Prime Minister promises action on ABI bill

  • Опубликовано: 9 мар 2022
  • In November 2021, Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed that a UK-wide strategy for Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and other neurological conditions would be developed.
    This significant milestone reinforces the strength of the neuro community, including you - and your contribution to our social research programme, NeuroLifeNow. Government is launching a call for evidence about what should be within the new strategy in Spring.
    Now the strategy has been agreed, work has started on the implementation process. Chris Bryant MP has met with Gillian Keegan, Minister of State for Care at the Department of Health and Social Care to draw up a time line and discuss terms of reference and calls for evidence. Now is the time to share your priorities for this new strategy. You can contribute your views through the NeuroLifeNow app or website by 31 March 2022:

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