  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 159

  • @jvoyles86
    @jvoyles86 Год назад +50

    Fun fact: Robert Pattinson actually composed the song he played for Bella at the Cullen’s house.

      @MIRROREDRECOLLECTION  Год назад +18

      I love it when people are way more talented than you thought.

    • @Ts-lz1gj
      @Ts-lz1gj Год назад +10

      And he singed the song that was played when the movie was transitioning to the hospital scene


      @@Ts-lz1gj dang now you got me wanting to watch it again lol 😆

    • @xenosanrio
      @xenosanrio Год назад +5

      please stop spreading misinformation, when bella and edward have dinner for the first time robert pattinson is singing on the song that plays in the background then when edward is sucking the venom out of bellas arm robert sings for the song playing as well, but in real life Bellas Lullaby was composed by Carter Burwell who did the entire score for the film


      @@xenosanrio It's a beautiful lullaby. Her face was priceless while Edward played piano and the camera swiped dramatically by... Fun fact: I wanted to exploit her expression in that scene, but liked the score too much.

  • @Ts-lz1gj
    @Ts-lz1gj Год назад +21

    So in the book they mentioned that the vampires have this thing where sometimes they find their mate for life. Basically like they find their magical soul mate and are bound to them. It makes sense because vampires are frozen in time, usually in pain for eternity. So the only thing that would fill them is an eternity of love. The majority of the time they fall for another vampire who feels the same way . And they literally can't be apart from each other. Its love beyond comprehension. And its rare that a human could be cable of this kind of love. This actually what every member of the Cullen family went through, Alice with jasper, Rosalie with Emmet and Carlisle with his wife. It's similar to how animals find their mate and when one of the partners gets ripped away from the other, they both feel agonizing pain.
    Next the vampire lore. The concept of the vampires are completely different than what most people are used to. So like when they become a vampire their facial structure shifts in ways to make them like angels but also demon predators. And its interesting because humans can revert to an animal type nature given the type of situation. Next their scent, voice and face attract people rather they like it or not. Which goes with what their made of. Their body erupts into different kinds of material, ice, minerals and diamonds. It goes with the myth of why they can't go out in to the sun light, why they don't need to breath, why they're so strong, and why they can pierce through skin without needing fangs. But here's the really interesting part, when they're torn apart they look hollow dolls. It kinda symbolizes how dolls attracts people and how beautiful they look. But the hollow part resembles their existence. Dolls never age, and their emotions are always beneath the surface.
    Next Edward Cullen analysis. Right off the back u can tell he is antisocial and shy. And he was probably like this when he was human. Becoming a vampire makes it difficult because you're in a new body with new impulses that could lead to destruction and no one can really stop you. So he has to have constant self control. Kinda like your kryptonian but with a bloodlust. And everyone wants to be around him because they're drawn to him. But because he can read minds he can probably find out what they're thinking to find ways to tell them to get lost. But because of what he is he's always alone. Even in his family he's alone in the beginning because everyone has someone except for him. So when he finds bella, yes he's happy but a piece of him is hoping that she'll leave because he doesn't want her to feel the misery of being a vampire. Like even tho he knows he'll never drank her blood because of how much self control he has over himslef more than other vampires, he still makes jokes about it because a tiny piece of him is hoping that she'll leave.
    Next there's Bellas character. Bellas extremely similar to Edward. She's extremely shy, she's clumsy, and she hates the attention being on her. But it's unfortunate because eveyone is always trying to talk to her, be friends with her, or date her. But everyone miss judges her. So she never fits in not even in her own family. I think she only hangs out with her friend group at school because they don't miss judge her as much as other people. However she's extremely mature and perceptive. So she figures out ways to divert the conversation or situation to somewhere else. Like when mike asked bella out in the first movie she knew that Jessica was jealous so she diverted mikes attention to Jessica. The only people that actually understood bella were the Cullen. Thats why her only best friend was alice. When edward first met her. He was intrigued because he couldn't read her mind, she was an outsider like him, and could also tell what people were thinking in her own way. But he also disliked her because to vampires her blood smells better than any other human. And he hadn't fed in awhile.


      This makes a lot of sense. And now that you mention it, you're right, I never noticed fangs on these vampires. Thanks for putting some of those puzzle pieces together!

  • @berdawn82
    @berdawn82 Год назад +43

    I like this reaction video a lot. You didn’t go into it already thinking you’d hate it and you’re giving great feedback on actual movie things and asking great questions. Hope you do the rest


      Wow, it's so nice of you to take the time and leave a comment like that. Thanks for the encouragement!

    • @berdawn82
      @berdawn82 Год назад +1

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION you’re welcome! Also, to answer a few of your questions about why the vampires want Bella so much… for Edward, she’s his “singer” it means her blood calls to him like no other, Emmett actually killed his singer because he couldn’t control it. I’m not sure if the movies ever mention it, I can’t remember but it’s in the books. James wanted her only because he knew she was Edwards mate/singer and he lives on human blood so her blood already calls to him, but the chase with Edward is what was important to him. Another fun fact, the song playing when Edward is sucking venom out of Bella is actually Robert Pattinson singing. It’s his friends song and he gave him permission to sing it. His voice is great.


      @@berdawn82 Thanks! I figured the book would have those specifics, glad someone read them! I just found out about him singing that song but didn't know it was his friends. Wow I'm learning a lot. Pretty talented chap.

    • @NickyNicole21
      @NickyNicole21 Год назад

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION please do the rest of them ive seen reactors roll their eyes for the entire first movie but still end up invested by the end 🤣🤣 so if u liked this one at all its def worth watching the rest and yes while i love watching this series win over the haters its still always nice to see somebody give it a fair chance💜💜


      @@NickyNicole21 thank you. I plan to give them all a fair shake.

  • @tiff1213
    @tiff1213 Год назад +17

    Nice reaction. I appreciate the fact that you had an open mind and didn't prejudge. I hope you do the rest of the series.

  • @Aloharebeccalolo
    @Aloharebeccalolo Год назад +45

    I really enjoyed this reaction! Hope you decide to do the rest of them!
    I like that you didn’t seem to come in with the preconceived notion it would be bad, and you didn’t seem off-put by the Bella’s awkwardness, I feel like it makes it more realistic, teenagers are awkward.
    They’ll delve into it a bit into the later movies, but for a quick answer, the vampires are bitten, not born. They definitely go into some more backstories, mostly in Eclipse. You seemed interested in the Quileutes background, you’ll really like New Moon if that interests you.
    Subscribing in the hopes you do the other movies!

      @MIRROREDRECOLLECTION  Год назад +22

      I notice a lot of reactors will come in hot with an unfair experience because of how they feel about the actors or the success of the series. Or, mostly how they feel about the cult like fanbase, it's almost as if they're reacting to what people like, not the actual story? I just want to see if the script is really as bad as they protest and 9x out of 10 it's really NOT THAT BAD. Thanks for the kind words please be patient I hope to cover all of the movies :)

    • @barbaraprice8483
      @barbaraprice8483 Год назад +6

      yesss! someone that understands, people always clown on these movies bc its "cringe". but really its a teen movie, and bellas personality is awkward and i wish people would understand that lolllllll

  • @xlanila
    @xlanila Год назад +10

    Although I'm not a fan of it now, Twilight still holds a special place in my heart. Helped me a lot when I was 13. I had some health problems, I was in the waiting room to see a doctor and my dad disappeared for a few minutes, secretly bought me the first two books and gave them to me. I completely forgot about my fear and everything, I just started reading right then and there, no care in the world.
    I'm almost 30 now and I have a lot of issues with Twilight story and characters-wise, but I am so irritated by reactors who start sh!tting on it before they even press play. They say it's their first time watching it, but they get into it blinded by prejudice, taking no scene seriously and giving it zero respect for what it tried to be. As someone who first watched it in 2008 and was part of the target audience (a teenage girl who spent all her time on the internet reading about Disney celebrities, listening to Avril Lavigne and playing dress up Barbie games), for me and many others this movie was the coolest thing ever.
    Truth is some movies aren't timeless. They belong to a certain time period and Twilight is peak 2008 paranormal teenage drama. It's everything we wanted - a more "serious", "dark" romance story because every teen movie in the '00s was high school bubblegum romance, mostly romcoms like She's the Man, John Tucker Must Die, High School Musical, etc. and we loved them, but something like a forbidden romance for teens hadn't been done before. Twilight was new, it was fresh, it was groundbreaking. Most people, adults and teenagers alike, who are watching it for the first time in 2023 won't get it.
    My point is thank you for respecting it! If you end up watching the rest and hating everything, that's alright. You tried and that's what matters.
    I used to be obsessed with Kristen and Robert when this came out. Now I respect their work a lot. I think they both are amazing actors when they are given more interesting roles. Twilight put them on the map and made them rich, but they had to work their asses off to get rid of the "bad actors" reputations. I personally think they were far from bad. They played their roles well. The characters in the book weren't that different from the characters on the screen. Still, I'm glad people these days recognize them for Batman and Diana rather than Edward and Bella. It's like they restarted their careers and it's nice to see.


      Man, throwback to John Tucker must Die. That actor would go to my gym in studio city, would name drop but don't remember it... I'm a wee bit older than you, but I'll tell you, Step Up was a game changer for my generation. You either loved it or hated it, and if you do love it, your buddies better not find out!.. The only other series I can think of which has just as much hate- is Harry Potter. And because of the negative haters, it actually kept me from watching twilight and potter... Well, I'll show them! ...Btw, props to your father for distracting your pain and stress. That's a solid dude right there. Thanks for the comment, please be patient as I work to accomplish all the films. :)

    • @xlanila
      @xlanila Год назад +1

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION Don't worry about it. Take your time.
      I only got into Step Up when the fourth one came out in 2012. One of my roommates was a huge Moose fan and she begged me to watch it with her. I still remember the car dance scene. Amazing stuff. We eventually watched all of them together, but I only remember bits and pieces now.
      I'm from Eastern Europe and Harry Potter wasn't a huge deal here or at least in the region I grew up in. I watched the first two movies on TV and for some reason they never bought the rights for the rest. I never had the chance to fully enjoy the franchise as a kid/teen. We didn't have any kind of movie rental stores in my country, DVDs were too expensive and I got internet connection when I was too old to care about wizards. I managed to watch HP from the beginning to the end three years ago and to be honest I'm glad I watched it this late because the first two movies healed my inner child while the others, darker and more complex in both themes and atmosphere, satisfied me as an adult.
      Here Karate Kid, Home Alone, anything with Jackie Chan and 3 Ninjas with its sequels were a huge hit in the '00s. I guess it's because my country's TV channels couldn't afford to buy the rights for newer movies. As I'm writing this I'm looking the original titles up and I see that my favorite 3 Ninjas movie has an IMDB score of 2.9. Like... ok, wow. That bad, huh? Hahaha. They were masterpieces to 10-year-old me.
      Most movies that were a huge hit in the US and Western Europe at some point got to me way later. I only watched John Tucker and She's the Man because I was into teen romcoms as a teenager with internet connection, but I still haven't watched a lot of Hollywood's classics that people are talking about.


      @@xlanila Rocky LOVES Emily! Rocky LOVES Emily! You seriously just ticked all the boxes when you said 3 ninjas, karate kid, home alone and Jackie Chan. If I had to name 3 of my top favorite movies of all time freaking 3 ninjas is up there right along side the never ending story and the goonies. .. IM ASHAMED I DON'T GIVE MOVIES UNDER AN IMDB 3.0 MY TIME OF DAY.


      @@xlanila 3 ninjas 5.3 on my end. Still left an impression.

    • @xlanila
      @xlanila Год назад

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION Hahaha! That's amazing. I can't remember much of 3 Ninjas, to be honest, so I don't know which one would be my favorite now, but as a kid the movie that takes place in an amusement park was always the most fun.
      I wouldn't watch something with a score below 3 either. I'm one of those people who are scared of anything below 7, to be honest. Scores are kinda ruining my enjoyment of things these days. I care so much about other people's opinions that I miss a lot of good stuff. Before streaming platforms were a thing we felt lucky to watch a movie and now that we have endless choices available, we feel the need to check the scores and read reviews to decide if it's worth it to "waste" 2 hours of our lives. I noticed this is the case with me and not only when it comes to movies, but also books, shows, anime, everything. It's tiring.
      I have never watched The Neverending Story or The Goonies, but I remember this one movie, I have no idea what it's called, also old, with a kid that had a blue monster under his bed and one day he entered the monsters-under-the-bed's realm. It was fascinating to me. Other childhood movies were The Mask, E.T, Jumanji and Mrs. Doubtfire. The Mask's getting-the-Oscar's scene still lives rent free in my head.

  • @gloasi1769
    @gloasi1769 Год назад +1

    I liked your reaction very much! I am a big Twilight fan from Spain ☺️ When the first movie came out I was 23 years old, and loved it. Then I read the books and loved them too. I recently read Midnight Sun and I am rewatching the movies again. I'm 38 now, and have 3 daughters, but nothing changed for me, I just still love Twilight very much every time I watch it. I will watch the New Moon movie reaction next time. Thanks ♥️

  • @ItsHardToBeThisCool
    @ItsHardToBeThisCool Год назад +3

    This was an awesome reaction 😂 We need New Moon! Asap! Lol

  • @trinasp
    @trinasp Год назад +5

    I really enjoyed your reaction. Like others said, you went into it with an open mind, that is rare these days. Many seem to mention that the target audience was teenage girls. I was actually in my 40’s when this movie came out and I’m as into it in my 60s as I was then. Do I think it’s perfect? No, but I still watch it when it comes on, look at reaction videos, and read the fanfiction, and not ashamed to admit. One thing I’m sure someone mentioned, Bella was the first girl that Edward had ever been interested in. He hasn’t spent the last almost 100 years playing with girl’s emotions. He ignored those who showed interest in him, and Bella bought him to life. Look forward to see what you think of the other films in this series.


      That's fun to hear how and when the movie came into someone's life. Yeah, the interest in her over other girls has me interested in knowing more. But I guess if I really want the sticky details I'll have to read the series.

  • @light5869
    @light5869 Год назад +5

    Nice reaction.. waiting for all parts...🎉

  • @eliwrites1236
    @eliwrites1236 Год назад +4

    this was quite an interesting reaction, you're actually quite open to the story in a way many others aren't. just a note, its no longer indians but native americans, just wanted to highlight that

  • @candid.AbigaelleGET
    @candid.AbigaelleGET Год назад +2

    Love his reaction 😂 😂

  • @christineschaos
    @christineschaos Год назад +3

    Can’t wait for more!!! Would love to see you react to Greys anatomy, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Harry Potter are BIG reaction shows right now. Keep them coming!!!!!

  • @GaliaMRamon
    @GaliaMRamon Год назад +3

    I really liked your reaction, it's kind of refreshing watching someone that is not throwing hate on it from the start, I'm curious of your opinions on the sequels. also, i have watched Camp X-Ray, it's a pretty good movie, I need to watch it again and look for you in the background.


      Thanks for watching, the background extras are used so often you might notice the same actors in different shows, if you watch hard enough.

  • @justme-bv8il
    @justme-bv8il Год назад +6

    hello! im new here Please continue the series!
    I liked that you were actually watching it and not pausing every 5 seconds but still making commentary. Keep on going!

  • @kristybrodersen
    @kristybrodersen Год назад +5

    i usually don’t comment on videos but i really enjoyed your reaction, you have unique commentary which is refreshing. i hope to see more videos soon! :)


      Aw, thank you. It takes some time to edit but I promise you, this is only the beginning!

  • @kminpersonal7999
    @kminpersonal7999 Год назад +2

    Love your reaction

  • @larissa1770
    @larissa1770 Год назад +2

    I hope you continue the twilight movies!! The soundtrack is the best part. I think Robert Pattinson said New Moon (second movie) had the best music

  • @kayewer
    @kayewer Год назад +2

    Every question you brought up is valid and answered in the upcoming movies. Oh, and people always say these movies are about vampires and werewolves, but Jacob and his people are not lycanthropes; they're shapeshifters who become wolves.


      I freaking am 100% on board with some shapeshifting! Thanks for the comment 😊

  • @niaj7400
    @niaj7400 Год назад +2

    Robert also sang the song in the restaurant when he was telling her about his mind-reading abilities.

  • @christineschaos
    @christineschaos Год назад +3

    Great reaction video, hope you continue the series.

  • @rebecamvs8080
    @rebecamvs8080 Год назад +2

    Appreciate the reaction and commentary about filmmaking 😊
    By the way, ever been told you kinda sound like Fox Mulder? 🤔


      Haha nope never! I do love Kalifornia so that's neat. Thanks for the comment!

  • @yubyub335
    @yubyub335 Год назад +5

    Great reaction, you should do the rest, my favorites are eclipse and Breaking dawn part 2. But the books are better tho. 🎉❤ also. Fun fact; but the cafetería Apple scene was real, no special efects, Rob Pattinson managed to do the "kick the apple" after like a 100 something takes if i am not mistaken. 😂


      Interesting.. That looked pretty awesome! Reminds me of Jackie Chan.

  • @ks.9709
    @ks.9709 Год назад +5

    Keep going 🎉

  • @ranniwolves
    @ranniwolves Год назад +1

    i’ve read that, ontop of them just being old and accumulating money, alice helped carlisle with his stocks by predicting the future LOL. it definitely explains how loaded they are


      That makes more sense than running in and out of a bank real fast haha

  • @terrylewis_
    @terrylewis_ Год назад +2

    I was obsessed with these books, and the movies. I still remember the hype and going to the midnight releases of the films. It had such an incredible buzz. I admit they are cheesy, and a bit cringe at times -- however, they have incredible soundtracks. It is a guilty pleasure for me, for sure. Once I start Twilight, I have to finish the entire series. And even after all these years, I still love it. :) I hope you'll do the rest of the movies! There is a huge jump in production/budget from Twilight to New Moon.

  • @NothingIsWrongToday
    @NothingIsWrongToday Год назад +5

    Hello! New here! I really liked this reaction it was very low key. I like your objective view of the movie. A lot of reactors I watch tend top be very over the top especially when it comes to Twilight as it is very cringe at times. But like I said I really like your reaction of it and in general. So I subscribed! This is your only video so far so I am excited to see more!

  • @andreea_sayuri
    @andreea_sayuri Год назад +2

    Nice reaction! Subbed for encouragement! Good luck!

  • @MagesLikeYouAndI
    @MagesLikeYouAndI Год назад +3

    Patiently waiting for the rest of the movies :)

  • @tessamroz8347
    @tessamroz8347 Год назад +2

    This was so good thank you!!

  • @bromance.
    @bromance. Год назад +2

    youre unintentionally funny! i love your reaction pls do the rest of the movies! new sub btw

  • @Sun-YiReyko
    @Sun-YiReyko Год назад +1

    This F... Sucks!! Cant believe they deleted all the commets... Well, Im commenting again, if it's any help at all. I cant wait for the next twilight reaction. Hugs from Spain!! 😊😊😊


      Thanks for all the kind words and support 💗 we'll get this boat sailing soon enough!

  • @evkakasubova4905
    @evkakasubova4905 Год назад +1

    I am not teenager but I love twilight--- twilight forewer

  • @connie2558
    @connie2558 Год назад +1

    The skin was supposed to be like marble. Enjoyed your reaction and Badd Medicine.... at the end one painted his face with white glitter


      Interesting. A marble look might've been harder to create with their budget. Thanks for watching!

  • @vadacaldwell8004
    @vadacaldwell8004 Год назад +3

    I love this video, I watch and then play this kind of content on repeat as I sleep so please do the whole series if you’d like! Definitely Subscribed

  • @vadacaldwell8004
    @vadacaldwell8004 Год назад +1

    Still waiting on the next one from you! Glad to see it back up and running again ❤

  • @betteryourlife865
    @betteryourlife865 Год назад +4

    You’re very handsome! Please react to more things! Thanks ☺️

  • @Sun-YiReyko
    @Sun-YiReyko Год назад +2

    Great reaction. Subscribing... 😅.


      You are the best!

    • @Sun-YiReyko
      @Sun-YiReyko Год назад +1

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION thanks. I cant wait for the other movies. Hugs from Spain.

  • @chrisclouser9061
    @chrisclouser9061 Год назад +1

    As for the aging question, generally Vampires are frozen at the age they were when they turned and do not age. This is why in many stories, vampires don’t stay in one place long enough for mortals to catch on that they are not aging.


      Imagine knowing a Bill for 50 years and Bill never aged. He just bebops along while you sit there with tennis elbow and a hip that clicks.. If I tried to convince the people on these streets my friend doesn't age, they'd toss me in the looney bin. Id probably give up before that and just be the guy with a friend who doesn't age.

  • @antpal319
    @antpal319 Год назад +3

    Decent reaction 👍

  • @gaylehorn1728
    @gaylehorn1728 Год назад +1

    Can’t wait for your reaction to New Moon
    Please don’t make us wait too long

  • @morianblackmore5422
    @morianblackmore5422 Год назад +4

    So happy I stumbled upon your channel! Will definitely be subscribing and following all your movie reactions! Thank you :D
    edit: also if you haven't seen Avatar 2009 and Avatar: Way of Water I'd love to see your thoughts and reactions to them!


      I loved Avatar in 2009. Have not seen the way of water. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • @Annik_Tenacious_Felis
    @Annik_Tenacious_Felis Год назад +1

    Hope you continue the twilight saga and eventually more trilogy's like hunger games , maze runner , the godzilla movies , the underworld series and so on . Alot of reactors go into this movie with an expectation of some sort because twilight carried alot of weight but i am grateful you decto watch this movie without some judgement in mind already


      Thank you. I'll keep this comment in mind as the channel progresses. Much appreciated 👍

    @SUZABELLA34 Год назад +2

    New sub here! I love hearing about making movies. It facinates me. Twilight movies are awesome.. The books are better. I just finished reading Midnight Sun. It is the Twilight story but it's Edwards POV instead of Bella's.


      That's interesting, same author? When did it come out? Thanks for the support!

    • @SUZABELLA34
      @SUZABELLA34 Год назад

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION Yep.. Same author and it came out in 2020. If you liked the original Twilight book.. You will LOVE this! It the exact same story just in Edward's words. Pretty cool idea! I plan to read it a second time!


      @@SUZABELLA34 thats a great idea never heard of that being done in literature

  • @ryanje8147
    @ryanje8147 Год назад +1

    So....Edward has been going to high school for nearly 100 years over and over and over?? What a fun life.

  • @autumnmoonlight_2.0
    @autumnmoonlight_2.0 Год назад +5

    Hi, just found your channel and I like your reaction. I have a suggestion for a tv show if you want to look at it. It's Game of thrones or House of the Dragon. Their in the same universe, one is before the other time wise and I'm not sure if you seen them but I think you'd I enjoy them. Can't wait for the next reaction 😊


      Thanks for the comment... Lucky for you, I haven't seen any of those! :) I'll put them on the list. Cheers.

    • @autumnmoonlight_2.0
      @autumnmoonlight_2.0 Год назад +1

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION thank you! I'm looking forward to more reactions from you :)

  • @TracyAmor
    @TracyAmor Год назад +2

    New sub here! Love watching ppl react to my favorite films. Thank you! But please consider reacting to NCIS or CSI or Criminal Minds. Hehe. Thank you.


      Funny you say that, I was an extra in NCIS and CSI Miami and have never watched either ;)

  • @larissa1770
    @larissa1770 Год назад +3

    Liked that you went with an open mind. Is it cringey acting? Yes but the story line is so interesting. I will say that this is my least favorite Kristin performance😅 absolutely loved her in the movie SPEAK.

  • @deachristiancatlady5435
    @deachristiancatlady5435 Год назад +4

    It's in the books...Carlisle back story...the books are soooo much better.although Rob and the rest minus her did a good job.


      Yeah, it seems people that read the book first are disappointed with the casting.

    • @deachristiancatlady5435
      @deachristiancatlady5435 Год назад +2

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION I always like the books over film because casting choices don't always fit. I'm team Charlie... 😂 He's the redeeming character for me in the films. I'm a fan of the films to a point.

    • @deachristiancatlady5435
      @deachristiancatlady5435 Год назад

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION I really enjoy your reaction. The calm is refreshing.


      @@deachristiancatlady5435 thanks I hope to stay true.

  • @jud555
    @jud555 Год назад +3

    Will you do the rest of the movies? :)

  • @chiarafonzi9613
    @chiarafonzi9613 Год назад

    It was an interesting ride, but I have to pay you back 👌🏻

  • @penguin50279
    @penguin50279 Год назад +1

    vampires, once changed they stop aging all together.


      Could you imagine, wonder what age is best if you're gonna transition to a blood sucker forever?

    • @penguin50279
      @penguin50279 Год назад +2

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION i’d say probably somewhere in your 20s

  • @KeilaAnn3610
    @KeilaAnn3610 Год назад

    Love or hate the movies, I think most people agree that the soundtracks are amazing.

  • @punpunlamail7116
    @punpunlamail7116 Год назад +3


  • @mzcescapie
    @mzcescapie Год назад +1

    you’re so funny

  • @y.m.7300
    @y.m.7300 11 месяцев назад +1

    I liked your reaction. You seem like a very intelligent person, your comments are on point. Some of the reactions I’ve seen are just so… dumb and superficial 😅

      @MIRROREDRECOLLECTION  11 месяцев назад +1

      Just trying to be myself. Thanks for such a kind comment.

  • @amybaumgartner9380
    @amybaumgartner9380 Год назад

    Definitely like the books more, but then, that tends to be the way it goes when something is adapted from books. Except Lord of the Rings…I kept getting lost in the books but seeing it on the big screen helped me keep it all straight.


      I'm reading the books now after admiring the films for so long... Thanks for hanging out! 😊

  • @tinagarcia3571
    @tinagarcia3571 Год назад +1

    5th movie you get your vampire war.

  • @emmaebaldwin
    @emmaebaldwin Год назад +3

    In the book, the boy in the van was driving too fast when it was snowing, and he slid on the ice. For the film, they had him hydroplane, and he over corrected. I think.


      Thank you! That totally makes sense but I imagine ice in the Pacific northwest isn't something that happens often. But in the book, it's the same location, right?

    • @emmaebaldwin
      @emmaebaldwin Год назад

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION correct. I’m not sure about the ice, though. Could’ve skidded in some sludge? It has been a while since I’ve read them.


      @@emmaebaldwin suspect black ice. I won't tell anyone if you read them over again

    • @emmaebaldwin
      @emmaebaldwin Год назад

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION I’d gladly do so. I unapologetically LOVE this series. In Edward’s POV book Midnight Sun, they did a blood typing scene (well, in the Twilight book, too), and Bella almost passed out in class. Mike took her to the nurse, but she decided to lie on the ground on the way. Edward thought Mike hurt her, and fully prepared to off him. It was funny. Should’ve kept it for the movie! 😂
      Only the first movie has the blue tint because it was an indie movie they didn’t expect many people to take notice of.

  • @Superfoczka1
    @Superfoczka1 7 месяцев назад

    The vampire are stuck at age they were bitten in this movie series ❤

  • @U-Gozoo
    @U-Gozoo Год назад

    This movie made alot of girls myself included believe that edwards behavior bin this whole thing was A, normal and B, attractive in anyway! For instance the scene she asked him how he stopped the van he tried lying she saw through that do he tried gaslighting her and when that too disnt work he got defensive/ mad and Everyone at the time was like "Omg, YES"!

  • @daviddavid1093
    @daviddavid1093 Год назад +1

    Hi, that's it.

  • @NoelleMar
    @NoelleMar Год назад +1

    Still towards the beginning, but if you’re referring to IMDb rating, eh, all of my favorite movies that focus on women are in the 6.4 range. Especially indie, and then this is a supernatural romance about a teenage girl, even more “unlikable” and uninteresting to men than adult women are. I’ve seen horrendous action flicks, but because of their genre, they’re considered “fun” and therefore better than any movie like this.
    This is coming from someone who isn’t exactly a Twilight fan lol. Revisiting, the movies are even worse than I remember. (The soundtracks? At least as good. 🔥) But this film was a lot better than I expected, considering how much it was mocked and reviled. (And it sounds like an improvement on the books too.)
    Of course, even though it was one of if not the most financially successful films directed by a woman, as far as I know, they replaced her in the second one! When a woman directs a “blockbuster,” it seems to be considered an anomaly. Her place is in indie films.


      That's crazy and sorta bums me out, I'm realizing the rest of the films won't be as good as the first one, but I'll at least give them a shot!



  • @shelbyramirez5897
    @shelbyramirez5897 Год назад +1


  • @deachristiancatlady5435
    @deachristiancatlady5435 Год назад +2

    She ruined this movie for me....just don't like her


      Was she different in the book?

    • @deachristiancatlady5435
      @deachristiancatlady5435 Год назад

      @@MIRROREDRECOLLECTION yes ...just not what I pictured in my mind. Not a fan of the actress so that didn't help although I tried to like her in the role, she just played Bella too awkward and only has one acting a kicked puppy. I'm sure she's nice just not likable in the films.

  • @queenlayug
    @queenlayug Год назад +1
