Planche Secrets that Nobody Tells You (아무도 알려주지 않는 플란체 팁)
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- There are tons of tutorials on planche on the web.But they all don't tell you this one important piece of advice. Find out on this video.
인터넷에 플란체 강좌는 많이 있지만 이 중요한 팁에 대해서는 알려주지 않는 강좌가 많습니다. 무엇일지 동영상에서 확인하세요.
Wanna learn how to planche? 플란체 하고 싶으시면 클릭!
• 플란체(Planche)
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Please share your thoughts! There are no right or wrong answers!
여러분의 생각을 받습니다. 옳거나 틀린 답은 없습니다 :)
저 플란체랑은 상관 없지만
풀업 할때 제가 광배 불균형이 심해서 동영상 찍어 가면서 교정을 했습니다
제가 풀업을 할때는 숄더팩킹(후인 하강)하고 허리를 뒤로 제껴서 올라갔었는데 그렇게 하면 승모근이 아래로 움푹 파인 모양이더라구요 근데 댄정 님이나 다른 분 보면 거의 몸이 수직으로 올라가고 승모근도 위로 살짝 솟아있는것 처럼 보이는데 이것도 숄더 팩킹이된건가요?? 아님 하강만 하고 올라가는건가요??
Please take my advice my friend. Do not use music in the background. Its disruptive and frustrating. I come here to hear you and your wisdom. Many thanks. (your music is counter productive : ) Or.. .turn it down
If you pay more attention to what he says, you won't hear the music.It is not loud. I mean no disrespect but your frustration is a personal thing. I think the music is in good taste. Thx
I loved that someone pointed out that training is for life, not for a certain amount of time, cheers from peru
glad you liked that phrase :)
This is the same philosophy that gymnastic bodies uses and in the long term they talk about longevity of connective tissues over rushing and getting injured. Well done!
+TheSpainy that's right. Thanks man
턱플란체 온신경을 어깨에집중해서 한계점찍는순간 뚝소리와함께 관절와순파열 진단받았습니다 이게벌써 3년전이네요 아직도 고통받고있습니다..지금 생각해보으면 단순 한계지점을 찍어서 다쳤나 하면 그건아니고 자주하는 플란체와 물구나무 턱걸이 어깨과부하가 엄청걸려있었습니다 결합조직생각해서 운동 줄여야하는건 확실한거같습니다 저도단순히 조금만 적게하고. 휴식을 좀더길게 가졌다면 지금쯤 좋은성과를 냈을텐데 평생 어깨운동제한받는다고 생각하니 아직도 속상해서 죽겠습니다. 가끔 맨몸운동 카페가보면 턱걸이를 몇시간했다 이런분들있는데 정말 조심해서해야됩니다
아쉽군요 그래도 저도 다치면서 사람이 한층 성숙해 지더라구요 꼭 나쁜것만은 아닌거 같아요 화이팅입니다
이 1 헉 ㄷㄷ 정말 조심해야 하는구나
안타깝네요... 늦게라도 회복되시길 바랍니다
저는 체대하건다니는데 코치님이 턱걸이늘리려면 매일하라고 하던데 .. 몸에 무리주는 행위였네요 안그래도 맨날 찌뿌둥하고 물구나무나 레버류운동도 하고싶은데 턱걸이때문에 힘다빠지고.. 턱걸이 다하고 자유물구나무 연습했는데 다음날 어깨가 아파서 상체운동 일주일동안 쉬고있네요 ㅠㅠ 운동은 휴식이 정말 중요한것같습니다
Dan, what other exercises strain connective tissue like the plan he and therefore should be done less frequently? For each, how often would you suggest doing them?
When I started with planche exercices, I used to practice it everyday. Now, I have shoulder and elbow pain. Fortunately, I can recuperate, and I'll be back with planche as soon as possible with your theory. Thank you.
Hi. Does it work?i mean is it benificial to train planche or front lever once a week.? Im doing everyithing 2 Times a week.
맞는 말씀...신체에 스트레스가 쌓이면...결국 부상으로 이어지고...그러면 운동하고 싶어도 못하게 됨
this is right, I use this method to train my front leaver. trust me you won't see results right after the training but a week or two latet. training less doesn't mean slow results.
플란체 왕초보 입문자인데 정말 좋은 영상인 것 같습니다. 감사합니다 :)
after many years of getting injuries and things trying planche and similar exercises, it is great to see a video like this
역시 댄정님. 결합조직의 회복기간은 아주 길더라구요. 크리스토퍼 소머 코치는 ss주기를 말하며 결합조직에 회복기간을 주어 충분히 강하게 하도록 하더군요. 흔히들 관절은 소모된다고 생각하는데 이것은 충분한 회복시간없이 무리하게 운동하는 사람에게 한하는 것 같습니다.
Hi dan, I totally agree with everything you say in this vid,having patience is definatley an advantage. I've done surfing,mountain biking and martial arts,circuit training also,and over training in anything will hurt you I'm 59 now,and took up calisthenics about 18 months ago,I've never had so much fun!. I've almost got the front lever down,but I'm not rushing it,it will come... Ibelieve that pacing myself all these years has allowed me to still train at my advanced age lol.My tang soo do master used to say, leave your ego at the door, words to live by! Never see age as a barrier, just look after yourself and see where it leads,keep the vids coming dan!
being able to do front lever at 59 is awesome!
I'm almost there, my form is a bit sketchy,but i'm training hard, I eventually want to do the full planche,but that could be another year away,maybe more! keep the vids coming,I've learned a lot from them,also, anyone of a similar age to me who is thinking about calisthenics just go for it you may surprise yourself!
I found that I became more receptive to "train less" after I became more confident with my goals and objectives when working out.
As you ask in the video "you want to train for the rest of your life right?" Now days I do, but when I first started working out I was looking for the benefits without understanding the lifestyle/mindset change that is needed to keep the "gainz".
With my old mindset, I wanted quick results and to leave the gym exhausted everyday. If i didn't "feel it" I didn't think I made any progress. I didn't have faith/trust in slow and steady changes. Through trial and error I am learning how to work out mindfully, but I can still remember the old mind set, just wanting the results without committing to a lifestyle change.
yeah dropping the ego and training smart is very important !
This is quite accurate and I agree. Connective tissue takes about 180 days to adapt as observed in MRI. Compared to muscle which adapts about 4-6 x faster. Sound advice.
많은 사람들의 부상을 줄여줄 좋은 동영상임이 확실합니다
소머코치도 비슷한 말을 해주셨던데 댄정님 말이맞는거같에요. 회복력이 월등하게 뛰어나지 못하다면... 저도 기술별로 1주일에 휴식시간을 갖고 운동하니까 오히려 기술성장이 도움이 되고 관절통증도 줄어들고 스트레스도 덜 받고!
Well, for me this worked very well, i was training so hard to hold a proper one leg planche with good form but i decided to take a rest then when i tried it again i was surprised because i was able to hold a proper one leg planche with good form.
Couldn't agree more mate, I developed tendinitis the first time i tried learning it and had to give up for aprox 12 weeks to recover. Started again 12 weeks ago and seeing alot better results after monitoring recovery times for shoulder wrist and elbow joints.
역시 사람이 운동은 해야되는구나 엄청 멋있어요 ㅋㅋ
Very nice content. So many bodyweight videos and noone mention how to respect and love our body. I believe having a solid handstand makes the muscles/tissue and memory ready for the planche. You are so right about training other parts. Having a strong core is also very important.
I think you’re right. I’m still a beginner and I’ve been training for front lever, planche, back lever and L sit many times per week and I have been making rather slow progress so far, but one time when I just couldn’t do any workouts for a week and I got back into training after that, I was actually better than before my break. Instead of only being able to hold a tuck FL I was suddenly able to hold an advanced tuck, same with planche, etc. I wish I found that out earlier, because now since I only train one of those movements in every workout, I feel much better and I’m making more progress than before
전적으로 동감 입니다!
매일 하는게 능사가 아니라 몸을 회복시킨다음에 해야 발전이 빠르죠
I totally was when I trained less frequently on a particular skill and trained something else I started to see less problems with over use and an increase in progress.
You are the first person to say this, to work less frequently on the planche to see better results. Its an interesting statement and i for one believe its true. My tuck planche is coming on better because i practice it just 2 times a week now. Before i was trying everyday to do some tuck planche stuff, but i was going backwards because my shoulders and forearms were always tired. Now they rest in between tuck planche workouts. And im already able to lean further forward and lift my butt a little higher than i used to,
+welshdragon2008 yeah man good job!
Seems pretty logic. Often people forget that not just your muscles need to recover. Tendons, Bone an other thing in your Joint and body need time as well. Jice video.
that is the secret my man and i have been trying to tell ppl that but i dont do videos i actually train planche once every year and now i'm able to hold a full one if you wanna see it wait till my next session next year
lol m8 that's funny
xzotic92 ahaahahahahaha stfu
the i can do a full planche part is not a joke
xzotic92 I wanna see your "full planche" if you can show us a vid, then I'll believe you or what's your
저도 동감합니다. 플란체 이틀에 한번씩 연습하다가 어깨나간적이 있어서 엄두를 못내고 있었는데 좋은 영상 감사합니다.
멸병님 시골박사님도 매번 훈련주기와 결합조직의 회복을 강조하셨죠 저도 매번 운동 했을 때보다 일주일에 한 번 플란체 운동을 했을 때 더 발전 했던걸 느꼈습니다 좋은 영상 감사합니다
댄정씨 조은말씀입니다^^
항상 건강하시고 행복하세요.
맞는말씀인거 같네요 확실히 관절이나 인대같은부분들는 근육에비해 회복력이 늦더라구여 급한맘에 더하려다 다치게되면 그이상으로 시간이 걸리게되죠^^
I tend to agree. The planche is a very extreme move that puts a lot of stress on your body and you do need that extra recovery time.
Finally someone gets it... It can already be seen in athletes, why they retire fast and things like that cus they like to train hard elements ( planche,Maltese ) everyday and then get injured due to lack of rest/ overtraining
Been trying to train tuck planche 2x/week along with other skills and powerlifting. One day feels good, the other day I feel weak and can't hold it for very long. This might be the answer to my problem.
I think it depends on intensity and how long you have been training for planche. Sometimes its important to train often to train the cns and get used to a position. so planche for a few seconds at a time with plenty of rest bettween each set, possibly spaced throughout the day is great. If you are holding that planche for maximum amount of time and you already know how to hold it then once a week is more optimal and means you'll be recovered for the next progression or longer duration hold next time. for example working dip to planche on one workout, planche push on another workout and maybe L-sit to planche on another all in the same week without a long hold is a great way to learn the position, without causing to much stress, but holding for time is rather different.
Best tip for planche i’ve heard in a while 👌 great point of view!!
I've been training 3x per week doing 4 sets of planche leans for 10s each as far as I can go and I'm just so dead after but getting from that to the full planche is hard so I tried increasing to 4x per week but the problem with that is I end up with not enough time to recover because it's very hard on your shoulder and arm joints. I started getting some pains so I went back to 3x a week so I will always have go into each session fresh. I think it's a really good analogy you made. You can get there fast or safely but you gotta pick one.
Im actually pretty aware of this, but i just still cannot hold my self from rushing the progress. 😢 maybe thats why I'm improving slow, but it feels strange to skip a day without training.
Joni Ireng I feel the same too haha
Relatable af
The impatience lmao
that's exactly what I wanna say
Train legs in "rest days"
i think that is true because, some times when i train a lot the planche progressions i feel the pain in my shoulder, im gonna get you advice, thanks so much my friend
Maybe this is why my forearm tendentious just wont go away! I mostly do full body workouts & I'm training every other day for planche.. I notice i recover faster the more protein i eat e.g if i only get 100 grams a day as apposed to 200 it takes me about 2 more days to fully recover. Great video Dan!
well protein consumption will help your recovery for your muscles, but your connective tissue still needs longer time to recover. Planche every 2 days is the short cut to never-ending tendonitis, just like you said
thanks for the advice i will train it less often! i think i fell into the trap of trying to learn too many advanced movements at the same time & it is a path that has just led too very little frustrating progress!
이부분에 대해선 '멸병'님의 블로그에 잘 설명이 되어있는데요.
자신이 최대로 할수 있는 플란체 시간을 반으로 쪼개서 60초 채우는 훈련을 일주일에 한번 하라고 하고 플란체하는날은 플란체만 하라고 써져있습니다.
예를 들어 턱플란체 20초가능하다 그러면 반으로 쪼개면 10초, 세트당 10초식 6세트
이런식으로 조금씩 늘려가면서 하라고 하네요
Genuine channel ⚜️✨
It makes sense. Thanks for sharing.
Basically don't rush it and take your time is the summery of the video
이제서야 보게되네요 너무나도 공감되는 팁이라 댓글 남깁니다~^^
Yes totally agree with this I train planche once or twice a week with at least 3 days rest in between, on the side I train full body calisthenics every other day plus freestyle so it does put a lot of pressure on your joints and ligaments I would recommend the same. Thanks for the videos and tutorial keep it up !
저도 웨이트를 할때 특히 공감합니다.아무리 오래하고 무겁게 한다한들 몸이 못받혀주면 노동이 된다는것을 그에 맞는 휴식과 영양을 섭취하기엔 전 프로가 아니기에 따라가지도 못하고 따라가지도 않습니다. 오래하고싶기때문에 때론 한계를 넘기위해 문을 두드릴 필요는 있지만 안전한 운동을 모토로 삼는게 가장 큽니다. 맨몸운동의 장점이 단계별로 할 수 있어서 더디지만 몸에 많은 발달을 시켜주기때문에 가장 좋아합니다 ㅎㅎ 이런 영상을 볼 수 있다는건 정말 행운입니다
Very good point! Recovery is important and if you dont respect the joints and ligaments you may regret it badly. Similarly you wouldnt start weight lifting with 80 or 120 kgs... same idea.
Apart from that, though planche is a great target, if you want to be considered an "athlete" you should train in different ways, not just a particular move or a group of muscles.
Gymnastics are pretty intense on the joints, specially shoudler and elbows in my case. So I think your argument would work really good for me, other people are just not as sensitive as me. I would say train as often as possible but being 80-100% recovered. Muscles recover real fast, but the damn joints.. haha. Right now I am doing M-W-F weights going heavy and some isolations for the aesthetics haha, and then Tuesday-Thrusday-Saturday I do caliesthenics/gymnastic training. I always go to the gym, but the other training I go as I feel. Today I wanted to train, but from all this week my wrist and elbows are a bit sore so decided to let them rest. Great videos mate!
+MuEnViFitness listening to your body is a smart move! Good job
I agreed with you and it takes time for the connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments to heal since they don't get blood flow to the sites to heal soon enough..
댄정씨 운동하는 사람으로써 공감합니다//건강 조심하세요.
새해 복 많이 받으세요!
thanks , in past i was trained planche 3 or 4 days per week but dont see any progress and i fell so depressed and stressed , i see your video and i will trai 3 days for a week , 2 days of planche and front lever and some sets and reps and 1 day of onsly sets and reps , thanks so much , and have 1 day rest after the training serion , monday , thurstday and friday of training :D its will be good
Interesting vid Dan, I feel the same way, people tend to forget it's more on the connective tissue recovery rather than your muscles, both come into play when it comes to this movement esp at a heavier body weight. Thanks for the tip brother, keep killin it!:)
+FitMotiv it's not the muscles, but almost always the connective tissue that is problematic :)
Ooooh I see I see, makes sense :) thanks for the comment brother
this is sooooo true!!!
I have thought about this as an old powerlifter. Deadlifts are usually done once a week and many lifters only bench once a week.Good idea. thx
+Patrick van meter interesting! I thought those two lifts should be done more often
Dan Jeong Conditioning Most people think that. I personally know people that have made super gains deadlifting every 10 days to two weeks. Of course if you squat once a week your back is getting worked. Benching is such a macho exercise most people do it at least twice week and some people 3X.
I think you are on to something good. I'm 75 years old and have been working towards the planche for over 3 years and can only do a tuck planhe for a couple of seconds. I love training for it so end up doing it too often and like you, I'm sore all the time. I will give it a shot and thank you much.
awesome! you have to factor in your age as well, because you won't recover as fast as those 20 year olds. But keep pushing! I wish I am still training planche at your age as well :)
For sure, the age thing is real. I sometimes wonder if I do recover. I have been training for 60 years plus. If I can just maintain, I am happy. If you get injured at my age, it would stop the my training. I love it too much to have that happen. Love the planche because it looks impossible and so far it is just that. I will keep hammering and I'm sure you will do the same. Great videos. Thank you sir.
Jesus Christ!! you're 75 and still training?!! I have a lot of respect for you. I often meet many old timers at my outdoor park and admire their ability to stay strong being in their 50's and 60's but man i can't imagine doing basics exercises at 70. You are damn strong sir!!!
hey, long time fan. love all your videos. i had a question:
lately there is a lot of talk about connective tissue. can you tell me which exercises focus on connective tissue? is there any studies that actually show a longer healing time for regular muscle from connective tissue?
+Jeremy Shin any planche exercise will do, but especially the isometric holds. Not sure about studies though
This less frequency method worked for me :)
Good video, thanks. Seems like common sense too - I find planche training stressful on my body (forearms in particular for some reason i havent quite fathomed), but restricting my training to once a week or so seems to help alot.
that bridge anagoly was spot on!
+onceuponthecross1 glad it makes sense!
Hello Dan, very nice video! I want to ask you, the same knowledge can be apply too Front Lever? I mean, training less could be better?
I absolutely agree, I'm glad someone finally said it :D
I'm taking it seriously in acquiring my planche again. I've had to stop twice now when I've worked up to an advanced/shitty straddle. Why? Because my elbow, wrists, forearms go down the pooper and I'm left having to rehab for weeks to months and then I just abandon it all together. Time to start from scratch but walk around the bridge so I can finally get to the destination.
Great advice.
lately i been doin the peacock yoga pose... do feel sore afterward but to do the planche seems real difficult but ill try to go around it thanks dan!!!
Great video buddy... thanks a lot for this great guide =
I agree. I train muscles that are equally as important, but recover faster on my in-between days. Like the brachialis, with ring turn-outs for example. Which lets the heavier connective tissues around the scapula recover faster. I'm seeing massive progress this way.
Training should be fun. In my opinion few attempts (after warm up) every session. Im training planche every other day but only to the point where its still fun. I dont push myself to exhaustion. So in total more quality reps over the week with less muscle fatigue...
맨몸운동 뉴비입니다
운알못이지만 제 경험은 이렇습니다.
턱걸이를 매일같이 연습했는데
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필꿈치도 아프고요
요즘은 주2회로 줄이고 운동시 풀업 100개이상으로 하는데 오히려 성과가 있는 것 같아요
무엇보다 부상걱정이 줄었어요
좋습니다 ^^
Hi Dan,Thanks for the time you spend on your tutorials for others benefit.
I also recommend the recovery time being adequate, (using loading and de loading phases, built on personal data and review). however this I don't believe is a one size fits all, so I tend to disagree with the title a bit and concept of this being the secret to planche.
How an individual trains, recovers and progresses over time I see as not fixed! but rather increasingly variable. Generally speaking I tend to agree; "the average person, who follows social norms and trends; being lead largely via others testimony, knowledge and experience banks, will generally more often benefit from this particular planche advice; I think recovery/correct programming this is a problem not just for youth but even seasoned athletes and for their coaches, who all share potential to overtrain, undertrain, at times lack dicipline, respect, or even the means to attain positive ends.
So is training planche everyday going to guarantee injury? No guarantees here! but if you take the handbrake off and start to push a car up a mountain, which you never walked up before, will anyone be suprised later when they don't see you with the car a top, even though you said you could push it to the top.
If you practice daily then okay practice daily, but know there risks and learn more technically , know yourself, know your history, your experience level at that moment, modify your programs, don't be locked into a mindset of I must do this or that everyday or every week. in my experience our bodies don't always respond that way, the same way, all the way, everytime. ( Expect differences)
perhaps rather allow yourself to think flexibly, allow for making changes and understand that any outcome positive or negative can be your chance for a positive growth, leading to more safety , control and understanding.
Just like when you get on a bus you pay the fare.
If you push, pull or hold ; it takes a cost Generalising how great a cost, means measuring and evaluating. Which is always wanting more tests and best to be subjected to change.
And that is what separates humans! their thoughts and beliefs. Maybe you baffle the scientists, startle the fields of experts, prove generalist wrong and break world records. YOU wouldn't be the first!!!
Maybe you could but you don't, maybe you can't but you do
Maybe you develop a lifelong love or a temporary but fading rush.
There's many slips Betwix a cup and a lip.
Maybe it consumes your soul, but is it a nightmare or a dream? Can u decide? Or must you listen?Can you see the reality?
Than really could our actions which are seen swaying around with our experience, perception, thoughts, motivations and beliefs - perhaps they are the real secret.
I contend, that if you find your ways to build your own positives to their highest peaks. THAN THAT WORKS
that is a place that only you can go, and only you can know.
Your self- perception, self-motivation, self-education and self-direction. Well Nurturing that!! energising and powering these things,
I think is as close as any human can be to " the secrets".
Training once aweek sounds good , moths ago I was doing times a week planch/frontlever and my forearms tendons were always hurting me.Great advice!
I do my routines like I used to do my weight routines. Monday I'll do chest and shoulders. Tuesday rest. W I do back and tris mostly. And then I'll do legs Saturday. I'll do planche leans and L sits to tuck planche on Monday. Wednesday I do front lever raises and shoulder stand on boxes to Maltese as far as I can. hits my chest too but not as much. And then leg workouts specifically for planche. So in a way you're doing planche training 3 days a week but focusing on different things.
physiologically, it is in the recovery phase where you build strenght and muscle !thing is, for everybody this recovery time can be different for several reasons, ( genetics, physical form, medical antecedent etc ). the most important thing, is to listen to your body !
우선 동영상 너무 잘보고있습니다! 아직 너무못하는 초보자 단계지만 언젠가 할거라는 생각을 가지고 열심히하고있어요
그리고 5일에 한반씩 하라는 말씀은 정말 공감됩니다.
인대같은 곳도 사용하다보니 회복속도가 많이느리던데 일주일에 한번씩 하고있는 현재는 할때마다 좀더 좋아진다는 느낌을 많이 받고있습니다.
5일에 한번 하는게 정답이 아니고 본인에 맞는 회복 주기를 찾는게 목표입니다. 5일은 순전히 저한테 해당되는 예 입니다.
Really helpful video. I fully agree with you. Thank you!
I've recently found the channel George Workout. He says that resting until you don't have any muscle soreness might not be enough because the ligaments and joints need more time.
And his totally right!
MrQuarts he's
CalisthenicsDude OMG why are you here xD
Nova Calisthenics i don't know😂😂
CalisthenicsDude but already mastered planche right?
I would agree Dan. Have been hammering planch every second day along with handstand push-ups and my shoulders were gone ^_^ So I have moved to pull-push-legs but not dogmatically, I rather listen to what my body says and if I feel the drive I'll go for it, feels safe. I noticed I'm not progressing that quickly with my planch but I do notice gains over all and to be frank it's really inspiring as I'm noticing from training to training a wee breakthrough. My butt sore today after full planch holds with resistant band yesterday and regarding this exercise progress every single session since last past 2 months! ^_^ Nothing dramatical, small things but GOSH! that feels so GOOD I could lift my legs of the floor a bit easily than last session and now can't wait until next training :)
So yeah train smart
Wow i'm a beginner and tried to practice every 2day but watching this made me kinda feel bad and should do stretching more other than tuck planche
Beautiful insight. Thank you!
좋은 조언 정말로 감사드립니다😉
Hey Dan, I agree with you totally. I train planche once a week. However I'm considering adding static holds in a grease-the-groove fashion every day, a single hold 10-15 secs or so hold not much. Any thoughts on that?
자주해서 빠른시일에 억지로 무리해서 얻으려는것보단 차근차근 자세를 집중하며 힘을기르고 오랜기간 두고 운동하는게 플란체를 얻는 방법이겠네요... 정말 좋은영상감사합니다.
근데 궁금한게있습니다. 최근에 머슬업을 성공하면서 한번에 2~3개까지늘렸습니다. 근데 플란체를하려면 프론트레버,백래버.. 무엇보다 물구나무를 할줄알아야 플란체 훈련하기에 수월하다는데.. 물구나무는 필수적으로 되야합니까? 아니면 턱플란체를 계속연습하면서 스트래들 -> 풀플란체 로가는건가요?
Nice Dan! Good to hear that. A doubt: The same applies to the handstand training?
+Daniel Vasconcellos you can train handstand more often
You've really inspired me so I'm going to subscribe
Can you make a video on how to progress after tuck planche?
먼저 영상들 잘 보고 있습니다 감사합니다^^턱플란체 연습중인데 푸시업바에서는 15-20초 정도 버티는게 가능한데 맨땅에서는 2-4초 밖에 되지않습니다.손목에 부담이 맨땅에서 훨씬 심하게 느껴지는데요사람마다 손목의 유연함이 달라서 그런가요?? 제가 스스로 손목이 유연하지 못하다 생각이 드는데 그렇다고 플란체를 못할수도 있는 건가요??
nice vid dude, rest is super important
I also see improvement in planche because i am training less 👍
Amazing video as always my bro, keep it up!
I feel that this is true, but there is also ways around it. If you are training planche and are doing isometric holds and don't go 100% I feel you can keep on pushing the next day, of course you need to listen to your body and rest if you are sore or every 2-3 days. That is also true for push exercises, and I'm starting to see more results on my planche after doing more push exercises then isometric holds. For example I will do 6-8 sets of most advanced form I can (straddle) then an easier progressions for 5 sets then work on push exercises like 5x7 sets of adv tuck push ups then 5x5 HSPU free standing, then 5x1 90° handstand push up negatives.
+Jose Gontijo if you can do same planche workout two days in a row, that means the intensity was way too low.
that is true, I guess I did not explain it correctly. I usually do one day as I explained but next day I'll only do 5 sets straddle holds then 5 sets of adv tuck for 10 secs each totaling 60secs but won't do push exercises. Now this would be second day, third day I usually take off and go at it again day 4. I always play around with routines
anything that works for you!
That is exactly what i experienced through my planche progression. Don't go the "Bro" way when you train for gymnastic skills, do not train till muscle failure . Make no mistake however : work hard.
난 그냥 무리없이 매일 골반쪽에 손대고 푸쉬업이랑 계단에 명치걸치고 다리뻗어주는 코어운동만 해줘서 부상없이 플란체성공했는뎁...시간이 한 9개월좀더걸렸네요ㅋㅋ
So basically you felt like you saw more results just going hard on the planche just once a week? Do you think this would apply with the Front Lever as well? I currently train on it 2x a week but i would just like to hear your opinion.
Hi. I have 2 press days(planche, handstand,strenght excercises)
2 pull days ( front lever,hefesto,strenght excercises)
2 core days
Im thinking to reduce all 2 days to 1 day(1 press,1 pull)but i have a fear that this Will be too litle. What do you think?should i try?any advice?is 1 time per week for a skill(front lever,planche ,handstand)enough?
could this be the reason why I am not able to planche, because I've been, training it everyday
i want to see you trying one handed handstand balance
+Mikel :D i used to train for it but I stopped because it gave me joint pain
동의합니다 i agree
What do you train inbetween your sessions?.
I'm practising planche every once a week this is my 8 month and I can do 8 sec of advance tuck planche.
I dont agree with that, i actually tried this, but i ve seen better results with everyday training on the planche, the reason why in my opinion is that i got used to training with yesterday pain and support that pain, and when i rest 1 or 2 days i just feel very strong and can do planches in better form, i see this as a super power that chages over those days of training and that after the rest u can release it :) then go again to go over that super power .
팁 고맙습니다 ~!
Dan, what other exercises strain connective tissue like the plan he and therefore should be done less frequently? For each, how often would you suggest doing them?
*like the planche
Anything with straight arm. Like iron cross
@@DanJeongg Thanks for your response, Dan! Would you say the same for front & back lever, handstand & handstand pushup (even though there's movement)?
smart advices thx bro ;)