im playing the game on normal right now, im on chapter 7 and for the first time i feel the ripper is better than the plasma i can kill with one blade and i can hold back severall enemies back with the ripper and i still have 2 damage upgrades left i kinda which the plasma cutter was better i miss using it lol
I was wondering how to get the one trophy with playing with ONLY the plasma cutter all through the game lol. Insane. I was like how would you get enough ammo. But I know now that you put the weapons you don't use much in the storage.
@STOUTISHVOICE 41 I did find a somewhat all be it funnt strategy get the line gun and place one contact beam on both sides of a bottle while using the gravity module, and watch the necromorphs die
not on impossible but i died where you have to go out to space to destroy the gravity teathers of the meteor, when i tried to go back in i touched the thing with spikes that goes around to kill you, it was already stopped i just lightly touched it and Isaac exploded imagine in impossible lmao.
I died to the tentacle dragging me while I was stabbing the wheezers with enzyme. I laid so much bullets in the blob on the tentacle but it still didnt die and I got even more pissed with the death animation because the tentacle lets go of Isaac but he just fucking stands there and then dies. If that were me in that situation then I would've been holling ass away Edit: I beat it now
In the room before the leviathan, you can use kenesis to grab most of the items before stepping in with the leviathan. You can't grab all of them but a majority. If you don't have enough inventory space, simply drag them to the other room and they'll be waiting for you after you killed the leviathan.
The game's AI must've caught on to me doing that same thing because in new game + it gave me NO leeway for grabbing even a single one of those supply boxes before the cutscene to facing the leviathon.
Combining impossible mode with the one gun achievement worked well for me, you max out the suit and plasma cutter really quickly and never run out of ammo or credits. Kinesis/stasis are more than good enough to deal with hordes of enemies that could be overwhelming for just a plasma cutter.
I suggest playing game twice first. First on normal to get basic familiarity, then on hard mode ng+ to hone your skills inside the fire when you have all your toys to handle everything. Going to a fresh Impossible run after NG+ Hard is a cakewalk by comparison.
Also keep in mind that impossible mode is the same difficulty as hard mode the only difference is that you only get 1 life. So the monsters aren’t harder to kill than hard mode.
I'm playing hard and impossible simultaneously. I'll play a chapter on hard, then replay that chapter on impossible and learn from the mistakes I made in the hard playthrough.
My idea. I played the original games on the hardest difficulty. What would you recommend to do in order to get all trophies in those 2 runs? Do the impossible or hard run with Plasma Cutter only?
Thanks for the tips, man. Think that maxing out every single tool/suit ability should be the very first step if possible, that's what I did in my Zealot run back in DS2, but now the "danger" are the ambushes on every bad turn👀
PSA: the wall-huggers or "guardians" have an instant-kill grab attack. Don't try to run past them. One death at eight and a half hours in, but I got there eventually with a parallel hard difficulty run as training. My hard difficulty playthrough was able to run past the guardian. My impossible run got grabbed.
For me,my loadout consisted of the plasma cutter, force gun, and contact beam. Force gun is just handy to help give yourself breathing room whenever necrosis get too close for comfort, and it’s hella useful for the stasis necros on the Valor, as one blast will also activate their stasis modules to give you some extra time to lay on hits. I would also recommend using custom controls and assign auto heal to the down arrow or whichever d-pad you prefer; last thing you want is to accidentally hit circle/B in a panic or while trying to use kinesics and end up using a precious health jet that you won’t be able to get back by reloading an auto-save.
@@phant0mdummy Totally agree with this. You might have 90% and a big med kit and you accidentally spend it by accident instead of using a small one, that hurts, basically because big ones can be sold for 5k credits.
I’m glad that basically all the weapons seem viable in this game, even on harder difficulties. I’ve seen people play though this with an completely different loadout
A thing I rarely see talked about is that if you are in a room with corpses, and an infector spawns, it will not be able to wake the corpses if you stomp their legs off. First time this matters is in Engineering, the most important place to do this is the Common Area in Crew Quarters. Also, before entering the Autopsy Room with the Captain's Rig.
My impossible run ended after the game spawned enemies right by the save station outside of the engine room. I used the PS cloud save trick in case I mess up and I'm not fast enough to quit to main menu. The game realised what I was doing and spawn necros that would instantly kill me once I loaded my save.
One thing that I found useful was having the flamethrower. Not only is it good for crowd control with stasis, is helps kill the pregnant ones without them bursting or if they do its good to kill all the crawlers. Also good for the dudes on the wall and tentacles they shoot. And the plasma cutter maxed and as much health upgraded as possible
I can attest that the Flamethrower in this game is a very great weapon. People give high praise to the Plasma Cutter, but the Flamethrower is very effective at crowd control and taking down multiple enemies. The ability to launch a canister creates a near impenetrable wall of flames that can damage enemies if they come into contact with it.
It's good to run ripper, flamethrower, line gun and pulse rifle in my opinion. It's pretty everything you need. But yes flame thrower is straight 🔥 FIRE
@@ButtChugDoug66 The thing is weapons like the flamethrower or force gun are great for crowd control, in fact, the combo force gun + stasis plus fire is brutally effective. By removing the flesh with the force gun enemies lose a ton of HP and the flames or the Pulse Rifle can quickly kill them, even with stasis with the upgrade module that has electricity (damage over time). Use the fire after the force gun shot and then freeze them all with stasis and enjoy the BBQ. I would go as far as to remove the contact beam and use this combo of weapons for crowd control.
I will be honest with you I didn't know you could do that until today. Line gun is a great gun especially at planning for enemies where you know they are coming. I can see a lot of people being real creative with this.
Some from me as well. Maxed out plasma cutter is all you need really, or bring along the force gun for crowds, guardian or little buggers. Invest in stasis, with the aoe upgrade it can save you in a pinch and mob rooms mostly have stasis refills. Practice grabbing severed claws and throwing them in a fight, it knocks back enemies into oblivion. If you need to heal hp or energy and near a bench, upgrading your suit hp/energy brings you back to full.
Save when you can. Right as you die pause and exit out of your game and quit it before loading back into your previous save. Easy peasy. I would really appreciate it if you do.
It was a stressful 10 hours but I just beat impossible on my first try, the line gun and the contact beam are all you really need, max those bad boys out along with HP and carry the flamethrower for wall guardians. And of course always have like 5 or 6 healing items on you, thats where i spent most of my credits.
Honestly, if you've played all 3 Dead Space games (or even just gone through the first 2), I think you're pretty much set on playing Impossible right off the bat. But there are like 2-3 events in the game that could literally mess up your run if you didn't know about it beforehand (i.e. The nuke room on the Velar)
I feel like 2 or 3 guns is the sweet spot instead of carrying 4. One precision gun, i.e. Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle (Plasma Cutter is the clear winner imo), one AOE/CC weapon (Ripper, Flamethrower, Force Gun, or Line Gun) and one weapon for bosses or big boy enemies, which honestly is just the Contact Beam. I feel like having 3 guns is the sweet spot for a good spread of ammo drops and using your nodes
The little bugs are super annoying in this game, particularly in impossible mode. If you accidentally kill the pregnant not shooting at the limbs it's mandatory to use AOE weapon, even the stasis with the secondary effect that shocks targets. A couple of runs to know the spawn locations as well as the number of enemies appearing in the critical moments is very important.
When you come across a path that is obstructed always telekinesis through the gap and most often than not you’ll find goodies like ruby conductors, ammo, and health packs.
1:27 actually if you only use 1-2 weapons for most of the chapters it will save you more inventory space and give more ammo for guns you want to use more often. Weapons for my build was the plasma cutter for whole game + flamethrower for weakening targets limbs or the force gun that can do the same thing but better. Once you maxed out plasma cutter go for max suit then max out force gun = easy game. Also if you die just pause the game and exit to main menu as long as you do this fast enough before death screen you won't get save erased.
Tips that helped me. Dont use anything but the plasma cutter. Dont even bother picking up anything else. That way ammo that is generated will be ammo for that. 2. Dont waste money buying power nodes. If you explore on your own. Plus doing the side missions. You will get more than enough by the end. 3. Spam and focus on getting your statis fully upgraded. This is going to give you massive breathing room when the game spams the f out of you with monsters. 4. Save often. There will be parts of the game where the game will act stupid. Monsters become massive bullet sponges for no reason. If you notice that you are using way more shots than you should to clear an area. Restart that section. I had times where Im using over 15 shots on a monster shooting at the limbs. And still nothing. 5. The game will throw curveballs at you. I cleared an entire arra. Turned around for 1 second to check a hallway. Only for it to spawn a monster on the ground to ambush or try to. 6. I honestly got lucky at the first Hunter encounter. For whatever reason. The hunter bugged out. Didnt show up until I got to the medical area where Nicole has the recording. Even when he spawned in. Only 2 Monsters came in. And they were super slow as hell. 7. Check everything. Your main priority needs to be ammo, statis, and meds. When you have enough. Upgrade the suit to at least level 5. 8. The game still has some odd glitches that can cause instant deaths. It definitely needs a few patches. Regular doors can damage Issac badly or kill him if not careful. The lift leading to the 2nd leviathan fight can also kill you. Save before getting on that platform. 9. Issac has issues running at times. You can be hitting the running action button only for him to take a few seconds to do so. This is also another glitch they will have to fix in the future. 10. Impossible mode isnt that difficult. Its more tedious, and annoying as hell more than anything. You have to save every chance you get. Save ammo and dont spray, and pray. If a section seems more difficult than it should. Restart your save to retry.
Honestly, the only three weapons you should use are the plasma cutter, contact beam, and force gun. Contact beam especially for boss enemies like Brutes and the Leviathan
I've beat and played the hell out of Dead Space since the original. Today I found out during my Impossible playthrough that getting too close to a Guardian will trigger a scripted instakill. I was too slow to dashboard and I lost my progress. I was on chapter 10.
my personal fav set up ive been running is plasma cutter (very generally useful weapon especially for dealing with a bunch of enemies) ripper (super ammo efficient especially upgraded it can kill 2 slashers with one blade) flamethrower (for the swarm little guys and for the wall guardians because one flame wall can insta kill the wall guardians) and line gun. (for defense because upgraded one trap turns into 3 lines and i can cut of choke points)
@scrambling blambles not really. Every other weapon I put in storage instantly as I got them so I wouldn't get those ammo pick ups. I also would use any pipes I could find since those are insta kill and I would abuse stasis recharge stations and would only melee if I could. (Stomping a stasis enemy you can kill them before they hit you) I did have an excessive amount of line gun and flamethrower ammo since I only used those for very specific scenarios being wall guardians and holding a choke. You can also cheat out ammo by not reloading and using a power node to upgrade capacity. I gained so much ammo by doing that trick
@scrambling blambles I also only been upgrading plasma cutter and ripper and suit upgrades. Flamethrower doesn't need any upgrades to kill wall guardians in one flame wall and line gun traps are pretty good on their own but I would upgrade that last if you can
Always be careful around the environmental kill areas. There's a glitch in the game too where after you run into he first tentacle that grabs you its literally invincible. If you're noticing that you are absolutely lasering the weak point and its about to kill you, try exiting back to main menu and doing it again. Although the game just updated a couple days ago, I don't know if quitting to main menu has been patched.
@@MinhNGUYEn-uq2nt Yea, ya gotta be careful. Don't use the rifle especially, the damage isn't good enough. But plasma cutter should work, if a whole mag didn't kill it then yea, it just glitches. Idk why, but it is really annoying.
I used a plasma cutter all the way through. Selling pretty much anything unnecessary so I can get as many power nodes as I can. Also I can basically circumvent the permadeath by immediately pausing if I die. I just reset to my last save and since I saved every chance I got I rarely lost much progress.
For the giant brute dudes you can stasis it go around behind and shoot it with the contact beam alternate fire mode in the left shoulder and it dies instantly
Just start upgrading health and the plasma cutter then when you get the flamethrower the game is done game is a lot easier after chapter 3 then during 6 it gets really annoying and after that no other chapters are that bad good luck
I know it’s not smart, but in the beginning when the enemies don’t hit AS hard I was taking hits over using ammo with a hard shift to defense in chapter 5. By this point I had 500 plasma cutter rounds which got me through the rest of the game.
I died in chapter 4 when you encounter the brute, while you are stepping through these "electric platforms" that spark electricity sometimes, and then they stop shortly. Well, as soon as i heard the brute stepping towards me, i ran back behind the wall where i was coming from, but then the electric platforms on the ground didnt stop sparking electricity, i guess to prevent the player to run away from the brute. Well i think i ran to soon, because i managed go back behind one platform, that was just not sparking electricity, as soon as i heard it. But then i couldnt process around it, because it was permanently sparking lightnings, once i was behind it. So i had to run through it to get to where i need to go, and then died because apparently the lightnings do hit you 2-3 times, and i thought it just "gets you once" when you step in it. Yeah, quite stupid and painful do die like that, but at least i now know i will face that thing immediately when i hear it coming.
Some good tips in this video. But a major element to making impossible easy is stomp spamming it dose 3 times as much damage to enemies than melee swing cus the stomp hits both legs and breaks them off than allowing you to stomp their head an arms doing this with stasis is a winning combo early in the game level up stasis and just keep going back to stasis refill stations so you can set up for your stasis stomp combo and basically stasis stomp combo any group of enemies that be about two deep anymore than that you gotta shoot some of them or you'll waste your stasis and take hits and you don't wanna get hit cus its expensive to heal. Also if you can keep poles or explosive barrels on you, you can open doors while kenticly holding things so you can walk around with basically another free kill to open up with before the stomp stasis combo.
@@khora3845 I completely misinterpreted what the description said. When it mentioned only one save file, I thought they meant the player could only save once.
After I completed on Impossible with just the plasma cutter. The playthrough was actually a breeze after chapter 4. The first 3 had me a bit nervous especially with the environmental hazards but I wasnt too nervous since I played the dead space trilogy multiple times and the remake twice. Plasma cutter carries hard after chapter 4 and by chapter 7 your suit and plasma cutter would be 80% upgraded. IMO they should definitely revamp impossible mode by adding phantom necromorphs. I wouldn't introduced them right in ch.1 cause that would be unfair. I think they should be introduced in the end of ch 3 at the engine room and gradually make more appearances chapter by chapter.
They appear in impossible mode but you have to complete impossible mode first and then go NG+ for them to appear in your second impossible mode but that's not that funny, because you are already with 60+ nodes available, suits and upgrades.
Honestly I didn't have too much trouble. If you pause fast enough when you die, I think before the flatline sound, you can just reload your save. I only had to do that a couple times, but it saves the pain of having to restart the whole game again. I dunno if they patched it though, I did it not too long after the game released.
If they remake Dead space 2 I'm positive they will have limited saves for the highest difficulty. The OG DS2 had I think 3 saves max. It was the hardest trophy I ever earned 😸
I found using only the plasma cutter worked best for me. I focused on maxing the Plasma cutter first and the rest of the nodes go into upgrading the suit. Plus having one gun only spawns just that particular ammo so ammo shouldn't be an issue. Having more guns on your person and you're splitting the ammo drops between all the guns. Also spam the saves lol I would pause and exit out when only have half health to redo a section. better. The chapter with the weezers was brutal for me. Very little save points.
A few more tips: 1. In rooms you know the reanimator necromorph is going to show up (ie the morgue or crew common area) dismember all the dead bodies in those rooms with your stomp ahead of the encounter. With no bodies to animate, they have no choice but to just attack you instead, giving you way fewer enemies to deal with. 2. Use your kinesis to stockpile exploding canisters, stasis canisters and any impaling tools in rooms you know a necromorph onslaught will be coming (in engine room) this gives you quick kinesis kills to thin the herds. 3. I maxed out the ripper. It does good damage and often knocks the enemy backwards so it can't hit you.
Not being able to save the game, or having only limited saves, would not be impossible. There's plenty of games out there with in-game challenges or achievements/trophies that require you to beat the game on the hardest difficulty setting with zero deaths and no saves. One straight shot shot through the game in one sitting, basically. Not allowed to die even once. And not even allowed to save even once (and autosaves are disabled).
Other people have tried that and it works. Sounds like a you problem. I didn’t die on my run but I did have to unplug my Xbox mid run and it quit the game entirely so I didn’t get the benefit of quick resume but it let me load back in as normal no lost progress.
i did impossible in one try after beating the game by only using the plasma cutter, it was quite a cake walk once you got those damage upgrades you get so much ammo it's insane. They should have fine tuned the ammo they give to the player more lmao
my first try on impossible after playing through hard and medium went frustratingly badly. I made it back to the kellion, and after the cutscene the necros were tanking 7+ shots to the limbs and wouldnt die. i ran out of stasis and ammo and they got me.
The Kellion is a quick ramp up in difficulty, especially since on Impossible regular stasis is ineffective against the speedy marine necros. You want to aim their center of mass to break their stasis modules and then shave off at least one leg before they recover from stasis to slow their stride. The shooting range has plenty of ammo you can pick up, even if you don't want to fight the necros that would spawn if you activate the range.
They could have made this mode a lot harder by removing customary saves and instead doing obligatory autosaves every 5 minutes! That would make this mode a lot more intense!
I just beat it on hard with just the plasma cutter to get the one gun achievement. I think I'll do the same in impossible mode. I did die a couple times because I was being dumb. This is probably my best bet to beat it in impossible mode.
Am I the only one that thinks the pistol upgrade that knocks enemies down with melee attacks is EXTREMELY useful? Especially for when you’re out of ammo?
Whether anyone's just playing it now, like myself. I disabled auto save on the ps5 (you can do it for just the one game) and manually save at the end of each session. So if you die die then you can use the good cloud save to overwrite the death/finality/tv smashing ps5 save (of nothing). I haven't tried it yet to see if it works, there's no reason it shouldn't. I'm doing this for all the glitchy stuff that is beyond our control. Like kids unpausing the game for you, they didn't get the comedy value they were expecting 😄😄😄😳
same, didnt realized that till chapter 9, saved at the room right before the nuke and found out i could save it again. Then i accidentallly blow up the nuke, the save file automatically downgraded to hard. 5h30min progress down the drain :( After restart i found out i could prevent the save file from rewrite by return to main menu, so got my achiv yesterday, saved the game whenever i can and cheated death 3 times XD
@@哈哈哈哈-n7y So if you save and then die... does it start back up from last save on Hard Mode or even stay on Impossible Mode? Or does it just restart from Chapter 1?
I’m about to start my impossible run and I’m nervous as hell. Not from basic enemies. But from the leviathan battles and the Valor Nuke disposal parts. I died a ton on them. Not looking forward to it
For the Leviathon I had to remap my keybindings so I could hit sprint and a left or right at the same time. Just sprint sideways from the tentacle attacks. Grab and throw the bombs as fast as you can so they hit the Leviathon itself and not the next bomb it spews. For the nuke disposal, there are two poles in the room that you can kenesis into each suicider.
believe it not, my understanding around the "only one save" was to run as far into the game up until level 8 or 9 and then safe and use your advice on quitting before death. I agree, not as hard, but they could have limited the safe override to only 5 times or something.
I wouldnt recommend the Pulse Rifle. Has no further utility to add to the Plasma Cutter. You'd need a bunch of ammo to use the grenades efficiently and that on the other hand would limit the inv. space for your other guns' ammo. If you're going for Cutter upgrades primarily anyway, why sell a pulse rifle ammo drop for several hundred credits if this drop could've been 6 plasma cutter shots, which equals to more or less 2-3 dead necros. Pulse Rifle drops at this point are worth less credit-wise and combat-wise because the amount would kill 1 necro max. I'd say if you feel comfortable and know the game by heart Plasma Cutter only is not a bad choice. Otherwise I'd say Plasma Cutter, Contact Beam and Force Gun (ordered by upgrading priority). By the end of a hard walkthrough you'll have potentially a maxed out cutter, contact beam and a mid-way upgraded force gun. Cutter the Allrounder, Contact Beam for armored necros/twitcher or brutes and force gun as a last resort to create space in hectic situations. I'd say if you know the game by heart you'd have the most fun by using plasma cutter and line gun maxed out bc of the crazy utility of the mines... but only if you know the encounters and spawn points (more suitable for a NG+ run).
It sucks that you only get the hand cannon for defeating impossible mode. You should get it for beating normal and hard mode too. Anyone who beats impossible mode is pretty much done playing the game, so it makes the hand cannon fairly pointless by that point. They could've obviously locked the hand cannon, so you couldn't use it on your first run of impossible mode.
Advanced stasis is broken AF. I'd recommend doing that questline, especially if you're also doing a one-gun run. It adds AoE damage to stasis for some mild crowd-control.
Anyone get stuck on chapter 3: activate control console? I couldn’t get past that objective despite multiple interactions with the console, and the elevator in Centrifuge section doesnt turn on for me. I didn’t have previous chapter save file as I was playing on impossible mode with only one sage slot 😢
Gave up after I got dog shit bugs. Hope they fix it cause man I honestly kinda just gave up. I put so much effort and I’m actually doing really good but no I get some dumb fuck glitch and boom gameplay over
Here's my thing: When I check online, it says that Impossible Mode is unlocked by beating the game on Hard Mode at least once. But I beat the game on Normal, and found that Impossible Mode was unlocked from the start. It even gave me the warning message when I started playing it. Do you have to play through Hard Mode first in order to playthrough Impossible Mode successfully?
You don't have to but it is recommended. Hard mode is the same as impossible mode with the only differences being permadeath mode and only one save slot but the enemies all hit the same and take the same damage.
@@erzatitaniawins Hey, thanks for responding. Yeah, I finally learned through an article that it's best to start Impossible Mode after beating Hard Mode on New Game Plus. Interestingly enough, I actually just beat Dead Space 2 on Hardcore Mode hours ago. I used an exploit within the Weapons DLC that essentially allows you to farm Detonator Shells continuously. I at least have the Hand Cannon unlocked in Dead Space 2. Now it's time to go for the Hand Cannon in the remake. Appreciate your advice.
i beat impossible twice now, the first save was not that hard i had to use the quick save to preserve the run in chapter 3 from the centrifuge but every combat encounter i did first try. second playthrough with the foam finger and i had a blast. if you save often enough anyone can do it! try it for yourself!
do you have any tips on how to keep the game crashing? because damn this game crashes alot. i have 15 hours into it and at least 1/4 of that time is just rebooting the damn game after a crash.
Q? I know you mentioned. But. I can save any time I see a save area . / right. Like going before a boss. And after. If I missed understand. Let me know. Because. This is only trophy 🏆 I am missing. Thanks. 😊
The plasma cutter maxed out is your best friend, because you will be finding ammo for it like crazy
I agree.
im playing the game on normal right now, im on chapter 7
and for the first time i feel the ripper is better than the plasma i can kill with one blade and i can hold back severall enemies back with the ripper
and i still have 2 damage upgrades left i kinda which the plasma cutter was better i miss using it lol
I was wondering how to get the one trophy with playing with ONLY the plasma cutter all through the game lol. Insane. I was like how would you get enough ammo. But I know now that you put the weapons you don't use much in the storage.
Tips and tricks:
1) Dont die
Ok fr just spam meds if you are in some places that can oneshot you
I did find a somewhat all be it funnt strategy get the line gun and place one contact beam on both sides of a bottle while using the gravity module, and watch the necromorphs die
Both times I died on my impossible playthrough was to environmenttal hazards like the centrifuge and the air purifiers.
The fire suppression system in the valour just before Hammond gets killed is just the worst.
Bro the door got me going into medical I was backtracking and I left to the bathroom an boom! Ch. 8 gone like the wind
not on impossible but i died where you have to go out to space to destroy the gravity teathers of the meteor, when i tried to go back in i touched the thing with spikes that goes around to kill you, it was already stopped i just lightly touched it and Isaac exploded imagine in impossible lmao.
@@miecraftandmoregames I literally just died to that this morning on impossible. Chapter 7 it's such a downer
I died to the tentacle dragging me while I was stabbing the wheezers with enzyme. I laid so much bullets in the blob on the tentacle but it still didnt die and I got even more pissed with the death animation because the tentacle lets go of Isaac but he just fucking stands there and then dies. If that were me in that situation then I would've been holling ass away
Edit: I beat it now
In the room before the leviathan, you can use kenesis to grab most of the items before stepping in with the leviathan. You can't grab all of them but a majority. If you don't have enough inventory space, simply drag them to the other room and they'll be waiting for you after you killed the leviathan.
The game's AI must've caught on to me doing that same thing because in new game + it gave me NO leeway for grabbing even a single one of those supply boxes before the cutscene to facing the leviathon.
@@tonyorob i did twice with no problem. You shouldn't leave the platform, not even levitate.
@@TaLaPredatorYea I know. I got the leviathan boss mixed up with the final boss, the hivemind.
Its pretty easy to grab everything. Just don't jump because that initiates the boss fight. So I'll grab everything I can then go back and save
I always do this. Even just on hard mode.
Combining impossible mode with the one gun achievement worked well for me, you max out the suit and plasma cutter really quickly and never run out of ammo or credits. Kinesis/stasis are more than good enough to deal with hordes of enemies that could be overwhelming for just a plasma cutter.
Yup i did the same, that plasma cutter sure packs a punch.
I suggest playing game twice first. First on normal to get basic familiarity, then on hard mode ng+ to hone your skills inside the fire when you have all your toys to handle everything. Going to a fresh Impossible run after NG+ Hard is a cakewalk by comparison.
FR the phantom necromorphs really make that so hard but makes impossible seem like easy at that point
Also keep in mind that impossible mode is the same difficulty as hard mode the only difference is that you only get 1 life. So the monsters aren’t harder to kill than hard mode.
Thats exactly what im doing now. Finishing NG+ on Hard with like 1-2 deaths and then starting impossible mode
This is smart
Gives you a chance to really hone your load out too, figure out what works for and and doesn't
I remeber i was a kid while beating Dead Space in hardest game mode. Now, after 10+ years, here we go again...
I'm playing hard and impossible simultaneously. I'll play a chapter on hard, then replay that chapter on impossible and learn from the mistakes I made in the hard playthrough.
That's an interesting idea. Never thought about that.
My idea. I played the original games on the hardest difficulty. What would you recommend to do in order to get all trophies in those 2 runs? Do the impossible or hard run with Plasma Cutter only?
That's a cleaver strategy.
Thanks for the tips, man. Think that maxing out every single tool/suit ability should be the very first step if possible, that's what I did in my Zealot run back in DS2, but now the "danger" are the ambushes on every bad turn👀
Thank you for the pause and quit tip. Its something that never occurred to me that you could do. Probably going to use it more than I need to.
No problem.
@@erzatitaniawins I just noticed your name. Nice. I built me a Mishra Meld deck
PSA: the wall-huggers or "guardians" have an instant-kill grab attack. Don't try to run past them.
One death at eight and a half hours in, but I got there eventually with a parallel hard difficulty run as training. My hard difficulty playthrough was able to run past the guardian. My impossible run got grabbed.
For me,my loadout consisted of the plasma cutter, force gun, and contact beam. Force gun is just handy to help give yourself breathing room whenever necrosis get too close for comfort, and it’s hella useful for the stasis necros on the Valor, as one blast will also activate their stasis modules to give you some extra time to lay on hits.
I would also recommend using custom controls and assign auto heal to the down arrow or whichever d-pad you prefer; last thing you want is to accidentally hit circle/B in a panic or while trying to use kinesics and end up using a precious health jet that you won’t be able to get back by reloading an auto-save.
Accidentally using health kits is infuriating.
@@phant0mdummy Totally agree with this. You might have 90% and a big med kit and you accidentally spend it by accident instead of using a small one, that hurts, basically because big ones can be sold for 5k credits.
I was killed by a chair moving too fast when i used telekinesis to remove blocked door at chapter 10
What the hell?
I'd be so pissed and delete the game
I’m glad that basically all the weapons seem viable in this game, even on harder difficulties. I’ve seen people play though this with an completely different loadout
A thing I rarely see talked about is that if you are in a room with corpses, and an infector spawns, it will not be able to wake the corpses if you stomp their legs off. First time this matters is in Engineering, the most important place to do this is the Common Area in Crew Quarters. Also, before entering the Autopsy Room with the Captain's Rig.
...and as I posted that, I just found Optinoob's impossible/no damage guide, and he talked about it as well. You are never first with anything :)
Haha I thought I had a big brain moment when I discovered this as well 😂
I double tap every body i find i come across into the game
I'm about to do my impossible mode playthrough. I'm also doing the one gun challenge at the same time! This is gonna be fun.
Good Luck.
Hows it going??
Should not be too hard I did it as my first play through
That’s not the word I would choose….I may try it this way so I don’t have to replay it again to get the one gun trophy.
My impossible run ended after the game spawned enemies right by the save station outside of the engine room. I used the PS cloud save trick in case I mess up and I'm not fast enough to quit to main menu. The game realised what I was doing and spawn necros that would instantly kill me once I loaded my save.
That sucked.
Do I have less ressources than on hard mode?
@@pretenderxxx2385 I will be honest I'm not sure but it didn't seem like much difference if any at all.
Do you think that was an anti-cheat measure or just bad luck?
Dude, I had no idea I could save as many times as I wanted. This changes everything, thank you very much for this needed information.
No problem.
Is this still valid? It says only one save
@@jackberryman1824 yes
One thing that I found useful was having the flamethrower. Not only is it good for crowd control with stasis, is helps kill the pregnant ones without them bursting or if they do its good to kill all the crawlers. Also good for the dudes on the wall and tentacles they shoot. And the plasma cutter maxed and as much health upgraded as possible
I can attest that the Flamethrower in this game is a very great weapon. People give high praise to the Plasma Cutter, but the Flamethrower is very effective at crowd control and taking down multiple enemies. The ability to launch a canister creates a near impenetrable wall of flames that can damage enemies if they come into contact with it.
@@snakeshadows6993it also seem like the ammo on it is efficient. It staggers enemies several times if you continuously regular fire on enemies.
It's good to run ripper, flamethrower, line gun and pulse rifle in my opinion. It's pretty everything you need. But yes flame thrower is straight 🔥 FIRE
@@ButtChugDoug66 The thing is weapons like the flamethrower or force gun are great for crowd control, in fact, the combo force gun + stasis plus fire is brutally effective. By removing the flesh with the force gun enemies lose a ton of HP and the flames or the Pulse Rifle can quickly kill them, even with stasis with the upgrade module that has electricity (damage over time). Use the fire after the force gun shot and then freeze them all with stasis and enjoy the BBQ. I would go as far as to remove the contact beam and use this combo of weapons for crowd control.
I'm suprised I haven't seen anyone shooting a mine at a box and stasis pick the box up to laser enemies to save ammo and kill easy.
I will be honest with you I didn't know you could do that until today. Line gun is a great gun especially at planning for enemies where you know they are coming. I can see a lot of people being real creative with this.
Thanks for making this video! I just got through the game and am considering a run on impossible. You answered a lot of questions I had about it.
No problem.
Appreciate this! Gives me encouragement to try an impossible play through
Glad I could help.
You deserved my sub with this one. Keep it up man! Great job
Thank you.
Some from me as well. Maxed out plasma cutter is all you need really, or bring along the force gun for crowds, guardian or little buggers. Invest in stasis, with the aoe upgrade it can save you in a pinch and mob rooms mostly have stasis refills. Practice grabbing severed claws and throwing them in a fight, it knocks back enemies into oblivion. If you need to heal hp or energy and near a bench, upgrading your suit hp/energy brings you back to full.
I managed to platinum this game. It was a real nightmare, been a while since i had so much fun.
All you really need is the cutter. If you really wanna get spicy line gun. Theres alot of cool things you can do with its alt
Save when you can. Right as you die pause and exit out of your game and quit it before loading back into your previous save. Easy peasy. I would really appreciate it if you do.
It was a stressful 10 hours but I just beat impossible on my first try, the line gun and the contact beam are all you really need, max those bad boys out along with HP and carry the flamethrower for wall guardians. And of course always have like 5 or 6 healing items on you, thats where i spent most of my credits.
Honestly, if you've played all 3 Dead Space games (or even just gone through the first 2), I think you're pretty much set on playing Impossible right off the bat. But there are like 2-3 events in the game that could literally mess up your run if you didn't know about it beforehand (i.e. The nuke room on the Velar)
I feel like 2 or 3 guns is the sweet spot instead of carrying 4. One precision gun, i.e. Plasma Cutter or Pulse Rifle (Plasma Cutter is the clear winner imo), one AOE/CC weapon (Ripper, Flamethrower, Force Gun, or Line Gun) and one weapon for bosses or big boy enemies, which honestly is just the Contact Beam. I feel like having 3 guns is the sweet spot for a good spread of ammo drops and using your nodes
The little bugs are super annoying in this game, particularly in impossible mode. If you accidentally kill the pregnant not shooting at the limbs it's mandatory to use AOE weapon, even the stasis with the secondary effect that shocks targets. A couple of runs to know the spawn locations as well as the number of enemies appearing in the critical moments is very important.
When you come across a path that is obstructed always telekinesis through the gap and most often than not you’ll find goodies like ruby conductors, ammo, and health packs.
1:27 actually if you only use 1-2 weapons for most of the chapters it will save you more inventory space and give more ammo for guns you want to use more often. Weapons for my build was the plasma cutter for whole game + flamethrower for weakening targets limbs or the force gun that can do the same thing but better. Once you maxed out plasma cutter go for max suit then max out force gun = easy game. Also if you die just pause the game and exit to main menu as long as you do this fast enough before death screen you won't get save erased.
Tips that helped me. Dont use anything but the plasma cutter. Dont even bother picking up anything else. That way ammo that is generated will be ammo for that.
2. Dont waste money buying power nodes. If you explore on your own. Plus doing the side missions. You will get more than enough by the end.
3. Spam and focus on getting your statis fully upgraded. This is going to give you massive breathing room when the game spams the f out of you with monsters.
4. Save often. There will be parts of the game where the game will act stupid. Monsters become massive bullet sponges for no reason. If you notice that you are using way more shots than you should to clear an area. Restart that section. I had times where Im using over 15 shots on a monster shooting at the limbs. And still nothing.
5. The game will throw curveballs at you. I cleared an entire arra. Turned around for 1 second to check a hallway. Only for it to spawn a monster on the ground to ambush or try to.
6. I honestly got lucky at the first Hunter encounter. For whatever reason. The hunter bugged out. Didnt show up until I got to the medical area where Nicole has the recording. Even when he spawned in. Only 2 Monsters came in. And they were super slow as hell.
7. Check everything. Your main priority needs to be ammo, statis, and meds. When you have enough. Upgrade the suit to at least level 5.
8. The game still has some odd glitches that can cause instant deaths. It definitely needs a few patches. Regular doors can damage Issac badly or kill him if not careful. The lift leading to the 2nd leviathan fight can also kill you. Save before getting on that platform.
9. Issac has issues running at times. You can be hitting the running action button only for him to take a few seconds to do so. This is also another glitch they will have to fix in the future.
10. Impossible mode isnt that difficult. Its more tedious, and annoying as hell more than anything. You have to save every chance you get. Save ammo and dont spray, and pray. If a section seems more difficult than it should. Restart your save to retry.
Honestly, the only three weapons you should use are the plasma cutter, contact beam, and force gun. Contact beam especially for boss enemies like Brutes and the Leviathan
I've beat and played the hell out of Dead Space since the original. Today I found out during my Impossible playthrough that getting too close to a Guardian will trigger a scripted instakill. I was too slow to dashboard and I lost my progress. I was on chapter 10.
my personal fav set up ive been running is plasma cutter (very generally useful weapon especially for dealing with a bunch of enemies) ripper (super ammo efficient especially upgraded it can kill 2 slashers with one blade) flamethrower (for the swarm little guys and for the wall guardians because one flame wall can insta kill the wall guardians) and line gun. (for defense because upgraded one trap turns into 3 lines and i can cut of choke points)
They are wall guardians
@@doomslayer1210 ty i didnt remember the name of them i edited my msg
@@Rogue_kat np
@scrambling blambles not really. Every other weapon I put in storage instantly as I got them so I wouldn't get those ammo pick ups. I also would use any pipes I could find since those are insta kill and I would abuse stasis recharge stations and would only melee if I could. (Stomping a stasis enemy you can kill them before they hit you) I did have an excessive amount of line gun and flamethrower ammo since I only used those for very specific scenarios being wall guardians and holding a choke. You can also cheat out ammo by not reloading and using a power node to upgrade capacity. I gained so much ammo by doing that trick
@scrambling blambles I also only been upgrading plasma cutter and ripper and suit upgrades. Flamethrower doesn't need any upgrades to kill wall guardians in one flame wall and line gun traps are pretty good on their own but I would upgrade that last if you can
Always be careful around the environmental kill areas. There's a glitch in the game too where after you run into he first tentacle that grabs you its literally invincible. If you're noticing that you are absolutely lasering the weak point and its about to kill you, try exiting back to main menu and doing it again. Although the game just updated a couple days ago, I don't know if quitting to main menu has been patched.
It has not been patched
Holy shit so that's what has been ruined my run recently. I dumped a whole mag of Plasma Cutter and the bastard won't break.
@@MinhNGUYEn-uq2nt Yea, ya gotta be careful. Don't use the rifle especially, the damage isn't good enough. But plasma cutter should work, if a whole mag didn't kill it then yea, it just glitches. Idk why, but it is really annoying.
Use the money trick with the pulse rifle. It takes awhile, but you can get the nodes you need to get up to speed quickly that way.
I got through impossible easily without dying. But then again I have a lot of practice. Play through the series 3-5 times on a yearly basis.
Well you are the doomslayer. Rip and Tear until it is done.
Toggle run and aim in your controller settings and you move faster when you aim. When you stasis your enemies you can stomp them to death as well.
I used a plasma cutter all the way through. Selling pretty much anything unnecessary so I can get as many power nodes as I can.
Also I can basically circumvent the permadeath by immediately pausing if I die. I just reset to my last save and since I saved every chance I got I rarely lost much progress.
For the giant brute dudes you can stasis it go around behind and shoot it with the contact beam alternate fire mode in the left shoulder and it dies instantly
Just start upgrading health and the plasma cutter then when you get the flamethrower the game is done game is a lot easier after chapter 3 then during 6 it gets really annoying and after that no other chapters are that bad good luck
I know it’s not smart, but in the beginning when the enemies don’t hit AS hard I was taking hits over using ammo with a hard shift to defense in chapter 5. By this point I had 500 plasma cutter rounds which got me through the rest of the game.
Keep in mind all my money was going straight to buying more plasma cutter rounds and suits over anything else
I died in chapter 4 when you encounter the brute, while you are stepping through these "electric platforms" that spark electricity sometimes, and then they stop shortly. Well, as soon as i heard the brute stepping towards me, i ran back behind the wall where i was coming from, but then the electric platforms on the ground didnt stop sparking electricity, i guess to prevent the player to run away from the brute. Well i think i ran to soon, because i managed go back behind one platform, that was just not sparking electricity, as soon as i heard it. But then i couldnt process around it, because it was permanently sparking lightnings, once i was behind it. So i had to run through it to get to where i need to go, and then died because apparently the lightnings do hit you 2-3 times, and i thought it just "gets you once" when you step in it. Yeah, quite stupid and painful do die like that, but at least i now know i will face that thing immediately when i hear it coming.
Some good tips in this video. But a major element to making impossible easy is stomp spamming it dose 3 times as much damage to enemies than melee swing cus the stomp hits both legs and breaks them off than allowing you to stomp their head an arms doing this with stasis is a winning combo early in the game level up stasis and just keep going back to stasis refill stations so you can set up for your stasis stomp combo and basically stasis stomp combo any group of enemies that be about two deep anymore than that you gotta shoot some of them or you'll waste your stasis and take hits and you don't wanna get hit cus its expensive to heal. Also if you can keep poles or explosive barrels on you, you can open doors while kenticly holding things so you can walk around with basically another free kill to open up with before the stomp stasis combo.
I can save as many times as I want? That’s a relief. I thought there were only limited saves. Such as Hardcore mode in the older Dead Space games
From the description I legitimately thought you were not allowed to save at all
@@khora3845 I completely misinterpreted what the description said. When it mentioned only one save file, I thought they meant the player could only save once.
After I completed on Impossible with just the plasma cutter. The playthrough was actually a breeze after chapter 4. The first 3 had me a bit nervous especially with the environmental hazards but I wasnt too nervous since I played the dead space trilogy multiple times and the remake twice. Plasma cutter carries hard after chapter 4 and by chapter 7 your suit and plasma cutter would be 80% upgraded. IMO they should definitely revamp impossible mode by adding phantom necromorphs. I wouldn't introduced them right in ch.1 cause that would be unfair. I think they should be introduced in the end of ch 3 at the engine room and gradually make more appearances chapter by chapter.
They appear in impossible mode but you have to complete impossible mode first and then go NG+ for them to appear in your second impossible mode but that's not that funny, because you are already with 60+ nodes available, suits and upgrades.
Honestly I didn't have too much trouble. If you pause fast enough when you die, I think before the flatline sound, you can just reload your save. I only had to do that a couple times, but it saves the pain of having to restart the whole game again. I dunno if they patched it though, I did it not too long after the game released.
Bro I literally beat impossible Yesterday! The burnish suit is so cool looking with the red visor including the hand cannon.
*Heavy breathing*-
I just failed my 3rd run on Chpt 12 by accidentally touching a fan with my toe- how does one cope????
If they remake Dead space 2 I'm positive they will have limited saves for the highest difficulty.
The OG DS2 had I think 3 saves max. It was the hardest trophy I ever earned 😸
Ea put dead space on ice unfortunately
Save often and quick go back to main menu before death screen finishes. Reload save.
I found using only the plasma cutter worked best for me. I focused on maxing the Plasma cutter first and the rest of the nodes go into upgrading the suit. Plus having one gun only spawns just that particular ammo so ammo shouldn't be an issue. Having more guns on your person and you're splitting the ammo drops between all the guns. Also spam the saves lol I would pause and exit out when only have half health to redo a section. better. The chapter with the weezers was brutal for me. Very little save points.
A few more tips:
1. In rooms you know the reanimator necromorph is going to show up (ie the morgue or crew common area) dismember all the dead bodies in those rooms with your stomp ahead of the encounter. With no bodies to animate, they have no choice but to just attack you instead, giving you way fewer enemies to deal with.
2. Use your kinesis to stockpile exploding canisters, stasis canisters and any impaling tools in rooms you know a necromorph onslaught will be coming (in engine room) this gives you quick kinesis kills to thin the herds.
3. I maxed out the ripper. It does good damage and often knocks the enemy backwards so it can't hit you.
I just completed the One gun and Impossible took me about 8 hours in game, plasma is literally busted with how much ammo you get and having it maxed
Not being able to save the game, or having only limited saves, would not be impossible. There's plenty of games out there with in-game challenges or achievements/trophies that require you to beat the game on the hardest difficulty setting with zero deaths and no saves. One straight shot shot through the game in one sitting, basically. Not allowed to die even once. And not even allowed to save even once (and autosaves are disabled).
subscribed! made me feel i can complete impossible mode 😂
I love this shit and need MORE!!!
Do not believe him on the going to main menu. I’ve just done it and the game restarted. Thanks for that
Other people have tried that and it works. Sounds like a you problem. I didn’t die on my run but I did have to unplug my Xbox mid run and it quit the game entirely so I didn’t get the benefit of quick resume but it let me load back in as normal no lost progress.
Cool video
Thank you.
i did impossible in one try after beating the game by only using the plasma cutter, it was quite a cake walk once you got those damage upgrades you get so much ammo it's insane. They should have fine tuned the ammo they give to the player more lmao
my first try on impossible after playing through hard and medium went frustratingly badly. I made it back to the kellion, and after the cutscene the necros were tanking 7+ shots to the limbs and wouldnt die. i ran out of stasis and ammo and they got me.
The Kellion is a quick ramp up in difficulty, especially since on Impossible regular stasis is ineffective against the speedy marine necros. You want to aim their center of mass to break their stasis modules and then shave off at least one leg before they recover from stasis to slow their stride. The shooting range has plenty of ammo you can pick up, even if you don't want to fight the necros that would spawn if you activate the range.
They could have made this mode a lot harder by removing customary saves and instead doing obligatory autosaves every 5 minutes!
That would make this mode a lot more intense!
Not everyone has plenty of time to play videogames
Well there’s already a “story mode” for such people!^_^
I just beat it on hard with just the plasma cutter to get the one gun achievement. I think I'll do the same in impossible mode. I did die a couple times because I was being dumb. This is probably my best bet to beat it in impossible mode.
Line charges on boxes are your friends!
Am I the only one that thinks the pistol upgrade that knocks enemies down with melee attacks is EXTREMELY useful? Especially for when you’re out of ammo?
I like it too.
Whether anyone's just playing it now, like myself. I disabled auto save on the ps5 (you can do it for just the one game) and manually save at the end of each session. So if you die die then you can use the good cloud save to overwrite the death/finality/tv smashing ps5 save (of nothing). I haven't tried it yet to see if it works, there's no reason it shouldn't. I'm doing this for all the glitchy stuff that is beyond our control. Like kids unpausing the game for you, they didn't get the comedy value they were expecting 😄😄😄😳
I totally misinterpreted, I thought you could only save one time when reading it 😂
Yeah I thought that too.
same, didnt realized that till chapter 9, saved at the room right before the nuke and found out i could save it again.
Then i accidentallly blow up the nuke, the save file automatically downgraded to hard. 5h30min progress down the drain :(
After restart i found out i could prevent the save file from rewrite by return to main menu, so got my achiv yesterday, saved the game whenever i can and cheated death 3 times XD
@@哈哈哈哈-n7y So if you save and then die... does it start back up from last save on Hard Mode or even stay on Impossible Mode? Or does it just restart from Chapter 1?
@@xNightwing_13x it start back up from last save on Hard Mode
Unironically, plasma cutter only makes impossible so easy
having dozens of ripper blades is the best way ;)
Don’t know why I thought you can only save once
I’m about to start my impossible run and I’m nervous as hell. Not from basic enemies. But from the leviathan battles and the Valor Nuke disposal parts. I died a ton on them. Not looking forward to it
For the Leviathon I had to remap my keybindings so I could hit sprint and a left or right at the same time. Just sprint sideways from the tentacle attacks. Grab and throw the bombs as fast as you can so they hit the Leviathon itself and not the next bomb it spews.
For the nuke disposal, there are two poles in the room that you can kenesis into each suicider.
believe it not, my understanding around the "only one save" was to run as far into the game up until level 8 or 9 and then safe and use your advice on quitting before death. I agree, not as hard, but they could have limited the safe override to only 5 times or something.
I wouldnt recommend the Pulse Rifle. Has no further utility to add to the Plasma Cutter. You'd need a bunch of ammo to use the grenades efficiently and that on the other hand would limit the inv. space for your other guns' ammo. If you're going for Cutter upgrades primarily anyway, why sell a pulse rifle ammo drop for several hundred credits if this drop could've been 6 plasma cutter shots, which equals to more or less 2-3 dead necros. Pulse Rifle drops at this point are worth less credit-wise and combat-wise because the amount would kill 1 necro max.
I'd say if you feel comfortable and know the game by heart Plasma Cutter only is not a bad choice. Otherwise I'd say Plasma Cutter, Contact Beam and Force Gun (ordered by upgrading priority). By the end of a hard walkthrough you'll have potentially a maxed out cutter, contact beam and a mid-way upgraded force gun. Cutter the Allrounder, Contact Beam for armored necros/twitcher or brutes and force gun as a last resort to create space in hectic situations. I'd say if you know the game by heart you'd have the most fun by using plasma cutter and line gun maxed out bc of the crazy utility of the mines... but only if you know the encounters and spawn points (more suitable for a NG+ run).
wasnt expecting impossible to be hardcore tbh
It sucks that you only get the hand cannon for defeating impossible mode. You should get it for beating normal and hard mode too. Anyone who beats impossible mode is pretty much done playing the game, so it makes the hand cannon fairly pointless by that point. They could've obviously locked the hand cannon, so you couldn't use it on your first run of impossible mode.
Number one. Play hard and get good. Step 2 profit on impossible because it’s the exact same except one life
Do you recommend skipping side quests in Impossible mode?
I did the one where you get the ultimate clearance but skipped the rest.
Advanced stasis is broken AF. I'd recommend doing that questline, especially if you're also doing a one-gun run. It adds AoE damage to stasis for some mild crowd-control.
Anyone get stuck on chapter 3: activate control console? I couldn’t get past that objective despite multiple interactions with the console, and the elevator in Centrifuge section doesnt turn on for me. I didn’t have previous chapter save file as I was playing on impossible mode with only one sage slot 😢
Umm buddy not only plasma cutter but also a maxed out RIPPER is ur best friend too
The Ripper always was my favorite weapon in dead space it kills everything quick doesn't need a lot of ammo and stun locks almost anything 😁
Gave up after I got dog shit bugs. Hope they fix it cause man I honestly kinda just gave up. I put so much effort and I’m actually doing really good but no I get some dumb fuck glitch and boom gameplay over
Unfortunately can't even beat it because it's been freezing on me for no reason
Step 1: Save scum
Step 2: ???
Step 3: profit
Thats the easiest way if you want the rewards and achievments and dont care about the challenge.
If you die, quickly press start and return to menu you will go back to the last checkpoint with impossible still on
If you do that you didnt beat impossible
@chevalierknight well I did so stay mad
@chevalierknight I could do the same thing 1 hit before death. Then would I have beat it? 🤡
@@Chevalier_knight I did beat impossible that's why I got the achievement and hand Canon lmao
@@MooselessCanada sounds like you cheesed it
Wish me luck! Going impossible only with plasma cutter!
I messed up my run right at the hivemind final shot, had to restart sheeesh
That was the part I feared the most on the entire run.
Here's my thing: When I check online, it says that Impossible Mode is unlocked by beating the game on Hard Mode at least once. But I beat the game on Normal, and found that Impossible Mode was unlocked from the start. It even gave me the warning message when I started playing it. Do you have to play through Hard Mode first in order to playthrough Impossible Mode successfully?
You don't have to but it is recommended. Hard mode is the same as impossible mode with the only differences being permadeath mode and only one save slot but the enemies all hit the same and take the same damage.
@@erzatitaniawins Hey, thanks for responding. Yeah, I finally learned through an article that it's best to start Impossible Mode after beating Hard Mode on New Game Plus. Interestingly enough, I actually just beat Dead Space 2 on Hardcore Mode hours ago. I used an exploit within the Weapons DLC that essentially allows you to farm Detonator Shells continuously. I at least have the Hand Cannon unlocked in Dead Space 2. Now it's time to go for the Hand Cannon in the remake. Appreciate your advice.
Wait I’m confused.. how are we able to save as many times as we want? Yet not able to go back if we die????
That's just the way it goes. Permadeath mode.
I'll be honest, I just kinda did One Gun and it just worked.
i beat impossible twice now, the first save was not that hard i had to use the quick save to preserve the run in chapter 3 from the centrifuge but every combat encounter i did first try. second playthrough with the foam finger and i had a blast. if you save often enough anyone can do it! try it for yourself!
Just quit the game before dying or close app and you can resume the campaign on impossible mode
Is it just me or was that burnished suit a let down
I beat 2 and 3 on hardcore and I almost lost my shit doing it 😅
I'm half thourgh the game hoping I don't die this far
Great, keep it up!
do you have any tips on how to keep the game crashing? because damn this game crashes alot.
i have 15 hours into it and at least 1/4 of that time is just rebooting the damn game after a crash.
That sucks. I have never had a crash so that is something new to me. What system did you play it on?
Does anyone know why I can't play Impossible mode on NG+ ? And how can I play it on impossible mode im playing the remake version
I'm in chapter 10 on Impossible mode right now. Wish me luck with the rest😅.
Q? I know you mentioned. But. I can save any time I see a save area . / right. Like going before a boss. And after. If I missed understand. Let me know. Because. This is only trophy 🏆 I am missing. Thanks. 😊
Wait so do weapons and upgrades not carry over when attempting impossible mode? You start out with base plasma cutter and suit?
With impossible mode you have to start from square one. After you beat impossible mode you can carry over your items.
Just cheese the ammo exploit lol