ULTRA RARE - Xenia Crab! 🦀 Euphyllia not opening? How I fixed mine. (Frogspawn, Hammer, Torch Coral)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 76

  • @thomaskong5
    @thomaskong5 3 года назад +3

    My favorite fish, pet, reef youtube channel!!!! Your humble and not know it all attitude in addition to your sharing of your learning experiences make you super relatable and entertaining !!!

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад

      Thanks for your kind words Thomas, and especially your time for watching the videos! 🙏

  • @Richs_reef
    @Richs_reef 3 года назад +3

    The tank is looking great! I recently had an issue with my Euphyllia not opening and in my case this was down to my Nitrates bottoming out following a 20% water change and a big clean of my sump - I always struggled to keep my Nitrates at 2ppm even with dosing Nitrogen. I dosed some more nitrogen and turned my Skimmer down (it is oversized for my tank) and now I can keep my Nitrates stable at 4ppm and my euphyllia are back to their best! It did take them a week to recover though - which is a good lesson for new reefers because my Nitrates were only down at 0 for 2 days but it took in total 10 days at 4ppm for them to recover so patience is definitely important.

  • @noahscott767
    @noahscott767 3 года назад +15

    Never seen xenia’s growing on a crab, that’s so cool

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад +2

      Right? I am really curious how the crab kept the Xenia stalks on herself... (or if she really stood still for the corals to spread)

    • @seangriffiths9163
      @seangriffiths9163 3 года назад +1

      It's awesome. I have seen anemones and macroalgae attach their selfs to crabs and snail but not coral that awesome. Shame she will lose them when she peels.

    • @mgultra5613
      @mgultra5613 3 года назад +2

      @@seangriffiths9163 he or she will clip it again and but it back on!

  • @mybeachshack
    @mybeachshack 3 года назад

    Outstanding tank ! The center Zoa colony is just beautiful. Well done everywhere...

  • @Younotus455
    @Younotus455 3 года назад +2

    I've been studying the effects of CBD-A on coral that have brown jelly. Also corals that can Rtn or STN and studying how it will help boost there immune system

  • @duppy666.
    @duppy666. 3 года назад +1

    13:52 🤣 all the fish in the dinner line!

  • @dietchrisrich
    @dietchrisrich 3 года назад +1

    Ayyyyye man. Glad to see ya this week. Appreciate your upload schedule, have a good week man.

  • @umar
    @umar 3 года назад +1

    10:20 you need to out that mp10 on the side wall on lower sidr and let it run slow. Not from back to front. This was it will help move water nutrients more and don't let detritus settle.. Also most of the nutrients and things settle on the back side of tank. You need to have a mp10 running from side panel and best to keep it lowest so it's not throwing sand just the water column moves. That's how it will also help circulation of tank. 🔄
    Flow usually is good for coralw but softies cannot handle huge flow it breaks the coral extensions..
    A giro could solve it but I think mp 40 and a mp 10 on other side of tank would solve the problem.

    • @umar
      @umar 3 года назад +1

      Thats totally impressive. Though thr stock is amazing.

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад +1

      Thanks buddy, yeah I am thinking of adding a MP10, although I was thinking back to front. I will try it on the side too! I was considering a Gyre but with my eurobrace + meshtop, it'd be a little messy trying to thread a pump cable through. A MP10 may be my best bet...!

  • @darksidereefer
    @darksidereefer 3 года назад +1

    MP10 won't stay on your glass. I think your 3/4 inch. Glad the lighting worked out.
    Love the videos.

  • @thefluentone
    @thefluentone 3 года назад +1

    Yesss! Xenia the warrior princess!! Perfect name. Loool

  • @mgultra5613
    @mgultra5613 3 года назад +1

    My friends brought me an emerald with a bunch of xenia on him, it was way cool!
    He was also covered in hair algae and used it as a food source.
    I put some palys in the tank and he put them on his back. They beat out the xenia so I now have a paly crab lol.

  • @truereefkeeping6022
    @truereefkeeping6022 3 года назад +1

    Your tank is beautiful this is exactly the look I am going for in my tank, I can’t get anywhere close to this yet because I have been having problems, I finally broke down and bought a decent light “kessil Ap9x” and I already see my corals responding in a good way, I do have to say the China black boxes are coral killers

  • @BC-fy1wn
    @BC-fy1wn 3 года назад +1

    great job,as always.mwasured advice and good basic methods pushed forward.I like the fact there is no fake sensationalism . Stay well, Doc BC

  • @b_bogg
    @b_bogg 3 года назад +1

    Those plastic critters keeper would be great for top down viewing, the high walls would help prevent splash damage

  • @cantusaurus8530
    @cantusaurus8530 3 года назад +2

    Yeah I have 32 gallon long tank, and it’s a mixed reef and getting the flow right for corals is a pain. I pretty much have no dead spots (which I guess is good) but corals such as my mushrooms and Xenia are very picky with too much flow

  • @ecnanoreef500
    @ecnanoreef500 3 года назад

    i love this tank , makes me want to upgrade from my nano every time i watch your videos .

  • @jahsreef8386
    @jahsreef8386 3 года назад +1

    Glad separating the radions worked for ya

  • @TaxemicFanatic
    @TaxemicFanatic 3 года назад +1

    Interesting. Really thought mine needed more flow but seems it mighty be ok.

  • @cantusaurus8530
    @cantusaurus8530 3 года назад +2

    I’ve also noticed when they are in the process of splitting they sorta close up and don’t extend as much

    • @maleknasrallah2601
      @maleknasrallah2601 3 года назад +2

      Interesting. Maybe thats why my torch isnt opening up mu h

  • @jtor1409
    @jtor1409 3 года назад

    You are not really old, just older like me. I laughed when you mentioned Xena the Warrior Princess

  • @pauljeffreys9984
    @pauljeffreys9984 3 года назад +1

    I have 2 x large hermit crabs , and I caught one of them eating my frogspawn. They both live in the sump now.

  • @AmenForeal
    @AmenForeal 3 года назад +1

    Time for a Bloche Anthias. I had one and it's by far one of the most interesting and hardy fish u could get.

  • @jonathaningham6120
    @jonathaningham6120 3 года назад +1

    Love ur style lairdddddd. Top one mr inappropriate 👊👌 uphillia are my favourite, as well as the acan lord 😂

  • @atfinthehouse8631
    @atfinthehouse8631 3 года назад +1

    Do a gyre on both sides, intermittent, set lower, varied, irrreg flow euphyllias will respond better to that. Type on flow rather than level of flow, as long as not directly on coral.

  • @SekRanger
    @SekRanger 3 года назад +1

    Man, I hate brown jelly disease. Just had my first frogspawn in new tank. And it died after 2 week from brown jelly. I hate it. Because I can't do anything much about it.

  • @mattos_aquaristik
    @mattos_aquaristik 2 года назад

    A plastic top from a food container fits great for top down shots 🙂

  • @gabesreef
    @gabesreef 3 года назад +2

    As much as I love hammers, frogspawn and torches I'm getting all the lps put of my tank. Going all sticks soon. I'm tired of losing heads

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад

      I hear ya, much less headache to swing one way or the other instead of trying to please all parties...

    • @gabesreef
      @gabesreef 3 года назад

      @@InappropriateReefer exactly. I think its the way to go

  • @Ak.Fishing_
    @Ak.Fishing_ 3 года назад +3

    Are you planning on getting a new Frog Fish? They are amazing!!

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад

      Maybeee a Commerson in the future if I get a specie-only tank going??

  • @haydenperry8181
    @haydenperry8181 3 года назад +1

    Can you do a price video of the new tank

  • @evandevita7664
    @evandevita7664 3 года назад +2

    Idk if u noticed, but there was a Xenia growing on the leather frag you added to your 135....

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад

      Yep I saw that one stalk.... probably should pluck it at some point before it hops off and fight with the invasive GSP 😂

  • @Smarcus420
    @Smarcus420 3 года назад

    I'm going through similar problems with my hammer I think I'm going to move it into a lower flow area been thinking it could use less flow but it has never really extended like the ones in pictures mostly like a big fat Mat covering the top of the skeleton

    • @djwolf919
      @djwolf919 2 года назад

      Any updates on the hammer? Change anything to fix the issue? Currently having this issue with frogspawn

  • @Waynerock77
    @Waynerock77 3 года назад +1

    The tank is looking amazing brother! It seems like just a week or two ago you where building the scape and just getting it wet. Getting so full and so beautiful I love it. I like a tank where you can sit in front if it for an hour or so and start looking on one side and slowly work your way across and see so much variety and every part is totality different.

  • @canadianreefmaster
    @canadianreefmaster 3 года назад +2

    I use a cake dome that comes on grocery store bought cakes as look downs.

  • @Mandalore3142
    @Mandalore3142 3 года назад +1

    Yes i remember that show and that means we are both pretty old :'D

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад


    • @rudra7615
      @rudra7615 3 года назад

      Old? Wth..
      I remember that, hercules and Stargate being the jam. Now it's invincible and the boys.
      Old nah..times have just changed, that's all

  • @taylorpinkowski9411
    @taylorpinkowski9411 3 года назад

    You can build your own coral viewer for pretty cheap, just use acrylic or glass and silicone a wide diameter pvc pipe.

  • @rochontaylor9727
    @rochontaylor9727 3 года назад

    how do you get your xenia to pulse

  • @Fish_no_chips
    @Fish_no_chips 3 года назад +1

    I just use a ferrero rocher box to take my top down shots.. not sure if you get them in the states though

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад +1

      I think I know which ones you're talking about, it's almost like a smaller sized shoe box? I remember seeing those a long time ago, these days I mostly see the big flat ones that only fit one chocolate vertically. Let me look, that's a good idea, thanks!

    • @Fish_no_chips
      @Fish_no_chips 3 года назад +1

      @@InappropriateReefer www.amazon.co.uk/Ferrero-Rocher-42-Pieces-525g/dp/B004XAKAYE that’s the box I use minus the chocolates lol

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад

      @@Fish_no_chips Ahh we get that here in the States. No problem with water getting in due to how shallow it is? I was thinking about the 16 count / 2 level ones www.amazon.co.uk/Ferrero-Rocher-42-Pieces-525g/dp/B004JKFIJ0?th=1

    • @Fish_no_chips
      @Fish_no_chips 3 года назад

      @@InappropriateReefer no I’ve never had an issue to date and gives a great clear view down into the tank for a couple of £ or $ in your case 😊

    • @germanytraveller2419
      @germanytraveller2419 3 года назад +1

      @@Fish_no_chips I use these boxes as well and had no issues. But you can go to any supermarket and look for other products with acrylic packagings that size your camera/phone.

  • @cooldud1031
    @cooldud1031 3 года назад +1

    Oops sry I’m late 😅great vid as always! No little hand tho 🥲

    @HCBCHEMISTRY 3 года назад +4

    Xenia the warrior princess and Hercules the tv show were hardcore.

  • @Ashton.munozz
    @Ashton.munozz 3 года назад +1

    Talk about the moon shine please lol

  • @marcuswebb21
    @marcuswebb21 3 года назад +1

    Long live Xena Warrior Princess 👸 😂

  • @joepaz9526
    @joepaz9526 3 года назад +1

    I have the same blue bucket from HMart 😂

  • @TaxemicFanatic
    @TaxemicFanatic 3 года назад +1

    Hate it when coral starts growing on my legs.

  • @QueenofReef
    @QueenofReef 3 года назад +1

    Brown jelly=instant panic attack 💀 Only thing more hellish is those black acro-eating flatworms big yikes. Shameless plug, but you can always check out my vid on sexy coral placement using coloration+contrast for that euphyillia rock, cause you know...I make the best tank design vids ever yadda yadda etc.

  • @SN-zb7ew
    @SN-zb7ew 5 месяцев назад

    I made my own viewer.. I took a hard Plastic food dish, and cut the bottom off.. I cut out a square piece of acrylic hot glue together.. Works perfect

  • @whymelaugh
    @whymelaugh 3 года назад

    I really don't think it's flow. I used to smash my hammers and torch's with as much flow as my sps. They were so healthy and encrusted all over the rock. Makes it super hard to remove hammers once they do that 😂
    Have a look at some of the hammer farms in the ocean, they get extremely strong currents and they do amazingly.
    Strong flow = healthy tank

  • @A.R.C.77
    @A.R.C.77 2 года назад

    Nice 😁🤘

  • @WB25Penn
    @WB25Penn 3 года назад

    Put an Aussie duncan in there. :-)

  • @mikehawk9397
    @mikehawk9397 3 года назад +1

    It’s distributing how u don’t contain your GSP lol.

  • @DeeFromBrooklyn
    @DeeFromBrooklyn 3 года назад +1

    Keep removing those asterina stars.. they multiply SUPER fast and irritate the base of some coral

  • @kevincangiano8869
    @kevincangiano8869 3 года назад

    I just bought a fluval evo 13.5 I cant stop buying reef supplies lol ima go bankrupt. My wife is on the verge of killing me.

  • @bordeauxfr1574
    @bordeauxfr1574 3 года назад

    Makes no sense how all the reefers buy expensive lights and then use them at low intensity

  • @atfinthehouse8631
    @atfinthehouse8631 3 года назад +1

    Your acan and leather.
    Don’t like each other.
    Might be why the lords are not happy and struggling.

    • @InappropriateReefer
      @InappropriateReefer  3 года назад

      They have been growing like that for a long time in the previous owner's tank though; although, water current and lighting has changed since their old tank, so things may be different now. I will keep an eye on the Acans and explore this if it is still not happy - thanks for the idea! 👍

  • @karepy
    @karepy 3 года назад

    kind of boring missing the old content