As someone who has three Zen Bivy sleep systems, I can say these MODS are excellent. I've emailed Zen Bivy asking about a UL 900 fill option for thru hikers and they politely said "if there is enough demand they would consider it". I'm a big fan of Zen Bivy and wish their products would be carried in places like REI etc. Thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear that! I too would like to see these companies Carrie’s in store but as a former small business owner (I had 17 physical locations that carried my product) I completely understand why they would want to avoid that lol. Stores think they have a right to more profit as a simple reseller than the manufacture. It’s sad. But they are an awesome company. I’ve spoken to them a couple times as well.
@@AhonuiOutdoorsall modified but ended up doing it a little different 🙌 I made pinky-ring sized loops out of 2mm shock cord and then used fabric glue to attach them to my EE quilt. Have yet to test it so we’ll see how it holds up in the field
Brilliant mod! I have the Zenbivy Ultralite 25 and am going to make a 50F Synth Apex Quilt to compliment it and you have given me some great ideas! BTW- Uninsulated hood is the way to go on the ZenBivys- I have both and the Insulated is useless- you can't really get your head in there. Better just to use an insulated Balaclava if it's that cold. Thanks!
Very cool. And that’s good to know about the uninsulated hood. This set up actually ended up working out for us quite well. Though we did end up going with a 2 person pad and making some modifications to the 2 person fast sheet to accommodate two separate quilts instead of a double. It was super cool!
Great minds think alike! I have the exact same quilt with the very same issue. Recently discovered the zenbivy and everyone is raving about it. I didn't think it looked like a hard mod to do, but hearing you confirm that is brilliant. I've been trying to find the enlightened clips available for 3D printing but no luck so far 😔
This is what i love about the great internet :0). I will invest in a cheap quilt, but love the idea of the zenbivy and will someday go for a full system. This allows me to test the idea, and start on the zenbivy way in a reasonable way. Thx mate :+)
Zpack sells loops with tape that I had tried which works but then I tried something that I like even better. Large safety pins. Unwind the safety pin with needle-nose pliers enough so that you can thread a short piece of paracord on the opposite side to the pointy end, heat both ends of the paracord so it doesn't unravel while holding the safety pin with the needle-nose (I learned that last part the hard way), re-bend the safety pin back to where is was originally, then place the safety pins on the quilt. Not as substantial or elegant as your solution but the paracord holds the Zenbivy clips nicely and the added benefit is that the safety pin placement is adjustable.
Thanks for documenting the modification. I'm about to launch into modifying a couple different quilts to interface with the Light and Fast sheets I bought on Black Friday, and this gives me some ideas about making a clean modification.
For sure. Them, gossamer gear, Dutch ware, rip stop by the roll and even zpacks all have a lot of cool diy stuff. It’s just fun to make stuff and even more so when it can make things work better for your needs/wants.
@@dustinthomson110 lol thanks. My dream car. Retirement present to myself. Got rid of the computer on wheels and now this is my daily driver. One I can actually fix when it breaks lol.
Man, what you did is EXACTLY what I have been thinking about doing. I am 5'2", but not very skinny, and the Zenbivy Large or XL would be great for my in terms of width, but I don't need the extra length and I asked them, but they do not make custom sizes. EE DO make the custom sizes, have better FP and are a bit less expensive, so I really just wanted to combine these two systems and VOILA, here you are!!! I know I just had to somehow et loop onto the quilt, but was afraid I'd damage or rip the material in the process, so the webbing trick you showed solves that. Thank you so much for showing me this is possible. I f*ing love it!
Haha that would be a trip. I’m glad I could help solve your issue. I feel like there are a lot of us out there that just need that little extra something that isn’t quite feasible for large companies to mass produce. I love modifying my gear to suit my needs and I’ve actually always had really good interactions with companies when I do. Zen bivvy reached out to me and loved that I did this. They featured it on their Instagram lol. Always cool when they don’t get aggressive about modifying their stuff lol. This has been a great system for us and is still holding up.
Nice........I added some guy line at the factory pad attachment loops to a light sheet. Your's is better though because the attachment location is a few inches deeper on the quilt which will be better for drafts. Nice work!
@@Desertkns60 lol, thank you. My dream car. Bought it as a retirement present to myself. It’s actually my daily driver haha. I got rid of my computer on wheels for one I can actually fix when it breaks.
Oh man thanks for this video! Loved that you modified it to your needs. As I was looking at Zenbivy a few months ago, a light bed 25 25x77 became available and I jumped all over it. Heading down to Patagonia in a few weeks and can't wait to test it. The reason I really like your mod is because the Zenbivy quilt is on the heavier side and I know I can get a better quilt if I need a warmer one down the road to match it to the fast sheet and find a way to do this mod, so thanks again for sharing the info! Cheers and safe travels!
It’s a janome but honestly any machine would due. It’s minimal material but there is an art form to sewing fine/thin fabrics. One I’m not privy to. So I outsourced to the professional in the family lol
This is exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks for the good explanation and video. The search for a lighter inexpensive quilt begins. Hope your trips go well.
It worked quite well. I have since changed to the 2 person pad so I could lighten my sons pack. Zen bivy makes a sheet ther size too so the mods still work haha
Thank you SO much for sharing, I think this is the perfect solution! I was planning to buy the EE Revelation, until I discovered the Zenbivy. I've really been struggling with which to buy - I want the functionality of the fast sheet but I like the EE quilts better (higher fill weights, more customization, short & extra wide option, etc). I can't believe I didn't think of this option, but now I definitely plan to steal it. Thanks for sharing your creativity and DIY attitude!
Absolutely. Only you knows what works for you. I'll be interested in how the BA sleep pad holds up on a thru hike. I hope it works well for you. John from MI
if only I knew how to sew 🙂 although it doesn't look that difficult, thanks. EDIT: do you remember whether this is the L or XL version of the fast sheet? I have a Big Agnes Rapide SL pad, and am wondering whether the L would fit. Thanks!
Hey sorry for the late reply. I don’t actually remember which size it was lol. But it has a bit of wiggle room when it comes to thickness and w/L (to an extent) because of how they made the parts that wrap around the pad. It’s pretty dang versatile
I love these mods. I just purchased an Elightened Equipment quilt, and realizing what you're saying for problems may be problems I'll face (I've never used a quilt, but I'm a side sleeper and have never slept well backpacking) I'm going to get a 25" wide sleeping pad. The fast sheet right now is only available on clearance in the 20" size - but I'm seeing the full "core sheet" and insulated full sheets on closeout in 25" wide - would I be bummed to carry that much extra? or would these be good solutions?
Honestly as with everything in backpacking? It’s incredibly personal. I can’t tell you weather or not it would be worth it to you. But I can say. Nothing beats a good night sleep… lol
I have the wide and it does work well. I will say though I have moved to a sleeping bag if I know it’s going to be below 30°F now. It’s just much easier and warmer lol. But I still love and use this set up otherwise.
Hello, First, did you and your son complete the PCT? How was it? So cool you were doing this with your son. Second, this video is fantastic. I am built a lot like you and have been intrigued by EE and Zenbivy. Your video addresses trying to modify EE to work with Zen Bivy better than anything else I have seen. You are also direct, to the point and explain things very well. I am about to order an Enigma and fast sheet and then try to find somebody who can sew to help me get this done. How did it work for you and your son on the PCT? Thanks for the great info and your cool vibe!
Hey, thank you, I’m glad this video worked for you. I enjoy making them. We actually only made it 20 miles on the Pct last year… haha but we are back out here this year and have just hit idylwild. We will be hitting the 200 mile mark by the weekend! The mod worked great but I will admit, I just straight switched to a bag this year and I don’t think I’ll go back to a quilt. Just can’t bear keeping in the heat and not losing it to the draft.
Привет из России! Меня больше волнует вопрос, не выпадает ли из отверстий от ниток пух или перья? Я так-же хотел сделать внутренний нагрудный карман на куртке the horth face hydrenalite ~20den полиэстер и что-то пришить на квилте с алиэкспресса ace flame quilt 7d нейлон 800fp гусиный пух. Проблема была в том, что я ходил в фирменную официальную фирму, которая занимается только ремонтом снаряжения уже много лет и там я общался лично со швеёй , у который был большой опыт и она сразу отговорила от идеи какую-либо тонкую ткань (7-10den) с пухом прошивать в любом месте, т.к. когда потом ткань в этом месте будет натянута, то отверстия под нитки будут больше и через них по чуть-чуть, но постоянно будет вылезать пух. Я сказал, так может от сначала вылезет, а потом сам собой забьёт дырку и запломбируется? На что она сказала, что нет, пух будет постояно вылезать, пока не вылезет весь (до критичного и заметного состояния). Всё это объяснялось тем, что даже используя крутые тонкие нитки, для тонкий нежных тканей, сама ткань тонкая и по любому когда будут пробивать ткань иголкой, она зацепит пух\перо и вылезет при шитье и уже потом постоянно будет вылезать. Вариант прошить, она сказала, чтобы ничего не вылезало только один, распускать фабричный шов, удалять пух\перья на месте прошивания и только потом шить. Она упоминула как шьют эти одеяла на фабрике, ведь сначала пуховые камеры максимально прошивают без пуха и потом засунув внутрь пух, дошивают маленькой строчкой, т.е. 90% всех швов на фабрике, это прошивка голой ткани без пуха\начинки, а прошивая уже набитую камеру с пухом, мы зацепляем любую пушинку, которая вылезая из дырки нитки тянет за собой все остальные пушинки. Видимо принцип как у бензина который вы отсасываете из бензобака, создав давление ртом, весь бензин потом вытечет сам без вашей помощи! Ролик вышел 1 год назад, это хороший срок чтобы сделать выводы и судя по швам, которые я увидел на видео, ваша жена явно не профессиональный мастер и вообще выглядело, что это было пришито частично руками и явно не профессионально подобранной ниткой, специально для таких тканей? В общем развейте миф или докажите, что мастер права и спустя 1 год у ваших спальников уже нет ~50% пуха? Или может он вылез немного и потом перестал, как я предполагал? P.S: В итоге мне мастер отказалась делать мне квилт (уговорила) и сделала нагрудный карман на пуховике, распустив боковой, вертикальный шов у молнии и пришив внутри подкладки, на подкладку карман и молнию. Т.е. когда я открываю свой куртку, у меня внутри сразу висит пришитый к подкладке внутренний карман. Т.е. она распорола ~50см заводского шва вдоль молнии куртки по центру, пришила карман, не трогая пух и снова зашила заводской шов, между прочим дырка в дырку (я даже не видел, что заводской шов распарывали, т.е. она попадала в старые дырки на 100% - это уровень мастера!).
My wife is a professional quilter using a professional machine and the proper thread for the 20d fabric of my quilt. No hand stitching was done, just trimming the thread with scissors. The only way what you described would be an issue is if you sewed through the down, which we did not. Only the fabric. The person that told you it would continuously fall out of the tiny holes is absolutely incorrect as the down is MUCH larger than the holes. That is simply just not true. They just didn’t want to make the time for you haha. I have had zero down come out of my quilt since making this modification. The only way that would ever happen is if you were very careless with your sewing. I myself; would have destroyed the quilt because I am a terribly sewer haha. But anyone familiar with a sewing machine can very easily make this modification without any damage. As for your pocket request. That would be a different story because every stitch would be going through the down of the jacket and yes, the needle would push down out of every whole and creat a mess. But it would not just continuously fall out. Your initial assumption was correct. Again, they just didn’t want to modify your jacket for you. Possibly in case you decided to blame them if you were unhappy.
do you think silicone magnetic cable ties would work instead of sew ons? i cant sew. ive tried to add a link but it doesnt let me but if you google solicone magnetic cable ties youll see what i mean
Something like that could possibly work. Conceptually there isn’t an issue with them at all. Im not sure if they would hold up to a lot of tossing and turning (like I do lol) but they may.
Greta video! I did a similar mod but used stick on loops from Zpacks. I know how to sew, so your solution is even better. I also like the additional clips. I’m going to use that mod! If you’re curious about what I did, here’s the video link.видео.html
As someone who has three Zen Bivy sleep systems, I can say these MODS are excellent. I've emailed Zen Bivy asking about a UL 900 fill option for thru hikers and they politely said "if there is enough demand they would consider it". I'm a big fan of Zen Bivy and wish their products would be carried in places like REI etc. Thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear that! I too would like to see these companies Carrie’s in store but as a former small business owner (I had 17 physical locations that carried my product) I completely understand why they would want to avoid that lol. Stores think they have a right to more profit as a simple reseller than the manufacture. It’s sad. But they are an awesome company. I’ve spoken to them a couple times as well.
Wow. U r going to sleep so well. Even on a sloped ground. I think many hikers will be very interested in your mods. Keep on.
Only time will tell! Lol I have high hopes though. I think it’s going to work quite well for me.
Been looking to do the same thing. Thanks for the video. It wasn’t long winded at all. It was all the info I was looking for 🙏 🤙 thank you
Glad to see some folks enjoying this one.
@@AhonuiOutdoorsall modified but ended up doing it a little different 🙌
I made pinky-ring sized loops out of 2mm shock cord and then used fabric glue to attach them to my EE quilt.
Have yet to test it so we’ll see how it holds up in the field
@ very nice. If I didn’t have a wife that could sew I’d have had to do something similar haha. Hope it works out for you!
One word...genius.
Lol thanks. Id love to take credit for it but zenbivy really did all the hard work on that one.
Brilliant mod! I have the Zenbivy Ultralite 25 and am going to make a 50F Synth Apex Quilt to compliment it and you have given me some great ideas! BTW- Uninsulated hood is the way to go on the ZenBivys- I have both and the Insulated is useless- you can't really get your head in there. Better just to use an insulated Balaclava if it's that cold. Thanks!
Very cool. And that’s good to know about the uninsulated hood. This set up actually ended up working out for us quite well. Though we did end up going with a 2 person pad and making some modifications to the 2 person fast sheet to accommodate two separate quilts instead of a double. It was super cool!
Great minds think alike! I have the exact same quilt with the very same issue. Recently discovered the zenbivy and everyone is raving about it. I didn't think it looked like a hard mod to do, but hearing you confirm that is brilliant. I've been trying to find the enlightened clips available for 3D printing but no luck so far 😔
They sell those clips for pretty cheap on the enlightenedequipment site. Like .50 cents each I think
It’s been a good modification for us. It’s still running strong. Highly recommend it if your on the fence.
Thank, wide shoulders do make sleeping a challenge at times. Nice mods. I try it but as you said, I don’t know how to so! LOL
Hahah that would definitely make it difficult for you.
This is what i love about the great internet :0). I will invest in a cheap quilt, but love the idea of the zenbivy and will someday go for a full system. This allows me to test the idea, and start on the zenbivy way in a reasonable way. Thx mate :+)
Glad I could give you some ideas on how to help you out!
Zpack sells loops with tape that I had tried which works but then I tried something that I like even better. Large safety pins. Unwind the safety pin with needle-nose pliers enough so that you can thread a short piece of paracord on the opposite side to the pointy end, heat both ends of the paracord so it doesn't unravel while holding the safety pin with the needle-nose (I learned that last part the hard way), re-bend the safety pin back to where is was originally, then place the safety pins on the quilt. Not as substantial or elegant as your solution but the paracord holds the Zenbivy clips nicely and the added benefit is that the safety pin placement is adjustable.
Do you have a picture or video of this? I am intrigued but having trouble visualizing it in my head
Order the Universal sheet and just switch out the quilts. I have the same issues as you and this is the best system to use for sure
Thanks for documenting the modification. I'm about to launch into modifying a couple different quilts to interface with the Light and Fast sheets I bought on Black Friday, and this gives me some ideas about making a clean modification.
It’s worked great for us so far. I hope it works for you as well
BRILLIANT! you may have saved me a lot of money! hahaha
I’m glad to hear it. It’s always nice to be able to use what you have instead of always having to buy new.
Hammock Gear has a lot of the clips and DIY stuff for great prices if ever needed. Good video! Thanks
For sure. Them, gossamer gear, Dutch ware, rip stop by the roll and even zpacks all have a lot of cool diy stuff. It’s just fun to make stuff and even more so when it can make things work better for your needs/wants.
@@AhonuiOutdoors absolutely! Love the hot rod too!
@@dustinthomson110 lol thanks. My dream car. Retirement present to myself. Got rid of the computer on wheels and now this is my daily driver. One I can actually fix when it breaks lol.
Thanks for making the follow up demo! Looks great. I’ll try to copy!
No problem. Let me know if you have any questions.
Man, what you did is EXACTLY what I have been thinking about doing. I am 5'2", but not very skinny, and the Zenbivy Large or XL would be great for my in terms of width, but I don't need the extra length and I asked them, but they do not make custom sizes. EE DO make the custom sizes, have better FP and are a bit less expensive, so I really just wanted to combine these two systems and VOILA, here you are!!! I know I just had to somehow et loop onto the quilt, but was afraid I'd damage or rip the material in the process, so the webbing trick you showed solves that. Thank you so much for showing me this is possible. I f*ing love it!
PS: I feel like EE should just go and buy Zenbivy and make all of our dreams come true lol
Haha that would be a trip. I’m glad I could help solve your issue. I feel like there are a lot of us out there that just need that little extra something that isn’t quite feasible for large companies to mass produce. I love modifying my gear to suit my needs and I’ve actually always had really good interactions with companies when I do. Zen bivvy reached out to me and loved that I did this. They featured it on their Instagram lol. Always cool when they don’t get aggressive about modifying their stuff lol. This has been a great system for us and is still holding up.
I was thinking of doing this since what I have is an EE quilt.
It’s worked great for us. There’s also no downside because you can still use the quilt without the sheet if you want to. Best of both worlds
Nice........I added some guy line at the factory pad attachment loops to a light sheet. Your's is better though because the attachment location is a few inches deeper on the quilt which will be better for drafts. Nice work!
Thank you. It’s not a perfect system but it was defiantly a LOT better than the elastic pad straps lol
Loved this! Doing what you need for a good nights sleep is key to a successful/enjoyable trip!
Much appreciated. I think between this and my pad change, it will be a night and day difference for my sleep this go around!
P. S. The car in the back ground is amazing!!!!!
@@Desertkns60 lol, thank you. My dream car. Bought it as a retirement present to myself. It’s actually my daily driver haha. I got rid of my computer on wheels for one I can actually fix when it breaks.
Awesome mod! worth the weight and cost imo
Completely agree! Can’t want to test it out for real!
Thank you for making this! So helpful and definitely not unnecessary.
Glad you enjoyed it. It’s been doing quite well for us
Oh man thanks for this video! Loved that you modified it to your needs. As I was looking at Zenbivy a few months ago, a light bed 25 25x77 became available and I jumped all over it. Heading down to Patagonia in a few weeks and can't wait to test it.
The reason I really like your mod is because the Zenbivy quilt is on the heavier side and I know I can get a better quilt if I need a warmer one down the road to match it to the fast sheet and find a way to do this mod, so thanks again for sharing the info!
Cheers and safe travels!
No problem. I’m glad you found the video helpful. I’m also intrigued to hear your thoughts on the light bed! Have fun in Patagonia!
Great mods, and well said that the end! What sewing machine was used to sew these mods? Not sure mine will be able to handle it.
It’s a janome but honestly any machine would due. It’s minimal material but there is an art form to sewing fine/thin fabrics. One I’m not privy to. So I outsourced to the professional in the family lol
This is exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks for the good explanation and video. The search for a lighter inexpensive quilt begins. Hope your trips go well.
It worked quite well. I have since changed to the 2 person pad so I could lighten my sons pack. Zen bivy makes a sheet ther size too so the mods still work haha
@@AhonuiOutdoors So good. Have a great trip!
Thank you SO much for sharing, I think this is the perfect solution! I was planning to buy the EE Revelation, until I discovered the Zenbivy. I've really been struggling with which to buy - I want the functionality of the fast sheet but I like the EE quilts better (higher fill weights, more customization, short & extra wide option, etc). I can't believe I didn't think of this option, but now I definitely plan to steal it. Thanks for sharing your creativity and DIY attitude!
Glad to help. I hope you ended up doing it and that wit worked well for you!
Absolutely. Only you knows what works for you. I'll be interested in how the BA sleep pad holds up on a thru hike. I hope it works well for you. John from MI
Only time will tell!
Are you two planning a later start date to avoid the crazy weather.
Have you tried Velcro for the pillow problem? Great mods! Love my EE quilt and was thinking about doing something like this!
I tried a strap once but it was obnoxious haha. Honestly, I switched to a bag and just solved all my problems 🤣
if only I knew how to sew 🙂 although it doesn't look that difficult, thanks. EDIT: do you remember whether this is the L or XL version of the fast sheet? I have a Big Agnes Rapide SL pad, and am wondering whether the L would fit. Thanks!
Hey sorry for the late reply. I don’t actually remember which size it was lol. But it has a bit of wiggle room when it comes to thickness and w/L (to an extent) because of how they made the parts that wrap around the pad. It’s pretty dang versatile
Did you tie a knot in the line to make a loop or did you sew the line ends together within the 1/2" webbing?
We doubled it over under the webbing and sewed it in before sewing it to the quilt. It’s holding up great.
I love these mods.
I just purchased an Elightened Equipment quilt, and realizing what you're saying for problems may be problems I'll face (I've never used a quilt, but I'm a side sleeper and have never slept well backpacking)
I'm going to get a 25" wide sleeping pad. The fast sheet right now is only available on clearance in the 20" size - but I'm seeing the full "core sheet" and insulated full sheets on closeout in 25" wide - would I be bummed to carry that much extra? or would these be good solutions?
Honestly as with everything in backpacking? It’s incredibly personal. I can’t tell you weather or not it would be worth it to you. But I can say. Nothing beats a good night sleep… lol
What size EE quilt do you use? I have about the same width shoulders and was deciding if the wide version would be wide enough
I have the wide and it does work well. I will say though I have moved to a sleeping bag if I know it’s going to be below 30°F now. It’s just much easier and warmer lol. But I still love and use this set up otherwise.
Hello, First, did you and your son complete the PCT? How was it? So cool you were doing this with your son. Second, this video is fantastic. I am built a lot like you and have been intrigued by EE and Zenbivy. Your video addresses trying to modify EE to work with Zen Bivy better than anything else I have seen. You are also direct, to the point and explain things very well. I am about to order an Enigma and fast sheet and then try to find somebody who can sew to help me get this done. How did it work for you and your son on the PCT? Thanks for the great info and your cool vibe!
Hey, thank you, I’m glad this video worked for you. I enjoy making them. We actually only made it 20 miles on the Pct last year… haha but we are back out here this year and have just hit idylwild. We will be hitting the 200 mile mark by the weekend! The mod worked great but I will admit, I just straight switched to a bag this year and I don’t think I’ll go back to a quilt. Just can’t bear keeping in the heat and not losing it to the draft.
Good video. On your quilt. Is that the wide or the extra wide?
Hey. I don’t quite remember. It’s the biggest one they sold back in late 2018.
Привет из России! Меня больше волнует вопрос, не выпадает ли из отверстий от ниток пух или перья? Я так-же хотел сделать внутренний нагрудный карман на куртке the horth face hydrenalite ~20den полиэстер и что-то пришить на квилте с алиэкспресса ace flame quilt 7d нейлон 800fp гусиный пух. Проблема была в том, что я ходил в фирменную официальную фирму, которая занимается только ремонтом снаряжения уже много лет и там я общался лично со швеёй , у который был большой опыт и она сразу отговорила от идеи какую-либо тонкую ткань (7-10den) с пухом прошивать в любом месте, т.к. когда потом ткань в этом месте будет натянута, то отверстия под нитки будут больше и через них по чуть-чуть, но постоянно будет вылезать пух. Я сказал, так может от сначала вылезет, а потом сам собой забьёт дырку и запломбируется? На что она сказала, что нет, пух будет постояно вылезать, пока не вылезет весь (до критичного и заметного состояния). Всё это объяснялось тем, что даже используя крутые тонкие нитки, для тонкий нежных тканей, сама ткань тонкая и по любому когда будут пробивать ткань иголкой, она зацепит пух\перо и вылезет при шитье и уже потом постоянно будет вылезать.
Вариант прошить, она сказала, чтобы ничего не вылезало только один, распускать фабричный шов, удалять пух\перья на месте прошивания и только потом шить. Она упоминула как шьют эти одеяла на фабрике, ведь сначала пуховые камеры максимально прошивают без пуха и потом засунув внутрь пух, дошивают маленькой строчкой, т.е. 90% всех швов на фабрике, это прошивка голой ткани без пуха\начинки, а прошивая уже набитую камеру с пухом, мы зацепляем любую пушинку, которая вылезая из дырки нитки тянет за собой все остальные пушинки. Видимо принцип как у бензина который вы отсасываете из бензобака, создав давление ртом, весь бензин потом вытечет сам без вашей помощи!
Ролик вышел 1 год назад, это хороший срок чтобы сделать выводы и судя по швам, которые я увидел на видео, ваша жена явно не профессиональный мастер и вообще выглядело, что это было пришито частично руками и явно не профессионально подобранной ниткой, специально для таких тканей?
В общем развейте миф или докажите, что мастер права и спустя 1 год у ваших спальников уже нет ~50% пуха? Или может он вылез немного и потом перестал, как я предполагал?
P.S: В итоге мне мастер отказалась делать мне квилт (уговорила) и сделала нагрудный карман на пуховике, распустив боковой, вертикальный шов у молнии и пришив внутри подкладки, на подкладку карман и молнию. Т.е. когда я открываю свой куртку, у меня внутри сразу висит пришитый к подкладке внутренний карман. Т.е. она распорола ~50см заводского шва вдоль молнии куртки по центру, пришила карман, не трогая пух и снова зашила заводской шов, между прочим дырка в дырку (я даже не видел, что заводской шов распарывали, т.е. она попадала в старые дырки на 100% - это уровень мастера!).
My wife is a professional quilter using a professional machine and the proper thread for the 20d fabric of my quilt. No hand stitching was done, just trimming the thread with scissors. The only way what you described would be an issue is if you sewed through the down, which we did not. Only the fabric. The person that told you it would continuously fall out of the tiny holes is absolutely incorrect as the down is MUCH larger than the holes. That is simply just not true. They just didn’t want to make the time for you haha. I have had zero down come out of my quilt since making this modification. The only way that would ever happen is if you were very careless with your sewing. I myself; would have destroyed the quilt because I am a terribly sewer haha. But anyone familiar with a sewing machine can very easily make this modification without any damage. As for your pocket request. That would be a different story because every stitch would be going through the down of the jacket and yes, the needle would push down out of every whole and creat a mess. But it would not just continuously fall out. Your initial assumption was correct. Again, they just didn’t want to modify your jacket for you. Possibly in case you decided to blame them if you were unhappy.
do you think silicone magnetic cable ties would work instead of sew ons? i cant sew. ive tried to add a link but it doesnt let me but if you google solicone magnetic cable ties youll see what i mean
Something like that could possibly work. Conceptually there isn’t an issue with them at all. Im not sure if they would hold up to a lot of tossing and turning (like I do lol) but they may.
@@AhonuiOutdoors im a tosser and turner myself. the drafts suck
Greta video! I did a similar mod but used stick on loops from Zpacks. I know how to sew, so your solution is even better. I also like the additional clips. I’m going to use that mod! If you’re curious about what I did, here’s the video link.видео.html
Very cool. Always glad to see others making their gear work best for them.
Great video - now the quilt is much better 🇩🇰🏕
Thank you. I think it will definitely serve me well.