 to q2 at the latest 2025, and then the code continued to be worked on and flushed out through 2026. Nothing about it will be smooth going, and if it is, then I will be impressed. Watching the mesh presentation at Citizencon 2023 proves it can be done. Now, we need to see how it handles with tons of load and in a high traffic, live environment. All part of the fun in creating new tech at this scale, and I love this journey. This is a patience game. Always has been always will.

    • @vladkudrya9615
      @vladkudrya9615 3 месяца назад

      The main thing is not to expect too much, I’m already used to dividing the developers’ promises by 2 and then multiplying the deadlines by 2. And then everything approximately comes true) I advise everyone to stick to this model, then you won’t be disappointed)
      In the end, Robert will be able to write a book "How not to make games! Mistakes and tips for developers." And this book will be a bestseller)

  • @Nanobits
    @Nanobits 3 месяца назад

    I been trying to play this game on and off for years now and it can be so frustrating because some of us over here getting old waiting on this thing, im a senior and i would love for this game to be great, but the long wait got me thinking ima kick the bucket before it is ever finished.

    • @DG360
      @DG360  3 месяца назад

      You will be remembered ;)

    • @brianv1988
      @brianv1988 3 месяца назад

      I'm not old but I feel it at 34 this game takes a lot of patience to play and you either have to deal with it or it will eat you alive and I hope one day there is that stability where you can play it without crashes and bugs

    • @festersmith8352
      @festersmith8352 3 месяца назад

      Honestly my fellow older friend, I'm more concerned about the state of the global economic and social climate taking a hard dump.
      I really rather not be around for that, but it is accelerating at an astonishing rate.
      Then I wonder if me being around for my loved ones would be better. So I hope for good health just in case.
      Whats that phrase?
      Pick your battles.
      I will never forget when someone told me "it must be nice to have first world problems'.
      Problems that still permit one to buy a $45 game package, rather than putting it all into food or keeping the lights on. If electricity is even available.
      And yet MM's is the end of it all for many?

  • @Rattler808
    @Rattler808 3 месяца назад

    here :)