History of an occupation | Fault Lines

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • In the fall of 2011, New York's Zuccotti Park grabbed the world's attention as the hub of Occupy Wall Street, a movement that set off a chain of rage against the country's financial and political elite.
    Even in the face of police repression and media ridicule, the movement mobilised thousands of people fed up with the deep economic divide in the US. And within two months hundreds of Occupy Wall Street camps swept across the country changing the political discourse in the US.
    "People were upset about the economy, people were upset about the foreclosure crisis, people were upset about the bailouts, and about the fact that it looked like elected officials were working for big business rather than for the people who they're supposed to be working for," says activist Max Rameau from Take Back the Land.
    Fault Lines tells the definitive history of Occupy Wall Street from its early days through the movement's rapid spread up to the brutal crackdown by state authorities.
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Комментарии • 93

  • @skatejam7
    @skatejam7 12 лет назад +4

    "This is a public space, we are the public. The public should not have to ask for permission to occupy their own space, we're going to do it." Spot on dude.

  • @Andershasgotitgoinon
    @Andershasgotitgoinon 12 лет назад +5

    "How do you fix the deficit?"
    "End the wars! Tax the rich!"

  • @aljazeeraenglish
    @aljazeeraenglish  11 лет назад +5

    We value robust debate and understand that people often feel strongly about the topics covered by Fault Lines, but please show respect for the views and beliefs of other users. By being polite and civil, you ensure that the topic remains the focus of the debate.
    Comments that are not related to the topic being discussed, racist, homophobic, sexist or otherwise offensive may be deleted.
    Let's talk!

  • @scorpion103181
    @scorpion103181 12 лет назад +3

    It kills me that the politicians have a majority of people voting against their best interests.

  • @dandanakka556
    @dandanakka556 11 лет назад +4

    Thank you AlJazeera for an unbiased and open documentary! Very insightful. It is appalling how mainstream media continues to toss aside some of these events like they were pointless. It only begs the question of ethics of media. I'm not saying they have to be sweet and cute about everything but they sure as hell shouldn't be over opinionated and moronic!

  • @MizJaniceResinArt
    @MizJaniceResinArt 12 лет назад +1

    I think this is a very well-done video. It shows the truth about what has been happening in the Occupy movement. I would like to see a video that also tells the history of this movement that includes the spread of the movement across the World. There is an Occupy movement in almost every country in the World. That's what's so great about this movement. . . .It's not one nation, It's One People. We're all together in this. There is no separation between us.

  • @leviamenra
    @leviamenra 12 лет назад +1

    i see this as a middle class movement. as a poor person it makes me happy to watch the clashes with police but this isnt about poor people issues. when this is over regardless of whether or not they get what they want poor people will still be poor.

  • @creamone
    @creamone 12 лет назад +1

    Humans are so fixed on tradition. Once we break the mental chains of tradition we can accomplish anything. We tend to cling to old ideas as if old ideas are the best and only ideas. Progression is looking ahead, acting accordingly, innovative, transcending ideas put into action. There is nothing wrong with change as long as it is change for the better.

  • @josepsaavedra
    @josepsaavedra 12 лет назад +1

    To Aljazeera: Do not sell yourself to the money forces... stay focus and do not sell yourself to all rich and Jewish interest. We, the people, need an independent, clear and not tinted lens to see and report. Someone to denounce the false democratic rhetoric they are selling us for so many years.

  • @perfectibility999
    @perfectibility999 12 лет назад

    A major reason the Occupy movement has diminished is the huge police crackdown. There's a lot of introspection among Occupy supporters, asking "where did we go wrong?" However, mostly what went wrong is the police crackdown. It broke the momentum. Force is effective, that's why they use it.

  • @Fappsu
    @Fappsu 12 лет назад +1

    This should get 80 mil. views. C'mon sheeple! Wake up!

  • @ChrisMichael
    @ChrisMichael 12 лет назад +1

    Why is there no mention of the Anti-Occupy Bill (HR 347, aka, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011) that was passed a month before this video was posted, which overrules the freedom to assemble granted by the First Amendment?

  • @DanielMilosevic
    @DanielMilosevic 12 лет назад

    The issue is that Middle America could care less about Occupy Wall Street. The major population centers could rise up, but the rest could care less. Sad

  • @Hamadoman
    @Hamadoman 12 лет назад

    Stay Human is a great slogan .
    We might look different but we are all human beings.

  • @shadowreality5
    @shadowreality5 12 лет назад +1

    OWS is all but forgotten.

  • @jacebohlman3198
    @jacebohlman3198 4 месяца назад

    The way I had never heard of this movement and I am 20 is very odd

  • @TheIndustrialphreak
    @TheIndustrialphreak 12 лет назад

    We are all human beings regardless how we all individually worship great spirit, prophets. No-one should treat their fellow brother or sister like this. This is just testament/proof we all need to step back and re-evaluate basic human rights, and how society has allowed the corruption of pursuit of liberty and joy and happiness the constitution affords all US and foreign nationals that occupies these soils.

  • @amirmuh
    @amirmuh 12 лет назад

    I was in Chicago for the Occupy/Nato protests and I think the protesters did an awesome job both organizing and making their voices heard

    • @meowcat9636
      @meowcat9636 5 лет назад

      amirmuh yes, but what was their point?

  • @DEVRIMCI2007
    @DEVRIMCI2007 11 лет назад

    People who want to change society for the better, are not idiots.

  • @skatejam7
    @skatejam7 12 лет назад +1

    I agree, at least the pepper spray won't work though :P
    You gotta fight for your right to partay! I know this is a peaceful protest, but there will come a time when we will have to literally fight, I for one will fight the fight!

  • @senorfix
    @senorfix 12 лет назад

    Thanks AJ - well done.

  • @DEVRIMCI2007
    @DEVRIMCI2007 11 лет назад

    We want Fault Lines back please.. quality series.

  • @dolfen7
    @dolfen7 12 лет назад

    Last year was the Middle East's Spring, will this Spring be that of the United States? Only if the people rise up in sufficient numbers. Change is inevitable. The old paradigm is doing and will do everything it can to maintain the status quo and their handle on power. They're desperate and desperate people do terrible things.

  • @jfnla
    @jfnla 12 лет назад

    It's so upsetting that the only time this 'movement' had a prayer of being effective was the first moments of its inception. The OWS failure is one of the biggest social tragedies of the decade.

  • @fireant202
    @fireant202 12 лет назад +1

    What's the music at the end? I like it.

  • @Stella0Stella
    @Stella0Stella 12 лет назад

    I support the99declaration. org and the national general assembly of occupiers from across the country to be held in July. I believe we should support it- NOT as THE voice of OWS, but as a synthesis of all the voices of Occupy across the country. Formatted in the way our current system functions - to be able to give them a list. Do I have any real hope of it making a difference? Not really. Do I feel responsible to give them a chance? Yes!

  • @don1559
    @don1559 12 лет назад

    The amazing thing about free media such as AlJazeera is that once they make a video about what's happening in a country , some people respond by saying "this is not you business don't interfere in our country " , as if what's happening in america doesn't affect the world !!!

  • @dupersuper1000
    @dupersuper1000 12 лет назад +1

    This film was probably produced more than a month ago, just undergoing editing, until now.

  • @tibetanvideoproject
    @tibetanvideoproject 12 лет назад

    Real well done!

  • @sohebkhan007
    @sohebkhan007 11 лет назад +1

    OWS = a ray of hope that yes we can

  • @bozolazic
    @bozolazic 12 лет назад

    But he saw..., a time come when his people began to awaken, not all at once, but a few here and there,...and he saw that they were dancing in a beautiful light of the Spirit World under the Sacred Tree... Then he was amazed to see that dancing under the tree were representatives of all races who had become brothers, and he realized that the world would be made new again and in peace and harmony not just by his people, but by members of all races of mankind.
    ~Prophecy of Crazy Horse

  • @lynnybee888
    @lynnybee888 12 лет назад

    THANK YOU to AlJazeera for telling truth. So many Americans do not have a clue as to what is wrong.

  • @bjarczyk
    @bjarczyk 12 лет назад

    I highly recommend Our Enemies in Blue by Kristian Williams. It traces the evolution of modern policing as the armed defenders of capitalism from riot police, secret police, strike breakers, klan collaboration, all the way back to the slave patrols. It's a scathing book and what we see today is nothing new. Gotta roll with the punches if you want this movement to win.

  • @Biplob88
    @Biplob88 11 лет назад

    there is no way you can change a country financial system .. when country rate of debt is 5 times of its GDP.. this the reality !!

  • @dovv2010
    @dovv2010 12 лет назад

    That was great!

  • @MiddleoftheRoadProductions
    @MiddleoftheRoadProductions 12 лет назад +1

    18:01 "If it hadn't been caught on video, and if it was someone who was black"...see, this is a HUGE problem...why can't he just say, "If it wasn't caught on video"?? Why bring in skin color?? I just don't get it...

  • @bjarczyk
    @bjarczyk 12 лет назад

    Incredible documentary but you forgot to report on the Oakland strike and the port shut downs.

  • @skatejam7
    @skatejam7 12 лет назад

    I think they should use some money collected to provide people with goggles and dusk masks for when the police break out the pepper spray.

  • @DBproductionsBadJuicy
    @DBproductionsBadJuicy 12 лет назад

    democracy is a terrible thing unless you protect a persons liberties.
    that includes their property and their labor.
    so many people at OWS are 100% fine with enacting force on another peaceful human.

  • @verdew8181
    @verdew8181 12 лет назад

    I get very angry whenever I see or am involved in a group of peaceful protesters being harassed violently by a massive show of thugs in uniform just for exercising their rights to peaceful assembly and speech. What exactly do the villains fear so badly? The facts of their ugly crimes against the people no longer will be hidden or ignored. All the world can see these criminals in power just for what they are.

  • @skanwank
    @skanwank 12 лет назад +2

    No mention of 4chan.Talk about forgetting your roots

  • @salmonsaurus
    @salmonsaurus 11 лет назад +1

    Communism and direct democracy go hand in hand. e.g. Conquest of Bread

  • @creamone
    @creamone 12 лет назад +1

    Capitalism is a flawed system. People need to wake up and see this. We can do better. Look into a Resource Based Economy where people's concerns are first. Where as in Capitalism money is the main concern.

  • @mark01ization
    @mark01ization 12 лет назад

    a true history of OWS

  • @e0o9kii
    @e0o9kii 11 лет назад +1

    Comment while you still can.

  • @Nephtys80
    @Nephtys80 12 лет назад

    Oh, okay... so I guess CNN and Fox shouldn't be allowed to cover anything happening outside of America either then, right?

  • @TemujinMSM
    @TemujinMSM 8 лет назад

    Occupy was great, in a way it's not really over, this whole Bernie campaign for instance, and the demonstrations in Ferguson and around the country against police brutality and racism. The whole not having demands thing though, that was a mistake. People need to know what they are fighting for and even have a win every once in a while or they will eventually get tired out and go home.

    • @arnoldrivas4590
      @arnoldrivas4590 8 лет назад

      It's now grown up. Take On Wall Street. Look it up yourself.

  • @Photostudioww
    @Photostudioww 7 лет назад

    28:00 true.

  • @fernandoago
    @fernandoago 12 лет назад


  • @999across
    @999across 11 лет назад

    I have mixed feeling about OWS & how it handled a golden opportunity in time. W/o a "spokesmen" w/ clear cut msg, the focus is lost & you end up w/ mixed msg from a host of wild characters. Which now represent "you" & the "cause." Leaving you wide open.
    On another note you might want to rethink the "spirit fingers" concept, next time.

  • @numberoneBORON
    @numberoneBORON 12 лет назад

    this is soo awesome!! everyone share this via facebook, twitter.. etc.

  • @ecclesiste
    @ecclesiste 12 лет назад

    Sa serait bien de le traduire dans plusieurs langues, surement que c'est déjà entrain de ce faire.

  • @Ammmericanpie
    @Ammmericanpie 12 лет назад +1

    NWA:"fuck da police!"

  • @KnowledgeScroll
    @KnowledgeScroll 3 года назад +1


  • @ahmed337799
    @ahmed337799 12 лет назад

    ARAB Spring not "middle east".

  • @inmymind801
    @inmymind801 12 лет назад

    in a nutshell, what does the movement represent to you?

  • @Javjean
    @Javjean 12 лет назад

    Your spelling is questionable.

  • @salmonsaurus
    @salmonsaurus 11 лет назад

    Bad troll.

    @EVEMASTER99 11 лет назад

    Holy communist revolution batman.